Act Now: Understanding NYC's Historic Protest Settlement

Published Jan 17, 2024, 11:11 AM

Black Lives Matter protesters who participated in demonstrations in New York City in the summer of 2020 are now at the center of what is considered the largest protest settlement in history. But a critical deadline looms. Protesters have until January 22nd to file their claim. In this episode Eliana Perozo talks to Epicenter-NYC’s Danielle Hyams to explore the nuances of the SOW versus the City of New York lawsuit, understanding the intricacies and the stakes involved. Eliana was arrested on June 2nd, 2020 during a protest and filed her own claim in under 60 seconds. Now, she wants more people to do the same.

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Black Lives Matter protesters have until Jan. 22 to file for their $13 million

Sow v. City of New York