Women are using glitter to catch cheaters!
Get your head us together and we're gonna start to party and start part I'm ready a party, The Elvis Duran After Party.
The After Party Podcast. Here we come. There's Gandhi and Danielle and Scotti Bee is here. I see producer Sam Nate Scotty. Hey, let's get going. I got a question for you. I've been seeing this more and more on Instagram and everywhere. What is it about glitter? Women are dousing themselves in glitter in order to keep the wrong kind of guy away from her.
It's the mark of the beast.
It's a good idea, talk about it, the mark of the beast. Glitter.
Well, you all know whether you open a bag that has glitter on it or God forbid you where something that has glitter on it dak. Glitter is there forever. So if there's somebody who might be in another relationship and they approach you and you have glitter on you, they're going home with glitter and they're gonna get busted. So it's sort of like an armor.
But but what what if they really weren't and maybe they did get a present and they opened it up and there was glitter in the bag. Prove it show me exactly you're gonna have to be. You know, how do you prove that I wasn't with her?
I promised. Soone at work opened a birthday cart. Isn't it blew all over my office?
Yeah? Mom?
Whenever I see someone with glitter, I'm like, who was she?
So this happened to me the other day.
There was a decorative hat for a festive occasion here, and I put it on and it had glitter on it. So I glitter fell on my face and I walked through the bullpen and Gandhi and Abby go, oh, where were you with the glitter?
With some hupussy?
Yeah, so wow. It's the scarlet letter glitter, the letter G, a glittery G so much. Well, I can't, I can't hear Samantha, and I love this.
I think it sucks because I hate glitter, but I do love how women are using it as kind of an armor because there have been so many surprise gties lately. They're calling it divorced dust. Like a man won't go near me. I think a lot of men won't go near you. But definitely the merry.
Guns behind at somebody's house. That's It's the same thing, leave behind the little sabotage things, leaving a screw ven air. Yeah, even if I was single and not cheating on anyone, I still know what that stupid glitter all over me in your butt crack.
You find it everywhere when you've got I know.
It's even more weird if you find it in someone else's butt crack. I don't question how much glitter.
We've ingested, like we've eaten, because the other day when we had these hats up here, I could I too, was like doing this a glitler everywhere, and I took a bite of my bagel and there was glitter in the bagel.
I'm like, oh my god, it's now down my throat.
I'll have glitter in my body for the rest of my life. After that Kesha.
Career, Oh forget it.
Some guy had it into his pocket. You get in the elevator, he just blew it in your face.
I was like, what did you hear?
What they said?
Glitter is considered a micro plastic, of course, and it says that manufactor Duris produce about ten thousand tons of glitter annually.
You know, we've had this glitter conversation the importance of glitter in some industries that are a little frightening.
Do you know what's his name, Gary Glitter or the guy that started glitter?
Don't you did he? Wasn't he for rape charges in Thailand or something?
Gary Glitter? Yeah, Garrett, Yeah, he's like two separate conversations.
Wait, Gary Glitter isn't guy who found the glitter? Right? No, artist, Gary Glit? He went to he went to jail, Yes, to Thailand. Wait, so there's two different people, you know the glitter guy though? Is his name Gary Glitter? No? No, No, their name isn't Glitter? So did I have something like? Okay, no, I've met someone who's a member of the family that invented and holds the patent on glitter. But it wasn't Gary Glitter. Who is who was serving time in Thailand for Yeah?
He just got out. February twenty twenty three, not too long ago, disgrace. Former bop star Gary Glitter has been freed from prison after serving half of his sixteen year jail term.
What was that song?
Attempted rape? Four counds of indecent assault and one a song?
No song?
This was the song. It's a long title.
It's like the New York Rangers and a lot of hockey teams.
Oh my god, so this is like a child molester song we played at basketball games. It's called rock and Roll Part two. Yes, okay, but wait a minute, hold on, this is not what we're talking about. Turn that off. We're talking about turn it off. We're talking about Glitter, not Gary Glitter. Yes, well, was the one guy you know better?
Glitter was Gary Glitter.
I think this crossed in my brain.
I can see it. Well, look Glitter. I could see how you would say, think that, but it's not true.
Okay, no, I'm not an idiot me. I just for some reason I thought their name, the family name was Glitter.
I got glitter my nose.
Hold on, there we go.
And by the way, it's safe to go to Thailand. Now you're not going to get any glitter on you kids. But anyway, don't play that song then all the time. That's terrible.
He's a pedophile.
Nobody knows that. I don't even know the name of it.
You score a goal, they start playing that song.
I don't like that.
From now on, if they if they sink basketball in a hoop and play the song, oh, the pedophile songs.
For it.
It's all stand up and clap. Okay, So back to glitter.
So oh it was in Vietnam by the way, Elvis.
Oh God, really see I need to check my facts. Thank you for checking me on that. God, no matter where you're doing that. If if you're Gary Glitter, you're screwed. But anyway, in the glitter family, I just can't believe that are women going, you know what, tonight before I go out, I'm gonna put some glit it on my skin so inappropriate men will not approach me.
Right, So there is one more flag that my friend brought to my attention. She's in the dating world. I don't know if I agree with this one, but I do like how crafty women are getting. She says. If she hugs a guy who smells like the good dryer sheets, like the expensive, more feminine ones, she wonders if he's in a relationship because of how few single guys she knows who really take that much care in their laundry.
Okay, I didn't know laundry sheets had gender.
Right, right, I'm with you, But I'm like, okay, I wonder what things I would be looking out for if a.
Single guy generally wouldn't even use dryer sheets, So she's probably right.
That's her theory.
What huh, a single guy doesn't know from dryer sheets?
You don't even do your own laundry, you don't know about dry I still.
Have bounced from about twenty five years ago.
Sitting there, oh my laundry area.
I think you just proved the point a little bit. It's just been sitting there.
What were you gonna say, Gandhi?
Well, I almost never spoke to my boyfriend after our first date because I went to his He was in town, so he was staying in a hotel room and I went to use the restroom in his hotel room and there was women's deodorant sitting on the counter. So I was like, this skis Oh my god, he's got some girl over here and she's comfortable enough to leave deodorant. So I left, and then I asked him about it, and he said, so, this is embarrassing. I only use women's de odorant because I hate the way men's dealerans. Wow, And it's true to this day he uses women's de odorant. It's quite strange.
Yes, why not?
Why not?
I just think it's so weird we put we put sex or gender labels on products like that. I mean they serve it to us like that in a pink bottle or whatever. pH bounce for a man, It made for a woman, Thank you, thank you, Scotty b. It's like you know that that year that that easy Bake ovens, they came out with easy Bake ovens for boys.
They did it was blue.
It's blue. Yeah, it's a light bulb. It cooks brownies.
I'm eating it raw either way. It doesn't matter, you know.
Anyway, Okay, how do we How do we end.
This with glitter? I don't know.
You'll just find an end in there. You'll find
The Elvis Duran after party