The memory lapses we are getting are so real... are we just forgetful? Should we be concerned?
Get your heads together and we're going to start to party.
I'm ready to party the Elvis Duran after Party.
Oh hi, it's the after Party podcast.
O my gum, yeah, oh wow him.
We're back from vacation and we've got Gandhi here and they're scary.
And there's Garrett, there's Danielle. Nate's texting someone a.
Scottie Bees in the Killer Serial Killers podcast room.
Hi. How's it going, Scotty?
It's great?
How about your Yeah? What are you eating?
I'm eating a new frost of many Weets.
It's cocoa. That could be a good drag name, Cocoa many Weeks.
You know why they do that, But I've explained this who they'll do. What companies will put out cocoa Mani wheats or birthday cake oreos, because you'll him, you'll try him and you'll say, oh, you know what kind of just want a regular oreo and you'll go by the original exactly.
I think I'll learned that from you. Yeah, huh, you know he is the all knowing that Nate. But don't you know how about you know that.
I could have made a really weird sarcastic answer there.
But there you got. I will tell you this about Nate. He said, how many strokes? Three?
Just two?
Just two?
Well, the day is young. Something interesting you have to think about. When you have a stroke, you possibly lose part of your memory, like experiences that you've had in life, but you don't know that they're missing because they're gone.
You don't know what you don't know. It's the weirdest feeling. And there's definitely memories that I don't have anymore.
How do you know?
Because somebody reminds me I saw my mom over our vacation and she's telling me the story and it was about my uncle, and she goes, yeah, you were there. I have your old men.
So we could say, basically, it's time to pay up the thousand dollars you borrow.
Yeah, we could be true.
I have brought this. That's why I brought this up. You always eats a thousand dollars.
Okay, let me get a breakout.
Well, look, you know, I have definitely lapses a memory in my head for various reasons.
I'm sure.
And it's weird because I'll remember, Okay, I was there with someone and we ate something at that restaurant. But I can't remember who it was or what we ate, So I know I see shadows of memories, but not the whole thing.
It's funny because you have one of the best memories I've ever encountered.
I do.
Yes. We will be talking about something and years later, You'll God, I can't even remember what it was. You brought up something the other day and I'm thinking to myself, how the hell did Elvis remember that? Well?
Years ago stuff I remember, it's the short term Stuff'm a little slip okay, Well.
In fact, I don't even know who you people are.
You know, already taking courtyceps and uh hold on, they say Lion's made mushroom and courtyceps are supposed to do, they say, they they say, But here's the problem.
I don't know who they is the tar But I think I've been scammed because I've been taking this stuff.
Now surprise is from the guy that said put all your money in n f T s.
I've been trying to.
Go to the Fire Festival for two months.
I've been trying to take this stuff to improve my short term memory, and it held my cognitive Uh what I've been.
Two months now, and that has made no difference.
Say they say you have to take it longer than two months.
Also, depriving your brain of carbs is really bad.
Okay, well that's coming back soon. So that I got covered.
I thought they said lion's main was for hair.
No, lion's main that's not maine like a lion's made.
Mushrooms are for your memory. What about the jellyfish stuff? The prevagen is that? Is that good?
I don't know. What have you heard about that? Scary? I don't know, but I did hear that.
Now with if you have an inflame deliver, you need milk thistle, so I've got to tip an oil of a regano.
These are all things with the oil of agano. Be careful. That's hard on your stomach.
You need to watch Instagram's Biggest con Artists. I'm telling you it will change your mind on all these things that you keep thinking. They say, I saw it on TikTok.
Just watch it. You are the king of Gullible.
Do you think in the eighteen hundred, scary would be like, oh, this snake oil is amazing, yes, like because this is the way it works, right.
You have scientists and doctors who've been working on things, researching for years and years. But you take the word of one TikToker who's most likely getting paid by whatever supplement they're pushing, and you're like, I saw a thing flat tummy t for women is gonna work on me.
You just gotta be careful, something to think about, maybe being a little less gullible.
TikTok told me about to turmeric and ginger that I need this in my life.
I need to have been telling you about tumorican ginger for thousands of years.
Turmorican ginger are definitely proven to be good for you, all right, So.
I hope it works all the things that you're still out on milk exactly.
But I don't I think there's any company out there making a lot of money off tumork or ginger.
I got you.
We also heard that taking low dose asprint is good for us too, and mushrooms, but you know, and mushrooms definitely, But I can't speak for the mushroom industry, but aspring companies.
Don't make any money off load dose asprins. Yeah, I got no.
Forty eight.
So that's why it's not a big deal, because I understand no one's making money, follow the money trail always, it always leads to a scam.
Perfect perfect tull you know that.
Forget about taking that cordycept stuff for your brain, because it ain't working for me.
Even if you read the label, it would tell you it takes more than two months. We're to try. I'll keep going.
How do we even know that's Lion's main mushroom in there? I mean they could just be grining out.
Yeah, that's what they.
Said about CBD when it first came out, Like depending on where you got it from. Everybody was like, if you're not getting it from a reputable person, it could be anything. It's that doesn't have you know what I mean, it's crazy you can say whatever.
Well, I'm taking this new stuff. What you got all the rage?
Is it?
There we go?
We got for memory? I can't remember the name of.
The man with the con artist.
Yes, yes, there you go.
You guys talk about yourselves. I'll find any of this and it's gonna blow your way.
Sheldon and I were actually talking about this in the car the other day. How I can remember a song and the lyrics from twenty years ago and I can every single word. But I can't tell you what to add for breakfast, Like, what is it just it's.
Short term memory?
Is that what it is?
Yes, you got dementia? Like me, oh god, it's nuts.
You have to eat jellyfish?
I'm not eating any No, and nothing scary recommends.
I actually googled that over the break I thought I had frontal frontal temporal dementia for about a.
Day and I realized, no, I just forgot what a bad day that was. For who was a bad day?
I was asking my mom this because I know we've all had relatives that have had dementia, and she was saying, because I was saying Alzheimer's. You know, my grandmother had it. She said that she learned that it's not like if you like, if you forget something or the reason you walked into a room, that's not it. It's if you forget like how to turn your car on. If you get in your car and you're sitting there and you're like, Okay, what do I do now? That's when you have to really say, Okay, maybe I should check it.
Okay, yeah I haven't done that yet, but how do I know? Maybe my car is running right now.
And I forgot there are little tests you can do that. Whenever I forget something, I start thinking, oh god, and I give myself the test and one of them is count backwards from one hundred by sevens.
Can you do it?
I couldn't do that when I had my memory.
Oh come on, okay, three uh eighties, there goes keep going seventy eight.
No, he's got it.
Oh my god, he's got it's.
Have you caught onto the nad fad? That's the new one. What is thisdad, fat? The nad fads? Big? Look it up, Godi, tell me really, Because I have friends that are in the NED business, I have to do with balls. No. And it's supposed to be very good for you. Okay.
You can do an injection form or you can do it in pill form, but I think the injections are the way to go.
Naybody, Okay, Well, looking.
At oh only twenty dollars a shot.
Wow, I think a street has nucleot Yeah.
It's supposed to be very good for your joints and for its anti aging.
And that's the new fat. I'm not saying that. Okay.
It says increased energy, improved brain clarity basically, Oh my god, it's like the substance.
Take it easy, everybody. Here's the thing.
Can I just say, like, if all these things that people say work for this and that, if this stuff actually work, wouldn't everybody be doing it?
Yeah? That's the mad thing is kind of a new thing, right and it actually is getting okay side effect though, it's getting some.
Some buzz from traction.
Am in.
I'll try anything once. You're not even looking it up.
You're sitting there saying you're in because I don't mention that just because I said it's in.
You're like, yes, I'm in. Yeah, of course I will try.
What do you want me to look? There's a pivotal role in cellular metabolism and is a co substrate for enzymes that play key roles in pathways that modify aging.
It's the substance.
You know, you weren't on the one podcast, but we were talking about salmon seaman facials. Yeah, who's the first person that tried that?
And not that facial that uses foreskin from I don't know where, but it's yours is Yeah, exactly a different way.
Those things all have to start as accidents, like.
You face.
Answer, you will answer the question or.
Somebody smacks you in the head of the penis and you go.
I guess we'll leave now. Thanks for thanks for being a part of our after party.
The elvist Ran After Party