Published Jul 27, 2022, 10:08 AM

In the season finale of X Marks the Spot: The Legend of Forrest Fenn, Cavalry Audio reveals a treasure hunt has been hiding within the nine episode series. Listen to learn more!

Hello, listeners. In case you missed it, the innovators at Cavalry Audio have just revealed a hidden treasure hunt in their podcast X Marks the Spot the Legend of Forest fan Check it out. And while we're on the topic of blazes, I feel the need to reiterate that the common use of a physical blaze is to mark the beginning of a trail, not the end of one. I'm sure that Forest's blaze was as much for him as it was for the search community. I mean, without it, it's doubtful that Forest could have found his way back to the spot. But again, blazes generally mark the beginning of a journey. Say, for example, you're listening to a podcast whose production team was desperate for the same answer as you are about a treasure hunt, but sadly, there was nothing they could do about it. So they decided that since they couldn't provide all the answers for this treasure hunt, they would create a treasure hunt of their own and guarantee that this one would end differently, transparently, with full disclosures of the salves and no anonymity for the finder. Then you could say that this moment, right now, this is a digital blaze that marks a new trail, a new journey that begins back at episode one and provides clues clues that are hidden throughout the series that will lead you directly to a new treasure. So listen closely. Some are hiding in plain sight. Others are fiendishly cloaked where you'd least expect them, But they're there waiting for you for someone to decipher the clues. Follow the steps and be the first to declare I X marks the Spot. Oh and if you think this all sounds too complicated to bother, I can give you fifty thousand reasons to give it a try. Happy Hunting Cavalry Audio is proud to invite you to the next evolution of experiential podcasting. Visit x MTS podcast dot com to begin your journey on the next great American treasure hunt, and maybe you could figure out where X marks the Spot. The entire first season of X Marks the Spot The Legend of Forest Fen is available to binge now wherever you get your podcasts.

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