The Day We Bought A Website

Published Mar 30, 2017, 2:54 PM

Skeery's friend turned down $2 Million for a domain that he owns, we reminisce about foods we miss from the past, and technology is taking over! Happy day before Friday!

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You guys make my day. Like every single day, I'm like cracking. I thank you for keeping company. I love this morning. You guys are freaking phenomenal. Okay, you know, look up this morning. I actually thought it was Friday. I was so excited, Oh so excited. Sorry it's not, but that's okay. Let's pretend it is Friday. I mean, look at what we do for a living. Every day is Friday around this place. Yeah, I mean, hello, Daniel, how was your birthday? Yesterday? Was in the fabulous I had the best time and you guys and my family and listeners. I mean, I honestly, it was probably one of the most special birthdays I've ever had. I love hearing this really amazing things. Well, even though today is the day after your birthday, let's try to keep some of that birthday festivity activity going on. I'm going to the city tonight, so I'm excited all right over the big city. Yeah, oh, have you been to the big city? When when you get dressed up and go to the city and let's going we're going into town for supplies. Good morning, Bethany, how are you today? I'm fabulous today. You should go to the big city. Tonight, I'm gonna go into the city and I'm gonna get some calico for Ma. What about you, Bethany, I mean scary. How are you going to feeling fantastic? There's straight ate over there. I think great teas here taking the bagel orders, Froggy. Froggy is ready for a festive day. Hi Frog, I am good morning, Froggy. We have a problem with Froggy. The reason why he's speaking so low is because his microphone is stuck in the high position, so if he talks in his regular voice, it hurts our ears. We don't know how to fix it. To whisper those places fall into pieces. Come on, Scary, give me something to dance to. It's officially Friday on a Thursday. Let's go hell m f a O. What a great way to start today. Love that song. It makes me want to put that box on my head and dens around. We should play that song too. We should play a medley of all two of l M f ao's hits. It's got It's an EP all right, another day of shufflin. Don't you love DJs that use the lyrics of the songs in their DJ pattern? Yeah? Well, welcome welcome. Let's go around the room, scary. We'll start with you. What's on your mind before the show gets started. So every day I look at my time Hop and I know a lot of people do um. I try and take the time Hop challenge where I take a look at a picture or and and the slew of pictures from all the years past on that given day, and now I'm trying to think to myself, Okay, how can I make this year better than all these other years? Because I I want to make improvements and adjustments in my life, and I do it according to the time Hoop picture or the quote of the day, like did I say something trite on that day? Did I? You know? Is this picture you know something? Am I doing something stupid in this picture? I want to improve myself, So self improvement could be started with your time Hop feed would do it? You know what, It's called leaving your legacy, and this is a great way to figure that out. You know, we talk a lot on the show about you know what inten twenty thirty years or even after you're gone, what is your legacy? And Time Hop is like a like a legacy junior. It's it's it's It's an interesting way to start thinking about what you're leaving behind because when you go back and look at what happened to you a year ago or two years ago, three years ago, that's what leaving a legacy is all about. Um, so good going scary you start working on that, because right now I'm just seeing pictures of you in a pool with naked girl. A lot of shallowness going on my exactly. Let's get into not much. Let's get into the mind of Bethany High. Bethany, what's going on today? Okay? We have all had that situation where you intend to do things and then you get sucked into a certain account, like a Twitter account or a Instagram account. We'll talk about it. What are you talking about? Yesterday I woke up from a nap and I needed to go to the gym, and in I started looking at the Twitter profile dance schools, and for the next hour I just hurled through choreography. Was it video? Lots of videos dancing, lots of videos of amazing dancers dancing, and I I want to learn that one. I want to learn that one. An hour later and that was your workout watching other people work out. Basically, and then I went to the gym. But yeah, it took me a minute. I know, you know, you do. We get sucked into these things. They are interesting even though their brainless. But is that a sign that maybe we need to be getting into more brainless entertainment because it's it's good for us? I don't know. I don't know, I don't know. All right, we'll think it through. But you're right, we all get sucked into that. Hey, Danielle, what's up with you? Day after your birthday? Girl? So mine is a little bit about brainless entertainment. So one of my gifts yesterday, my favorite favorite gift was the Lego Tower Bridge from England. Right, so it's four thousand twos and I've been wanting this thing for a long time. How many four thousands who of pieces? It's gonna take me like a week, maybe more. But this is what I do when I want to just kind of just zen and do something it's kind of mindless because to me it's therapeutic and I will just sit there, listen to some music and put together Lego. It is something that everyone should try because honestly, even if you start with the smallest little Lego set, it just really it releases something and it just it calms you. And I love awesome. You can think while you're doing it. It's just it's so much, it's so awesome. I think we all have that building lego bridges thing we do. I know that Bethany likes to knit and like, okay, cross stitch, yeah, okay, cross stitch, and I like to wash dishes. Oh okay, well come over to my house. Then it really has nothing to do with the you know, look, I love a good clean dish, but I mean the act of washing dishes just kind of puts me in there and I don't have to think about anything else. I love it is. Its close to meditation as you can get clean dishes, building lego bridges and cross Let's get into your horse skip so no, no no, no, let's go talk to Elizabeth. Wait do you hear what she's doing right now? Everybody, thank you. We're going to celebrate that for three or four more days. Elizabeth, tell everyone what you're doing, because this is cool how you're approaching it. I am driving from Connecticut to Atlanta for my vacation, but Elizabeth got up last night to start her drive, and she's driving the beginning of her trip in the dark. And there's a reason. Tell him why, Because I've already been through all of those states, so i want to hit the ones that I've never seen before in the daylight. And she's been to Delaware lights off. Yeah, that makes sense. So what are you doing in Atlanta? And why are you going there? Do you know people there? Is it fun? I have some friends down there. I've never been there before. And I want to say, you guys totally inspired me to you know, just I'm going on this vacation completely by myself. Um, this is the second time I've gone on vacation by myself. Last year I went to Niagara Falls alone and and I just want to say, you guys gave me the motivation. I said, you know what, I'm not waiting around for other people. I want to go. I'm going good for you. It's all about you. You're gonna love Atlanta. Atlanta is a great town. But the journey there's part of it. So enjoy your drive. And when the light comes up, what state will you be in. I'm in Richmond, Virginia right now. You'll love Richmond, Virginia. We're on in Richmond Virginia. Look at that. We're following you all the way to Atlanta. Elizabeth, you are our first caller of the day. We're going to send you an Elvis Duran shirt right now here it comes. Okay, that's awesome. Could you guys sign it? Absolutely? We'll desecrate your shirt inc All right, hold on one second, Elizabeth, be careful and have a nice vacation. Alright, Uh, into your horoscopes up first, Daniel, you go all right. Thomas Rhet and Selene Dealon are celebrating today, Capricorn, diving head first to the projects you're starting on. There's good luck and positive energy on your side. Your day is a ten Aquarius. Don't cut yourself from the outside world. You may be feeling confined to a certain path, but just keep pushing forward your days and eight Pissy's. Put more energy into actions. Believe in the power of your thought and intentions to achieve anything your days of nine aries. Maintain your work ethic. Don't allow yourself to be pulled away from meaningful relationships your days of seven or something has been weighing you down. For yourself from anything you feel is holding you back. Your days and eight Gemini You feel the happiest when you don't have any definitive plans. Say no to things you don't feel like going to. Your day is of nine Cancer. Your health has given you a boost of energy. Be enthusiastic and optimistic about what's coming your days of ten Leo. You've been feeling like things are not going your way. Take steps to change that. There's no reason to stay constrained your days of seven constrained Virgo. It's the perfect time to offer support to somebody in need. Showing your ability to care will show everybody your sensitive side. Your days and eight leave her a big Adjustments to your relationships may occur. Take some time to break out of your normal routine and see the world around you. Your day is a nine Scorpio. Expect the unexpected things you're looking up for you so enjoy the positivity in the air your days of ten and Sagittarius. Reflecting on positive moments can be helpful. However, realize your current situation is not your final destination. Your day is an eight to end. Those are your Thursday morning horoscopes. All right, let's get rolling into the headlines of Congratulations out to everyone graduating from New York City Police Academy today. Thank you for all the hard work you're doing and are going to do for us. I appreciate it all. Right into the headlines, What do you have going on, Bethany? Okay, let's start in Texas. Thirteen people are dead too injured after a bus collided with a pickup truck near Gardner State Park in Texas. The minibus was filled with senior churchgoers who'd been at a retreat. The crash happened when the northbound truck veered into the path of the southbound bus. Uber has released its diversity report and it is not good. Sixty three point nine percent of the company is mail, forty nine pot eight percent is white. But what got people really upset is the way Uber categorized its races in the report. For example, they use the term Jubers to describe their Jewish employees, and Uber spokesperson said Uber employees themselves were the ones who came up with the terms. But still having a diversity sport, using slang like jubber did not sit well with people on Twitter. Yeah. Samsung revealed the Galaxy as eight smartphone. The big story is Bixby, their new voice assistant. According to Samsung, Bixby is really different from Alexa or Siri because he has the ability to observe your behavior patterns and then add in reminders by itself the Danielle. For example, if you call Sheldon at ten am every day, Bixby, unprompted, will ask you if you want to call Sheldon? Wow, So what if you're doing something you shouldn't be doing? Yeah, exactly ten am every day? Do you want to call William right now? And Sheldon's like, who the hell's William? This is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath and don't forget. April Fools is coming up. Burger King is getting into the spirit. The company has created a Whopper flavored toothpaste, complete with the realistic looking commercial. The quote new product is reportedly the first toothpaste with active whopper extracts, and it will keep your burger taste in your mouth long after you ran Whopper extracts. Those are your those your headlines. All right, let's do it. We have a show to do. You guys ready to go? Yeah, all right, let's have a show test feeling Elvis Duran in the Morning Show, I did it. I used upside dot Com and it's definitely the real deal for saving money and getting a big gift card for every business trip you buy. Use the code Elvis and you're guaranteed at least a two dollar Amazon gift card for your first time Upside dot Com middle purchase Blies phone Tap Plane Elvis, Elvis Durant Elvis Durant phone Tap. By the way, we have to thank you for sending these ideas in We love playing these phone pranks on your friends. My friend Eddie runs a dry cleaners over in Brooklyn. He works twelve hours a day, six days per week. He works harder than anyone I know. He could really use a good laugh. The funny thing about working at that dry cleaners. Over the years, he's had to clean some pretty weird things. Because you, please do one of your phone taps on him. Try to get him to clean something unusual. I'd love for you to bust his chops. Thank you. This is from Steve Jordan's all right, so we put our own Dave Brody to the task. He picked up the phone and he called Eddie and his dry cleaners over in Brooklyn. Let's see what we can get Eddie to dry clean for us. Here's today's phone tap. Hello, I have a problem. What you have? I have some sheets and a and a suit and a rug that that blood stains on him? Blood blood stains. Yeah, a couple of courts. Wow, yeah, what what do you gut? They could take blood stains out? Oh the rook Uh, we have to watch it totally. And the suit he had to dry clean. Now does it matter if it's animal blood or human blood? If a human blood, it's depending on what kind of how do you get it? You? Was it a sudden blood or is it just an accidental blood or you just just get cut blood? You know what I mean? Right, it's it's animal blood. Oh animal? Let me ask you a question. Is this phone tapped it's human blood? Okay, well it's too much. Like I said, it's too much. I don't think it. Get it out, but I can dry. But if you're not, you're not a cop. For you. This is the cleanest man, all right. So let me ask you a question. If I bring in some sheets and and and a suit and clothing, you'll clean it for me, no questions asked. Right, But I'm here for the money. I told you I'm a cleanest man. I'm not a cop. You you hold on, take it okay? All right? You with me? Hello? Hello, you're not tracing this call? Are you? What was? What was that? I want to make sure these sheets and and and the suit is very clean. You understand very clean? Yeah? You ever watched c S? I No, I don't watch your TV. Man, all right, Well, they got they got ways of finding blood on stuff after it's been clean, so I need to make sure it's clean, clean, good. We do the best we can, that's all. You have to get blood out of sheets before on the suit. Yeah, but not a lot though, you know, like I have to say, you got blood come around your face? Yeah, I get it out, but you got cut A lot of blood most likely won't come out, you know, man? You you guys so also right? Yeah, let's just say there's there's there's knife holes in the sheet, knife holes holes from a knife about six about six or seven. You can sew those up right away, right, Yeah, you patch them up now when I come in there. Let's just say, after I pay you in cash, if if any cops come in and ask you if they saw him, you didn't see me, right, because I'll throw an extra five hundred bucks to make sure that doesn't happen. No, no, I I don't want your money, man, I do just just clean yourself and get paid, and that's it. You scovered up and put your name, and then you come back later. I'll pick it up. That's all I want you to say to me. I didn't see anything. That's too much, man, you too much. Listen, I'm talking. I'm talking about a thousand dollars here. No, I don't want your money, man, I just go just listen. It's a thousand dollars cash. You know what I'm saying. I listen. I don't want your money. Listen, I'll be listen. I'll come over. Okay, you give me a thousand five times. I don't want to want the money that you know. Get up here and get your name and you're gone. You come back and pay. That's it. That's whatever it is that people visions. I don't know. I have no idea. All right, listen to me. I got all the sheets, you know, all like bunched up in a big ball. Yeah, and um, let's just say I'm missing a finger. If that shows up, you'll put that aside for me. No, we told it. We watched it, that's all. We don't look okay, But if a finger shows up in the machine, you'll put that to the side, right. I gotta go, man, But I just want to make sure that in case so it doesn't get lost. If it shows up, you're you're all right, man. If it's got a ring on it, that I gotta I got woke through today, buddy, listen. I just want to let you know you on the radio, your your your friend. Steve told us to call you. I knew you played with me. Man, that's too fun. You were going to clean the blood out. I cleaned anything, Paul don Man, Hey, anything you want to say to us? Steve, Joan and Elvis? Yeah yeah, man tab have an idea for a phone tab. Go to Elvis dan dot com. Click on the phone tap tab, tell us what you want to do. This phone table was prerecorded with permission granted by all parties, Space, Elvis Duran Phone Tab, The Morning Show, tell you who you make my morning? I love you guys, feeling in Elvis Doran in the Morning Show. All right, I want to be Debbie Downer and talk about something that's gonna kind of depressed everyone by the way, that reminds me. Someone came up to me yesterday and I told them never asked me this question again. I wanted to bring it up to you. Guys, do you have have a friend that comes up to you and says, hey, do you want to hear something sad? You know? I'm like, no, I don't want to hear anything sad. It's like someone saying like, oh, this tastes terrible, here try it exactly. I don't want that. But I don't know. I don't want to hear anything sad. So anyway, a friend of mine did that to me yesterday and she said, okay, well then never mind. So I let it go. And so I woke up this morning thinking I wonder what. I wonder what it was. I need to know what it is, all right, So onto my my thought, I'm sorry, I'm all over the road. I need riddling anyone riddling. Um. There's a story in the paper today about a New York criminal. He's now been arrested for murder. This is his eighty seven arrest. He is what he is, what they called a career criminal. I don't think he do throw away the key like it take well obviously. They said that he spent one year in jail back in two thousand line on a drug charge. But he's been arrested eighty seven times and so yeah, questions, you know thoughts. This is just odd to me. I mean, there are people who get arrested on a drug charge and then they go to jail forever, like why, which isn't fair? So why does this guy get to not go to jail except for one time? I don't know. Well, well, so he got me to thinking a career criminal, that's all they know. I mean I know that that, Nate. Don't you have a brother who's a police officer? Right? Yeah? I do? And uh, you know this, this kind of rings true to me because he always ends up going to the same five or ten houses and arresting the same five or ten people every weekend. You see that on cops. When you watch cops, you see the police show up and go, why am I not surprised at you? Again? They say that all the time. Well, so are you just born with this defect in your head where you just always just do bad things? I mean, do you just don't know? You just can't figure out right from wrong? I mean I think that there's a lot going on. There's obviously, you know, issues like if you've been convicted of something, it's really hard to find a job afterwards, since then you sort of fall back into the old patterns. But I also think some people just are lazy, some people just are dumb, and some people just don't have resources. I think there's there's a lot of things going on, but at some point someone needs to take this guy and either put him in jail or shake him, send him to an island. Where's the island we're sending all the criminals. Well, let's call Australia. Isn't that That was a penal colony, which sounds creepy, But where's Elvis? He moved to a penal colony? He thought it was something different than when it ended up. Hey, guys, I can I come home? This is not what I expected. They said, penal colony. You talk about you there's no truth in advertising here anyway. No, Australia, it was originally you know, that was a place where they sent criminals. They just didn't want to deal with them. You can't fly him too the moon, they can't breathe. You know, what do you do? But just a career criminal. Do you guys have any anyone in your family who's serving time right now? I was trying to think. I don't think. Okay, all right, I did. I had an uncle and he had repeat offenses, so I kind of see where that I didn't know him. Well, so yes, we don't. We had We had no one in our family that ever went to jail or prison. It's just so, am I odd man? Out? Let me talk to Mike here calling us up at one eight d two two one hundred. Mike's a police officer, now, is it true, Mike? You really you see a trend in people? You arrest the same people over and over. Absolutely, We've arrested some of our local what we call drunk over six hundred times. Okay, so you arrest them, then what do you do with him? Once you arrest them? Uh, take them to h In Virginia, there's a magistrate system. Taken before the magistrates, they commit him to jail. They usually spend the night if it's just a drunken public, and then they're released until court. You know, I grew up in a little town in Texas, Mike, and the town drunk His name was what was his name, hold on. His name was Herschel mcguffin, So Herschel mcguffin would be thrown in jail that night for you know, being being drunk in public. He would break out of jail and go have dinner or something, and he would break back into jail because that's just where he lived. I mean, that was his life. Had I named my cat after him? But anyway, Mike, I mean, so, so you deal with these these these uh, these criminals, I mean, these career criminals all the time. That's all they that's the life they know all the time. It's a strange. What do you think it is? It's just a defect in their head, a defect. Sorry, I'm not called it a defect. What is it? I don't know what you would call it. Some of us just severe alcoholism. But people who are arrested, you know constantly, the same people, um, you know, over and over, multiple times a week, that we deal with over and over. And you've gotta figure if somebody's doing this constantly or whatever they're doing to get themselves in trouble, there's something not right. And somebody who's straight in the head is not going to do these things. I mean, I don't think they know any other way. I think that's the way they know to live life. Hey, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go take that hamburger from that man's place. Alright, Mike, thank you for keeping us safe out there, and you'd be safe out there. Okay, thanks for listening to us. Yeah, look at all the texts. Someone said, it's like Frank from Shameless. You know you've been arrested too many times? When you can't count how many times you've been arrested, this is sixty eight or seventy. Every town has one. Someone said, look up a guy named Henry Earl in Kentucky. He's been arrested over fifteen hundred times. Good god, it's just crazy. But anyway, this guy in New York, he was arrested now eighty seven times, So what eight times? And strike you're out fool me eighty seven times when you're dating. But when you're dating someone, like, how many times you been arrested? Sixty five? Oh no, sorry, my cutoff is sixty yea. Or let's say you're in a relationship with someone and you can you catch them cheating on you for like the tenth time, all right, I'm gonna give you one more shot now, one recall from Danielle. Hi, Danielle, how are you Hi? So your fiancee's state trooper. And you guys are always talking about people that get arrested, but they don't go to jail. They're just arrested. Yeah, they get arrested, like you guys are saying. Danielle was like, when do they throw away the key? Like, they just get arrested. He'll arrest someone and they'll see their rat feet that they've been arrested, you know, eighty seven times, and that's it, you know. Don't you find that odd? Danielle? Do you do you see yourself living in a life where you could be arrested that many times and think, oh, this is just another day. I'm just a normal person. No, No, you guys are just talking about that. I don't understand it. And I'm sure the police officer that does the arresting wishes there was more they could do to keep them, you know, put away, But that's like their hands. He thought that. You know, what he can do is he he arrests them at the time, and then it tells them whether or not they have to take them to jail, or they just give them a court beat, And a lot of the time they just give them the court beat and that's that's it. Then they just hope they show up for court. What I'm not getting here, and we'll move on. What I'm not getting here is if you're arrested eighty seven times, don't you look in the mirror and go, you know what, maybe you need to stop doing these things. Maybe you're doing something wrong because being arrested seems to be like an inconvenience to me, Is that's the whole point they want to inconvenience you a little bit? Yeah? I think so. But I think if you're in a situation where like jail is sort of well, you know you're going to get food and you know you have a place to stay, I think that it becomes less an issue of damn it, I have to go to jail and more like, oh, thank god, it's going to eat all right, Daniel, thanks for listening to us. I appreciate it. All right, let's move on. If you I'm sorry. If I've offended you, If you are a career criminal, complain, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just find it odd you know, who am I to judge unless I'm a judge, right, I'm supposed to judge. Let's get into the Danielle report. Danielle, yes, all right. So the Academy is keeping the accounting firm that botched this year's Oscars, but we're getting new accountants in that will replace the old ones. There will also be a third agent on hand to make sure the wrong winner is not announced this time around. That would be a good idea. So the Hollywood reporters claiming that the Rock and Ben Diesel are still not unfriendly terms. You guys remember when they had problems with each other on the set of The Fate of the Furious. Uh So, then in August, the movie company put out the statement saying everything's good. They buried the hatchet, We're all good. Well, according to the tabloids and the Hollywood Reporter, they're still bad blood. And now they're on tour promoting the movie and they're being kept apart on different schedules. But of course they're not making any comments in the movie company is saying no, no, no, Their schedules are so crazy that they have to show up at different times. So yeah, I don't know what to believe, but I'm I'm going to guess that there's still a little bit of bad blood going on. We talked about this yesterday, but how cool is this. Imagine you're having lunch, Oh, you're waiting for a train and you look over and there's a piano and John Legend of sitting there performing. It is so cool because this has been happening at the train station in London. He's just popping up playing. This happened the couple last year, I think with another piano and another artist. This is a new thing that they've been been playing around with it. I think it's just so cool. It's so cool. Garrett actually played the sound yesterday. I think you can find it at Elvis Duran dot com. Right. Yeah, Lenny Kravitz will perform a tribute to print the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony next week, so that will be cool. And uh, speaking of celebrities that have passed, George Michael was finally laid to rest. You guys know, he passed on Christmas Day. They had a very very private ceremony and he was laid to rest and the the family is actually just asking at this time for privacy. Did you guys see the baby that looks just like Ed Sharon and Ed Shearon got asked about it and he said, that's not mine. I'm not look at this. We're gonna put it up at Elvis to round dot com if it's not there already. That is the baby look small like? And then it does. It's crazy tonight You've got the amazing race. You have Grays and then Blacklist redemption and you know it's scandal. It's it's all about Shauna Thursday, and next hour we're gonna talk about Frozen. The movie was almost completely different. Hey, great teas in the cab on his way to get bagels. Should we check in and see how he's doing. He's very stressed out. Yeah, Gregory, while you stressed out in the back of a cab. I mean, you don't even have to drive. Their driving for you because we are a bunch of crazy ruts. But my mood is crazy. So I went down stainers, I hailed a cab and I'm on my way to the bagel store. Well, who would have ever known that I got into this man's cab when us on a daily basis. Oh wait a minute, wait, a minute. Is that? Is that my favorite cab driver? Gary the cab driver? Hey, Gary, you love this guy. He's my favorite cabby Gary. Hello, good morning Gary, You're our favorite cab driver. Guys, you every morning wants us start working us. I just start started working and listening to you. Guys, So you have you have some very precious cargo in the back. Be very be very delicate with him. He's a very strange guy. Gary. Don't trust him. Don't turn your back on him. Okay, guys, Okay, how's the family doing you good? Everybody's okay? Everybody? Of course? All right, Gary, thank you? Drive safe? So are you more inclined to give a bigger tip when they realize, like, you know, oh you're the guys from the radio, because I know I am. We don't want to be known as the cheap radio people. You're scary Jones. I'm like, oh, you just got I don't know, I don't know why I wouldn't you know I would. Of course, we want to take care of everyone, because look, I understand if you're in the business of serve serving people whatever, driving people, that's a rough business. You deal with a bunch of a holes all day. So I want to be the guy that you go, oh my gosh, finally a nice guy came along. Whether you know about our show or not, you know, um, what is that crystal pepsi? Yeah? Nate keeps staring at it, like, but I have Scottie B brought in crystal pepsi. I don't know if you went into a time machine or they started making it again, but I haven't seen this, Scotty B. Where'd you get crystal pepsi? He's coming in. It came from the shop, right, have they the scary re release? Yeah, they re released it a couple of months ago and I just found it yesterday. We'll taste it. Taste like crystal pepsi? Yeah. So when this first when this was first a thing, what like the nineties? Yeah, uh SNL did a parody commercial for crystal gravy r C. Yeah, I'm sure it's still on YouTube. Oh my god. It tastes just like how I remember. It's like childhood in a glass. Well, that's creepy childhood and a glass. I'll have a twelve ounce glass of childhood places so good. So Chris, now, is it a temporary thing or is it out for good? It depends on how well it sells. Just like the last go round, it didn't sell very well, so they got rid of it. Oh no, it's gonna sell. Really it was the early nineties because it's basically Cola without any die and it looked to me, honestly, if I went to grab it, I would feel like it's a seven up. You know, look all the people, look all the people texting in. They're so excited about Crystal PEPSI. Oh my god, it's so good. Wow. Alright, well enjoyed and chuckle. Bottoms up, bitches, enjoy We gotta take a break. We'll be back right after this Elvis Durand shooing mo, which translates as morning show This Elvis Durand. In the morning show, the sounds drop from PEPSI, Hey, what's up? Good months. Everything that I've been working towards is now a part of what I do every day. So I feel very blessed. Is it? The sound drop? Dot com? Oh crap, dude, might else from his radio show want to get you again? And we're going to stop the show. Hey call us up one eight, one hundred. I've got Brittany on the line. High Brittany, good morning. We deal. So when we were talking about how crystal pepsi is back in the stores, it's been back in some stories in the South for months now. But you're saying that crystal pepsi crystal Schmepsi, you like pepsi blue better. What is pepsi blue? Have I had that? Oh? My gosh, like they hadn't. I think it was like in the early two thousands and it was pepsi, but it was like a blue raspberry flavor, and oh I remember that. Okay, Yeah, it was like the best thing ever. And I'm so, so, so so sad that they took it off the market because that was like my favorite drink in the world. I think, I'm I do believe. I'm convinced that they bring these things out to test them, of course, but they know full well they're only gonna they're gonna be out for a limited time, you know, I don't, I don't know what they're thinking. Is so so, Brittany. This Pepsi blue and crystal pepsi conversation got us talking during the song. They're about candies and sodas and things you know in the grocery store that we used to love to eat, but they all disappeared, you know, they all just left. Do you have any other ones? Um? Did you ever have three D de Rito's? Yes? Yes, I don't understand why they're taking like all these novelty items away when late they were so good. Like I just I don't get it. I just don't get it. I know, I can tell you're upset. I'm upset to well. You know, we have a friend Brad, who was a he's a He works over at Pepsi, you know, in the corporate, corporate world. Maybe he has an answer for this. I mean, maybe they bring out things like three D de Rito's or Crystal Pepsi just to test it and if it sells like Gangbuster, and then they'll keep it. Or do they just bring up because they just want to have like a fun little moment in time, you know, with a product. I don't know. I don't know. All I know is thank god they still have uncrustables in my freezer. Exactly have you ever had uncrustables all the time, all the time? How lazy do you have to be to eat uncrustables? It's just delicious. It's a frozen peanut butter Jelly said, which couldn't I do that? I know it, but I eat them. I love them. They cut the crust off of you. All Right, Brittany, I'm gonna try to find out about PEPSI blue see if we can get it back for you for a limited time. Okay, thank you, thanks for listening to us. I know this is a silly conversation, right because you guys are shaking your heads, but it's true. Don't you all have one thing that you miss? I'm I am in agreement with the three D derrito's. I love those so much fun to eat. Yeah, Natalie's with you? Natalie, you heard about Bethany's fixation on three D derritos. The same for you. You want them back? Yeah? I miss them so much. I don't. I don't know why they got read of them. I feel like everybody had them all the time in selling itself. Do you think they brought them out just to tease us and have fun with or do you think they just didn't sell enough so they just pulled the plug? I mean, what is the answer here? Do we know? I don't know. I feel like if they were going to tease them, it would kind of be like they sell them again in a couple of years, and I mean it's been like twenty years, ten years since they've ever told them again. So so, Natalie, I'm watching the text messages. A lot of people are saying they missed dunk a Ruse. They still don't. They still have them, they still love dunker use dunks. Well, they may not sell them everywhere, because you know, we're on across the country. They may take the Sun regions. What are dunka Woo's, Natalie, do you even remember? Yeah, there's cookies and it was like a little pack and it would come with cookies and frosting. Rainbow sprinkles too. Rainbow sprinkles is what they used to call me in high school in gym class. You can get them on Amazon dunk a Woos if you are trying to find them. All right, perfect, Natalie, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Danielle. What about from your childhood or from years ago? Were several years ago? What product has gone that you kind of miss I'm sure there are cereals that I've loved over the year. Is that they've gotten rid of that I've gone to look for and they're no longer on the market. But I can't think of anything offhand. I like butterfinger bebes, remember those, you know? Were those? They were like little round butterfinger, little pieces of butterfinger, and they were around circles and they were just tiny little pieces that butterfinger babes. And they're gone. I know that. I know that straight Nate was so excited when Eminem's brought back Crispy Eminem Crispy Eminem. They disappeared when he was a kid. But do they still have Andy Caps hot fries anyone? And I think I've seen them in like a gas station. I also remember Kellogg's had rice Crispy treats cereal, so they were like little rice Crispy treats in the cereal. They're gone. They had them for a while and took it away, you know. And now Pepsi someone else's texting and Pepsi lime is that it? They love that one. It's totally gone. Pepsi lemon it has like a squeeze of lemon u. Now, Andy Caps hot fries were those related to Dirky's potato sticks. I have no idea what I don't know. Brody loves those Dirky potatoes. They're the ones that make the fried onion rings. They got brought out by Frenches and then Frenches doesn't sell the potato sticks in America anymore. But I just found them on Amazon. They're expensive, but I just ordered them. So you know who's a king of this. The king of all of this stuff is Scotty Bright. Scotty Be. You keep up with all of this, like all these products in the stores and stuff that that appear and disappear, and you know them better than we do. I love when new products come out. It's my favorite to bring them in and share them with you. But I mean, there's a couple of things that I remember from my childhood. I mean, Froggy Hit the cereal, but marshmallow rice crispies. They were regular rice crispies with tiny, little multi colored marshmallows. They were my favorite. Um do you remember slice soda? Yes? For whatever reason, I like the apple slice. It was disgusting, but I loved it had that gold label and slices gone. That was PEPSI. I believe Snapple used to make true routier. That's how Snapples started. They started with sodas and juices. Do you remember Rupy the clear roopier. It was delicious. Our friend Rachel called she she Mrs Snapple Vanilla. Matt's on the line. What Cereal do you miss, Matt? I missed. I don't even know if they're still make it. I miss Cookie Crisp. Hey, look at that celebrate Matt. Go to your local cereal aisle which is always a mile long and so colorful, and picking up a box of Cookie Chris today. Fantastic. They still do have hot fries too, oh andy caps fries. I need to get some of them. All right, Thank you very much, Matt, have a good one. Thanks for listening to us. Yeah, you know, I think it brings back memories from you know, not only when you're a kid, but maybe two or three years ago they had these you know, products out then they just disappear. I'm gonna find out. And the one that's scary and I always talk about the most is fudge to cookies. And I was talking about PV Max the square chocolate bar that I missed that thing with it it was peanut butter to the max. So what is around right now that you think we'll be missing in about ten years? Remember, oh, this is one of my favorites. The Amazon firephone that not and see a lot of people don't. It was what two years ago, maybe they said, okay, we had Amazon. We have this new cell phone we want you to sell on your show, Elvis when you do the commercials. I said, sure, we love Amazon, we love cell phones. I'll be the guy. They said, well, here's the thing. It's an Amazon firephone, and it makes connecting to Amazon really easy on your phone. Okay, but we don't want you to mention Amazon well, and don't use the word fire. And I'm glad they didn't because later on there are other phones that would catch on fire. And you know, it's just a phone. It was what am I supposed to say about the freaking Amazon firephone to sell it for you? So and then so we weren't allowed to talk about how you could buy things on Amazon from it, not at all now, So were we surprised when the Amazon firephone just disappeared? Really well? I think I think what Amazon's onto now is, of course Echo. You know, the Sirie. I don't want to say not Sirie, but don't say it out loud because all the oh, you just turned them all on it likes to play the Elvis Durancho. So question, what do you think we have now? That's so great? You know they're going to pull the plug on it. That you because you love it so much much like Scary Loves for Loco. That's gonna be gone soon if it's already. Has that killed people yet? Maybe not? Ye think? No, no, no, that's just alleged. You know what just disappeared? What iPods? Who has an iPod? iPods? Yeah, a lot of guy because he doesn't have a phone. Well, a lot of parents don't want their kids to have phones, right Daniel, but they want music. Yeah, he's only eight. He wants music in his games, but I don't want him to have phone yet. Uh. Andrew is calling us at eight hundred one hundred. What are you missing, Andrew? We'll try to bring it back for you. Hey, guys, what I keep missing as a cheesy bites pizza from Pizza Huh cheeses pizza. Yeah, they'll bring it out like once every two years and it stays out for maybe a month or two. I go there and I just spend it, like every drop of money I have cheesy bite pizza. Well, but see that used to be my case with mcribb sandwiches from McDonald because you know Andrew. They would come up with mcribbs, maybe for a month a year, and I would get so mad when they disappeared. And then people kept saying to me, you know, those aren't real ribs. I'm like, well, they're shaped like ribs. They stamped them into the shape of ribs. Yeah, it's kind of stamp on. It looks like a rib. There's gonna be some some rib matter in there somewhere, alright, cheesy bite pizza from Pizza. All right, we're gonna call him about Andrew, no problem, all right, thanks guys. Elvis Brody pointed out the Coolatta, the dunkin Donuts Coolatta is going away. Yeah no, yeah, we're actually talked about that the other day, and a lot of people were piste off. They love the dunkin Donuts coola, which has been around for many years, many years, right Brodie, yeah, years. All right, we'll get to the bottom of this. I think we bring it back to Amazon firefoone. Are they getting rid of all the cool lot of flavors? Yeah? They have a new coffee colod is that what they're calling it. They want to make it more coffee esque. Yeah, but I like the like the orange one is delicious, and the watermelon one in the summertime, it's so good. You see, I'm almost convinced. What they do is they take them away, they make people mad, and then they bring them back and they look like heroes. Yeah. Like, what's the thing you like for McDonald's that always goes away and then it comes back? The green shake, the rib the McRib Did you talk about that? Yeah, we're talking about mcribs, but also the shamrock shake you hello, I love the sham shake. What about BlackBerry phones? Those are almost extinct, right, I mean they keep trying to bring them back. I love really m flip phones. You know our friend we have, we have some friends that have flip phones. They refused to move on to other phones. They keep using the Windows phone. What happened to the Windows phone? I missed my flip phone. I want one again. Because I was watching the movie with Helly Berry made in like two thousand four and she talks on her flip phone and then she thoughtfully closes it with her chin, and I'm like, I missed the flip phone. In all the ways you could close it. You can get so dramatic with it. Yeah, all right, we gotta move on here. But that was interesting, very interesting. Let's end on line fifteen though. Hit that up, scary. Jennifer is calling about one thing she misses very much. What's that, Jennifer? Hi, Jello pudding pope? Yes, those are good? Now? Did does go away because of you know who? I'm always so sleepy when I eat them before that? Okay, alright, alright, we'll try him something else to thank you, Froggy. It's Laura Morano who still has a flip fall. Oh yeah, Lamaro stars a flip phone. Jennifer, I love jello pudding pops too. I thank you. That's a great, great taste memory. Have a great Dane. Thanks for listening to us. Okay, love you love your show. All right, let's get into your headlines, bettany what's going on? North Carolina's governor and lawmakers reached a deal last night to repeal the state's controversial bathroom bill. Now, this is a bill that caused a huge backlash last year and caused the n c double A to move their championships out of the state. That bill forbid transgender people from using the bathroom of the gender they identified with in government facilities, among other things. So as far as this repeal, l G l g B t Q groups are saying it doesn't go far enough. For example, local governments would not be able to pass non discrimination ordinances until But the move came as the n C double A is deciding this week where their upcoming championships will be held, so there was some pressure there. Samsung has unveiled the Galaxy S A eight smartphone. The phone features bigger displays in the Galaxy S seven and S seven Edge, and it has curved screens that extend onto the sides. But the big story is bixby, the new voice assistant. It is opposed supposed to be able to sort of realize what your habits are and then prompt you and see if you want to continue those habits, even without asking it to prompt you light a cigarette time you make love to your boyfriend. This is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath. Let it know. There you go. And did you guys see the picture of the twenty three ft python that ate the entire Indonesian man hole? Yes? Why am I laughing? It's sad? But it's so crazy. So the year old man had not missing. He was found inside the python complete he'd been missing since the weekend. Authorities found a farming tool and a boot sitting near a giant engorged python, so that was their clue. These pythons can take down entire cows. By the way, oh my gosh. Yeah, so they found those are your headlines? Thank you? Um snakes do that to me. You know our friend Reptile Matt who runs the Reptile in Snake section over at the Taten Island Zoo. Yeah, just oh, look there goes another one. He picks them up and pets them like poodles. It's a snake now, even if it's a little garden snake, that doesn't hurt anyone, you know, little little tongue. You know, they scare me. They freaked me out. But if you add legs to them and you get a get go, they're cool. You know what about your mom? I'm sorry. My mom was raised in a house full of snakes because her her dad was in charge of coming up with like antidotes to venom and stuff and so um. Like. Once my grandmother walked in on my uncle as a baby just gnawing on a snake venomous one. Well, working in this room is like working in a pit full of snakes some days, don't. All right, we've got a brand new phone tap from Daniel. Oh yeah, that's right. Will she sit on the King of all throne? Tap throne? We'll find out right after this. This is Elvis duran in the Morning show, Elvis, Elvis durand the Elvis Durant phone tap. All right, yeah, we got a phone tap for you, Danielle, Yes, it's all you. What do you have today? All right? So Josh is being phone tap by his wife. I am calling as the person who found his wallet, and I am totally willing to give it back for the right price. Oh all right, you're gonna mess with him a little bit. All right, Daniel's phone tap. Let's listen and see how it rolls. Hell, yeah, is this Josh? Yeah? I got your wallet? Oh my goodness, thank you so much. You're where was it? You dropped it someplace? Okay? Um? Well thank you for finding it. Can I can I meet you somewhere? Um? Yeah, I guess we could meet somewhere. But how much is it worth to you? Pardon? Me. You've got a lot of stuff in here. Yeah, no, my wallet is your wife. She's really pretty sorry. I really appreciate you finding my wallets have pictures of kids in here. These your kids. Those are my nephews and nieces. Would you please to something meet you fund somebody social Security card? But could you please stop going through my wallet? I appreciate you worth missus. Just so you know what you're doing right now is a crime. Now you lost your wallet. I found it. I don't anywhere. I'm happy to give you some money, but I I will not be taken up the river for it. I will give you twenty dollars for the wallet. Just call me miss Bulls, Miss Bowles. Yeah, okay, miss Boles, because I got a set calling you up and getting money from you. Because is there a place I can meet you to get the wall. I will give you some money for it, that's fine, Just just I want the wallet back. Yeah, it's called the A t M. Give me your pen. I'll take out what I want and i'll give you back. You will mar I will get I will take the wallet back and then I will go to the A t M and I will get you some money. But I'm not going to just give you free rein over my account. Can you please just tell me where you are right now and I will make my way there. You don't have to move them up. I'm at the A t M waiting for you, which a t M. Don't yell at me. I'm trying to do something nice to return your wallet. What are you talking? You're not trying to do anything nights. You're trying to extort me out of money for my own wallet. How much do you want? Three thousand dollars? Three thousand dollars? I could have said five, I could have said five. Well, you could not have dollars. It's more than the wallet. Don't make me say five. If you say five, I'm just gonna hang up the phone. I'm not even having this discussion with you. You made me do it. You made me do it five. How have I made you do this? You've been impossible. This entire phone call you need that's going to go up to seven, do you? You might as well make it ten. And I'm not gonnakayen ten thousand snuck of ten thousand dollars. You're the one who said ten thousand dollars. Look what you were doing right now is a crime. If you mess with my social Security number, I will pay up the phone and call the police right now. Listen, I'm an entrepreneur, That's what I am. You were just a pump? Are you lasting? At least? This is a phone tap? Your wife is phone tapping you? What is this? Danielle Narrow from Elvis to Ring in the Morning Show. Oh my god, you were for breaking out. It was so good. That was amazing that a still you know, these phone taps amazed me every single day. People they stay on the phone that long. I would have slam that phone down on your face so fast. That's so crazy. Excellent, Danielle, that was pretty good phone tap. What do you think? I loved it? Yeah? I like it. To Brody Froggy, what are you thinking? Yeah? I liked it? All right, Danielle, have a seat on the throne, crowned the king of all phone taps, Mrs Balls. The problem with this is like tomorrow. If tomorrow's phone tap is just okay, they're not going to get to go to the throne and it's gonna be very insulting. So should we stop doing this? No, because I don't want us to turn into. Oh you know what, you get a blue ribbon for just trying. You know, I don't want that tough love. He's nice competition amongst us though, I know. But okay, all right, it's gonna get nasty, you know it is. If you have an idea for a phone tap let us know. Go to Elvis Durand dot com and click on the phone tap link. We have more coming up after this. This tapless prerecorded with permission granted by All Party Space. Tap on Elvis stand in the Morning Show. This is Elvis Strand in the Morning Show. So you know what I never was. I never was in any accelerated class is except for accelerated English. In one year in high school they put me in the smart class. But usually I was in regular classes. But Scary and Brody went to Mark Twain UH in Brooklyn, which is a school for the quote unquote gifted and talented. As I do that, I'm putting air quotes in the air for you. Yeah, it's called Mark Twain Intermediate for the gifted and talent and talent. I was a drama student. Everybody had to have a talent that you took extracurricular time. So I was in the drama. I was a music talent. I played the cello. I didn't know that is David Brody feels. Anyway, they're honoring Scary tomorrow night and he's inducted into their Hall of Fame at Mark Twain for being a guy who's doing well in love than you are. Um, but David Brody is not being inducted. But David reminds us he skipped eighth grade because he was smarter than Scary, So well, maybe you should have stayed there, and then you would have been even that much more smarter because think about it. So it wasn't Lisha all right, Moving along, I was listening to the podcast, The Fifteen Minute Morning Show podcast yesterday, and I think it's brilliant what you guys did big day. We had a lot going on, explained Bethany explained to everyone about the idea you guys came up with and then what you did to put it into action live on the podcast. This is genius. Okay. So we were talking yesterday about Danielle's birthday and how it's Lent, so she gave up chocolate for lens. So her cake was vanilla and strawberry and stuff, and then we were talking to Garrett who cannot eat gluten because he has celia. He can't eat a lot of sugar, so it's really difficult for birthdays because his cake is not something that he can eat. So then we were talking about what if you had a company that made things other than birthday cake that you shoved candles into, like meat loaf or corn bread pizza. And then Brodie came up with the idea to call it birthday Fake. And then we bought birthday Fake dot com and trademarked is so no one can take it. And you did it all on the show. I thought that was really great example of how you come up with an idea, just like farting around hey, and then by the end of the show you'd already put it into action. Now we just got to market it and make you guys some money. I think it's brilliant. Wait for someone to offer some millions to buy the Now do you have any friends I know I have a several friends who actually actually buy domain names like off go Daddy and that kind of stuff, and they squat on them until someone comes along and tries to buy them. Because I used to Elvis Durand dot com. Someone was squatting on that years ago and I'm like, dude, give me my freaking name, and he said, well, and I had to pay money to get my own Elvis Durand dot com website. Are there any ideas you have for businesses you don't want to follow through the business exactly, but you want to keep the name in case someone else does. Like, there was a time that I wanted to buy the web like you know how web md. Anytime you look up something on web md, it tells you that you have cancer. So I wanted to buy the domain it's cancer dot com because then I just wanted to redirect and just like have it be sort of a joke. But it's a lot of money to buy that website. It's available at the time that I was looking for it was available, but it was like thousands of dollars. Wow, you know, and you can buy what I'm thinking, like ten twelve dollars to seve hundred domain for a year dot com? Yeah, yeah, uh, scary. How your your friend bought one? Did he sell it? My buddy, he bought one eight hundred liquors and he was offered two million dollars for it. He's not he's not selling it. In fact, he's actually creating a business around it because he thinks that people are going to think of one hundred flowers and sell I'll tell you why one eight hundred flowers. That one flowers came to be while people were still ordering on the phone and dialing one eight hundred people order online now, But one eight hundred flowers became, you know, a huge, huge brand namequors. No one's gonna be calling that well, he owns both the domain name, the domain dot com and sell it. Can you imagine who had the presence of mind to buy porn dot com exactly? No, No, I think that was in the news not that long ago. Someone bought it again for I mean billion dollars, you know. But you know, now we're going into the day and age of apps where dot com is really going to I, in my opinion, is going to become extinct. I don't think dot com is gonna be around that much longer anyway, I could be totally wrong on that. Well, we bought it for twelve dollars. Scotty B. Did you hear what Scott do you did? Scotty B? Actually bought strange shaped poop dot com. Why well, because there is there's a fascination for these pictures. I think it's gross. One day I saw one, Oh God, from friend and I said, yeah, and I was like, oh my god, why are you looking at a friends poop? I don't know. It was a shape of a letter, a letter Z, so I said, oh my god, I think people would want to see this. But I never got it off the ground. I still own it though you never got Maybe some people can submit picture. Was it a cursive Z? A little sucurious would like to see the healthy lower case Z didn't have the little cross through the middle of it like the Z. All right, never mind, UM, thank you? A curse of Q. Oh my god, Oh my gosh, what's wrong with you? I just I just laid a wing. Are you sure that's not upside down? M? I don't know. It depends on which way you're looking at the toilet. What's that? Daniel? Do a contest? Show us your Z? No? I don't you know. I want to tell you right now. If you send us a show us your Z and it's in the toilet bowl, you're not going to win the contest. Philly Q two. Show us your cue. We do that cute, show us your cue. Do not send that. You could poop the whole alphabet. Don't don't. We're moving on. This is getting disgusting. Hello, Joe, thanks for calling us. What's going on? Hell? Hell? All righty, So we're talking about buying web domain names on like go Daddy whatever or the other ones and uh sending on them until someone buys them. You have a friend who sells porn site domains a house with two apartments in the apartment down stands for me. They've never taken the mail, so I was already taking the mail for them when he was coming to all these weird names, and one of them was motherless Inc. Dot com. I went and looked it up and it wound up being like porn sites, and then I axed him and he actually creates the porn sites, like, collects the videos from other sites, creates the site, and then sells the name. See that's the thing you can just Yeah, you start a porn site or any site about any topic, and all it is it's a bridge to like other videos and other other other content. And then you you collect the dough and sell it it's it's a genius move. He's making money. Yeah, they're a little shady altogether. I was seeing a cable off of them for like two years, and I have my boy the things I haven't seen since I was like ten. So I was like, okay, look as they're not shooting porn videos my face. There you go. It's standard for you. It's nice living people. Thank you, man, thanks thanks for listening to us. Well, it's not a safe neighborhood and they're doing a lot of drugs and silent stuff, but at least they're not suiting pooring in my basement. There you go, shoot high. Oh there's another portant name. Uh Megan, Hi Megan. What's going on? We're doing well? So you own it's weird? Are you sure you own this site before you tell it? Because I tell us what it is. I don't want you to lose it. No, I totally own, man. I've been renewing it every year for the past like five or six years. But I own to pretty to work dot com. Too pretty to work dot com. I would go there daily. I actually do work, but I'm hoping someday maybe it makes me a little extra cash. So you never know. Well, listen to this next call, Megan, Megan, this will be very fascinating. Vanessa. Hi, Vanessa, I'm talking to you guys. I love you well, we love having you on. But we want to hear about your friend who was buying domain names for years, probably how much money? Tell everyone how much money your friend made buying up domain names? Well, I started on computers long long ago, and um, when the Internet came out, everybody was saying, by all these dot coms, because these big companies are gonna want these addresses. And I said, y'all are crazy. This is not going anywhere. It's you know, it's no big deal. So he bought up McDonald's dot com, kmar dot com. He bought up so different Vanessa, Tell everyone how much your friend made off these domain names? M called twenty four millions. He got fifty million alone from McDonald's dot com. I bet he did. McDonald's they could afford it. They're like, hey, you know what, we need to buy our domain name? Who has that? Vanessa's friend has that exactly, And he does still owned some and he's holding on to him. But it's only a few. He bought over a hundred different domains, and he bought four. There were major companies, you know, agent businesses, but KM aren't Andy Donlands the only two that I can remember. Well, that's all you need. I mean, all you need is one and you're you're set for life. Hey, I you know, yeah, you know, we don't even make that in a year, Vanessa, tell your friend that we're willing. We're willing to sell birthday fake dot com right now for like a hundred thousand dollars. Absolutely, okay, I'll hey, but you know what, I live in a small I live in Lynchburg, Virginia, which is like Bible Belt of the United States. So he uh, it's really small town. But he ended up getting the heck out of here, which is exactly what I would do if I had four billions. Oh. I hate to hear that. I love Lynchburg. All right, Well, okay, it's just if you grow up here in your whole life, it's kind of it's kind of boring at time. Okay. New York City can be boring to me, Isn't it funny? But it's true. New York City to me can be boring. I like getting out of the city sometimes it's weird. It's what we meant. It's a dream of mine to come there one day. All right, Well, come on up, Vanessa, bring your fifty million daughter McDonald's dot com friend. I have a great day. Thanks for listening. Love you too. So there you go in closing. When you guys bought Birthday fake dot com, you don't know where it's gonna go. But if you could put some something behind it, you know what, you could make a lot of money. I'd be so proud of you guys. Okay, bye, let's get into the Danielle Report. Danielle, Yes, what's going on? All right? So, Charlie Stron is working on a movie. It's called Atomic Blonde. It comes out in July. She has already had three root canal She is on her fourth because she keeps cracking her teeth from doing her own stunts for the movie. That is dedication right there. Yeah, that's crazy. So I told you the other day Abby Lee Miller will be leaving Dance Moms and who will be taking over for her? Cheryl Burke from Dancing with the Stars will be taking over for her. I got to ride the Soda Scary, the New Universal Orlando ride from Jimmy Fallon Race the New York and next week Jimmie will actually be doing the Tonight show from Universal Orlando, bringing you around showing you the new ride, and one of his guests will be his former the former host of his show, Jay Leno, So that'll be interesting to say. It'll be fun, fun, fun week with Jimmy Fallon adele We all know that she says she doesn't really like touring and she doesn't want to do it anymore. She's drained, and this is true, but a couple of people are stepping forward saying ask her in two years when they offer a hundred million dollars to go back on the door and see what she says, No problem exactly. So Leb was in the weekend. We're hanging out in Argentina together. They were so cute they were holding hands. He was performing there and a producer from Frozen says that Elsa was originally an evil supervillain who had been dumped at the Altar, and then they went back in revamped it changed it because they wanted the characters to be more relatable. So I don't know, but if it's by an evil bit should I don't think of it. What do you what else tonight is the amazing race you've got. Of course Shaunda Thursday. Everybody loves that. And there are no March Madness games tonight. Oh Brodie said it would be Diane Hell. Thank you. This is why we keep Brody around. He's funny, Diane Hell. So there's no March Madness tonight. Okay. By the way, I own three websites. One is Elvis duran dot com, one is Cat in a Can, and one is Pooch in a Pouch. Alright, don't ask me why. All right, we have to take a break. We'll be back right. Oh. Oh, you know what's coming up? Food news? You know our friend Woody, our good friend Woody who does a great morning show out in Los Angeles. He's he does food news. I heard it last time we were out there. We're ripping off Woody. So may I introduced to you. You know, I'm not going to tell you who it is coming up next. I'm going to introduce to you our new food news correspondent. Awesome, that's coming up right after this, call us zero one, Elvis Durran in the morning show. The sound drop from Hey, what's up? Come months. Everything that I've been working towards is now a part of what I do every day. So I feel very blessed. Is it the sound drop dot com? Do you guys make my day? Like every single day, I'm like rocking. I thank you for keeping company. I love I love you. Every next morning are phenomenal. I gotta say, I think this is my favorite time of year. As spring starts to roll in, it starts getting lighter earlier in the day. I know Sunday is opening day for baseball season. It officially kicks off in St. Louis with the Cards and the Cubs. Uh. We were originally to be there, but we woke up this morning and we've been disconnected in St. Louis. We're not on there anymore. Do we not pay the bill? Bethany? Did you not pay the bill for z Z one seven seven? Oh? That was my job, wasn't it. Yeah? Well, oh well, we had a lot of fun on while we're there, but so so I guess, Uh, enjoy your opening day. I know the Mets Opening day is Monday. We're all excited about a season. Oh. By the way, you know the Mets play at City Field, and I know when you go to these games, you love to eat, right and especially scary. Did you see what they're adding this year at city Field? I know that, you know, wherever you live, you know this could be a part of Food News, which is coming up in a second. I know city Field is getting bashed Burger Wow and also Dough that Cookie Dough Cafe and Grand Village. But you know, uh, I know that at Fenway Park up in Boston they have the lobster pot putin putin staff. You know what putana is, right, it's the It's usually it's usually French fries with meat and gravy and stuff like that. It's a kind of a French Canadian thing. But they're putting fresh lobster meat on. They're also they're doing a lobster melt up there. Oh god, opening day, we're gonna eat so anyway, So if you're listening to us on the I Heart radio app, because they turned us off in St. Louis because we didn't pay the bill. Sorry, we just found out late last night and we didn't even know they were pulling the plug today. They just they don't tell us anything. So sometimes I Heart Radio can be an interesting place to work. But whatever, um so food news ripping off a fabulous I Heart radio station in Los Angeles. Our friend Woody does the morning show out there, right, he has food news and I heard it last time we were out in l A. And I said, We've got to do this, but we need a food news correspondent. So all eyes turned to one person on our show who eats in all the chain restaurants, who keeps up with all the foods and all the new trends in the grocery stores and stuff. So who do you think it is? Yes, food News with Froggy. I love you, Daniel Guest. It was Froggy while eating food in her mouth. Alright, food news. Alright, Froggy, what's going on in food news? Well, like you said, you know how much I absolutely love a chain restaurant. So I want to tell you right now, if you go online and you sign up for the Olive Garden e Club, free appetizer when you sign up for the clus you're already going to get in the salad bowl and bread sticks. Now you get a free appetizer just for signing up for their club, and you get cool news coupon, special offers and more. So go on and sign up for that. It's absolutely free. Also right now at Burger King. We love Burger King. Their jalapeeno chicken fries are to die for. And love those hallepeeno They are so good merited chicken breasts, toasted and savory hallapeno and they taste amazing. You can't eat just one, so stop by your local Burger King and get your hallopeen and cheese fries. Now, foods. I know we're all trying to be healthy, but we all have for neat days, right everybody has a cheat gang Monday through Sunday. What food do you think as Americans we use the most on our cheat days. Pizzazza pizzas on the list, it's number three. Burgers. Burgers are the number one thing we eat on cheat days, the number one thing at last, but not least. You know how much Daniel and I love peeps. We love marshmallow peeps. You have a new flavor out right now. Easter is right around the corner, sour lemon lime twist peeps that makes your mouth bugger when you eat them. It tastes like sherbet ice cream. And by the way, ten points ten points for the use of the word pucker. It was the morning shower. Didn't even know her. That's your food news, all right, So what do you guys think of food news? Any thoughts Bethany? Food news? I'm pro food news, all right, We're all good food news. By the way, have you heard that that new song called m hmm hold on? It's called answer My Text by Power Bottom. What do you have? A song of us? You know what we were talking about yesterday. We're talking to Bethany about something we wish we had. She has and sometimes feels it's a pain and doesn't like it all the time. And do you know what it is? You remember? No, a family that loves me, not that being tall? Oh yes, So Bethany has sometimes said that she feels cursed for being tall. Listen, I love I love being tall. What I don't like is when I'm in a group of people who are shorter in general, all of us. This is a relatively short morning show, and I'm very sick of being asked, tweeted, instagrammed how tall are you? It's it gets very very old and you can google it. So I so when like pictures are taken now, I tend to sort of like lean over or cock a hip out or like slouch a little bit. Not because I don't like my height. I love it, but because I'm so tired of people being like, oh dull are you? Do you get tired when me of us asking you to reach those things that are tall, like on the top shelf. Actually I don't mind that. I do enjoy that. Do you do you run into lights and chandeliers and low doorways and things? I do. I'll hit my hat on light fixtures at restaurants like a lot. If you sit in a booth a lot of times those light fixtures are really low, and I knock my head on those things all the time. Know what about dating? I mean, have you ever successfully dated someone who was shorter than you? I've only dated someone who was shorter than me. I've never dated a guy who was taller than me in my life. We can take a shower, many guys out there that are tall. When you take a shower, just a stream of water hit your chest because like it hits my neck, you've been duck your head under. It's like your shower head is installed by umpa Loompa's You're like, I don't know, well, so I don't know, but people like Danielle and me, don't we wish we were as tall as Bethany's a little bit taller than I am. Now, it would like the middle of the road would be nice. What what you said? I wish it was a little bit taller. And it's okay, thank you. Scary meeting in my office after the show anyway, So, Bethany, we just want to tell you that we love you and we are we actually are were nerves. We're jealous. We're jealous of your height. Being tall. It's really fun. I really, I really do like it. I would challenge people, and I have to do the same thing. If you meet someone for the first time who was very tall or very short, I challenge you not to make your first comment to them, Wow, you're really tall. You do you play basketball? You should? The other tall girls? Is the weather different up there? So okay, I'm not tall, But I have a question for you. Is there something that you see or experience every day that I don't and I don't even know about because I'm not up there where you are? Yeah? Oh? Absolutely? Like what if I'm walking down the street, I feel a total sense of control because I can see the whole picture. Like people who are shorter, you just see the other people around you. But if you're taller, you can kind of see everything, and it's really really helpful. So it's the same as when we drive SUVs. We actually can see more because we're up higher. Hi Corey, thanks for calling one eight zero one hundred. What's going on? Good morning? I just wanted to relate to Bethany. I'm a girl from Wisconsin. I am six ft tall, and I'm constantly around people that are shorter than I am. So it drives me crazy getting asked questions, Oh, how tall are you? How's the weather up there? And stuff like that. No, I just wanted to say, I'm right there with you. It's I got you. I mean, but you've never ever wished you weren't so tall, right, I mean, you're you're, you're, You're okay with you in your height. Um, there are days, especially like things like pants shopping, It is absolutely horrible. There are times when I'm like, I would be okay if you chopped off a couple of inches, Wow, that would hurt. There used to be a store called Tall Girl, and it made T shirts that said, no, I don't play basketball, and it was just it was for women who were like six ft and over. I need that, you know what. I used to shopping that big and tall store in a while, and uh, you, I would be there and I was the big but there would be someone who's, you know, shopping in the tall section and I looked over there, like, oh my god, I wish I was that tall. Don't we always wish we had or we were we aren't, or sometimes I just we've got to stop doing it. We all want something different. All right, tall Corey, have a good day on the basketball court, all right? Uh Jennifer calling us at one hundred? Can you hit that? Jennifer? Call for me? Scary there it is, Hi, Jennifer. How are you? I'm good. How are you doing well? How tall are you? I am six ft? Wow? That's awesome? Are you Now? What's the number one question people ask you? Um? Well, number one is like do you play sports? And yeah, I did, but I don't work, you know, Jennifer. I just had a text said I had a boss that was six six. When someone asked him if he played basketball, he would respond by saying, do you play mini golf? I've said that before the next one is, um, wow, you're tall, Like I just took up this morning and it happened. My favorite thing is just like oh really yeah, like they tell you as though you didn't realize it. Yeah, like it was a surprise and my husband. So people often look at us like, you know, that's not right, but I don't care. Yeah, but who that's not right. See, that's just that's just mean. Hi, Jennifer, thank you, have a great day up there. And finally we go talk to Matthew. Hey, Matthew, is it true you love the tall girls? I love tall girls, man, they just make my cookie crumbles. How how tall are you Matthew? Okay, so you're you're not short, you're not short, but you're like a girl who's at least like six ft tall. Oh it's the best. I mean, the long legs are just amazing. Let that look at that. A little crush going on, alright, five ft eleven Matthew. Thanks for listening. Go find you a tall girl and have a have a party. Man. I know I'm the short man, but I'm the man. Thank you very much. We're gonna get into headlines with Bethany, but wait, can I tell you something else about my my MANI Cooper that I love. We were talking about this during the song you know. We went and bought a Many Cooper yesterday, and I was talking about a lady here in town who owns like a Bentley or something, and I'm thinking, if I had money to spend on a car like that, I wouldn't have a car like that. And I actually checked around the room, and no one in this room, and I'm really happy to report, no one in this room wants one of those super hundred thousand dollar cars. Everyone's fine just driving a cool car, right, that's it's affordable. Yeah. Crazy expensive cars make me nervous because it's like driving around your safe that there's something expensive right there that they can take or screw up. Well, there is that, but there's also you know, your car is sometimes a reflection of who you are or what you want to portray. And uh so if you if you go out and buy a Bentley or an Aston Martin, like you know Ryan Seacrest has, for instance, what are you trying to tell people? I don't know. I mean, I love him, but what is he? How can we can't just drive a Ford Focus? There's there are great cars, right. So anyway, I went out and I bought a a Mini Cooper two days ago. Love it. So I went to park it and I thought they told me everything that was on the car, all the options, what all the buttons do, because it's such a fun car and it does fun things. Last night I went to park it, I closed the door to get out, and there was a projector on the on the mirror projecting the Mini Cooper logo onto the pavement of the street. And it's it freaked me out and awesome. So you've heard of this, froggy Why do they do that? I mean, I think it's cool, but is there a reason. I've seen it on some other cars to a friend of mine, has Alexi said his door when you opened the door, it puts the little L on the ground where the door is open, and I've seen it on the mirrors as well. I think it's I think it's very cool, but I think it's also advertising for the car, like it's, hey, look, we're putting our logo right here on the ground. When you walk up to the car, probably since it is the key fob in your pocket, the lights are gonna come on and the little mini Cooper logo is gonna shine down on your feet. Well, I just have to say this, And look, I know we we do a lot of you know, we have a lot of partners that we do wercials for this and that I went out and I paid for it. I'm not doing many Cooper commercials at all. I'm just telling you right now, I have never in my thousand years on this planet driven a car that has been so much fun to drive. I love this car. I'm and I'm sure our sales department will send many Cooper a bill for me saying this. I love it. I think that this is important. I think that everybody needs to have like their little happy place. And that can be your car, or it can be your bathroom sink, or it can be your bed, but like we all have to find that one place that you just love being in. I love that you love your car so much. I love it. And I'm telling you they still have the twenty six teams on the lot and I'm not being paid to tell you this. And so I got one of the twenty sixteens. It's a brand new car, never before driven. You know, it had like ten miles on it, and they have these rebates. I don't know if all many Coopers or many many dealers are doing it. They have these rebates like like I mean, off, it's it's such I thought it was like I got a good deal on this car. You know what. Also, my husband has one and he loves it and it people start to know you around the neighborhood when you're in your Mini Cooper, because each one of them is like individual, and then not many people have them, so when you're going around, they're like, oh, there's Elvis, Oh there's Sheldons, and they kind of know what you. You know, here comes a Mini Cooper. Guy. What was that? Dave Brodie Ohens actually fly? Yeah, but you got the sixteen so enjoying. Well you got taken for a ride their son? All right, well good um. But Nate told me, well, if you know, if you drive a Mini Cooper you're either gay or British. Wells the only two people I know that have Mini Coopers. One of them's gay and the other one's British. So I I'm just making a stereotype. And there it is. I can't see myself driving a Mini Cooper. Said it might be a fabulous car. Well, my friend Deetre had one, and she's not gay or British. You know what, if you drove my Mini Cooper, you would fall in love with it. I don't doubt it. But I don't think I'm gonna buy one. I just don't. And there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with no. It's okay for you to prefer a car over and I just don't. I don't know. I just don't think I would get one for myself, being a straight guy. I don't know. That's funny. My favorite experience with the Mini Cooper was I saw one pull up to a stop sign and twenty two clowns got out of it. You go to clown car, Shut up, dandy, that's the same lady who's about to give you your headlines. Wide Scary, what's it's. I think it is really sad that stereotypes with cars exist, but they really do. Though. When I first met Scary, I was driving a Honda Civic and I said, you must be gay. You know. It wasn't because it was a Honda Civic. It was because it was it was It was a perfectly clean Honda Civic, and it was organized in the trunk. I'm you're gay, dude. I saw I was driving a Raft four. I thought he turned into a lesbian. There you go. But cars have stereotypes. Station shouldn't. And I and I hate that we live in this world where we are pushing the stereotype way of thinking. It's shame on us. Well, but Bethany, those clowns that you saw were the gay clowns in the British clowns. The British clowns. Absolutely. All right, let's get into the headlines. Bethany's here. Hello. Our engineer Jeff drives a Mini Cooper. He's not gay, He's not you know what though, Now I'm questioning whether he's straight or not. No, no, maybe you should question or whether or not you have to be straight or you have to be gay or British to drive a Mini Cooper. That's what you should be questioning. It just doesn't seem like a street I think you should be questioning your sexuality. But that's a different topic. And I like we're talking about tall people this text message. My six ft six ft six friend has to fold himself and half to get into his Mini Cooper. Yeah, we used to drive a Geo Metro growing up, and that car was tiny as two door. I felt like I was being born. Every time I got out of that car. It was like head first and then arms and then oh the feet one ft and the placenta falls down on the ground. Alright, well that said, let's get into your headlines, Bethany. What's going on? All right? I just got an update. It says that Malaysia says it has allowed the body of North Korean leaders murdered half brother to be returned to North Korea. That's the update on that story. North Carolina's governor and lawmakers reached a deal late last night to repeal the state's controversial bathroom bill. You remember this. This was the bill that caused a huge backlash last year caused the n C Double A to move their championships out of the states. So as far as the repeal, lgbt Q groups are saying it does not go far enough. It is a start, but for example, local governments wouldn't be able to pass non discrimination ordinances until But the move came as the n C Double A is deciding this week where their upcoming championships will be held, so that timing is not a coincidence. Samsung has unveiled the Galaxy S eight smartphone. The big story is Bixby, Samsung's new arace assistant. Bixby has the ability to observe behavior patterns and add in reminders. So, for example, if you call your boyfriend at the same time every day, Bixby will then ask you, unprompted, if you'd like to call him at that time. I find that profoundly creepy, but I think it would be useful to some people. This is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath, which is useful to you. We should call this news you can use, news, you can use. Okay, thank you very much. And um, I told you this story last hour about the missing man who was found in the stomach of the twenty foot long snake. Uh. We have the video and the pictures up at Elvis duran dot com. Right now. You see the dude's legs. They I don't know if you I mean, but look, I mean you sort of. You have to they have to look. So anyway, um, they knew he was inside the snake because they found his boot and then they found a very large snake. Oh my god. Yeah, there you go when you see the shape of him. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, Like if you give it like a live dog for Christmas and you wrap the dog and you said the tail wagging in the paper, you have the shape of you. We're gonna take a break. We'll be back after this. Call us zero one Elvis Durand in the morning show, call Us zero one hundred Elvis Durand in the Morning show. Have you seen have you seen this statue of Cristiano Ronaldo? Looks just like it looks nothing like him. It's like someone, um, someone sculpted his face out of clay and then put their palm on it and just pushed a little bit exactly. You can bury tell the difference between Cristiano Ronaldo and it's a bronze statue that they put up in Madeira, Portugal and at the airport named after him. My question, it looks nothing like him. What when he gets there and they're like they're so excited and they unvalid and show it to him, like what was his face? Like, what was his face? Face? Was he like a pole? That? Was he just happy he had a statue? You know what I mean? It looks awful, so So the question is this, if you are Christiano Ronaldo would arguably one of the most handsome guys in the world, even if you're just me or you whoever. And they do the do you the honor of making a statue, and you're like, so they put it in an airport and it looks like someone took a baseball bat after someone's ugly head, and they said this was you would would you demand they take it out to get rid of that? Do we have the picture up at Elvis duran dot com. We should put it up. It's like those Beauty and the Beast dolls that it's not Emma Watson. It looks like justin Bieber and then and they're still in the stores because I woke in the stores and it's the first thing I see. And the person who should be yelled at, Sorry, all of a suddn't mean to cut you off. The person who should be yelled at is not the sculptor. It is the friends of the sculptor, because I'm sure the sculptor showed the show that the sculpture was like, all right, I'm about to cast this. You guys think it looks good? And everyone lied and said yes, it's great. Remember that that year I bought everyone a bauble head that I sent your pictures to the bubble head company and I had you each. I thought it was a great gift. I had you each done in bottle a bubble head form, and all you guys did was yell at me. I don't look like this looks like some sort of so much. It still sits next to me right here, I'm I'm staring. It's a bauble head. It's not supposed to look exactly like you were supposed to be a caricature of you, isn't it? But but but if you're put in bronze, like do a search for lucille Ball. Remember they did the lucial Ball statue. I believe in upstate New York. It's hideous. Elvis, you had me as a bobble head. I sat on a toilet. I was very upset. It didn't look like anything like me. I said, who is this person? Like? It's you? It was never me? All right, Um, that's said. That's done. But anyway, so Christiano Ronaldo, we'll have that picture up at Elvis rand dot com very soon. We are sorry, Christian. Hey, um, before I went out and bought my my car I had. I was driving a Hurts Rental and it it had something in there that I just could not wrap my head around. I couldn't operate it correctly. A key. What is it is? It's this metal. It's a piece of metal that has ridges in it, and it's it's you put it in this little hole and turn it and the engine comes on. Magic rock and roll. Wow. There's actually a comedian comedian from Staten Island. His name is vic U Deepodetto Deepodetto. I believe he was talking about this the other day about how he hates key fobs, you know, starting the car with the fob. He'd rather use a key, like you put it in the hole, you turn it. You know. It's it's so old school. I've never I don't even know how to use a key anymore, except for you know, maybe the house. One time the UM I parked my car in the garage and I had the key fob, and I came back to get the car, and they couldn't find the key fob. They had accidentally dropped the key fob in another person's car and they drove away, so there was no way for me to pick up my car until the car company made a copy of the key fob and it's expensive. My problem is and some cars have a like a fob holder. But he's like, where do you put this? I have? Someone will leave it in your pocket. You don't even have to take out of your pocket. I don't want to fob in my pocket. But anyway, when I when they gave me the key to the car, I I actually felt kind of stupid. I just I looked at it, like what is this? You looked at You looked at the key to the car. You looked at the key, started looking for a hole, like there's a hole here. I started looking under things like what do you? How does this work? I feel so stupid. Time you went to a hotel where they had a key. I haven't been to one recently. Now here's another thing that made me feel stupid. Yesterday I had to write. I had to write a sentence. I couldn't write. I don't I don't write anymore. I type, you know, with my thumbs on my iPod or iPad on my what is this phone? iPhone? Have you ever recently have you tried to write something and you have to scratch it out and start over because you forgot how to write. I had to write a card the other day, and so I go to write in the card, and as I'm starting, I'm like, Okay, I'm not gonna mess this up. I'm going to get through this. But like the second sentence I had it scribbled something out, it was getting white out out and picks, and I'm like, we don't write anymore. I but I always buy two or three of the same card because I know the first point. Oh my god, Danielle, I do the same thing because I don't. I don't want to give a birthday card to someone and I have to scratch things out. You have to like right over the like fifteen times to make it looks like an E. And so I mean, so I'm not alone, but we've all forgotten how to write. Now that I've scribbled out letters and no, because I know you don't know how to write anywhere, neither do I. Okay, there's a story out today, and I want to get into this maybe later tomorrow. A poll went out surveying two thousand young Americans but eight round eighteen years old. I found out that sixty five of them don't feel confident in face to face social interaction. They're saying that young people don't know how to talk to each other anymore because that's just not the digital way to communicate. Yeah, we don't really need to talk to each other as much as we used to. So when it goes it comes from its not being able to use a key in a car, I can't write, and we can't communicate with each other face to face anymore. Things are just kind of slipping, I think, and in romance, even the word romance is very old school. I mean relationships. They aren't what they used to be. I think old school relationships where you didn't have to put you in your loved one on social media. You could actually date someone without these weird expectations that we have today. Those have shifted it. I don't like where that's going either. And I may sound like an old fool and saying it like this, but wouldn't it be great to kind of go backward a little bit at least incorporate writing into our everyday lives, incorporate communicating face to face and into our everyday lives rather than on a phone at the very archaic that is, or through texting. That's why I when I was watching Black Mirror on Netflix. Mirra on Netflix is so scary because all it is is what could possibly happen in the future if we let social media take over and some of this stuff could totally happen. I felt like some of it was already happening, and it just freaks me out every time in a new episode of that comes out, because it could happen. I think that we all need to be a little freaked out about letting loose of all the things that really make us more human and less robotic. Just something to think about for the day. Skin into Sound with Garrett. Garrett, Hey, good morning. You can't you remember his name unless I pick it up. Pick up my iPhone and see who I was texting? Elder. Oh, Garrett, Yes, Garrett has sound. What do you have today? All right, let's start with this. So Comedy Central has a show called Comedy Jam where comedians and actors come on and they actually sing popular songs. So our friend Jesse Tyler Ferguson from Modern Family was on singing Ceas Chandelier, scout all right, not band, alright, blank one two, eld This one of your favorite bands has new music and it's called Misery, a song about Bethany. Shut up, she's Bethany, She's Missay, She's Beth's right here, right here, all right. So there's a there's a video going around right now of a guy trying to sell a house by giving a video tour of this house. Now, there are some great real estate agents out there, like Daniel's husband's the best in the world. But then there are some ones that aren't so good, like this guy. Would you buy a house from this guy? You got a kitchen granted cattertops. Who cares? Right, here's the kitchen, not in the refrigerator. Here, you got a kitchen and eating room. And here's a deck and of an eating man. Right here, there's where's where you watch TV? You fat bastards. I'm want to take it back here. You gotta watch your drive room. Say it's going the closet over there, I'm not going to open it you and then uh, the bedroom. You know what I mean? Love that guy. Some people love abuse. I really said agent, buy a house from him? And there's your sound. You're a good American. Let's get it to Danielle report. Danielle Yes what's going on right? If you have not seen the Edge Shearing baby look alike, you have to see it. We're putting up at elvistrand dot com. Oh my gosh, Ed says it's not his, but I'm telling you, this kid looks more like Ed than Ed does. It's crazy. The Academy is keeping the accounting firm that botched this year's Oscars, but new accountants will replace the old ones. That will also be a third agent on hand to make sure the wrong the wrong winner is not announced this time around. Good idea producer from Frozen, says that Elsa was originally an evil supervillain who had been dumped at the Altar, and then they decided, yeah, that may not work, so they changed it because they wanted the characters to be more relatable. And now we know Frozen has made millions of dollars everywhere around the world. Sorry, I have a cult, howd no, but I felt like Okay. The Hollywood Reforder claiming that the Rock and Vin Diesel are still not friendly. You guys, remember when they had problems on the set of the Fate of the Furious and it all took to social media. Well, in August the movie company said everything is fine, but now the Hollywood reporters saying no, that neither of them are even or even around on this press tour around each other like the rock will come when Vin's not there and vice versa. So I don't know, keep posting on that one. We talked about this yesterday, but it's so cool. Imagine just having lunch waiting for your train and you look over there's a piano and John Legend is sitting by it, singing a song. That's what happened in England. They're doing this a lot of things like impromtuo gigs at different at different train stations. It's pretty pretty cool. And Lenny Kravitz will be performing a tribute to Prince at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony next week. You've got the twenty nine season premiere of The Amazing Race tonight. Also Grays and Scandal. You know, it's all about Shanda on Thursdays. And there are no March Madness games tonight, even though I thought they were already finished. Okay, thank you. Miles is calling us at Hey, Miles, what's up buddy? Hey? Okay, what's going on? Calling in. I was just calling in to talk about that poll that you talked about how people are going from communication like face to face to like Yeah, they're saying, the younger you are, the less you're able to communicate face to face with people. Yeah. Well, when I was in high school, in my twelfth grade English class, my English teacher told us to instead of talking face to face, she would have us, um put the desks in like a circle and talk to each other like each student and talk us talk to each other through like an email or like a chat room. So instead of just talking face to face, they would have us or my English teacher would have us talk on the chat room without a book, through the laptops. And she said that later on we wouldn't be able to talk face to face anymore because that's how time is going. And I feel like it's like high school when everybody that is just it's so awful. But I see how, you know, when technology first started to take off, especially texting, I can see how people go, well, this is great, we never have to see anyone ever again. But now we don't see anyone ever again, and we actually see how important that was. It's the same as you know, we used to have we used to have a tail, right, we slowly evolved not needing our tails, and they fell off. Now you have a little coxics bone. Right. Are we eventually not going to be able to speak because we don't need to speak anymore? Are we going to lose our ability to make noises with our mouths? But you still need that for you know, oral sex. But I was I'm just wondering, you know, I'm just I'm just wondering how we are evolving that way. It's just you know, look at the long term here, and that's long term, you know, when you're tongue falls out. But Miles, still, do you prefer to speak face to face to someone? And can you still do it easily? I prefer talking face to face? But I feel like I keep messing up, like I'm such an introvert hermit, Like I don't really talk to people, but when I do, I always messed up talking here, And you know what, can I tell you something about that about being an introvert? You know, Bethany is an introvert. Uh, And you know you'll you'll, okay, I'm just gonna I'm not calling you out, but I'm just kind of telling it like it is. I'll I'll look her in the eye and talk to her like I would look you in the eye Miles and talk to you. And I can see when you go into your introvert mode where you really you've had enough of the conversation, you really need to kind of go process and do your thing. I find that in daring. I think it's great because it's great to know that you're that way because we're all different where we have the ability to be introverted extroverted, but we need to adjust to each other and not be afraid to be who we are. Now. Bethany should never apologize for being introverted. No, neither should you, Miles. I think it's cool. But that's a part of face to face communication that we that we should appreciate is knowing much more about a person other than the words they're trying to text us that. Do you agree with that? Yeah? I agree with that. Like I feel like talking is more meaningful than sending a message. But I just feel like whenever I talk to somebody in person, I always met up talking or I just get an answer your nervous because I'm just so you talking to people talk. All right, Well, let me freak you out. You're talking to us. There's like ten people in this room. You're talking to ten million people who are listening. And you know what, Miles, you sound excellent. I would love to hang out with you. You sound like a great guy. So it's really interesting how you perceive yourself in the way you communicate, but we perceive you in a totally different way. Just not that it matters. Just you know, put that in your pocket and bring it, smoke it. You're great, Miles. I appreciate your call very much. All right, thank you. I appreciate it. You too, have a great day. You ever stopped to think about how many people are listening. It's terrifying. And we're back on in St. Louis, so we have an extra people. It's fabulous. Well I'm glad we're back on because I want to I want to talk about something. You're kicking off opening day Sunday against the Cubs. Let's go, let's do it. Come on cards. Okay, you can turn us back off again. That's all I wanted to say today. What's trending in the top of the charts coming up right after this, what's hot? Right now and Elvis Durand dot Com. Here's web girl Kathleen. If you have spring break on your mind or a big summer vacation coming up. Bethany has you covered in today's Which trending with bikini's modeled after Disney princesses. Yep, you can get the Little Mermaid or the Cinderella swimsuit version of your favorite princess. It's right on the homepage. And John Legend gave an imprompted performance in the London train station yesterday in honor of International Piano Day. He's sang a couple of his hit songs and the videos are amazing. We have them up for you right now. Get all this some more, Elvis Strand dot Com, Elvis Durand dot com. All right, we can sit here in moaning grown about how technology has taken away our ability to communicate with each other, but there are some technological advances that are fabulous, like stamps dot com. You with me on this, Yeah, I mean you remember the days of going to a post office and nothing wrong with post offices and if you need to go there there, but you can do all of that from your house, from your desktop, from your printer, uh, stamps dot com. Look, you know, whatever time of day or night or overnight it is, you don't You don't have to leave your wherever you are and you go to the post office. It may not even be open driving their parking Wait again, line, it's it's it's a hassodystem stamps dot com is the easiest way to get things to the into the mail and into the post and out. Let's say you do a lot of postage for a business you have online you sell products. What a great way to do this. As a matter of fact, if you go to stamps dot com right now, I have a special offer for you. It's a four week trial, includes postage and a digital scale. It's so cool. You can actually use it right there at your own desk. You don't have to worry about taking all this stuff to the post office. You'd be your own postman. Want to play Want to play postman? Go to stamps dot com before you do anything else. Click on the radio microphone at the top of the homepage and type in Elvis that stamps dot com. Click on the microphone type in Elvis stamps dot com. Never go to the post office again. Elvis duran in the Morning Show. I love reading the text messages. I don't. I don't. It's hard to read all of them because they go so fast and we have to pay attention to other things. I look over there, so we have several people watching them. So don't think you're texting in vain. Okay, we received we received a text message saying, hey, remember me, I'm the nice guy from Connecticut that is a savage in bed? Remember talking to me? Do you remember doing him time? No, he says, I don't know if you got this freaking system. Hold on because I don't remember if. I don't know if you remember speaking to me. But I'm the guy from Connecticut who's a savage in bed. I don't remember having a conversation with the savage in bed from Connecticut. I don't remember, but I want to talk to him. Let's get him on the phone. He seems like he has a great personality. Oh, we talked to him on the air, remember, But what about I think we're going to call him now because I don't remember this at all. But what are we talk about? The savage with the savage in bed in Connecticut. I'm guessing the sex. Probably, I don't know do we want to put them on? Yes, we do. All right, we're trying to get the Connecticut Savage in bed on the phone. This is our show. All right, Let's get into what's trending. What's trending, Bethany, I have not been this excited about what I'm featuring on what's trending in a really long time. Kid. Okay, first of all, if you love bikinis and you're a bikini wearer, you have to go to Elvis Durand dot com keyword trending right now because the website Enchanted Bikinis has an entire line inspired by Disney princesses, Cinderella bikinis, Aerial bikinis, Pocahontas bikinis. If you love uh everything, I want to. They're gorgeous. So Elvis Durand dot Com not yet, but they do have new styles that they're working on, So keep checking back to their website. And then every once in a while you find something online and you realize I may not need this, but I need this. Here is the latest ex sample. A company called Brooklyn Owl makes unicorn horns. You can wear them, your kid can wear them, your animals can wear them. You can get them in different sizes for your puppies or your horses or your best friend. It's there, and they're so amazing. Seriously, they're amazing. I love them so much. Elvis Duranda com keyword trending to get your unicorn horns. That's my job. Who's texting me? Wait? Great, she called me a second ago. Kind of talk to you. Yes, he's got something and he wants to tell you. Something just happened to him and he wanted to share it. But he's calling me while we're working. I don't know. Uh uh Okay, let's move on, shall we. Let's get into top of the chart. We haven't done this in a long time. Now we're gonna talk about the big songs and all different genres of music here in the US of A and there. Today we're gonna go to different countries and tell you what their number one songs that we're going to Uganda, Brazil, Green, Barbados in Finland. So you know what, Keep in mind, we change the countries every week. So if you say, hey, what about Scotland, we'll probably do Scotland next week. I don't know, all right, But here in the United States we'll start with you, Bethany. What's the number one forty song in America? It is Shape of You by Ed Sheeran with the shape of Man very nice. What's the number one urban song in the USA? It's Both from Gucci Main featuring Our Boy drunk Usy dous Less. I'm drunk, I'm but I'm both right now and I need you in my life. Usually one rhythmic song in American goose Bumps a scot featuring Kendrick Lamar. I get those goosebumps every time. I need the time. Go that to this every time. Alright, Froggy, try to get it right. This week? What's the number one country song in the US of A? Is it? I wish I was in Austin, but I'm in Eugene tonight. I really wish I could tell you that that that is the number one song when it's not the number one country song in the USA this week is Dirt on My Boots by John Party. Might have a little dirt lap, but I'm taking you Yeah and a straight name. What's the number one alternative song in America? It's Imagine Dragons with Believer. I love that. Someone just in a text and they love top of the charts. We should do this every week, all right. Now, let's see if I can destroy names of artists and songs. Let's go to Uganda. The number one song in Uganda this week is by Majorcan. It's called Shod and there isn't that where you're going to see gorillas on Uganda? No, I'm going really close to Uganda though. Number one number no different countries, alright, yeah, different thing. Um, it's not something we just go thank thank Number one song in Brazil this week is called Loca by Simone and Samaria featuring Anita. Here you number one, all right, here we go. This is where it's gonna get a little complicated. Do you see what I'm about to have to read here? Yeah, okay, thank you. Number one song in Greece is by Nikos econ econom econom Pulos. Yeah, kanas anyway. The name of the song by Nico c K Pulos. It's called in a Cutti like share. It sounds like this, right, Oh my god, go Nico, And like I said it right, I didn't mean to do that, all right, all right, thank you. Number one song in Barbados is by Vibes Cartel. It's called Real Youth number one in Barbados. Alright, finally, oh god, alright, I'm gonna gocher this one in Finland, the number one song, it's called citatmita te lot by Jig. It's j how do you say j v G? It's what if? What if? It's initials and put the periods on there. Anyway, The song number one in Finland is called citat a Lot, which I think i'd say correctly. It's by j Vig in Eleanora. Here we go. Do you think that's Eleanora singing? Or is it all right? There? You got number one song in Finland. That's kind of cool. I wonder what it means. Can we pull up our translator? You have what it's? The band Jivik is formerly known as Jare and Vila Galle. Okay, switch their initials and it looks like, SA, you get what you order? So citat lot is So what does that mean? Ciza, you get what you order? Says Google. Okay, thank you Google, Google Translate. Everyone. Let's taken with you, take it with you wherever you go around this great world of ours. All right, let's get into the headlines. Bethany, maybe you'll do a lot better than I did on that. No, you were great, you nailed it. What's going on? Okay, let's start In Texas. Thirteen people passed away too injured after a bus collided with a pickup truck near Garner State Park in Texas. The minibus was filled with senior citizens who had been at a church retreat. The crash happened when the northbound truck veered into the path of the southbound bus. Uber has released its diversity report. It is not good. So sixty three point nine percent of the company is male, forty nine eight percent is white. But what really got people upset yesterday online was the way that Uber categorized its races in the report. For example, they used the term Jubers to describe their Jewish employees. Now, an Uber spokesperson said Uber employees themselves are the ones who came up with the terms, but that still did not sit well, especially because it was a diversity reports. North Carolina's governor and lawmakers reached a deal late last night to repeal the state's controversial bathroom bill. Now, lgbt Q groups are saying it doesn't go far enough. For example, local governments wouldn't be able to pass non discrimination ordinances. Until this is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath. And if you're like me and you really only run if you're being chased, here's a new study for you. Running a marathon is terrible for you. Even with proper hydration. Researchers found that about forty of runners suffer big time kidney injuries after marathon. Running twenty six point two miles messes with your kidneys just as much as going through heart surgery or spending time in the intensive care unit. So if you needed a reason to avoid running a marathon your kidneys, I bet it canceled the next one. I'm running marathons. I did that one half marathon. I thought I died with it was over. I know, well you may have. Your kidneys were all messed up. So there you go. Yeah, those be your headlines. All right, tomorrow's the Friday Show. We're just kind of sitting around trying to figure out what we can do that special. Do you want to flush the format tomorrow? The format? We need a big flush? Okay, flush? Alright, alright, so what else you want to do tomorrow? Come on, Come on, come on, dream big Dream, big, you can do it. I really like when we order breakfast. No no for the listeners, I mean other than being well nourished for the listeners sake. What do you want to do? I would like to play a match game. Let's play match game tomorrow. Us to play guy, girl or gay? Alright, I like gay Borrow Steakhouse, Gay Borrow Steakhouse. Could we get a visit from maybe our favorite chef, Chef Latier chef Mr Cardboard to Mr Cardboard too, he could make an appearance tomorrow. Alright, So texteds textas, what do you want to hear on the show tomorrow? R it's your show? Your oh Friday. We're gonna call it that your show Friday? Alright? What's wrong with your show Friday? Every day? Was it? There is something you're something Friday Friday? Okay? Have it your show Friday and Anthony show? I think? Okay, yeah, anyway, never mind, let's take a break. Danielle's really excellent phone tap for you coming up next. You're trying to trick you with words. That's what you're doing, Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. I did it. I used upside dot com and it's definitely the real deal for saving money and getting a big gift card for every business trip you buy. Use the code Elvis and you're guaranteed at least a two dollar Amazon gift card for your first time upside dot Com middle purchase blies. He'side for details Elvis, Elvis durand Elvis Duran. Phone taps all right, Yeah, we got a phone tap for you, Danielle. Yes, it's all you. What do you have today? All right? So Josh is being phoned out by his wife. I am calling as the person who found his wallet, and I am totally willing to give it back for the right price. All right, you're gonna mess with him a little bit, all right, Daniels, let's listening to you. Hello. Yeah, is this Josh Love? Yeah? I got your wallet. Oh my goodness, thank you so much. You're where was it? You dropped it someplace? Okay? Um? Thank you for finding it. Can I can I meet you somewhere? Um? Yeah, I guess we could meet somewhere? But how much does it work to you? You've got a lot of stuff in here? Yeah, my wallet did your wife? She's really pretty sorry. I really appreciate find my wallet. There are pictures of kids in here? Are these your kids? Those are my nephews and niece's. Would you please to tell me for I can meet you? So what on somebody? Social Security guard? But could you please stop going through my wallet? I I appreciate you try to missus, just so you know what you're doing right now is a crime. Now you lost your wallet, I found it. I don't see anyway. I'm happy to give you some money, but I I will not be taken up the river for it. I will give you twenty dollars for the wallet. Just call me miss Bulls, Miss Bowls. Yeah, okay, Miss Bowles, because I got a set calling you up and getting money from you. Because is there a place I can meet you to get the wall? I will give you some money for it, that's fine, Just just I want the wallet back. Yeah, it's called the A T I'm give me your pen. I'll take out what I want and I'll give you back you will I will get I will take the wallet back and then I will go to the A T M and I would get you some money. But I'm not going to just give you free rein over my account. Can you please just tell me where you are right now and I will make my way there. You don't have to move them up. I'm at the A T M waiting for you, which at M. Don't yell at me. I'm trying to do something nice and return your wallet. What are you talking? You're not trying to do anything night. You're trying to export me out of money for my own wallet. How much do you want? Three thousand dollars? Three thousand dollars? I could have said five. I could have said five. Well, you could not have made me sellars. It's more than the wallet. Don't make me say five. If you say five, I'm just gonna hang up the phone. I'm not even having this discussion with you. You made me do it. You made me do it five. How have I made you do this? You've been impossible this entire phone call you need. It's gonna go to seven you you might as well make it ten. I'm not gonna okay ten. Hey, ten thousand, ten thousand dollars. You're the one who said ten thousand dollars. Look, what you're doing right now is a crime. If you mess with my social Security number, I will pay up the phone and call the police right now. Listen, I'm an entrepreneur, That's what I am. You're just a bump? Are you laughing at me? This is a phone tap? Your wife is phone tapping? What movie is? Dan? Yell narrow from Elvis during the morning show. God, you were for reading out. It was so good. That was amazing. You have an idea for a phone tab. Go to Elvis Duran dot com. Click on the phone tap tab. Tell us what you want to do. This tab was prerecorded with permission granted by all of our two Sudays. See Elvie Duran phone tab. We're only on Elvis Durand in the morning show. This is Elvis Durand in the Morning Show. Hey Danielle, Yeah, I just got a text from our friend Drew Drew Scott in Santa Fe and he says that was a fantastic phone tap. He loved it very much. Thank you, Drew. Um, we're talking about what to do on the show tomorrow. I decided to rename our show tomorrow. Uh what I decided to remain rename it your Your Day Friday? Yeah, your Day Friday. Yeah. Carla Marie already texted me and goes, what do you calling the show? No? Car Memories podcast was called My Day Friday. They still do it. Yeah, No, well no, this is called Your Day Friday and it hasn't There's there's nothing nothing similar between the two. So text is what you want us to do on the show. We've had a lot of great texts. Um, you may have to pay for it, but I don't think So what is the line I'm supposed to read when I give out our text number? App? Okay, thank you? Anyway, a lot of great ideas coming in Flushing. The format definitely one of them. Hey, so did you know the average person will take twenty five thousand selfies in their lifetime? The average person will take twenty five selfies in their lifetime, Which brings me to the Brad Paisley song called Online. Have you heard of this song? What's it about? Brodie? Uh? He talks about how things is so much better online? The video is great. It's got Jason Alexander in it, who's fat guy, but online he's a hot, sexy guy getting women that you can be a better person online because you're not really you. So the question is this, are you cooler online or offline? Really? Wow? Didn't didn't take long to think of that. Uh is your internet presence cooler than your real world presence? And how so? M? Yes, yes? How are you cooler online? Betany? Because online I seem to let things roll off my back and I seem pretty laid back and in real life I am obsessing over tiny things and working myself up into a frenzy. M. What about you, Danielle? Are you cooler online or offline? It depends on the day, I think, Okay, think about it. Uh, um, froggy. You know what. A friend of mine posted their status up tape this morning, and I says, I hope one day that my life will be as cool as I pretended to be here on Facebook. It's just I feel like I feel like a lot of people do that. I'm definitely I have to admit I'm cooler online because offline I sleep and relax a lot. But online I make sure you know things are exaggerated. You know, I have to document everything. I have to. I have to tell you right now, and I don't. I don't want to sound like a pompous ass, but maybe I am. I don't know. I know for a fact I am much cooler offline than I am online. How so because I really I I think I'm much more interesting than what I'm posting. Maybe it's because I don't post as much as scary. You know, I posted you last night. I posted a pizza. I think a much more interesting than a pizza. Have been food, Yes, And you know, if we're all doing something interesting, I don't find that to be more interesting than me at all. And is it okay to say that? I think so. You may disagree. You may think I'm much more interesting online that I don't. I don't know. Uh do we have headlines from do A couple of headlines from Danielle Danielle, Have you seen the trailer for the News? You see the trailer for Stephen King's and the new version of the movie Holy Crap A dang Dong. It comes out September eight, and I swear it's going to scare the Bejesus out of you. Elvis Rand dot com and there's the annual report, Holy crap I ding Dong. We'll be back after this. Elvistrein in the Morning Show

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