Welcome Back to the LA Diary.. Real Talk
Big Love
Lola x
Welcome to your Diary episode. Here's the thing. I'm a bit of a nomad, so these episodes come to from wherever I'm living or traveling to at the time, so I'll share with you what's going on in my world, from book tours, animal encounters, delish meals, nature adventures, health discoveries to swimming in hidden Byron Bay beaches. Come with me as I share my adventures with you. Hello, La, Diary, real talk. I'm gonna give it to you straight. I'm in a little bit of a time crunch today, so you're probably gonna get a bit of an Express Diary update in La. About to go to New York first thing tomorrow morning with Dad, so Dad matt night. Or going to New York the flight six am. Friends of mine have said, always get that six am flight because you don't lose a day. You essentially get in the afternoon and you can kind of switch asleep habits over New York time quite quickly, because some people talk about getting jet lag, which is wild to me. So the driver's getting here at four am, pre booked, prepaid. I'm such a virgo nerd, but I've got to go to work now and work from midday till nine point thirty tonight. So I've tried to get all the packing. Everything's sorted now so I can literally just come home, shower and crash. It's doable, it's stable, it's doable. So the week that was essentially like since I last wade, your dad's arrived or dad's just got here. I think I'd said that when we last woke. No, he'd just got here. He's been here a week today and we basically have just been like exploring the area, going on hikes. We did the griff Oh I did tell you last week we did the Griffith Observatory hike. Sweet Little Pickle left us, which I'm still really sad and cut up over if I'm honest, Like, it's so hard coming home from work because he used to like run to me when as soon as you hear the door go. So I am determined to effing make it here so that we can have a backyard and foster with the aim to adopt a little Pappaccini eventually. So we're in the work grind right now. Bosso and I Boss is currently composing for I think two or three different TV shows in Australia right now, and he's on a time crunch too, because we do want to go to New York and kind of like just soak up the Big Apple and not be doing too many work things while we're there. So the plan is we're staying Midtown. The plan is a Brooklyn day we go. We've got going to a Broadway show, so we do Times Square that Arbo. Then I have a meeting which is really exciting in Tribeca, and then I want to get to the Chelsea Flea Market. We're going to go to the Rockefeller Center because the Chrissy Tree gets put up well there like the morning of our final morning there, and there's a big Macy's Christmas market I want to check out because I love a Crimbo theme. And speaking of I just did this really fun influencer deal. Well like it came through, it all got approved kind of like in the last like forty eight hours, so we had to quickly film it before I head to work today. And it was so much fun because I went to Target Target in La the specifically the West Hollywood Target, which is on Leabrea and Santa Monica Boulevard. It just has everything and the Christmas stuff is already out in full force, and I got a Crimbo set of pj's for nine dollars. I got like a spruce, like a snowy spruce, which is a specific type of Crimbo tree. It was ten bucks. And I got some little deers because Matt and I love a Harry Potter Christmas, but there was no Harry Potter stuff yet other than a stocking. And then I got fairy lights to Buccos. So I feel like I did really really well. I just got some Crimbo stuff for this influencer campaign that I've just filmed, so I've just got to edit it on my launch break today, deliver it, and then Happy Days. We are all set and happy and good to go. So I am really excited that I've filmed that and it's all looking great or feeling great. And then yeah, head to New York tomorrow. Dad did a couple of days in Malibu, which was quite nice because I've only been to Malibu, I believe twice. And he stayed in this area called Point Doom Dum and it was right near Zoomer Beach and it was stunning, like the sunsets, everything really really really beautiful so he had his little Malibu stay. We've been doing like local hikes. Took him to West Hollywood the other day for my Target adventure. So he's done like Sunset Strip. We're planning on like either a Universal or Paramount Lot tour when we're back from New York, a little bit of a Joshua tree hang. So there's so much stuff to do. I think he's love and I think he loves this place called Sunlife, which I don't think I've talked about on here. Sun Life Organics. They did really good atsai bowls. When we were in Malibu. I had this delicious green smoothy called the Green Yogi so good, and I got this wellness shot like this oregono Oil ginger Cayemne pepper lemon wallner shot. It was so good, like ten out of ten. So anyway, that is a chain in La sunlighte Organics. If you ever like in a mall or somewhere where you're like, oh, I can't really find anything healthy, find sunlighte Organics and you'll be able to get like green smoothy, smoothy bowl, asai bowl, all of that kind of thing. The other good one is obviously creation as well, and then and one you can't go wrong, but it's just handy to know if you're here. And what else have I got? I've always pulled my diary out, so we've booked all by. We're gonna go and see Harry Potter the Coast Child. So excited that's going to be in New York, Chelsea Flee. I said to you, what else have we been doing? I have kind of matt and I've kind of been running ragged Because've always been work. I'm about to take two weeks off work. Today is my last day for two weeks, so I think I'll feel good when I finished tonight we get on the plane. Now. Now I've kind of like that's the beginning of two weeks of like not needing to worry too much about work. But I've seen like my task list for today and I'm literally about to go in and it's mental wild. So I've just got to like make sure I get everything done today, work my little butt off, and then tap out after my shift tonight and then just from tomorrow, soak it up. You know, Halloween was fun, but we went more pumpkin patch vibes at the Malibu Country Mart. And Matt and Dad went to this famous lobster role place and it's called Broad Street. They have a coffee place and an oyster bar and lobster roll place. That's where they went for lunch, and I went to Sun Live. There's also two really good shops there, ones called Urban Outfitters. It's a chain in La and as well as Free People. I think Free People is all over America, but just good to know. If you go on a Malibu pier, like suss out the country Marke, it's just past the pr like maybe I know, five hundred meters past, and then you can park in there. The parking is all free, much easier than parking at the piers. That's like a handy Malibu tip, I would say. So yeah, that's us going to New York, going to try and soak it all up. If you know when you hear this, because I'm recording it a couple of days in advance, when your hears will already be in New York, so you know, please write to me any of your favorite tips. I've been madly researching health places. There's this place called Loca Nut, which I really want to go to, and it's a fifteen minute walk from our hotel, so I think that will literally be one of the first stops. And I think we're all hoping to just check out a few of those, like the flat Iron Building, Empire, State Grand Central Station, Central Park, like all those quintessential New Yorky things. Apparently it's not cold yet, not too cold yet, and it should be maybe a little bit Christmas is. I'll let you know if I get to this Christmas market I really want to check out. And apparently thrifting is amazing, so like secondhand stuff. I'm like, oh, sign me up. I really want to do some good thrifting. All right, hooru. That is us. That is the update. I think Dad's loving it. He's always at the pool, the gym, and so I think he's enjoying it. And yeah, I'm just so pumped for two weeks off because I really want to use it, not only to like show Dad around and enjoy the sites, but I really need the reset for myself from a like creativity perspective. And I know I've shared very honestly about how tough LA is some days, and I think it's because I don't get to spend time creative other than this pod and if an audition comes in, of course, but I'm really excited to now be have this time to like dedicate it towards creativity. I've got a few more book ideas I want to try and get out on paper and just really kind of like level up and get really clear on where i want to be. And Matt loves Rick Rubin's book. I'm not sure what it's called, but I've packed it for the flight, so I'm going to start reading it on the plane over to New York. And yeah, that's me, friends, that is me. I think you're wonderful. I thank you for all your support and all the wonderful messages about Pickle. I am following up with the Rescue Place all the time, and I've told them when we're coming back from New York. So I hope it's not the last time we've seen Pickle. I know that's like a bit of a pipeline dream, but I do hope it's not the last time we've seen beautiful Pickle. All right, hooru. You are wonderful. Big love and thank you, thank you, thank you to the people who wrote me emails, instant messages like it was so sweet, and thank you for creating a space where I get to be vulnerable. And I do hope that that helps you feel less. I don't know alone or can like you can be vulnerable too, because I don't know. That's my whole damn be real, be honest, I don't know. It just feels right. You know. There's this word in yoga I'm teaching in tonight called Satya truthfulness, and I think that living from that place truthfulness never lets you down. Satya s a t y a satia truthfulness. With that said, go live from that space. Big love, bye,