Steve Harvey's Morning Inspiration - 03.21.25

Published Mar 21, 2025, 5:33 PM
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Come on your uh huh, I sure will come on. And everybody you are listening to the voice, come on now. Digny one and only Steve Harvey got the radio shows. Thank God for it all the time too. Well, here we go today. I want to share something with you that will help you because it's helped me. You know. I was telling the story once that in this magazine called Rob Report, that there was a statue I used to see for years. I started buying Rob Report magazines years ago. So I just wanted to see what affluent people did, you know, just wanted to see what people with means did, what type of investments they did, what they bought, you know, where they traveled. To the Rob Report it's just like a it's like a big boy toy magazine. You can see what cars is out. And I didn't have money for none of it. Just I was dreaming, though, you know, I just wanted to see. And there's a statue inside this magazine of this man who was coming out of this bronze rock. And he was completely bronze, and he was muscular, and you know, he didn't look nothing like me, but he was a man coming up out of a rock and he had a huge hammer and a chisel in his hand, and as his body from the waist up was coming out of this huge piece of stone, you could see where it was him who had been chiseling informing himself. So the name of the statue was self made man. And for years man, I said, Man, I'm gonna get a big house one day, and I'm gonna put that statue in the backyard in the corner. That's gonna be my little spot where I go chill, because I'm a self made man. Well, after years of working at becoming somebody and having reached a degree of success, I would have nothing to do with that statue. There's nothing about that statue that appeals to me anymore. Because on my journey and in my quest to become what I thought would be this self made man, where I could put this statue and had this statue in the corner be kind of cold symbolizing it, I had made it. I realized on my journey there's no such thing as a self made man. That we all need help, and that God places people in our paths along the way that benefit us oftentimes, and it's the most unlikely person often times, and it's the most unlikely way that he presents these people in front of you. It's crazy how he does it. Man. And so this is a statue now that I look at and I go, I see what the creator was saying. And that's cool, but not for me, because I needed help. And I've learned a lot of things like this along the way. And the part I wanted to share with you all about this is you've got to develop You've got to develop a sense of purpose. You have to develop a sense of purpose. That's different. See, your purpose is created for you by God. Because when He created you as an individual from whatever two parents you may have, that's not important here. When he created you, he had something in mind for you, and it was a purpose. God has not created a single soul to become a criminal. God has never created a single soul to be a drug dealer. This came about through some decisions we made as sinners, and we stayed in that place. But see what He created us. He has a wonderful idea for us. But God gives us human beings this thing called choice, and we have the power to decide. So you could decide if you're going to adhere to the purpose that God created you and made you for. Or you can go ahead and make some choices on your own. So like, if God wanted to give you a life and give it to come to you and give you life more abundantly, and that's his promise. If you come to him, if you choose him, then cool. But if you say, well this ain't moving along fast enough, I'm gonna get my own life of abundance, I'm gonna start slinging. Well, guess what now, Tada, You made a decision and seek God's decisions and choices. The one thing I learned about them, God's decisions, choices, his voice, it has no sin in it. And it amazing how many people it came up to you and said, the Lord wanted me to do this to you, and I'm doing it. That God is punishing you, and I'm doing this to you because God gon see that you get your day. Who is this person? Who is this person that God all of a sudden gave this authority and power to God didn't get at the nobody, man, nobody. This person only had the right to hold you to your past, the right to make you pay. So who makes them pay when they make mistakes because they all make them. So when I say you have to have a sense of you have to develop a strong sense of purpose, that means you have to strongly get in touch with your creator to find out what the purpose you were created for. See, it's two things that I had to learn along the way. My career was what I was paid for. My calling is what I was made for. See, it's two different things, folks. It took me a long time to learn it. Some people think that they calling is to be a performer. Well, that's what you paid for, and a big part of your life is your performance. It's time directly to your gift. But what you made for, though, what you made for, is to bring about some significant change in another human beings lives because we are all linked together in this chain. That's what you are here for. Everybody has a purpose to do something wonderful, meaningful, or impactful for another person. You think the God that invented the airplane was merely inventing the airplane so he could fly. Now, his purpose was to become an inventor, to come up with this invention so he could fly and we all fly. See, sometimes God will make you successful, so you can become successful, so you can turn around to teach other people how to become successful. God save people, so you can turn around it tell other people how wonderful it is to be saved. You see how this thing work. That's what we have to do as people. And it's nothing that we have to go and discover. We have to go and develop. But if you haven't discovered your purpose, it's simply because here's it. If you haven't discovered your purpose, it's simply because you have not contacted the creator and maker of your soul to ask and find out why you were created. It's as simple as that. If you buy a Toyota, there's an owner's manual on the inside that will tell you everything you know, how to best operate your toyota, how to make it work, how what to do? They got a troubleshooting section. Your faith is the same thing as an owner's manual in your car. Open up that book, man, find out how to jumpstart your life, how to troubleshoot it and get on with your life and find out your purpose and develop a strong sense of purpose. All right, okay, here listen means to Steve Harvey Morning Show

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