The original After Party we had recorded got corrupted, so, Diamond and Celia to the rescue chatting all things Real Housewives!
Get your hands together, and we're going to start to party. Start. I'm reading a party.
The Elvis Durant after Party.
Well, hello America. Hi.
I know this is supposed to be the after party, but in true Diamond fashion, I corrupted the file by accident. And so here we are. I'm here with Celia. Hey, do you want to introduce yourself?
Yeah, I guess I should. I feel like I'm not.
I haven't been introduced to the crowd yet. I am Celia. I'm a producer for Elvis's podcast network and I help out a little bit with the show.
And Celia started out as who and what Diamonds interns.
Absolutely, we have a standard.
Yes, the summer of twenty twenty three is when I came. You can literally scroll back and see the meat interns and it was little.
Me and me smiling so hard because I finally had an intern who loved rabo.
Oh yeah, we are basically watch with Crappens.
Oh my gosh, the female versions exactly.
Oh I love that for us. I know, right, that would.
Be never mind. I don't even want to put that into the universe of like, yeah, we're gonna crash their show and take it over.
Speaking of crashing a show, how does it feel to be doing the podcast? You listen to them all the time, you're editing, you're uploading. How do you feel about actually being on this podcast without everyone?
I like it kind of like that's just us because I feel like Diamond and I are like good friends. Yeah, so it's just like talking to my friend. We went on a coffee run today.
We went to Ovo.
It was so good.
We've been doing some work. We both panicked about the Corrupted.
File and now we're here.
You know what I was thinking about with all of that, Right, we're freaking out about the corrupt defile, and then I'm thinking which housewife would do this? And I'm thinking Sonya and Ramona.
Absolutely absolutely maybe also.
Phedra and Keny freaking frack yeah, freaking fray can definitely.
You know what we should talk about?
What if we could have a housewife in this week? Who would you pick?
Okay, so I have like a couple of answers because there are housewives that I really want, but also just Bravo celebrities.
Oh okay, we're opening it up. Yeah, who want?
I am obsessed housewives first, Derinda.
Oh I've been okay, this is kind of like breaking the fourth Tall and like behind the scenes of like podcasting and stuff. But I've been trying to get Derenda on Gandhi's podcast for the long I've been able to get a few housewives on Dolores, Crystal, Floris, Chrystan, which was amazing.
That was so iconic.
We're working on some other people. Oh, bravo celebrities for my favorite, my favorite, but Derinda would be just ten out of ten and I would ask her to repeat not well bitch into the mics. I could play it over.
Literally just about to say, I quote every day, how you do not you want to know how I'm doing?
Not well?
Like that's literally me at all times.
It is the best. So yeah, i'd say Derinda.
And then also, honestly like Teresa, I just feel like she is mother and like same with Vicky gun Wilson. Yes, I need to meet Vicky. I also, oh, no, that's too controversial.
Sorry, really I was gonna say Kelly Dodd, but oh I love Kelly.
Yeah, I like her as a housewife, but her like her she's crazy, she is crazy, she's not.
But the common thing between Kelly, and I'm sorry if you hear my pants swishing and swashing in the background. Sorry, guys, can't do anything about it. If you think about the one thing that all three of those women that you named have in common, and we could throw Romona Singer in there.
Too, I would love it d insane exactly.
So like Ramona Singer. If you guys don't watch Housewives and you've made it this far, just stick with me because this is probably what we're going to be talking about the entire episode, and maybe you'll learn something and want to watch. But Ramona Singer, Teresa Judaice, I mean, is nuts Kelly and Derenda.
But Direnda.
She can pull it together for an interview with people who've never watched, like I think.
Do you remember the charity event?
Oh god, oh my god? Episode no? Season nine? I thought it was eight eight maybe eight. I skipped that episode and everybody that knows me, I fall asleep to Rony every night.
Yeah, it's background noise.
I skip it. I skip that.
It's so embarrassed.
It's like, did you watch The Office? Yes, It's like Scott thoughts, I don't remember that. Hey, mister Scott, what you're gonna do what you're gonna do and make god dreams come true. When he promised all that whole class of high school students that he would pay for their college what because he thought he was gonna be a millionaire when he grew up like older, and then it got yes, And then it got to the day and he had to go announce that he like couldn't pay their their college funds, and they like dedicated like their whole library, Timos called it the Michael Scott Library, like they had like renamed everything. And then he went in to go like announce that he couldn't do it, and they interrupted him, broke out the song and they were like, hey, miss Scott, what's you gonna do? What you're gonna do make our dreams come true? And then he told them and he ended up giving them computer batteries because he was like, y'all can do online school computer battery And everyone skips that because it's like I can't even watch it, so cringey.
That's exactly how that episode.
Is with Derinda and Ramona during a charity they're literally doing a charity and a victim of the Charities Foundation is there and they are fully fighting publicly.
While someone was given a speech. And that's the worst part is that, like, oh these women. If you don't watch Housewives, I wonder what really entertains you, because nobody's asking you to fall into the Bravo universe and make this your life. But if you don't watch for entertainment, me and Gandhi argue about this all the time.
I'm like, I could argue about it like forever. She's like, why would you watch it?
Why wouldn't you? Like?
Why would you not?
It is Honestly, I think for me too, it makes me feel a lot better about my life.
Yes, like I'm not going through that shit. Yeah, and publicly too, yes, you know.
Like they are, like they are being filmed and like it's all getting picked up after the fact too.
This is all filmed months.
Ago, maybe a year ago, and then all of the shit that they're going going through is getting picked up by outlets and being posted again again. So it's like somebody could have seen this happen in real life, post it. Now it's filmed, posted again, you know what I mean.
So now I have another question for you. Have you ever met any of the housewives? Oh? Yes, girl, no, I need to hear this. Who was your Okay, let's we're not trying to be here all day, but like what is or who was your favorite like best experience.
Let's put it like that, lu Anne, I mean that was iconic. Oh yes, that was just like it was so funny. It was so fun being with you and like meeting her and just like being able to laugh and really just be in the presence of a legend, like a Roney legend.
It was iconic.
People who do not watch Housewives are like you called this woman a legend. She is.
She absolutely is.
Ex Ala franceis like, that's iconic.
Don't be all uncool.
We are not uncool over here.
I'm trying to think, Wait, but salt Lake too, Like, sorry, I just like forgot about salt Lake.
Did you hear about what's going on now with Lisa?
Yes, So if you guys, watch salt Lake, but don't keep an eye out on the gossip and housewives drama outside of the show. Lisa Barlow has been missing. I think she missed like the first week of filming because she's negotiating a new salary. Apparently she wants a million dollars, which I think is a little insane because I think the only person who'd gotten that after like negotiating was niny Leek's yeah, which is.
Valid years ago. And that's valid and yeah, and I think they both deserve that.
Yes, Lisa Barlow needs a couple more years under her belt and then I think that she could negotiate.
But this is a little bit early, and I don't think that she's as loved as she thinks she is. I think people are laughing at her more than they're laughing with her.
Yes, but I love her.
I really like her too, and there is no Christmas season now in my household or life without her version of a way in a major If you haven't heard it, look it up.
Absolutely pura vita.
We should we should get a bottle and take shots.
Yeah, we should know what we should do?
What we should get all of the Housewives liquors alcohol lines and try to try them.
And rank them.
We should.
That would be really fun.
That would be fun, Okay, and we can make like a fun video.
No, yeah, that.
Would be fun. If you guys have ever tried any of the Housewives liquor brands, please let us know. I've tried I've tried skinny girl. Yes, yes, I don't think Bethany counts at this point. Like she's more of just like she's like an tear around her ear that just keeps bud.
She was just on Alex Earl's podcast.
Really, I didn't know that.
And did you see that Alex Earl like stood her up? I say in air quotes, because that's not actually what happened. It was like kind of click bait. But they were supposed to go to dinner and they had a miscommunication and so Bethany got to the restaurant and then said that Alex stood her up.
Do you want to talk about Alex Earl For the people who actually know who Alex Earl is, Yeah.
I mean I have mutuals with her. What yeah, because she went to Miami and she's the great above me.
Oh okay, cool, She's a very sweet girl from whatever. People don't know who she is.
Oh, Alex Earl is, I would argue, like one of the biggest influencers of gen Z and older. I think a lot of like thirty year olds, et cetera watch her. But she basically was like she started as a Miami student who would just film her get ready with me while going to Darty's in football games, and she.
For people who don't know what Darty's. Oh, sorry, are I just found this out like last year parties? Oh my god, we're so old. Okay, go ahead.
You didn't know what a Darty are? No, I didn't know that it was called it. I just call it a day party.
But go ahead continue.
Sorry. So she like.
Blew the hell up real fast, and like her family started blowing up, like her sister's now an influencer.
It's kind of like.
Unreal, like really unparalleled. I think that like they'll have like a real show soon. Oh please, Yeah.
I mean I get it.
We're trying to find the new Kardashians, but like I think we tried it with the Damelios.
It didn't really work.
The Coppols yea, right, that didn't work either, So listen. If it works out for her and her family, I'm happy for them. I found out who she was because there was this speaking of the Coppels, there was this like, yeah, I love trying ral Braxton Barrios, who was a jet. He played for the New York Jets and he was actually pretty good for us, you know whatever, he was dating one of the Colpols sisters. I don't remember which one, Okay, Sophia. He moves to Miami and then all of a sudden, he has a new girlfriend. And I think that Sophia was just as shocked as we all were to find out that. I mean, she was replaced.
It's crazy, Yeah, she was, but she was also a bit about it. Oh God, like she was being rude and Alex kept him. But actually Alex did keep him secret for so long. She would call him NFL man and would never show him. And then like after I think two months, she showed him and accidentally called him Braxit.
I mean, people knew who.
He was from his face, but like accidentally, like she called him Braxton. She was like, oh, guys, like, I guess we're on that level now, like with her followers.
Oh well, good for her, good for him.
And now they live in Miami together.
Well he's moving to Texas.
Oh yeah, he just signed. He just signed with the Texans.
I think, yeah, listen, good for him, good for them, two million dollar contract, like whatever, We're happy for them. But the latest with Alex Earl is that she got dropped from unwell media, yeah or unwell podcast network with Alex Cooper from Call Her Daddy shout out to her that is a boss. But like, can you imagine people learning about you from being dropped from a network?
And I don't even The thing is, I don't think that it was really like tea. I think that it was just like a business decision that was made, really yea each other. There were reports that something was going on between them, maybe the two Alexes.
They're fighting, the girls are fighting.
The girls are fighting.
I hope not.
We'll see, we'll find out. The one good thing about like housewives influencers social media is that you may have questions before everyone else, but we'll get those answers at some point. Oh absolutely, people can't keep their mouth shut.
We need andy and a camera at all times.
Well, I think we've done. We've done enough yapping. We said that this was going to be twelve minutes and it's about thirteen, So I think that's enough. If you guys actually listened to all of this, thank you, We appreciate it.
Be love.
You know, it's just us ramlin about housewives, which people don't really want to hear about it.
But yeah, okay, but you should. You shouldn't want to hear about it. You should okay.
The Elvis Duran after party