Come on, I sure will.
Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now one and only see Harvey got a radio show.
Yeah, man got one.
You know, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings. You know, I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I hardly ever dwell on you know, the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings, the positive things that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that He's displayed in my life, the protection He's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I folk on the things that He promises me. I think of all the goodness that I perceive to come my way. I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out in the space and what you pray about is what you receive, you know, and so I've become better and better at that. It's not to say that I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and what enemy is about to attack, and what they're going to do and say and and all of this. His That's not to say that I'm not concerned about it. But I try to dwell mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned, you can have an incredible life, all of us. We can have incredible.
Lives if we just let God drive.
See the problem that I had years ago was I was the driver of my life, and I was taking myself in the directions that I thought would be best for me, and I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving. When I gave up and I let God drive. I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, for what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life. Well, for what God wanted for me. Now he wanted for me, and he wanted of me. See, that's the connection that you got to try to make well, not try. That's the connection that you got to make to really get it. Now, listen to me, what I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do part, see, because that ain't gonna be near as demanding and as offsetting as you think it's gonna be.
I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my growth and development as a man. I was stopping my own growth as a man because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man.
But when you give it over.
To God, see, God has a much better plan for you than you can ever have for yourself.
And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know.
I want you to believe that. Man, You got to understand that part of it. And that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way, and to teach me a better way and expose to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, I began to see things differently, and things started coming to me totally differently. If you've been a friend of mine or a fan of mine over the years, I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference. I mean, and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promised God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long, would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what He's done for me, because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still shock.
You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time.
I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't. So you quit saying it. You quit saying it to me, quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection.
But it's it's.
Something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it.
But that's what he'd have for.
He'd have for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you go stumble and fall. See, you got to get that part right, man, The stumbling falling part is coming.
But see, you get God in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow roll.
Over lay their languish. That's what God is for. So when you stumbling fall, you get back up because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong. You're going to come under attack, You're going to be lied about, you are going to be falsely accused.
That's going to happen to you.
The moment you make a decision to do better, the moment you try to be more. The devil got to send his attackers, man, and he controls certain people. He just got people that's on his side. Twenty four seven. You know him too. You've all met one or two of the me in your life. They just busy with the business of nothingness. They just busy about about the destruction of others. You said, I know them.
You know them. They coming. But here's what you gotta hold fast too. They can't take.
Away nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See, people who claim to have made you, if they so in to make you business, why don't they make theyself? Or if they ain't with you no more, and they so busy in them I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since you want to get credit for making somebody make yourself. If you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be responsible for your own success.
Be careful of that, and don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. I just hope, man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him, that I would unload every chance I got that I would suppose to without.
Being you know, or here he come again?
You know.
I try not to be that, But man, I don't know what else to be For the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours. I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. If you've given honor to God just twelve minutes out the day, dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury and life and breath and hope and promise, you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What in exchange? What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you got to put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it, because man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing to compare to what He be giving.
Us for real.
So if you want a real life, you want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have, what you can own, what you can become, who you really are, go to God.
Let him fix you.
That's all.
Steve Harvey Morning Show.
It's Wednesday, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are here, we are here, we are The nephew is in the driver's seat. Uh huh, that's what I'm doing. I am I rolling up the street. I don't know what kind of vehicle win, what kind of be hikos does the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Rolling? How we rolling? Picturing me rolling? What we in? Let's see, I ain't got time stopping plugging nothing up. We ain't doing about that now, Hondai, let's get it a nice day.
That thing?
What's the Hondai s u v? What is the Hondai suv?
You got the Santa Fe?
I like Santa Fe? Yeah, okay, it's getting that's all right. Well, let's Santa Fe this morning. We're gonna Santa Fe this morning. All right, I'm in I'm in the front. Judents on the junior's on the passenger saying, no, I'm not sn up there with you. I'm in the bank, chilling. What's wrong you? You get six in in the front too? What I'm not?
No, I just don't want to it's you because you stupid.
Okay, that's put him in the back. Put him in the hatch. Okay, that's right, sir. The caller who want to ride up the front? Which one you'll well, I'll ride in the front if you're I'm driving responsibly. I'm driving responsible? Yeah, okay, already. Which one I'm gonna have to stop him? Well? I got to stop him. Somebody got to go to the bathroom every thirty minutes.
Who's not me?
You know it's me, you know it's it ain't no buckets on every coner. Now you got you don't know what? You don't know what? Better? Fire one on this road?
Yes, bathrooms?
Yeah, all right, welcome to the ride. It is Wednesday morning. We rolling. We ho day style, baby Santa Fay. Here we are the Steve Hobby Morning Show. This is how we rolled. The big dog is out, but we are in and we're gonna be stupid, informative and all of that this morning on as we rolled through.
Good I have a question. I just have a question.
Give me one of them, Give me one of them. Intelligent questions you get, my uncle.
This is very intelligent. Why is you driving decent? Why is you in the drive the seat?
Why are first of all let's go there? Because because my English is better, that's why.
Not the grammar lesson?
Oh okay, you can't be nothing on this show.
You got wrong.
I didn't even know nothing was wrong with what I said. Okay, all right, if we.
Get if we get pulled over, you are not the one. We won't talk.
Yeah, I'm in the back seat too.
So, officer, what is it that you're thinking that I didn't do it? What is you pulling us over for? No, don't say that. Go ahead.
Okay, So I got a question. What are your favorite go to.
Go to snacks on the road that you have to have? How are you doing a road trip? Oh, honey boy, for sure, I got my little moone chips chip.
Okay, we're fin to get this summer sausage. We're finna get this hog head cheese. Were finna get a couple of pickle pig feet we've been to roll.
If we roll, okay, I'm out pulling his.
Hair off this, but this pig feet to eat this? You ate it before that.
Come on in the car.
We need some pepto, all right, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour. We'll hear it from the nephew as he runs that frank back.
Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show.