"In the Air Tonight" (Re-Watch with Josh & Margot)

Published Aug 4, 2022, 9:00 AM

Since Joe & Oliver are still on summer break, we're trying something new and experimental this week! After the positive feedback from you, the listeners, we decided we'd try having Margot and Josh do a "re-watch" of an older Daddy Issues episode so they could add their commentary to it. Margot & Josh had a fun time recording it, but the jury's out on whether it'll be any fun for you to listen to (which is the most important part, really). So let us know what you think! At least we know that since we'll be hearing from you through the internet, we won't have to worry about the feedback being too harsh.

Speaking of the internet, follow us all on social media!

Joe Buck - @joebuck

Oliver Hudson - @theoliverhudson

Josh Windisch - @themacinjosh 

Margot Carmichael - @margotcarm

Calgary Audio. All right, so this is it we're starting. Yeah, this is this is it. We're here where um, this is your idea. I just want to want to make it clear that I did not think this is a great idea from the beginning. I just I simply suggested, like, maybe we should record an episode like you and me record something like a little summer update like fifteen minutes long or something. Yeah, and then and then you know, but then you chimed in, You're like, no, let's do a rewatch because has anyone even ever done this before on a podcast? Totally? There are people that like their entire podcast is watching other podcasts. No, that's other podcast that's other podcasts for one. Wait wait, other podcasts. I know there's TV show rewatches, but what about like podcasts. Well, okay, well there is a I only have one example and it and it relates to Cavalry, so it's kind of biased. But then that podcast X Marks the Spot that we have, there's another there's a YouTube channel and they watch other podcasts and like discuss it. They do exactly what we're doing, and they've done it with the X Marks the Spot one a couple of times, like they listened for a minute and then they pause and interject and stuff, and like, of course, why would we do this with a different podcast. Of course we do this with this one because we know all the like, you know, insider information about it. That's true. I did have another idea, though, an alternative, which was breaking down the Beyonce Renaissance album and trying to figure out what the hell some of those lyrics, But that was I guess this is a good idea. I could have literally imagined fifty other things that you would have said that would never have made the top fifty. I just want to say, I don't know what bruck up as bruck Up as bruck Up means. That's in there somewhere, no idea. I also have not listened to that entire album, and actually got into an argument with one of my good friends a couple of months ago because he was saying that Beyonce is the greatest artists like ever essentially, and I strongly disagreed with that. Yeah, I don't know. I don't want to get into it with I don't know how many of our listeners are really strong fans, but I don't think I want to go down that road. Okay, let's avoid that road. Okay. So okay, so this episode that we picked, you should talk about it because you're you picked it out and you have you remember very vividly. I do because this episode I was still living in Atlanta. I'm in Arizona now, so this was maybe a year ago, maybe not quite a year ago, if I remember it. Because we were like trying to find a time, trying to find a time, we couldn't and finally we found a time. It was like nine o'clock at night my time, so Eastern time, so, and Oliver had gotten off of work and was very high. He definitely smoked a lot of weed before this episode, and we I think you and me were having like a cocktail and this is the episode that that after it finished, after they were like okay, bye, I love you bye. We stayed on for like thirty minutes, the four of us just shooting the ship, like just talking and you told me to Like, Joe kept trying to talk to my dogs, so I put the headphone to my dog's ear and like, like, you don't remember this? Why do I not remember anything? It was so fun. This was like at the end of it, Joe goes, Okay, guys, I'm leaving this slumber party because it literally felt like that, Like it was so late at night. We had all had a few drinks and we were just hanging out and it was one of my favorite favorite moments. And the episode itself is pretty funny because you can kind of tell maybe you can't, but like Oliver's so giggly the episode, it's really funny. Okay, alright, so should we hit play on this thing? And and uh and get what's the signal if I like, if I like have something to say, should I just start talking and you'll hear me? Yeah? I mean the thing is like this whole setup. Hang on, we have like, uh, we're trying to use zoom for this and uh, and I can see you, but you're you're smaller than i'd like. But I don't think there's anything I can do about it. Oh wait, I think there is something I can do on my end. Look, I can do it if you there's a little line next to the video and you can like drag it and change the size, so now we're the same size as the video on my side? What really? Yeah, hold on, I'll take a picture and send and texted to figured this out before the technology Josh for anyone who's listening, which probably no one is at this point, Josh has been very concerned about the setup and the tech of this, which well, no, it's just it's because I'm lazy and I don't want to have to do as much after we're done, like when we once this is recorded, I just I don't want to go back through it because I don't like hearing myself. Can I pay you a compliment to all the listeners for a second, I suppose, okay, um, I would just like to point out that sometimes we don't record until like Wednesday at five pm, and the recording is what ninety minutes, when all of a sudden done sometimes last and then Josh still you know, then Joe and Oliver are done. I'm make social media stuff, but essentially done, and Josh is the one who has to go through and then edit and make everything sound clean and beautiful and add the music and put everything together. And some times he's doing that, like, you know, very late at night so that we can get this episode out on Thursday. And you never failed to do it and do a very good job. And I would just thank you. I appreciate that, or or there's times when you know, there's there's edits that have to be made at three in the morning that only happened once, but it comes up a lot. Yeah, that's true. I thought that was something funny to talk about because people don't know like how much or how little we cut out and compared to other shows that you work on, do you think you cut more out of this one or other ones other ones? Very little gets cut out of this. Yeah, that's true. That's Oliver's fault, but I agree with it. So I have another question. Oh, okay, so I know I suggested this, but so we're just gonna watch together and then talk and then pause and talk about it. That's like how this goes right, Yeah, that's what I was assuming. Okay, I think I think so too, And if we also, I just want to point out it's not just Margot's fault. If this goes horribly wrong, it is actually the listener's fault too, because you did put it out there. You asked people and they were like, yes, emphatically, yes, they wanted us to do this. That's true. So I take no responsibility for this. If it's terrible you know what else that's true. Don't blame Josh if this goes awful and horrible. But you know what else is I realized as we were getting on, is this is Joe and Oliver's show. And technically, I mean Joe voted in that little Instagram poll, but technically I wasn't like, hey, guys, would you be okay with me and Josh taking over the podcast for a week or a couple of weeks? Like I didn't even ask them. I just said, like, we're doing it, which now I'm wondering if it's a good idea. Maybe you're the producer. So they're just like, yeah, well I guess that's what it's what's happening. Then it feels like maybe the producer, but they're still the boss, like the top brasset cavalry is making us do this. All right, let's all right, let's wait. I have one more thing. I swear to the last thing. I know. I'm sorry, should we tell people like hot like anything about us, like how like I know we've been on the show, but like we've known each other for a while. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know how deep into that we need to really go. I mean we've worked let's just say we've worked together before and then now we worked together here on this show, and um, but we've known each other. I've met you in person twice, that's it, I think. Once, Yeah, you're right, Once at the last company yeah, and then at Sunset Shower with Joe. Right, that's it. I think it's just been twice. Oh my god, it feels like way more times. And I met your dog Issy too, that was that was actually who I saw first. That I didn't see you first. I saw the dog first. That's who you hear gulping water in the background if you can hear right now. Okay, that's fine. I think you're right. That's fair. Backstory. Nobody actually cares about us, so good point. I don't know if anyone cares about any of this that we're doing today. But you know what, we'll try. We'll see what happens. See what happens. It could be good. I'm excited to watch. This is one of my favorite episodes. Oh and real quick, before we start this, I also just realized we're gonna be playing this. You're gonna be hearing it as if you're on the zoom call basically because this is zoom audio. It's not the pristine good audio or whatever I should say, Christine, I don't even remember the audio that they ended up sending me and what is actually in the feed. But this is the video version that we're watching. So just so you know, don't yell at me about you know, it sounds like zoom. It's it is zoom. It is m but you do. I mean, no matter what they send you, you always make the audio sound Christine, Let's be honest here, come on the moment I'm hitting start. Okay, that they when they tap out, they know we're ready to go. They tapped when Margot and Josh go to just there in their names and there's no picture in the screen that means they think going they they I love how Oliver is not wearing a shirt gonna start. He's very comfortable on this podcast. We're just talking. Yeah, clearly beat Bobby Flay or whatever it's called. Yeah, yeah, beat Bobby Flat which is on TV right now in my hotel room. And Albuquerque, I just finished the job. I can never hear hear Albuquerque without hearing Oliver's say Albuquerque like he says Albuquerque. He said, like he said it one time. I feel like Oliver's little things are always running in my head, driving me nuts. You can tell that Oliver's on this podcast, I mean say that that's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you can tell. Maybe it's that company Untucked. Yeah, I'm tucking Untucket, which is a great idea, right, you know, I guess by making the jillions, didn't you just your vacation this summer in Untucket? Big hurricane hit um Tucket. Honestly, I could say anything, they could say nothing, and I would find it funny. It's just when they both are laughing, there's something like very contagious, like magical about it. I feel like, even if I don't understand, because I know there's something in this episode that they were laughing so hard about it, it's later on and I totally didn't get it. I had no idea what they were talking about, but I was laughing because because they're laughing, and they're just when they laugh they're so funny. Also, can I point out what's behind Joe? Do you see that? Yes? Oh my god, that's amazing that a picture of Oliver and Joe. Any nice picture. It's actually as uh like it looks like a comic strip of there's three of them cover art. It's like the show's cover art picture. Okay, I didn't make that connection before, but you're right, because they do it like a caricature of that, right. Yeah, I love it. Okay, Phil Collins, Yeah, God is starting his farewell tour. Oh. I mean I was such a huge Phil Collins fan. I still am. I love I think I love everything the guy's ever done. Genesis. I love Genesis, his solo stuff. But he's so frail that he's now doing the entire quote unquote farewell tour seated with a cane. Oh well, you know what, didn't he get divorced from his eighteenth wife? Yeah, yeah, I mean I think that's I think he's like, okay, I gotta go threw them in. I saw Elton John too, by the way, a couple of years ago or right before the pandemic, and he he it was he also looked like frail. Yeah, definitely. There was a part of the concert actually where he was they had him on like a little it looked like it looked like a motorized chair that he was like moving across the stage. But it wasn't supposed to be that. It just looked like it could have been that. It was supposed to be like a cool effect of him moving like I forget exactly how it was, but it was. It was. It hit me funny though, it was like, Oh, this doesn't I don't think this looks the way they intended because he's so old and frail. It looked like it was like one of those motorized chairs that go up the stairs or whatever. They show the people and they show the people on the commercials going to the Grand Canyon in those things. Can you imagine? No, I would just not go to the Grand Canyon. I would like virtual reality it or something I wouldn't go. Um, can I ask you? First of all? Elton John is somebody that I would love to seeing concert big Elton John fan. Phil Collins is like I know in the air tonight, which is what this episode is called. But like, are you a Phil Collins fan? Could you need me? I can't dance with Genesis? Oh okay, I know that song, that's true. That's to Phil Collins songs. Can you name a third No, I don't know if I can. I don't like that. I don't know anymore. Phil Collins songs, though I really don't. I feel like I should know. You shouldn't know that. I think that this look there a decade older than us. I know more Beyonce songs than Phil Collins, and I'm not proud to say that. I'm very proud of you for saying that you absolutely should that seems appropriate. For sure, She's way more our time. Yeah, yeah, okay, um, anyway, okay song in the air tonight. Yeah, I got this on high authority. Okay, that Phil Collins is actually there and he saw somebody watching somebody drown and that person didn't help him or report it, and that's that was the Now that that is really insider information. But I thought he debunked this whole thing. Though I don't. I don't believe that. I but I heard that from a great source. How cold? How could it be that great? Is it like this? Don't reveal your source? Does he? No, Phil Collins, he just he's heard. And then Phil actually was there and he saw somebody watch somebody drowning and he didn't that person didn't report it or help and this was his payback. So he wrote a song about it. Right, and now he would have had to have help. I mean, he could have helped, right if he was there and he saw the other guy, I saw what you did. If you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand. Okay, I have a quiet questions. Okay, okay, are they like are they kidding? And they both know that they're kidding. And I'm an idiot because I'm watching, like I remember this and I'm watching, I'm like, whoa, is this actually true? Like Joe got this from a good source. And then I was like, is he just actually saying lines from the song and making a joke about this? Like, and I still don't know the answer to this. I don't know. I don't know. I really I have no idea. But I want to say that not only that, um, but Phil Collins. Uh, if that's not bad enough, he had blue jeans, sitting on the beach, her dogs talking to me. But she's I'm trying to do I'm gonna edit this out. That's lyrics from Genesis. I can't dance and I can't make it. I can't make a good Uh. That's okay, but that's exactly what you were just doing. Is literally what I have wondered ever since this episode, like, is Joe just saying because you know, he says like if you were drowning, I would lend a hand. I feel like those are lyrics right, yeah, well they are definitely lyrics in the air tonight. Yeah. So is he just making this up based on the lyrics? Or was this actually a thing? Did people think that Phil Collins didn't save somebody and then wrote a song about it? I don't know. I would have to google it. Can can you look it up? Maybe try and look it up because we didn't see if there's any actual like you know, like discussion about that. Okay, but it sounds like this is an quote unquote inside good source of Joe. So I don't know why are sometime or like storyteller? Yeah yeah, I know this could this could all just be a whole this is this is probably all just a bit and we have no idea. The pandemics made me stupid. I told her that. I told Margo this after the before we started recording, that the pandemic has made me up total more like things are just going right over my head. No, no, that's not true. Okay, I'm looking it up. Phil Collins is actually guilty by association for not and I think it's left. Oh my god, I think it's time that he gets brought in on some sort of I think it's a bit. I just think it's fascinating, honestly, just to stop that. I don't care how old you are, where you grew up, right, everybody has heard that story. You know, you know what the story is behind in the air tonight. Phil Collins actually saw a guy who was watching a guy drowned and you wrote this and and I mean everybody I know, but you have this on good authority. Now I have another source that is totally verified if Phil was there, What are you talking about? Wait a minute, so you are you? Are you so confident of this? Like, do you I have started the early work on having charges brought against Phil Collins. We're not. We're not stepping in and helping the poor man was drowned at my door. Oh god, Okaya, I love this part room service. But I just found something. Okay, ready, okay, okay. So it says what really ensured the song's permanent place in the public imagination was the urban legend that began circulating sometime during the decade after it came out. There are numerous versions of the story, but the most popular one goes like this. Sometime before writing In the Air Tonight, Collins saw someone drowning, either because he was inebriated or busy calling for help. He was unable to rescue the person, but from his vantage point, he saw that someone else could have saved the person. Only they didn't, and the person in the water died. Um. What Collins supposedly did next is, instead of calling the police, he learned the identity of the person who allowed the drowning to happen. Then he invited them to one of his concerts, gave them front row tickets, and while performing in the Air Tonight, shined a spotlight on the guilty person in front of thousands of people. And then it says, this is an incredible story, but unfortunately it's not even remotely true. Collins said told the BBC, it's so frustrating because this is one song out of all the songs probably that I've ever written that I really don't know what it's about. You know, that's such a bummer. Way cooler if it actually was, well, I don't know if that had been way cooler. I mean, well, I don't know if I want that to be true. I don't even I'm not even a Phil Collins fan, but I still don't like. Just like Joe says, I'm I'm working on bringing early charges against I just don't want this to ruin. I can't dance for me because it's the only song I can dance too. Maybe the next time I'm in l A, we're all going to go dancing. That's going to come of this. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back after the short break with more daddy issues. All right, let's see Oliver get room service. What is this? What is this? It's it's my dessert. You're not supposed to be eating dessert. You're supposed to be leaning out for for your role at Special Agent. Garrett Miller, having sorbet, asked, Hey, I asked that person if he's ever heard about Phil Collins being implicated and the drowning death. So happy about the dessert? What is happening with you? Hey? I'm with you. There's nothing better than on being on the road in an hotel room getting dessert. Oh yeah, two desserts. I got some sort of a mint mint thing him and some I don't know. Man, this is like your treat at the end of the day, Lee Joe's drinking wine Oliver Stone room for so long, I just eating like ship, I'm drinking so much, and I don't know, like I've worked out. One time, I ran to my else two days ago and pretty much almost died. You know, I've got to get my life back. Said that, I have a question. I have a question that I've been wondering about for a while, and this is I have no idea how weed works in your system. But because some people have like such a tolerance, like they can they can take the highest dose of edibles and still functioned right. But for other people like me, if I take any more than like ten milligrams of an edible, I am completely out of commission, probably freaking out in the fetal position, you know, like I can't handle it. So my question is, I wonder if there's like if there's a point where like you're not actually getting any higher, but like maybe it just last stays in your system longer, like your body can only process so much weed at a time. That sounds reasonable to me, I mean, it sounds like it might make sense. This is totally fake science. I have no idea, but that makes sense. I actually don't know. I know that like my I mean I used to smoke weed a lot, and you and I would need more and more, right right, Like I mean like with any drug. And my brother in law loves pot. He's like a huge pot advocate, and it takes him a lot more, like he can smoke a lot more and function, whereas I will like go hide in a corner, like I cannot be around people like a very anxious and paranoid. So yeah, I think what you're saying is true. So I just have a theory that like maybe you're only press and and like it's just your tolerance the way you're responding to that amount that creates makes you have to fall asleep or panic or whatever the thing is. But then once you're used to it enough, you know, Like I wonder, like the people that smoke weed every day all the time, like Snoop Dogg or something like if he if he can ever get to the point where he has to pass out? Like can he even get to that point? Oh? Probably, I don't know, probably Snoop Dogg. If you're listening, which I'm sure he is, Please let us know if you ever get to the point where you pass out of weed. I mean, wait, do you smoke weed? And are you willing to say that on the show? No, I do, I do, but um not a ton. I mean I do it like maybe once a week or so. Yeah, and I have to do it real sparingly. Like it's not if I get too high, it's just it's not good. No, it's not. My sister has a theory that, like anybody, no matter how good you are, smoking weed, the first twenty minutes of smoking weed for most people can be like a little like like like it's fun, but maybe you're like I don't know. For me, I'm like self conscious, so I like to be alone. But then if you get past that first twenty minutes, then you're like fine, then you're in the like clear. But I don't know. I just bought I actually bought weed legally for the first time ever a couple of weeks. Goo. Yeah, I've never done it. Crazy. Well, if anybody's listening, If anybody's listening and they have like a really high tolerance for weed, let us know if you still can even get to the point where you have to pass out or if you panic, or if you have any of the negative side effects anymore, or if you just kind of just you just get really high and then that's it. I'm curious. I wonder if we have any excuse me, pot smoking listeners. I guess we probably do. I know Joe if he's listening to this episode was perfectly times. Oh my god, all right, let's get back to the episode. God, now you're working and you're not taking care of yourself. Well, the anxiety got me all ripped and shred it because I was like so anxious. It just burned fat off and now you know, I feel good, but I'm eating again and drinking. You know, so I would make that trade, is your very good friend. I would make the trade if you being tratted happy? Yeah, then anxious and thin? I know, do you think Phil Collins has anxiety? Not anymore? He's hoping that people are, you know, filling arenas so you can pay off number eighteen. That was That was a good laugh man, laugh. Shit. I was thinking about that all day, like, I can't wait to bring this up with Oliver because I knew, even though we've never talked about it, that he knew all about that. Um, so you're the show is going well. We have a well shows going well. This is my longest stint away from home. It's about six seven days. It's not so bad. But now I'm having fun. Then I'm fun. Um the lead girls school Led is really a really good actor, fun to work with, and it's great. Dude, I'm not funny that we hadn't no idea what the show was at this point, like we hadn't seen it, right, That's true. No, No, no, I don't. I don't. I'm not like, I don't fall victim to that. Really, you know, I talked over that. Are you falling in love? On set? Sort of mashed together with these people for three or four or five, six however many months and you live in this bubble and it's you know, hard to maintain a relationship as two actors because you can get caught up in all the bullshit. You know. I think that growing up with it and in it, it took that a lore sort of away, you know, but it is it's intoxicating, you know what I mean. You you're with each other and you're creating, and you know, you're emoting together and all the bullshit and you know, you get lost in that's what That's why people fucking affairs on movie sets, right, I mean true or false? And you don't have to answer this if it's awkward. But your mom fell in love with Billy Barbie from Foul Play. Yeah, no one knows that, but you're willing to say right now on our podcast hoping to get clicks. Your mom and Billy Bartie, who played uh an encyclopedia and or Bible salesman in Foul Play, had a long, long running affair from beyond, not just on the set of Foul Play, but beyond. Yeah, I mean there's there's still questions of whether or not he's my father, right, Okay, Okay, I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. I asked them during the after this, like, s do you think I should cut that part out though, like I don't know if we want to have and they're like, no, no, don't worry about it. I had no Like I'm watching this and I was like, whoa, this is breaking news on our show right now, Like this is gonna be amazing. And I had no fucking idea that they like, come on, looking at their faces when they're talking about that, like I don't know who Billy Barty is. I would have no idea. I totally thought it was true. Please tell me you thought that I did. Yeah, I mean I had to look up who he was and everything, and then yeah, like I had no idea. That's the thing. Sometimes they are so dead pan that it's we also might be two of the most gullible people on the planet. That's also true. I will often believe most things that nobody listening to this is probably thinking, like, oh wow, I better that that's crazy. Okay, but did you know who Billy Barty was? No? No, right, No, I've never even heard of that. Not a clue, no idea. I mean, honestly, I didn't even know who truthfully, And I've said this to Joe, so I feel like it's up to able to say I didn't know who Joe was before we started doing this show years ago. I vaguely knew who he was, Like it wasn't I didn't really pay a close attention or anything. Yeah, I mean, I was like, basketball was really it, No baseball, no football, It wasn't like a huge sports person. I had no idea, And yeah, I don't know. I'm so glad that like this all came together because I think that both of them are great. All right, back to the episode. It's weird to talk about, but no, I know, but but but but you know, actually my mom met Kurt on a movie set. You know there you go swing Shift. Oh yeah, I didn't know that. Yeah, and swing Shift. Well, Kurt actually met me before he met my mom because my mom was dating, um, this guy who was in the business. He wasn't an actor, and he played baseball and he was They were in this softball league, I guess, and Kurt was there playing in this game. And my mom's boyfriend brought me to the softball game and I was sort of this weird, awkward, little five year old kid. And Kurt was like, who's that you know? And and and his name was Jerry, this other dude, and he said like, oh, that's that's Golden Jerry's Jerry Stiller. Jerry Stiller. Yeah, Jerry Stiller. Alright, Pete And Kurt said, um, oh, you know, Jerry was like, yeah, this is you know, Scoldie's kid. And then Kurt said, hey, you know, come off the south sitting in the stands, and he called me down and we had to catch beside of my glove, and so Kurt and I had to catch This is before he even you met my mom on swing shift and then months later have my mom and then the next thing you know, he's walking around naked in your house. Yeah, exactly, this is that the guy catch how you doing? Wow, Snake Pliskin, he used me, He used you to get the Goldie hung Yeah, none as your mom. You know what's weird is the use of kids as props and or ponds. Not that that even remotely describes what happened in the story. You just Snake Plisken is the character Um from what is it, Escape from l A or something. It's like a movie. I haven't seen the movie, but I remember I had to look it up because the funny thing. The funny part about Snake Pliskin is he looks very much like Captain Moron, which is my favorite movie ever. He's got like the he's got the eye patch and if Kurt Russell has the eye patch and everything, but like it's it's his actor from Oh no, it's um both films Escape from New York and Escape from l A. I've never seen either of those. Snake Pliskin, Oh, Okay, I do remember this part. This is a part that we can listen to. But also I feel like we're going to very little commentary because this is about kids, and neither of us have kids. We've been isn't that funny we're no kids of the show and I have children I know and I and you're not you. I know Joe and Oliver have asked you this, and this is something I definitely want to ask you before this whole situation ends. Is about well I ask I'm not going to ask you right now, but they've asked you if you're planning to have kids or if you want to have kids. Your answers You don't know, is that right? That is no, it's you don't know either one. Okay, all right, what about you? No, I do not want I will. I'm not going to really you think you know, like that's going to be that's your It's a strong no. Yeah, okay, there's nothing wrong with that. I just was just curious. Yeah. No, I mean, like I think if I, if I ever did, I would adopt. But just no that I I actually can't say because I think it will be our listeners won't like it. But like just the whole idea has never appealed to me of like being pregnant and having children, and it just yeah, no, And I was a teacher. I love kids, I just don't want Yeah, I just don't want them, like coming out of my body and living in my home. So okay, got it? So yeah, on this podcast when my dad so the whole reason why my book is called Lucky Bastard. My dad meets my mom in nineteen and in nineteen sixty nine, I pop into the world. My mom and dad getting married prior to me popping into the world, but not prior to me popping into my mom if that makes sense. Um, but just just that phrase popping in your mom's doesn't sound well. I mean as an embury, as a as a baby, as a little baby, just as your mom listened to this show. O God, now my mom. I wish. I wish to God my mom could text. She's eighty three, even though she admits to being eighty one. Um, again, she doesn't listen. But if she can text, it would just free up so much more time in my life. But she will call, yeah, talk, She'll have another thought, she'll call back, And she doesn't really realize that if I don't pick up, I still know she called because of the caller I d and so it's just call call, call, call, call, call call. I pick up. Yes, what are you okay? I'm fine. I just had another thought of Oh my then I'm I'm already lined up to get frustrated and mad, which I know it surprises you, and she's it's just it's unbelievable. It's just over and over, and then she'll we'll talk about something serious, and she'll have another thought, and then she calls me back. Anyway, that's not the point of this. The point of what I was saying was how kids are used in divorce and or second marriages. Like when I was a little kid, I went with my dad multiple times to drop off the alimony check at my dad's ex wife's house. I don't believe we've talked about this. If we have, then I beg everybody's forgiveness. We have not. So I was three, four or five six years old going with my dad to the home of my dad's ex wife and his six kids, and he is bringing kryptonite to the party, that being me, because I was the impetus for the whole switcheroo. And now I'm walking into this house and I know I'm not I'm not old enough to understand that the entirety of the picture, but I am old enough to understand that I'm walking into place where I'm not. Did you know any of this? He hasn't talked about this before, has he? I don't think he talked about it. I'm not sure he talked about it before this episode. This episode is already how many months old is this episode? Now we'll see I think I want to say this is from yeah, November. Maybe there is a lot This is like a very long story. You can cut this out, by the way, but this is a very long story. And maybe we can like commercial break and come back to a different part in the episode, because I feel like he talks about this parents using kids thing for a long time and I have very little say that. All right, we're gonna pause it right here. We're actually gonna skip to a later part in the episode, but first let's take a break. We'll be right back after this. If you're enjoying this episode of Daddy Issues, don't keep it to yourself. Please share the love and tell a friend about Daddy Issues. And go subscribe on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Stay tuned. You don't want to miss what's coming up right after the break. Okay, so should we pick up on pick up with the episode like I don't know, ten minutes later, fifteen minutes later than that or something. Yeah, maybe we don't want to keep people on here for like four hours. So and you can always go back and listen to the episode. It's called in the Air Tonight and they get into a lot of more discussion about Joe's dad and uh so you can hear more of that, but we're gonna skip to a little bit later on to this part for a cookie company. Yeah, this is where Oliver. Oliver says that his dad like reached out, wants to meet up because his dad's in Santa Fe going to be in Santa Fe and Oliver's in Albuquerque, and his dad's like, yeah, I have like an idea or something. So he said something like that that he wants to discuss. It's been just like I have an idea for a cookie company, which is fun, which is like I think it's interesting to hear. How like Oliver and his dad are kind of like they talk, but they don't. They never they never met up, remember, I know, I know that's haven they met up. Since I can't remember, I don't think so. I don't think so. Now. I love Oliver a lot, but Oliver can be a little bit of a flake sometimes because this that he's talking about. When his dad was in Santa Fe, I was in Albuquerque the next night and I texted him, I'm like hot, like I was driving to Arizona. I was like, I'm an Albuquerque, let me buy you a drink, Like where I'm right by your hotel. I'm like a mile away from your hotel. Nothing. And the next day he was like, sorry, okay, I mean fair. Oliver is like a very famous, busy actor doesn't necessarily need to meet up. But earlier he was like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, text me, text me, we'll get a drink. But also it sounds like Oliver's dad can also be similarly Oliver, I love you if you're listening to this, which he definitely is not listening to this. What everybody's going to be so shocked to hear that he never listens to these I know, all right, let's uh, let's see where this goes somebody else and they have to go fourteen to the next person and then you make money on Like, Dad, come on, I'm very excited to hear what he has to say. I mean, I don't know what this idea is going to be. Can you secretly record this? Yeah? Wait? What's that? Dad? Can you talk a little louder? I can't look wrong with you, Oliver. Don't worry about it. Just I can. I'm having a little tough time of water in my ear. Just talk louder. I mean, I'm excited. I'm excited to see him and hang out and do something, you know. I mean, what if you just end up doing peyote and walking out into the desert would be incredible. I mean, imagine if I'm in the New Mexican desert with my dad, like smoking peyote? Just is that what you do to peyote? You smoke that? Yeah, look at you? Look at me. I don't know anything, and you're I've never I've never smoked peyote, but I know that you smoke it. What do you do for Hyahuaska? Do you drink that? You put an h in front of it? What is it? Awaska? Iowas Kanyauaska. Is that what you drink? Okay, you drink it. That seems that seems pleasant. Yeah, that's not too bad until you're looking at a dragon coming. Lazy, lazy you and I should do a very special episode of Daddy Issues and do ayahuasca and just such a great final day of my career. I would love that. Yeah, I don't think ESPN would be too happy with that idea, probably not, probably not, but I think that amazing. I would love to see it. I honestly would love to see them do or go anywhere. Like That's why I thought like a live I don't know, it would be so fun to just you want to know, one of the best videos that we've that we've posted anywhere is like when they go I don't know where they are there somewhere and they're like in a parking lot holding hands and skipping through the parking lot and they had out and take a video. Yeah, like there's so or like the video in there in Cabo with Aaron and Michelle and like Michelle sends her drink back and you know one of them was filming the whole. I think Joe was filming the whole time, like videos like that of seeing them like in life like together. It's so cool. It would be so neat to see them do something like that. I mean, I know Joe's never going to like go on a payote trip in the desert. No, I don't think so. I don't think it's gonna happen. I don't think that's going to happen. But it would be pretty amazing to see that. It would be it would be a funny idea. Like We've known Joe and Oliver for years now. I've actually never met Oliver in person. I've been to his house but he was not there. But I've been to his house, and then I've now met Joe a couple of times in person. But we've known them and talk to them. I don't know more, you know, not every day, but our group text is pretty it's pretty active and amazing. Honestly, it's one of my favorite things. Sometimes really uncomfortable though, I will admit I just I'm really uncomfortable watching some of those messages and just like I'm trying to have the day at Disneyland and uh, and I'm like getting all these texts that were just like it was like almost seemed like it could have been like an argument or something, but I wasn't. Yeah, like this stuff like stuff happens that I'm like, are they joking or they it's just like that in the Air tonight thing, but it's like more personal and it's like, I don't know what's happening. Oh that's the other day. We had one We had a conversation that involved I'm not gonna even say it, but it yes, it involves some things. And I was like, oh, this is I know, it seems so bad, Like I see it's like, oh god he said that, and then like but then like later they're just fine, like everything's fine. So it's like, Okay, I'm reading too much into something. But they they do have like a very great friendship. Alright, so we're gonna go back to the episode. Do you know where abouts where we're at? How many? Okay, question for you, the how many times have you listened to this episode? Good? Lord? You like, no, you know everything about like every single point of this I've listened to this episode. This is I have like five Daddy Issues episodes that are my favorites, and this is top two. I think you're the biggest fan of Daddy Issues. That sounds so like conceited and terrible. Actually won on what I would say if I was producing any other show and you said that, I'd be like, yeah, that sounds conceited. But this show, it's honestly, it's all them. Yeah, it's the best show. It's so easy. I've listened to this episode a lot. It's one of my favorites. I think we're about to get into the Mandela effects stuff, which one of our listeners sent us Actually, oh yeah, that stuff creeps me out. Actually it's super really does it is super weird. All right, let's let's check it out. Camen. Yeah. Um, so Margot, eat your eat your ship. It's piss. It's making me uncomfortable having a good time. You're having a nice time. Well, you know, it's always like I worked all day and and um you know you come back and m I just don't tell my go do the podcast. But the minute we get on, I just I say it every fucking time, but I just enjoy it. So Margot together, Yeah, and I think they're so good. Yeah they are good. I oh no, these are listener questions. I haven't read these. I read like the top three and the top three they're they're all really good. They really are where it goes like? Yes, So here's one from an anonymous message on Twitter. I genuinely want to know their stance on this topic. Pornography use pornography use a husband and father? I want to go, what is this like? What do you think about a husband and a father watching points? Okay? Okay? So I genuinely so anonymous message on Twitter. I genuinely want to know their stance on this topic, pornography use as a husband and a father? Did they think it's okay? My wife is not really okay with it and use it as a form of cheating? It is something I've struggled with. And just to be clear, we're talking about watching porn, not starring in it, right, Thank you for the important distinction we didn't make in the episode. But anyway, really be interested in hearing what the guys think and what their stances take a Joe, because I have thoughts. Um, Yeah, I don't know that of all the weird bullshit you and I have talked about over the years, I don't know that we've ever even talked about this. Um And so it's a great question. I think it's fine, and I think it's I think when the when the question is my wife is not really okay with it and use it as a form of cheating, that seems crazy to Yeah, what my my gut reaction to that is cheating is cheating. And when I was in a previous life, the one thing I wouldn't do because if everything I said at the beginning of this podcast about you know, going to somebody else's house and being as a little kid in in this and and I am the result of this, you know, this this thing that happened between two people, that was the one thing I wouldn't do is I wouldn't cheat. So I think cheating is cheating. I think pornography using it is not that big of a deal. I I really don't and I and I, you know, as an adult. And I was listening to Stern today and there was a woman called they called in that said that her twelve year old is like on porn hub dot com or whatever it is and or whatever. And now that's a different thing, and it was it was it was great to hear because the woman said that she told her son exactly what you said on this podcast Oliver, which was, that's not real life. That's not how men treat women. That's not how men should treat women. That's not This is not a real interaction. This is acting, this is this is for yeah, this is for quote unquote entertainment. So I thought she had really good thoughts on it. But I do not personally see that as a form of cheating, and I I would much rather somebody use that if they're away or there it's been a while than actually going and cheating. Really, I mean, I couldn't agree more. Yeah, I mean, tell me your opinion on this, because I cannot say how much I agree with Joe on that. I mean, I absolutely agree with Joe on that. I mean, it's it's not the same thing at all, not cheating at I just and actually, I'm sorry I interrupted, probably too soon, because Oliver says something that is I think accurate, that like if it becomes an addiction, like you're watching it all the time, like you cannot have sex without watching porn, then like maybe there's an issue there, but that's still not cheating, right, right, that's a different issue. That's an issue with addiction. That's an issue with something that would you know, get in the way of your relationship, which could be anything anyway. Yeah, there's healthy pornography, meaning you know, every now and then you're getting a little and you put on some switch switch squirt and then you're done. But it becomes if you can become dependent on it, because pornography can be addicting. There is addiction to pornography. That's a real thing where you just can't stop and you fall into a hole. What happens is you become desensitized, meaning you start off with a little bit of you know, erotica, and before you know it, you know, you're watching movies or clips that are horrific because you're just you need more to get off. You know that then it can become a problem. But I would never say that it's cheating in in any way whatsoever. You know. Um, but I would say for this anonymous person to evaluate your love life, your sex life with your with your wife, you know, do you feel like you need to watch porn Do you need to get off with pornography because you know you don't have a solid intimate relationship, you know, I'd ask these questions. These are these are the surrounding questions and there, and the next to follow up to that is why does it bother you so much? To the wife? Is this really a form of cheating in your mind? And if so, you know, then changes have to be made and there has to be a dialogue and a conversation about it. But yeah, I don't. Yeah, and then just say to her, oh you want to you want to see cheating and then go off and then say and then be like, see what would you rather be? No, don't do that. No, but that's bad advice. That's that's bad. The next question, when are you guys going to come out with your own alcoholic beverage? Who asked that our business manager? I think that's Margot's question. Yeah, I would love to. I mean, I just don't know what goes into that UMU with aol? Do you think do I think they can make? Um? Yeah, like Daddy issues alcoholic beverage? I really don't know. I mean I'm a add like judge of these things because like I just know what drinks I like, and then I don't know what drinks do you like? I mean I feel like it, but the drinks I like I feel like fit the brand pretty well, like old fashions like are totally perfect for that, right, So so I would think like a bourbon or a whiskey or something that's that's what I love the most. But that's what I'm biased. I'm coming from my own point of like, that's what I like the most. Obviously seltzers guys, say, what do you it should be like a you know, a Seltzer on the beach Bartles and James. Isn't that what they talked about? They've talked about that so many times? And I have to be completely honest, what is Bartles and James? Oh? I had to look it up because but I've I've never forgotten it since they gave me so much shit about it and I thought about it. But it's it's basically what White Claw was, but like in the nineties. Oh, it's like a nineties seltzer kind of yeah, but it's um, I have I'd have to look it up again because I don't remember specifics, but like it's it's something like just a spiked seltzer. Wow, I never knew that. I've heard them talk about it so many times. I've had no idea. Yeah, so that's what that's I imagine like what years from now, we're gonna be talking. We're gonna be calling whatever the drinks are then are are around then white claws. Like we're just gonna be like, oh, white claws, We're gonna sound like them saying bartles. That's right, Okay, but wait, can you tell the listeners what you're drinking right now? Because we're both having him drink. I'm actually drinking a truly truly Yeah, it's a hard Celtic. It's just a different I think they actually taste better than white claws. But it's so funny though, because if I haven't had a ton to eat in the day, like one of these will really get me feeling it. What's the alcoholic content on that? And it's not much five? So is that like a glass of wine? Essentially? I be I'm not like the scientist. Well you were a little bit earlier with the pot conversation. I mean no, I was saying that's fake science. I just that's like the logic of my brain wants to think that's how it works. I think I think you're spot on. I think I have my own logic for things that I like it. Yeah, I don't know. I think it's true. I'm drinking a vodka saltzer water lemon. Oh, what's the What's what kind of seltzer water? Is it? Kroger? Oh, it's okay because I make the same thing. We make the same drinks, but with Lacroix. Oh yeah, Oh and flavored Lacroix. Yeah, flavored Lacroix. And what's the best Lacroix? I like? So between For me, it's lime and lemon cello. Lemon Cello is probably my favorite, but lime is also really good. I've never had lemon cello. I like the pample moose. Oh okay, No, the lemon cell though, is like, it's really good. Okay, I'm gonna try that. I'm gonna try that. You want to know what the one more thing before you press play? Huh? Do you adhere to the fact that it's not Lacroix it's lakoix. Oh my god, no, But my brother in law has a lacrotch, so that's all I think about. It's lacrotch. Okay, I'm going to call it that from Yeah, I know he always he always says lacroix. That's always. I'm about how cool? Um, we need to do it? We we could do a drink that would be fun. You know, I think we'd have to do something off brand. Everyone's doing tequila, everyone's doing vodka. You know, we need to do like organic wine, you know what I mean? Okay, fine, how about how about like ruma I had a bad experience with Roman college and never had rum skins, really never. I hate to taste of rom, I hate the smell of rum. I hate the lesson's buried in some drink that has forty eight mixers in it. But I've been on Have you ever been on a rum springer? Spring a break? Please so quickly, but please tell me what it is. It's like, uh oh god, it's like a right is it like a thing? Do you wait? Do you have words that you know, like what the meaning is, but you can't, for the life of you define it. It's one of them. It's like it's like when you're younger and you have to and you you go through like a in your adolescence, you experience something that puts you into experience, and your adolescence that yeah, put puts you advances you somehow. I think it's called a rum springer. Um are you looking it up right now? I am looking it up right now. I thought it was a Mormon thing, like when you're right of passage. Okay, that makes sense, that makes sense. That's kind of what I thought it was. But I thought it was more specific to Mormons or Amish. Yeah all right, I'm ready. Um, when was the last time you crap your pants? If ever? And how often does this happen? This is from I don't know, some got some person, uh like like crap, crap? I mean, you know it happens. I've done it. I had one time. I was Rules of Engagement. I was doing the sitcom and I was driving to work and I just decided on the fart whatever boom, not good, and I have to get to work, take my underwear off, try to be discreet about it, throw it in the trash, and then sort of ask them for new underwear. And they're like the the costume girls who are still my really good friends actually, and they're like, why do you need underwear? Did you know we're underwear. I'm like, no, it's just some underwear, and like, okay, but why do you need underwear? And finally I just did to tell him I alright, I shoot my pants, all right, I shoot my pants in the car, alright, alight. I thought it was gonna be a little sum something something anyway, and here they are. You're no, you can have I hate it. I hate the poop conversation. I don't really like it either. I think we can skip this. I really don't love it. Like it's funny for some people, but like, I really just like poop conversation. Like I like how Oliver was like, Okay, I should my piants shoot my piants? Like he's funny about it. But like, at the same time, no, I know, didn't you give them this question? Yeah? Yeah, somebody asked once the last time you shoot? So I mean, I didn't come up with it. It's a listener question. No, I know, but you're still like you you invited this conversation into our I did. I did because I knew they would run with Of course, they both had a story about if somebody asked you, when's last to me you shoot your pants? Would you have a story about it? No, want to share? Yeah, exactly, And I genuinely don't. But even if I did, I would still say no, I can't. I don't know. The time I was shipping my pants is a very dark time in my life. It was when I was eating dairy. I had a dairy addiction, and uh, it was very severe. I feel like we need to have a whole new episode on this. No, I never had a dairy addiction, but I did eat dairy before and it was not good for me. Not eat dairy now, No, I'm vegan. I don't eat dairy or eat meat or don't really yeah, really, wow, I did not know that. You know that I was a I didn't eat red meat pork for fifteen years, and then I moved to Tucson, back near my family, and now I eat literally everything, be like every like I just eat chicken and fish and that was it, just more because pigs are smart. It made me sad. And then I've now around my Italian family and it's like, oh, you're eating everything or you're not invited to Sunday dinner. Kind of damn. How I didn't know that you were a vegan? Is that choice of Vanessa? Vanessa is mostly vegetarian. Um really she will sometimes you know she's not. She doesn't draw as hard of a line about it as I do, but I'm I'm pretty strict about it. After it's been like ten years for health reasons or for health reasons and just not wanting to have personal preference and health reasons like it. It saved me a lot from having to from politely declining from eating something that I thought was gross, Like, you know, at least I have a good excuse. That's an interesting I've literally never thought of it like that, that you could decline eating things in situations because you're vegan. Yeah, it's like not and no, but I don't feel like people should take offense to it because it's like, oh no, I don't eat anything like that, right, It's not this dish. It's like anything that has that in it, any meat in it, any dairy in it. I passed. And there there have been multiple times where I've seen something we'd be you know, at I don't know, at a place or at an event or something, and they have food and I'll be looking at it going like, I'm so happy I'm vegan so I don't have to eat that. Ship. Wow, that's so interesting. I never knew that. Do you think that it makes you healthier overall? I don't know. I mean it probably not because I drink too much. Well, me too, don't we all? Um, So, yeah, you know, there's there's always I don't know if I'm healthier in the end, but at least I feel better about about it. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back after this short break with more daddy issues. All right. So I skipped ahead quite a ways in the episode just for the interest of time, because it's already getting kind of late. Uh So, let's see where that takes us. To sources Google, I thought you may also enjoy this meaning you misremember to use. This is it, this is it, this is the this is the conversation about the Mandela Effect. So let me back up a little bit because I jumped ahead of that. I've never even heard of that. I live in St. Louis. Do you understand that? I know straight celler reduced on an empty stomach on the right in the morning and you're gonna you're gonna just diarrha everywhere. You're gonna love it. And then tonight and night. Uh um at did you did you read the second part? And then we'll go okay, um? Did I read what the Mandela Effect? From listener Angie. In the latest episode, Joe states the saying is if you build it, he will come. He is correct for the producers, the sources Google. I thought you may also enjoy this meaning you misremember to use Anthony uh Andy Pettit's lingo, right, Uh, something that you you would swear on your life. Did you heard it one way and it's wrong? You know what I mean? Does that make sense? Like you heard it like everybody forever. It's if you build it, they will come. But it's if you build it, he will So I didn't remember that correctly, and I had to look it up because we were doing that game in the cornfield in Iowa. Uh. It's an unusual phenomenon in a large group of people remember something completely different than how it occurred or never existed. Here's a few is C three p o all gold? Oh no idea. But I knew this before. I feel like so he did? Yeah I didn't. I didn't. Yeah, his his his leg has like left or right leg is silver? No, but I would say no. But I always I feel like no, because it looked like he kind of had worn off a little bit, like this guy had old meaning. I don't know. I feel like there's some black something. I don't know. He's not his eyes are red. Aren't they like a different color? No, they're like color like blue or something green. Oh, he said, I think they're like white. No, yeah, you're right, you're right. But I feel like his body C three P O not are two D two C three po looked like some of the gold had worn off, and he was that kind of silver. I'm going to look down one when he had wires. I looked up a picture of him. By the way his eyes are, they are I guess white, but they look like a very yellowish white. So it's very warm white tone. Is it you? Life is like a box of chocolates. Yes, that's what I've always thought. Obviously it isn't or it wouldn't be on here it Margot, Margot is having a connection fit? Is that even a real thing? What is connection anyway? But if you heard that, of course, but like what is a connection fit? Like actually said it closely said life was like a box of chold. I just don't believe that. Oh it was was the whole time now is Yes, life was like a box. I mean it's easy to check. You just go to the movie and see what the you know? And I never did, but I should because I just don't buy it. Do you remember Hannibal saying, hello, please, I can help you catch him with Larry's But but everybody says that, Hello Claries, Oh, the crazy one. Did they talk about the one Luke, I am your father or something? No, they don't talk about that one because that does not really he doesn't say Luke, I am your father. He says like the quote is like, I am your father, but he doesn't say Luke. Really. Yeah, I'm actually gonna look that one up, because that's that's when I definitely thought of um too. But that's what everyone says, Luke, I am your father, right, I mean, what is it? Clearly he doesn't say it. It It wouldn't be on here. I don't know, Like, bitch, what did means say to you? I said, Oh, Darth Vader says, no, I am your father. No, that's what he says. Really, yeah, m anyway, did she write a note? No? No, I'm not. We don't know what's scarier the fact that we remember Hannibal like they're saying hello, Clarice, or the reality that all I said was good morning, good morning. No, he's not like that. I know, I know it's crazy. You remember in Hannibal said toping them into it? What I meant he said trades, There's no doubt about it. He didn't just say these are good. Hey, I'm just going with what's being supplied. Was sin Bad a genie in a movie called Who Cares? Yeah, I'm passing on. Now. Does the monopoly man have a monocle? Hell? Yeah, he does, but he doesn't. Is somebody gonna tell me he doesn't have a monocle? What the fuck of course he does? Of course he does? Or is it was a magnifying glass? Maybe? Oh look at you, Mr. I wanted family feud. Now there's no monocle. Do you remember magnifying glass? Wait? Can we see? Can you hold it up to the camera? Yeah? Yeah. So what I found was a post about the Mandela effects where they drew in with the what they what people think it is? So there's the one on the there's the two Oh my god, but I totally remembered the one with the thing at his right. But no, there is no thing. But this one is easily explained that because I feel like it's confused with the Pringles Guy Peanut, Peanut, the peanut, Mr Peanut. People get it. Confused with like all different things so that that doesn't surprise me too much. The one that I think is crazy, and I don't know if they talk about it in this episode is the Fruit of the Loom one, the cornucopia. The cornucopia there's no cornucopia blows my mind the most out of any of it, because I totally picture a cornucopia on like Fruit of the Loom underwear. I can see it in my brain, so do I and if and if you look it up, there's like an I know you're just looking up people posting online, but there's a ton of people that post that that's how they learned what a cornucopia was. It's like, it's crazy to think that if that's how you found out what a cornucopia was, to like ask your parents about it or something, and then you find out later that it was never there exist but make you crazy. Okay, we're gonna keep playing this in a second. Don't get annoyed listeners, but like, why does this exist that will remember things differently than they actually? Like? You and I both we are similar in age. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not, but we both remember a cornucopia with Free the Loom underwear, So why, like why? And I say why one more time because I don't why why why do we remember it differently? Um? The crazy thing is I did look up because I went on a real rabbit hole search about Free the Loom because that really bothered me, like totally supparate from this episode. I was looking into it, and I found out that apparently there was a in the patent for Fruit of the Loom, there is an image with the cornucopia, but it was never used publicly any of us, Like the crazy part, And that's where if you're a real conspiracy nut or something, you would think like, oh, well, we forked off into another dimension and and now you know, like we we all remember things that weren't really there in this dimension, but we're there in the other one. Okay. So that's so I'm saying why a thousand times like an idiot. But really, what people believe the Mandela effect is that we are in a like these are parallel universes, and in one universe the monopoly man had a monocle and in the other one he didn't, And we're just somehow like kind of like cross pollinating into a different universe. Right, Yes, I have trouble wrapping my brain around that. I'll be honest, I know, and people draw, people point at the large Hadron Collider for the reason for it, because that started in and that's I mean, that's kind of in my The creepy part is that's when it feels like things reality really went off the rails was starting around then, right, No, I have no idea what you're talking about. You have to say, cern CERN has the large hand Hadron collider where they're like uh ashing together particles at crazy speeds to like try and create black miniature black holes or something like it's crazy. When was this and they started doing it? Like? Where was I when this was happening? I feel probably in another universe somewhere. I don't know. You were in parallel verse. Yeah, you were in the parallel universe that had the cornucopia in it. That's where you were. No, I don't know. I mean I kind of like, this is all just things again that I think up in my head that are absolutely bonkers crazy. I know that, But like it's also kind of like you start to look for the evidence supporting but what's the other creation? Yeah? But what's the other explanation, Like, why do both of us remember that I didn't know? The other explanation is that the other explanation is that you always see a cornucopia with fruit like that, like a fruit basket. There's it's such a we all know it so well that we just kind of project did it there and that like it never was there of the loom with a cornucopia of fruit, right, So like it's kind of like, we know what that looks like, a cornucopia with fruit, and so we'd all just kind of assumed that the cornucopia was there. That seems weird to me. Okay, wait, corna copia involves the fruit, right, So I'm actually talking about the horn thing? Yes, the horn. Okay, wait, let's hear the rest of these, because these are good. I'm interested to see if you think that these exist Okay, yeah, uh? Or more like the fact that he doesn't have one, this is some suggest might be a simple confusion between him and the planters Peanut. That's what I'm talking about, collective confusion. Mr Peanut definitely has a monocle. Do you remember Stoffers stovetop stuff thing? Yes? Yes, Well I'm gonna guess it wasn't Stoffers. There was Stofer, wasn't it Stiffer's Lean Cuisine. I lived on that ship for like four years as lean. What the do you remember Jiffy peanut butter? Yes, there is a Jiffy peanut butter. No, yes, there's no way there's no Jiffy peanut butter. If there's no Jiffy peanut butter, that you and I are nuts? Isn't it just Jeff? That's that's I can't. I can't put that one. That's not there is a Jiffy peanut butter. There's there's the sun on the box of raising. There's a Jeff peanut butter, and there's Skippy peanut butter, and so people combine the two to Jiffy. That's right, that's right. You just some of these are just easily explained, like it doesn't that's true, And were shades a gun to my head, I would say, yes, what was that the sun made? Yeah? Maybe this is all bullshit. He's still there. Yeah, are treating all these other stuff? Um, hold on, this is kind of fun though. Yeah. Yeah, people swear there was a Jiffy peanut butter back in the day, but we speculate their combining u jiff with its competitor Skippy. Now that things Jeffy Lube. There's Jeffy loub if somebody tells me there's no Jiffy. Wow. Wow. This is like a lot of people think the name of this podcast is Daddy Issues, but it's Dad Issues. It's always been Dad Issues. It's it. That's the social media post right there. And I don't like hashtags. Is there a cornucopia behind the fruit the fruit of the loom logo? I don't know what a cornucopia? Isa is just like a a bunching of fruit with grapes and apples, And yes, I would say, yes, there is a cornucopia. I would say you're probably wrong. Behind the fruit, I don't think people understand what cornucopia even is. It's just it's just from they're talking about the horn though. They're talking about that horn shaped thing behind the fruit. That's that's from Hunger Games, from Hunger Games. Yes, what are you talking about? It's been around before Hunger Games. Well, yes, of course it has been wrong. Are you trying to Hunger Games? The movies? The Hunger Games books and movies came before the underwear, okay, but in Hunger Games, you know, she has to like run like they're all spread out around the circle and there's all these things in the middle, and like she can go get the cornucopia in the middle, like that's the thing. And so I think that like younger people like ten year old who watched Hunger Games maybe didn't know what a cornucopia was before they saw that, and then they were like, oh, got it, I know what it is. Okay, Yeah, that makes sense, Okay, everything, and we all know it from underwear totally apparently not, but I like that. I like the Mandela effect. That's what it's all, the Mandela. How about this Josh Windish checks in with Apparently Freddie Mercury never sings of the World, but at the end of I'm Glad we Are just came up because he actually did in the live aid version of the song. So is that top? I think so, yes, So he actually does sing it, and it is in I think, a very popular version of the song that gets listened to now, but I think in the original maybe he didn't. But anyway, it is a little bit that one's a little murky. I I threw that in there before I really fully saw what it, you know, that was about. I was just listening to that today, although he did sing it at Live A yeah okay says there is no corny Copia stovetop stuffing exists, though, it's just not made by Stoffers. It's a company that specializes in frozen foods that you microwave or cook in the oven. Hashtag mind not blown, my nap blown halftag. You know what? You know, what you don't need an oven is for your your ice cream, your ship or whatever you just got. Yeah, I need, I need, I need like something. You need a straw of um. All right, well this has been fun. It was fun. Blast okay, do you do act? Do you remember Carol Burnett tugging on her ear at the end of the Carol BATCHA, Yeah, yeah, that did happened. I don't got this reference, do you know? I don't either. We can cut this mm hmmm, like this is literally him incriminating himself. Let it play. Let this This is this is exhibit A, ladies and gentleman of the jury. That man sitting there in the chair, which is where he's been for his entire tour The Fairweld Tour. His name is Phil Collins. He was a drummer in Genesis. He became a lead man in the Phil Collins experience. That man watched the person and watch a person round, and that man did nothing. He sat there and all he did. Hey, I was just thinking him on his phone was right. These words put it to a melody while somebody was fighting for the life. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, ignorance is no form of innocence. Here he saw it. He looked the other way, and he put a drum rip in there that every athlete and fan has ever done in the stadium when this song is played. But he deserves incarceration right here here, it is right here. This is where he's telling the guy he you made this sound better because you put the actual song in the episode. Did I feel like you did? So? It sounds like way better than this where you can like hear we hear it. Spread of God. There was a juggernaut with Josh in this episode. No, I don't think there is. Let me U yeah, past word a little bit. Let's see. So instead of helping that man, I made this song. I do love the idea of Phil Collins just watching someone drowned and uh and and just being and in his head it's like the guy's fingerprint yep, yep, and skipping ahead and skip ahead. You know, God, what is eight fifty seven your time? You got a nighttime of Netflix watching? And it was nine o'clock in l A when we filmed this. It was midnight in Atlanta, so late night. It's scared in those parts. That's the episode. Can I ask you some questions then before we close this out, because I know we've been going for a thousand hours and people have now tuned off, but well, it won't have been a thousand hours by the time, because I think there's a lot of there's a lot of fluff in here we can get rid of, Okay, So I have to ask because I'm so curious because I listened to a lot of episodes recently that had a lot of Juggernaut with Josh and them. Mm hmm a okay. Question one, does Vanassa listen to this? No? No, okay? Question two? Do you share with her what like Juggernaut with josh Is and what you guys talk about and stuff on the podcast? Yeah, so we have talked about it okay, and did she feel like that's funny? And okay? He seems very easy going. Actually I really like, yeah, she is she she definitely is. Um. Yeah, I mean we had actually still talked about like I I we're trying to figure out a time we can get her on like with me, but like the timing never worked out. It came close a couple of times to working out, but it just hasn't worked out because she's always at work when we're doing this. Or I think we should have her as one of the first coming back from summer break guests. Okay, yeah, we could try to work that out. I think that would be really fun. She's personable and like funny, like she would be a good guest. But I feel like she gets shy about this kind of stuff. Maybe well maybe we can like ask Joe and Oliver to not like bring up so much of the sex stuff and just no, I think that's part of that. That has to be part of it, Like it has to be. We need her perspective, That's true, We totally do do. I just listen to an episode where Joe said, um, where they were Oliver said, it must have been the last It must have been one daddy issues, and Oliver said, Josh, when's the last time you made love? And you were like, it's been a minute and this and that and and Joe goes, well, you know what I think would help if you put you have like a little bluetooth by your bad can you play um the Jeopardy theme song when you're having sex and put that right by your head and play that? And you were like, yeah, great, but that's gonna love that. It's perfect. It was really, I mean that's true. It was really. You're very open. I will credit you with that. I don't you know, it's funny. I don't like I don't plan to be or necessarily want to be, but I have no filter and I just can't. I have to fill the space with words. You have to be. There's gotta be some words of some kind. And when they're asking me a question and I'm thinking about it, it just comes out. I like it. I think it's not necessarily like I think most people would stop and be like I don't want to I don't want to talk about this like in front of people and stuff. But for me, it's like, oh that bed there, like I need to say stuff. Okay. But also the funny part is that also you have the ability to edit that out. Yeah, but you also you also don't understand Like by the time we're done recording and it's to the editing stage, I'm just like, I just want to I just want it to be like well, and I think that there's something very so. I know that there are much more successful podcasts than this, but I think that something very special about this one is we really You're right, not a lot is edited out. It is I'm like the only podcast that really doesn't like to cut things. I think that that's but that's important for people to know because they don't know that we there's generally occasionally, I know Joe has texted you were group texted and been like cut this or maybe we should like reduce this conversation, right, But for the most part, every episode I feel like pretty much airs as is. Yeah, it's super honest and like m very authentic. Okay, so let's you take it alright, So I guess we did the for the world's first ever podcast re listen. I'm I know you said other podcasts have done it, but I just I can't. I don't I call bullshit on it. Okay, well it's the first ever Daddy Issues, first ever Dad issues. Real listen the dad issues that Dad issues. Okay, dad issues hashtag, Yes, exactly. Nobody's gonna get that butt us. But um, I had a wonderful time. Josh, thank you for doing this. I know you didn't want to, so thank you. No, I really didn't, but it was it was you know, it was more fun than I anticipated, I think, And I didn't think i'd have any commentary, but I guess, I guess I do. You had quite a bit of very interesting and engaging commentary. Well, what I was thinking is the commentary that I was thinking you were looking for was like behind the scenes stuff like what were you doing when they talked about that sitting here watching it. I don't know what you want from No, I didn't want that kind of I want a commentary like about you and just about like you know exactly did in this part of the episode. I I turned down the fader a couple of decibels on Joe's mike. People don't know that. They think I just leave it at the same level the whole time. But there are people who there are like three people out there who might find that interesting. Actually, right, But I think that I'm going to go ahead and say and then I'm going to not check any kind of reviews or feedback after this closed tomorrow, but I'm going to say we did a decent job for having never hosted a podcast, never having done this, and I was a little bit nervous. I think that, like, you know, it's something different than just putting the solid episode out. So that's true. Here we go, take your leave it And and final thought, if you hated it, let us know. It will hurt, but let us know. And if you loved it, let us know because we might not be able to do it every week until the guys come back, but we could do it maybe once or twice more. Yeah, yeah, I think so, yeah, we could do it again unless people absolutely hate it, and then we won't waste our time. That's true. It wasn't wasted time, Josh. I had a very enjoyable time with you. I didn't mean that. I mean, you know, like, we won't attempt to do it if it's not anything anybody wants people. That's true. I have a quite annoying voice, so people might have tuned off, like you just have to use that nine D Daddy Issues voice the whole time. That's true. Oh and real quick, I feel like I should say because I'm not sure if we mentioned it on this episode. We've said it on other episodes, But Joe and Oliver are planning on coming back to do new, fresh, original episodes at the end of the summer. They're they're kind of just taking a summer break for family. Oliver's work schedules crazy, so make sure to stay tuned for that. But until then, we're signing off. We're leaving bye guys by Listen to Daddy Issues on the I Heart Radio app, on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Daddy Issues is a production of Cavalry Audio and I Heart Media, produced by Margot Carmichael, sound engineering and editing by Josh Windish. Executive produce used by Joe Bach, Oliver Hudson, Dana Brunetti, and Keegan Rosenberg.

Daddy Issues with Joe Buck and Oliver Hudson

Working fathers and long-time friends take an honest, unfiltered look at what it’s like to be a fath 
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