Andrew and Gandhi Want to Adopt a Puppy Together

Published Feb 27, 2025, 3:17 PM

Thanks to our friends at PetMeds and Second Chance Rescue for bringing in the sweetest dogs for us to play with today! AND they are all adoptable! Head to for more info or to make a donation.



Put your hands together and we're going to start to party.

And I'm ready to party.

The Elvis Duran After Party.

Welcome to the After Party Podcast. I'll tell you what. We actually had a party on the air today. If you're listening to the Thursday show, which is when we're recording this podcast, whoa yeah, Okay, here's what's going on. We've got Scotty in the Serial Killers podcast room. We've got Gandhi, We've got Scary Hi. And there's Garrett yep, there's Danielle, there's Straight, and there's me.

You almost adopt me today.

I appreciate. Okay, well we got to talk about the adoption. I have to go make a quick call. You guys start the podcast. Okay, Wow.

High light of the day Danielle, Oh my gosh, gosh, Oh Jason Gulo, that's.

Easy, of course.

Oh the puppies, Oh my god. There's a little Dodo out there named Martha, who's just a smush. All of those dogs are awesome.

That little how much bigger will that little one get?


It's a mini or what any teacup.

It's teacup, Mini, teacup toy Mini. Regularly, it's a mini that shed.

She doesn't shed. I don't know.

They're supposed to be hypoallergenic. You should get that one try.

It really doesn't work.

Gandhi will take it.

Yes, that sounds like Martha is four months old.

She's ten pounds as of right now, and then she's not ten pounds.

That dog is like maybe.

The size she'll be his ten pounds at best. She's so cute, but yeah, she needs a lot of work. She needs to get a lot of stuff done.

You want to know why Andrew's a monster. I tell you guys this all the time because we've been talking about a dog share program forever. You guys saw Martha. She's adorable, She's so sweet. I said, Andrew, is this our dog? He looked at me dead in the face and said, I'm not feeling it. Wow, go him. Yes, I know what Martha is.

The type of dog that you can easily take from house to house.

I think in your pocket, Scotty Bee. Highlight of the day, Tate McCray, Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's your crush, big fan, big fan. I was going to say the same thing. Actually, I was also going to say Scottie and Nate would actually all agree Tate McCray.

That's creepy.

What because my kids love her? That's all.

Yeah, you're like following when she was seventeen.

I don't know what you're talking about. She is quite beautiful, I will she's striking.

Okay, oh Andrew Andrews. Wait is that Mike?

It's not Andrew?

Go ahead take okay, great, Oh I'm back, Sorry about that mess.

What's the bone? We were going over.

The highlights what we each thought the highlight of the show was, and.

Then Gandhi brought up something that included Andrew.

Yeah, because he's a monster. And I tell you, guys, this no.

Believes and this was a highlight of the show. I want to hear this, so I.

Said, my highlight of the show was Martha, the very adorable doodle who was a little puppy smash. And Andrew and I have been talking about a dog share program forever. Martha seemed perfect. She's hypoallergenic. Even Diamond would get in on this. Andrew looked me dead in the face, hands are back to me and said, I'm not feeling it.

You're not feeling Martha.

You need to have a connection with a dog, right, It's just certain dogs. It's absolutely adorable.

It takes more than a second she takes.

It just wasn't for me. I think the dog is absolutely adorable and will make a wonderful foster pet to somebody else. For me, that is not I just I wasn't feeling the spark.

He's trying to be nice about it now, but he was literally like, Eh, let's.

Let's we're gonna go bring Martha in. Listen.

I will cuddle that dog all day.

Face nay, nay, do you have Martha. He's trying to tear her away from other people. We're doing a podcast podcast over that dog.

I liked the black dog that Jason Jerol almost tugs.

Here comes from Martha. So the problem here is Andrew is not bonding with Martha.

I don't think I had enough time with Martha. Oh my god, can I can I see Martha?


Let me introduce you to Lisa Blanco.

Yes, I'm Lisa Blanco.

From NYC Second Chance Rescue Dogs, who brought these incredible, incredible, beautiful dogs up here today. Thank you so much for coming in.

By the way, thank you for having us.

You're doing God's work well.

Thank you very much.

We try I'm just gonna look at the facet.

Sorry, you're on a podcast right now.

Okay, So.

Tell Lisa why we needed to get Martha in here.

Andrew and I have been talking about getting a dog and sharing the dog. We live very close to each other, so if one of us is out of town, the other world take care, no problem. I think Martha's perfect, She's beautiful, she's probably hypoallergenic.

She's a doodal right, yes, doodle mix.

And Andrew see how he's bonding with this dog. He looks me dead in the face and said, I'm not feeling it and handsaw right back.

To me, the adorable little zero.

You need to calm down there. You're being a little.

Feisty when that little That's my problem. I have Lenny hands. I can't control that. I have cuteness aggression.

From life and men, the one that pushed crushed them out.

A lot of people showed interest in adopting Martha.

Yes, I think she's a crowd favorite out there.

She deserves better than Andrew.

But Andrew says there was no spark. I said, well, there needs to be more than a second spent with an animal. See if there's a spark there. Absolutely, it's like turning away a possible relationship because there's no a spark. Well, you barely said anything to us.

That's why I'm single at thirty three.

So do you have letny hands on your dates?

How how big will moreth they get?

I think she'll probably get to be about twenty five pounds.

Ah, so that's a little larger than my allie.

She's perfect. How are you not feeling it?

You know?

I feel okay?

All right, Martha, Martha, Okay, I'm getting it a little more. I'm getting a little it's heating up a little bit.

A little nugging.

By the way, Lisa is the co founder and also running donor relations at Second Chance Rescue Dogs here in NYC. Thank you for being on our podcast, even though you didn't know this was happening.

I did not know it was happening, but I'm so happy to be here.

Well, you know what, So you guys, do these adoption parties, fairs or events a lot? Do they really work? Do people actually everyone's well walk away with an animal versus how many do you actually take back to the house.

It all depends. Some adoption events are extremely successful and then some of them struggle, but regardless, it has to be done because these dogs need exposure and these cats need exposure. City shells are overwhelmed. It has never been this bad. I've been rescuing since two thousand and nine with the other founder and president, Jennifer Brooks, who got me into this organization and just enlightened me on how many dogs and cats enter city shelters and do not make it out alive.

Right, And you know the city's shelters are so so crowded, yes, that the animals are fatigued, and it turns really great animals into animals that people don't want to adopt. They're unadoptable sometimes because they're so nervous.

Because these I don't know, they're shoved in a kennel, and think about it. They were once in a home and then they're in a kennel amongst other dogs and kennels. So what happens to your brain? Right, It is kind of like people.

Well you look at us suffer. It's like us in here every day. That's where a lot of our frigging mind's in here. So look, how long has NYC Second Chance Rescue been going on?

So it started in two thousand and nine.


Yeah, we've been around for a long time. Yes, we rescue about one thousand animals a year, both dogs and cats, and we focus on large breed dogs, mostly the most discriminated breeds like the pits, right, and we are known to be the medical rescue of New York. So we taken a lot of critically ill and injured dogs and cats, and I think that's what makes us very unique.

You know, little Martha has a heart murmur, Yes, but it's not unusual, by the way. A lot of dogs have heart murmurs and they're totally fine. And I do believe that's why Martha came to you, because they said, we don't want Martha. She has a heart murmer you know what f them no offense.

Yes, she was rejected by the backyard breeder because these breeders can't put these dogs in pet stores, so they get rid of them.

Way to protest.


Good for you.

And this Martha is named after Martha Stewart by the way.

Oh yes, so Martha can be a little bit from time to time, but we love Martha Stewart more than anything. Lisa. If you don't, I on behalf of the Morning Show. We would like to make a contribution.

Oh my goodness, that's amazing.

So yeah, we have any money.

I am doing a relation, so I'll take all your money.

Yes on behalf of the Morning show. We want we want to contribute ten thousand dollars and we thank you for coming in today. Oh my god, I mean, well, what would ten thousand dollars do or what would five thousand dollars do or ten dollars do?

Well? For us? We saved the medical cases, so we'll spend ten thousand dollars on one dog.

There you go, Yeah, they're expensive.

Yeah, or cat? You know, any animal in need.

Martha's hurt, heart conditions one thousand dollars right yes, out there, Uh, vaccines two fifty and sponsorship life saving fee to fifty.

So that's fifteen hundred bucks right there alone of what she needs.

Wow, I would pay fifty times that for Martha, because you know what, these dogs they deserve it. Well, Andrew, what are you doing? You get come on, well think about it. Let's not pressure them here on a podcast and.

All you need to know.

Lisa Blanco, thank you for coming in today, Thank you for having me. Thank you to pet meds. But without pet Meds, we wouldn't vent you today exactly. We love them so much. PetMeds dot Com for anything and everything for your dogs happiness and health. Again, look up n y n y c sc R on Instagram is New York City Second Chance for rescue Dogs. Thank you for coming in and that's the end of our podcast. However, we get the hell out of here.

The Elvis Duran after party

Elvis Duran's After Party

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