Skeery also insults the crap out of people with accents!
Get your hairs together, and we're gonna start to party.
And start part I'm ready to party the Elvis Duran after party.
All right, wake up scaring?
Oh I'm not wait, I'm wiggles when we have to wait?
I caught him mid yon. That was a big yawn.
Why did you have to start the podcast in mid yon? Why didn't you just wait till I finished? Yohnn you saw y.
I just had a big yawn going. I'm starting when I start.
Well, I mean that's like when people talk to you when you just as you take a bite, like why do you want me to answer now that I'm in mid.
Juw But you're not doing that right now either. So I mean you've been walking by those cookies and sniffing and sniffing the cookies.
He has ten days left, bet, yeah, ten days left to carbs? Actually, yes, seven or eight?
The calm countdown?
Should we take you an old country buffet on that day?
What's drama in the OCB?
I thought you weren't gonna like go crazy again.
I'm not.
I'm not gonna go crazy.
I have to hold myself accountable account.
That is such a dick you are.
Why can't Why do you think I can do it?
Because I know you for thirty years?
Yeah, you know.
You really tried to rain it in last year, and.
What will you can do it?
Here's the scary So my Carbs and Sugar binge a run kicks off with us going to Atlantis to the food and wine Fishka.
But if you haven't eaten it in that long, aren't you gonna ship yourself?
Got an ass scary standing in the ocean.
Actually, Gandhi and Nate and I were there last year at this time.
And you ate yourself into a sweat and it.
Was this and it was the same situation I had just entered back into Carbs and Sugar.
It was like that guy that got released out of prisonages, you.
Are not much better. The two of these guys were sweating.
They're like, no more meet.
Because it was it was like the jerk off right, it.
Was the jerky the jerky.
Yeah, they really missed an opportunity with.
It, really did Uh.
Sorry, we were nowhere because we didn't start really, you know, like.
The ships they were sweating. They both went home early. They had to go.
Yeah, it was jerk Jym and know scary building a hole in the sand.
Footage, footages scary standing there, sweating like I can't do it, man, I want to go now, you're telling me.
Now the burgers, the burgers, piece of chick.
There's a lot.
Uh what were we going to talk about? Back from Arlans?
Yes, I have returned.
How it Narlans?
Nobody ever calls it?
Tell us about New Orleans?
Yeah, I was just there for Marty Graws.
I'm like, pretty, I'm sure, I'm like thirty percent alive right now.
I would say twenty.
But oh, okay, so you're seventy percent alive.
Yes, But being.
Being a resident or from there, do you do Marty grad different than the crazy people that go there?
Absolutely? Let me tell you, those two lane girls are not.
Okay, Okay, I don't even know what you're talking about. Two lane girl. I don't know what that. You know what TWU lane? The Universe University. I thought there's this like a road street reference.
No lanes, not a one lane girl. I'm a lame girl.
So tell us how to experience it, well, tell us how the tourist experiences it, and then compare it to how you experience it. So what is the stereotypical thing a Marty Gras participant does that comes from New York City.
They they wake up really early, and they they like camp out on the parade route because they think that that's going to be their spot for the night. Nobody will go in front of them. But that's really not the case because everyone will show up late.
But they camp out.
They bring their computers and do their work from home because they're they didn't take PTO. And then they go and get food from this one place that's on the route. It's always packed, not even a good food, like not even superior seafood.
It says superior.
And guess what, it's a chain.
They're superior seafood, superior grill and superior hamburger and seafood.
So where should they be going instead of these superior places?
Honestly, places like uptown so further down the route.
Like more local down the route.
Yeah, I know it really it really is.
Like the route is just basically one street, which is Saint Charles Avenue, and it's only on one side of Saint Charles because the neutral ground separates Saint Charles.
Wait what huh?
The neutral ground is? What the stupid car the street car goes on the neutral ground.
Oh yeah, And so it's like one side of the street goes one way, the other side goes the other way, and then the neutral grounds in the middle. So that's like kind of what separates you from being able to walk and then being able to just like watch the parades.
Wait till it's not Bourbon. No, what do I know?
There is no parade that goes down Bourbon New York.
Guy, I don't know.
Yeah, Arcus, the dog parade is on Bourbon.
He's only seen New Orleans from Girls Gone mid No, from Cops, Cops.
You've been, I have.
Elvis took me there. It's the first time I ever gambled. And that's when I learned that Ruth Chris originated there.
Yes, it did.
We went there.
I was just staring in October, and I was there several times over my life. But yeah, yeah, but I gotta say, I just a comment because I was in Marty Gras once never, I would never do it again.
Only first of all, I'm way too old for it.
That's not true.
Really, No, I.
Heard you say that about anything.
I was. I was there and I reported back to this show.
I took time off, and they're like, the only way we let you go scary and take time off this morning show is if you call in from the parade route and do reports. I did, but it was crazy, it was insane. I was annihilated. I don't remember much of Monday and let alone Tuesday. And if you don't get if you don't get into the bars in time, you're out. You're locked out of the bars. And on Wednesday they start at midnight they start sweeping the streets with hosing it down. Yes the streets.
Midnight is early, but like you can get you can get into the bars if you're not going to the ones that all the tourists are at. And that's where it's not fun because like back to Nate's point, like we go to this place called Leabon Thomps because you know, lebon TOMPs la means let the good times roll, and that's what you say during I want to Leabon Thomp's La roul.
Left the good times roll because like the parades are rolling.
That was from True Blood, right, Oh yes it was, yeah, probably, I don't know.
But so we go to La Bontons and that's where all the like local soul bands play from like one am to like five am, so we'll like our plan normally is we go hang out with all of my friends and then you walk on the route. I mean I was walking probably like eight miles a day. My shins are splint splinter, splinter.
Is there a parade going on today?
Fat Tuesday's tourists.
Rex and Zulu are the ones that happen on Tuesday. Rex is like Carnival, Like that's like the that is the parade of all parades.
That's the one I went.
So my best friend was the queen of that last year.
How do you do that?
So Queen of Carnival is the biggest deal that you could ever Like you're on national television, you're in the newspaper.
How do you become Queen of Carnival?
It's actually it's it's totally patriarchal, but like it's all about literally men and money. So so you have a rich dad and they are like are from New Orleans and their family is very involved in like.
High society, and is there like a vote.
It just passed down and it's actually really interesting the way they pass it down. The queen from the year before like plays cards with the next queen and their dads. It sounds like I know, and so I like, at one point all three of them, the two dads and the former queen pass the queen pass all three queens to the queen the next queen, and that's how they know, they know how it's happening.
Or yeah, it's like you kind of it's like if you know you know.
So there was like a secret society meeting. Yes, yes, yes, so is the queen always.
Objectively you could say, so.
Is to go with her?
Yeah, for sure?
Where to go?
We're not really that now. So it's not about drinking hurricanes on Bourbon that in that place.
Unless you don't want to last all night. That's not lasting you. But we go to Bourbon every year. Still, it's just you have to like it's a marathon, not a sprint. But also it's both because it's because I blacked out the first night, so like that's how I knew I came on too strong. So then the next day I went to Bourbon and I was like, you know what, I'm drinking water down here until it's like two pm, and I start sweating.
And then I started sweating and I started drinking.
This is a thing in New Orleans. Do businesses shut down? Does everybody take the time off?
They're booming?
So like the banks they're open.
Yeah, okay, but like I didn't have school for two We had Marty gro break when I was in like high school, elementary school growing up, so like because you can't drive anywhere, it's miserable, Like every single street's blocked off. And then this year was even worse because of what happened on New Years. Like I was on Bourbon and I mean I had like full body chills. I've never seen anything like that in my life. Like there was like secret not secret service, but like the FBI and like Homeland Security and like these metal barricades that were like I don't even it was crazy, but I was really relieved, and it was like really great to see that everyone was still down there and like.
Nothing was stopping that.
I wish you had the cool accent.
Okay you, oh, absolutely, what do you want me to say? You to tell me something to say just.
The rest of the podcast?
Do in the accent?
Do you want me to talk these Yes, my friends speak like that.
Do you they really?
How come you don't you come out of them. My mom, my mom, I mean my parents are both from there. My mom in the accent, Oh apologies. My mom has a really thick accent. She has like a really thick new or linean accent.
Which is like, hey, baby, like I don't know how to do it, but I was about the Princess of the Frog. Yeah friend, yeah's best friend.
That's like what one of my best friends really sounds like. She'll be like no, no, like tonight, like we're going to be doing this, And I'm like, okay, I don't know anyone that seeks like that normally, Like why don't I.
Speak like that? My sister doesn't talk like that.
I don't. I don't know.
Very weird that you don't have any and my whole.
Family's from there and also are like all my friends and their families as well.
Yeah you.
Know, I mean you come from money.
You know, you're like so like maybe you were taught to be aristocratic, you know, to speak you don't like they say that different.
She's got Scott All.
That's the green vegetable, because you know, a lot of proper you might have been in an early age, you know, you might have got that accent.
Slapped out of you.
You like her trashy and poor mother.
Well, no, I'm.
You know you're also you're also next of kin. So apparently I don't know, don't you know some of the well to do people in this suburbs don't they don't they all?
They all talk like this, yes, and they school.
Play at the club today after So maybe maybe that rubbed off on you somehow.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But both but both of my parents. My dad has an accent too. It's just I think I kind of have a twain.
So your dad's poor too, So you.
Grew up poor. Always remember, if you have an accent, you're poor. Yes, parents, But I do not have an accent.
Okay, look look at me.
For instance, I got an accent, blue collar neighborhood in Brooklyn, and my accent it just got stronger.
As you said, blue collared neighborhood in Brooklyn.
So your theory is anybody with an accent grew up poor.
Not necessarily because I really thought.
That was going to be shut down in the accent.
I do understand.
That everybody with an accent is poor.
You cannot make up receipts and say the receipts.
Has an accent. It doesn't matter where you come from, you have an accent to someone you think we have accents.
Oh yeah.
But I'm saying is if your if your first generation from the country and you come over, then you you know that you got that accent. Congratulation she was born in I'm not I'm not pulling accents. I think that Southern draw is sexy as hell.
He's trying to tell you you'd be sexier if you have them.
Not saying you're putting words in my mouth.
I think he said your mom is hot.
I think he said, you just wish you could be a listener instead of a participant. I would love to.
I always wish I could not be a participant.
Be no credit to you because you pulled back. You weren't going to say that, and then you know what you went for it.
So you're trying to say, because we're Brooklyn Bronx accents, we got no money, no, but just no class.
It's ridiculous, scutty me.
You used to have an accents right, and I paid to get rid of it.
I must be rich.
I'm from Staten Island. I don't have the Italian accent. So I must be very rich too.
This is great.
I just think that I guess maybe I don't know. The more wealth you have, the more neutral your accent becomes.
I don't know.
Do you know what a group in the United States based on ethnicity makes the most money, brings in the most money? No, Indian people, like by a giant chunk. There's doctor's engineers. Worst, there's just a ton. If you think they don't have accents, my friend, let me tell you those are smart. Act you are way what a you wrong?
Said that again, Scott, you got we're also Italian.
Oh, by the way, I learned that that New Orleans knowledge has no I wanted to tell that has a huge Italian population, a gigantic one.
Huh. Most of my friends are Italian.
Isn't that crazy? Yeah? So do they have Italian like accents based on the Southern thing?
Yeah, it's it's it's still southern.
But like I honestly, now I'm kind of having like not imposter syndrome. But what is it?
I don't know.
But now I'm scared because I thought that I had like a twang. One of my friends made fun of me the day for this way you said lemon pasta.
I don't think you do, not even the way I say, like Laura, I don't know.
Yeah, I don't want to sound really stupid, but it's too late.
You're going to be fine, all right.
So Creole is a way of cooking or it's a language.
Creole. No, Creole is a way of cooking, and it's like I think it's a culture.
It's also a language if France.
Oh so it's not in New Orleans like no, no, you know you're right because it was.
It was.
It was like Haitians and occasions.
I think who too, there was that There was that chef justin whatever his name was the Creole whatever. Remember that guy from the eighties and he had a very accent like that.
So there's a lot of what's better Cajun cooking or Creole cooking. That's a big thing in normal in your opinion, like.
A huge French influence of French Cajun in front.
Get that. But that's what I'm saying.
I think I like Cajun.
Yeah, Like I'm going back from jazz Fest and I'm really excited because that's where you can get really.
Good Cajun food.
Is that crawfish?
Well, I mean that's not like necessarily a Cajun food, but it's a New Orleans thing.
Is it like a shrimp? No, it's like keep going. It's like a little tiny lobster.
Has the eyes right, Yeah, yes, it has the eyes and like their legs.
And I had a bunch this weekend. It was amazing.
But it's the whole thing.
Oh yeah, you sucked the head and then you pull out. Yeah, you pull it, You pull it apart, like you crack it, and then peel the tail, and.
Then you eat the eyes too.
I mean, you're getting out of this place. No one made a comment I want, well, I mean I was.
We were all thinking it, but we just are there expensive restaurants that serve them out of the shell?
Actually, I mean you could get, like I don't want to touch them, crawfish Monica.
Which is like pasta and it has like crawfish in it, or like crawfish gumbo or anything like that. You know.
Do you know the good ghost tours?
Oh, like the ones in the French Quarter.
Yeah, because I've gone on a couple of them. You know, i'd come to you next time.
Yeah, yeah, I can send you some I do know the better ones that aren't like traps.
Yeah, yeah, I got caught, probably because we got we got robbed. We went to one. It was so bad. Were so we wanted to do, we wanted to.
Do Somebody dressed up like a ghost.
Like this coming to your ghost, I'm actually the ghost of Bourbon Street past.
Did they refer to you as you meddling kids? Are we done?
It was a pleasure having you on the podcast.
You learned so much, so much we didn't want to learn.
The Elvis Duran after party