339. Fearlessly Failing: Astrotash - Natasha Weber

Published Mar 5, 2023, 2:00 PM

Righto, strap in for such a fun and interesting astrology reading episode with the lovely Natasha Weber (aka Astro Tash) who’s got a brill podcast (on the iheart radio app or wherever you listen to pods) and you’ve probably seen her on telly talking all things astrology! 

In this episode I asked Tash to read my natal chart which blew me away, I learnt so so much. I hope you find it really interesting. 

Ps. Spoiler alert: How good is the hot tip to read your rising signed horoscope before your sun sign! Game changer! 

To find out more about Natasha check out her website here: https://www.astrotash.com


And insta here: https://instagram.com/astrotash?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


You can listen to her pod (which is also with iheart here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/astrology-coach/id165172974


Big love, Lola

Follow Lola Berry on Instagram: @yummololaberry

Get a I'm Laala Berry, nutritionist, author, actor, TV presenter, and professional oversharer. This podcast is all about celebrating failure because I believe it's a chance for us to learn, grow and face our blind spots. Each week, I'll interview a different guest about their highs as well as their lows, all in a bid to inspire us to fearlessly fail. Holy Mac, strap yourself in for this. Potter Rooney astro tash aka Natasha Weber jumped on the pod today. She's so down to earth. She's an astrologer, she's a podcast. She talks on tally about astrology all the time. I got her to do my natal chart, which is literally like your birth chart of where all the planets and where everything was aligning the moment down to the minute when you were born, and you've got to give so I had to give Natasha my birthdate, the time I was born and the location that I was born. My mind is still blown from this episode, Like I'm really excited to re listen to it again today. She's so passionate. I could have talked to her literally all day long, and we've got to get her back on the pod because I just can't wait to learn more. But if you want to learn more about Astrotash, she's got her own pod as well. We're both with the gang at iHeart, and you can just subscribe to it wherever you listen to your pods, and she brings out an episode every Monday, so you get a little prediction for the week ahead or a little astrology reading, should I say, for the week ahead, and then there's another ep that drops on Fridays, and then you get a little taste of your astrology for the weekend. So I'm hooked. They're really easy to listen to, bite size episodes and as you can hear in this episode, Tash does not hold back, tells me everything she sees and it is so inspiring and really empowering to so hope you love it. I learned loads. Welcome to the pod, Natasha Weber, astrologer, podcaster, and I'm going to say it, mate TV personality. I've seen you on the tally.

Thank you so much, beautiful to be here.

I'm really looking forward to this chat. I've got so many questions. I first of all, I want to know what an astrologer does. I know this sounds like really I'm just going to ask you a few simple questions because I want to learn myself.

Well, there are different astrologers that do different things, for a start, but basically, I guess you could say we read the language and interpret the language of the stars. So that for me, that entails always calculating an astrology chart, and that is using the location and a time and a date of a specific event or a person.

Were you in I knew my exact time of birth. I was down to the minute.

Mate, Yes, because it's not easy and a lot of people struggle with that. And you can still read a chart if you don't have the exact time of birth, but you do miss out on a lot of the detail.

Yeah, because I remember when your message I was like nine forty three a m. Yeah, exactly when it was. So what is so a chart? Is you need all those things? So you need location, the date, and the exact time, and then is it what the planets are doing at that point in time?

Yes, so when you punch that into your astrology software, as you know, an astrology does mind you. I in my learnings, in my course, I learned how to calculate a chart by hand, which takes hours, really hours, and it's all done with a mathematical formula.

Yeah, I've heard you say there's like a real like maths to it. I love that you say it's down to earth cosmic guidance. Yes, I like it because it's like, no, it's just like here, I'm going to tell you what's come up. Let's unpack it kind of thing.

Well, that's what I want to do, you know, because I think that the astrology buffs out there and the astrology experts they know what they're doing. Yeah, so they can use the astrology to really help their everyday lives. But the people out there who don't necessarily have the time to go and study astrology or know a little bit more about it because it is really complex, then, you know, I hope to be that person that brings them the down to earth guidance so that they can use it in their everyday lives.

So that's where your POD's so good. I'll pop a link to it in the show notes because you get your start of the week and then you get your little lead up for the weekend, which I love yase, Yeah, so quick and easy. I love it so digestible. So how did you get into astrology, Like, was there something when you were just like, I think I want to know more or did you have like a little bit of more hippias? I like, what got you into it?

Well, so my mum's clevoyant. Oh yeah, So I've always been open and fascinated with, you know, the what's lies beyond the veil. But I actually went into a ballet Korea when I was very young, and into my teen tracks.

You're so gorgeous. I'm totally tracked.

It's the posture, you know, I just can't get rid of it. And then I ended up modeling for a while and I used that as a vehicle to travel all.

Over the world.

And then I settled down and I had my first child, and that was over twenty years ago, and at that point I just decided I had this, you know. I came to a crossroad and I was like, Okay, I've been doing everything in my life based on my looks, you know, even with a ballet that was an asthetic thing based on your physicality, and I just thought, I need to use my brain now. I just had that calling to do something with my brain. But it had to feel right. I had to feel really passionate about what I was going to pursue, and so I was actually tossing up between netropathy because I'm yeah.

I could see that, I could see that working, and.

I've had my own health issues in the past, so you know, I felt a calling to that, and also psychology interested me. Yeah, but astrology, you know, was the other thing. But it was really hard to know how to pursue that properly because the universities don't offer an astrology course. So I wanted to seek out a course that was reputable, and I ended up I ended up going to Channel ten for a modeling job and running into the gorgeous Karen Mooregold.

Oh this you little moment, Oh, I love this.

And I was praying to the universe, please show me a sign one of these three things. I just need to feel that connection and that passion, and please show me a sign. So I sort of rocked up to Channel ten and bumped into Karen Mooregold. Never in a million years would I have approached her like if I hadn't felt that it was a sign. It was the sign I needed to pursue, and she was gorgeous and she put me onto somebody who put me onto somebody else who was Camero.

So she literally said, listen, this is what I think you should do, kind.

Of thing like she rang me the next day and gave me a number because you know, I was looking to study because being that, you know, having that Virgo element to my son's sign, as we are not a virgo, but because my son is in the six house, I want to do things properly and thoroughly and correctly, so I wanted to study and actually, like just off topic a little bit, If anyone is listening to this and does want to pursue astrology, I would absolutely say that the number one thing to do is to do a course and learn your crung properly from someone reputable, because if you get your calculations incorrect, then your whole interpretations go out the window.

Yes, yes, totally. And I think I think as well, like if people are coming to you for a reading, they're going to want to feel safe and that you know that what because it's quite vulnerable as well hearing about things that might check effect like choices and courses, you know what I mean, it might I love that you've said, like get the craft, build the craft, get the skill set. I think that applies to nearly anything. Like it's not like you just go straight into something. You've got to do the work. At the end of the day, You've got to do the work.

And especially like I'm talking twenty one years ago that this happened for me, but now like astrology has become really popular, it's had this huge boom. So I was kind of doing it before it became cool, but there's so much more. When something becomes popular, everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon, So you know, you do have to be especially careful.

Okay, Yeah, I am so excited to ask you about having a reading because I just love this stuff. I a bit like you, Like I have always had that calling to like the neuropathy and their health and wellness, and but I think health and wellness does span out to like spiritual health and wellness, emotional health and wellness, which is where I think this comes into play. Yes, so I'm looking at this incredible cool Is it called a natal chops.

Natal chart or a birth chart in sort of everyday speak, And yes, so I have calculated your birth chart here and you can see, like you can see how complex.

That looks mathematical like you just said, well it does.

If I can just explain about a birth chart that everything, you know, the planets are in their respective zodiac signs, and it's basically a snapshot of the heavens at your exact moment of birth, assuming that you are in the center of a three hundred and sixty degree wheel. And that's what the chart looks like. And so you've not just got the planets in their zodiac signs, but then there's the mathematical relationship within that three hundred and sixty degree wheel that everything makes to each other. So that's that's all the technicalities out the way.

No, I love it, and it's so fascinating to look at and I feel like I really want to hand over to you, like I just if you treat me like a client, like I'm so excited to hear what you have to say.

All right, well, thank you, but that said, please do interject and throw in because the way that I deal with my consultations is that, you know, it's more of a it's kind of like a counseling session, you know, with that esoteric element to it. It is not a fortune telling session. And I think that's so important to differentiate between. You know, fortune teller will tell you something that is set in stone. But that said, I think that any really good clairvoyant will also point out that, you know, there is an element of choice, of course, and that's what I totally believe in free will. Free will reigns. So an astrologer will read the energetic climate, and the beauty of it is that you still get to make a choice as to how your destiny plays out, depending on of course, there are some limitations within that you know, within the parameters of what the planets are doing. So but you get a choice as to how things play out to a degree.

I like that. I like that.

It's quite empowering, I think so it is exactly empowering.

I like that.

All right, so let's focus on you and thank you for letting me read your birth chart.

I'm sola so excited.

So the first thing that struck me with your chart is all of this Virgo neess that you have. So let's start with saying that you have your son in virgo. The sun represents your basic character and how you like to shine your light out in the world, and the chart will show you different layers to yourself. So the Sun is sort of somewhere in between. The sun sign has become so important because you know, all the planets answer to the gravitational force of the Sun. But it's not the be all and end all. You know, people are very stuck on the sun signs, as you can see so much more that you moon sign, you venus sign all.

But the sun is when someone goes, what's your star sign in passing? That is your sun's sign. Usually when you're saying you're like onboard in September in Virgo.

That is what the sun sign is, right, Yeah, yeah, that's you know, and that's where the horoscopes kind of come from. But I'm going to give you a little horoscope tip when we get to your rising sign. Okay, about how to read your horoscopes, which are Sun sign horoscopes always, I'm going to give you a tip on how to read that more accurately for yourself. Cool, So let's go back to your son in Virgo. The Virgo qualities we can apply to your basic characters, so meticulous, discerning. It's also an Earth sign, so very grounded and sensible. But you can be incredibly hard on yourself with that Virgo sun and judgmental, not just on other people, but also on yourself, and that's something to really watch. I think you function well with some sort of structure and routine in your life, but the danger there and I think you said it before I heard you're saying it before this podcast, that you're a bit OCD mate. Yeah.

Absolutely, Yeah, So.

This is where the Virgo lesson is to really learn to surrender and to trust and to let go trust in the process.

Yeah, which is hard.

And I have to say that I find it's so fascinating that you have this incredibly successful podcast called Fearlessly Failing, which is about failures, right, yeah, and that is like the worst conceivable thing for a Virgo to fail, because they're such perfectionists and they really hold themselves accountable, you know, with that self discipline. So yeah, I think this podcast for you is probably very cathartic as well as you're sharing that healing for other cost.

Course, I was walking with a Virgo yesterday. We're a few days apart, and I think we're similarly bought the same year, Like there's some crossovers and he goes, but you're just so good at risks for aver you're so good at taking risks, and I said, I do them, but they still sting. Yeah, I said I do, and it goes really I go, absolutely, they still go against like me wanting to control and have everything lined up. And my te's crossing my dotted eyes and he's like, but you still jump? I go, yeah, but it is hard, like I do do it. It's scary and it's very fearful. Yeah, And he's like, oh, but that doesn't feel virgo. I mean, I was like, well, there's some other part of me that's making me jump because I can jump, you know what I mean?

Yeah, And there is. It's the fire that you have in your chart as well. And this is where it's so important for an astrologer to read the chart in its entirety and to not just separate people, you know, by their son's signs. So I will get to your, well, let's go to yours. We'll go to the sage rising now seeing as we're there, and I'll go I'll jump back into the virgo later on. So, yeah, when you're talking about taking those risks, you have this, you have a Sagittarian rising. So this is about being a bit more of a risk taker. It's that fiery energy. It motivates you to step outside your comfort zone. So this is great, you know. And it's not something that's in contradiction to that Virgo sun. It's something that helps you balance.

Yeah, that makes sense.

So it makes you more adventurous and really to find the truth in a situation, in a relationship, truth for a Sagittarius or a Sagittarius rising is paramount. Yeah, and your own truth. You know, I said something the other day, stand in your truth, and that's very applicable to a sagit rising. Someone said, you know, they made a comment. Can we please stop using that phase stand in our truth? And I said, well, it's I get it. It's maybe overused, but it's.

So good totally, I said to I was talking to my boyfriend, and I go, if you're just honest, I was like, you actually can't be let down. Yeah, because it's it's the It won't fail you, even if it's uncomfortable to sit in that honesty. Yeah, it's never going to fail you. And I used to be the Virgo perfectionist that I'd like pretend I know something or i'd practice something to with an I train as an actor, and i'd I'd learn it within an inch of its life, and I'd hold on so tied that my teachers would be like, just get out of your head and let go. And so that's where like the and I think, like, I don't know if it changes as you age, but I feel like I must be leaning more into my sagy rising because now I'm like, I'm going to do the best that I can do and then I'm going to throw that work away and just be in the moment and jump.

Yeah. That's just more a beautiful balance. And you know, it sounds like you're being your own teacher there, So I'd say that is perfect, and you don't want to deny your virgois. I think to embrace that, you know, and be proud of the fact that when you do things, you want to do them well, like applaud yourself for that, give yourself the pad on the back, but then also honoring that risk taker element that's in your rising sign. And I will just say that sat rising people, you know, they mean so well, but honesty is so important that they can often be brutally honest themselves to a point of being a little harsh.

Yeah. Yeah, Like that it's almost like, oh, that feels awkward now we've yeah, I feel that.

Yeah, but that look, that's important to be honest. All right. So I'm going to jump back into the Virgo and we call it a stellium because not only have you got a Virgo sun sign, but you've also got mercury in Virgo. You've got your moon sign in Virgo, which is a deeper layer. Again, the moon sign really shows us our emotional landscape. It's who we are at a soul level. Can often represent the mother as well. So you know, maybe I might suggest that you know, you've you've developed some of these traits of you know, do you'll always do your best from your mum possibly, and you've got Mars in Virgo, so all sort of in this little Virgo cluster which we call a stellium. So this will just enhance and amplify all the virgoness. I also think, you know, with these placements for you, the health stuff, like the fact that you're a nutritionist is just so perfect. That's very Virgo and that's a very positive expression a Virgo.

Yeah, yeah, no, that totally attracts I think as well. Can it being connected to my health makes me feel more grounded, yes, and that earthiness of like when I'm honoring my body and moving and eating, well you would know this from being a ballerina, like when you're connected to your physicality as well, like that there's something grounding in that for me.

Yes, And I think that's also very much an earth sign. Yeah, you know the earth a body is is earthy. It's because it's tangible, it's something we can touch and measure.


Yeah. So, and but that's your Virgo way of kind of connecting with your bodies through the health and through the nutrition, because Virgo is a sign that rules health.

Yes, yeah, how cool. Yeah.

Also a very Virgo thing is to be of service to humanity, to someone, to something valuable. So you know, if you feel like you're giving of yourself in terms of, you know, putting a service out there into society, then I think that would be you know, incredibly fulfilling.

For you helping others. Yeah, totally.

Yeah, Okay, so we'll step away from the whole Virgo.

Can I ask one quick question about it? You know how you said Virgo and mercury and mars is mercury communication.

Yes, so mercury will rule how you think, how you communicate, and that can be you know, that can be communicating through movement, it can be communicating through through word, through song. However you communicate is very virgo.

Got it?


Oh I like that, and.

How you think and how you process thoughts and information as well.

This makes so much sense. Like if I'm ever stressed, I have to write a list. I have to get it out and write a list, and it just takes the literally the worry is gone as soon as I've written it down, but in a list format.

Oh see, you're right. You're so in tune with even if you don't realize it, you're actually in tune with your astrology by doing that.

It's so nice, though, to get these little confirmations yes, you know what I mean.

Yeah, And I think that's you know, a lot of people will step away from a reading and they'll say that was so validating. And I think for me, that was my experience when I first looked at my chart, and it was it wasn't even just validating, it was not even just reassuring. But I suddenly realized why certain parts of myself were the way that they were, and I forgave myself.

Yeah, so it was a ease, yeah, totally.

And an acceptance self acceptance. I love that. So the moon and mercury are really closely connected in your chart, and this can mean it's great because it means that you verbalize your emotions, You verbalize your feelings well, and you're highly articulate. Yes, so the moon and mercury means you can verbalize your feelings really well, express your emotions. But also it can be a cautious approach to love and relationships.


Yeah, because it's that Virgo caution, you know, that sensible mindset, because that's mercury and the moon is your emotions, so you kind of think things through and is this person good for me? And yeah, so with any sort of relationship, you're you're kind of onto it.

Do you know My boyfriend and I are two days apart, so Virgo like both. I'd love to know his child. I don't think I think he's only got Virgo and his son like I think he's got to be a Pisces and stuff for sure. But makes sense because even though we're both Sun Virgos, there are we are like aliens to one another as well in many ways. So different.

It's so interesting when you're looking at the charts of two people in a relationship and people talk about their compatibility with their sun sign. I would always say, no, but look at your venus signs compatibility because Venus is what we love, how we love, and what we look for in a partner. Of course, Mars is our sexuality as well, so you want to have compatible Mars signs, and then the moon signs our emotions. That's more important than your basic character in a way.

Oh, it makes so much sense.

Yeah, So there's a lot more to look at there. And oh there's this other thing called the signature of a chart where you basically calculate the chart as a whole and you come up with one sign and that's your signature sign. And I just find it fascinating. Whatever. Whenever I've looked at this with other people and with myself, I've noticed that what one person is lacking, the other partner provides.

That's awesome. How calls are trusting a little bit as well, in the esoteric ness of who you end up with.

Absolutely yeah, yeah, all right, So we've talked about your sag rising, but I don't think I gave you that little hot tip, and that is when you're reading your sun sign horoscopes, you must read for Sagittarius first. Really, yes, because the way that an astrologer will interpret the what's happening for that sun sign is actually more accurate for the rising sign because lines with your birth chart, oh, your individual worth chart, rather than being a generalized reading for the sad sums.

Oh mate, this is gonna You've just changed my world. Thank you exactly. You're welcome.

Okay. So the other thing that's really interesting about your chart is that you have Uranus rising, okay. And what that means is when a planet is rising in a chart, it gives it special weight or special significance.


So Uranus is the planet of the rebel.

Oh wow, okay cool.

And what's interesting is you've got all of this virgo happening, all of this correctness, but then this really strong rebel within. Yeah is that making sense totally?

I mean, like, next week I go to LA to chase my acting and voice acting dreams. And I didn't start training as an actor until thirty one, do you know what I mean? Like I literally was like career change, like yeah, which I think is very fearful for me as a virgo and like someone that likes to know a very clear plan of where I'm going. But in my soul and core soul, I've always known that I have to honor my dreams. And that might be what you're like, because I always say, like, I want to honor my dreams so that I never look back and go, oh, wish I tried that thing that was scary, Yeah, which could be that rebel.

Isn't that right? It's the things that we don't do that we regret the most. And I'm just laughing because I haven't even gotten to your Leo mid Heaven yet, which is very much about the actor.

Oh great, but.

The uranus rebel. Yeah, so you want to do things outside the norm, go against the grain, against the status quo, and you know, I would encourage you to absolutely do that in healthy ways because then you're honoring that uranus rising.

Maybe that's why I love skydiving so much. It's skydiving. I was like, when can I do it again? And my boyfriend's like, you couldn't pay me to ever do that? In my arm I want to do it in Hawaii. I want to do it like I like feeling outside my comfort zone. Like I love that feeling of like rattling the cage. You're fearless, which might be there might be this rising.

I would say that's your sag rising. Very sporty, realty and adventurous. Yeah, and curious about the world. Loves to travel as well. I mean, there's so much here that I could spend two hours talking.

Oh my goodness.

But definitely you're honoring that sag rising when you're doing things like that, So do it. Don't go too crazy, thank you. So we'll get to that. Leo mid heaven now. And the mid Heaven is basically at the zenith of your chart. It's your tenth house CUSP. But it represents your career and your life goals, your life vocation. So it's not necessarily what you do as an everyday job, but it's what you want to do with your highest potential. Oh wow, and yours being in Lee this. You know, Leo loves the spotlight not and it's not like the shadow side of Leo loving the spotlight might be because of ego, yes, but the light side of that would be because Leo has so much creative energy that it needs to share that in a big way. So I would say, yes, you shine, you're the star of the show. No, but no matter what you're doing. And if you some Leos though, are shy, I have to say, you know, there there are the shy Lios and for you, the Leo part of you is expressed through your career. But if someone has a Leo moon, then they can be shy, especially in childhood. And the whole Leo thing is the journey of confidence. It's not necessarily that they're born with this uber confident character. I mean they can be, but it's it's often learning and stepping into that confidence as a life journey.

I love that because I even work with my therapersoness you know, what are we working on before you're going back to LA And I said self confidence? Yeah, And I said, I know I sound like a confident person, but I will get self doubt and I will get this like maybe I can't do it, Like that might be like more of that shadow virgo, like oh not perfect enough to do it, and I'll get imposter syndrome, and that could be that virgo creeping in. But then when we clear and like sit in their clarity, it's so obvious to me that I have to honor that, like I have to honor the dream and the life purpose because there's no other option to me.

And I think, you know, you've just summed that up beautifully, and it's about using the chart and all the pieces of the chart to balance out and get the best outcome for you and your life experience. Yeah.

How cool. Oh, I think that's one of my favorite bits.

Oh really that?


Now I must say as well that you have not only do you have this Leo mid Heaven about your career, but you have an asteroid that's really closely connected. And this is the i'd called seres and seres is about the parent child relationship. It can also be about loss and grief. Now for you, I think that and Venus is also playing into this story. So I think for you, at some point in your career that it would be beautiful for you to assist other women because it's that Venus, you know, that divine feminine energy with some type of loss and grief.

It's so interesting. I've just shared my whole fertility egg freezing journey on my pod and in a bid to help other women if they're going to go through it perfect and it was very confronting for me to share that. Yeah, Like it was felt very I had a lot of fear about maybe not being able to be a mom because I'm thirty seven and not ready to be one yet. And so that's why we went down the IVF path for future planning and I my fear of not being a mum. Like I was like, why are you fearing this thing? And it was like, it's been a huge journey of letting go of that fear and I reckon that could be when you talk about maternal like mother kind of energy and then sharing that sharing that story with other women.

Yes, well it makes you very vulnerable. And I think you know, in our society we define women by certain factors and one of those is, you know, being a successful mother and totally you know, I think we're probably stepping away from that paradigm now, but a little bit. H it's a slow evolution, but yeah, it makes you vulnerable and it's scary. That's really scary when you open up that journey to other people to judge ya big time. But from an astrological perspective, I can say that you're right on track with doing that. Thank you absolutely, and you know, congratulations doing that.

That took a bigger leap of facing fear and courage.

And I think when you know you're feeling that fear, that maybe is a sign to leap in and die in. Yeah, take that as a confirmation that you're on the right track.

Oh. I love that. Also.

The other thing with that Asteroid series being about children is I think that you know, potentially you could do some type of work with with mothers or with children.

Yes, there's a dream that I have not spoken about yet, and that I'll tell you when we finished recording, because its Hey, I guess I've got a dream. I really want to write and voice a kid's animation.

Oh my gosh, Yes, Oh this is done.

It's one of my dreams. I love voice acting so much.

Oh yes, and I've just got the Goose bops and I get that when I get the confirmations.

I love. I'm so excited about that because that's all new, this is all happened, that all of that has happened in the last six months.

So when something comes along that triggers Leo and I'm thinking, you have venus. Venus is going to be retrograding through Leo in July and till September of this year, So that might be a time when you work on that dream a little bit, even if it's in your own head, yeah, or some yeah, possibly so, or an eclipse in Leo something like that could be interesting to see because that will trigger your chart in these placements that we're talking about. Cool, speaking of Leo and Venus, you have Venus and Leo, and as we mentioned before, Venus is how you love and what you look for in a partner, what you give in a relationship. So having Venus and Leo, that's the big love that's looking for, the big love, that's giving the big love, that's wanting nothing less than the big love. And so that's really beautiful. And Leo's also a really warm hearted and generous sign. So I love Venus and Lego people.

And I love Valentine's and going all out Valentine. So that's probably that probably tracks.

And look I've just got written here grand displays of affection. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, anything like mate, like I had pre ordered this present from America two months before, or my boyfriend's like what's that and I'm like, mate, I found this limited edition thing of this book. I know you want. That's bey plan out, like, and we spend long periods apart because I live half in Los Angeles, and like, I will go and buy like love cut like cards, romantic cards and post them to him, so he gets like three weeks late. I love it. I love love romance.

He's a lucky man. I'm wondering what his venus sign is.

Yeah, I have to find that out.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he'd appreciate all of that.

Hope. Well, he's getting it.

Lucky well. Also, Venus is about fun, so it's about, you know, putting a lot of fun into your relationships and making it fun. So that's all healthy for you too. Sometimes there can be the shadow side of that can be ego allowing ego to come into play into the relationships. So if you feel like you're at loggerheads on something, make sure you're removing the ego out of the situation. And there is a need to feel really important to your partner, yes, and potentially putting your partner on a pedestal as well, but you know that is again the shadow more the shadow side, but you can work to balance that out as well. And you know, but there's nothing wrong with feeling important in et cetera of someone's world either. So just understanding that that is a part of you and that's an important part of what you're looking for in a relationship.

Oh yeah, this all tracks, This all tracks.

Now you have Venus square Saturn, and so I think this can be about boundaries and commitment. But because you have that uranus rising that we talked about, I think you might be someone that kind of looks to do boundaries in a relationship or do a relationship differently. Like maybe some's what works for someone else in terms of boundaries and commitment. Maybe you say we don't want the conventional marriage, you know, as an example, or or it's a relationship a type of loving relationship that wants to do it differently.

Yeah. So yeah, we spend ages apart because I live half in La and he stays in bar and by so we spend six months a party and people are like, how is that okay? And I was like, we love it because it actually honors each other's passion. Yeah, because he's a composerus he's really creative as well, and so he gets to deep dive and work because we've got a studio at our house and just like totally work on his passion. And I'm over in La being a rebel and chasing my dream and creating all these ideas. And then I come back and then we nurture together. And so we do have this. But people think there must be something wrong because we spend so much time apart, and I'm like, it's not forever, you know what I mean, it's just well, we're chasing these dreams.

Well, I think that could work for you perfectly, you know, And as I said, what works for one person is not going to work for you, guys. So I think that's fantastic. Stay with that, and don't let anyone impose the values or opinions about, you know, what a relationship should look like, because it's what works for you. And speaking of relationships, I look to the descendant to get an idea about the type of partner that you might draw in. And you have Gemini on the descendants, really yes, because it's always opposite the ascendant, because you know, the ascendant is about you and your personality, and then the descendant is always directly opposite. And that's because I believe that you know, relationships are like a mirror. They reflect back to us who we are and not who we think we are, but who we are deep deep down. So that Gemini would suggest someone that is a really great communicator and a relationship that is you know, is on the same wavelength and that intellectual a spark.

Is just so important.

Yeah, totally, that's yeah, that's what chands you on.

We make jokes about who's smarter, and I was like, have you never dated anyone as smart as men? And and well like because we both like to read every night, and I'm like, oh, so it's just over here building my lexicon and like we'll just try and out nerd each other the whole way.

That's hilarious. I mean, Gemini is so cerebral. They live in their heads. Yeah, ruled by mercury. So yeah, and you are smart. You are really smart because mercury the sign of intelligence and intellect in Virgo for a start, Virgo and Mercury that's in rulership, so mercury is strongly placed in that sign and Virgo is a super smart sign. So you've got that amplified those smarts. Yeah, you are very cerebral, and you can be cerebral about your emotions as well.

Yeah, we talked about verbalizings definitely.

Yes, so Saturn, you have Satin in the twelve house. Now, this can be a bit challenging for some people, but I think to work with this best. So when I say challenging, I mean they're can be bouts of loneliness, however, and I've just what's popped into my mind is what you've just said about going away for six months and end and it works well for you. I have written here works best in isolation, Yeah, recharge and revive in solitude.

Absolutely, yeah, a million percent. And that's where the big difference between me and my partner. He loves to socialize, and I'll literally look at him and be like we're out, and I'll be winding him. I've got to get home. I got to get to bed. Like I know at the second that I need to leave somewhere. And it's not because there's anything wrong with the place or the people. I'm just tapped out. I can't. I have to then go and recalibrate on my own. Yes, and with La I used to say with a man, I was like, everyone's asking if I'm lonely. I like being alone you do as opposed to being lonely.

Yeah yeah, And I think you do your best work in solitude definitely. Yeah, So I think too. And satin is about boundaries, so make sure you maintain those boundaries for yourself. I mean, you want to get out and you don't want to be a total hermit, but you need to honor your inner hermit a little bit.

Absolutely. Oh yeah, happy, that's very easy for me to do.

You're also born This is the last thing about your natal chart that I'll talk about, but you're born during the balsamic phase of the moon. And what that means is just that a few days prior to the new moon, so this is the dark moon. It's when the moon is in shadow and it's going quiet before it's preparing for that next lunar phase. So this can contribute to your personality, sorry, your personality type as well. And balsamic lunar phase people are generally introspective. They are spiritually street wise. They can border on being psychic as well, because they're so tapped in, so tapped inward that they pick up on people's emotions and how they're really feeling. There can be a level of fragility around the balsamic luna phase as well, So it's important to kind of keep nurturing yourself mentally, physically and all of that as well.

Oh wow, I always say to Matt as well, Mike, I can read a room who's the legend and who's fake and all that, like straight away it might be that just like trusting it and you get a feeling in size RAWI like, I feel like that I've known that person forever even though I've just met them, or I don't feel safe around that person. You can feel it very quickly.

Yeah, you can. You can because you pick up on the vibe. Yeah great, Yeah, oh I love that balsamic luna fase. People also make amazing psychologists, ah, because there's a lot of empathy, a lot of empathy, which you obviously bring to your work as well with the podcast. Oh my goodness, So would you like me to have a little chat about Oh my.

God, I would lo. I mean, here's the thing. We have done a full episode now, but I cannot. I cannot let you like, I can see your incredible notes in front of me, So pick whatever you want to talk about and let's kick it. They might kick us out, but.

Us do a little bit of I will just very quickly say that all of that was your birth chart. Yeah, this is about you know, your astrological DNA, but to really read what's happening to you in this moment of time, and we'll just look at the transit chart. You can apply different mathematical formulas to get different charts and different types of information, but just with the transits. What I mean by that is what the planets are doing today now and how they are triggering your chart. So there were just a couple of things that I noticed really stood out for today. So you're actually going through a nodal return and what that means is it's the Moon's nodes have come back to the point that they were at when you were born, and that only happens once every nineteen years.

Oh wow, how long do they return for?

You'll probably be feeling this, I would say for about eighteen months, so they're kind of in the middle of that phase at the moment, so let's say another nine months, Yeah, about another nine months. Experience this so interesting and it brings a lot of reflection and reassessment about your path. Am I on the right path? You know? And because your north node is in Taurus. This is about values and what's important to you, what's really important.

This all makes total sense, like the egg freezing, you know what I mean, or it's all happened in this time.

Yeah, it usually brings kind of a big crossroad in life also speaking about freezing the eggs. Look, I have to admit I looked at this kind of pattern here going on in your chart and I was a little oh, okay, that can mean it can mean surgical intervention accidents, and I was unnerved by that. But then I do now realize that you've had that intervention with the IVF. So this is it's the Mars and the Uranus connecting in and it's in your seventh house, which is your house of marriage, so involves your partner.

Oh wow.

Yes, And this has been sort of around this energy lingering from September last year until kind of now or March.

That's when I started it all, and there was there did need to have a little bit of intervention as well while I was doing it, So I did have to do all of that and then work very heavily to get my health back after. So I feel like I've been in that real cocoon of like, oh, we're doing this thing and it really took I was like, oh, I'll do it and it's done, whereas that was like a real six month experience. Yes.

Yes, And what's interesting is that pattern between Mars and Uranus surgical interventions accidents. That's kind of it's a very violent, forceful energy. But again, when we're talking about the light and the shadow expression of you know, the planetary alignments, the light expression of that typically in astrology is birth. I'll leave you go, so it's you know, right there, and I'll just I'll end on a really positive note. I see some like something really positive because Jupiter is the planet of optimism and luck and expansion and help from other people as well. And Jupiter is going to hit that north note that I was talking about, and because of its retrograde, it's going to have a few hits around July November of this year and then February of next year. And it can also bring in a soulmate there because that's a moon's node thing. Oh yeah, all some good news of sorts. So I'm liking those times around those times for you.

Wow, And we're going to bring this episode out March six was anything around March ish.

Before well, Saturn moves into Pisces on the eighth of March, and this is a once in twenty nine year cycle. Oh so Saturn is about boundaries, it's about commitment. It's about making a commitment to something huge. I think, you know, generally, I think generally this might have a different implication for us globally. I think it'll have to do with our medical system and kind of upgrading that, but having to work very hard on doing that. But if you've got piss somewhere in your birth chart, and for you, it's in your fifth house oddly enough of children, but you do also have it in your fourth house, which is home and family. So I think there's going to be some sort of a focus there and a commitment to that.

Cool. That's really cool, so fun. I didn't tell you I was going to ask you this. I'm putting you on the spot. I have loved this so much that when I'm next back in the studio, can we do another reading, because it'll be down the track, it will be when I'm back from America. Could we do that?

Yes, absolutely, and we'll get different sort of planetary alignment. So we'll see where you're at.

Let's keep track, because I also when I meet you straight away not you also look so gorgeous in like a we're matching in these like whimsical frocks today. But I did get a feeling. I was like I could be friends with this person. You know when you get that feeling, you know, And you told me I'm connected to my intuition for being able to read it, you know, read people. So if you're open to it, I would absolutely love to get you on for a part two, part three down the track because I've learnt so much and it's really empowering. Like we were saying at the start.

I'm so glad to hear that, and what a beautiful compliment. And I always know when I'm going to have an amazing reading with someone because I kind of secretly check out our compatibility. And you and I have very similar patterns in our show.

Because you've got you've got the virgo?

Do you have the I have the Virgo in my south? No, but I have a six house son. And for people listening that know their sun signed placement, the house that your son is placed in, and you know the ruler of that house, so in the sixth house, in that case it's Virgo, so I had the Virgo quality kind of overlay to my Gemini sun oh cooyah.

Yeah, thank you so much. I have learned so much today, Natasha. I'm going to link your pod in the show notes as well. Amazing and your Insta as well, because you always put really great updates and reels about what's going on with retrogrades and new moons and four moons and so much. So thank you, so so much. You have got me so excited for the next chunk of time as well. I literally fly back to America very soon, and you've got me feeling really ready and empowered for that. And I think also just trusting myself, because a lot of it was oh yeah, I do work best alone. Oh yeah, I do that. Like a lot of it was like that that feels right for me. So I really appreciate you sharing. And I know it would to take time for you to do those charts for me, so I really appreciate it.

It's my absolute pleasure, always a privilege to read a chart. So yeah, and as you're talking, I'm getting more little signs and things in my head that I have to zip at being a Gemini in overtime.

Oh my god, end on one last thing and then I'll wrap it up.

Well, I was just saying, you know that the travel aspect is so good for you because that's a Sagittarian thing as well.

So you're a bit of a gypsy girl at heart. Yeah, big time, big time. Thank you so much. I cannot wait to do this again.

My pleasure.

Thank you. That's a wrap on another episode of Fearlessly Failing. As always, thank you to our guests, and let's continue the conversation on Instagram. I'm at yumo lullaberry. This potty my word for podcast is available on all streaming platforms. I'd love it if you could subscribe, rape and comment and of course spread the love.

Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

This is a podcast about failure with author, nutritionist and yoga teacher, Lola Berry. Here we will 
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