Today, we meet the 2025 Spring interns of the Elvis Duran Morning Show, and find out how they all got hired! We debate if Bruno Mars’ new song is hot or not and the differences between the Elvis interview and AI interviews. We dive into everyone’s dream guest on the Big Show, discuss our favorite segments, and break down if Elvis should venture more into niche lesbians!
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Guess what we gave the interns of podcasts?
Wait, we did?
What? Whose idea was this?
The Duran clan.
Hey, my name is Stephanie, I'm Leilani, I'm Ben, I'm Dylan, and where the plan?
All right?
So today we're gonna be talking about kind of just how we got started with iHeart, what led us here, and just a little intro on who each of us are. So I guess I'll go first. I've been here for now. This is my second semester at iHeart working for Elvis Duran. I'm the video production intern. I work under Deanna and I've been loving.
It so far.
Obviously, that's why I came back. Everyone here is amazing, But what really led me here is well, first off, I go to Forardma University in the Bronx rose Hill campus, go Rams and there I work for WFUV, the radio station, and anytime any artist comes in to perform, I basically record them and edit it and put on YouTube. So I was really interested in that. I was also interested in athletics for the hockey team, but I ultimately decided that I loved entertainment and that's how I ended up here.
That's so crazy because my story's almost the exact same. I go to NYU. I'm the audio intern. I work under Josh. And the reason I came to iHeart is because I work at my college radio station WNYU as our engineering director, where I record all the artists that come in and I edit the audio instead. Sometimes the video for staff is short. My mom was a radio DJ when I was before I was born, so it was in my blood. I knew I had to hang out at a radio station, and I'm so glad I'm here.
I love it funny enough. I actually don't know if Pace has a radio like I literally couldn't tell you, but yeah, I go to Pace. I study film, and last semester I worked on the iHeart promotion street team and that was really cool. That was really fun. And then I'm played to this internship and that's where we are now.
I guess I love the background so far. My name is Dylan. I'm a from Hallsher University senior. I got into the iHeartMedia a little bit differently. I'm a social video and phone op intern, so got a couple of little hats to have on me. But overall, I've been a journalism major at my school, I've gotten involved in our wh radio broadcast, where I've mainly done a lot of our social media content. But I grew up around the business. My dad was a major program director in sports media, so he kind of helped get me involved by teacher telling me a little bit about Elvis Durancho, helped me figure out how to apply.
And yeah, just kind of came here from there.
Oh yeah, you guys. I literally forgot to say what my internship position is. That's so awkward. I am doing digital and social and Abby is my supervisor.
Cute, that's awesome.
Well, so I've been here already, but I want to get to know you guys, and so first off, so we just heard who your site super advisors are. Tell me your favorite thing about them.
So, I think the one thing I love is because of being able to do so many internships roles.
Here, I have a couple of different supervisors.
So I have been able to meet Andrew and Diamond so far, who had been really great. But I was able to meet Celia today for the first time. So great thing I love. Everyone's been super nice. They've all been very helpful. Was getting me started so far, So Honestly, just the hospitality of being welcome here has just been the best thing out of all my supervisors so far.
Josh is pretty cool. Even though this internship is really early. Josh explained everything pretty clearly, and it's pretty cool hanging out around him, even though I sometimes worry he thinks I'm like an annoying little sibling. Hopefully we get past that one day. I'm rooting for us.
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of hospitality from like all of the supervisors, and everyone makes it feel very welcome, which is really nice. Yes, with we go specifically, I feel like we have such a similar understanding of like pop culture and like just chronically online things that like nobody else would ever need to know. But it kind of goes with like the position that you kind of like need to know it, and yeah, so we just like get it in that way.
Yeah, same with me and Deanna, Like we're always online, We're always following the same pop culture stuff. So even though it's spright and early, we get in that studio and it's just the two of us, I'm reapping constantly when we're not switching.
Yeah, for sure.
I've seen you two watch Dear van Hansen clips through the window, so I know you're definitely on it. Yeah, we definitely are.
She also runs iHeart Broadway, so I help her out with that too, and yeah, the two of us can just talk all.
Day about it.
Why are you excited to come back this semester?
Honestly, Like I said this on the show the other day, but I've been told that if you love your coworkers, no matter what you're doing, you're gonna love your job. So I've definitely found that home here with everyone, and everyone's super supportive. And again, like I love Deanna and I'm working the most closely with her, So I just felt like this was a perfect match and if it had helped me get into whatever I want to do later down the line.
Cool, what was everyone's hiring process?
Like I was like, I do remember this semester. I was like, I'm gonna be so busy, like I don't want an internship. And then I got on a zoom with Andrew and Josh. And Andrew was like, do you use pro tools? And I was like, yes, I do, and then we talked about my job at WNYU and then he was like, Josh, you got anything to say, and Josh goes, you use pro tools, and I was like, yes, I do. And then that was it. That was just fifteen minutes. And then I got a call from Andrew and here I am. I think I got a really good introduction of Josh at my interview. For sure.
Honestly for my process, it wasn't as exciting, didn't have Josh be there for it. But no, honestly, it was just going through LinkedIn. One day it popped up on my feed seeing Elvis Duran, which not normally in my background of stuff. Usually I'm looking for more sports media stuff. But I had some other opportunities I looked into that just didn't come my way. And then my daddy was calling me about saying, hey, you gotta have a plan as your last semester. I was lucky to be off from no internship last semester, but this one he really hammered me down. And luckily everyone was here to be nice enough to let me come in and start working for him.
So I, like I said, worked on the promo team last semester. And yeah, I also I believe saw this either on LinkedIn or just the career's website of iHeart and yeah. I also got on a zoom with Andrew and Abigail, and I remember that being very like relaxed, like almost as if it was like a FaceTime, which I thought was like funny and just kind of gave the tone of like what it is like to work here. And they're basically like, so, what like social media do you use? And this was right during the week of TikTok like being banned, and I was like, well, I don't know, because who knows. And then yeah, they called me like a week later, but my phone was on doing not disturb from class, and it's so embarrassing. I have a voicemail of like a song playing, and it's a song by Little Mix called how You Doing? And it's like, Hey, how you doing? Sorry I can't get through. Why don't you leave your name number and we'll get back to you. So then I called him back and he was like, do you have like some sort of like voicemail going on. I was like, wait, yes, but I think they liked it, so it's fine.
Yeah you see, then I'm glad you answered one thing for me. I was gonna ask if anyone else had missed the phone call about getting higher.
I was in class too.
Yeah, so I'm I'm sorry to hear from the voicemail, but A love it the I'm glad I'm not the only one who missed the phone call.
Yes, yes, I missed the phone call. Yeah, that is too funny. My process was a little bit different. I mean I had the like chill interview in all but leading up to that, basically, I was abroad from January to May of my junior year.
I'm currently a senior. I don't think I said that.
And I was applying for jobs at that point for summer and for fall, and I would get all these interviews, but i'd be in different countries and they had like the the interviews where you had to do it like on your computer, like talking just to it, no one else, and I hated it. And I remember it would only give you like forty eight or seventy two hours to do it. So I'd be like in a hostel, like in the bunk, like trying to do this interview. And then I was like not getting responses from these people anymore. And then I was like okay, like I'm just gonna give up for this semester, like it's totally fine. It's only the fault. I'll get something for the spring and I'll just like work super hard at school. Then all of a sudden, like Dylan, I saw on LinkedIn that the Elvis Duran group was having internships. So I was like, you know what, this is awesome because I saw twenty one Pilots come to iHeart in May for their album release, So I was like, you know what, I love twenty one pilots.
They love iHeart, so do I.
And also I grew up in New Jersey, so I've listened to Elvis in the radio or on the radio in the car, So there's that. And then I decided to apply the day it came out, and I like almost immediately got a response back saying, hey, like, let's interview.
Did that?
Talked to Andrew, talk to Deanna, very chill, like they were asking who my favorite artist was, what platforms I'm using, like what video production stuff I use? And it went pretty well. Obviously, I mean I got the job and I'm back again, but can't get rid of me.
But yeah, I just thought that was funny. I mean, going off of that, one of the reasons I was like, this is gonna be a fun internship is that my interview was a zoom and it wasn't like you have unlimited tries to talk to this AI version of a human being and tell us like, why do you think you want to work in the music industry. I've done so many of those and I hate it, and so I would rather just have like a fifteen minute zoom that's like okay, cool, you're nice, Okay bye.
I have never gotten asked to do another interview after doing the AI ones because they're so I don't know if I just suck at them, or if it's just like the ones I'm applying to, or maybe it just wasn't the right fit, but they're literally awful.
They make me so mad, and I always feel like I am saying the dumbest stuff in the world when I am doing them, I'm like, I make no sense.
Well, I've ever gotten caught like running out of tries and like the try, like the last one you had, you went like ah fuck at the end and you're like, I have one more try, and it just it's I think I did that for like a target application once set to take the l on that one. Yeah.
So I've done a few of those like I said and saying like I hate them. It just doesn't feel real when you're doing it, so you're like like whatever, I could do whatever I want. But then there was one time I actually took it so seriously because like I'm a video production intern and that's what I'm basically applying to for everything else. I had the ring lights out, I had everything, and that was the one time that I made it through on one of those AI in radios.
So just like put a ring light up, that's all you need.
Noticed I was saying, I'm very lucky.
I've never had to do any of these AI interviews before, so these all just sound like incredible horror stories or nightmares at the very least, So hopefully I never see what it is as well, because they sound awful awful.
So obviously they have Gusts in the studio all the time. Who is everyone's dream Gust.
So my music taste is very very off from what normally he's played on Z one hundred, but like very very slim chant.
I'd love to see Haley Williams somehow from Paramore.
I've always had a soft spot for Paramore ever since I was a kid, and I always hear it every time I listened to the show or anything, like the first time I was listening after like applying, it was the first song that came on, so I was like that that would be kind of my cool connecting movement. But anyone, I guess who shows up. I know they had Shaggy here the other week and he played at my canvas like last semester, so I guess I just can't avoid Shaggy. But yeah, anyone who walks in, I guess it should be a fun surprise.
But Haley Williams for sure.
I mean, I don't listen to a lot of top one hundred artists. So if Elvis Duran ever wants to veer into niche lesbians, I think he should bring on Moona or like or like, let's get niches er, let's bring in to a Bird. Maybe to a Bird can bring in Rene Rap. I remember I interviewed To a Bird before they announced that they were dating for my radio show at WNYU, And yeah I did know they were dating before they announced it. Yeah I knew. So maybe Elvis dran can get the next group. Who knows?
Wait, so you like Muna, do you know Katie Gavin. Yes, I recorded her not too long ago.
Well, I've been trying to get her and do you have her email? I will get there from you later. Maybe I could find it. But yeah, we'll see what we can do. We'll see what we can do.
I'd say for me obviously, I've mentioned twenty one pilots just before this. I swear I'm not emo. I just like the occasional alternative band, so them for sure, and they have iHeart ties because jingle bawl and everything, so we'd love to see them.
And also Bruno Mars true, if they could ever get him out of Vegas, i'd want to say that. Well, no, okay, that was totally fake. Wait, so it was fake that he's suck in Vegas.
Yeah, I mean I don't know how how real this like faith claim was, but I heard that it was fake and that he actually has a residency there, So if he's in that it's not because of him gambling, it's because of whatever he's putting on.
I thought it was like like not Elvis Durant, but Elvis Presley vibes where it's like, hey, I watched what's what's his face something? Butler Austin Austin Butler love that man. I watched that movie he got stuck because Tom Hanks was gambling, right, so true. Yeah, I don't say.
I just don't think Bruno was like that, I'm gonna stand up.
For my guy.
I think that my dream guests would be Megan the Stallion. Oh yeah, Like I would just love to like chat with her and be like what's to like literally just like I'm obsessed. Circling back to Bruno Mars, what do we think about the news.
Song is a sexy red one?
I was like okay, I was like, okay, we're starting off with Gaga and then it went to what apartment? What that song is called? Yeah, Rose Rosie, this new one. I don't think I was ready to hear Bruno Mars talk about Kitty that hardcore.
Yeah, I don't. I don't think we needed it. I like the beat to be cute, you know, like I know, I'm serious though, like when it plays like, I'm like, it's kind of a bop. But I just like the fact that it is Bruno Mars and he like said these words like into a mic and maybe really makes me really uncomfortable to think about it.
And you know that wasn't a first take, like he's been saying those words.
It's like finding out like my older brother actually like does freaky ship on the side. Right.
He had this written in his notes app for years.
He got the hate circle this whole time, like ten years. Now this is coming out.
He's been waiting for the right moment. And then sexy read blow up and he says.
Now I've been seeing all those post words like what happened to the man that was buying your flowers?
Yet what happened when I was your man? Like it God?
Really good song. Wow.
I forgot to mention this, But I'm from La so I didn't grow up listening to Elvis. But when I told my mom I got this job, she tuned in for like the third shift I did here and like as soon as Elvis ends, shows up like a block of Ryan Seacrest and my mom calls me. She goes, no way, that man is still on the radio. He was on the radio when I was a kid. Like she was like, when you were a child, we would drive to your elementary school and hear Ryan Seacrest in the back. So hey, now I share a payroll. I guess with Ryan Seacrest, and that was like the main thing people were gagged by when I got this joke.
I also did not grow up listening to Elvis because I'm originally from Massachusetts. So our morning show is Mad in the Morning, which is like such a token of like my childhood, like just like that like name. I feel like it was literally always on. But yeah, so that's like our equivalent.
So I'm from New York.
So I although didn't grow of listening to Elvis, I know people who have, like my roommate when he found out I got this job, he kept bringing up like he knew everyone on the show. He knew like stuff from ten years ago, and he's like, oh, is Foggy still around. I'm like, I'm surprised, you know all these people. And I would check on Instagram and there's people I know who I go to school.
And follow them now.
But for me, like I grew up with sport stuff, so it was like Mike an mad Dog more in the middle of the afternoon. Eventually that phased out, but so I never really was. Elvis is kind of the type of a listener. But it's fun now seeing how many people were like oh you know about this, Okay, I can talk to you about this now.
So both of my parents worked, and I'm from New Jersey, so it would be on in the car on the way to morning care and whatever early in the morning. But when I was younger, like going to elementary school and even middle school, my mom was afraid that they were going to say something like crazy and out there, so she would like switch the channel and all this. But also Danielle is from the same area that I'm from in New Jersey, so my mom actually went to her meet and great uncle Joseppi's.
Wow talking about small world, I know, right, jeez.
Yeah. Well, a part of my internship is I have to listen to almost the entirety of the show. I get here at seven and I start listening almost immediately, so I think I know every segment like perhaps the back of my hand. And I think I think I think my favorite segment would have to be when they do the around the room because it's just like, I mean, sometimes they're like I hate this thing, and but like usually it's like like today they were in Orlando, so like today they were like I got to relive my childhood and be on a theme park and like, I wish I had kids because all the kids running around are so cute.
It's like, Oh, my favorite segment is the Danielle Report. I just feel like she delivers the news, the story or whatever it is so well and I just am like, what's she gonna say about it? What's her thoughts?
Well, I won't lie, Ben, you were better. You just stole mine. If I do have to choose another one, I do really love Whenever to do any of my games on the show. It's just they have a rotating I guess assortment of games and overall it's just been so much fun just listening to how whacking you get so probably games.
Yeah, I love gandhis games. But also I was gonna say the Sound with Garrett segment, yes, because I just feel like I always learned the most from that one. I was like, oh, I actually didn't know Kendrick was going to be the halftime performer, thanks Garrett.
Fun fact, I was featured on Garrett Sounds Wait for what they played? Okay, so fun fact. Over the summer, I was on Jimmy Fallon for the Battle of the Instant Songwriters where they pull up an audience member to write a song in thirty minutes. And so I come in on my second day ever, Garrett pops into my studio and goes like, hey, I played your Jimmy Fallon segment on the air and he's like talking to me about it, and then he's like, Okay, have a nice day, and then he had I had never met him yet, so I turn around, I must go what. He pops back and he goes, I'm Carrott. By the way, I'm Garrett. I was like, oh my god, hey, I'm sorry, and it's like eight am. So fun fact I was featured on your favorite segment. That is awesome.
You love that.
So what's everyone looking forward to with this internship?
Honestly, I'm just excited to finally get to be here and working. I got to do my first day and then it was immediately sick right after, so I'm glad to be back. I'm excited to actually get to do task now. But overall, I'm just I'm excited to grow of a new group of interns, my first time actually being a part of a big intern team where I'm actually in the studio.
Every day with interns as well. Besides myself.
So overall, I'm just excited to learn and grow of a great team and get to do some fun task hopefully.
So yeah, circling back to what you were saying earlier, I feel like the people that you work with make such a big impact. So I'm looking forward to continue working with everyone and just getting to know everyone even better. And yeah, so I'm looking forward to right now.
Yeah, I think I'm looking forward to getting into the routine and like knowing everyone, knowing what everyone does, like catching up, hanging out, stuff like that. And it's really nice to have like a space that's like my space for the time i'm there that like I'm like, oh my god, I get like a computer and a keyboard and a desk. It's it's wonderful.
A lot of the internships that I've done in the past, they didn't have interns really working together on anything. And even last semester it just felt a little bit different working here because they were all kind of individual since we're all doing different things. But I love how this semester we're really getting everyone together. I'm glad to be working with you guys and getting.
To know you guys.
Yay, all right, So again. I'm Stephanie. My instagram is Steph Lane with two e's and an underscore.
My name is Leilani. My instagram is Leilani Jay pTau.
I'm Ben. My instagram is Ben Phifer fipro spelled p f e I f e R with an extra R at the end.
And I'm Dylan and my instagram is Dylan two two two one.
See you next time on the Durand Clan