Alex Guarnaschelli Talks Stacks for Giving Back

Published Mar 21, 2025, 1:42 PM

Nutella® and celebrity chef Alex Guarnaschelli are teaming up once again to reinforce support for the nation's firefighters through the Stacks for Giving Back program, one pancake breakfast at a time.

Alex Corners Shelley finally show out. We love Alex. We do every chance we get.

Thank you.

I love that means you know.

It was about exactly a year ago Alex Cornis Shelley was with us one of our favorite celebrity chefs, one of her favorite restaurant owners, but also talking about what Natella is doing for the bravest women and men in New York City and across the country.

Yeah, and so I'm so happy to partner with Nutel on this. First of all, let's talk about Nutella for twenty two seconds.


I love the coca hazelnuts spread that we all know and love. It's just like it's as iconic as you honestly or stop it.

Yeah, we're going to take that.

Oh buy that. He's kind of sad about this conversation about Nutella. Danielle gave up chocolate for lent and there's coco.

Looked up the ingredients. There's coco in it. So I can't even have.

It until can you?

Can you play the hazel nut note and just say that Coco is kind of adjacent to.

Know, God will forgive you. That's what he's about.

I've heard I have to be good.

I like that.

I like that, but you know, at the end, yeah, at the end of.

Thank you, every every town and every community has a fire department or has a volunteer fire department or whatever. And Nutella is they came up with this brilliant idea go ahead, alex On.

Yeah, it's called so you can find out all the information about this at nautella Stacks forgiving back dot com. It obviously references a stack of pancakes. You can nominate your local firehouse by going to Nutella's tax forgiving back dot com or you can go on the Nutella Instagram page. It's a wonderful We already have over ten thousand nominations. By the way, Wow, local firehouses, I just want to start there.

So what happens?

So you nominate your local firehouse to win essentially kits that provide absolutely everything you need to host your next pancake breakfast at your local firehouse, which is a huge way that firehouses raise money for everything they need. I mean, you don't realize how expensive firefighting is. The helmets, the equipment, everything.

The Dalmatians very pricey.

But it's sort of like, okay, so let me get this straight. I have some nutella that I absolutely love that's delicious.

I nominate my local firehouse, which is what you do.

When you love your community, and all of it benefits this wonderful cause that begets more fundraising, more dollars for firefighters nationally. I mean, it's just kind of like, what are we doing, Let's do it now, everyone, but a great idea.

I never thought of this. I love people that come up with original ideas like this that actually can make a difference, because I've never had an original idea ever.

I love when food and the relationship between food and philanthropy and deliciousness all intersect. I mean, chefs, are you know, we like to give back.

We like to.

Do things I mean that benefit people that need it most. Right now, Look, if you know a chef, send them to the local spot again, foot rub and be nice to them.

But firefighters, let's do some.

Fundraising, and let's do it through stacks of pancakes and nutella. Sounds like a plan to me, but already this many nominations. It's sort of it's sort of something that just runs itself because it's so it's lovely.

Simply go to check out nutella on Instagram or the website again, you can go to to nominate your local firehouse.

Is Nutella Stacks forgiving Back dot com?

I love that? What's that Nate you made? What is this? I got it for Totter just fell out of the sky.

Oh look at what's the thing with nutella on it?

You can't have it?

I know, but what is it?


In keeping with this project, I made my cinnamon cloud. I call them pancakes. They're fluffy because they have egg whites, whipped egg whites mixed into them to make them fluffy, and you kind of steam them right, you put them with a lead, so you have hints of cinnamon in there because I love cinnamon with the coco hazelnut notes of nutella. And then I don't know, it's just good. I want to to make my own pancake as a way of being a part of this. So this is my stack for giving back.

Daniel can't eat it, and now Gandhi can't Eatandhi can't eat it. It has cinnamon. Gandhi is of Indian descent and doesn't eat cinnamon. Is that the weirdest thing you've ever heard?


I got it?

Thank you?

By the way, the most popular spice in American spice stores is I don't know what.

It better not be cilantro. I hate cilantro.

Well, I thought you would say cinnamon, which is why I put them, but it's not. It's actually Cuman.

Oh it always has Cumban in it. We love that.

I love Cuman.

No, you can't do I did.

I flipped over the pancake and ate the bottle.

But the police pulling up, She's going to help for other reasons.

I'm not worried about it. So thank you so much Nutella for this incredible endeavor. And by the and before we say goodbye, we will remind everyone of where to go to nominate their favorite firehouse. Now we've got things to talk to Alex about. Okay, if you listen to our show live from Atlanta in the Bahamas, our friend Lee Schrager actually stormed on set and demanded to be the co host of the show. He took over and just sat there and just hurled acidic insults at all of us for four hours, especially me.

Can you call that a love language?

Well, I'll tell you this.

The listeners loved him, thought he was great, and it really it pissed me off, Like, how can you love this guy?


I think? I adore him because I told you I bleed. His love language is hate and.

When he does that to you, he's just telling you he loves you in very mean ways.

Alex and Lee are best friends.

Yeah, we are very different, careful and nas best friend. I'm a second string bestie.

But I will say.

That I don't know if hates the right word I want to say, like he has a discerning can we call it a highly discerning eye when he spends, when he scans a room, and I think he's a boogie bitch. He just makes those little observations, if you will music, yeah, about the world, and they generally often happened to include you.

Oh that's a nice shirt. Why are you wearing it?

You know those kinds of where you just say yes if I did like myself now I don't.

Yeah, like, oh, Elvis, I like that shirt. I used to dress like that before my family got jobs. Yeah, every time I wear a baggy shirt, Oh you're wearing your fat schmot thought him. Yeah, I love him so anyway, So it keeps that in mind. If you heard Lee Schragger the other day, that she knows the ins and outs of this my new arts and Nemesis is what it is.

Yeah, we gotta get him, we gotta we gotta get him out on a yacht very far and see for a little while.

Yeah, but yes, only.

Oh, to the middle of the ocean and leave him there. Okay, So your cookbook, this is your fifth cookbook?

Yeah, Italian American forever.

What's this on the cover?

Yeah that's a little a little rigatoni bolognese with the meat, sauce and the tomato.

Okay, yeah, guilty, Just something you whip up.

So if you if you want to make sure the title of your cookbook says who you are, Lee Scheggers would be bitch.


Back to Alex Corner Shelley, Oh my god, you've got, oh my god, some Tuscan style fried chicken. I know, I love it.

They're beautiful.


Yeah, Johnny Miller did the photography. He's wonderful. And honestly, when you make the food like you're going to eat it and not for a photograph, I mean we were like, let's eat this food, hurry up and take the picture. I think you can feel that energy in a cookbook.

I love it.

Have you ever had any of your recipes in your cookbooks have the wrong information and no one caught it?

Absolutely because used used to have a Martha Stewart.

People would try to make one of her dishes and it had like six cups of salt in it, and people would actually do it.

I would do anything, Martha says. I'd drink the Martha kool Aid hardcore.


Stop, really, you don't like Martha.

I like Martha, but I just don't think your recipes are all that great.

She has a hundred cookbooks. Are you know that Martha d has published one hundred books?

That's too many books?

Wow, she might be at one on one or one of two. So you know what I'm going to say. If Martha wants me to put six cups of salt in the cake, I'm gonna do it.

She seems like the type would try to punk people and be like, yes, this is how you do it, just to poison them.

She So Martha is so amazing, honestly, clipping those roses, just trimming that grass, cares so much, is an expert on everything she talks about.

She's like, if you want to get a cockatoo Alex, this is what you have to know.

And I'm like, when I am around her, like on the set of Chopped for a whole day, I'd take an average of four.

Pages of notes.

Really, yep.

She just is a well spring of information and an expert on anything she cares about that.

Yeah, she's done. She does that work. Martha does that work. You know what I mean? She's at at four am in the gym, can't argue.

All right, A question or two from the Italian. The Italian expert in the room. Do you And this is been on our show, very controversial. We're gonna get a little a little.

Deep here, Okay, I'm getting nervous.

What is your response to people who say they like to take the spaghetti and break it in half before they boil it?

Yeah, careful, literally, there should be a special place not on earth for those people.

Thank you.

You cannot break your past. You can't do it. You don't do it.

You don't have to do it.

This is what it.

Don understand. Eventually we'll go into the pot. I don't get.

It now, buy a bigger pot, buy a bigger pot.

I just want to know, are you are you saying that you break your pasta.

I just want to be learn how to break it when I was seven, and I'm breaking it now at forty.

Five's a possi breaker. So can you break the habit of.

You stop doing that now and then the others?

No, it doesn't, it does, it doesn't.

He won't even try.

Just try one.

Okay, well, okay, No, I just it's gonna eat differently, it's gonna twirl differently.

If it has all those jagged edges from breaking, they're not all the same. You're you know it was. It's the inti tegrity of the whole thing. Just a hard note.

The one time the whole strand in there it caught fire.

Oh you you had like a little burned as a little.

Little yeah, we're again.

Were you cooking like an extra long like linguini in a lit a little pot gig?

This is an equipment issue.

Nate has an equipment issue. We've heard that from several people constantly.

Is this like the least Schrager school of pasta cook.

Aa Nate is the least fragger her show because he sounds like he's.

Just mad all the time. Man, old man, what are you loving?

As far as trends go as far as new ingredients of people seem to be using more of these days.

What are you seeing.

I'm seeing that, First of all, we're having one of the greatest citrus seasons I've seen in years. I don't mean to sound like a nerd, but seriously, just go out and buy some oranges and some lemons and some grapefruits and get into it.

Because I can't even believe it. I keep I just keep buying them.

Like my daughter's like, why is there a giant bowl of like eighty two oranges? And I'm like, but they were so good and they were so pretty. It's like Silence of the Lambs when Clarie's was like, I just wanted to take all the lambs. Like I just go to the store and I see the oranges and I'm like, I gotta have them.

I gotta have motors.

They're so decorative too. There's that they're high. Okay, so citrus, let's get into centrus.

Yeah, citrus, pomegranate. I'm seeing a lot of this whole pomegranate on things. I'm seeing a lot of that. I'm seeing a lot of tahini, you know, the.

Sestime ways everywhere.

I'm seeing people really getting into that. I think we're looking for protein substitutes and nut substitutes a lot. I think Tahini checks both those boxes. Chickpeas so old school to me, so shake I love them, like fried in a little oil, like crispy little bits on a salad in place of croutons. If you're looking to avoid gluten, I feel like we're looking for delicious alternatives trying. People are like, I'm gluten free, dairy free, fish free, meat free, and grain free. What can I have and left?

I'm like, absolutely, I didn't.

So I'm reading. First of all, I love that in your cookbook you didn't give us a two page description of why you're making the dish.

You know, you see those all the time.

It's just a little blurb like that, but it says here, even though they're so retro, I can't help loving stuffed vegetables.

Does food go.

Out of style?

I think it's like clothing, right, Like if you keep your whole closet of clothes long enough, the stuff in the back of the closet makes its way back to the front and you wear it. I think things come in and out of style. I think something's retro to me with food is a classic that you might like, Oh yeah, I forgot about.

How much I love egg plant farm. I'm bringing it back.

It's a resurgence, and then you can act like you did something new when really you're just romantically recycling deliciousness, the chefs.

The return of jello salad.

Finally, I love stuff like that that shakes.

I just love layering all the herbs, you know, like mint leaves inside the molds. I love cutting the slice and looking at it. I'm such a I love that stuff.

And on a log. Yeah, I love it.

In that little like serganol, like Christmas cake with the little mushrooms.

On I think my mom did in the nineteen seventies.

Nineteen seventy eight. Bring it on. I love it.

You know, if I'm making anything inadvertently, I returned to this like little island where everything I love is and I'm always living there. Right, They're just ingredients. I love vinegar. I love mustard. I love the acidity of that, the brightness. I would put mustard in a cake. Do you know what I'm saying. I just think I made a lasagna a few weeks ago, and I had some mustard and balsama dressing on the counter, like for the salad, and I just like drizzled a little.

On the lasagna.

And then I heard, you know, like my grandmother like did jo dress put mustard on the lasaka?

Was it before or after she tasted it?

She started breaking all the pasta. I don't know everybody, so the pasta must go. But it always comes back to at the end, does it taste good?

Do we like this? Do we sign up for this?


You know? And going back to do reach around what you were talking about a second ago, putting mustard on a lasagna and with masawach, just don't tell anyone it's there. It's the same with Anchovii's. I put anchovies in almost every sauce I make, but I don't tell anyone.

Really smile because they don't know it's there.

But there's something in there that they really like, they can't put their finger on it.

I generally my rule is I don't put meat and not tell people, like if it's a vegetable dish as me or a flower because of gluten or nuts. Those are kind of my You gotta always be transparent. But a little anchovy filet here and there.

Forget it. You're not gonna know like Mayo?

Would you sneak to Mayo?

In no, no.

No, daniel will right out there, she'll she'll start heaving right now. If you start talking about may she'll give.

Up Mayo for lunch.

I've given up Mayo a long time ago.

Talk about this.

Are you ready to see what she does?

When I was a kid.

When I was a kid, come on, we were in school and they would call my mom and say, you need to come pick Danielle up because she threw up at lunch. And then my mom would say, okay, did someone have mayo that sat next to her? And then if they did, they'd send me back to class because I wasn't sick.

The mayo smell. I don't know what it is.

I'm sorry. You don't like mayonnaise. It's gonna be okay. Why don't you come over to the mustard side.

I love mustard. Do you put mustard and everything?

Yeah? I really think mustard is the way to go.

See see we found your saviors.

Than going It's okay, I'm okay, you'll be all right.

So Alex Grnochelli is here the cookbook. This is our fifth one. It's called Italian American Forever. Our friends at Natella doing this great thing. If you missed it earlier, let's tell you one more time. You know, the men and women who are down there in the firehouse ready to jump to your defense and save your lives, your property, whatever, Let's take care of them. These pancake kits that they can win, yep, pancake supper kits. Thanks to Natella, get they can make these. Open the firehouse, bring people in, make a lot of money because they need funding.

This is a great idea, such.

A traditional American way. That firehouse is fundraise. You can find out more about it at telestacks forgiving back dot com and we already have over ten thousand.

Wow, get in there.

Let's double it up.

Yeah, let's double it up. Get out there, people.

You can also check out Nutella on their Instagram page and all the information is there as well.

Yeah, and it's delicious, delicious.

I mean, other than other than your respect for Lee Schrager, I think I like you a lot.

You know he's going to call in and say I heard you're.

Gonna he never listens to you are Italian American favor from Alex going to Shelley.

I'm going to stay on your good side. This is what I've learned. I took some notes in here. No mayo, no cinnamon, no animosity.

No byes for good Yeah, Alex, and thank you to Tello as well. Thank you for coming in today. So fun, incredible.

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