Dani announces a new bonus series of conversations with great minds coming soon!
Hi, Family Secrets. Family. I hope you're enjoying these late summer days. I want to let you know about an exciting series of upcoming bonus conversations. We have such a treasure trove of episodes over the last eight seasons eighty deep dives into family Secrets, and I'm going to be inviting some extraordinary people onto the show to talk about particular past episodes and to discuss and explore their scenes. They'll listen to an episode, will play a little bit of the episode, and then we'll talk about what comes up. I think of these as conversations with some of the greatest minds of our time. Psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, mindfulness teachers, spiritual leaders, and more. Each will join me as we talk about the layers and layers of complexity and meaning that surround the secrets we keep, the secrets that are kept from us, and the secrets we keep from ourselves. All of this as we gear up for the launch of an all new season nine of Family Sees Secrets, which will drop on November ninth, But in the meantime, stay tuned for the first of these conversations with doctor Galite Atlas will be discussing an episode from season three titled Bubba and Zada and Grandma and Pa. My Conversation with Doctor Atlas will drop on September seventh. Until then, stay well, breathe deep, and enjoy this one and only, wild and precious life.