It's Quiet Day and we are reflecting on the quiet people in our life.
Put your heads together, and we're gonna start to party.
I'm ready to party.
The Elvis Duran After Party.
Arian run right, Oh my god, the after Party podcast.
Let's go. Who's ready?
Where are we going?
I'm readying We're going to Okay, I'm gonna start the conversation with something we talked about on our radio show this morning, silence being quiet. Who we couldn't do it on the show, but who in here on the podcast could stay quiet the longest?
Not scary because you say you have no internal dialogue and everything that his thought comes out of your mouth, which is one hundred percent true. I think you'd have a really hard time being silent.
Yeah, right, West, I had no thoughts whatsoever, and then I wouldn't talk.
He could, Yeah, I don't know. I don't well. I think that's the beauty of our show.
I don't think anyone in this room or on the show could stay quiet for a long time.
I could do it, I think, I go.
I have two kids.
I sometimes have to stay very quiet and shut my mouth and not say a word. Believe me, I can do it.
I don't know. Nate's pretty quiet when you want to.
I could definitely those monks take what a vow of silence? I could easily do that. I could coast for probably a week easy not speaking.
He didn't even like to text us.
Should we just do the rest of the podcast and just say nothing and see what happens for ten minutes?
It's very entertaining.
Easy, that would be an easy podcast.
Yeah, let's start now, let's start.
Now you really no, we can't do that and stop that. That'll be bad. Well, this is not interesting.
Nate broke the silence first, look at that?
Say anything? All right? Okay? Really? Can we talk about being quiet?
There are points I want to make. Do you have any friends who are very quiet?
And if so, how do you? How do you describe them as people?
So Brandon I think is very quiet. He doesn't contribute a lot to group conversations. It makes him anxious and nervous, and even when he speaks, he speaks very quietly, and it comes off as him being an asshole. I think it comes off as him being an asshole, when in reality, it's just his anxiety and him kind of processing things. So that's how I will describe him to people after they have met him. If he was in a quiet mode.
You know what they say about the quiet ones, you have to watch out for the.
Absolutely similar you know.
Similarly, Robin is that she's the same way. In group settings, she'll never talk because the group just carries it and she'll just sit there and she won't say a word. But in private she's talking to yeah, because she doesn't want to fight anybody for the floor. She's not trying to make a point, not trying to impress anybody. She's just there. She doesn't appear like an asshole though, Like, no, not at all.
I've have many discussions with her.
Also, I also feel like my quiet friends are very creative people. They're also I don't know that they're smart. They listen and learn a lot because they're not blah blah blah like we do. And I don't think it means they're shy. A lot of people think if you're quiet, you're shy. It's but socializing, like Robin thinks about and like Brandon socializing, it takes a lot of battery power. It takes a lot of energy to be in the mix of conversation with people, and.
You gotta fight, like like with my friends, with my group of friends, forget it. They're all like trying to one up each other and talk talk talk, So I have to fight to get a word in edgeways with my friends. And I'm just like a regular everyday person that's like to just you know, I like to be part of the mix, but I'm not trying to dominate anything. But with my friends, I can't even get in because everyone is so like dominant and domineering, and everyone's got something to say, and everyone's got a joke. So I wind up being quiet amongst my friends by default.
Do you think also that quiet people are maybe.
Happier than the loud people in being by themselves, like they prefer their own company.
Maybe yes, I do.
I'm that guy. I'm the one that after a party people come up to me and go, hey, what's wrong. I'm just quiet, That's all I am. Like, I don't need to be talking constantly and then but the one constant is hey, is everything okay? Is something the matter? Nothing to matter? I'm just quiet. I got nothing to say.
Not funny how people to assume there's a problem saying anything every time?
Every time?
What's wrong with you, Danielle, You haven't anything.
She's actually winning her point.
I discussed being an ambivert with someone the other day.
What is that?
That is the combination of an extrovert and an introvert. Turns out, there's not just extroverts and introverts. There's a combination of the two where you go out to get energy, but then you go home and then you create your own energy. It's it's it's you know, a lot of people think, oh, you're quiet, you're an introvert, and you know you create your own energy when you're home alone. But apparently there's another one that exists. And I think that's me because I definitely enjoy my alone time. But I do like going out and being social, but on my terms, you know what I mean.
See, I look at our group of family members here. I think of scary as being the only extrovert.
You mean in what? In what way? Like where I have to in being an extrovert extroverted?
Oh yeah, well what really?
I always want to be out there.
No more than everybody else here compared.
I look at Gandhi, I look at Danielle. Danielle maybe less of an introvert to it, but I look at all of us, and I think a lot of us really really need to charge up by being alone, and that would be the sign of an introvert, right, just doesn't mean we don't want to go out.
Yeah, you know, yeah, because Elvis, you.
For instance, you definitely unplug. I know those times where during the day you can't get in touch with you and you just need to unplug. And that's totally fine. That's totally fine.
I got my dogs, That's all I need.
We used to work with somebody who we would do an event and then they would be out there with everybody, and then after the event they would say, Okay, I can't go to the next thing, Like say, we all would go out for dinner. They wouldn't go out for dinner. They would go back and recharge because they was there's too much to do both. So maybe that's what you're explaining.
Like, Yeah, I had never lived alone until I moved to Boston. I was always with a roommate, my sister, a boyfriend, somebody was always with me. So when I moved, I was very nervous what am I going to do alone? And as soon as I lived alone, I was like, this shit is amazing? Anyone ever again?
I was missing out. It's amazing.
I love it, I tell you.
During pandemic that's when I really truly learned to appreciate being.
Alone because I had to be.
I lived in a farmhouse with dogs sometimes weeks at a time, and we would do the show on zoom and then I turned it off. It would be silence, and it could be a little loud the silence, but most of the time I enjoyed it. So matter of fact, I'm about to push the.
Button right now. Anyways, this has been a very very interesting podcast today. What do you think? I like it?
All right, Tomorrow we'll talk about farts and having sex with toy animals.
Can't wait. By the way, Scotty wins because he didn't really say because we were talking about farts and the screwing animals.
Yeah, tomorrow, I'm in Okay, we're not real animals. Peace that everybody.
Bye, Jesus Christ Goudie the elvist Ran after party