Croissants are meant to be Eaten • EP207

Published Jan 17, 2022, 5:00 AM

Dan tells Karen … that Deb slept with Keith!? Oh dear! Joy has a major "ah-ha" moment about Felix and Dan and the ladies discuss! 

The Drama Queens wonder why Brooke and Mouth never got together. Was it unrequited love? Or were they really just “best friends forever?” Can hetero men and women be ... JUST FRIENDS?!


And let’s take a listener poll… When you see a beautiful platter filled with pastries, wouldn't you think eating one is the logical next step? Joy shares a story of a Karen’s Cafe croissant that turned out to be months old, which she didn’t know until it was already in her mouth. What happened next? Well, she'll tell you!

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First of all, you don't know me. We're all about that high school drama. Girl Drama Girl, all about them high school queens. We'll take you for a ride in our comic Girl Cheering for Drama, Queen's Girl Fashion. But you'll tough, girl. You could sit with us Girl Drama Queens, Drama, Queen's Drama, Queen's Drama Drawn MC, Queen's Drama, Queens, Oh Our Friends. This was episode seven, Let the Rains Go Loose. Original air date November two, two thousand four. Um. I love that trick was in its full glory in this episode. It is the opening of Karen's truck Club Trick and it brings together the people of tree Hill very messy Um, Lucas and Felix come to blows over Anna, which is weird after after Chris Keller, a dreamboat h he quits his gig the night of the club opening, Haley must face her fear of performing to save the night for Peyton, and although Marvin tends to brook while she's drunk, Felix sneaks in and attempts to take the credit, and Keith and Jules realized their relationship has moved on to the next level, while Dan deliberately and maliciously tells Karen that Deb slept with Keith. There's a lot in this lost, A lot happened. Oh, I don't even know where to start. Well, I know where to start, because you nailed it, Joy, you nailed it with your Felix analysis. Give it to us. Felix is Dan in the making. And I saw it in the moment when Felix leaned down and made the choice to lie to Brook And it's it's the same choice that Dan makes when he's on the phone with the doctor and he lies to Deb. It's just the same. But it's like, you know, go backwards, rewind twenty years, and you can see how those choices can turn you eventually, turn you into a dance scot a monster, a monster. Felix is already a monster. Like we said it last week, We're gonna say it again this week. So sorry if you're sick of it. But I genuinely cannot understand Hannah's deep seated fear of her brother's opinion about who she's kissing, Like super weird, the thing that was the weirdest to me, and all of it's weird, And I just keep thinking about goats because he's getting them. This is dark ages, the dowry for the woman. It's so creepy. Why she supposed that they needs approval, Hilary, you said it when we were watching the episode, like, did anyone in the writer's room have siblings? What was going on? Honestly, I think all must be only children who are like man. I bet there's like a family vote at dinner to see who can go out with you. He did, He did, imply though, something happened in the last town that they were in, and I don't know how that was okay. But here's my issue is he's like he's mad because she's alone, topless in a photo booth. She didn't give that photo to Lucas, she kept it for herself. And he's saying, you know you're gonna bring rumors on this family. It's like a pox on both your houses. Type of weird. And meanwhile, she has, as Hillary said, pecked Lucas. Where is banging Brooke? And she's the shameful one, like a girl having any sexuality is bad. And to make it weirder, after Lucas and Felix get into it and they come to fisticuffs. Great word. She apologizes to Think. She apologizes to Lucas and says, Lucas, you don't deserve this, And it's like, no, Anna, baby girl, you don't deserve this. This testosterone fest over your purity is ridiculous. That's how I feel about it. But was it the last episode? So the last episode, Lucas drops uh and off at her house and Felix sees it in front of you in the kisses are in front of Brooke Davis's house and Davis is also on the porch. Boy does not learn anything from the new experiences, and so is it any wonder? Everything is just a mess with guys Like this is when you meet a girl that goes to a rival high school who doesn't know any of your friends, you know what I mean, Like you have to break out of your circle, which I think is a healthy thing to do. Did you, guys break out of your circles in high school? I did? Yeah. I don't know if I ever had a circle. I think I kind of bounced around. But yeah, sometimes you want to go hang out with kids that just aren't a part of Oh yeah I did that when I joined a gospel choir, when I was a sophomore. There was a lot of girls in there that weren't in my regular circle of friends, and um, but it was cool. I learned a lot and like, it's but to be able to connect with people outside of who you're naturally drawn to, Yeah, I mean I had to. I definitely broke out of my school circle because I went to a tiny old girls school and my high school sweetheart was my best friend from camp since I was nine, which is so sweet. Summer camp so sweet. But man, let me tell you what did not prepare me for the real world at all, because I was like, I grew up on the Wonder Years what like you were, Winnie Cooper, Like I didn't have any understanding of dynamics. So it's hilarious to, like, god, to watch Brooke Davis just have such like such intense energy, like are we talking about this big dick energy? Because that scene was hilarious. My delight of this episode was Brooke Davis bringing a rider to Felix and just being like, these are my these are my boundaries, these are my rules. I want to create a writer. What's my writer? You're you? Honestly, though pre nuptial agreement. I don't know, but you were right, and I honestly I feel like I failed at not noting ever when the Big Dick energy became a thing that it is Brooke Davis energy and the ass are the same, like, oh my god, oh my god, it's brow. But you guys were watching the episode and we watched that scene and I literally was like, God, I wish I was ever that cool or confident. She doesn't, and it's inspiring. Granted, it's attractive, it is attractive, but I also have to say that there is the moment where I think, like, granted, she's coping by seeking validation from a boy, but also a lot of people cope by seeking validation from relationships. Is a validation, She's just seeking like comfort at this point, Like everybody's got love languages some people, you know, physical comfort is some people's love language. And it's like, this is this is a gift time giving to myself right now, Like I don't give a about you. This is a gift to myself perspective. I'm just saying it doesn't necessarily have to be self medication so much as as I've earned this deserves to kiss my neck, kiss my neck right now, I want somebody's face on my back. Yeah, okay, I'm open to it. I'm so curious with the viewers seeing it too well, right now they think I'm a pervert. They're like, she's well within her rights to say these are the terms of the agreement. I am feeling a lot of big feelings right now. So I have nothing to give you. If you want to make each other comfortable, Okay, here are my rules. I don't know how much Brook is covering. I don't think she's attracted to Felix, but I don't either. Now, Yeah, she's she's pushing up. I think she's pushing a lot down because we know all the things that she's struggling with and all the things she's dealing with. I mean, kind of a big deal to admit that you've sold your blood. Like joined that scene with you and I didn't remember shooting it, but good god, it made me happy to watch. That was so cute. It was really funny. But I don't remember it at all, but it was it was really funny. They definitely found the most discount rack kind of like, uh, looking storied would like the place that Brooke would never be caught dead in Yeah, the place that I like to go to, like to troll the goodwill and see what what gems are in the racks, Like any thrift store in a small town when I'm on a road trip, I'm in it. That's how we find our calftans. Oh god, but it's definitely not a brook Davis. Should we wear all of our vento Calftan's in the next taping? Uh? Yeah, that's a great idea. Idea, that's a great idea. I can't talk today, Okay, so let's go back to that Dan scene. Um, let's follow the chronology of our story here with Dan coming into the cafe and being grown up, Felix freaking liar, and Karen telling him you're creeping everybody, this phoenix rising from the ashes nobody. She's the only one who sees through it all and is not willing to give him second chances. She's not over there like, oh damn good at heart, She's like, no, he's an asshole. She doesn't buy it. She's like, you're doing thing. It's weird to kill stop it. I've known since kindergarten. Danny and then Paul made such an interesting choice because he played. Look, that revelation was mean spirited. For Dan Scott to say to Karen, of course Keith and Deb had sex, and he did it in such a gentle way and say, no, I've no me, it's not fake. I've even forgiven my brother and my wife, even because he knew he was gonna step that that thorn right into her side. Oh yeah, man, that was ugly. And then she she held it. She held it for the entire episode. And what's great about Moira is that she never references it, but you see her carry it because it's like that Andy walks in, you know, Deb's in the cafe working with her, Keith comes in to say hello. Keith, by the way, never even looks over in Deb's direction, which is the biggest tell tale side. I wish there would have been some kind of like active ignoring, you know, where you're They're like the looks but they don't see. But would have been interesting. No, No, they just He's like, I'm not even going to look behind the counter. There's no one else here but Karen. And then Andy comes in. But that timing was so great. I love come in and the tiny T shirt I had one made for Lucas little Lucas baby size. Oh my god, it's so funny. Yeah, that was a fun scene. And I like that the adults are getting this much time to play. This was maybe the fun episode for the adults. There were so many things going on. Oh, oh my gosh. And there's one thing we didn't talk about in the last episode because we had such a love fest with Miriam and new Knows. But guys, as we're watching Andy and Karen's relationship, I forgot his name for a second. As we're watching Andy and Karen's relationship developed, we realized that the property in the last episode that Andy supposedly bought is a beautiful botanical garden in Wilmington called Airly Gardens. And they have that romantic first date and they have their little hand touching moment and the meteors are falling. We want to know how many of y'all have gotten married, big life events at Early Gardens. We want to see your photos, show us Andy's backyard. Our guys, help us paint this picture because we're excited about it. And and in the last episode and in this episode, we just keep coming back to what great chemistry these two have together. The electricity of that first handhold. And then in this episode the first kiss, Oh my god, it was it was. He nailed that. It was a good kiss. It was all silhouetted, and I loved that he was just so unconcerned with the fact that he's younger than her and it's not much. I don't even really see much of an age difference there. What's the number? I don't know, I don't know, but I mean love it. Yeah, we know the Jewels is six and Keith is older than Karen and zero conversation about that happening. Yeah, yeah, No, I'm hot for it. I think it's a great idea. And his what's his line? He's She's like, doesn't this look off? And then he's like he kisses her and he's like, doesn't feel off? Like oh, and then he just walks away. Yeah. I just like the energy of it. And you're right, nobody ever references it with Keith and Jules. It's a weird thing, and maybe it maybe it's sticks out to us too, because we knew it was a bunch of dudes writing that, like, how could this younger man want to be with this older woman but she's older? What a what a crazy and so maybe that's why we're like ill. But it was cool that if it had to be a topic of conversation, he said, I don't care, and she, by the way, didn't care at all when he was like, I thought your son was six, and she's kind of like, yeah, your assumption. I didn't say exactly. You know, Andy went into that whole thing on their date about how how my single mother raised me, and I have a great appreciation for Like I wish my mother had gone back to school. I appreciate how hard she worked all that kind of stuff. I think there is a thing about boys with single moms who appreciate like strong women and can appreciate other single mothers in a way that maybe other dudes can't. And so he's naturally drawn to someone who reminds him of a woman he really deeply respects. You know. That's that's comforting when you can say I know what this cycle looks like, I've seen how this plays out. I like that for myself. I want it. I do think it was realistic that Karen has the concern that he's younger, because she does have a teenage son and she seems done like I don't. I'm not sure Karen's ready to have another baby, and so you know that maybe an issue when an older woman is dating a younger man, like are you actually going to be okay with this? I mean, there's a lot of practical application things to think about, and um, I don't know. I just think that I can't remember. Does she have another baby? She doesn't? Right? She and Andy with Keith? Wait, Karen, doesn't she have a baby with Keith? And then he dies and then Andy helps her raise It? Is that real? Is that what happens? Is that what happens on our show? It happens much later. Well, regardless, in this moment, I think Karen is, you know, feeling like where she's at in life is maybe not where a woman who is Andy's age would be. And so that is a real consideration. And and is it worth walking down this road with someone who I really like if we're not going to be headed in the same direction in life? Oh? I was totally right. Karen gives birth to her and Keith's daughter, Lily Rose Scott, and then she meets Andy and they get back together and she travels around the world with him. Guys, we have the best producers on our show, because the second you guys are amazing, I feel good. I feel validated. Um yeah. I also, you can be the same age as someone and completely be different emotionally, because I know friends who are empty nesters. Now I have friends who are just having their first kids or have decided not to have kids at all, and are free traveling the world acting like we're still nineteen years old and we're all the same exact age. And so I've had those moments where I feel like the dinosaur because I've got the older kid, and you know, like my life just feels so much more settled than some of my other peers. Um. And so I understand why Karen, at in her mid thirties, might feel ten or fifteen years older. She's always been the youngest mom in the school pickup line, she's always been the youngest mom at the PTA meetings, and so she just kind of ages herself up because that's how you fit in m Those local jeans tell a story, though she saying such a that's what I was about to say. She's she does this in such a cool way, And I do feel like in season two they let Moira as Karen dress more her age, act more her age. They weren't like putting all the moms and polo shirts and khakis anymore. And even when because we got Carol cut Shall exactly, and even when Karen catches us doing silly like you know, when Lucas teeses are about breaking curfew or she catches Brook, you know, having used a fake I D. She's not like giving your fake I D. But she's like, give me your hand. I'm cutting that wristband off. You don't drink in my in my club. You know, she's she's cool. She doesn't think that these kids are like porcelain dolls, but she's trying to set good examples for them. Well, she did have a baby right out of high school, like she Yeah, I mean she's not a square um, and so I like her her version of parenting. You're right where she's just like I did it, Hey, yeah, I did it. I did it first. Um, let's talk about Karen's club trick, because Joy that night, like the first night that we were there, you said it. You're like, oh my god, the line outside of tricky. I totally remember that. I had a visceral muscle memory of looking out that door and seeing all those people there for the first time. It was so cool to see that place all filled up. So if what do you remember from that episode? Oh? Man, you know what's so funny. I remember that green dress. I remember you in the trip T shirt like I remember that night joy. I remember your ponytail, like you were doing that hair was perfect. Oh my god, I just remember it. And I remember how fun it was for me to get to work with Lee so much because I had so much fun working with him. You know, Lee had become and still is like one of my closest friends and and really is like a brother to me. And it was special to, you know, work on that storyline together, this unrequited love between Mouth and Brooke, and she looks at it as this safe friendship and he doesn't want to violate that yet he loves her. And and we really talked about, you know, our limited at twenty two, you know, relationship experience, and when we've missed things and when we've been scared, and he talked about, you know, shared with me a lot of what it was like growing up as a person who was famous from Boy's World and from the Pinkest and and he felt like he got to represent a lot of kids in that storyline, and we were so glad that it never got inappropriate or weird. Um because there was a moment where he's putting you to bed, and I was like, don't kiss or don't kiss or don't kiss her any because he didn't such a good guy pass and he won't tell Felix it's okay, and he won't even shake his hand exactly, he won't re spawned with that fist bump, and and it's really lovely and and Lea did such a beautiful job, and I just remember that for us feeling really special against the backdrop of you know so much, that was special happening for all of us. Hillary. You were bringing music and this world that you've been working in into the show. Enjoy. You were bringing your actual music in and and beginning to perform on the show, and and everything just felt sparkly, like even it's starting very meta. It was like season one. Every season one was them all getting to know us and like figure out what our actual interests star, what our actual passions were. And then season two was just like how do we exploit this? And I'm okay with it because like getting back into hosting felt comfortable for me, Like there's certain things that I've seen already in season to them think about that. Hell yeah, yeah. It was when I had to give that whole speech to the drug dealer the first time I meet him, where I'm like music and music can music? You know, like all this like exposition about how music feels. I hated those monologues. Can hate it. It's everywhere. It's just everybody. It's like they wanted me to be Dawson, you know, it was dorky um. However, when we got to act it rather than say it, when we got to act it and actually hold the microphone and be a kid, that's like, oh my god, we're doing this. You know. It's the action as opposed to the talking about it feels so much better. I definitely remember filming this episode because Karen was so cute and I have to hang out in that booth. I got to just sit in that booth, which was elevated enough that I got a bird's eye view of everything that was going on in the club, and it was so fun to kind of just be in I don't know, it's basically where i'd be for MTV too, you know, it was a natural habitat UM. And I loved the scene where Peyton is like, introduced me to your friend to Karen, just like he's a grown man. I'm sixteen. I've also hooked up with your son. But if you could do a girl a solid act. I just loved Peyton trying to get in, trying to be introduced to this guy I've never talked with the high school or that was like super eager to get involved in my adult conversation with some person. But did they have a new Zealand accent? That's right? But were they that hot? I don't know. I remember um being nervous. I remember working on the song. They sent me a song that I I've fixed a little bit. I mean I think I thought I fixed it even I still remember some of it, and I think I did make the song a little bit better. But Um, I didn't like take a writing credit or anything. I just kind of tweaked it so I felt like it fit me, fit me in my style a little bit more. Um and I had fun. It just was nerve. It was nerve racking because yeah, it was my first time singing in front of everybody. And it was just me and the piano, and it was a quiet song in a club that definitely had like a high energy vibe, so it didn't just felt like it didn't match. So um, I don't know that I ever loved any of the music that I sang on the show, even my own stuff. Do you know who wrote wrote the song? Yeah? I don't remember. All I wish I did. I like that you were styled like Gwen Steffani, Like that was a very Gwen Steffani, like a jewel song. It was like so like talking about emo Yeah, Samahaclacklin type of songs, that type of thing. I will remember you. Yeah, But it was fun. But I did love the excuse used to be And this is my first time watching Haley and feeling like I really love seeing her go into this zone for the first time, and I have for this is my first time as joy being removed enough from from all of this to watch it and and see kind of what everybody fell in love with about Haley being um, nervous and scared and and just all of those things. It was exciting to watch her trajectory there and and Nathan, you know, marrying Tutor girl but ending up getting not what he bargained for. That was interesting too. I'm excited to see where that goes. He's so earnestly excited for you in this and it darling like just so endearing that the end of the episode where he's waiting up is sweet. I mean, thankfully you're just with your girlfriend. It's not like you're off like kissing dud the gravel parking lot yet. But wow, wow, wow, I love during this episode two, Tyler was so fun. I mean, everywhere he goes, he just lights it up, lights up the room. Also, this is when Chris Keller starts talking about himself in the third person. That's right device they hope, can we make this guy super fucking irritating, We're gonna have him talk about it was a Seinfeld reference, wasn't it? Didn't e Lane's boyfriend talk about himself in the third person, and that made it like a cultural Did he I didn't know that? Yeah, Lane had a boyfriend was a putty who talked about himself in the third person? Did putty do? I mean, I remember Putty? But did he do that? That? That's so funny? If he did, I feel like I'm dating myself with this. I'm old like Karen God, I love up on Seinfeld and will Fortune. We actually did you know what? You know what? I thought was actually very sweet as well, just to go back to watching some of what they gave to to Nathan's storyline in this episode. Okay, I really liked that. I can't remember who said it to him. Somebody said because he's given up his basketball camp, and somebody said, you did a good thing for Innate and Nathan says, now, she did it all on her own, and and there's something really lovely about that. He's he's really recognizing who Haley is and making sure that other people are clear on the fact that they each deserve to live their dream. When he sits out, yeah, right, Like when he sits out of the basketball camp in the previous episode and Dan finds out about it, you think there's going to be drama. And then in this episode he talks to Whitey and Whitey says that beautiful line about how you may not be taking a step forward as a as a basketball player, but you might be taking two steps forward as a man. That's such a good line. I even love his action when Chris Keller comes up and he's clearly a little schmarmie. And you know the line he throws at him about and how many guys want to how to sleep with your wife? And James just handled it so well as Nathan just kind of taking it in. He's not a reactive, combative dude like that part of his character from season one. But he was, Yeah, he really was. But you get to see how much he's grown that he's not like Lucas and Felix jumping in like you're lucky. You know, this is my friend's club. I'm not going to do this in here. He doesn't do it. He just kind of looks at him like, all right, man, like experienced bar fights in Wilmington's. It was you know, it's like a military town. The military comes and like parties in our bars, and there were there were fights all the time, all the time, all the time. My little brother was a bouncer at level five and would have to like carry people down those five flights of stairs. You wouldn't you wouldn't put a drunk person in the elevator because you know, like the struggle continues. They like a special hold where they would like you know, carda mountain and throw them out on the sidew I saw my first mar fight like a couple of months ago, my friend person. Yeah, my first one I ever saw. I don't know. I don't hang out enough dive bars, I guess, but I love them. Another thing to add to the drama queens Stewar a Baker's drama queens and dive bars. Like two am, a couple of guys started fighting in the bar, surprisingly, like unfettered by it. I don't know, anti climactic. I just was kind of sitting there, like drinking my cocktail, just watching these guys fight. I don't know, I wasn't do better. Um. I remember when we first moved there, I was so excited to live above Fire Belly because it was notorious as the bar where Vince Vaughn and Steve Bishemi got into that massive far fight and and like this one got arrested and step got his face sliced open or something crazy. It was like Bourbon legend in Wilmington's that that was the bar where bad stuff happened. And so of course when the apartment above it was available, I was like, yes, this is I want to live there. This is amazing, well, something that is the opposite of a bar fight, perhaps because it felt real wholesome. But I loved and wish we'd had more of that giant lunch scene on the Quad. That was when we started talking about when we saw it, why didn't we do more of this? Why didn't we do that all the time? And I do love that we we established trick. We do create this all ages bar. We we create this space where the kids get to go and have all the experiences that have become so famous on our show. But I realized, like, oh, man, whatever director came in for this one set such a gray example, like David David Payne was David. Oh, that's right. Of course. I was so excited for him to come in because I was a huge fan of that movie Heart and Souls from like eight nine or something with Robert I love that movie and he's the bus driver and I just was kind of geeking out about this little movie that I loved as a kid, and he came in to direct us anyway, started digress but no, it was I mean, god, he was the greatest. But he saw that Quad is such an opportunity and it felt lively and fun and so many things were happening, and it was such a good device to then talk about, you know, the way that the kids would splinter off, and also how they all had so much drama, and by the way, not just high school kids, the adults. And then there was that like a nice drop of foreshadowing that that we got from Anna Tagaro Daniel Alonzos little crack about how you know she was a little closeted, but she was talking about being an Emo fan, and I was like, what's coming we were talking about? Yeah, she saw the artwork on the poster. I don't know why, Why did I hear that? That's so funny when Anna and Peyton start talking about that band and she says, oh, I love them, and Peyton says, oh, you're an Emo, Like I didn't peg you for an Emo fan, and she goes, well, yeah, you know, I'm a little closeted. I was like, we want guys, Peyton will find it and seek it out and pull it out and just be like, hey, let's let's get into this here. You know. I it's so weird watching these episodes back because I really didn't think when we were filming it that I was being flirty or like, um, overly friendly or anything. But I can watch it now as an entirely separate person and be like, oh, I can absolutely see why people would be like, Peyton, is you know land it a little thick here? Like, oh, tell me more, let me just sidle up to you, especially the Peyton that we first knew who was moody and didn't want to make new friends. That she's so eager to make a new friend's very eager to make friends with beautiful Anna, Just like, Okay, what else do you like? Tell me everything. I'm gonna stay with you. I had flyers to pass out, but I guess that can wait. I can totally wait. Why are you eating alone? I'm here? Um, Peyton so neaty? Guys? That's all right. We all were. We all were at some point in our lives. Everybody everybody needs What do you think? Do we have fan questions? I want to do some fan questions? Oh, I like this one. Ashley asks us, was there an actual menu for Karen's cafe? And what would your to go order be or your go to your go to order? That's a great question, was there? I mean, I'm sure for props there was No, why don't remember when we use those like dark blue? At least in later seasons they were I think they were like a dark blue menu that probably came from the Dixie grill. They were not real Dixie grow But oh man, I remember the BLT that would have been order. Yeah, I was gonna say, what's your order? Yeah? Remember all of the cake stands with the glass domes full of pastries on the US Yes? Joy? Okay, So I'm so happy you said that because I know what my reputation was. No. I remember a prop person flipping out because they saw you in the scene pull it out to eat it, and they were like, oh no, that's not fresh, like it had been sitting there for weeks and weeks and weeks. It wasn't like to be eaten food. It was prop food, and you, whether it was an awful pastry or not, played it off like such a pro and didn't make a stink about it. You're just like, I'm gonna eat this cardboard croissant right now. Let that be a lesson to all prop departments. Don't put something out if you don't expect your actors to use it. Why would you put something out if you didn't think we're going to use it. I hate. I'm just kind of My biggest pet peeves is walking into a set that's that's not a working set where you open up the pantry cabinets and it's empty, like the word I mean, it's like, get please work with me here, give me something to and they just think actors are going to show up, and well, aren't you just supposed to stand there? Well? What if I'm not feeling like standing there? I'm I'm so paranoid, having had food poisoning a couple of times. You couldn't pay me to touch a food prop on a set unless someone told me exactly where and when it came from. I'm like, where where can I eat that? I won't even I won't even touch it. I'm so like such bad PTSD from like being in the hospital on I V drips that I'm like, no, I'm good, I don't what is that good come from? But I agree with you if I like if I opened like a desk, like a desk drawer supposed to be in my office and like there's no pins in there, I'm like, guys, put some pens in there there. There have to be like pens and post it's in random like you know, rubber bands and like the stuff people actually have in their desk. Roy the last made for TV movie I was supposed to do. I was in a fight about the budget and I remember being like, there's no way we can make it for this amount of money. They're like, well, we made this other movie for that amount of money, and I said, there were empty cupboards in that empty cupboards is the sign of like low budget, we're just going to mail it in. No um. They were not empty cupboards at karen Um, but we didn't. We didn't refresh the food there on a regular basis. But I ate it anyway because you're because you're a professional siss. That's why you're like, I'm going to commit to this Croissan. I started it and I'm gonna finish it. God damn it. But I don't think they have a menu though, what would you need? Okay, so balt, I'm oft. I don't even know what like Arren's Cafe specializes in. Is it like a brunch? I think it's just American you know, bistros sort of. Yeah. I probably would have had like grilled cheese and tomato soup I bet Karen, you know what, I would get a charcou to replate. You guys know me. I will always get a sharku to replate. It's true. Just give the woman some meats and some cheeses mates, and maybe a teeny tiny little tin of pickled vegetables. Sick, I need my pickles. Yeah, that would be a good Karen's Cafe menu item. I would like that. I would like that. This is a good question too. We have another viewer question that seems to have been related anonymously, So thank you whoever you are. Um asking. Season two has a lot of new faces, Felix and Andy, Jewels and more. What was the experience like on an offset having so many new characters on the show. I loved it. I thought this was so fun because we had all flooring at each other's faces for so long that you know, I mean, twenty two episodes is no joke. We were in Wilmington for nine months out of every year, almost ten months, yeah, and you know, and like seventeen hours a day, right, Yeah, So we had sort of established our social circles and our hideouts in our different places that we like to go and visits and beaches, and we had our routines, so so to have new people come in and showing some of them around the town or if you're finding places that they discovered that you know, maybe we hadn't thought to go visit this museum or this spot on the beach or whatever. It was really fun. I loved it. Yeah, it would remind you how cool a place was because you're you're right, we had done it all. And then then it kind of becomes like groundhop to day you're like, I don't know, we go to these five places to eat and these are the things, and totally a minute you get to show it to a new person, you're just like, it is really cool, isn't it. It is beautiful, isn't it Like it's a it's a nice refresh of your own perspective. Yeah, that's why we like to travel, you know. Well. And we also had established dynamics on our show where we all made each other's characters moody. It was like, you know, if I talked to Lucas, chances are it's going to be a buzz kill, you know, and I'll go cry in my room. And so by introducing all these new people that we can get excited about on the quad Um, we break those cycles because we get to reinvent ourselves. And so Lucas actually talks about that. You know, he's like, I'm trying to be a better guy. I'm trying to be a better guy. And she's like, I don't know, it seems and it's like it seems fine. It's like I don't really know who you were before, but she's like, you just seem like a sixteen year old boy. I would say one of the things I wished. And we talked a little bit about this on the last episode. A lot of us hung out one set, you know, when Maria was around, because we knew her before. Um, but gosh, looking back, I'm like, man, how come Brooke only got to work with Felix? Like I wanted to work with Anna. I loved Danielle. I just thought she was so cool and I never got I don't. I mean, I don't remember what's coming because we did it a hundred years ago, but I don't even know if I ever got to do scenes with her. And I just thought she was a big prom party, Like there's a big party, Oh my god, the prom party. Yeah, you know, that's going to be fun. Is that the one where I wore that periwinkle dress and you wore the green dress and we found you that I think I had the yellow dress with the red cossage. It was all I love that we remember things either by our hair or by our fashion. Was this the one? Like, forget the subplot, forget whatever happened, but I remember you looked so pretty, you look so nice. Yeah, Danielle is such a cool girl. And Anna comes in and is a she cleans the slate for Lucas in a way that you know, he can't hang out with anybody else in town because they all know his baggage. Um, Lucas needs someone to come in and see him with fresh eyes. And maybe that is why we liked people joining our cast, because they came in and saw us with fresh eyes, you know, and we got to kind of try on being new people. I certainly know at that age, at like two years old, I was I was a different person once a month, you know, I started hanging out with like the metal bands in town, and you know, like I wanted to be different than who I had been two years before or four years before whatever. So when these new people would come in. It was really an opportunity for us to practice the kind of adults we wanted to be. Um, Yeah, like him and you guys like metal, you like improv? What's your flavor? I'll take you to either. I love that. Why do we think that Mouth and Brooke never had a shot? Oh, it would have been so much better if they ended up together like there they started this sort of Cyrano dipersierax storyline and then never but it didn't really go all the way. And I wanted it too. It's just so good. Yeah, it's weird. I'm torn because on the one hand, I love being able to model great platonic friendships, you know, and I think that they're important whether you have a friendship where you've never tried to see if you might make a good couple, or you go, like, god, we really love each other. Should we try to date? No, actually that's a bad idea. But we're just friends. Like those are experiences that I know people have obviously in real life, and I don't know, part of me thought that it was so cool that we didn't cross that line with Brooke and Mouth because their friendship, you know, was so real and deep and and never needed it. And then there's also a part of me that's like we were robbed. It would have been so sweet because they love They really loved each other so much. I know. I think that would have been so interesting to see them the way they would have complemented each other. And I think Mouth would have brought out the fun, playful little girl in Brook that always kind of felt like she had to, um, I don't know, dress it up, grow grow it up. Mm hmmm, Oh yeah. I mean she's been actually like an adult, you know, going to cocktail bars and you know, using her fake I d for years. Mouth would have been like, hey man, you want to like play some hacky sack in the park, simplified? So sweet. Yeah, I do love their friendship. I do love that. There's old question, though, Sophia, that that can men and women be platon like good platonic friends without sex getting in the way. Somehow it's the old when Harry met Sally question. I think, Yeah, you know who who has been an extraordinary friend to me, um, and we have worked together and I celebrate every chapter of his life is Tyler Hilton. Honestly, like Tyler when he came on you know we had scenes together right away, um, and I didn't even think about this, but he brought it up at a convention. He's like, I never really knew how to be on a set, and you came into my trailer and made me learn the names of all the names on the back of the call sheet where all the crews are listed. And you were like, you learn these names, you shake people's hands, you asked them how their day is. And I was like a bossy older sister with him, and that's been our energy. We've worked on three movies together. We did Extant together, we did One Tree Hill together, Like we've worked on so many things together. And his wife, Megan is one of my very best friends, you know, and they're BA has such clean energy. And by that I mean there's no flirtation, there's no step outside of the bounds. He's like trying to tow the line to see right. Yeah. I cherish that about people. And it's funny, you know when you say, yeah, I do think it's a great age old question and I get it, and look, I get it. For a long time. We've asked it of men and women, but I think it's really true of anybody. Who has chemistry like everybody's into but like in the same way that you referenced Tyler, and I think about what a safe friend he always was to us and still is. Like I think about my best friend Kenny. Kenny is like a brother. Kenny shot our video. Kenny shot our video for drama. Queen's incredibly talented director and photographer, and he truly is one of my best friends on the planet, like a person I can call for any question. He will stand next to me when I get married, like he is my family. And we've never had like a weird moment. There have definitely been girls in my friend group who been like I think I'm in love with Kenny because he's cute, he's gorgeous, and he's talented. But it's like I think those friendships are so important. And then to be honest, like I can definitely think back, like I had a moment in my twenties and another moment in my thirties. Maybe you get one a decade before you get something. I don't know, but like twice I have had great friends who the topic has come to be where we're like, are we in love with each other? Do we love each other? Are we in love with each other? Should we like try to be together? And I think as long as you're not an idiot and you're not doing that irresponsibly with people's hearts, like I get how that happens too, And then truly, in both those instances, I was like, Nope, this was a bad idea, and there was so much you're super cute, You're not my person. It's like, let's go back to being friends. Like these are human things people experience, um, But I don't know as a person who has been across the spectrum of having like decade plus platonic friendships to like, you know, a romantic relationship that I plan on being in for decades to come. Like, I think it's a case my case thing. You know. Yeah, I think so too. And also whether you're single or attached makes a difference too, because if you're both in relationships with other people but you're spending a lot of time together like best friends, that gets a little weird too. If you're writing songs together like Chris Keller Hayley will be very soon girl, it's about to get so messy and tree Hill starts. I can't wait either. Well, should we spin a wheel. Weird eight minutes. You should spin a wheel. Let's do it. Most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse. Well, I'm gonna be level with you, guys. I played Lucille on The Walking Dead and I did not survive. Not me, but my husband did. Um my son is a zombie. Um characters first. Let's do character characters first. For I've I like the junk showed up as our are like Doorman high school doorman in this episode? Wait was this? The episode re established the junk was like two years older in community college, hanging out with the high school kids. I think we've talked about that yet, I don't. It was exciting to have Colin back because we hadn't had him in a while. It Skills the were the one and not survive anything, So I'm yeah, I think Antoine would survive anything. But Skills had that whole speech during Dare Night where he's like, I don't like snakes, I don't like spiders, I don't like anything that's right. You know who's the most resourceful tree Hiller? I feel like Dan. Dan's like a cockroach. He won't die. I think Dan would be hard to kill. But Keith is the only one in tree Hill who knows how to fix anything. Yes, true, he would be leading them. He would be leading the pray there, everybody back their backpacks and like leading him through the woods with his handkerchief on his head and then all dead him outfit. It's escape from tree Hill, alright. So Keith wins that one in Antoine in real life is our He's our endgame. He's the one that list last all the way through. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I love it you guys. This was a fun episode. I love Club Trick. I love that we're gonna be here for the next eight billion years, thank god. And guys, next week is a fun one too, But I wonder is it going to be a bitter pill with a title like truth Bitter Truth. I actually don't remember what's coming, so I'm excited to see season two, episode eight. We'll be here next week, and as always, thank you guys so much for tuning in and hanging out with us. Back by Hey, thanks for listening. Don't forget to leave us a review. You can also follow us on Instagram at drama Queens o t h or email us at drama Queen at I heart radio dot com. 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