It was "Your Day Friday", we play a hilarious game with some callers, and Greg T plays "Butt Bucks".
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Friday, Friday, Friday Friday. We love to party. I mean, what's not to love. Let's get high, Let's party Friday. I love you, I love you, I love you. He's possibly the most famous bold coaster about in the Morning Show. As you know, today is a very unique day on the show. Are you ready for a unique day? I think every day is pretty much unique around these parts. We decided to turn the show over to you and let you produce and direct the show. So today we're calling it this is very unique. We're calling it your day Friday. This before no, not at all. Bag of questions, match game, beat the toaster, maybe a couple of phone taps here and there. The Great Team is gonna play butt Bucks today. I mean, look, whatever you want us to do, you have to you have to text us, you have to direct us. We're not going to go into any direction until you text us where we need to go. I know, I know, it sounds very challenging. Are you up for the challenge? Yeah? Bring me the yodeling wind. Oh, here she goes. Listen to the message in this song. Listen to this. Okay, here's my favorite word right there, which is pretty amazing. I mean, she's from your land, isn't she Bethany? Probably? I don't know you from a family of yodelers. Oh ca change if I while I work. I don't know. I mean I got it down, okay, big fending finishing. I just heard from a friend of mine sent me a text. Are you guys okay? What do you mean you don't have a plan for the show? Well, first of all, have we ever really truly had a plan for our show? No, we're not gonna start now. It is Friday, It's your day, Friday, So what do you want us to do? Tell us text, call us one one hundred. Let's go to line too. Thiago wants to be the first collar of the day. Hey Thiago, welcome to Friday. Hey doing We're doing well. It is crazy. We have no plan. We have no roadmap. It says if we got into the car and just started driving with no idea where we should go. I think you guys do do the w TF radio station because that was awesome, remember w t F. Yeah, we just let go of all plans that day. You know what it may be on the list. I know we possibly have some flush the format activity to the reason I came to work today. All right, well, Thiago, what's your weekend? All about? This? This weekend? So I'm going to be out of town for a little bit. But on Saturday, I'm celebrating a really big that my girlfriend just sent in to medical school. Oh my gosh, well that should be in and out pretty fast. Medical school. That's only like a two year thing, right quick? Yeah, alright, well listen, tell your girlfriend we said congratulations. And Thiago, you know what, if someone's in medical school, if they're with someone like she is with you, it's as if you're in with her. I mean, that's a lot of work for you, guys. Good luck with that, I know, Thank you so much. Alright, Thiago, hold on one second. We're sending you an Elvis Duran Shure, it's on the way. Okay, hold hold one second. Alright, So who wants to make the first decision? Froggy? Where's where should we go? I don't know what to do. I'm a little nervous. I think it's around the room time. Oh, let's go around the rooms. He did. Don't make fun of my frog. Alright, Froggy, what's on your mind today? You know I've just started becoming friends with somebody new And yesterday he called me on my phone and I answered the phone, what up? You a big f and something else and he's like, yo, no, yo, no, I'm in the car with my family on Bluetooth. And I'm like, listen, it's your fault, not mine. If you called me my phone, I have the right to answer however I want. Don't just assume that I know that you're with your family on bluetooth. Don't you agree, Elvis? Well, I don't know. If I'm in the car driving with someone, I make the announcement. Don't you make the announcement when you nswer the phone on bluetooth? Hi, I'm hi? How you doing? I'm here with blah blah blah and blah blah blah. A don't use you know, foul language. Be uh. Don't make fun of them and call them if you're going to say something about them, don't you have to set the scene? You know what? I think you're at fault here? Frog? You do we all agree? Frogg you should have been a little more. No. Yeah, I actually blame the friend. He needed to have made the announcement. Thank you very much. He His wife probably hates me now I've never been met her. She thinks I'm rude. Hey, Danielle, what's up with you today? So last night I got to go with my husband to see our friend Tadra Call and straight out of Oz he started his tour and he's going to be going everywhere. So if you get a chance to see him, you really have to do yourself a favor because he is just a force. He is incredible, His ensemble is incredible, and the the message from his story about accepting yourself and having others except you is just it's just it's amazing. So it was great. Please do yourself a favor and see him when he comes to your to your town, he'll He'll tell you, in the game of accepting yourself, it's an ongoing journey. Can never just do it. So but he's fantastic and yes, you gotta check out check out his his Oh it's amazing. It will come to your town. I think he's doing like a five hundred town tour. It's crazy. Last night was night number one. I'm like, how are you going to do all these towns? It's nuts? Yeah. Hey, So what about you, Bethany, what's going on? Okay. So you know the feeling when you wake up in the morning before your alarm and it's like one minute before your alarm goes off, and it's so frustrating. That works the opposite way too, because last night I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like, oh, please, don't be pleased, and I looked and it was only eleven o'clock. I'm like, I have four more hours to sleep. Feeling well. On the other side, it isn't it great to wake up and you look at the clock and realize you have to be at work in ten minutes and you didn't set your alarm the night before. That's the feeling of panic I had that this morning. You know what, I just didn't set the alarm. Sometimes you're like, oh, it'll set itself, right, Yeah, Oh sure, it's supposed to learn my habits. All right, let's get into your horoscopes. I'm dying to know what the numbers are looking like today. By the way, if you're wondering why the show sounds more planned and the typical unplanned show, it's your day Friday. What do you want us to do on the show? Textus right, you're up first Danielle Alright, Capricorn, don't allow anybody to look down in your dreams. The passion you put into your work will soon be noticed. Your days of ten Aquarius, exciting career opportunities are coming your way. The hard work is finally paying off. Your days and eight I see stay practical when it comes to finances. It's fun displurage. The timing is everything. Your days and nine aries can serve your strength. Save your energy for the events that will fulfill you. Your days of ten Jars. Free yourself from negativity. Connecting with positive people is good for the soul. Your days and names Gemini are attracting new friends who could possibly become very close to you. Except their friendship and enjoy the new adventure. Your days of nine Cancer concentrate on making time for people who share your interests. Working on personal happiness is important to your days and nine Leo. Unexpected visitors could bring a new career opportunity. Pace yourself, get ready for what's to come. Your days and eight Virgo, it's the perfect time to offer support to somebody and need. Showing your ability to care will show everyone your sensitive side. Your day isn't eight Libra right down all creative ideas. Organizing your thoughts will help you get everything done. Your day is a nine Scorpio. You're in need of an adventure. Take this time to focus on positive and address this urge to travel your days and eight and Sagittarius. Exciting news will inspire you. Use this change to spark up your mood. Your day is a ten. Those are your Friday morning horoscopes. People already complaining that we're we're supposed to be doing a different, unplanned show, but we're doing the same thing we do every day, and they're absolutely right. That's because Froggy decided to go that direction. Well, let's not do the news. Then we should play a song. I'm not quite sure what we do here. Somebody suggested on the text that we ring a cow bell every five minutes. Oh no, that's a know what the show needs. It needs more cowbell? Alright, five more minutes till the next one? All right, can you set the cow bell timer? All right? Is there news we need to do? Bethany, there is one big story we need to do today. Into the news. Oh, the new news cast is called one Big Story. One big Story. Alright, what's going on. Today's big story today is National crayon Day, and as promised, Creole has announced which color they'll be retiring. That color is dandelion. They were originally supposed to announce the color this morning on Facebook Live. They ended up jumping the gun and announcing it yesterday afternoon. What color is dandelion? It's like that yellowy orange. Then that's a nice color. The word makes me happy. And that's the big story of the day. That's a big story of the day. Ye all right, Now what do we do go? We have four hours to go? Alright, So everyone in a good mood. Yes, it's Friday. Man grabbing coffee. It's Friday. We have a show. We don't know what it is, but we have a show coming up. Let's have a show. Come on. He came, he saw, he conquered. This is Elvis rand in the Morning Show. So having a party at the house, a couple of friends coming over. What do you serve potato chips? Next time? Try these new chips from Rich Rich crisp and thins, thin crispy chips, oven baked, not fried. They come in see salt cream, cheese and onion, bacon and salt and vinegar. You have got to try them phone tap playing Elvis, Elvis durand the Elvis Durant phone taps. All right, Yeah, we got a phone tap for you, Danielle. Yes, it's all you. What do you have today? All right? So Josh is being phone tap by his wife. I am calling as the person who found his wallet, and I am totally willing to give it back for the right price. Oh all right, you're gonna mess with him a little bit. All right, Daniel's phone tip. Let's listen to see hello. Yeah, is this so Josh? Yeah? I got your wallet? Oh my goodness, thank you so much. You're where was it? You dropped it someplace? Okay? Um, thank you for finding it? Can I can I meet you somewhere? Um? Yeah, I guess we could meet somewhere, But how much is it worth to you? Pardon me? You've got a lot of stuff in here. Yeah, my wallet is your wife. She's really pretty sorry. I really appreciate finding my wallets. There are pictures of kids in here. Are these your kids? Those are my nephews and niece's. Would you please to tell me for I can meet you? Look what I said? Somebody social Security guard, but could you please stop going through my wallet? I appreciate you, missus, just so you know what you're doing right now is a crime. Now you lost your wallet, I found it, I don't anywhere. I'm happy to give you some money, but I will not be taken up the river for it. I will give you twenty dollars for the wallet. Just call me Miss Bulls, Miss Bold. Yeah, okay, miss Bols, because I got a st calling you up and getting money from you. Is there a place I can meet you to get the wall? I will give you some money for it, that's fine, Just just I want the wallet back. Yeah, it's called the A t M. Give me your pen. I'll take out what I want and I'll give you back. You will, I will get I will take the wall back and then I will go to the A t M and I will get you some money. But I'm not going to just give you free rein over my account. Can you please just tell me where you are right now and I will make my way there. You don't have to move them up. I'm at the A t M waiting for you. Which A t M. Don't yell at me. I'm trying to do something nice and return your wallet. What are you talking? You're not trying to do anything night. You're trying to export me out of money for my own wallet. How much do you want? Three thousand dollars? Three thousand dollars? I could have said five. I could have said five. Well, you could not have dollars. It's more than the wallet. Don't make me say five. If you say five, I'm just gonna hang up the phone. I'm not even having this discussion with you. You You made me do it. You made me do it five. How have I made you do this? You've been impossible. This entire phone call you need. It's going up to seven. You might as well make it ten. I'm not gonna okay, Jen, Hey, ten thousand snuck these ten thousand dollars. You're the one who said ten thousand dollars. Look what you were doing right now is a crime. If you mess with my social Security number, I will pay up the phone and call the police right now. Listen, I'm an entrepreneur, That's what I am. You were just a bump? Are you laughing at Lee? This is a phone tap? Your wife is phone tapping you? What movie is dan? Yella Narrow from Elvis Duran in the Morning show. Oh my god, you were for reading out It was so good. That was amazing. I have an idea for a phone tab. Go to Elvis Duran dot com, click on the phone tap tab. Tell us what you want to do. This phone tap was prerecorded with permission granted by all parties. Elvie s Duran phone tab. We're on Elvis durand in the morning show. Am I the only one that's excited? It's Friday? Really true? All right, let's have a party. I hear a rich Cracker commercial coming up here. If you're having a party, a couple of friends coming over to the house, what are you gonna serve? Tell me, well, I'm gonna panic is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna serve. What's that frog? I've got them right here. My rits crisp and thin, oven baked, not fried with sea salt. Right, Well, if you put cream cheese that, you can put anything on there. I'm coming to Froggy's party. Crisp and thins, just like the names suggests. They're thin, they're crispy, and they're oven baked. They're not fried. You know what I like to do? With my rich Crispin Thins. I like to fry them out. Don't yell at me, listen to me. They're baked already when that's great, but you can just add a little to it, just fry. They're amazing. They're coming. Four flavors, sea salt, cream, cheese and onion, bacon and salt and vinegar. Ah, I've got as good if you want to add a little something to your party, a little more flavor. They sound delicious. Let me hear you eat another one frog have a good ready Yeah, oh yes, new ritz Crispin Thins. You have got to try them. Elvis Duran in the morning show, Boys and girls, Welcome to the fabulous Your Day Friday. Tell us now, don't be shy, tell us what do you want to hear? At one eight hundred zero one hundred it is. It's Your Day Friday. By the way, I've already received some text messages, some hate messages from people who say we're ripping off Carter, Marie and Anthony's Your Day Friday. Yes, My Day Friday, which the name of their podcast, My Day Friday. She texted me yesterday and said, you guys steal everything we do Now well, no, we're not stealing. Their podcast is clearly called My Day Friday. This show is called Your Day Friday. There them, that's my day that we're making about you. It's your what. They're lucky, they have jobs, they're so good. Let's wake their asses up. There are no better than we are. They should be up listening to this crap. All right, So Your Day Friday. The whole concept is you call the shots, You tell us where to go, You tell us where to drive this car, this beast of a show. You can text us one hundred. I'm a little gassie today. What you have, oh pardon me? Must have been the shrimp salad. I don't know we had. We had everything. But anyway, Chef Latie is coming in to play butt bucks. So if you need some cash for the weekend, we're gonna hook you up. People want to hear the zipper game with Scary where he he plays his zipper to the to the tune of a song we play on the radio, and you guess what it is. He says his zipper is extra long today. Yeah it's late. I have a really big zipper slit. You know I do, though, Because for some reason, these genes give me more length in the zipper than the genes that I normally wear. So I got an extra long zipper I can. I could zip out a great tune. So so tonight, Scary, as we said earlier, is scary is accepting the Hall of Fame Award for what's the name of the school you went to, Mark Twain Intermediate for the gifted and talented, And he has to say he has to say a few words, but he's afraid to do a speech because, as you know, Scary kind of goes off into a tangent and doesn't really have direction when it comes to what he's saying, like that time and I love this when he was interviewing Weird Owl. This is scary. I've been listening to you and your stuff for years, love all of your stuf. Darren to Be Stupid one of my favorite albums. But I got I gotta let you know that. Um. I've never been privy to the process by which you go about getting you know, permission, you know, to do a parody. Um, you know, because you you know pretty much you write. What's the process like? Do you like the lyrics first? And then you asked for permission? Because I saw you at at the airport with Iggy. I saw you at the Eggyazalea thing. TMC was rolling rolling on you, guys on you, and um, you know, I just wanted to know and you know what that's all about. Okay, okay. So when you were interviewing him, did he ever answer, because I don't hear weird al in that interview there was a long pause. He was question the twelve year old ski. He was going crazy inside in seventeen different directions because I was so nervous. That was the one nervous moment of my career, and tonight might be the second one when I have to give this speech. So well, good luck, just focus, I'm gonna write a speech. Carl Memories on the phone. We just woke her up in Seattle. Good morning, Carl Memory, wakey, wakey, hands off, snaky. All right, So I hear that you're piste off at us because we're doing Your Day Friday on our show today. I wouldn't say piste off, but you know, but a little but a little bit irked, would you say? You and Anthony came up with My Day Friday the podcast like several years ago, right, Yeah, three years ago and it became very popular. That's how you got your job because you had that podcast. Your or My Day Friday. Yeah, exactly. So if you think about it, your Day Friday and My Day Friday are totally opposite. So I just don't see how they're connected. It's just it basically. I guess it rhymes. I told him, you told me that we steal everything from you. Yeah, you guys sold our bit during the Little Secret. Do you have any bits you're doing today? We need ideas? What are you doing on your show? Do you have a clue today? No? I really we picked out like an hour before we were We just we steal that from you. We don't pick all right, all right, well today we're doing a show called Your Day Friday, where we have no direction. We called it Your Day Friday because people listening make the decisions. They texted, hey, ringing the cow bell for Carla Mariere where she is? What do you do? The only prescriptions cow bell? We never ring a cow bell. We just thought we'd do it. It's different. So Carla Marie ripped you off Elvis because you did a morning show first. Now carl and Marie doing you and Anthony, have a great show if you want to, sue us. Sue us, fine, but today is officially your day Friday, and it has nothing to do with your tired podcast. Okay, Hey, a lot of people are texting in. Do you wake up next to Anthony every day? Are you guys doing it? No, he's not here. I'm surrounded by pillows right now. I'm literally sitting in my head in the dark. All right. So you guys, aren't a thing you don't. You don't do each absolutely not. Is your stinky bear next to you? Might do have mr Bear, though that thing is disgusting. Alright, have fun with you with one eyeball. We gotta go to wake up and listen to you guys. Okay, we gotta go. Hey, hey, welcome to the room. Chef Lettie. Chef Okay, Carla Marie, have a beautiful show today. Okay, Okay, love you too. I love that Calum Marie. I was with Hard a couple of weeks ago. She's fris gay, so Chef Letty. As you know, he never cooks in his kitchen at his restaurant. He's too busy having sex with the Sioux chef. Ah, yes, we do so much in there, and we do like how you say they have sess with me all night. That's right, all today? Of course, now you're turned on by any and every woman except for one. Can you tell us why Danielle doesn't Danielle you know she don't like my cooking and she I say, shut up, I don't talk to him no more. Be shock like you. You don't like Bethany, Bethany. Don't you hear the sexual tension between Chef Letti and Yeah, I think that he wants to invite her into his pre restaurant orgy dad day, not the Bethany over here. I would climb on you, I climb alright, alright, we have an idea for you, chef, Chef. We're doing a show today called Your Day Friday where we just kind of have no direction whatsoever to you. That would be no idea you. We thank you, Chef. Calmed down. Now, what we want to do is we want to play but Bucks. You have you ever played butt bucks in your Paris restaurant? Well, you know, we don't call it bus, but I'm from we call it a Francy Frank's fat See Frank's chef called up France hasn't called their currency the Frank in many years. They're now on the eurosystem, so I don't know. We can't give away Frank's. I'm not worth it, but I think it's called Fanny Frank's not fancy Franks. Again, I do not like you. Alright, alright, alright, So here's what's gonna happen coming up the next break. We're going to litter the floor with currency, with money, and then you you will pull down your chef pants, yes not weird, and you will pick up money with your your butt. I love that idea is to give it away. We're going to give it away to listeners. I'm going to stretch my butt up. Now he's going to do exercises. I don't know. Why does he have his hands shoved down his pants? I don't love you. Want to please go in the other room and stretch out and get ready to get out of the room. Get thank you, thank you? Go all right, we have to get into the Daniel report. Daniel, I'm so sorry. It's okay, So so Beyonce and the top is the top pick to play Simba's girlfriend Nala in the New Lion King. Now we all know Beyonce is pregnant with twins, but it's just gonna be her voice. That's all they need. So everything should work out and that will be pretty cool. And I sound like this by the way, because I have a cold. ABC is developing a new reality show. It's called boy Bands, because we need another one. It's going to assemble the next one direction per Se. Individual singers will compete to be in the band, and viewers have the final say in deciding who stays and who goes, and that will be premiering this summer. Um. They figured out how much money and damages they've done to vehicles and buildings in the first seven Fast and Furious movies. Five hundred and fourteen million dollars in real money. Oh my god, that sounds like the damage you calls every day when you drive, you know, really, really, when's the last time you drove without having an accident? A long time? It's been a long time. I've been good. Be quiet you, Chef Latie. I feel like Chef let right now, Daniel, he asked you, when the last time you drove without causing a long time. I have not had an accident in a long time. Alright, I'm told medicine shut up, Froggy. The new trailer for Game of Thrones is here. It's coming back July sixt so check that out. We're gonna put it up you at Alvis Durand dot com. And ABC is airing a two hour special in May on the last one hundred days of Princess Diana, so you may want to check that out. Let's see over the weekend. Your Boss Baby is out. It's an amazing movie with Alec Baldwin playing the boss Baby. So check that out. Yeah, I loved it. It It was so great for the whole family. The Zookeeper's Wife, Ghost in the Shell is also out. Um, and of course you've got your normal stuff. This weekend, Netflix has a lot of really cool stuff. The n C Double A Semifinals, even though I already thought that we had a winner, Okay, it's not good. WrestleMania thirty three is going down. Oh, Alvis, you love your as Lemania. That's going down this weekend as well. My favorite Yeah, and the seventh I can't believe it's already the seventh season finale of The Walking Dead, but that is happening this weekend as well. Hey, um, okay, here I go. You know how I started a sentence, then I don't know how I'm going to finish it. There are a couple of shows that are coming out in new seasons. I can't remember which ones they are hold on Netflix? Help me out? Down? Yeah, they Get Down second season, season two of The Get Down. That's on Netflix. Right, But isn't there something else starting in a couple of days? Reasons? Why that's that's starting on Netflix? The Discovery is coming to Netflix. I'll get back to you. No, wait, the show you know that? That show where they have actors and they do things you know? Alright, I'll get back to you on that one. Okay, we have another uncontrollable, uncontrollable show contest we're doing. It's called Don't Say Hello. Okay, scary me some music? What game show is this from? Don't okay? It's called don't Say Hello? So when you text us, we see your phone number. We're going to call one of our text numbers at random. When you pick up the phone, don't say hello, say this? Where's the Tooky Tookie birds gearing? That's right? This is the dumbest show. What when I call you? Don't say Hello? Say this e Tookie, Tookie. I really hope someone texts us and then their bill collector calls instead of us and it gets real awkward. Yeah, well no, but if you say that could be awkward. If you say, uh, e Tookie, Tookie. First thing, when you push on, we'll give you a tight fitting good look at Elvis duran t shirt. How you like that? How the one man clasping? Yeah, all right, so we'll do that contest any moment. Now, you never know when the phone will ring and when it does. What are the rules of Bethany? Instead of saying hello, you have to say the two key two key bird noise. Oh god, you're the worst rehearse. I don't know what the noise I mean. I don't say hello. Say all right, we're calling out now should we call here? We don't know what's gonna happen. We're dialing. By the way, we don't have the sound of the because those days are over, aren't they? Yeah? All right, so far this is very exciting. Don't say hello, say e toky tookey, here we go, please answer. Oh I hate this morning. I'm so nervous. Yea, this is the best day ever. Okay, who is this. My name is Allen's Hyde Park. You just want to type fitting good look at Ervice Duran shirt because you didn't say hello excited. Oh oh my gosh. I did not think that was going to work the first time. You never know, you know, Allen. I used to work at Q one O two in Philadelphia and we had a contest where you could win a cow and you you didn't say hello. You had to say move move Q and O two when you picked up your phone. I love radio, it's so deep. All right, Allan, We're gonna send you a shirt. Thank you for listening, and thanks for not saying hello. Hold on one second, he took took. Can we do it again? Yeah? Well someone's calling about the game. It's a one on twenty one. Who's that? Dariana? Hello? And hey Darien, good morning? Or do you have a problem with our don't say hello? E TOOKI took contest? No not at all, I answered, right, well, no, we you called us. We have to call you, Yeah, we do. That's okay. This is asked for my name, and here I am. I'm so excited at all Oh, I know, but this isn't how the contest works. Who called her. Hold on the second idea, someone in the back. We do have Eric coach seven or two ready to go. Somebody for veils? No, no, no, I'm gonna die. Hey, we have to call him live, Darien. We're gonna send you a shirt anyway. Well, you know, we're just getting underway with this contest. We're, you know, ironing out. The wrinkle is your rits of calling people. What's going on? Yeah, she might have the wrong message, but I didn't dial this person. I have a phone number ready to go. We just picked out one. Let's do it. Let's call one more. The rules are we call you? It's pretty simple. I don't know who messed that up. There we go. Who's smoking the pot? Back in the back? Who's eating those edibles? Let's play a game called who's eating those edibles? Who's eating those? Alright? Don't say hello? Say etoki took. Let's see what happens here? We good? This is stupid. What's your name and where are you from? My name is Jordan Crowe and I'm from Springfield, Ohio. Oh I love that. Well, you just want a shirt just by not saying hello. Good. But now that you've one, you're not qualified to win again. You can go back to saying hello, it's all good. What are you doing this weekend? What's going to be the headline for you this weekend? This weekend? I think I'm going to eat drink some Margarita's Good Girl. All right, salt or no salt on your rim? Salt? All right? All right, well, thank you for listening to us. Hold on a second of shirt is on the way? Yes, thank you? Cold so as someone to send another suggestion for our our direction less show, we should have the best dad joke competition. I like that. That smells like ratings success. Alright, alright, uh, this is the show that has no direction. If you want to make a suggestion, to send us an idea at is this where we take a break? All right? Thank you? Straighten eight everyone, all right, we'll be back right after this. Se right up. Set it right out of this way to the fabulous your day Friday. Don't be shy calls with what do you want to hear? At zero one? I did it. I used upside dot com and it's definitely the real deal for saving money and getting a big gift card for every business trip you buy, use the code Elvis and you're guaranteed at least a two hundred dollar Amazon gift card for your first time upside dot com middle purchase bliese side for detail. Hurry, hurry, hurry, st stand right out of don't be shy. See the most amazing site, the most amazing sounds in the universe. Damn Friday in the Morning show. You're wondering what your day Friday is all about. It's your day. You control the show. We have zero control over what's typically a very very well planned out operation. Seriously, I'm already seeing some people at one hour in texting and they're having a difficult time grasping this this concept. Well, it's a changing routine, and routine is really important in the morning. Well, I know, but come on, you gotta mix it up sometimes. Yeah, but if we're doing something at a certain time and that's like they're cute to like leave the house and we're messing them up, all right, Well, we'll be back on schedule Monday, I promise, I promise. All right, where's chef latite? We don't know. The last time I saw me was pooing in a bucket. Okay, he does have that talent, all right, he has no time to stop cooking. He's gotta go right there. If we could clean him up and bring him in. We have to play button bucks. Do we have contestants calling in? All right, we'll get some, all right, if you want to win the money the great teeth, I mean, chef Letty picks up with his bare but I don't think you do anymore. One eight hundred All right, that should be fun. Now, okay, we need more ideas, though we still have three more hours to go. Hello, We're gonna make good on one idea that came in yesterday. Elvis. I think we requested in Elvis Durant phone taps, so we have one of those coming up. Scary, you know, my phone taps are not that good. But I found an ace. I found an old school ace for you. Like, what do you mean old school? How old is it? At least from two thousand and three? Hasn't been heard since two thousand three? We did phone taps back then. Yeah. I also would love to hear from our friend Mr Cardboard two, because he's around. Oh, you know, you never know when he's gonna roll in. Yeah, and we're playing match game, aren't we playing match game? This show is way way different than what we usually do. Like, oh, I hear the music. It's a romantic evening in Paris. Please welcome to the show and bon yet. I don't go far. I just meet other women. I have less sex with their everywhere. Here's coming to the other one. She got dressed very fast, Chef La, you can stop making love to the women. We have a we have a contest we need to do for your day Friday. They make a love to me. I just don't walk around and jo assess me right? Do web callin? We need a translator. I don't understand half of what he said. Do you understand everything he says? My bank bang? My voice is of love? You know? We all right? So who has money to throw on the floor? Let's litterr? Shall we have? You're nice? Okay? So twenties, some five some tens? We need various various denominations. Yeah, we even have a two big, big day. I look forward to picking up dogs with my how you say no, picking up Frank's as in money, not Francis and dogs with my assent. I love that you're not going to pick up wieners with your dairy airs? What do we call them. Why do you keep touching yourself? Okay, all right, so the money's on the floor, right, we're ready to go. Yeah, is t peeing the money on the floor. I want to regal but love to all the sexy money. Welcome to Bucks, starting, cheff Yes, ladies, gentlemen, Bettany set up the scene. Let everyone know what's going on. Okay, So we have a bunch of dollar two dollars and some larger denominations in like little t P shapes on the floor. Great, sorry, cheff Lete has just taking his pants off and the need I want to alright, so over hold on, let me get a contest on the Calm down, calm down, We have a very very important contest to do. Hello, Michelle, is that you alright? Michelle? Welcome to chef let t butt Bucks. Yeah, come on, yes, you could see me right now. Check on my little croissant for you. I can't get back what I'm you know, Okay, chef let you and Daniel stop fighting for just a moment. Time to play a game with Michelle. Okay, stop playing with yours alright now. So we have yeah, we have money littered on the floor, and but we did form them into a little t p so it'll be easier for Chef Lett to pick him up with his bare butt. Okay, all right, I'll have a time on. How much time on the clock, scond alright, in thirty seconds, let's see how much money he picks up for you, my with my grooms getting in the way, hold on, hold on, we must we must maintain control, all right, Michelle. Thirty seconds on the clock and whatever he picks up with this bear, but we're going to put it in in an envelope and mail to you wonderful thanks to our friends at stamps dot com. Alright, thirty seconds, thirty seconds on the clock, Chef lat, you're ready to pick up the money from a show? I stretched out my cragsonton and ready, Betthany. I need for you to do a play by play for us so we know what's going on. Take us live to the action. Okay, thirty seconds on the clock and go all right. So he is crab walking. He is trying to find a bill he likes. He is now he's perched over and he's perched over it. He's grabbing and I think he's got one on. He's got the two dollar I love the dollar quick, hy, Michelle, A two dollar bill, Michelle, that's all. I'm sorry. It is more than you had before. Alright, hold on, Michelle, thank you for listening. Have a friend. I tell you we're going to mail this two dollar bill too. You make sure you clean it off before you use it. Okay, hold on, Hey, cheff Lati, no offense, but you've kind of be a little faster. You need to pick up more currency. That is the problem. I look slow, you know, I slide into that. Okay, Okay, we don't make all right, let's go talk to us. I'll make it up to you and Mr Dan I don't want you want to talk to Tiffany. Hello, Tiffany, welcome to cheff lets Butt Bucks. I'm sorry that the show is a little crazy today, but it's your day Friday. We're new on my trophy. What as long as you've already stretched out your butt, you can pick up more money for me. That's great. That all she cares about. She's going for the bucks. All right, tiffany where are you calling from? Richmond? Well, welcome to the show. Thanks for listening to a song. Cue all right, uh, teff Fanny, we got thirty seconds on the clock. I just received a message from Nate saying, let's wrap it up after this one. Okay, you know what is wrong? Are you do not enjoy but Bucks chef the last utive seconds putting dollar bills in twenties uh an inch away from his But you don't want to look at this man. You have a very nice but okay for Tiffany. Do it for Tiffany. Cheffle t with thirty seconds on the clock, I want you to focus. Okay. We want to pick up as much money as possible. We don't want to make wealthier beyond her wildest dream. Alright, alright, with thirty seconds on the clock, chefflet to butt Bucks and go right. He's quat Okay, he's squatting over a one. He's got a crab walking backwards to try to place, trying to get a good placement. I think you get to move forward a little bit, buddy. Nope, nope, nothing. I think he's got his eye on the twenty. He's got his Yeah, it's another one. You're you're right there picking up. Oh, do this. He's doing his funny, he's doing the twenties. He's hanging on going. Oh, that's big no one's ever won that much money on butt bucks. Congratulations, Tiffany, you won twenty dollars from Cheff. Piffy, you tell me I want to some impressive butt muscles. There is I want to do something to you stretching it out beforehand. It is. It is. By the way, cheff Let's Eiffel Tower is larger than ever today. I spanking in your face. Okay, let me put it on the table. Hold on, Tiffany, Tiffany, thank you for listening. Have a fantastic weekend. Hold on, Tiffany. Put her chiff He's holding it like an our again for you. You gotta go. Thank you so much. Sif too much of a good thing, you know what I'm saying. Okay, by Chifflty what hands? Wow? That that was like fifteen minutes long. It seemed like forever, didn't it. Yeah? All right, let's get into the headlines with bettany or do we do those today? If we're doing a different show, we shouldn't do that, should what's your call? I mean, I can do just all kicker stories if you want. Let's do that. Do the one story of the day. Okay, So the one story of the day here's a fun story that a new camera developed by the security company a DT is designed to catch your coworkers who steal your food. That's great. It not only takes a picture of the culprit, but it also emails it to you, so you never again have to wonder who you can trust and who you can't. That's from a d T Security. Well, they put it in the refrigerator or what don't you put it in the fridge? Is my guests, and then you know, like or you maybe attach it to the thing that you don't want someone to take and then when it is moved. Yeah, I love that. Yeah. Hey, by the way, may I'm making an observation about the news. I love today's news. I love I love I love this. Usually it's it's like deep stories and things we do need to be informed about. But we've got CNN for that. Okay, anyone, we I mean, we can, Benn, what are you talking? Yeah, we can. We can do just happy useless kicker stories if you want. We could, but we won't. Starting Monday, will be back to the regular routine. Okay, al right, So what does this phone type about? Scary? Um, it's actually somebody about online casino gambling and uh, you know, you call as you I don't remember doing this, and then I come in as well in the middle of it, so we do a tag team to tag team phone tap between you and I. Elvin, all right, it's a lost tap. I haven't heard it, so this could be awful. We're gonna play that coming up right after this. It's the Greatest Day Friday, Elvis Durant in the morning show tap Elvis, Elvis Durant, Elvis Durant phone tap. All right, it's your day Friday where we're just I don't know, letting it happen. It's an organically produced show, meaning we have no plan and so far, so good. I'm having fun, you guys good. Yeah, definitely convince yourself you're having fun. People are requesting things for us to do on the text messages. Someone wants to play gay bar or steakhouse. We can do that, all right. We could have a visit from Mr Cardboard to moment momentarily all right, But now we're gonna get into a phone tap. And you're saying, well, you do that every day, Well, this one is different because I'm doing the phone tap. Never do phone taps. I'm awful at it. I don't even know why we're doing this. You think you're awful at it, but we are really good. We love you. Stop it. This phone tap was done or attempted rather back in two thousand three. That's how old this is. That's how long it's been since I've done a phone tap. So I'm gonna let you play it. But after it's done, we have to delete it from the computer. Okay, okay, this is the last time you'll ever hear this, all right, I still have the email. An email came to us back in two thousand three from Michael who wants us to phone tap his mother Linda. His mom, Linda is a big online gambler and she recently want a lot of money in a tournament online. All right, okay, so Michael thought he'd be really funny if we gave her a call told her there's been a mistake. I'm going to start the call as the representative from the online gambling site, and then scary comes in later to stir the pot. Here we go, the long lost phone tap. Here we go, Linda, Linda bob Roulette with Incorporated Bahamas. We wanted to reach out and talk to you about a couple of things. If you don't mind, two thousand dollars of the winnings that have gone to you occurred because of a computer glitch. What are you talking about? And it shouldn't have gone there. It's not possible. Well, it's very possible. The computer doesn't lie. Miss, I'm telling you it's not possible. How is it not possible because I won money? What are you talking about? I know, but two thousand dollars of money you won? You didn't win. It was a computer glitch. No, that's not true. As you know, the computers are programmed to pay out every so often, and it paid out on your account when it shouldn't have paid. You did not win, even though it appeared you want. That's impossible. If you can just mail us a check or money order, that would be fine. I'm not mailing anything. I'm not paying anything. That's what you're paid and that's what you paid me. If we don't get the money back, there's going to be trouble. You're threatening me, Well, don't raise your voice at me. I'm trying to work this out before we have Oh no, I didn't. If you told me there's going to be a problem. Let's not get betchy here, miss. You know, I'm just trying to help all Now, Oh God, what do you think we should do? Mike? I don't know what you think I should call? Yeah? Yeah, let her talk to you and just get her to start telling the whole story and then I can bust in at the end. Hello. Yeah, I'm having a big problem here. What's going on? You know? Telling me that I owe them two thousand dollars because they overpaid my account for what for the time that I won the tournament. They're saying that that was a computer whatever you call it, and that they have to get this money back. I told you those can those things cheap? Well nothing. The most they can do is suck up my accounts. Phone upon him because he threatened me. Mike, are you still there? I had you on hold there for a while. Are you still on the phone, Barbara Lette again, We'll try to call your mom and she she got all crazy and slammed the phone in my face. She's got a problem, Mike. We gotta get that money from her. She was just explaining the story to you. Called her, well, your mom's she's a compulsive gambler. She's got on the phone right now. Yeah, I hear everything you say in Mike. Well, hello, Mr Mike, No, no, no, hold on, let's work. Hang the phone up on him, and well let's work. Okay, you okay, Look, there is something you can do. If you promise to get counseling about your gambling problems, then we can we can eliminate the debt and write it off with the Internal Revenue Service. Guy kidding me a while, Yeah, I'm not doing I've got a counselor of from New York City who would be more than happy to make a house called. I'm gonna tell him to go his mother. How's that? You still want to put him on the phone. Put them on. I want to tell them, put them on. Please hold it's gonna be Oh. Yes, this is Dr Michael. How are you doing today, miss mother? Get off the phone. Doesn't I understand you have a gambling addiction? Want to talk to scumbad now? The first step in the process is to first come face to face with the addiction. Do you have a gambling problem? Give me the phone number where you are. Excuse you, miss, This is Dr Michael Upenheimer. I don't give a who you are. I don't want to talk to talk about this in a very calm manner. Go hang up, Michael. Just told him to take the money, Michael, this thing, there's no such thing. Well, I told him to take it. You told him to take what? Take to two or whatever? The hell the s Michael, there's no such thing. I am online with these people. There is no such commission. Maybe somebody's trying to get into my account. I gotta stop it right Hello, I will contact somebody to find out a lawyer. Hand up the phone on him, Michael, Hold on the phone, Michael, hang up the phone on this jerk off. There's one thing this jerk off has to tell you. This is Elvis Durant. You gotta be kidding, man. You've been phone tapped? Really? Is that what it is? Oh? God, she was. Yeah. See that's why I don't do phone taps. That wasn't very good. I'm not I'm not polished like you guys. That was so good. And by the way, just a little side note, that was Dr Michael Oppenheimer turned in to be Michael Oppenheimer, the irritating phone solicitor. Yeah, started doing that at a regular basis. All right, and there you go. Okay, throw it away. We're never going to play it again. Okay, do you agree? Yeah? All right, all right, we have more coming up with Your Day Friday right after this. All Table was prerecorded with permission granted by all participates Elvis Durand Phone tab on Elvis Durand in the Morning show. Gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the fabulous Your Day Friday. Call us now, don't be shy. Tell us when you want to hear at one eight hundred to two zero one in the Morning Show. Yeah, you're in control, isn't it weird? You've always wanted to control our show and now you can. You're stumped. It's overwhelming. There's too many choices. Um, we'll go back to our favorite contest of the day, that don't say hello contest. All right, if you're texting in right now, we see your phone number, we're gonna call you live on the air. Don't use profanity please. Now when you pick up the phone, don't say hello. If you do, you don't win. You say this, that's right. Don't say the old school man say e TOOKI tooky? Should we call out? Should we give away a shirt. Yeah, let me find it all right? All right, we're calling out now. Don't say hello? You know the rules? Great to tell him the rules, Greg, he walked out. Okay, well I guess he will not give us the rule, Danielle, give us the rules. The rules are. When we call you, do not say hello. You have to say exactly. Here we go the dumbest contest. What are we doing? We're ready to call him? I thought we were calling them already. Now we're calling them. We're calling them now. When are we calling them, Bethany, we're calling them now? Froggy, what are the rules again? Don't say hello? When we call you and you answer, you say be quiet. They're gonna hear it. Ky dookey, that's pretty close. You just want a shirt? Man? Who is this Connecticut? Because you're driving right now on the highway or you what what mile per hour mark? Are you hitting on your spitometer? I'm actually I'm out assaulting the roads up in northwest Connecticut. Oh my god. So they have ice on the roads in Connecticut. Well it's starting to come down a little bit, but not too bad yet. I love that. Now on weekends, do you get bored in salt the rim of your glass for your margarita's. Are you like a salty kind of guy? But they don't make me do that too often. Well, I'm glad you're listening. I'm glad you said, uh, e toki toky. We're gonna send you a shirt, and thank you so much for keeping the road for everyone. Know you're the best hold on the second hold on, don't leave, Let's do another way. Okay, okay, this is more fun than I've ever had in my entire life. I think that's true. It's true, It's very true. Is the highlight of your radio career? A it really is? This is you know what. We're gonna take the sound and put it in the Museum of Broadcast History. So when you visit asked listen for this segment, right, don't say hello, say e toki toki. Here we go. Hello. Hey, it's Elvis Duran. How are you are you? We're great. Are you listening to the show. We got your text? Yes i am. I'm on my way to work right now. You know we're doing that contest where you're supposed to say e toki toky. Oh darn watch the language. Well, look well, thank you. Just just say e toki toki e. Alright, send her something. It's a good shirt for you. Yes, yeah, you're going to send her a shirt anyway. Even losers are winners on our show. We love that. Hey, listen, thanks for listening. We appreciate it. Hold on a second. Okay, thank you? Are you? Hold on? You can't have a winner every time? What are you doing? You're calling another one? One more? Oh no, no, this is getting boring. End on a down. No, we need a knock. All right, So what are the rules, Froggy? Remind them when we call you do not say hello? Answer all right? What's your name? Buddy's this? This is Elvis durand you listen to us. I'm what's your favorite part of the show, Elvis? When Elvis Durando's poetap you just want to type fit and good looking Elvis. Well, I gotta go by. I don't think that's legal for me to win. Asked me which superstar I had dinner with last night? Which superstar did you have dinner with last night? Guess there's so many. It could be anybody. Shirley McClain. You actually you sat with her at the table and everything. No, she was at the table behind us. Okay, a matter of fact, Alex took a picture. He did the thing where he took a picture of me with her in the background and then he posted it. I think, yeah, Sheorty mcclin. I felt sorry for her because the entire restaurant was staring at her when she was trying to eat her dinner and drink her wine. She seemed to be in a good mood. But I kept saying, Alex stopped staring at her. Can't you imagine what it's like being a celebrity and everyone's yelling and was staring at you while you're eating. It's so weird. Did she does she look like she was kind of in her own world? Or was she definitely aware people were aware. I don't know. I don't think she noticed. She probably doesn't notice anymore. I mean I wanted to run up and say I loved you? And Bernie? Did you ever see that movie? Bernie? Oh, it's the best movie ever with Jack Black? Weekended Bernie's I love that movie? Did you see I Love? Did you see Steel Magnolia's Fantastic film? Anyway? What was that picture I saw the other day of justin Bieber that looks so uncomfortable. It's so it's just really frustrating, and it makes you realize how crazy his life is. It's that picture where he's eating outside with some friends, and to the left of the picture is like a security guard or a cop holding back, just like dozens and dozens of people who are just standing there watching him eat within inches of him. I can't imagine. It's so if you see a celebrity, let them eat, let them do their things. I don't know how scary does it all the time with all these people, all these wanting areas. How do you do it? Well? Wait, what if people think you're a celebrity and you're not. Like what happened to Bethany on the street to New York City yesterday? Tell them what happened. I don't see why this happened, but it did. It happened twice, which is the weird thing. So I was walking down the street near Times Square yesterday afternoon and this guy walks up to me and he looks at me, and I look at him, and he goes, you're Kate McKinnon from S and L aren't you? I love you so much? I love your show so much. And then he just started talking and I didn't have a chance to say anything, like to to tell him I'm not Kate McKinnon. And he was like, I love You're justin Bieber impersonation. You're so funny. I've been trying to get tickets, but I really can and I want to become an actor so badly, and I really don't know how to break into the industry, but I just want you to know that I love you so much. Can I have an autograph? I did, because at that point it was so far in. I couldn't break his heart by saying I did. I just wroted Kate McKinnon, and so at some point because I did, he was so excited. I just I couldn't at that point, Yeah, I couldn't spell McKinnon. But you didn't have one second to say, by the way, I appreciate it, I'm not Kate McKinnon. No, because he was monologueing, and then you could tell he was like so excited that I just it was too far. And then first bubble, by the way, yeah, you don't want to do that. If you're the guy who got an autograph from Kate mckennan yesterday, would you call us? You want to talk to you? I felt so bad if you've been mistaken for a celebrity before. Back in the day Debbie Gibson and I was walking down the street and I had the big black hat on like she used to wear, and I had people follow me into a store thinking that I was Defie giftson. I'm like, no, sorry, I'm not gifts and thanks for thinking that, because that's's the text message. This lady says she was at Walmart and some other lady freaked out thinking she was send a bullock. I'll just go talk to Nick one then we'll move forward into the Danielle Report. Hello, Nick, how are you? I'm great? How are you doing well? What can we do for you on your day Friday? You choose what we do on the show. Well, first of all, your day Friday's way better than my day Friday. Not going to like that. I'm glad you said it, but okay, so what do you want us to do? It's Mr Cardboard Too man was going to great presence Cardboard to. We heard rumor he's in the neighborhood. If Mr Cardboard Too is hearing us, if you would come visit the studio, we'd appreciate it. That'd be absolutely wonderful. All right, thanks for listening, Nick, have a great weekend. Okay, thank you too. All right, So do you guys want to hear from Mr Cardboard. I think he's in the back having sex with chef Latiuh God, get Cassandra on the phone on line twenty two and then we'll get into the unbelievable Danielle report. How are you doing, Cassandra? Good? How are you doing well? So? Why were you at the Walmart? I was my my business buying catful before we lost her family pictures? Okay, so it was family picture day. You needed cat food? I get it. So you're at Walmart and some lady walks up and she's freaking out because you're Sandra Bullock. Yeah, and I turned and she goes. I said no, so sorry, but Cassandra, why didn't you just sign it? Why didn't you just sign it? Love? You mean it? That's not me? Okay. So Bethany is a liar? Oh never, because I loved her? All right, Cassandra, I mean Sandra Bullock. Thanks for listening to us. Good weekend, Okay, all right, don't forget next time you're going to your family picture day by cat food ahead of time? All right, into we gotta get into Daniel report. Yescary body texted in and said, I was at a gay bar once and a man walked up to me and asked if I was Elvis Durant. I told him no, I'm his attractive brother. Oh what an Idiot's it? An idiot? He's doing listeners? Idiots slam against you, Elvis Daniel into the report? What do you have going on? All right? So that girl will be your next DC hero with a movie and Avengers director Josh Weeden he is set to direct it, So get ready for that. Did you guys know that Harrison Form filled the film the cameo for et and it ended up on the cutting room floor. He never made it into the movie. Yeah, he was just talking about it recently. He was telling Entertainment Weekly about it. That's crazy, right, so crazy. Beyonce is the top pick to play Simba's girlfriend Nala in the new Lion King. Now we all know she is pregnant with twins, but it will be just her voice that they need, so everything will be okay with that she'll be able to do it. Uh, let's see there's a new trailer for Game of Thrones because you know it's coming back July six, So if you want to see that, we'll put it up for you at Elvis Duran dot com. And uh, they figured out how much money and damages they have done to vehicles and buildings in the first seven Fast and Furious movies. It totals five d and fourteen million dollars in real money of destruction. Destruction so crazy. Let's see your weekend movies. Ghost in the Shell with Scarlet your Hands, and you've got The Boss Baby with Al Baldwin. I already seen. It's a great movie. You're gonna love it. The Zookeeper's Wife is out as well. Of course, there's a lot of cool things on Netflix that are starting this weekend. Thirteen Reasons Why, the Discovery, Uh, you have Meryl Streep narrating five came back, that's this weekend. The n c w A National Semifinals is going down this weekend as well. And WrestleMania thirty three. And I cannot believe The Walking Dead. It is the seventh season finale of The Walking Dead already and next hour, we're going to talk about a new boy band reality show on the way because we need another one. Yeah, we could use one more. Let's go talk to Nikki on line twenty three. Uh. So you're out and about doing your own thing. Where were you, Nikki? I was at TOW with some friends, maybe like three years ago or so. Trendy trendy, so you expect to see a celebrity there, possibly, right, So you're hanging up with your girlfriends at TOW and what happened? Um? I was all dressed up, and I used to have long, long red hair like a DELI used to have the long, long red hair. Um. And people can tell me every day, oh my god, you really look like Adele blah blah blah. And sometimes I will talk in an English accent just to have fun because I'm weird that way. So I was being British this night and my friend said, oh my gosh, these teenage girls appeared. They're googling pictures of Adele and they keep looking back at you. I was like, oh my gosh, bless their hearts. That's so funny. But they had on this one picture I guess and decided that I was Adele and they came to me and they were just squealing like, oh my god, I can't believe you're here, blah blah. Did you did you play the part of Adele? Did you continue to be Adele? You did? Did? Yes? I felt so bad for them because they were so excited. I didn't want to burst their bubble. All right, Well, so then if that's so, that's what you were going through, Bethany, you don't want to burst this guy's bubble. Who thought you were of Kate McKinnon. So I get it. You want them to be happy. You don't want to let them down and disappoint them. Yeah, so they left, So they left with pictures. They left with picture as of you as Adele didn't my picture. They were just googling pictures of her and gave him autograph. Hilarious the photo. Well, thanks for listening, NICKI have a great weekend. I totally get it. Though they're so happy, you don't want to disappoint them. And I was also like, I made sure to be unbelievably nice to these the two people, because I didn't want them to think that Kate McKinnon was mean, and I wouldn't want Kate McKinnon to get a bad rap and for not even like it's not being her fault line twenties. He still on the phone. I don't know if this is good or not. Tyler, are you there? Yes? I am Tyler. Um so minding your own business in public, people mistake you've as being who Ron Jeremy. Yeah. Actually, actually it wasn't in public. It was me and my wife. We were at a gay bar, and uh, I just happened. I was wearing a chest at the time. I was just we were going out, you know, as you hold, you and your wife were at a gay bar and you were wearing ash list chaps, all right, okay, okay, go from there. And it just so happened. I was I was ordering a drink at the bar and I just hear out of the corner of my hair. I'm like, oh my god, there's wrong, Jeremy. There's wrong, Jeremy. And it's turned around and this guy's screaming at me, and I'm just like, no, no, sorry, man. Why nobody recognized you from the rear? Which I think it's kind of fun. Yeah, exactly. That's how I was very confused. But apparently that was a bonus. You know, did you tell him you were not Ron Jeremy or did you play it out so you wouldn't break his heart? No? Unfortunately I let him down easy. So it was okay, all right, Well, thanks for listening. I think I'd like to know how the rest of the evening went. Yeah, what happened after that? Did you have a good night? Oh? It was great. It was a great night and ended up being very very good. Yes, okay, well I think you received the award for Hall of the Day. By the way, we're gonna send you something. Hold on, Mr Jeremy, hold on one second. There you go. So was that a gay bar with a wife? And I was wearing the bashless chaps hear? The strange thing was, all right, are we taking a break? We gotta take a break. It's your day, Friday. What do you want us to do next? God knows where this show is going. Just keep listening. We'll be back right after this. I've been sleeping with my hand down my pants a lot in the morning. I did it. I used upside dot com and it's definitely the real deal for saving money and getting a big gift card for every business trip you buy. Use the code Elvis, and you're guaranteed at least a two dollar Amazon gift card for your first time upside dot Com middle purchase blind for detail Friday Friday. Friday Friday. Out to party, I mean, let's get hid. Let's party. Alright, Love, he's possibly the most famous boardcaster ever in the morning show. Alright, alright, it's your Day Friday. We ripped off the title from My Day Friday, the podcast made famous by Carla, Marie and Anthony. But they don't work here anymore. So screw him, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, who's with me? Screwing him? Who wants to screw them? I don't. I don't get in line. Everyone in a good mood. Yeah, Well, let's go around the room. We'll start with you. Who is you scary? Yeah? Yeah, scary? What's going on today? You know, you don't realize how unimportant and trivial some things are in life until you have to go without them. And today I left my wallet at home and I did not go back for it. And here I am now, four or five hours into my day, and I'm realizing, aside from having to get into the radio station because I need my key, card, which I called somebody and they let me in. I don't really need to. I didn't need I don't know. I'm going to drive home. Would iout your license? Well? I can do that physically. But by the way, Scary drives a blue don't officers from the first three Saint Heer in Tribeca, New York City. If you see Scary driving, he doesn't have a license. All right? But daniel Yeah, how are you, Danielle? I am good. I want to say happy birthday to my little man today. He's eight years old. Pressent is eight years old, and I was posted on Instagram a picture of him. People say that when you have children, your heart grows, and it is so true. He has brought so much love and laughter into my house. Um, and I don't know what I would do without my children. So happy birthday to my little man. I cannot wait to celebrate with you this weekend. Haven't birthday? Press Danielle. You're saying very sweet things about your kids, but we must turn it back at you. I was having a conversation with someone the other day and we both voted you, Danielle, the woman we'd most want to have as our mother. I bet You're the best mother ever. Thank you. I try. Not the best mother ever, but I try. Thank you. And now to the worst mother ever, Bethany. Bethany, have you have you rethought this having children thing? Oh? I rethink it every day and I always come to the same conclusion every time I'm taking a nap in the middle of the day, I'm like, Yep, no kids, Okay, what's on your mind today. I just have to say we say this a lot, but it's so true. We have some of the most incredible listeners. I got a letter yesterday from a guy named Ronnie who listens to us every single day, and he wrote down everyone's name on the show, and there's a lot of us, and he said that he has you listened to us from the beginning and when he was deployed, we made him feel like he was back at home, and just the lovely things that he said. And I just want to say thank you, Ronnie, and thank you to everybody who listens to the show, because you really are just the most incredible people, and you we get to do this for a living because you listen. So thank you. Thank you Ronnie for taking the time to write a letter and Thank you everybody for listening and any thank you for serving our country. Thank you so much. Hey listen, since we're in the love mood, and believe me, I'm gonna bring back the fund in a minute for the Friday fund on your day Friday, where you control the show, text, your ideas for the show and where we should go at. Uh, just a quick thought and uh some great great warm love towards San Antonio, Texas today. The story out of out of San Antonio, right the bus accident, let me look at it. Yeah, absolutely, there was a church bus accident down in Santa in San Antonio, Texas. And uh, the story is just it was earlier this week, just so sad. And as we end this week, uh, and we get into the weekend to go out and have fun with our family and our friends. Uh, please stop down and just be grateful for the life you have and for this wonderful world that God in the universe has given you and us. It's so important to stop the fund, stop the craziness. Every once in a while, look around you be aware of how great your life is. And to think about what those families and all those people in that church went through down in San Antonio. It's such a heartbreaking story. So do you have it pulled up? Yeah? Yeah, this is the story from Yeah. Like you said earlier this week, it was when the bus carrying elderly church members was hit by a pickup truck UM that was driven by a twenty year old man, and thirteen people total were killed. Um. And you know, I mean they have the whole church community that's mourning. They have their families of course, that are mourning in the whole community. And it's one of those just the truck was coming from the opposite direction and crashed right into them. And it mean, it's your worst nightmare as a family member, it's your worst nightmare. And of course, I'm sure there are many sad stories going on across the country, around the world every day, and they are happening. There's something awful happening right now as we sit here and enjoy this incredible life, this gift of life that we we've been given, be thankful for it every second of the day. Really truly. Now to put a smile in your face, think about how great your life is. Think about your friends and your family right now, who's that one person you're thinking about it's making you smile. Think about it. You're you're smiling now, aren't you looking at that? My friend Drew Scott is here. How much do you guys love Drew? He said he didn't want to go on the radio. He doesn't have to go on the radio if he doesn't want to go. But when I think of you, Drew, I get the biggest smile on my face. It's like a clown artist came out and Drew one on my face, but less creepy, more creepy. But anyway, so you know, you guys have all met Drew, Drew and Jane when we were out here in Santa Fe for our our meetings and stuff, you know, and Drew is one of the one of the many people I'm so thankful for in my life. So you know, today when you have a second to make that phone call, just say hey, I didn't want to text you. I wanted to hear your voice and I wanted you to hear my voice. Tell you how much I love you. Do that today. It's so important to do it. It's gonna make their day more than you could ever imagine. All Right, did I did? I poop poo? And everyone's fruity peppers? Am I being Mr Downer? Mr Mr think to have lee? We'll do that. I think it's so important. Um, you know, and we were gonna play match game here. We're gonna move that down because I just don't think this break makes sense to do that. So what else you want to talk about? Should we take just random phone calls and ask people what they want us to do with our show? Yeah? I like that. Are anyone calling in? Ye? Just pick up a phone at random. You never know what they're gonna say. It could be filthy and foul. Hello an already hung up? Okay, perfect, Let's let's find another victor any second? Hello? Oh no, one's calling. The lines for for the first time all morning are blank. There's like we got a call? Hello? Hey, how are you doing? Is the caller there? Hello? Hello? Hello? Yeah? What's what's your name? Paul? I was just calling because you guys start calls. I didn't tell love them, and honestly, before I turned the radiolong, that's what I was doing. Oh really, who are you calling to? Uh? Tell them you you love him? My girls? Oh man, well look you you tell her we love her too? And I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Man, thanks so much for listening to us. Thank you all right, have a good one. There you go. Oh he sounds like a sweetheart. I know he is. And do you have so many people in your life? That is just they're so powerful and sometimes you don't stop and think about how much they really truly mean, do you. I think that's so cool. You're so blessed. We're also blessed. You know what, if you feel blessed, I want you to take a dollar bill and mail it to me. Yes, I'm starting. No no, no, no church, nothing religious, nothing spiritual. Just send me a dollar bill. Do we have an address? Thirty two Avenue of the America's Elvis Duran, thirty two Avenue of the America's New York One oh oh one? How many? Yeah? One o one three? One dollar is all it takes just to say how much? Yeah? With ten million people, if everyone gave a buck, that's ten million dollars. I don't know, but I'm gonna spend it on me. I'm so excited about this. Yeah. No, of course I wouldn't do that. I would donate it. Donate to the Elvis Fund for Blue Jeans. The Elvis Duran United Sandwich Fund. That's a lot of sandwiches. All right, let's get into the headlines. Bethany has a big old plate of headlines to do, and after that we're gonna play match game. Okay, into it. What do you have going on? Do you want me to do stories or do you want me to just do happy story? I want you to do what you want to do. How about a happy story? Happy story? Okay, let's talk about dating. According to you, happy for everyone, well, a couple to According to a new study, the best time people have in the bedroom with their significant other is after they've been together between six and twelve months. Researchers are calling this the sweet spot. After getting past the first year, the study found that satisfaction drops and it's all downhill from there. And that's happy news. That's kind of sad. The first parts great. So if you're like in a new relationship, you know you have a couple of months to look forward to. I don't find that to be a happy story. You want to find another. Find find another happy story and now happy news. Here's Bethany. Right, Hold on a second. You're pressuring me find happy story, Google happy story story, googling happy, googling hug Tuesday Tuesday. You know what's kind of said. It shouldn't be this difficult to find a happy story. Okay, oh my gosh, great news you guys. April four is Hugging news Person Day and they did a research study and they found that the most huggable news anchor is Anderson Cooper Kim when he was here, I don't remember. He's pretty huble, I guess. But if you aren't able to actually hug your newsperson in person, you can use hashtag hug a news person day to post on social media. Excellent, which is maybe safer because you never know what newspeople are wearing under that table. Sometimes they're not wearing pants at all. Do you wonder if they have pants on underneath their news desk. I think David Mura is wearing jogging pants. He looks like a runner. If you see David Mure today, run up to him and give him a hug. He's gonna love it. Any more calls coming in, Let's go take another call. Hello, Hello caller, Hello, who is who is this? Jessica? Jessica, It's Elvis. Danielle Bethany Froggy, scary all of us? How are you hi? Guys? I was actually on the match game. Let's play match game here. It's time to match the stars. Unfortunately the stars couldn't show up today, so we're gonna play with us. You know how to play this, right, I do? Alright? So playing today? You think playing today? We have a scary Bethany Danielle? Who else is playing Froggy? Is that it? Anyone else? Want to play? Okay? Okay, we'll keep it at that. Four people to match with. Okay, here we go now, don't answer immediately. Give the stars a chance to write down their answers. Okay, okay, your name is Jessica, Okay, Jessica. Dumb Dennis's March Madness bracket was so bad that it was so bad that the team he picked to win when it all wasn't a good team. It was a blank team. Think about this one. Dumb Dennis's March Madness bracket was so bad the team he picked to win at all wasn't a good team. It was a blank team. Keep in mind, these guys like to write funny answers. They don't want to match. They're trying to be funny. Okay, Okay, yeah, dumb Dennis's and keep on He's dumb. Dumb Dennis's March Madness bracket was so bad. The team he picked to win at all wasn't a good team. It was a blank team. Okay, all right, here we go, you guys. Ready, scary dumb Dennis's March Madness? What she used to give her answers? Oh, I'll give your answer, okay, Jessica. Dumb Dennis's March Madness bracket was so bad. The team he picked to win it all wasn't a good team. It was a blank team team. Yeah, we got it, get it and March madness. Of course everyone knows it's hockey, all right, Yeah, yeah, I was kidding. Okay. Dumb Dennis's March Madness bracket was so bad. The team he picked to win it all wasn't a good team. It was a blank team. What's your interest, scary gymnastics? Okay, sorry, Bethany, Yeah, we're looking for baseball. I actually said, I said soccer soccer? All right? Uh, Daniel dumb Dennis's March Madness brackett was so bad. The team he picked to win it all wasn't a good team. It was a blank team? How did that happen? We gotta hey, Froggy, finally with you? What team? Uh did dumb Dennis vote on? I picked swim team? Swim team? All right, you have one that's not so bad. I'm gonna tell you that's a lot better than I thought it would be. Yeah, seriously, all right, hold on one second, Jessica, let's go talk to uh. Is this Dominic online? Fourteen? Hey Dominic, we're doing well. Welcome to the weekend. You ready for a good one? Absolutely? Yeah? We need one. Alright, so don't answer immediately. Let the stars have a moment to think and write. Here we go. Hiring Okay, Hiring Katie the Cannibal as a nanny was a big mistake. Instead of putting baby powder all the baby, she used blank powder. Alright, think it through, don't enter it. Hiring Katie the Cannibal as a nanny was a big mistake. Instead of putting baby powder on the baby, she used blank powder. Let's see the stars are writing their answers. Yeah, you look perplexed, Danielle. No, I'm good, I'm good. All right, let's do it, Dominic. Hiring Katie the cannibal as a nanny, big mistake. Instead of baby powder on the baby, she used blank powder. What is your answer? I'm gonna go with powder powder on the baby unless you're baking at three five minutes. All right, we'll start with you, Katie the cannibal, bad nanny selection. Instead of baby powder on the baby, she used blank powder, baking powder. He's so in love with his answer, Bethany, Katie the cannibal didn't use baby powder on the baby. She used chili powder. Chili powder. Alright, you need a match here so we can keep going. I want this to last all day. Uh froggy. Instead of baby powder, Katie the cannibal used blank powder on the baby. I have garlic powder. We could go into uh into overtime here, And finally we go to Danielle. Danielle, Katie the cannibal didn't use baby powder on the baby. She used it. All right, what do we give him? We didn't think this through. Yeah, we have a good look at tight fittels to brand t shirt for you. Wow? Is that all we have? We have plenty of those? All right, well, thank you, Dominic, and give one to Jessica to okay it don't hang up gratulation. We need to address we're all coming over for the weekend. Hold on the second and there you all right? So what move do we make next? I mean, we're not making decisions on the show. What should we do? Mr Toobe still hasn't shown up. Mr Cardboard Tube as yet to appear. I don't know. I don't know if we're feeling it today with Mr Cardboards. All right, let's get into sound with Garrett. Garrett has some special sound because it is April Fool's weekend, you know, so be aware, be very aware. What do you have? Well, just like that, April Fools is on a Saturday, so all co workers, teachers, friends have to pull April Fools jokes either today or they did it sometime during the week. Just like Joey d He's a teacher in fifth for a fifth grade class, he pulled a surprise spelling B on his class. Now, this spelling B is all made up words that the kids have no idea, are not real words. So listen to this spelling be go down. The first word was blor sky I lost my blor ski at a carnival R s K e E. The next word is speak. Look, there's a speak wo s e E k u z s l m N. There's silent letters at the end of that. Yep. The next word was a mata. Students said they were sick. I said, was a matter with you? W A z A m A t A was the matter? Your next word? Number eleven is April fools, because this is an April Fools joke. April congratulations. Turn in your test. This will be on your report card. Hey, he saunds just like the teacher from South Park him class spell yes. And then this April Fool's joke we played almost every year. It's an April Fool's fail. A wife call uh, A wife called uh. I'm sorry. So a wife called her sister and said, hey, I just killed my has been And this is the story that did on the news. This is a April Fools joke gone wrong. But listen to the story as they do it on the news. Here we go. I was doing the April Fool's joke. I said, Helen, I shot my husband. I'm cleaning up the mess. Let's go berry men black water. Yeah, you heard correctly. She told her sister she murdered her husband. Sister Helen called another family member. Somebody called nine one one, and next thing I knew, there was all everywhere. The response was that Kingsport police staged outside of Hudson's pastel yellow house, guns drawn as they prepared themselves for a bloody murder scene. Be careful in the April Fool's joke. Tell any packs of marrow Boroughs do you think she had that more? One too many? And there's your April fool sound American? Thanks God. All right, more of Your Day Friday coming up after this. It's the greatest Your Day Friday stand in the Morning Show. Hurry, hurry, hi, st don't be shy. See the most amazing sites. Yeah, the most amazing sounds in the universe. Your damn Friday Stand in the Morning Show. Yeah. People just turning us on, They're like, well, what is this your Day Friday? Well, we decided yesterday. We didn't want to think today. We wanted you to decide what to do on the show. So if you tell us to turn left, we turn left. You tell us to turn right, we turn left again. Because we're that screwed up in the head. So if you want to text your ideas whatever you want us to do. We'll do what you tell us to do, because we don't want to think one eight one hundred. Call us if you want or text. So what's next on the list, Bethany? So we have steakhouse or gay bar. Let's do it steakhouse or gay bar? So you know what, Sometimes you eat steak, sometimes you go to a gay bar, and sometimes they sound just like each other. All right, two one hundred steakhouse or gay bar? So you're looking. I'm going to give you the name of an actual place and you have to tell me whether it's a steakhouse or a gay bar. Let's let's do a sample when while we find someone on the phone. Alrighty Elvis, what is the velvet Hammer? Is it a steakhouse? Is it? Is it a gay bar? It is a steakhouse, a North Carolina steakhouse called the Velvet Hammer? Wow? All right, give us one more. Yeah, I'm not I'm not having fun. I'm not feeling steakhouse or a gay bar yet. Okay, Dawn and Charlie's is it a steakhouse or a gay bar? You would think, Don and Charlie there a couple. I don't know. Scare you answer this? One. Yeah, I think no, I think I'm gonna go with steakhouse on this. It is a steakhouse. Yeah, and there you go. Yeah, let me give you one steakhouse or a gay bar? Ready, lickety split, that is a gay bar? Yes, all right? Do you have any contestants ready to go? Coming right up her head? That means no. Alright, you know we don't need contestants. Let's just play here in the room because I feel Mr Cardboard Tube is about Alright, Danel, this one's for you. The townhouse? Is it a steakhouse? Is it a gay bar? I'm going to say that is a steakhouse? Is it a steakhouse? It's a gay bar in New York City? Uncle Johnny's age go, oh, you actually think you're in a funeral home when you're there? What about this one, Nate? I'm not complaining, but the townhouse smells like formalde hyde. Alright, chops, Oh god, that's a gay bar? Is chops a gay bar? It is a steakhouse. Sounds like will you go have pork chops? Little Alright, we do have a couple of contestants. Go to Luis on line seven or yeah, Hi, Louise, good morning, good morning. Now is it Louis or Louise? Louis Louis. Okay, sorry about that, Louis. All right, Louis. Uh steakhouse or gay bar? Get two out of three riding you want a glamorous prize? Alrighty Louis, Dakota, Dakota. Is it a steakhouse or a gay bar? Steakhouse? It is a gay bar? All right, you have two more shots. How about this? The Cattleman's the cattleman's gay bar to me, I don't know. That's a that's a trick question. I'm gonna go steakhouse. It is a steakhouse northern California. OUs, alright, this is your last one. If you get this right, you win. Steer in al steer innail as it like cows and beer. Steer innail back to gay bar is a steakhouse, and you've got nailed. I'm like, this is the worst game ever to be on your Guys show. I'm gonna be a father. Congratulations, you're having the baby today or you're finding out you're having a baby. No, I just found out today I'm having a child and my daughter. Ironically, I took to college interviews yesterday, and I'm almost at the finish line and started out. I'm starting all over again. Congratulations, a lot of fun. Well, congratulations daddy, thanks for listening to us. Tend think you did pretty well. All right, Let's not punish him for not getting a lot of those right. By the way, you know yourself can play this game at home with your family and your grandmother. It's called steak or steakhouse or gaybar dot com. I think someone's at the door. Who's at the doors? Gary? Mr Cardboard too good to come onto? Looking at you coming out? You want to win a prize, I'm also the prize man. I don't know. That's ACTI cervix. Good morning, ladies. Here your dad yet to the stage. A man who is my Sudy so said, his career is in the toilet. The kid from flushing, the dude more brawny than any of us always counted on for a quicker picker upper, and here today to give away everything, including the kitchen sink. Please don't squeezy charmoon. Mr Cardboard too cardboard too. If you hurt my song lately, hit me, hit me? Do you remember the word's dead? Young? I don't know here we go, give me smooth, alright, turn it on. Let me just get to the jokes. I think that's the wrong song. This here, it is here, it is here, It is all right. Here we go, Mr People, and you down. He's the hottest round. I told you mother, you can't stop me now to him now, he's acting like a clown. You know, he's made. He likes to roll the ground and he is long and brown. Yeah, I'm really the way he made me smile, acting like a pool. He's got an attitude, he's Mr carl All right, we're gone the jokes here, baby. So Daniel, you're looking buddy fetching today? Thank you? Mr ju Why don't you fetch me a sandwich out of the of the kitchen? All right, let's move on. I got jokes for you. Who wants some jokes? Mr goldboy to What do you call a man who cries while he pleasures himself? What do you call a man you cries pleasures himself a tear jerker? Mr Carbo too, about your h you called me out? All right? What did the banana say to the vibrator? Why are you shaking? She's gonna eat me? So get your jokes out text them to fifty five? Whatever the is? What does a seventy five year old woman have between her breasts that a twenty five year old doesn't her belly button? Mr Corboy tubs got the jokes one. Just pick up a phone call. It'sa to talk to some people. Here we go, Mr Cordboard Tube taking your calls. Hello, push your button? Hello Magda, Welcome with Mr Codboy Tube show. How you doing? I know I do that to women, Bogda. What's the difference between erotic and kinky? What's the difference between erotic and kinky? Erotic? He is using a feather, kinky is using the whole chicken. Here's a good one. What is six inches long? And starts with a p? What is six inches long and starts with a p? Poo? Two? Is there or what happen? Mom? Do you just want to tight fitting? Good? Look at that was the red shirt guy? There you go? Thank you, marm, I've got okay give me in the cold on. Very good joke from the cold for Mr Gondbo two. Hello, oh that's not good? Never hanging up on? Mr Cardboy to Stephanie, how are you this fine? In front? Hello? Mr Cardboard Tube. But your cervix, what is it? What? What's the difference between and all? What's the difference between you and all? About three inches? I got one more fame mus Conbo got joke for you. Call me now if you want to hear a joke. It wanted to hunt. I don't know the number the prize man. What's the difference between a geneologist and a guydacologist? What's the difference between a geneologists. A geneologist looks up your family tree, a guydacologist looks up your family bush? Mudboy Tube? I gotta get out of here, goodbye, have a good weekend like you guys doing. I had to go to the bathroom. Then Mr Tube is here. I had to go to the bathroom. What just happened? Cardobe's on a roll? Mr Cardboard Tube was here? Miss damn? It had that? I don't know. Let's get into the Daniel report. Daniel all right, So ABC is developing a new reality show called boy Band because we need another one. It's going to assemble the next one direction per se. Individual singers will pete to be in the band. Viewers will have the final say, and we'll decide whether or not they stay or they go, and that will be premiering this summer, so get ready for that one. Beyonce isn't the top? Is your top pick to play Simba's girlfriend Nala in the new Lion King movie? We know, yeah, we know she's pregnant. So people are like, well, she's spoken, how she's gonna do? It's just a voice, So it's okay, she's pregnant. We can you know, We're just gonna hear her. She sounds she sounds like she's having twins. Uh. They figured out how much money in damages uh and two vehicles and buildings was done in the first seven Fast and Furious movies. They told him about to five hundred and fourteen million dollars in real money. That is just crazy. The new trailer for Game of Thrones is out. It's coming back July sixteen, so if you want to check that out elvis urand dot Com. ABC is uring a two hour special in May of the last one hundred days of Princess Diana. That looks like it's going to be something something interesting to watch, So if you would like to check that out this weekend, you've got a lot of stuff going on. We've got the basketball. I just called the basketball the basketball. I thought this n double a thing. In the final four, I thought we were done the Final four tomorrow night. Why so much? And then there's sixty four teams. There's two games tomorrow and then the championship game is Monday night. You know, daniel this is not a new concept. This has been going on for many years. I like soccer, wrestle, basketball wrestle videos on. You also have a bunch of stuff starting over on Netflix, so you may want to check that out. And don't forget it is the season finale of The Walking Debt. Thank you, Danielle. More of your show Friday coming up after this. El Hello, real name Elvis Beyonce Marshall. Mothers Durand is Elvis Durand in the morning showls Duran in the Morning show. If you can make a request, what song would you want to hear? You know what song I'm loving right now and I'm playing it over and over and over is z with. That's such a great song, such a great song. I downloaded that this week. I paid money for that song this week. I'm still loving ed Sharon in the Shape of you is still and that Bruno Mar song that we love. Um, what's the Bruno Mar song? The cult? The one that we all love? So that's what I like. Yeah, that's just it. That's the thing. Music is really good right now. I don't know is it us or is it the music? It's good? Speaking of we have some guests coming up, but we can't say who they are. Don't you hate when no do someone says hey, you know what? Oh, never mind? Yeah, and you look at him like, why did you do that to me? Why can't even know what you were going to tell me? No, we do have a guest coming on. Well why can't we say who it is? Because we promised we wouldn't. But but but it's do you know if it's that, it's got to be pretty big. But I don't understand this. Don't want the pre promotion so that people get all excited that they're going to be with you would think, and I, you know what, in the beginning, when we first started talking about this guest, and I said, you know, blah blah blah is gonna be on with us, I didn't know we weren't supposed to say anything. And I got into a lot of trouble. I mean, people yelled at me because what they do. They come up with these big marketing plans for you know, movie releases and song releases and stuff like that. They sit around a table and come up with these billion dollar ideas, and then some DJ on the radio New York says, well, you're all watch coming up, baba, and I ruined everything, and and I ruined it for everyone. Yeah, anyway, we have several guests coming up. One rhymes with booth. I'll leave it at that. Am I being too vague? I really hope that there's an artist named Booth. He's a DJ. He wears a booth on his head. Look all right, So that's that's we got that going for us. I think today's show was interesting. Should we schedule more of these? Uh? Your day Friday show? Absolutely? Nate says, no, Okay, let's have a meeting. Let's have an on air meeting. I want everyone listening to know what we go through after the show when we have that once your meeting. Uh, well the problem. Here's the problem. So normally when we do stuff like this, we do one a day, once every three weeks. The fact that we did forty of these things in one day. I feel like we did a year's worth of shows today. I'm exhausted. And I think a lot of people behind the scenes that like write certain things for certain segments, they're overworked. He's already one risk down. Yeah. So, but the fact that you pulled that old phone tap of mine out of the drawer, I mean, that was, like, what the hell was that? It Wasn't it cool hearing that? Like I love stuff like that. I love just finding stuff out of nowhere, and I love flying by the seat of our pants. Nate like structure and order and if you we went to your house, are like the hangars like two inches apart from each other in the close an incient three quarter. But I will say this, Uh, for new people who are just coming into the fold and listening to our show for the first time, you do hear a lot of voices, a lot of us, and you don't know who we are or why we exist. But that's okay. It's like going to a party and being a fly on the wall. You don't have to know everyone there, but you know they're staying, they're talking about stupid crap, and you want to listen in for instance, we were now on in the beautiful city of Peoria, and I know you guys are excited. You have uh the uh the Cubs playing this weekend Sunday. It's opening day for the baseball the entire baseball season out in St. Louis. Thank you for listening to us. I know you're listening to us in St. Louis where the Cards are listening. So we have we have dueling teams listening to our show at the same time. And you're sitting there going, who is this girl that sounds like she's from the Bronx and she's chewing gum and she can't say the word drawer. That's Danielle. Danielle, introduce yourself to all the new listeners. Hello, new listeners. My name is Danielle. Yes, I'm a mom of two and um married to a British man. I have a cold. Everything else, but say the word drawer, drawing? How you say it? I don't know what a drawer is? What the hell is that? Okay, daniel When you look into that piece of glass that has a reflection of you, that's called a mirror. Yeah, all right, just talking, just talking about how you talk. But you know to her, she has no accent. To her, we have the accent and listen to the great thing given the show. It's it's it's diverse sort of but not really. Uh. One is calling us up at one one hundred, Hey one, what's going on? Man? I've got father? What's going on? Nathaniel? Look, guys, I'm getting called on the carpet by one. Never the show. You'd be nice and favorite listener? One? Go ahead? What's on your mind? Nate? You're fired? What are you talking about? This? This is show? Ever? What are you talking about? All right? All right, one, you've listened to the entire three hours up until this point. No, okay, well they know that on the On the Man Show, and then tell me if you're exhausted by our three Look, look, Nate, Nate, Nate, you got you got e. We are the customers. You are providing us with great entertainment. What are you talking about? A right one? One? I happen to agree with you. I think we have a great show going. It's almost over. We're in the the simmer down period. Thank you for listening, one, and thanks for your positive feedback. We need that because Nate doesn't show at all. Hey, I don't care. I still love you. I love you too, alright one, thank you man, you have a great week. By one's scary? Yeah, is it safe to say? Though? Before Nate joined the team, we used to have dozens and dozens and dozens of these shows in a row. When Nate came around, he kind of like put us all into shape and whipped us into order, and he kind of molded us. So like, yeah, we had a lot of we had a lot of fly by the cr paths. We didn't know where we were going next shows, and those were exciting. So what are you trying to say that hiring Nate was a mistake? Okay, So we introduced We introduced Danielle to new listeners. Lists introduced Bethany. Go ahead, Bethany, say hi to someone who may be turning us on for the first time. Hello, my name is Bethany Watson. I am originally from Wisconsin, but now I live here and where is here? Where I live here in New York. I have been on the show for almost five years, which is insane. Um. I am the exact opposite of Danielle in many ways, so like I don't have any kids, I am single. I live alone. Um, Danielle has dark hair. I have light hair, although right now it's blue. Um daniel is shorter. I am tall. Um, but it has a sense of humor. I have no sense of humor whatsoever. Um. And but Danielle is like my sister. And yeah, I love her. There you go. I love That was a perfect, perfect description other than my insult. Meet Froggy. Now, Froggy's unique to our show because he's not with us in New York and neither of mine. I'll get to that in a minute. Froggy, I introduce yourself to someone who's turning us on for the very first time. So, yes, as you said, I'm Froggy. I'm not in New York. I live in South Florida, and I do the show from our Miami studios. I generally am the one that says inappropriate things, and often you'll hear either Danielle or Elvis say you need to shut up, Froggy. They often want to correct me and try to shut me down. But generally I do say inappropriate things. And now I have started doing the food news. So you got something food that you want to talk about, I'm the person you talking we didn't do food news today. It's a weekly feature. Okay, everybody where's great. It's great to your own around. They agree you would need an hour to meet all his multiple personality yea many of him. Now this is scary. Now you think scary as an sec A R Y. No, scary because his last name is scary S c I R E. You know a lot of people don't know that. Yeah, exactly, So my name is scary often confused with Greg T, who's actually on his way into the room. I I am single in the sense of I don't want to get married or have kids. I have Peter Pan complex. I take a lot. I'm a social media whore. I do some of the phone taps. You have a great girlfriend that we love. Robin's amazing and uh and and basically you know, I'm actually standing behind Elvis and um. Sometimes I have no filter either, and sometimes I will get scolded for that, but that's okay. I like to speak with on my mind. And here's a guy who sounds just like me, Greg T. Now, Greg T, how do we describe you? Great T is? We used to call him Great T the frat boy, because that basically was all he had going for himself. He was a frat boy, right, but now he's a father of two cool kids. As a great wife. Introduce yourself to someone who's turning us on for the first time. Go hello, everybody. My name is Greg t I'm married. My wife hates me, but I'm very nice. You had sexual relations with your wife. It's been at least three months, could be longer. That's not that uncommon, you know that, right, of course, when you've been married as long as I have. Now. Uh fell in love with my wife like twenty years ago and she's still with me, but she hates me. I have two beautiful little girls. Her birthday is actually tomorrow, she turns ten years old. Did you could do ten years ago? She was born live here on the radio, crazy, right on this table, right there on the table. And eventually there's gotta be some some I have some wet wipes in my purse. I will pretty much do anything that I have to do for the show to get make you laugh. And I love being naked. I will prance around the studio naked seven I love it, love it, love it. All it takes is a dixie cup to that's right. I am not very well in in Dowd. Okay, well, thank you. I think too much information and I can't spell, cannot spell, no spell Peoria. We're on a peoria now Peoria. I would say it's p you are okay, thank you saying about Pria. When I did a Little Shop of Horrors. It's when one of it's in one of the songs in the show. There you go. So you're like an honorary citizen. You deserve a key to the city. Straight Nate, go ahead, and Elvis, I was going to ask you to introduce yourself. Okay, straight Nate, and I'll introduce well Nate who I'm straight Nate. I was called straight Nate by Elvis because I accidentally went on a date with a man and I told him that. So he said, well, we'll call you straight Nate from now on, so people know you're straight and not gay, not that there's anything wrong with that. I have a fear of My best friends are straight. Yeah, exactly. I have a fear of commitment, as I've been told recently. And um yeah, I used to live in California for eleven years, work with Ryan Secret. Now I'm here with you guys. Best your secret doesn't remember working with him, so that we I omitted that part. I don't want straight night. Tell them about your job as a dancer. Okay, my former life, I was an t I sold knives, and I also was a dancer named Michael jay Cox off the money exactly. That's straight Date, our senior executive producer, because he said that purple was periwinkleed, not purple. Okay, we want to remind people that he is a heterosexual male. Uh. Now, Dave Brody, you need to meet him. He's more behind the scenes, but he writes for us. He does all sorts of stuf. Dave Brody say hello to Peoria. Hello Peoria, David Brodie. I'm from Brooklyn, same neighborhood of Scary. I've been here nineteen years writing jokes, song parodies. I did the first phone tap and uh, I speak about five words the show and when it's Hanaka, Elvia says, when's Hank Brody in the background, I tell him to date and that's about what I do. You have three kids? Oh, I have three kids. Um, two of them are teenagers and it's oh, it's a whole lot of fun. My name is Elvis Duran we're at a meeting. Hey, so I'm the host of the show. I've been doing the show along with some of these people for twenty one years. Yeah, isn't that crazy? And uh, the only smart thing I've ever done was surround myself with great people and the best in the business. The rest of it just works itself out because I work with my best friends every day. I have the best job in America because I get to have fun, laugh and do this. This is all we do. This is all we do. But we do recognize it's very important. Every day when you wake up to go to work, you're like, oh, man, I gotta go do that again. We're there for you in the car. Where are your friend? And I can't think of a better career choice. But I couldn't do anything else. I was gonna work at Baskin Robbins for a while and I screwed that up. Anyway, That's who I am, and there's more to all of us. And so if you keep listening, you'll hear things here and there, and you'll learn more about us. It's gonna be confusing for a while, but that's okay. That's okay. We take calls. You can call use it one hundred two one hundred, what else? What else? We need a user's guide for our show. We've been on for twenty one years. We've never told anyone how to use this thing. You could also text us we love to hear your text messages to uh the phone number one hundred. Message and data rates may apply, but they probably won't. UM, and we like you want to hear what you have to say. I love this text. Wait wait, stop, stop stop. Tell us about the time Nate went on the date with the dude by accident. Yeah, where do you put his hand? Nate? He put it on my leg. We were at the cheesecake factory. He had been trying to get me drunk, and I realized it was a date when he put his hand on my leg. And what did you say to him after that? I said I have to go home now. And when, Um, the first time that I sort of sat in a car was scary. He put his hands on my inner thigh to emphasize something like, yeah, we were d It was an accent because that's the way I expressed myself with my hands. And I didn't know that you took me to a scary movie once. And you tried to hold my hand the entire time, and I'm like, what is he doing? Give you some other tidbits. You can always, as Bethany told you, textas you can call us at one hundred Go to Elvis Durand dot com. By the way, all the info is there. You can follow me at Elvis Duran or Elvis Durand show. Also, the show keeps going after we're done. We have a on demand channel on iHeart Radio, on the iHeart Radio app and Elvis Durand dot com. You can hear today's show on the replay channel, which is a huge, huge show because people can listen to this at nine o'clock at night if they want. We have tons of podcasts. The biggest one is the fifteen minute morning show. We use foul language. Uh. You can hear it all on your I heeart radio app downloaded today for free, or at Elvis Durand dot com. This is kind of fun. You know what, We've never stopped down to talk about our I like it all right, Let's get into headlines. That's another thing Bethany does. She does headlines. I do do headlines, and if you're listening for the first time, today. Welcome. We appreciate it. If you've been listening for twenty one years. Hey, what's up? It's great headlines that she does. Hey Carl, Hey, all right, what's going on? Okay, so I'm just doing happy news again, right, Okay, happy news, fine, Okay, we're gonna do happy news. Um. So there was a cat that disappeared in California in the cat was discovered almost four years later in Canada. Somehow the cat, whose name is Booboo, made it all the way from California up to Canada and then was found. I hear these stories all the time about animals traveling for miles and miles. I don't believe. Like they walked down a highway. It happened in my house, my cat growing up. We got out at the vet and it was all far away from the house. Somehow, a week later, found his way home. It's crazy. That's what microchip your pets too, because that's how they found Boo Boo is. They scanned the micro tip and found their owners. All that's good, very cool. What else you got? I was okay, and welcome to the show, Bethany. It only does one story, and it's happy all right. We gotta take a break. Your phone tap? Ever heard the phone tap? All right, you're gonna hear one, uh A bad one? Next? Can I just say I love you guys? You are the best Elvis Duran in the Morning show. The sound drop from PEVs Hey, what's up come months? Everything that I've been working towards is now a part of what I do every day. So I feel very blessed. VI is it the sound drop dot com, Elvis, Elvis durand the Elvis Durant phone Tap. An email came to us from Michael who wants us to phone tap his mother Linda. His mom, Linda is a big online gambler and she recently want a lot of money in a tournament online. All right, okay, so Michael thought he'd be really funny if we gave her a call told her there's been a mistake. I'm going to start the call as the representative from the online gambling site, and then Scary comes in later to stir the pot. Here we go the long long phone tap. Here Linda, Linda bob Roulette with Incorporated Bahamas. We wanted to reach out and talk to you about a couple of things. If you don't mind. Two thousand dollars of the winnings that have gone to you occurred because of a computer glitch. What are you talking about? And it shouldn't have gone there. It's not possible. Well, it's very possible. The computer doesn't lie. Miss, I'm telling you it's not possible. How is it not possible because I won money? What are you talking about? I know? But two thous dollars of money you won? You didn't win. It was a computer glitch. No, that's not true. As you know, the computers are program to pay out every so often, and it paid out on your account when it shouldn't have paid. You did not win, even though it appeared you want. That's impossible. If you can just mail us a check or money order, that would be fine. I'm not mailing anything. I'm not paying anything. That's what you'r things. It paid, and that's what you paid me. If we don't get the money back, there's going to be trouble. You're threatening me. Well, don't raise your voice at me. I'm trying to work this out before. Oh no, I didn't if you told to be a problem. Let's not get betchy here, miss. You know I'm just trying to help. Oh now, oh god, what do you think we should do, Mike, I don't know what you think I should call? Yeah, yeah, let her talk to you and just get her to start telling the whole story, and then I can bust in at the end. Hello. Yeah, I'm having a big problem here. What's going on? You know telling me that I owe them two thousand dollars because they overpaid my account for what for the time that I won the tournament. They're saying that that was a computer whatever you call it, and that they have to get this money back. I told you those con those things cheat. Well, I nothing. The most they can do is suck up my accounts. Phone upon him because he threatened me. Michael, you're still there. I had you on hold there for a while. Are you still on the phone, Barbara Lette again, We'll trying to call your mom and she she got all crazy and slammed the phone in my face. She's got a problem, Mike. We gotta get that money from her. She was just explaining the story to you. Called her, Well, your mom's she's a compulsive gambler. She's got on the phone right now. Yeah, I hear everything. You say in Michael, Well, hello, Mrs No, no, no, hold on, let's work. Hang the phone up on him, and well, let's work. Okay you okay, Look, there is something you can do. If you promised to get counseling about your gambling problems, then we can we can eliminate the debt and write it off with the Internal Revenue Service. Guy kidding me a while? Yeah, I'm not doing I've got a counselor of from New York City who would be more than happy to make a house called. Tell him to go mother. How's that You still want to put him on the phone. Put them on. I want to tell them, put them on. Please hold, It's gonna be nice to more. Oh yes, this is Dr Michael. How are you doing today? Get off the phone. Doesn't understand you have a gambling addiction. Talk scum bad now. The first step in the process is to first come face to face with the addiction. Do you have the gambling problem? Give me the phone number where you are. Excuse you, miss, this is Dr Michael up. I don't give it who you are. I don't want to talk to talk about this in a very calm manner. Go hang up on this guy. Michael just told him to take the money, Michael live thing. There's no such thing. Well, I told him to take it. You tell him to take what? Take to two? Whatever the hell, Michael, there's no such thing. I am online with the the people. There is no such commission. Maybe somebody's trying to get into my account. I gotta stop it right Hello, I will contact somebody to find out a lawyer. Hand up the phone on him, Michael, hold on up the phone, Michael, hang up the phone on this jerk off. There's one thing this jerk off has to tell you. This is Elvis Duran. You gotta be kidding, man, You've been phone tapped? Really? Is that what it is? Mike? Oh god, she was a ball of fun. Yeah. This phone tap was prerecorded with permission granted by all of Party Space. Elvie's Duran phone tab were on Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. All right, somewhat of a festive Friday, don't you agree? Yeah, your show Friday. We'll do it again where you make all the decisions, and thank you did a great job today. The Danielle Report, daniel what are your headlines today? All right? My two favorite stories Beyonce is the top pick to play Simba's girlfriend Nala in the New Lion King, and everybody's like, but she's pregnant. How is she going to do that? It's a voiceover. She can't be a lion she got babies in her. But so she is fine, she can do that. And they figured out how much money in damages they have done to vehicles and buildings in the first seven fest and Furious movies. Wow, that's got to be a huge number. Four million dollars in in destruction. It's crazy. And there you go, thank you, Danielle into what's trending before we get into the weekend. What's up, Bethany? Okay, So a lot of us are trying to get away from using plastic, especially when it comes to our food. So I was really excited when this month's Willie Wegg's Box came with these really cool alternatives to plastic wrap. They're called bees Wrap. Their organic cotton sheets infused with bees wax, hope oil, and tree resin. You put them over your food and then you warm it with your hands and it creates a seal. And the really cool part about it is that they're washable. They're reusable and they're compostable, So you can go to Elvis Durant dot com keyword trending to check out bees Wrap. And then I told you guys a few weeks ago how Lisa frank is coming out with a line of makeup by partnering with Glamour Dolls. So yesterday I actually got to try out some of Glamour dolls other makeup and I love it so much. You guys know I love cruelty free makeup. I try to buy only cruelty free. All of glamor Doll stuff is cruelty free. But my favorite is this lipstick of theirs. It's Kitty Kisses lipstick called per Evil, and the cool thing about it is it's a really dark purple color, but when you put it on, it goes on sheer, so it actually looks just like a really it makes your lips look really healthy and beautiful. Go to Elvis Durant dot com keyword trending and I will link you over to Glamour Dolls Hitty Kissing The Morning Show