
Around The Room: At What Age is it Acceptable to Start Gambling?

Published Mar 18, 2025, 1:14 PM
Sam warns us that words don't excuse bad behavior, Skeery questions children gambling, Nate shares wisdom he got from Reddit, Froggy talks about using his camera to read, Danielle says to come out to her upcoming show, and Gandhi keeps getting tricked by AI animal videos.

It's time to go around the room with Elvis Duran in the morning show.

Let's go around the room now.

I just want to see what's on your mind, like, what's on the mind to the people in this room. And I'm gonna start with producer Sam. What are you thinking about today? What are you thinking about?

All right?

If you have to start a sentence with not to be that person, but you're that person that doesn't stop what you're about to say.

You probably shouldn't say it.

I can't really get into too much detail, but I got one of those yesterday or someone said something very rude and personal and they were that person. But good thing they warned me that they didn't want to be Yeah, you know it all better.

If you do want to say, I don't want to be that person, maybe that's a good time just to not say anything at all because you just told yourself, yeah, do not proceed.

Oh God, people, I wish you could get into it. I'd love to know the we will we will soon, just not today. Okay, all right, all right, hey, Nate, what's up with you? I'm come to I'm looking for my around the room. Come back to me. Sorry, Hey, okay, all right, Uh scary. Yeah? Are you ready?


Are you?

Are you prepared? I am okay, you know.

I know we did touch upon it very briefly yesterday, but it bears repeating. How when we were in the Bahamas and Nate and I were sitting at the blackjack table, there was a girl that was eighteen years old sitting there and her parents just threw her cash and they were training her.

How to play black jacket. Oh wow, on your time.

No, No, I didn't care about that because they knew what they were doing with the right moves and all that. I was I questioned the fact of like, but why would you want to rush your child into gambling and all that like lurks.

Beneath when they could just skip right over that and just go right to prostitution.

No. I wasn't going there at all. I'm just so ok.

It's just weird because I was like, gambling was always such something that was like put on hold forever.

Taboo. It's taboo.

Yeah, it's like, here's.

Your parents like and being enablers. It was just bizarre for me to see.

That all my parents are still like that. They will say, oh, you're in a casino disgusting, get out of there.

Yeah, you know, I guess.

I guess his parents are cool, but I don't know what what age he's supposed to start teaching.

Well, maybe from a parent's point of view, and I'm not I can't. I shouldn't be parents planning. Maybe Danielle and Froggy can't help me on this. Maybe it's one of those things. Well, she's gonna eventually go to a blackjack table on her own. Let's make sure she knows what she's doing. And she's sick.

Yeah, I don't know, I could see that. I mean, I don't think I would teach. I mean maybe if they asked.

I don't know.

I try to tell they handed her three hundred dollars cash and told her to put it on the table with the guy ticket.

And I'm sitting there, I'm.

Like, so you're saying it's like mom teaching daughter, like about anal, Like, what are you doing that?


Is that it is that sort of what you're faving it.


It sounds like that's sort of it's it's it's sort of the same better record scratch right there. When you say.

Record scratch, everything get to a streching I love Vinyl.

What's up with you today? Okay, changing the subject here.

I was on Reddit the other day and I've got a credit some random person for this, but he made a post and it said an old man at the gas station just changed my entire perspective on life. I was complaining about gas prices and he just went sun the price of the ride and as important as where you're going, then drove off in his beat up truck. Think about that, Okay, not as important as where you're going. It's kind of important.

The prices.

Now there's portal life.

I mean the gas Have you seen gas prices?

Never mind? Sometimes get it. We get it, very very very very very very valuable words. Froggy, what's up with you today?

Going through my camera roll cleaning it out the other day, and I realized I used my camera on my phone for two main purposes. One to take pictures of my dogs. Two to take pictures of labels so I can then zoom in on them and read them.


Anybody else do that?



Absolutely all the time I get something I'm like, up, Yep, I can't read this, so I'll grab my phone zoom in I can finally read it.

I'm like, yeah, and I saw you. I was doing.

I don't delete the picture right away. I was going through and deleting pictures, and I realized how many things I cannot read.

I have to use my phone to read it.

Mine is directions like if it's the back of a bottle or something, Yeah, I can't read that.

Yeah, the fine print, Yeah, it's it's the digital magnifying glass, is what it is.

What's up with you today, Danielle No, I just want to.

Remind you guys about my show at Gotham Comedy Club Tuesday, April first. It's like two weeks away. It's with our friend Anthony Rodilla, Joe Gatto, Tammy Pascaatelli, hosted by Boomba Johnny. It's called Laughter Unleashed and it benefits Joe Gatto's pups and friends. So you are helping the dogs. It's a nonprofit sanctuary and rescue for senior, disabled and unwanted animals. So a lot of those animals that are not little puppies anymore, a lot of people don't want them and it's really sad. They make sure they have a place to go and people that love them, so we're gonna give them money to them. Doors open at six, showtimes at seven now. VIP tickets are already sold out. Those always go like the fastest, but we do have some general admission and we have such a great time. I know, Goomba and Anthony are gonna be on with us later this week, so you're gonna just see how funny they are. So if you go to Gothamcomedy Club dot com, got Theamcomedyclub dot com, even get your tickets, and we just have last year, we have the best time with this event. You know, different charity, but the same comedians and it's just so much fun.

I'm glad you reminded me it's a different charity. Yeah, now I know I'm going It's gonna be a great night. I can't I love it.

Gandhi, what's up with you today?

I would like to talk to the lords of the Internet because these AI videos are getting out of control and they're gonna be the death of me. I know, you guys have all seen video of people playing with animals or petting certain animals that you're like, really, a polar bear just climbed onto your boat. It's got me thinking, Yeah, I.

Can do that.

That's exactly how I pictured it, and it's going to kill me at some point.

Oh yeah, No, don't believe that. Don't start petting it. Don't invite a polar bear to your boat.

Gandhi, I know there was one person training a shark, and I was like, I knew it. I knew it was possible to do this.

And then you look at the.

Hand in their six fingers. At the moment, it's it's able to be deciphered. But give it another month or two and this is gonna be indecipherable. It's gonna kill me just putting that out there.


You are too smart to believe in those things. You know their AI, don't.

I know.

That's why I look for the sixth finger.

That's why, Okay,

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