Straight Nate is still drunk from last night, Elvis is getting robo-called, and Producer Sam's friend caught her boyfriend cheating on an app. It's also Friday, so it's party time.
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Thank DoD Wow, why are you running? Are you running? Can you pendle it? Can't you candle it? Because today it is fride day? Well weather, I smelled the weed. Gain it. E to the hell to the V to the eyes of the estrant in the Morning show. E to the Hell to the V to the eyes of the Estrant in the Morning Show. Everybody, everybody, This is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. And it is Friday. I'm sorry, May I repeat that it is Friday. I got some brand new zane for you. This cracked last night. I love this. This actually takes his zane to a whole new level, brand new. It's still got time to stop looking now you have it. Come to the weekend. It is Friday. Mark. How you doing, Betany? I'm great? How are you? There's something wrong with you? What's wrong? Nothing? Come on, You're you're blocking something to come back to that? Um panic, I passed past. See that's what's wrong. You're panicking. I'm panicking. I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm distracting because I'm trying to button my shirt cuts. I like how you come to work. You've been here for how long and you're still getting dressed? I've been here for an hour and I'm still getting like fabulous though. Welcome to the weekend. Hey, what's up with you today, Danielle? So um, Yesterday my son and I, my little guy and A are we doing around the room? Okay, everything's great. Then you know what, tell you what, Let's go around the room and your son. Okay. So yesterday I picked my little guy up, who seven almost eight, from school, and we have a pizza place we like to go to that no one else in my family really likes as much as we do. So yesterday I knew I had some time before I had to pick up my other kid. I said to him as soon as he got out of the building, let's go, because what we go when I go to our pizza pizza. We ran hand in hand singing to his pizza place and we were so happy, and I'm like, I don't care if no one else likes it. We love this place and we were happy. It's your secret place. Yea. Sometimes you have to do that. You just gotta be spontaneous and do things you know out of the box. And don't you have like a little secret place with like a friend or someone in your family and the only people that go there are you and them, and no one else is allowed. And if ever you're caught there with someone else, you're in So Bethany, back to you. What's on your mind today? Okay, this is my favorite day of the year because it's the morning after the City of Hope wine event, which is a huge event. Were there and it's basically you walk in and then wine is given to you and people get notoriously wasted and wasted for a good cause. But Nate, his chair just went down like he is a mess this morning. Okay, I'm ten kinds of mess stuff right. Oh my god, you sound like Barry White. So as he listened to the show this morning, Nate is going to deteriorate rapidly. The headache hasn't even hit me. Here. You are fading. I went last night, but I gotta be honest. I only have three classes of wine. I'm good. I left early. You look good today. Normally you come in smelling. Not this time. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna sniff Nate. Froggy. See this is a good thing. You're not here right to deal with Nate's fumes. Uh Froggy and beautiful South Florida. It's the weekend. It's Ultra Fest, Ultra music Fest weekend. Yeah, it is our favorite DJs are crawling around and the zombies are here and there and everywhere. What's going on with you today? Well, you know, yesterday I did a good deed. I don't want any type of carma to come back to me. It just feels really good. I got the people used to live in my house. I haven't lived there for almost three years since I moved into the house. I was an envelope from the mail yesterday and there was cash in this omblope. I could see through the envelope there was cash in the envelope. I hunted them down yesterday through about four or five other people. And today I'm returning the envelope with cash to them. Excellent, And you didn't steal any of it I have. I did not open it. I can tell there's cash in and I can see it through like the little window in the envelope and see there's hold on, hold on. So is this where we're supposed to say congratulations for doing what was right anyone? My point is do something nice for somebody else. It really gives you a great feeling, and whether something good happens or not, it just makes you feel good. So we wait. You said you did something nice by giving them their money. What would the alternative have been feeling it? Nobody would have known there's cash in the envelope? Is that trade some No? No, no offense, no offense? Does this count as nice? You're just doing You're just doing the right thing some people. It's still a nice thing to do. I went out of my way to track them down. It's a gesture. It is a nice thing to do. It was a nice thing, all right. Well, why are you pooh pooing on? Why are you paying on my corn flakes? I'm not I wonder how much it was, though, I want to know. I'm sorry. I hope they open it in front of me. You'll never know. You did the right thing, you know what. Congratulations for doing what you should have done. Thank you, You're very welcome. Hi, thank you. Hi. Yeah, you're right though, Daniel, who sends cash in the mail? You don't like put it in something. You just let it in cash. Hi, Vinny, how are you We're doing well? Do you want to tell everyone why you're so nervous today? Oh man, it is gonna be like the most exciting nervous weekends. It sounds like you're very nervous. Will tell him why you're nervous, Vinny where this is really cool though, You should be excited. Go, I'm going on my first date over for a few years. Yeah, yeah, I'm nervous for you, man, but it's an excited nervous Now. How come you haven't gone on a date in such a long time. I was very for about twelve years, and that the more. Yeah, so you're back out on the trail. You know what you must out there? You know once. Once you're out there, I bet it's gonna be nice. You're gonna have a lot of fun. Good for you. I'm excited. You should be. Can you hear excited? Good? You know what? And just relax, Just relax and have fun. It's gonna be good. Dating is supposed to be fun, I've heard. Yeah, And you know tip number one, don't don't talk about your ex wife to the new dat. Don't cry about don't blame everything on her. Yeah, I don't call her any names. You know if she asked you about her, just move on. Yeah, just be like what I killed her. Don't don't don't tell him that you killed her. Don't do that. Look you have a good, good date, Vinny, Congratulations, have fun call us next week, tell us how it was. Okay, I can do that, all right, and relax and have a good time because you deserve it. We're gonna send you an Elvis Duran shirt. It's on the way. Let's get into your horoscopes. Danielle, you're up first. It is Peyton Manning's birthday. And Jim Parsons from Big Bank Penny penny, penny. Okay, Capricorn, you're on the end, but don't let that hold you back. Keep um and just go with the flower of your days and eight. Aquarious things are coming at you from all angles. Exercise is a good stress reliever. Your Days of seven pieces your enthusiasm maybe undermine. Don't take it personal. Hold onto your ideas, saving for another time. Your days of nine areas. Be patient with others. Listen to what they have to say. It might strengthen your position in the process your days of nine to step out of your comfort zone. It's important to do things that's scarier. Your days of ten. Gemini. Someone from your past may have some unexpected news. Be honest with yourself before making any decisions your days and eight answer. Don't forget to keep an eye out for future opportunities regarding your career. This is your moment to shine your days and eight Leo. Lots of surprises are in store for you. You don't have a choice. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will make for a different perspective. Your days atten Virgo, take a break from the rules. Letting loose will allow you to stay open to a new mindset. Your days of nine Libra, take time to pamper yourself. These moments of relaxation are well deserved. Your days attend Scorpio. Disregard the opinions of others. The negativity will drain you and take away from your energy. Nick momentum. Your day isn't it? And Sagittarius, excitement is in the air. Follow your intuition. You're capable of accomplishing quite a bit. Your days of ten and those are your Friday morning horoscopes all right? Looking over to London, I guess as of today, one American citizen, an unarmed policeman, and a mother picking up her kids from school are are the unfortunately victims of that London rampage described as a terror attack. Yes, the last victim who passed away from Utah on the dream trip of a lifetime with his wife and he just died. Yes, So we're going to talk about the victims this morning because these are the people that we want to uh, you know. Remember. So we also know right now that a fourth person has passed away from his injuries. He was a seventy five year old man. We don't yet have his name, but Utah man Kirk Kurt Cochrane was in London with his wife Melissa, celebrating their twenty fifth wedding anniversary. Melissa was seriously injured. Another victim was Constable Keith Palmer, a military veteran and married father, and forty three year old Asia Fraid was on her way to pick up her children from school. Uh. The attacker has been idd as a fifty two year old British born man. The so called Islamic State is claiming responsibility for the attack. The FCC is looking to crack down on those annoying robo calls. They've passed a proposal that would give the phone company's more power to block phony numbers that aren't in use anymore from robo called telemarketers. And the great thing about it is that both Republicans and Democrats agree on it. So there's a really good chance that this is going to pass. The I R S call me yesterday to tell me I owe the money robo call Hang up. You know what's sad though, I think I do owe them money, but I don't think that was really fam You might want to look into that. All right, half of the Elite eight is set, so I would like, do you want me to run down everybody? Or you probably okay? Second seeded Arizona was upset by eleven seeded Xavier seventy three to seventy one. The Wildcats blew an eight point lead in the final four minutes. The Musketeers will meet in Zaga, which beat fourth seeded West Virginia eight move into the Midwest. The Oregon beat Michigan, Kansas beat per Due. The Jayhawks and the Ducks also meet on Saturday. The rest of the bracket fills out today. Yeah, the Gators play at night. Go Gators. Here is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath. Don't please on exhale on us. Nate Smells like podcast and Google engineers think that computers will be in our brains by twenty twenty nine. This means already got one. This music computer component will be delivered and implanted to merge with the brain to form a single consciousness. Our brains will be connected to the cloud. That's just what we need. There, you go, thank you so much. You know you smell like Father Callahan. How do you know what Father Callaghan? Shut up? You guys, ready for your Friday? All right? In the morning show. So you're having a party at the house, a couple of friends coming. What do you serve potato chips next time? Try these new chips from Rich Rich crispin thins, thin crispy chips, oven baked, not fried. They come in see salt, cream, cheese and onion, bacon and salt and vinegar. You have got to try them. Phone tap replay all right, here's your phone tap replay from yesterday. That means we have a brand new phone tap in one hour, a free money phone tap worth one thousand dollars. Who's doing the phone tap next hour? Sary angry brody, Oh angry brody as opposed to any other it's so in other words, Brody. Yeah, he's doing the phone tap next hour. Here we go. Here's your replay from yesterday, Elvis, Elvis durand Elvis Duran phone tap, daniel what's your phone tap all about? All right? So Nicky wanted to have a little fun with her husband Brian. She says she knows he's really slammed at work right now, and she thought it would be funny if I called, as if she called and said, Hey, I have to leave the office. You need to come pick me up. I lost my keys. The valet lost my key, so you need to come and help me. And he's so busy he doesn't have time for this quick all right, let's see what happens in Danielle's phone town. Hey, so that's parking garage and idiots lost my keys. I need you over here? Who lost your keys? See's idiot? Parking garage? People? Are you kidding me? Right now? How do they lose your teeth? Are you? That's what you pay people for. That's why. That's why I think got like twelve dollars an hour over to me. I want to talk to these people. Hello, yeah, hello, yeah, what am I talking to? What's your name? Vivian, So what's going on my wife's car right now? I lost the keys? You lost the keys, I hope. Do you lose somebody's keys? Are you kidding me? Right now? WHOA? We'll we'll figure it out. Somebody will find the key in their car and then they'll call me and they'll bring it back. Listen to your job. You've got one job right here. Job is to get a key to get up on the customer and then to go get their car. You're telling me right now is that my kids gotta stay in school and just wait there for forever. Right then, my wife's gotta where to go that I gotta leave my office to go figure this out because you don't know how to do your job. I didn't do it on purpose. What do you think I said, Oh, let me lose this person's key so I can keep her here. No, why would I do that? Because you better not be getting an attitude with me right now. I'm not getting the attitude. You came in here with the hostile attitude. I've been nice. You lost the keeps to my car for I know it could be some guy running around my key about to steal my car. Later. You should advertise it. That's what you should do from now, and it should be like, hey, give us your cards. I gonna lose the key. This is only like the fifth time it's happened. It's only like a fifth time. You can't remember as that a manager that I can tell be a sixth time, but I don't count that one time. Who's your manager? I'm the manager, you're the manager? Yeah? Why is that so funny? A lot of these cars look alike. Silvercar over here, silvercar over here, silvercar over here. They all look alike. After a while, you're gonna call a taxi, okay, and your company is gonna pay for my wife to go pick up the kids to the taxi. And then I'm gonna order a new key, and I'm gonna send you the invoice and you're gonna pay for that. Do you understand me? No, I can't do that. Yes you are. No, I'm gonna lose my job. I don't care if you lose your job. I care my car right now and what you have done to my family right now. So you're gonna go and you're gonna figure this stup for me. Got a spare keep bring it down? Here? Are you kidding me right now? What I'm just saying, really your attitude about this whole thing, this is all okay with you. You're like, Oh, that's it. I'm trying to be accommodating. I'm trying, but it ain't working. You're very tough. How far does she live from here? Can she walk it? You're unbelievable. You're unbelievable. Come and drop off the key. Why is that so hard? Because I'm at the office right now. I can't just go down there. Your wife's now, where are your wife's not work? You leave in the office to come and drop off your key? Dude? What kind of a guy are you? I'm going down there right now. You gotta get your owner down there. You gotta get your owner because I'm a talkable I'm not. You get fired because you're unbelievable. You have unbelievable whatever you just right and how are you doing? I'm working so that I can pay for your You gotta call the school with the stub to hold on to the kids, and you figure it out. I don't know. I mean, we're just wasting time. Now. I gotta go now. I'm in the middle of a meeting. But I'm your brother. Okay, he can help you. Okay, and say, hey, remember those ten thousand favors that I said for you? I need one? Okay, don't help me. He needed that work. I'm a dark This is Daniel Mnaro boil this Duran in the Morning Show. We just phone tapped you. She's not in the bride garage. She didn't leave the key. She just wanted to mess with you. That's funny. That's real funny. Vic. Thanks tab. Have an idea for a phone tab. Go to Ellis Duran dot com. Click on the phone tap tab. Tell us what you want to do. This phone table was prerecorded with permission granted by all of our two Sudays, Elvis Durant. Phone tab were on Elvis Durand in the Morning Show Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. All right, so we went to this incredible event last night, the City of Hope Wine at dinner we go every year. A really good friend to Lissa Pollock puts it on and she made more money last night for a City of Hope than any other previous year. Cdy Hope. It's all about cancer again. F cancer. You know it has affected all of us in one way or another. But gosh, what a great way to get together with all of our industry friends, all the people in radio and the music industry. It's the loudest event, the auction off things. And last night I sat on my hands. I didn't I didn't bid on anything, did you really? The problem with going to a wine dinner is it's a wine dinner and it's more wine than dinner. And and that's very smart because then you start feeling really good and you feel like I want to give a lot of money, which is great money I don't have. Then you take your hand from under your butt and you accidentally put it in the air like you just don't care anyway. But it is about the wine. And they were bringing wine. If your wine, if your wine to the table, and I look, it was like earlier when I gave Froggy crap for returning money he had found to the rightful owner. Well, that's just the right thing to do. I'm here looking for some some congratulatory love for what I didn't know. For drink last night, I was a good boy. Good for you. I had three glasses of wine. That's it. That's amazing. Normally you come in looking pretty smelling bad. I mean, I'm tired because it's been a long week. We were out every night, going out again tonight. But uh, Nate, he's not in the room straight. Nate is a mess today this morning, and I was like right by him, and I'm like, Nate, what the hell goes? I know, I smell awful. He smells so bad. You shouldn't even be here. Drunk. He was sitting in the corner, his eyes closed and his he formed a big bubble coming out of his mouth, like a big bubble, a spit bubble. He showered. He looks good, but he's coming out of his pores now. It's nasty. Away. Uncle Johnny's coming to give him more alcohol. That's right. Uncle Johnny's coming in with a springtime clocktail. Hey, you know what, we got to talk to Uncle Johnny about this. He is one of the grand marshals in this year's uh Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade. Uh and we're so excited for it, and we have some surprises for him. But I don't want to talk about him because he may be listening. Okay, but Uncle Johnny's coming in. I hope you have some good jokes for uncle Johnny because he's very demanding as a talent. Yes, yeah, as you know. Oh here comes the old drunk yet straight name our second oldest drunk. Then I'm not doing well. Oh god, you can hear the alcohol on his broad yet. So what were you drinking other than wine? Last whistle pig whiskey. That's a fantastic whiskey. The promise it was like really good whistle pig. But I was just chugging it like it was. And what did you say about walking here this morning? I was swerving walking sidewalk? Yeah, you know how you know you know you're drunk when you're you're pulled over by a police officer for walking? Yeah, no, I would have been. I would have been arrested for was that public and there had been a cop around? Yeah? Yeah, definite. So the good news is it's dead. He's here producing the world's biggest morning I showered, okay, I'm presentable. Well what other things are you thinking about? Right? I don't know. Do you want? You know what you need? Let's go to the sushi restaurant and get some eel who you want to How about some Manhattan clam chowders clams? I'm a clam eat me. That's not chew eat. We don't want to have any clamp creamed corps some clams. No, no, no, no, no, no, all right, let's let's just say here all day and make him sick making music. And I'm not even wasted. You know. Don't you feel drunk just being near him? Yeah? Yeah, I'm sorry if you made out with him, now, would you get like drunk? I don't know, Bethany, I'm not making out with that happened because you not like you know. I don't think you get a contact hypop alcohol. I don't know. I'm but I just feel like I'm swerving. Oh here comes the track when you make out that we got a kiss on the air. Okay, as your friend, I'm going to turn you off right now. We're gonna get into the first Danielle Report of the weekend. Danielle Love Love Love Chance the rapper. I hope we can have him on the show eventually. Anyway, His music, leadership and charity has made an impression. He made Fortune magazine's annual list of the world's greatest leaders. He has number forty six, ahead of two CEOs and the mayor of London Chance the rapper. In any industry, you can find a new way to win, and he did seriously and I knew nothing about him. My nephew Vincent has been talking about him forever. Now, who is this guy? And all of a sudden he's like at the forefront of Everything's so cool? Good. Great example. Amy Schumer was saying how she was doing a sexual favor for her man and right after he started yawning, and she said, we laughed about it, but I was like, bleep you. I would have said the same thing. H Iggy Azalia released a new single yesterday. My favorite part is it's about one of the DJs where it could be about one of the DJs that works on our Z one hundred radio in New York. The name of the song is mo Bounce. We love Mobounce. We have a clip of it us here. All right, cool, we'll play that in a minute. A list of the highest paid TV casts of all time came out. Ray Romano from Everybody Loves Raymond still number one on the list. He made one point eight million dollars per episode. How much Yard at the peak of Nobody Loves Raymond one point eight million prepersents what are they making on big bounds? Making a lot too, but they're not making one point a million. What's the name of the theory? Big bang, big bounce? Here's mobound, bound bounce, bounce, bound bound ful bound bounce, boundful bouncing the thick on hound bouncing what now you know what? We keep taking the real words of this song. John Mayer admits that this song Still Feel Like Your Man is about Katy Perry. He said, it's a testament to the fact that I have not dated a lot of people in the last five to six years. He said, this is my only relationship, so it's like, give me this people. How about that? Though? Could you imagine being Katy Perry? That's right? John Mayor wrote a song about me, That's right. Kendrick Lamar's next album is on the way. Yesterday morning, he wiped his Instagram clean except for one photo, is a cryptic image of the Roman numeral four. Then last night he tweeted the release of his latest single, The Heart Part four, and he finished the song with the line y'all got till April seven to get your bleep together, So my guesses it's coming April seven. A survey found that The average binge watching session for people under the age of thirty five is six episodes. That's a lot. I think six episodes watching is just the only way to watch anything anymore. You gotta you gotta take it when you can get it, so you watch all of them in your movies. This weekend, You've got Power Rangers, Life Chips Sound. You don't have the people that work here. They're gonna go TiO Scott. Yeah, next hour, we got to talk about Disney and all the live action movies that are on the way. Hey, good morning, Jessica. What's going on with you. I just wanted to say that I will be taking a shot to get on Neates level because I needed the hot Next morning, you're having a hot Mess morning. You know Nate is on the hot Mess Express. Yeah, that's what I'm joined them. You don't want to be sober another level. That is a very very good point, because I noticed last night at the table, I was the most sober one at the table of ten people, and that's why I left early. I did the what do they call it, the Irish exit, which I think doesn't mean to be the Irish exit guy. Yeah, I think so, but I did the Irish exit for getting go ahead. You don't want to be at a party and not be at the party, correct, exactly. It gets really boring. But even if you, even if you're a party or like me, sometimes you just don't want to. You just don't want to do it. You know, we've been drinking so much lately after vacation, and last night I was like, no, I don't want anymore, and I don't. I'm done. But then everyone else around you is like twisted and they're pushing. Yeah, tell me you were so twisted. You didn't get twisted until after the wine dinner went, when you went to the I started the twisting there and I finished twisting it off. You know another thing about this wine dinner last night, Jessica, is they had a cocktail hour before the wine so and I found out later that I I they said, and thank you to our sponsor of the cocktail hour, Elvis Durant. That was my contribution. I paid to get everyone drunk before the wine came out. I don't know, are you sure Greg didn't just take everything from your office? Greg t I wasn't even there. I really I called it a night. It was too much all week. I was busy. I have things to do. I couldn't do it, and I'm going out to drink again tonight. Yeah, you party way too much. I can't do it. I didn't party last night. No one's listening to me, all right, Well, thank you for listening, Jessica. I'm with you. If we want to be on Nate's level, we're gonna have to stoop. We're gonna drink a lot. Uncle Johnny's on his way and he's got anybody want to do a shot with me right now? I hand, I've got a long day a hat. Well, what shot are you doing? Do a fireball? A fireball? A fireball? Because it makes me old cockily, and you know cockily. He gives me like warm cockles in my heart. You're getting mollusks in your heart. Just makes you feel warm. The thing about fireball is now that I'm hanging out with Bethany and other people that love whiskey, I can't drink fireball to me because it's like it's it's not it's not good. No, it's not good, but it's a you can't even call it whiskey. It's just a different thing. It's like it's more of a liqueur. I think it's so good at freshen your breath. It's like it's like calling a zema a glass of wine. That's the bottle around the room. You guys are awful. Good morning Jolina, Oh, good morning Janina. You're here just in time for them to do fireball shot. Yeah. I cannot drink fireball anymore. It does leave you with fresh breath. Yeah, it's good if you're about to make out with someone, do a shot of fireball gets so, Joina, what do you want to tell Nate over who's pouring fireball shot for everyone? I just wanted to tell Nate that you should try mac and cheese as a great hangover remedy. Now why mac and cheese talk about it? Break it down? Honestly, I'm not really sure. I think it's the grease of the butter and the extra cheesiness. It just STIPs in your stomach and help soak up all the extra stuff. You're right, I do think the carbs of the pasta in the mac and cheese, and of course the dairyes in there doing its thing, and I think we might be getting mac and cheese and eggs. We have smoky bones coming up with the foot. We have ribs on the way here. You're drunk, boy, have a rib? Okay, well, bottoms out. I'm not drinkings. For the record, Joanina, thank you. I think mac and cheese sounds fabulous if you're drunk or not having a fireball in a long time. Have a great week in Janina, all right, thank you, thank you? What scary? So text just came in. They said that's coming in with the remedies. They said they want dried apricots and warm hot dog water and that'll settle the stomach. A text messages came in. It says the Irish good it's when you're too drunk to say goodbye, the French goodbyes, when you're not drunk enough, when you're sober enough to say bye, but you don't. So anyway, I'm not Irish, but I did give the Irish goodbye at the party last night because I could just see the table was getting into trouble and I wanted to go home. You were over it, so I left, and you know, the Irish goodbye? Is it rude to just leave a party without saying goodbye? We actually did a podcast on this a couple of days ago. Um, we we argued that it was probably okay because if you're doing like the big say goodbye to everybody, then it's sort of making it about you that you're leaving and instead of just like leaving the party and letting everyone continue to party. On the other hand, I mean it's being polite to say, hey, guys, I'm gonna head out. I love seeing you. I think you say goodbye to the host, but I don't think you have to say goodbye to everybody. Yeah, froggy, what's up now? If everybody's drunk and you say goodbye, they oh why, I'll leave it. And if they're drunk, they're not going to know you left anyway because they're all going to keep drinking. So I think you're better off to just leave. You're right walk out backwards. If you want to say goodbye, I think you need to start half an hour before you really want to leave, because to get around everyone, I guess, So what great do you have that look of? I have nothing in my brain on your face. Usually if I go out the next morning, I need like orange Gator read or like like a vitamin water or something like that. You need to pump up your electrolytes. Yeah exactly, I think that takes a way to hang over. What are you doing? He just gave me food and their dog treats. Why dog treats? It's well, maxis under the desk, given one. These are goods, all natural dog treats. And these are sweet potato blueberry bones. You eat one of those, scary, scary? You are so disconnected to reality. Well, you know what they say, the hair of the dog. How about the treat of the dog. You have some dog biscuits feeling maybe that will soak up all that booze. You got something crazy to tell us? Hello, Alicia, you're at a start box and there's a guy but the most massive boner zero one D. This is Elvis Durrand in the Morning show Upside. The smart new way to buy travel is upside dot com. You save money, get a free Amazon gift card with every trip you buy. Use my name Elvis, and you're guaranteed at least a two hundred dollar gift card with your first time using upside dot com. Save huge on travel. Minimum purchase supplies sea side for details upside dot It is definitely Friday now. This is unusual. But everyone else is drinking, but I'm not. It's usually the other way around. Everyone else is not drinking. And I am a side of fireball with those Elvis. No, I don't want it. The unnamed members of the Morning show are absolutely listen to me, is ripped? God, I should have not I should have eaten something before. Here's some toast, toast eat it now. I'm right now because I'm seeing double of people. Well that's good. Before you couldn't see it all. Okay, when I have this toast, eat that toast. Baby, she's eating it probably, And Smokey Bones just showed up. You got some ribs on the way Friday and Lent. I can't eat ribs. I can eat mac and cheese. You know this is the thing. No, no offense against you Catholics, because you really there are a lot of you. But you know you can't eat meat on Friday. You're in Lent. You're in the middle of Lent, right, you can't eat chocolate. So there's no like beef molee. So I don't know what that means, but anyways, I mean, there's it's the religion of you can't, you can't, you can a lot of rules. If your I need a religion, that's all about you can. But I like it because it's a sacrifice. Like yesterday there was an unbelievable chocolate dessert that they brought up here from some restaurant and everybody was like, it's the best thing ever. And I said, you know what, I really really wanted it, but I knew that I couldn't have it because I gave it up for lent. And so to me, that's a sacrifice. There you go, So I get it that alright, alright, let's here for the Catholic. Look a look at your dog. You want your dog? So so yeah, Max is over here begging because I got an omelet and I'm eating a little toast, so MAXI of course if there's food around, like most dogs do, he's up looking at me like come on, daddy, come on daddy, and so scarce. That's so adorable, just because that I want a dog. If the dog did that, I would have I would adopt that dog, because it's okay, that's the only reason you want a dog is you want someone to beg No, because dogs have different temperaments. And Elvis used, seriously, man, you must have trained him so well. He is the cutest little thing, and if the dog behaved, you don't. You don't train a dog to be cute. I mean, he's just amazing personality. But if I got stuck with a dog who happened to be an a hole to me, I would be stuck. Like there are people that have pets that are total a hole. Of course, I still think that reflects more on the person then on the pet. Yeah, I think that if you are somebody who is kind, but you also set boundaries for your animal. Do you have a good animal? Don't? Then you don't? You know, yesterday was a National Puppy Day and so there are pictures of all of our dogs all over everything. So fantastic. So but Scotty B for instance, he says his dog is an ass. Like, come here, Scotty, I mean, how can you Your dog is so precious. You have the most incredible, beautiful little dog. But how do you call your dog an ass? Because he doesn't love us? But you got your your You cannot project human human behavior in emotions on a dog, you know, it doesn't work that way. He sleeps at the base of the toilet. He doesn't like us, but you got your house is also in chaos all the time. This is true. He does like the kids. He likes the kids, and they get along well with him, and they lay all over him and he's great with them, but he hates me and my wife. The problem is that we have expectations and pets thinking they should behave like humans. They're they're not human. So they pick up the behavior that it's around them and then act like that because there's that, but also it's the way. It's just in there. It's in their their makeup and their wiring, and it depends. You know, you think that your next dog is going to be just as good as your first dog. You know, our dog Boomer was great. We loved him and he loved us. And this is the same breed. But he's just an a hole, this new one. But to be fair, Scotty calls his children a holes. The little Max you're playing with my perfect dog. All right, we gotta move on. Producer Sam is here, high Sam. So you know what you we were talking last night, a story about a friend of yours, and you know what do you get caught cheating? First of all, cheating, don't do it if you're cheating on someone's just don't do it. That's at cheating. Don't do it. Don't do but you know what, getting caught cheating, it's it's interesting how some people are called tell him what happened. Yeah, so my friend is a detective of because she met her boyfriend. They've been dating for over a year now on a dating app and for the sake of pairing people up, it shows the location on dating apps. Neither of them deleted their accounts since they started dating. And he was having these weird long hours at the office and more time with guy friends and unanswered texts and whatever. So she started going on the location and every time he made up this weird feeling excuse he'd be in the same city that is not his job. And yeah, his friends aren't there either. So how did she, I mean, has she confronted him about it? Yeah, Oh, she broke up with him. She kind of let him know, I know you've been with someone else on this night, this night, this night whatever. After she collected some and he still doesn't know how she knows. She just told him, I know you're cheating, and who lives in whatever city it was? And yeah, and he confessed you know what, you know, don't cheat about starting there, don't cheat, but like you know, we'll see there's two sides to the argument. So and that's where this conversation moves to a new level. The other side is, well, what are you doing to find out that I'm cheating? Why are you even watching me like that? Well, they had a feeling, well back to her, you know what, it's that intuition, it's that well weird long hours, why are you cheating? So you know, it really is a kind of a circulatory thing. There's no right or wrong, but well, the wrong is someone's cheating and you got caught. Yeah, but she definitely want the extra mile to like check up on him exactly, so that the other question is, well, what happens when you check up on them after making that extra effort and there's nothing going on? Then you gotta look in the mirror and go, well, why am I? Like why am I so uneasy about this? Something's going on? Yeah, Like, you can't know everything about someone all the time, So it is possible. When she confronted him, he would have been like, are you out of your mind? Like it's it's completely possible. You can drive yourself crazy with that. It's so happened that in this case she was right. Unfortunately, think of all the different characters in this play being accused of cheating when you're not cheating that sucks. Cheating on someone sucks cheating and not cheating on, but feeling you're getting cheated on, and finding out you're being cheated on, and then feeling feeling like you're being cheated on, and then you find out you're not being cheated on. All this this it's a rainbow of different emotions and things you're you can feel when it just comes to fidelity and relationships. Nobody very very close to me. Um was being accused of cheating so much she was so afraid that he was going to leave her, and she was so paranoid. She was telling him, you're cheating, you're cheating, you're cheating, and he finally broke up with her, like she created the thing cheat now right, And he said he was telling me, He's like why, I'm why, I'm not even getting any of the benefits of this and being yelled at and I'm not even cheating, I'm not even having like the time. So she manifested what she was afraid of what is he left her. Another thing, Bethany is, and I've from experience and all of my years have been around being around, is if you are the person, the type of person who's always on the lookout for being cheated on, Well, what does that mean about you? Like, aren't you? Can you be trusted? Like if you if you think someone is that fast to cheat on people, are you that fast to cheat on me? Or you need to figure out why it is that you're having a hard time trusting people? Know what You're right? I think it's a gentleman scary. I think if your accusatory and pointing that accusatory finger of cheating, it stems from your own insecurities and it's a toxic trait in a relationship. And maybe you've done that to other people in your past. Maybe maybe yeah, you're the cheat. You've been a cheater. So now you're like thinking everyone is going to cheat on you? Hello, Aaron, how are you? Hey? What's going on? You've been cheating on this, haven't you? What's going on? How are you No? I was actually in a similar situation. It wasn't um I got cheated on, but I didn't find out about it until after we broke up. But I was on any dating app and I started talking to somebody who was describing an experience that they had a couple of months prior, and they started describing the guy who sounded awful lot like my ex boyfriend. And I just asked them like, hey, you know, you mind telling me what the guy's first name was? And um he said the name. And I was like, by any chance, I could you share a picture of that person? And there he had a picture of my ex boyfriends and so so you found out at that point that he was cheating on you with him while you were still with him. And then and that was actually one of two guys that had come forward. Hold on a second, Aaron, So looking back, did you ever have the feeling he was cheating on you at that time? Not even a little bit, scaring a lot of people. But that's the problem though, because then in your next relationship you will not be so quick to trust, you know, which sucks for sure of some trust issues going on right now. Well, so, yeah, you know what, because I've been I've been cheated on in the past, and so I I think it's a natural thing to have trust issues. From time to time they creep in there. You know, what do you do? Stop it? Stop it? Trust issues? Rebuke? You can't you know. But let me ask you a question. What would life be? And I know a lot of people can raise their hands and say, well, that's me. You're describing what would life be if you could just be with someone and you never ever worry about being cheated on? You never think about, you know, going out and really cheating on them, and you just kind of live a happy life. What would that like? What would that be like? I would love to live that life. Sounds amazing about it? Yeah, I want, I want the most difficult thing I think about, you know, being like what what should we have for dessert? You know, erin at the time that was so you're saying right now, I don't know, are you dating anyone now? Are you out in the dating world? Not yet? Still with the trust issues. Just having having fun is great. But and you know, when you meet that someone who and you feel like you're falling from them, you're like, oh here we go, and you you like, I always say, you give them your heart to break, you know, and being in love is a fantastic thing, but Aaron, you know you deserve you deserve happiness. If it's out having fun with as many people as you want, great, but you know it's it's a shame that you can't you enjoy life on you, on your terms, with your rules, and not being cheated on, and you deserve the best. Aeron, Well, thank you, and I think all the cheaters out there we should wish diarrhea upon all of them. Aaron, thanks for listening. Have a great weekend. Okay, thank you too, But no offense to Aaron. But that's something we've a lot of us are all of us have been through, you know. But you just hear it in his voice, like Okay, I want to crawl through the phone and hug him. I think, like the best thing you can do for yourself in that situation is not give the next person the last person's traits, like you will put Oh, I know you're doing this because of this, that and the other thing, when meanwhile those things were the last person you mean to do you You're like, Okay, I learned this from my last relationship, so now I'm learning not to do it with the next one so hard. I think what Sam is saying too is you don't want to bring the bad things the last person did and accused the new person of doing those. Thank you and exactly what's scary? Here comes another pearl of wisdoms. No text came in which I disagree with this text rot. It's crazy how easy social media has made cheating. But if you think about it, the cheating has always been there. I think it's just you're just going to cheat. Why do you think it's harder to cheat now because you're more trackable now Before like back in the fifties, if you were like a man who wanted to cheat on your wife, she was home in the whole time, you just go cheat with your secretary. I saw you at the soda fountain. I saw you getting the sasaparella with you. He was sharing a chocolate malted. Yes. And nowadays everybody knows where everybody is. Yeah, well, but there are there are ways to cover that up. I era, Hi, Hey, what's going on? Not just driving to work? Oh? Scary? Can you can you go feed my dog a bone? Absolutely so, Sarah. It's all about finding someone you trust. Yes. Absolutely. My husband just recently went to Camcoon with a group of his guy friends and not one second. Did I think he was going to cheat on me? And how have you built that trust step over time? Um? I don't know. We just have a really good relationship. We have very good like communication. We talked about everything and we just know like we love each other and we know that we don't want to be with anybody else. I love that and it sounds it sounds so simple, but there are so many people listening going, God, I wish I could do that. Well, if you wish you could do that, then just go do it. I don't know. I think you can. I think if you're open and you're honest with your significant other and you have everything out on the table and you have no like issues or you know, like you talk about everything, and then you will have that all right, Well, okay, wave wave that. I'm good for you, Sarah, though. I think it's fantastic. I I want to live that life, the life you're living. Thank you for listening. Jesse McCartney has a song on his Departure album. It's called not Your Enemy, and it's exactly about how I'm not the guy that just cheated on you. It's a very good point. I am not him. I don't have even though it's from Jesse mccartin's amazing. It's such an amazing ballad. He should have released it because every woman would understand that songs jests around. Now. He's still making music. He's still making music, TV shows and stuff. He's will He accused me of doing something much and I thought it was really rude. Jesse. Yes, do you want to share what it was? No? No, you've got to get into the headlines. We have a free money phone tap on the way. What is going on? Bettany? Okay? A fourth person has passed away as a result of this Wednesday's London terror attack. He's a seventy five year old man. The attacker has been idd as a fifty two year old British born man. The so called his Long State is claiming responsibity for the attack. An eighteen year old with dual US Israeli citizenship is under arrest in a series of bomb threats against Jewish community centers and other Jewish institutions in the United States. We've been reporting on that he had dual US Israeli citizenship that he currently lives in Israel. His father has also been arrested and is suspected of making some of those calls as well. What a family, I know? I okay they then we're being sarcastic. By the way, half of the Elite eight is set. The rest of the bracket fills out today. Here is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath. And here are some of the best opening lines for getting a response on dating websites and apps. This is from zeus so. Messages that use the word adorable get sixty six percent more responses than average. Messages that complement someone's glasses get thirty nine percent more responses classes and if you use the word weather, you also get more responses there as in w H E T H. So you're talking about the weather, yes, exactly. Do not use the word high or hey. Those get far fewer responses. Very good. All right, let me get on and change my profile. Alright, thank you, Bethany. Alright, your free money phone tapp worth one thousand dollars coming up next. This is how you see in the morning Elvis Duran in the Morning Show. You know how much I love my Oreo cookies. Well now there's new Oreo chocolate candy bars. Delicious bits of Oreo cookie pieces, rich vanilla cream, filling and smooth European milk and chocolate candy. Look for it wherever you buy your chocolate candy. This Elvis Durand in the morning, ship, Scary, it smells so good in here. That's right because our French from Smokey Bones just joined us. So good. And Froggy's got his in Miami as well. Froggy, do you have Smokey Bones before you? Oh my goodness, to brisk get the pulled pork, the steak. It's all so delicious. People look at us all the time like, how what you ate that in the morning. I tell you easily, I'll show you. Whatever you do. Whatever you don't eat from Smoky Bones, will eat it. It tastes so good. Is gotta get the Smokey Bones down in wrong cong come on that afternoon tomorrow afternoon, All right, Scary, I don't need to see the pictures on your phone. I'm looking at it right there. It's the real deal. Scary is trying to show me food porn from Smokey Bones. We we got it. We've got the real deal. It's like looking at porn while you're at a strip club. Yeah, we're looking at porn while you're having sex. Anyway, we've got a free money phone tap. We're about to do that right now, aren't. Well, let's do it. Let's just do the free money phone tap. Rand in the Morning shows free money phone tap. After the phone taps over, we'll tell you to call in. You'd be called on one a one thou dollar cash gift card from Brooklyn Betting dot Com. Yes, go to Brooklyn Betting dot com. Use the code radio to get five percent off your mattress to free pillows and a set of sheets. You get a hundred and twenty nights sleep trial. I have one. A bunch of us on the show have when it's the most comfortable mattress I have first slept on. So we want to get you a thousand dollars courtesy of them Brooklyn Betting dot Com. After the phone tap errors, give us a call be color one and you'll win. But listen to the phone tap first. I love this. Uncle Johnny's over there getting ready for our new spring cocktail. I see peanut. Don't tell us what it is, but I see peanut butter, and I see some sort of vodka, and I see some salt. I see salty peanut butter salty peanut butter balls. Is that what it is? It's and so as we speak, we're about to get into Dave Rody's phone tap. But up on the throne currently serving as the king of all phone taps is Danielle. Thank you. Let's see if Rody's phone tap can knock her off. Elvis Duran Elvis Durant phone tap? All right, Brody? What's your phone tap? All about us? A listener will wanted a phone tap as coworker Mike. Mike has a tendency to continuously pay his parking garage at work his bill late. He pays it late every month and they've warned him about it, and he doesn't seem to care. So I called for the parking garage, tell them there's a problem. Are you nice, Brody or meme Brody in this phone tap? I'm always nice? But ma'n not not here? Okay, here we go. Hello, Yeah, I'm looking for Mike. This is Mike. Who's that Mike? This is call mine from walking. How you doing tonight? Yeah? I'm good? How are you doing? What's going on? Uh? Mike? How long you've been talking? Your geep? Here? A year and a half now at least, and uh, have you not had a conversation about paying your bill on the first of the month. Yeah, I don't. I don't get paid until the fifteenth. That's the arrangement. I told me that several times. Okay, that's right. Okay, Nancy notated your account. What she told me was, you do get paid the first time of fifteen. And so what I'm saying, chief, Chief, I'm Mike. Yeah, okay, let's have an arrangement with Nancy. I don't look so Nancy works for me. You've been here a year and a half now. I did some calculation on the interest lost, and uh, you owe us eighty nine dollars and seventy three cents. You're out of your mind. I have an arrangement with Nancy. Talked to Nancy. Okay. You know what, I would soon have fire Nancy than have you say her name again. So here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna pay a little penalty. I'm not paying you know what. Hold on one second, you just stay right there. Javier put it out on sixth Thank you. Hi. Javier's parking your car now on sixth Avenue and your car is gonna be there and you can pick it up with car too late. The chief your cause on sixth Avenue, and it's touch my car, your cause on sixth Avenue on the corner. The keys are gonna be in it. So you have a choice. You can go now and get your car, or you can leave it dead till it's time coming down there right now to get my Don't touch my car. I'm not touching your car. It's on sixth Avenue. You do what you're moment and now I hope it's still little for your sake, you know what I think. I see a toe truck. You better hurry. This car is illegally parked their kids. It's got a broken tar light. There's no broken tarilite, you know what. I'm sorry, I'm sign kick oh now it's got a broken tailine officers also got a broken side of your mirror, officer, you might as well taking it now, hold on my mistake. Now it does broken side mirror officer. I'm here. Where are you at? By the lamp post? You don't see me by the street, signed by the by the by the poles lamp post, Dan rowd, you're right now, what are you, well, you caused in the garage and uh and whil's up in the office and I'm I'm at a radio station. What are you talking about? Well, how fast did you run out of that? Will you? Mike? You're on six? Get out here. I'm almost cops are looking at me right now. I think mine, Mike. This is Dave brodylm Sharre in the Morning Show with phone tapping you. That's that's beautiful. Thanks for that. I appreciate that. I'm gonna man, we love breaking glass sound effect. That was great, Brody. But here's the question. I mean, Danielle did a fantastic phone tap yesterday and now she's the king of all phone tappens. That is good? Is it now time for Brody to move up? And Danielle has to come down off the throne? Yes or no? Yes, get off the throne. Daniel off the throne. Dave Brody is now once again the king of all phone to good go Elvis Durand in the Morning Shows. Free money phone tip when a one thousand dollar cash gift card right now? Yeah, now is the time you call. Here's the number one eight hundred to four to zero one hundred be caller. One win a thousand dollars from Brooklyn Betting dot Com. That's two four to zero one or Elvis Durrand in the Morning Shows Brooklyn Betting, Free money, phone tap opener, just necessary avoid in Montana, New Mexico, Washington and we're prohibited open illegal residents to the u s t C. Eighteen and all their official rules. Visit Elvis Duran dot com. Elvis Durand in the Morning Shows, Free Money phone tab hold on second, Uncle Johnny has something to say, but we gotta go talk to Victor real quick. Hey, Victor, how are you? Oh? My god? Hey, whoa hoo, Victory. It's not like you're it's not like you're ready for the weekend. Man, I am ready for the weekend. I wish you were here. We're having all sorts of munkey food from a Smokey Bones barbecue. Oh, it's amazing. You're you're calling from south Bridge, Massachusetts. Yes, on my way to work. Where do you get good barbecue in south Southbridge, Massachusetts? Do they have a good barbecue there? Um? In the nearby city? Yeah, come on down, Ter Booster has everything. Hey, come on down to a Smokey Bones in wrong Coma you'll love it. I guess what, Victor, you're the one hundred the caller. You just want a one thousand dollar cash kept card from Brooklyn Betting. Yes, yes, it's from Brooklyn Betting dot com. But it's a thousand dollars that spends just like cash. Congratulations. Oh my god, I'm so excited. I love you guys. Victor Danning, thank you very much. What are you doing this weekend? What's going to be the headline? Do you know yet? Actually we're going to a New York in the morning to uh a date on a day trip to see us show? Um? Uh, the New York Gay Men's Course. Oh cool, that's so cool. I love that. Enjoy our beautiful city until the gay Men's course. We said, all right, Victor, hold on one second, man, thanks for listening. All right, there you go, Thank you Brooklyn Betting, Brooklyn Betting dot com. A great week of free money phone taps. All right, we're out of money. What are we doing now? Yes? That? What's up? Great tea? We have something to say? You ready for the topic training? Yeah? Man, let's do it. I haven't looked up your topics yet. What are you any good? Absolutely? All right? Here we go. I have not approved of these topics. Alright, are they any good? Well, sometimes they're better than others. Okay, well, okay, let's just jump into it. We're just ahead of Uncle Johnny's springtime cocktail. I can't wait. I know it involves balls. Yeah, I like balls. All right, let's get into it. Sweaty balls. Oh gross, that's just disgusted, Uncle Johnny. It's not really steady. But there's their salty salt peanut butter balls. They used to call you that in junior high school. All right, So, from the mind of Great to the friend boy, if any of these topics hit a nerve, we want you to call us at one eight hundred two four two one hundred. Topic number one, why you banged up? Yeah, I want to know. So some of the guys on the show, they went out last night and you look around the room and there straight Nate and he is banged up. So I want to know, why are you banged up up? Why you banged up? Call us now one eight d two one hundred. Next topic, pretending to like it. You know, Elvis, it's not easy to like everything and being that much in common with your significant other and you try, but you still may not like everything that your significant other really likes. So I want to know what are you pretending to like for your partner but you secretly hate? I think we all have those. Yeah, you know, what do you pretend to like about your partner or things that they like that they like? Alright? One eight hundred two four two zero one hundred next time. Okay, I don't know what this topic is. I haven't looked at this Salt Lake City, Utah. You know, I'm just curious, Elvis, I've never been to Salt Lake City, Utah. I want to know what is in Salt Lake City, Utah. That's so great? Did you guys know that it's actually a major US city? Are you serious? Seriously? Well? What what's there? No? Seriously, you didn't know it's a major US city? I did. I just found out. But did you guys know? But what is city? Olympics there? What have you done for me lately? They had the Olympics years ago? There's nothing there now? What are you gonna do? There's nothing there now? Oh my god? You you live in a little bubble? Really? Okay? Call up? What The city is only as good as its last Olympics. Yeah, okay, call us now and enlightened. Great tea about Salt Lake City, Utah? What are you gonna do? Or did you say Utah? What do you do there? How do you say the state Utah? Okay? Utah? Alright? One eight hundred two two zero one hundred final lame topic topic train. Are you a real adult? I want to know what did you do or buy or go to that you have now declared yourself I am officially an adult. I want to know, are you a real adult? Okay? So what did you do that really kicked kicked you in the head and made you realize you're you're an adult? Yeah? Alright, d The topics are why you banged up pretending to like it? What the hell's in Salt Lake City, Utah? And are you a real adult? There you have it, Danielle, hurry because we also have Uncle Johnny's clocktails coming up in like a few minutes. All right, Well, to think it all started when JK. Rowling was working and she was on a journey from Manchester to her job in London. That's when she began writing the Harry Potter series and now the franchise is worth an estimated twenty five billion dollars for her. She deserves it, so, according to insiders, there are tons of Disney movies that will become live action, like Move On, A Pair on the Milan will be November of two thousand eighteen, Aladdin, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Dumbo, Snow White. They're all on the way, so get rid. I'm so excited. I cannot wait for every single one of those. Bellahadid is no longer following well she doesn't follow like her ex boyfriends, but now the Weekend is no longer following Bellahadid, The X and Selena Gomez, who's now dating The Weekend is no longer following Bella Hadid on social media. Okayust's try to keep up with that, just getting you updated on the dumb things celebrities do and we all do that. Do you still follow your ex is now? No? I guess not right, Okay, Beauty and the Beast. I mean this movie is just ridiculous. The Weekend saying for the box office it may make another eighty million dollars. And even though there's a lot of cool movies out this weekend, like The Power Rangers, they don't think that the Power Rangers has the power to beat Beauty and the Beast. So we will see what happens. This text just came in for for straight Nate. You know you're you're a real adult. When you're back goes out more than you do. Back to you, Daniel. Okay, the last four games of the n C Double A Sweet sixteen Regional semifinals are tonight. Don't forget you have keeping up with the Kardashians the Walking Dead, uh the series when we have tangled the series, and next hour we are going to talk about Chance the Rapper and what an amazing guy he is. He really truly is. Let's get him on the show. Nate, come on, when you sober up what you call Chance the Rapper? Remember, hey, before now, do we need to turn that blender on? Is that ice melting too much? Over their? Uncle John? We can put it on any time. I gotta put more ice in it. All right. Well that's gonna really water it down though, isn't it. But you know you're the scientist here. Yeah, maybe a little bit, not that much. Okay, we're good, all right, all right, back to great Tie's topics. Cool, let's get going. We'll start here with please call him Hie, Katie, Welcome to Great Tie's topic train. Which of his topics are you calling about? See? Yeah, uh straight, Nate's banged up because he drank too much last night? Why are you banged up today? To use last night? To what? Use sex last night? Always expecting that it's great? Good for you? Nice? Are you gonna have sex again tonight? Of course? All right? But you're okay though, I'm okay. Just a couple of bruises here and there. Where's the biggest bruise as I like? What if we ask Katie, where's the biggest bruise on his ass? All right? Oh, Katie, thank you for listening to us. Have a great one. Okay, all right, Hello Molly, Welcome to Great Tie's topic train. Welcome to the weekend. H What so, which of great Tie's topics you're calling about? Um? Pretending to like it? Oh, Molly, so what are you faking to like? Just for your significant other? I have ever tending to like my boyfriend's hairs style for the last three years. Oh my gosh, what's the style? It's like that? Um? This is the normal like guy hairstyle. That's going around right now. But he's got a receding hairline, and it's not so there. Receding hairline doesn't bother you. It's just the way he has his hair done with a receding hairline that bothers you. Yeah, he's got like this kind of comb over thing that he's trying to do and it looks a little bit like a young Donald. Why don't you tell him? It looks like a really insecure about it, so I can't be like, oh no, your hair is actually as ugly as you think it is. That's a rough situation, it is, But there's got to be a diplomatic quait. Maybe maybe you jump on Pinterest and you find some things that might look really good for him, and you're like, hey, let's you know, maybe we should try some stuff. But the guys are never gonna trust anything from Pinterest. This is why I don't have a boyfriend. By the way, I don't know what, because that's why you fall for gay guys, because you keep talking about Pinterest. What's true? Hi, Steva, there's something you see. Good luck with that. Molly, I am Katie, Molly are aweso. Let's go call talk to Samantha. Samantha, welcome to Great Teas Topic Train. Which topic you calling about? Oh my gosh, high, I've been to Salt Lake City. Okay, then you can tell us what's there. They have the original Mormon temple, like where the Mormons started. They got one nude dunkin Donuts. Yeah, all right. They have this really huge like mall that has like less overhangs, and the trolley goes underneath trolley, and they have a lake and it's called Salt Lake Yep. Yeah, that's the little shopping area like I was there for the Olympics, but it's like that little strip. It's like the cutest little shopping area shopping. Yeah. Yeah, it's called all right. There you go see there's stuff in Thank you, Samantha, have a great weekend. Thank you, thank you. Let's go talk to Daniel. Daniel, welcome to Great Teas Topic Train. Which topic you're calling about? Hello, lady, Hello, wow, lady, I am calling about becoming an adult? Okay, So what was it, Daniel? What what did you buy or do that all of a sudden you said, Wow, I'm an adult. Well I finally aged out of my pediatrician. I can't go to him anymore. So now I have a real adult doctor. Can I ask how old you are? Here? You go? I know people in their mid mid to late twenties who still go see their pediatricians. Yeah, I wish I could use a nice guy. Yeah, thanks for listening, and tell your pediatrician that you miss him. Just give me a little call. Thank thanks for listening to us. Daniel, Hello, Ali, Which of Great Tea's topics you're calling about? Becoming an adult? Okay? What did you do or buy or what set you up? And said? I am officially an adult? Okay. When I was going to graduate college, I always said that I was going to go buy a brand new Jaguar car. Well, when I graduated, I bought a house for the same price instead. A right, good for you, good decisions, the very grown up thing to do by a house. Awesome, that's what you see. Look, you could have had a sexy car that would have immediately depreciated in value as you drove it off the lot, even though it is a Jaguar, and I've heard their fabulous cars. But you bought a house because it's a great investment, and that's very very wise. You're an adult. Yeah, thanks for listening to us. Let's go talk to Marissa Hime. Marissa, welcome to Great Tie's top at Trade. Which topic you calling about? Hi, guys, I'm calling because when I first started dating my husband, I pretended to like fishing for many many months, and it was the worst thing in the world. I hated the fish and the words and everything that had to do with it. And I finally came out with the fact that I hated it. And now I make him put everything on the hook and I don't touch the fish. But it was super embarrassing to come out and telling him that I actually hated everything. At least you show up and drink the beer. That's that's kind of at least you were honest with him. Eventually didn't take it. Well, he did, and he's like, I kind of macared, but I like the company and you were a good time, So I like, I have a lot of a lot of women friends who remembers of w WF women who fish. They love it. They love it all right, Marissa, thank you, have a great weekend. Okay, Okay, one more call for you, Gregory. Yes, Sarah, which of Great Teas topics are you calling about? I'm actually calling that I'm banged up. Yeah, why are you all banged up today? Sarah? All right? Well, I had initially called because I was probably still drunk this morning when I did a live news segment and I was gonna tell Straight and Nate how hung over I fell afterwards. But now I'm like hungover and I have a broken ft. How did you break your foot? Yeah? So I was at a construction site and I slipped off a makeshift ramp. What do you do for a living, She's a construction site reporter? Well no, so no, I'm actually a social worker and I work for like a nonprofit agency that works with individuals with disabilities, and I am doing a home modification for a quadriplegic who's graduating with his master's the spring. You're doing great things. We're doing a wheelchair basketball tournament this weekend. Um, so, we were promoting it with a local news station and I had to get up at four am this morning. But you're still drunk. I can hear. I can smell your breath from here. Straight Straight was just on his fifteen drink at ten o'clock. Thank you. I might have been joining him at that time. Well, thank you for listening to us. You have a great day. Okay, all right there you guys, Johnny Johnny, are you ready for your peanut balls cocktail? What is that? Yes, well it's called Uncle Johnny's three P's into Spring. It's Pools Peanut but a pretzel. We could change the name. A lot of people don't know his name is Johnny Pool, so it's Pools Peanut butter pretzel. You get the wonder going, Uncle Johnny, We're ready for a cock call us. You guys are only going to keep me awake throughout the day, literally alive. Really made my morning. Thank you, Thank you for listening. Elvis Duran in the Morning Show Upside. The smart new way to buy travel is upside dot com. You save money. You get a free Amazon gift card with every trip you buy. Use my name Elvis, and you're guaranteed at least a two hundred dollar gift card with your first time using upside dot com. Save huge on travel. Minimum purchase supplies seaside for details upside dot com. Thank wow, are you ready? Are you ready? Can you handle it? Can you handle it? Because today it is good Fride. We I smelled the week, got it? To the mail, to the feet, to the eyes to the estrant in the Morning Show, E to the heil, to the feet, to the eyes of the estrant in the Morning Show. Everybody, This is Elvis Durrant in the Morning Show. WHOA what a Friday. Welcome to the weekend in a beautiful knowing. You got the weekend ahead of you. It is Friday, Mark, Uncle Johnny about to make it some cocktails? I'm excited. Oh do we already? Did? You already made the cocktails? And these are what they called again. You're speaking to the microphone. Three ps into spring, which is stands for pose, peanut, butter pretzel. There you go, and you've had a ship already about today. I have not hold on trying it life. And it's pink salt on the rim is to wish you should get drink. Oh my god. Alright, let's go Daniel. You can have this right with the salt though it's azel and that's got some booze in it. Yeah, I just noticed that. Let's go around in the room. Hold on, Johnny, I hope you have some jokes for us today. I get it coming, all right, Okay, we'll start with you scary what's on your mind? You know, you're always asking for trouble when you go on Instagram for TVT and you put like a baby picture of yourself on there, because it always invites the comment what happened to you? You were so cute as a kid. And I'm like, I'm like, I got so many of those yesterday because I posted like this, you were a cute kid. You know what, I think, I really like went downhill after that, you know, I mean you still look a lot like that. I don't know I looked. I think you look better as a kid. There's remnants of me in that picture of when I was eight years old, but like, I can never be as cute as that. Again, what remnants of you? Are? Looking at it? Like, you know, the shades of me, shades of you? What about you, Daniel? What's on your mind today? Are you still drunk from your shot earlier? Actually, I was just gonna say that I hate and really if you do feel a little tipsy and you drank a little too much, eat something, because it really did help me feel better. And now have Uncle Johnny's Johnny's cocktail, and I feel like I'm going to go over there It's a roller coaster, really is. So what's up with you, Bethany? I have to say I've been, you know, kind of feeling you guys in lately how I've been kind of cleaning up my closet and trying to kind of pare down stuff spring cleaning. Yeah, I did that with my jewelry. I took a bunch of stuff out that I'm going to donate. And it's so much fun because then you can go, like I threw away a lot of like the really cheap stuff. So you're donating that to like South Bees. Yes, um, And it's just so much nicer because then everything you can see everything, and it makes you so happy in the morning. So it's a weekend. If you have time this weekend, stop and like clean out one thing in your house, like even just a drawer, you will feel so much better. It's like when you clear out a drawer, you clear out your mind. It's except for the junk drawer. That should always be like the drunk drawer, as dirty and cluttered as possible. And I didn't say the drunk drawer, the junk drawer. I think you know. Spring cleaning is a very important thing to clean up your closet, rearrange everything, clean things out, donate the things you don't need because people do need them. But also, spring cleaning can be changing the way you're eating for the season. It can be changing the way you're feeling about things and thinking you've got to stop down and go, Okay, what have I been obsessing over for the past winter? Yeah, let's stop obsessing over that. Let's spring clean our brains and our hearts. I know it sounds very very cupcakey, but it's true. It's really true. All right, Uncle Johnny one more time? He and hewherepe the time for Uncle Johnny sing some more crazy and he gave the show. But Johnny Johnny, Wow, look someone submitting a joke to you, Uncle Johnny from Airy Code five seven four? What's brown? And rhymes with snoop? What's brown and snoop? Dr dre Alright, Uncle Johnny, what do you got going on here? This peanut butter cocktown? Yeah? Three peas into spring that's what it's all about here. I love that it's a springtime thing. Take a sip. You gotta try the salt on the edge. We'll tell everyone what's in it so they'll understand. What we're drinking today is salt Camo vodka. And then I mixed that with a little dried peanut butter and peanut butter, and then I put a little a gabby for a little sweetness. And then I rimmed the glass with Camo syrup and put it into pink sauce. Salt salt, thank you. And and then I put a little almond milk in there, and I and then then I blend the whole thing blend. It's amazing how it really does taste like a pretzel. This is fantastic. It's really really good. So we're getting ready for Gay Pride weekend Miami, Miami, Miami Beach, Florida. Of course, I'm so excited. Uncle Johnny is one of the incredible, incredible uh what do they call Marshal's Grand Marshalls from for the what do they call that a parade? Miami Pride, Miami Beach Pride, Mami Beach. There's a difference. We're staying at the fabulous Eating Rock Hotel. Oh wow, now I know it's incredible. We have a big dinner for you. We have all sorts of surprises for you, Uncle Johnny. You're gonna have a fantastic weekend as you are highlighted on the parade route. Oh fabulous. I heard Ross was going to be there from the Matthew Russ from the Tonight Show Russ Matthew. You know he's one of those guys. He has two first names. Yeah, yeah, he's a Grand Marshal as well. And it's gonna be just a beautiful weekend. I'm so excited of the whole thing. I talked to the Gentleman. He called me the other day, the Gentleman, a gentleman that called me and said that what, Johnny, were really excited for you coming down here and everything. We don't know his name, just some guy named the Gentleman. All right, Well, so uncle Johnny, we've got your jokes coming up, and also we're gonna have cocktails. But we've got to we've got to go over to Garrett to see what the sounds all about today. What are you doing? Not much, just eating some smokey bones, all right, So let's talk about new music Friday. You played a clip of this earlier. So here's Iggy Azela and the song mo Bounty named after our very young Alright, afternoon, Guru of the airwaves, mo Bounce and the voice of the eldest antrel There you go. So John Mayer Danielle was talking about in her entertainment report. His new song is about Katie Perry and it's called still Feel Like Your Man? Who does this microphone over here? All right? I still keep your shampoo in my shop in case you want to wash your hand. Listen to that, and I know that you'd probably found yourself some mus somewhere, but I really can be we know that's about Katie Perry. John Mayor sounds great even though he's pissing you off with what he's saying. He's great. And more new music came out last night. David getting down in um the Miami Ultra playing this last night with Nicki Minaj Little Wayne and it's called a Light Up My Body. He performed this at Ultra Music Fest. Yes, I don't know if you have the answer to this, but how many songs does Nicki Minaj have out right now? It's like a lot. It's like a dozens. All of them came out at once, and this is great. I had not heard this brand new right well, the last time they collaborated it worked out pretty good, So NICKI minaj and uh record all right. Boss Baby comes out March one in theaters. Is the end the animated movie. Alec Baldwin plays the voice of the little boss Baby in the family. But everyone's talking about him retiring his impression of Donald Trump on SNL. So I got to talk to him on Monday night on the red carpet at the movie premiere, and I asked him, if you were to retire this impression of Trump, who would replace you? Who? Do you think They've had people in the cast who did it before, you know, Taran who just left, and Darryl. You know, this is a rare time where someone has guessed it on the show over and over and over. Gonna play a really important role. And I told people, I said, not that, I that I don't think I'm gonna do it anymore. As if I want to quit, I don't know how much more people want to see that. So we'll see. I'm gonna do the rest of this season. I got a few more shows to do with them now, between now and the end of May, and then I don't know if they want me to come back next year, and who knows what's going to happen between them and next year. You know, I love Alec Baldwin. The fact that you got to interview him, how cool was that. It was great he had his kids with him, and I think he's doing this as a contract negotiation. Employe was saying, I don't know if they want me back because he's only getting the minimum to be on sl You don't get rich doing that. But I mean, I would love to have him on our show. After seeing the movie Boss Baby. I saw it already. It's so good. I can't listen to him now without thinking of the little bit baby and that he will forever be the little baby in Mike. I'm sure he would love to hear you say that let's get him on the show, so you could tell him that they come on our show. All right. So Netflix just released Dave Dave Chappelle's two new stand up specials. It's great if you have nothing to do this weekend, I suggest you watch it. Ten out of tend personally coming from me, But here's where Dave Chappelle was talking about possibly ending his career until he made one phone call and I wanted to give up. Sometimes I almost did give up, but then right right before I gave up by the side of not too but I made the call. I made the call. They answer the phone, Hello, answering with the stars, I said, not yet right. If you see me on that, it's over trusting. My spirit is broken. If you see me waiting for them judges getting critiqued on my chat chop that wow, yeah, okay, So watch it this weekend. It's on Netflix. Uh and finally it was straight straight. Nage says that Chappelle's it is one of the funniest comedy specials I've ever seen in my life. Excellent. I want to see it all right. Last night tonight showed Now normally Jimmy Jimmy Allen does this with toy instruments from a classroom, but he had megos in studio, he had the roots and instead of toy instruments, they used office supplies, so staplers, pens, keyboards, and phones. And this is them doing bad and bougie up. How funny from nothing in the nobody follow the day. That sounds really good. Exactly. That's cool, that's awesome. You're a good American. Thank you very much, Thank you so much, And to all of our friends here at Ultra Music Fest this weekend. It officially kicked off last night, right, Froggy, Yeah, I did. The pre party was last night and the big, big, big, big stage starts today. All right, uncle Johnny, do you have some jokes for us today? Yes? I think so. Well, that sounds good. He was printing him out. I thought, okay, so road, he's bringing the jokes in and you just you he writes them for you, he prints them out, so I can okay, Well, okay, well we'll get those the man with the hand in the public. What's trending? What's trending? Right? The jokes aren't ready, Uncle Johnny's ready, The jokes aren't okay, Well we'll see what's trending, sir. The sound of a show that's off the tracks. What do you have today, Bethany? Okay, So one of my pet peeves is when I have my iPhone in my coat pocket and my earbuds in my ears and the cord gets all tangled up with my purse and I'm trying to carry stuff around. This is why I love this new Infinity cuff scarf It's from Minx, and why it has a zipper pocket in the scarf where you put your phone and we tested it out. I had the interns tested out because I'm like if they're if it's the phone like hangs down too much. But the interns unanimously liked this scarf. It's really cute. So go to Elvis duran dot com keyward trending and right now use the code trending at checkout and get off your order again. That's from Minx and why and then this is really awesome if you're somebody who loves cats, or you know somebody who loves cats, know the actual animal you need this perfume. It's from Demeter Fragrance Library. It's called kitten for. Now. They don't tell you what sense go into it, and they test them on animals. No, I don't, I don't, I don't. I don't think so. But um, they say that this is going to like capture the old factory essence of the warmth and comfort of that perfect spot like right behind a kitten's neck. They say it's like this really cozy smell. Demeter is really famous for making sense, like laundromat grass sunshine, So they make these reingular sense. Yeah, so kitten for is their newest lie it sounds so classy too. What are you wearing? I'm wearing laundromat. So go to Elvis durand dot com keyword trending. I link you right over than Yeah, but you can find every old what's trending also at Elvis duran dot com keyword trading. Did you talk about kitten for yesterday? No? I did didn a kicker story a couple of days ago, and I was like, this is actually really awesome. I've heard this before. Hey, before we get into Uncle Johnny's springtime jokes. Ryan Esco was in a few moments ago with our friends from Smokey Bones, the barbecue restaurant out in ron Konkoma, Long Island. That's one of them they just renovated, and Scary is gonna be there tomorrow to help them celebrate. I mean, they have like sixty locations around the country. I know that Froggy's enjoying some Smokey Bones from Miami right now, right sixty seven locations. Anyway, Ryan Esco was talking about how last time they were here, we were they brought some barbecue up whatever, and he said, you helped put us on the map, and uh, the guy who helped us, helped us launch the store before it totally changed his life. Now he's relaunching the store, renovated, and it's just so great to hear a CEO of a company talking about how proud he is of people who are doing a great job for him, and made me think, you know, we work for a company like that too. You know, the people that run our company, my Heart are just always so appreciative of our show brings to the table and what are the shows. It's so cool. I hope you work for someone who appreciates you. And if they don't stand up and go, look, honey, you better pay some attention. I will walk at that door, or you know, just take your clothes off, set them on fire, and just march out. You know, it was like Christmas morning here yesterday when it was announced that I Heart Radio is now over one hundred million listeners strong, and uh, immediately email went out to everyone saying thank you. They thanked everyone for doing it. It wasn't like, look what we did, Look at all of us overpaid c e O s. Dude, look at this thing I did. They didn't take any credit for it at all. It's pretty cool. So anyway, Ryan Esco. If ever you come across the Smokey Bones, if there's one new, you support them. Get the corn exactly and beans to okay, okay, and the brisk okay, ready to go. So it's springtime, springtime? All right, Uncle Johnny. These are very well rehearsed jokes. I'm sure. Let's see. Yes, okay, first time. What does the easter rabbit get from making a basket? What does the easter rabbit get for making a basket? Two points? Just like every other player? Oh yeah, making a basket two points? Okay, point, very good. What does an accountant use for birth control? What does an accountant use for birth control his personality? My apologies to all accountants out there. Can February much can February? No? But April May it's a month joke, the chronology joke. But April May, yes, April May, Idaho, Alaska? Here we go? What a Delaware while Alaska? All right? Why is Cinderella a terrible baseball player? Why is Cinderella a terrible baseball player? She's always running away from the ball. Oh well, that's good, yeah, see she lets one time? There you go. How do you really know how to make a joke funnier. By the way, you're listening to Uncle Johnny's spring time jokes. We only have two. How does the Easter Bunny eat a Chinese restaurant? Eat at a Chinese restaurant? Does the Easter but he eat at a Chinese restaurant? He uses hop sticks? Alright, one more, let's go alright, why can't the Easter Bunny's wife get pregnant? Why can't the Easter bunniest because she hides all her eggs and he only comes a year. There's the joke right there, Uncle Johnny. I tell you this week, your cocktail is much better than your jokes. Gotta be honest, but thank God for the cocktail. It saved you. It's fabulous. And someone actually send a text. They want us to talk at the same time. They want us to have a conversation with each other, Uncle Johnny. So I'm making a corktail. I'm making a cork Uncle Johnny does the impression of you doing the impression of him? Exactly which one is? Uncle Johnny? Okay, don't don't give us the answer, but let's let's place bet. How many of you think Uncle Johnny has a rolled up joint under his tupay. Yeah, I don't think he does. I'll tell you why after he lifts his tupai. Dude, does he have one under there? Open it up? Do you have a Do you have a joint under your tuthpage? The answer is I'll tell you why. I know because he smoked it on the way into the station. This man is Hi, Hi the kite. We love your uncle, Johnny, and thank you for the cocktail. Today's Fabulous Got Clay radio personality Elvis durand Elvis Duran in the morning show. What's the best place to have your breakfast? How about a warm croissant right now at Burger King? Get to Croissan which breakfast sandwiches for just four dollars a light, flaky Croissan piled high with savory sausage or delicious thick cut smoke bacon only a Burger King prison participation may very Thank god, it's the weekend. Goodness, what are you doing this weekend? Danielle? I have a Mitzvah that I'm going to tomorrow, and then I have my son's family birthday party on Sunday. Your phone ringing? Who's what kind of ring? Is that? Hello? Really? So we keeps calling me, hanging up on me. Tell them you're doing the show. You know, it's one of these robot call things. Well, you know, I'm getting like four or five a day, so this is good news. The FCC is looking to crack down on those. Can they crack down on them like within the hour? Yeah, I mean they're hoping to take the vote later this year, so you're gonna have We don't want to take a vote. It's just something they should do. Just get rid of robo call you know. No, it's really really frustrating. We used to do those. The company used to say, Hey, Elvis, can you record you saying Hi, I'm Elvis Duran listen tomorrow morning. And I'm like, no, I don't. I don't want me calling people. If they want to talk to me, they'll call me. So I'm letting you know you're not gonna have me robo calling you anytime soon. I'm not going to be part of the robot call nation. I recently heard is Sam or Kathleen told me that if they call. If a robot call calls you, when you hit nine, after you answer, it just automatically hangs up for you. Can you Google that and find out. I don't know if it adds you to any list or not, though. All right, let's go over to you. Froggy. Froggy is turner? Scary? Scary? What's up with you? Know? We're doing around the room now. You just asked Daniel she was doing this weekend? Are you getting another call? What again? Hold on? Hello? Okay, they're talking. No, you're not. They just said they're the Bank of America. They're not. I don't have an account with the Bank of America. Hello, Hello, Hello, this is bank. What is your bank account number? Greg T. We know that you stop calling my phone. Do you have a credit card with us? Thank you? Goodbye. It is amazing that people will just give their numbers. There their information. Hi, you don't know me? What is your Social Security number? Of course I trust you. This thing is saying, don't press numbers, because then you're confirming that you're there. Don't numbers. Yeah, that's bad information, bad information, scary. What are you doing this weekend? That's my that's my theme of the birth. Okay, Well, what I'm doing this weekend is I'm catching up with some old friends. You know, I haven't been doing local things lately, I've been everywhere but my local neighborhood and I hear some news new restaurant opened up and I want to check that out. Okay, of course, hanging out with French. What are you doing this weekend, Bethany, My buddy is coming over tomorrow. We're hanging out all day and then I have brunch plans on Sunday with a bunch and it's gonna be a boozy brunch. Yes, perfect, yes, uh froggy weekend plans anything good? Brand new restaurant just opened up here. Jeffers are carrying restaurant called Point Royal, and Lisa and I and some friends are gonna go try that out Saturday night. Straight Nate, when you sober up? What are you doing this weekend? Drinking again? Okay, what are you doing this weekend? I'm going to Santa Fe. Yeah, yeah, I'll be doing the show out of the Santa Fe Studios next week. How do wish me luck? Good luck? Wish me luck? All right, let's get into the Danielle Report. Danielle, all right, what do you got going on the site? So we love have a chance the rapper and we actually would love him to come up here soon, so hopefully that will happen. His music, his leadership is charity has made a really huge impression. He made Fortune magazine's annual list of the world's Greatest leaders. He's number forty six, ahead of two CEOs and the mayor of London, so congratulations to chance. Amy Schumer was saying how she was doing a sexual favor for her man and right after he started yawning, Hey, look, you know, to be fair, sometimes you get sleepy, like this morning during an exciting part of our show, bets in a yawned yeah, and I apologize. But if you're doing a sexual favor on someone and you look up and there yawning, the only thing worse than that is if they just fall asleep laughing. Which have you ever fallen asleep? You have? Have you ever fallen asleep during sex? Yes? I have. Anyway, there's a lot of explaining to do. Yes. A list of the highest paid TV casts of all time came out and ray Romano is still number one on the list. From Everybody Loves Raymond every when he was making the most, he was making one point eight million dollars per episode. The people from The Big Bang Theory make a lot of money, but still not that much. Some people don't make that an entire season. John Mayer admits that his song still Feel Like Your Man is about Katie Perry. He said, it's a testament to the fact that I have not dated a lot of people in the last five to six years. This was my only relationship, so it's like, give me this people, and it actually sounds like it's a pretty cool song, So check it out. Kendrick Lamar's next albums on the way. Yesterday morning, he wiped his Instagram clean left one new photo. It's a cryptic image of a Roman numeral four. Then last night he tweeted the release of his latest single, The Heart Part Part four, which makes sense, and then he finished the song with the line y'all got till April seven to get your bleep together, So keeping April seven on your radar. Hold second, who are you talking to over there? Well, hold on, she's doing her report here. I know you're drunk, but you're very loud. You're allowed drunk. It's okay. The Fouler Rangers, Life Chips, they're all in your movie theaters this weekend. But they still think that Beauty and the Beast will be number one again, and you've got the last four games of the n C Double A Sweet sixteen Regional semifinals tonight. Don't forget Tangled, the series is uh premiering tonight on Disney The Walking Dead, Keeping Up with the Kardashians all on television this weekend. All right, who's that on the phone? Fred? Let's go talk to Fred. High Fred, how you doing? We're doing? Okay? So you actually mess with the robot calls that come in And I thought you're just supposed to hang out, but you actually play with them. Oh yeah, I mess with him. I'll get him. They say my I Tunes account has been hacked, I get all dramatic. Or they tell me my computer has got a virus, and I tell them I should have never went on that porn slight last night. Whatever whatever comes to the mind, and I just they usually wind up hanging up on me before I get a chance to hang up. So that's the goal. The goal is to get them to hang up on you before you hang upon them. That it's a lot of fun. That's good. Oh yeah, whenever it comes to your mind, just you know, how fun with it? Okay, So you gotta put yourself in their place, not that I care to, but let's just for a second, hear me out. Fred. You go into work, you sit down at your in your cubicle, you put your headset on, and you start calling these numbers that the company gives you, and it's your job to tell them a lie basically yeah, and then you get them on. I mean, so at the end of your day, you must really hate yourself for being such a a dirt bag by calling people. You know what I'm saying. I mean, what do you do for a living? I'd call people to try to cheat them out of their savings until I call this one guy, Fred, who's just a total ass. I think though, at some point, like as the caller, if that would help break up the monotony. What do you mean? Well, like, you're making the same call every single you know, multiple times every minute, so you want someone like Fred. It might be kind of fun to have someone at least do something different rather than just yelling at you. Are hanging up on you, Fred, next time they robocall you, it's a live human and not a computer, you should just say, hey, how do you live with yourself? No, only that you're trying to shaft me right now. I mean, because yeah, everyone, I'll yell at him. I know Mr, and we know that you're your PC is under I don't have a p S. You jackass. And I feel kind of bed after I hang up, because I really insult them. I insult her mothers, I insult her entire Why no, But they shouldn't be trying to take advantage. I mean they know they're lying, don't they. The problem with the robot calls now is the people who are really trying to help you are getting the shaft. Because the other day someone took my GAP card and use it in Wichita, Kansas, and I got a call and I did not believe the lady and I'm She's like, I need your I'm not giving you anything. I'm not. She goes land and it turned out it was a real call someone. You simply tell them, you know what where credit card? Are you saying you're from THEIA. I'm gonna call the card. Then you call the card yourself. I get so much fake documentation and calls and stuff too, from like car stuff that I missed a really important thing about a car, least for a long time. All right, Brian, thank you for listening to us. Thank you for very much. So I know I can call you Bethany, and I can probably probably talk to you when you give me your life savings. I mean probably. Um, let's see who's this? Hello? Hello? Who's this? Hello? Hello? So uh an important member of your work family is in dire need. Please press one. I'm not pressing one, so it's great. Do you want to find out who it is? No, I'm not paying five hundred front of you people. You pay your old Definitely press one. Thank you, Greg T. What's that scary? I feel awful. This text message came in and said, m my, my grandpa, my grandpa got scamped out of five hundred dollars from someone who called him claiming to be his grandson. Let me tell you that's why. I just I just really have no problem screaming at these people and just you know, making fun of their penis eyes, even if it is a woman. Mamm you have a very tiny penis for calling me like that, you know what, Just you're taking advantage of people. Don't scam old people. Don't scam anyone, especially old people or animals or animals. Hello, Danny, Hi, there In the past week, You've had how many robot calls them? And what do you do with them? I don't do anything. I usually just ignore them, but then I keep getting voice messages of them just breathing into the phone, like and I was like calling my husband. I was like, I think someone stopping me, and he called it and it was just someone trying to sell me something that's probably great tea doing a phone tap. Yeah, it probably was. Yeah. Did you ask, did you ask if they're trying to phone tap you? No? Maybe you should because it could be I'm trying this new phone tap idea. I just call people to breathe. All right, Danny, thank you, have a good weekend. Hello Janine. Hi, So what do you do when you get robot calls? Oh? When I get calls, I tell them I'm the FBI and I'm monitoring and tracing quality assurance. What do they do? They hang up? It just it's so weird to me, the concept of a room filled with people who know they're all shafting people. How do you live with yourself? I don't know. Here, here's a text here, Janine. It says I answered, I answer those calls by saying uh Akron, wrhouse, Acron her house. You have the dough, we have the whole Akron. I'm thinking of Acron and acron. If you if you put Akron and acorn together, you have Akron. All right, Janine, thank you very much. YouTube, And you brought up a good point, Danielle. If you're an actual telemarketer online four I need that call. Hello, they're taking her away from me. Hello, here she is high Melissa. So you are you are a legitimate telemarketer. So the robot calls, they're ruining your your industry. They really are messing you up, aren't they. Yes, they want Good Morning America this morning as well. So what happened, Well, what happens is for us, we go to the travel show. We were just at the New York Travel Show and people come around and, um, we're a resort company. So people saw the entry forms and you have to have certain qualifications because obviously we do want to sell the time share property. And then we give you a call and we ask you if you want to come out to wait a minute. So you're actually you're actually calling people who basically told you to call them, is what you're saying. You gave they gave you permission through filling out those forms, right, but then when you call them they do the same thing. That's what's happening to us is they're saying, um, this is a scam. They'll pick up they use, you know, profanity like why are you calling me? Like you know or that be like screw you, and you know it's like, um, you know, I do it for a living. I'm a forty year old woman, I have a family. I'm not a robo person. I'm a real person. Um, you know, and people come to these travel shows and we have a resort. I'm not going to say the name of it. Obviously I wouldn't do that. But here's the thing that Melissa, don't get mad at me for saying this. No one wants No one wants anyone calling them to give them a trip. They just don't. No one wants it. And I know you're making a living, but I'm letting you know if you don't see, you sound like a really sweet person a night and a smart person. So so I'm sure you do have some people who are actually interested in what you're selling and and that that's good, but gosh, you know what, let me go to the show. Um, you know, we do explain to the people, you know that this is what's going to happen. So if you want to put your name on this paper, and you have to have qualifications, you have to have a certain age, you have to have a certain income. You know, it's not like we're just selling it to anybody. That's not fair for you because they you, they are giving you permission to call them. That's that's totally legit and different. You know, they're saying, hey, call me and give me a trip. You know, I get that. But because of the road thing, people won't even take up the phones anymore. So we're winding up, you know, not being able to make our quota and make our money. Because let me ask you this though, Melissa, at the end of the day, when you go home and you see your call coming through and you don't recognize the number on callaide, exactly. All right, Melissa, thank you for listening. I hope you have the best weekend ever. Best of luck to you. Okay, I'm going into work now, so all right, Well, I'm not gonna answer my phone, but I love you. I'll answer the phone when you call us here. How about that all right, and take care of what's hot right now. And Elvis Durand dot com. Here's web girl Kathleen. It's cocktail Friday. So we're sipping on some of Uncle Johnny's peanut butter pretzel Bill Lender drinks and they are delicious. If you want to see a pick of what we're drinking or the recipe, you can get it right now on the homepage. And in case you missed, yesterday, we had the amazing Leon Else live in studio for performance. Check out his cover of ce Us Titanium and his very own single Beautiful World. We were blown away. The videos up for you right now. Get all this some more. Elvis Durrand dot com. Elvis Durand dot com. All right, this is Alesia Carl with Elvis dran in the Morning show. And he is so excited about my date with Darren and Chris tonight. Hopefully I'll be nicer to you. He's, oh no, he's been very nice. It's it's like a bromance. He's leaving his girlfriend at home and we're going to the theater. Does he Sunset Buleivard tonight? That be fun? One of the gayest musicals you can see anyway. We gotta get him on the show again soon. He's got so much going on. Darren Chris is like one of the busiest guys we know. He was in like last week he was with his brother doing their you know, their their band project together. Then you know he's been doing headwig out in l A. He's just a busy guy. I'm surprised we have time for a day tonight. Huh, well good, I'm glad you do. We're gonna do shots before the show. So if you see us at Sunset Boulevard today tonight, just be aware. Uh Hey, Ricky Martin, he does an incredible show. They're talking about his new one in Las Vegas. He's doing a residency at the Park Theater Monte Carlo Beautiful Hotel. Right. If you want to see Ricky Martin live, will fly you there around trip two nights at the Monte Carlo, Las Vegas and tickets to see Ricky Martin at Park Theater tickets on sale now at ticketmaster dot com. His show's kickoff April five. If you want to go, we'll give you a trip. Go to Elvis Duran dot com and uh sign up to win. Is this movie man. Yeah, sure, is what's up? Lesbian? Let me? How come when I said, is this movie man scary? Screams? Yeah, I don't know. He's very excited about about the segment today, and I don't blame him. Really, it's gonna be a good one. Yes, let's let's get into it. What do you have for the weekend. We've got three big movies. First of all, Danielle, you went and saw that Beauty in the Beast. It was amazing. It was so cute. That movie made so much money, and other than the kidnapping, the hostage taking and the Stockholm syndrome stuff, it was awesome. Is essentially what it is you think about it. I like Lafu. He was my favorite. Who doesn't like a little foo? It's been, it's been. I've been yes for five years. It's Bethany, Yeah, right, right right, Bethany. Okay, let's talk about her broccoli like you usually call her. You know what, I'm trying to get it right, year six. I feel it coming off. Talk about the three big movies coming out this week. First one a series that I loved as a kid, and not that many of us old enough to remember hits right, Remember John and Paunch. Remember Larry Wilcox, Eric Astrata when they just to put those hogs between their legs and just rode around the main streets of l A. Remember that Larry will What Wilcox? Oh? Okay, yes, I remember Chips and Eric Astrata? Yes? Yeah, okay. Good. So they made that into a movie. Now and you got Dak Shepherd and Michael Pania and see they've done they've They've done a remake of the whole thing. They've brought it up to date. How how could that be bad? Because I love Dak Shepherd, I love Michael pa and I love Dak Shepherd's wife, Kristen Bell. She's awesome. I love her, love her so much, so much. Her TV show is fantastic. This thing it's written, directed, produced by Dak Sheppard. He's in charge of the whole thing. How can it be wrong? What do you guys think? Well, I don't know. I have no desire to see it, but I can't wait to hear what you have to say about it. Her boobs are huge in it because she didn't breastfeed for twenty four hours, so her boobs would be mask whoa Okay, well, it's good. Too much information, So what do you think about it? Well, let's have a chip clip here we get six second reviews. Starts look I like chips, but mostly potato. Because the movie's dumb, pointless and fails a sobriety test. I'm out. Yeah, let me tell you this though. There are more boobs and wieners per minute than any other movie this year. That's good. A lot of weenage. That's your kind of humor, then you'll like it. Yes, if you're well. It doesn't pass a sobriety test, meaning you have to be drunk in order to enjoy it at all. And it's just it's just really foul. Remember how the series, and maybe you do, maybe you don't, but it was just so nice and these guys were nice guys, and they weren't really busting bad guys. They were like giving traffic tickets and stuff. They're saving, they were saving people. These guys, they're just awful in almost every single way. So yeah, if you know, maybe you wait for the for the DVD for that one. All right, Okay, how about another alien type movie because we can't get enough of those in the Hollywood. This one's called Life what's it about. Okay, that's a good question. Thanks. Uh it's you got a crew right there on a spaceship. They're they're tasked with bringing an organism back from Mars, but it backfires. They take the organism, the organism starts taking over. It's smart, it's got tentacles, it's got teeth, and it's about to take them and the rest of the world down. But let me let me say this before we crap on it. Jake Jillenhall, Ryan Reynolds, that's a lot of man candy in one movie, am I right? Well? God you I didn't even know this was out? Am I the only one? It's it's it's been low key advertised. Well, so you you actually sound like you like this film. I'm kind of curious to know what you say on your review. Well, but let's go the movie. Man six second Reviews starts now. It's mostly just an alien knockoff, but Life is fun, exciting, and the cast as well worth checking out. Whoa Okay, wait, it's called Life of Jake jyllenhal and who else? Ryan Reynolds? Whoa's um it is? It's a good movie. It is literally an alien rip off, right, there saying on this ship and it's gonna kill everybody. With that said, the effects are cool, it's fun. It's a decent alien movie. Say, if you've got nothing better to do, it's worth checking out. Okay, cool, it's not it's not. That's not a ringing endorsement. But I did like it. Okay, Now one more movie. You guys remember the Power Rangers? Yes, well you sound you sound like you like the Power Rangers. There was Twinkie and Doodle and Peanuts. No that wasn't their name, p Nuts. Okay, reviews six second reviews start even for fans of the show, The Mighty Power Rangers have morphed into something more ridiculous than fun. I'm out? Whoa? Now? How come? How come we don't like? Peanuts? Us? Terrible? In almost every way? This movie is no good. Don't spend your money on it. But before we go, can can I give you a little something that you should watch. It's a little segment we like called five star DVR? Yes, yes, yes, let's do it. What do you have? I'm workshopping that title, but I think I like it. Um. Okay, so if are you watching? Uh? What are you watching? Uh? No, are you watching Crashing on HBO sounds Pete Holmes, Lauren Laftas. It's about this comedian who's just he catches his wife bone and some other dude. He's down on his luck. He's like couch surfing on Hardie Lang's couch. T J Miller. Super funny. I had never heard of Pete Holmes before I saw this, and it is just it's one. It's one of the best comedies on TV right now. And I love Artie Lange. He's he's a nice guy. He is that, you know, and he's had some some issues. But this guy Pete Holmes, where did he come from? I didn't even know he had been he's been around. Yeah, he is actually pretty big. I didn't I didn't know anything about it until I started watching this series. And I love this series. I bet he would appreciate you, just at least acknowledging him finally. So that's good. Okay now, and as you all, as you guys also know, these Chappelle specials are on Netflix. Let me let me give you a little warning. Super funny. Great to have him back after fifteen years. The dude is back, which gives me hope for my own career. That aside, this is the second special, not like the first one. We watched the first one. My wife started recommending it to like her, some of her friends, and oh, check this out. That special number two that is a little more hardcore or than special number one. Super funny. But man, don't be watching that with your parents. Okay, Oh yeah, but you know, straighten ate. Even though he's extremely drunk from last night, he says he loves Chappelle Specialist. He said, they're just this one's really really good phenomenon, so good, so good. But do you gotta admit number two very different than number one? Yes, okay, we'll take that in tone. I'm just saying, don't don't sit with there, you know, with your parents or your your uptight friends, because they're not gonna like that much. Anyhow, I loved it. The Chapelle Specials on Netflix crashing on HBO. That's your five star DVR. Hey, someone just sent a text and I think this is a great idea. You should go from movie man to Netflix. Man, need to have a budget for you. Yeah, well, here's the thing. I don't like getting out of my pajamas, so that works perfectly for me. Sell the company again. You're good at that. You know, if you can sell the same thing over and over again, do it. It's highly So this morning we're talking about billionaires and I said, you know, I don't think I know a billionaire. And then Daniel said, what is it, movie man? A billionaire? Thank you dad, yell. The answer is no, but thank you. He's a one hundred millionaires. How many hundreds of millions of dollars do you have? How many how much money? How much are you worth? I got no money? How much are you worth? Their duran, No, that's all about you. Okay, let's just let's just move on. I love uncomfortable conversation. Hang alright, we love you, movie man, always available three seconds and six second reviews. What I just googled your net worth? By the way, those things are not there's never accurate. No, that's not true because it says Elvis is only worth six million, and I know he's more than that. Elvis worth so much more than that. What is the fake number for a movie man? It says only fifty million. He's worth more than We really gotta go. We love you, movie man, We love you, but we're hanging up on you. We're gonna hang up on a millionaire. Way to sell those companies by we just hung up on a millionaire. It's a new game, hang up on a millionaire. Excellent. Uh. We have time for headlines. All right, there you go, good news and bad news. Good news, you're doing headlines. Bad news. Gotta go real fast. Alright, alright, what's going on, Bethany. Okay, let's talk about the four people who are the victims of the London attack. I feel like their names need to be says so. A Utah man named Kurt Cochrane was in London with his wife Melissa, celebrating their twenty wedding anniversary. Melissa was seriously injured. Another victim was Constable Keith Palmer, a military veteran and married father. Forty three year old Asia Fraid was on her way to pick up her children from school when she was in the attack. And we also know a seventy five year old man passed away from his injuries sustained in Wednesday's attack. And you know what, you're so right on target with this, Bethany. When these tragedies occur, we always focus on the person who did it. Yeah, totally glossing over the people who lost their lives in the families and friends affected. Thank you for doing that. No, please please. The FCC is looking to crack down on those annoying robot calls we've been talking about this morning. They've passed a proposal that would give the phone company's more power to block phony numbers that aren't in use anymore from robocall telemarketers. The vote is likely to pass without any problem because both sides of the aisle agree on it. That vote happens later this year. Half of the Elite eight is set. The rest of the bracket fills out today. By the way, Tom brady stolen Super Bowl jerseys are safely back with the New England Patriots. This is your hourly reminder to take a deep breath. Yes, two guys who've been best friends for fifteen years decided to travel to Thailand together to celebrate their bachelor lifestyle with a homie moon, and they took all of these great pictures posted them on Instagram of holding each other's hands celebrating their Friendship's pretty great. Um So I'm sure if you just do a quick Google search of homie moon you'll find it. Okay, I'll be right back. I'm going to do a search. Ye, there you go. Those are your headlines. Thank you, Bethany. Your phone tap a really great one that put Brodie back on the King of All phone taps thrown coming up next Rand in the morning too, Ricky Morton Las Vega Sweet sakes no purchase necessary if we did in Alaska, Hawaii and we're prohibited open to legal residents of the Continuous USC twenty win sweep Stakes and nine the nine Am He's Trent time. Dating can be difficult, so if you're not using Match, you're missing out. Search and connect for free today only at Match dot com, slash Elvis m A t c H dot Com, Slash Elvis, Elvis, Elvis durand the Elvis Durant Phone Tap. All right, Brody, what's your phone tap? All about? Elvis? A listener will wanted a phone tap as coworker Mike. Mike has a tendency to continuously pay his parking garage at work his bill late. He pays it late every month and they've warned him about it and he doesn't seem to care. So I called for the parking garage. Elm there is a problem. Are you nice? Brody or meme Brody in this phone tap. I'm always nice, but man, not not here? Okay, here we go. Hello. Yeah, I'm looking for Mike. This is Mike. Who's that Mike? This is call mine from walking. How are you doing tonight? Yeah? I'm good. How are you doing? What's going on? Uh? Mike? How long you've been talking your geep here? About a year and a half now at least? And uh have you not had a conversation about paying your bill on the first of the month. Yeah, I don't. I don't get paid until the fifteenth. That's the arrangement I told me several times. That's okay, Nancy notated your account. What she told me was you do get paid the first time of fifteen. And so I'm saying, chief, Chief, I'm Mike. Yeah, okay, let's have an arrangement with Nancy. I don't look so Nancy works for me. You've been here a year and a half now. I did some calculation on the interest lost and uh, you owe us eighty nine dollars and seventy three cents. You're out of your mind. I have an arrangement with Nancy. Nancy, Okay, you know what I would soon have fire. Nancy that have you say her name again? So here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna pay a little penalty. I'm not paying first your mind, you know what? Hold on one second, you just stare right there, ha Via, put it out on six thank you. Hi. Javier's parking your car now on sixth Avenue and your car is gonna be there and you can pick it up with my car too late. Their chief your cause on sixth Avenue and it's can touch my car your cause on sixth Avenue on the corner, and the keys are gonna be in it. So you have a choice. You can go now and get your car, or you can leave it dead till it's time coming down there right now to get my Don't touch my car. I'm not touching your car. It's on sixth Avenue. You do what you're wanting. And now I hope it's still all for your sake. You know what, I think? I see a toe truck. You better hurry. This car is a legally part. You better down their kids. It's got a broken tail light. There's no broken tailight. You know what. I'm sorry, I'm psychic. Oh now it's got a broken tailight officers also got a broken side view mirror officer, you might as well taking it. Now, hold on my mistake, Now it does, broken side mirror officer. I'm here. Where are you at? By the lamp post? You don't see me? By the streets, signed by the by the by the poles. You're right now? What are you? Well? You caused in the garage and uh and whil's up in the office and I'm I'm at a radio station. What are you talking about? Well? How fast can you run out of that? Will you? Mike, you're one out here. I'm almost cops are looking at me right think Mike. This is Dave broddim share in the morning show with phone tapping you. That's that's beautiful. Thanks for that. I appreciate that. Man. Have an idea for a phone tab? Go to ell Stran dot com, click on the phone tap tab. Tell us what you want to do. This phone table was prerecorded with permission granted by all party spies. Elvie Sturran phone tab were on Elvie Durand in the morning show. Hey, Froggy ya, what is the name of that huge retirement community north of Orlando? It's massive. The villages, Yes, the villages. So we have a friend, a good friend who who's retired parents live there and they have this special special language because between all the the old people who lived there to get sex from each other. Because they say that the STD rate there is massive. Oh yeah. We have another retirement community here in South Florida called Century Village and it's the same thing there. And people finding tinchers in because of rooms. Yeah, and they find insers in each other's underwear whatever. It's it's like they're all over each other. So they said there's a system. I want to talk about this on the Monday Show where if a guy, like a retired gentleman at the Villages wants to have sex, he'll leave his tag out on his shirt. That means he's looking for sex and women. I do believe it's like gold shoes or there's some there's something women do if they want to get it. Okay, Okay, I just heard from my friends gold shoes. Women wear gold shoes if they want to get it. I'm wearing my sex and shoes today and I'm going to leave my tag out little lady means I want to have the sex on you look it. Look at Doris, Look look at Look at old men Caruthers over there. He's got his tag out. He wants a good stripping. I stuffed him last Night's gonna borrow your gold shoes. I'm hardy. I'm ready to make whoopie this, but they have signed. We need those signs. I don't have really any social skills in terms of telling if people are interested or not. So I would like to know, like if you wear a big medallion around your neck that means you want to have the sex on me exactly. I don't want to have to say, hey, can we have sex. I just want to be able to put on my gold sneakers. I'm wearing my gold sneakers. Elvis must be horny. He's wearing his gold sneakers. Women, it's a feathered hat. Yes, we'll get into this Monday, the new language of needing, needing loving. We have about thirty seconds for the headlines from the World of Danielle. What do you have? Danielle? The Harry Potter franchise is worth an estimated twenty five billion dollars. That's so crazy. Chance the rappers, music leadership and charity have made a really huge impression. He made Fortune magazines the annual list of the world's greatest leaders. He's number forty six, ahead of two CEOs and the Mayor of London. And we all know that Beauty and the Beast did so well in the movies. Um, it's still breaking records. It'll probably be number one again this weekend. So Disney has more live action remakes in the works. Mulan is scheduled to come out in two thousand and eighteen. A Laddin, the Lion Came, The Little Mermaid, Dumbo, snow White, all on the way and all very exciting. And of course Power Rangers is in your theaters today. You also have Life Chips. But like I said, I don't think anybody's gonna beat Beauty and the Beast. Just don't think it's gonna happen yet. All right, that's son Daniel's prediction. Thank you, Danielle, and we'll do it. Love Dan in the Morning Show