It's time to go around the room with Elvis Duran in the morning show.
Let's go round the room.
I'm dying to see what else is on your mind today because this is a feisty room. I love it, Gandhi, what's up with you? All right?
I have a new episode of my podcast out today.
Sauce on the talkie What is it? What is it today?
Diamond and I finally got a hold of some of our talkbacks and we listened to them very entertaining. I encourage everyone to leave a talkback, even for this show. If you're listening on the iHeartRadio app, there's usually a little well, there's always a little microphone. You can hold it down and basically leave us a message and you could say whatever you want, which is the entertaining part of it.
So if you want.
To listen to my podcast, please do Sauce on the side wherever you get your podcast, but we prefer the.
iHeartRadio app exactly, and listen to us on the app and you see that microphone. Hit that microphone. That's the talkback, that's the talk back button. Talk to us, please, you know, maybe someone's listening.
I love that.
Every Wednesday sauce on the side, a brand new one. Hey, producer, Sam, what's up with you?
Real quick thought.
If you don't want to put the cap or put the cap and laundry whatever, I just use the sheets. It's so much better and you save the world a little bit of plastic. It's just soap you throw in there. Anyway, moving on.
To soap sheets.
Yeah, it's just a little sheet and when you add water and it mixes in, it is the detergent.
I'll bring you some in. I'll bring you some in. I'll bring you some in. I get them online. I'll bring them tomorrow. Okay.
So if you have a party that people generally dread going to, and specifically I feel like I'm talking about baby showers, bridal showers, try and spice it up a little bit. It's going to make it better for the rest of us. So for mine, I had a co sex one and it was at a brewery. So it's just me and my friends hanging and drinking beers. My friend's having one this weekend and the attire is required. Black sweatsuit. That's what you have to wear, okay, And I am so freaking excited.
I don't have to get ready. I don't have to get too dolled up.
I just show up with a black sweatsuit and she goes, we're crafting and drinking dirty sodas. I don't even know what dirty soda is, but I'm excited she did it. So go have a sweatsuit shower.
People are going to love it.
Wow, I'm still going back to that that laundry detergent sheet.
You don't have to buy the plastic container and worry.
About the cat.
I don't know.
I'm I'll happily use that.
I'll bring you something. Hey, Froggy, what's up with you?
So I want to let you know that tic tac containers are not water tight, just so you understand that.
Because I put it on my washing machine all the time.
Just wash it. No.
So a couple of days ago I got some tic TACs. I was outside and I just sat it on the handle of my truck. I thought, I'll just grab him in the morning when I'm getting the truck. I was too lazy to go get inside, get the key and open the truck and throw them inside. Well, my sprinklers came on, and so when I came out that morning, I just had a container full of water and tick tacks and it was just all gooey together. So just so you're aware, tictack containers they are not waterproof and had a big old tictac gooey sugary mess and not not not waterproof. I'm glad you them. Yeah, so now we know better.
Hey Danielle, what's up with you?
So this morning, I'm getting ready and I hear a big bang outside the house. I'm like, what the heck is going on? So I look outside. I'm like, I don't know, I don't It sounded like the garbage cans. And then I hear it again and I'm like, okay, maybe there's an animal in the garbage can. So I wait. Then I leave to get in the car and I drive down the road and when I tell you the size of the racco that I saw in the garbage cans, like going through the whole neighborhood.
This thing was huge.
Thank god I did not come out when that thing was in my garbage can.
I think I would add a heart attack.
It was massive.
Lucky lucky, Yeah, Gandhi would like curl up with it, take a nur.
Fat raccoon your Oh no, it's fat Raccoon another name for a band.
Yes, no, yeah, check for raccoons, Check for raccoons and TikTok dispensers.
What's up there?
You know?
I was thinking, we need more moments like last night when the NASA astronauts returned to Earth in that SpaceX capsule, because for just a moment, the world was rooting, cheering on and it was a good news story that we could all kind of agree on, and I just loved it and I watched the whole thing from beginning to end, and I was fascinated by it, and I'm like, wow, we need we need more times like this because we don't get that enough in life anymore. You know what I'm talking about, the positive story, the positive stories. Yeah, like yeah, it was just it was just cool for a full hour. I was fully engaged, and I know a lot of other people were and it just felt good. It felt it was just good to have that.
It was a show, and it was resolution. It was so many things in that one thing, good but good, happy ended. So what do you think is gonna happen to them now?
It's going to take them a while to physically adjust to be that the planet.
Oh yeah, for sure.
They're saying a lot of astronauts are broke hips because their bones were brittle, a lot of them. Yeah, because it being in zero gravity for so like nine months zero gravity? That's a Is that breaking a record that I don't know?
Is it?
Somebody's been I think a Russian was in for four hundred days in the space station. How'ses it?
How'ses it?
Probably not good? Check it out, all right, Nate, what's up? Okay? So I am excited today it's been six months. I'm getting a dental cleaning. I love going.
To the dent Well, we learned today you don't have to go.
To the.
I can't fake news, fake news, fake news dentist.
But seriously, the reason I'm excited is because I actually take care of my teeth, and it's not a chore when I do go to finally get my teeth cleaned. So little life pro tip, take care of your teeth in those six months between dental cleanings. That way, it's not such a chore when you go to the dentist.
Almos, what's the line you always use?
Uh, if you're true to your teeth, they'll never be false.
To you so, Diane Harmony Dental, I'm coming to see you. Put away the scraper.
You don't need it.