628. Hot Seat: Your Celestial Compass with Natasha Weber

Published Nov 5, 2024, 5:00 PM

Welcome Back to this weeks Hot seat with Natasha Weber!

Welcome to Fearlessly Failing hot Seat. In this EPP, I fire rapid questions at one of our fearlessly failing guests. PS, I'm gonna be answ with you. I'm not so good at the rapid part. I get too intrigued by the awesome answers. Now a new EPP is going to drop every Wednesday, so enjoy this shorter style episode of Fearlessly Failing Hot Seat. Welcome back to the hot Seat. What is your name? My friend?

Hello, my name's Natasha Webber, otherwise known as Astrotash.

I know I wanted to call you Astrotash. You know, when you first got pitched of this podcast a year or two ago. I kept in the briefings. I'd be like, oh, I'm excited to have astrotash, and then like, well, you know, that's not a real nut. You can't keep calling it that.

That's fine, and some people do, you know, it's so fine. It took me a little while. In fact, I'm still confused myself, So I now call myself Natasha Weber aka Astrotash.

That's the way CEO.

But it's a massive mouthful, and ideally i'd have one name, but it's just worked out that way well.

To celebrate your book, I am going to ask some hopefully amazing astrology questions, but I have to say, do you have a favorite planet?

A favorite planet would definitely be Jupiter, the planet of more, the planet of abundance, the planet of luck and happiness and joy and blessings, our cosmic guardian angel, our fairy god godmother in the sky. I love Jupiter. Also happens to be my chart ruler given that I'm a sag rising as you are too lower. So yes, I love Jupiter. Look, I have to be I have to be a good astrologer and also give the downside because every planet, every sign has a light and shadow side to it, so Jupiter's shadow and we we all get to choose how we express our planetary energies in the chart. So with Jupiter you can go a little overboard. You know, it can mean that you become more indulgent. It's prone to exaggeration, even like quite literally indulging in too much rich food and wine. Just going overboard with Jupiter is a danger. So we also always have to remember to maintain balance. When Jupiter is strong in the chart or in the sky.

I love it. And did you say earlier we're in a Jupiter retrograde right now or is that just for me?

Oh? Yeah, no, we are. So Jupiter is retrograding through the sky right now through Gemini. So this can make us feel a bit down on our luck. But Jupiter's retrograde is not really as challenging as Mercury's retrograde or Mars retrograde for sure. So it gives us the opportunity, especially in Gemini, to reflect on our narratives and those stories that play in our heads and you know, possible rejig them for the for the better. I love it.

I love it. Do you have a favorite element? I know you talk in the book about you know, the elements. Is there an element that resonates with you most?

Yes? Yes, I love a fire sign. Get yeah, I don't. I just I'm a Gemini, so I'm an air sign. And air signs really get caught up in their own heads and overthink everything. But a fire sign is It's inspirational, it's driven, fire burns bright, and I'm all about fires, about passion, and I'm all about passion. You know, it's my catch cry that without life, without passion, isn't worth living. I think it's a key element, pardon the pun, in life to really tap into what brings joy and happiness. If we're pursuing our passion, we're on track. So fire for that reason, I fully agree with you one thousand percent. Like without passion, Like, yeah, what's the point, you know exactly, We're just doing the do writing.

A book that you've poured seven years and potentially even more into. What was the hardest part about writing a book?

Woh, there were lots of challenges along the way. The hardest part of writing the book, I think would have to be the self doubt, the self doubt and putting yourself out there. Particularly as an astrologer. I do aim to honor, obviously the fundamentals of astrology and the zodiac signs, but there are a lot of areas of the book where I've brought my own interpretation, looking at a sun sign's purpose and their sole mission for example, you know, delving into the shadow side of that zodiac sign and exploring what the purpose of that could be for that person, and also all right, I'm going to get more specific here as well. The chapter that was the hardest for me was the cusp sign chapter. Now, I don't know if you've gotten to that, Lola, but it is. It's there's an element of mathematics to a cusp sign. And this is I'm really putting myself out there because a lot of astrologers, professional astrologers will adamantly say cusp signs do not exist. So I knew I was going to be putting something extremely controversial out there. But I'm extremely confident about doing that because I have gone through all of the mathematics and I can explain with precision why a cusp sign does exist. Do you want me to go into.

It, yeah, go for it. So all right, So a.

Cusp sign is when you're born on the dates between two zodiac signs, right, And some magazines might say, okay, so you know Areas is between this date and that day, and then Taurus comes next on this date. But these dates often change. Have you noticed that? And in actual fact, both dates change over dates are correct because the sun movements is not set in stones, so it could change on the twenty fourth of September one year, and then the next year it might be the twenty third of September, for example. But in a birth chart, you will always see the Sun being in either one sign or the other. So mathematically, technically, the Sun cannot be in two signs, which is why astrologers say cusp signs do not exist. Because we're looking at the chart, we can see where it is by degree and minute, and it's either in one or the other.

My theory is.

The Sun is not an exact point. It's a disc and for the Sun to travel from one edge of its diameter to the next edge of its diameter actually takes twelve hours. So if you were born in that twelve hour window, you are drawing traits from two zodiac signs. I do believe that the sign that is in your chart where the Sun is actually placed, is more dominant. But astrology is just not kind of I mean, it is black and white in terms of its mathematics, but it's also interpretive. It's also energetic. You know, the zodiac scigns are a certain type of energy, so we have to consider that in the whole equation. So yes, I do absolutely believe that cusp signs exist, and I explain all of that in great detail in the book, and then I explore what each CUSP signs personality traits are like, yeah, yeah, I have a bit of fun with that. So yes, I can't even remember your original question because I went off with such a no.

I love a tangent. I love it. I have one more question for you on this hot seat, and that is what has been your biggest pinch me moment about this book? Because I know it's such a part of you. It's a baby for you, you know what I mean, Like it really feels like you're birthing something into the world. I would agree having written books. But what's been your favorite moment so far?

I think you know, seeing it in real life, seeing it actually birthed into material form, and touching it. It's very Tauryan, isn't it. I do have Mercury, and Mercury the planet of writing in Taurus, which is the sign of you know, material, touching, feeling. So yes, that moment when when I unpacked it and saw the book for the very first time, it was surreal. It felt surreal. I didn't know whether to laugh, I didn't know whether to cry. But the fact that I could see a product of my own thought processes, my own inspirations, my own passion, my own dedication, and my God, all those many many I almost want to cry when I think about it, those many, many, many many hours where I was completely immersed and you know the sacrifice that goes into writing a book. I mean I literally in the last few months. It was three months where I said to my darling boyfriend, it was so understanding beautiful cancerrium that he is. I can't I can't say you, I did not see anyone. I went into the cave and I needed to do that to be completely immersed in the work.

Yeah, it's the only way to get that last three months done. My friend, I have to ask, did you do you remember being sent your advanced author copy. Often they'll send either just a box of books to you before it's going to be on shelves, or one physical copy. I like that moment. I always remember that exact moment, and it feels different for each book, and so I'm just I'm so curious. Is that what we're talking about when that first time where you see it, hold it, feel its smellet.

Yes, exactly, that first time. It's like for the first time you lay eyes on your baby. I mean, it's a birthing process, it's a creative birth. Is birthing process. But what is funny is that the book actually went to the wrong house, so Penguin sent it and I didn't receive it for ages, and I'm like, well, where is my book? And you know how desperate you are to kind of realize on it, and it ended up down the road. Fortunately, the lovely man living there called Penguin, and so I think I've got I've received something that I shouldn't have received. And I ended up going there and picking it up, making friends with a new neighbor, and that was all lovely.

Ha ha oh. I love that. I'm so proud of you with this book. I know how i'd remember from last time we spoke, like how much you were already in it then, So congratulations feet. I cannot wait to see what is next for you, and thank you for always making the time to jump on this pod. I really do feel like I've made a true friend in you. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I love our connects and I love checking in on one another, and I cannot wait to see what comes next to you. I know this book is going to fly, So I'm really proud of you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My God, my gratitude to you is so immense. And you know our charts aligned. I can see that, so no surprise them. Yeah, that's my privilege. Thank you so much, Lola, Thank you my friend. You are absolutely wonderful.

Bye. Love,

Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

This is a podcast about failure with author, nutritionist and yoga teacher, Lola Berry. Here we will 
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