
Daily Game: From The First Beat

Published Mar 18, 2025, 12:55 PM
Can you guess these iHeart award winning songs from the first beat?

Let's play a game with Elvis Duran in the morning show.

Let's play the game.

Let's go talk to our friend Corey. Oh god, let's go to the corral. Ride a horse.

Listen to this Corey east Meadow. Hey, doing Corey, how's it feeling.

I'm Corey. Hi, guys, what's going on?

Well? You know we're doing okay?

When we want to see if you can figure out the title and artist of these songs just by listening to a little fast beat from the first games, it was it laughing.

Everyone's cracking out. What's going on in here?

There's so many things. Danielle is volunteering to help Nat and Scary trying to figure out why the board's on fire.

Yeah, the technical things behind the scenes you don't need telling about. It's all good. Well, no, I'm asking the regular day.

Well, good bye, goode, go by fast. If you just tell me and not tell me not to ask. Well, by the looks of what's going on, there's nobody on the air right now, it's just a blank line, just sitting there.

So Corey, can you a ghost?

I hear Corey loud and clear. Corey, you're here, whether we see you were in host year. Okay, let's go.

Okay, so set them up, Gandhi to.

All of these songs were huge this year. All of these artists were huge this year. The artists all won something at the iHeartRadio Music Awards, which happened last night. All you have to do is guess the title and artists of the song from the first few beats. It's super easy.

Okay. Did you watch the iHeart Radio Music Awards last night?


Were you on Fox last night?

You want the truth?

Yes, please listen.

I'm sorry. I got two young kids, I got a pregnant wife. Like there's a lot going on.

But all right, okay, okay, but these are huge hits. You've heard them on one hundred a lot here in New York. All right, So from the first beat, big winner last night at the iHeart Radio Music Awards.


You want me to sing it because I can because right now I can't think of the song. But Benson Boone, Okay, okay.

Ye'll sing it.

Love that this is bad, Benson Boone, I know that. Gi listen. I judge everybody that plays these games. And I'm not even gonna tell you that I own a little DJ company and I should know the name.

Of the song.

That Corey beautiful things song.

I will make up working.

What a great friggin song too.


All right, all right, you got Benson Boone. But according to Gandhi, that is not a score. It is not doesn't exist, Danielle, Okay, here we go.

I didn't de nerve it.

It's okay, okay, from the first beat. Here's another one, one more time?

What is that?


All right, that's brutal Bars and Lady Daga and the name of the song is google it. No cheating, no cheating. I want to, but no. Diamond told me to stay off speakerphone. So I'm doing this and I'm doing it right. Lady Daga, Bruno Mars from the Joker movie.

Damn it from the movie.

It's the name of the.

It's not from the movie. It's from her album. Oh yeah, that's okay. I got to try to get in control of this game.


That was best collaboration last night. Bruno and Lady Gaga die with a smile.

Did you just follow?

There is smile?

Excellent song. All right, all right, try another one.

I'm blowing it. I'm blowing it.

It's okay.

You'll make it all up right Here, here's another song from featured last night on the iHeart Radio Music Awards from the first to beat listen.

Oh one more time.

Yeah, you can hear it in the beginning of that McRae, Oh.

My god, you want sounds so much worse in your ear.

I know, what do you know when you know that buzzer is totally yours? You earned that buzzer. That was breakthrough artists in your Gracie Abrams and close to you.

There's that baseline. All right, here's another one.

Here's another song or artist featured last night is the iHeart Radio Music Awards.

Listen to listen to this huge song.

All right, this is yeah, this is who's your Who's how do you say? Their name is? Yeah?

And what's the name of the don don't worry, I.

Yeah, I know the artist. I have no idea what the name of the song is.

But the game.

I played, the music, I dance, I wiggle. You know this is you know what.

A lot of guys, a lot of we love you, Corey. You're you're losing without a doubt, but we love you. You know a lot of guys don't listen to lyrics or know the names of songs, but they know the artist and you're not unusual. That was too sweet by Hosier. Alternative song is.

Okay, I will celebrate when I get one. I'm sorry, Carrie, you know. Listen, guys, I'm trying.

We're gonna keep going. We're gonna keep going. We got a lot left. We're gonna keep going till he gets one.

And I'm not cheating. I am not cheating. Let's I know.

We love that about you. You're not cheating because you you haven't gotten one. All right, here we go. Here is song number five?

All right, can you do Kendrick Lamar squabble up? No, yeah, yeah, yeah, I was star gazing.

You're gonna do it. Hip Hop song of the Year from Kendrick Lamar. The name of it is.

Not like us, like yeah, all right, all right, you're one for five.

Okay, now, no, well you are one for five. I didn't something my fault.

It is true, all right, all right.

If I was in your position right now, Corey, I wouldn't be getting any of them either. So you're not alone. Well sort of.

Should we give him a couple more? Okay, let's keep going from last night. I heart Ratio Music Awards. Uh song title and artist?

Who's this?

And what is it?


Laugh night and let's not try that again.

I didn't like that the award show was last night.

I think that's what he meant, right, Corey, that's not the time.

But one more time.

Here it is.

You got this, buddy?

Do you need help?


Oh yeah, no, no, no, no, Gandhi will throw a fit.

I just gave it.

That was the help. That was the help.

Well, that was that was That was contry song from that was Morgan and postmone That's I had some help myself.

I did not. I did not have any.

I think he needs more help and we're not being very nice.

Okay, well here's a big song, pop Song of the Year and Pop Artists of the Year.

You got to get this right.

Hit it?

Oh okay, listen. If I got this wrong, then my five year old daughter and wife would kill me. All right, Sabrina Carpenter, All right, Espresso, you got.

There, you go, thanks to Latte. Let's keep going. Best new artist right here?

Hit it? Read them all all right? That's is it? That's not shaboozy, is it?

Yes, it's chaboozie. What's the name of this song?

Play one more time because it's gonna come on? Yeah, I know, don't whistle it. Who's whistling it right now?

Well, you guys, shoul boozy. But you didn't get the name of the song, which is it's a bar song. You did say tipsy, which is one of the words in the lyrics.

That's not the game. All right, here's another one. Try this from last night.

I know the song too. Over time.

She had a pretty big couple of years.

Just a.

Yeah, Artist of the year, Pop album of the year.

Wow, listen, can I give you a no?

You know?

You know those health trucks that pull up on the side of you and help you on the on any you know, major expressway. He's getting out of his car and he's coming to me right now. I think I need help you think it and help me on the show.

Hold on?

Hold on? Are you?

Are you on the side of the road doing this?

I am I pulled up yet. Diamond made me pick up the phone. I haven't used the phone to my ear in years. He has. He had a hard hat on.

Okay, well, hold on. That was Tator Swift and cruel by the way.

Do you want to see that?

Hold on, do you want to see You're.

Gonna come for good? Hi? Hi, I'm still. I'm on the phone with Z one hundred. I'm on a I'm on a game show. I did not break down. I promise. Okay, I'm so good.

You wanted to.

I really am.

Radio love him?

Alrighty, good luck.

I knew I got it.

Then. You know your shirt does help. Your shirt says help.


Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm good, I promise.

All right, all right, all right, let's hear it. Okay, you're all right, tell you what.

Let me let's just get one more be on your way to work because you you need to talk because you're not getting any money from us today.

I don't deserve any That's okay.

What if I'm my unborn child, but we love you, We love you and your unborn child. All right. Here is song number ten title and artists please hit it.

O nice? All right? So this is Charlie XCX and this is is it Apple or I don't know the name of the song. I love.

Dance Song of the Day, Dance Album of the Year from Charlie XCX.

Yeah, I'm in Charlie I know, all right, God.

You tell them, tell them what song it is?

Really good at the artist, guys, I'm sorry he got two you got two?




But Corey, but we love you and we loved your interaction with the help man on the side of the road on the highway.


Yeah, and GONDI any final thoughts for a fruit Cory.

I think you're awesome. I just am curious as to what kind of music you play when you DJ.

All of that, all.

The music it's in my playlist. Listen, this is I am. My wife is never gonna let me live this down. I was close to getting on that show with Jamie Fox, said, zam, and I didn't get it because I don't know the names of the songs.

Okay, Well there you go now and sent him to learn them. Hey, are you on the side of the lost the Long Island Expressway. No, it's sunken meadow, okay, because people are driving by you and they're honking their horn honking, and there's some other person playing another game on another station.

Obviously, you guys, we like him.

Well, we're gonna send him the full Elvis Duran apparel line so he can show that he's a.

True we love that you got one.

Thank you guys. One.

He's if you tie that T shirt tight enough, it will be a onesie. How about there you go get creative. According to Straighten eight, hold on, Corey, we love you'd be safe.

On the way to work, and you're onesie. We're not onesies all the way, love you more. Hold on one second and there you go. Another friend of ours, Corey. Everyone the way

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND

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