
Around the Room: Producer Sam's Sister Thinks She's Gross

Published Mar 25, 2025, 1:12 PM
Gandhi wants you to do something to lift your spirits, Skeery had an awkward encounter with his trainer, Froggy has an adorable dog fact, Nate wants you to remember something that makes you smile, Sam chewed gum out of her purse, and Danielle wants you to try Butterbeer Goldfish.

It's time to go around the room with Elvis Duran in the morning show.

All just go around the room. I'm gonna start with Gandhi today. What is on your mind? Kandy?

I would like to say, no matter what the weather is like, if it's if it's icky and gray like it was yesterday, here go out and try to do something anyway because it might just lift your spirits. Yesterday was a day I would normally just go home and sit and be a vegetable, do nothing. But I met up with one of my friends in the city and I had a really good time. And I was surprised because again, normally I would just go home and do nothing.

But it made me feel good.

So on icky days, try to get out, get move in and do something nice.

People are afraid of rain for some reason. Yeah, I am, well, why it's water?

The rain here is disgusting.

Even have you lived in like England?

No, I don't want to, but the water, the puddles are weird colors I've never seen before that I think, ew, what is that?

I don't want to get in it. The puddles are toxic, they do they stay out of there. You know what they say about New York City. Yeah, when it rains, it makes its own gravy exactly. Hey, scary, what's up with you today? So scary scary? Yes, I'm looking at the other screen.

So a bunch of us from like old schools, the one hundred radio promo, guys, we all got together. I'm like, let's do a dinner down at Gabriella's Steakhouse and Red Bank.


And I was telling my trainer Andrew at the gym where I was going that night, and he goes, oh, I live three minutes from there. So I'm like, okay, why don't you stop buying the bar for a couple of drinks. So we had some drinks at the bar, and then my friends invite him to sit down and dinner with us. So he sits across from me, my personal trainer, and he's watching me put food in my mouth. There's nothing more intimidating than having your personal trainers sit across from you at dinner, watching you, maybe secretly judging what you're eating. I gotta say it worked. I ate less that night, so maybe I should bring him a long more often.

But it was weird. I'm like, maybe I only see you at the gym, and this is weird. You're supposed to be working.

I'm working on my body and now now I'm working on making it bigger.

What if you what if you every time you sat down said to yourself, Hey, would I eat this in front of him? Hmmm? Or you can take you with you every time if you have. Oh my god, that's awful.

I can't be held accountable that way.

Hey, doggy, what's up with you today? So?

I saw this online yesterday and I don't know if it's true, but I want it to be. I know Gandhi will love this, and you too, probably Ellis It says, did you know that dogs dream of their owners? Of their memories are your voice, your scent, and when you cuddle them, they replay your love every day. I need that to be true that I don't. I don't want anybody to prove it's not. I just want to believe it's true. Of their memories are us, and so that's why everything you do for your dog just makes their day.

You know about our dogs, I mean, we were there when they got here, and we'll be there when they leave, and so we're really we're all they know. That's why my dogs are so bored. I wonder what that other five percent is licking their butts and running after a squirrel. Hey Nate, what's up? Okay?

Mine is you know an interactive around the room. So I want you to close your eyes or if you're driving, close one eye and think of a memory that made you smile. Just think of it. Okay, maybe you needed it today, maybe you didn't, but regardless, it's going to help you. So just think of that thing that made you smile. Gandhi, Yes, you're smiling as you close your eyes. What is your memory?

Think about giving her on the room.

A good one, Danielle.

Mine is when Spencer came home the other day and I gave him a.

Big hug Elvis Duran, you know what mine is so special to me? I can't even say that. I like that answer, scary.

Mine was opening Nintendo sixty four on Christmas morning because after told me I wasn't getting it, and I'm like, that was a joke.

Okay, Well, your eyes are always close, so you must have a lot of memories, so just think about that today. I like that you have a memory that's making you smile right now, Hey, producer, say what's up.

I did something I got a lot of judgment for, and although I agree it is gross, I don't think this warranted the reaction. I pulled out an exposed piece of gum from my purse, from a pack that I knew was new because I put it in there two days earlier, and I ate it just because I didn't want to waste it. And when I tell you, my sisters had a conniption right in front of me.

You know how much how many germs are in that purse?

I it was new ish gum. It just fell out of the wrapper.

I would do it too, right, Yeah, that's great, But I mean it's first disgusting.

No, No, dusty purse. Not a dusty purse. I keep my purse very not dusty.

You touch things and then you shut your hand and your purse.

What are we talking about, dusty purse, dusty purse.

I've given you gum from my purse.

Okay, I just want to go to I'm gonna go look up to you. Other meanings of dusty purs O, dusty purse. Oh wow, not gonna go out with her again? Hey, so, oh my god, Danielle, what's up with you today? Right?

So, I saw it in the store. I think Rockie might have even told us about it, and I was like, I don't know, goldfish butter beer flavor. What's it gonna taste like? Oh my gosh, it's so good, guys, you have to get it. It's so good. I bought it the other day shop Bright Delicious. Does taste like butter beer, and it's that little cookie crispy. Oh so good, so good. So if you need a little snack, I think it's a limited edition. So it's butter beer goldfish really.

Yeah, really good.

It's not a goldfish cracker. It's more of a cookie type. Oh the goldfish. Yeah, I'm almost yeah right, like a Teddy Graham type of a.

More sweet than savory. Thanks for the Thanks for the idea. We all scare. Look something else to eat. You'll love it.

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