Who used Elvis’ fridge? The ‘Big Show’ gets to the bottom of the mystery!
Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran in the Morning show. Oh look, Abby is here. Hi Abbey.
Of course, Abby the newest newest member to our show. We love you very much traveling with you and your Sister's always from We had a great time with you at Atlantis. Yes, Abby is in charge of everything social every when you see anything about us on social media, if you don't like it, it's her fault.
I know.
I'm sorry. What are you saying over here? You're talking? I'm sorry, keeping you up. It's get back to Abby. Yeah, God, sorry. So there's a reason you're in here, and I'll.
Explain that in a moment. You don't know why you're here. So I walked in this morning and I went into my office. My office with a door.
And one the only one.
And there's a refrigerator I have. That's my refrigerator, my refrigerator and it has a door as well.
So open my.
Refrigerator to put my my protein shake in there. And there's a bag of breakfast sandwiches on the bottom, you know, floor of the refrigerator. So I'm like, oh God, who's in my office. I went to grab the bag to pull it out. It was stuck to the refrigerator. It had leaked. The breakfast sandwiches or whatever they were, were leaking into my refrigerator and the bag was therefore stuck to the refrigerator. So, of course, Gandhy, because I know you're the only one here at that one, you're like, I didn't do it. But of course Gandhi started spewing out names of who it could have been.
Yeah, I saw Andrew do it, and I saw Scary do it, both of them, but.
Neither of them did it. It turns out Abby, Abby put those in there.
I did.
I would love to explain myself, would you in my defense, Nate is the one who told me to put it in your refrigerator.
I will tell you my first, my gut reaction immediately, and she'll tell you.
Gandi will tell you. I knew it was Nate, because this is something Nate would do.
Nate leaves messes everywhere.
Well, it's my fault because I forgot that they were in there, and I could have. I could have definitely removed those, but it was really out of sex.
Well, the problem started, no offense, I love you. The problem problem started when you told her to put them away. No, no, no, it's my refrigerator. I don't want anyone's stuff in my refrigerator. It's my refrigerator. I've worked long and hard. I earned my own refrigerator. So what are we supposed to dot b as a refrigerator.
We refrigerate here, We refrigerated here. There's a fridge in the main kitchen too.
But yours is secure. We know nobody's going to go in there. The rest of these are, you know, getting treated like the town pumped. You know, everybody's getting to turn out. So I know that yours will not be sully because people are scared of you.
Okay, well, how long were we planning on keeping these? That was three weeks ago. I think it was really more.
Of like a weekend.
Yeah, and then I forgot that's that's my pad.
And everyone do not use my refrigerator. And I know I sound like a total a hole here. I know I am, but I don't care. It's my refrigerator. It's that for a reason.
If you had to divvy up.
Blame, So it's like what, no, no, no. I love Abby and I love you, and I'm not going to sit here and yell at you. I'm just saying at everybody, don't go into my office to put stuff in my refrigerator.
That's all I'm saying. I think it's I don't use his microwave either. Yeah, you know what happened. Oh, don't do that.
I think it's seventy five seventy Abby twenty.
I'm not blaming, No, I'm not. This is this is not that game.
You remember when they used your microwave. I didn't know somebody could toss a microwave that way. Okay, so learned thing. Abby.
I had a little anger management problem that day because I was tired. So my office, this is in the Jersey City studio. I'm beautiful overlooking the city, gorgeous. I had my own office, my office with my own refrigerator and my own microwave. Okay, they had another microwave and in the bullpen where everyone works, which is directly across the hall. So there's my door, a hallway, and then you walk into the bullpen where in microwave was present. Gross doesn't matter, not my problem, not my microwave, not my clowns, not my circus. So I come in one morning and I go to warm something up in my microwave, and it looks like a murder scene happened. I mean, it's so what had obviously probably Italian I'm thinking, warmed up last night's sauce. Impasta and I flew to the moon and back was exploding their their dinner in my microwave oven.
I tell her where you did that? He pulled. Okay, I took the microwave oven. It's a big one. I threw it out my door.
It flew mid air across the hallway into the bullpen and hit the floor and shattered to pieces.
You knew that could even happen.
Is happening.
I threw an appliant you should do that with the fridge, and I think it flew past people's heads. I mean I could have heard something.
Did we ever find out who used it? Scary last night?
And there was a sauce in the cheese all over the place and so so so he got I can hear him. No one's around. He's got his plate at lasagna. So here he comes into my office. Well there's I'll cook it in that one. Whoa. So he warms it up, it explodes, It explodes.
To put a paper towel over and stuff like that.
No, no, you don't put it in my micro question. Why are you handling this situation so delicately?
Because because if it was anyone else, you would have tore him a new airhole by now.
But this because is it? Because it's Abbey? I love Abby. I don't. I don't want to. You can yell at me. No, I want to fresh start with Amy. I don't want her to see how evil I can because I want it. I wary Abbey you. This period will be period will not last. She saw this cream one day? Okay, okay, no, right of the fridge. Just don't put stuff in my refrigerator. I don't, I think. I you know, I rarely stand up for myself.
One more time. Usually I'll let people just roll all over me. I'll let people take advantage of.
Me witnesses for the defense. Do you remember that time you came in here and you blew your top. You said, whose soup? It's moldy? There's stuff floating. It was your soup. Wait it didn't. I didn't recognize it. Nobody doesn't matter. It's my soup. It's my refrigerator. So there I have heard.
I've earned my own refrigerator if you don't like it, tough titties, I don't care.
But I love you, Abby, I love you. I'm trying. I'm trying to be nicer.
No, I'm so more than happy to clean out your fruit.
No, no, no, no, it's you're good. And I think I'm handling this for handling very well, but I wanted to be.
Very You're doing very very well. Maturity grown on those sandwiches anyway.
I love you, Love you all right, carry on social media time.
You know, Abbie is not as innocent as we think, though she's noting.
She was so fast to throw Nate.
Under the bus. I'm supposed to take all the Nate told her to do it, and he too forgot to take out all right. Well there you, thank you, oh man,