Retirement is Complicated – Why Not Hire a Financial Advisor?
Retirement is Complicated – Why Not Hire a Financial Advisor? There are so many complexities about retirement – how to stack your 401(k), when to claim Social Security and what investments to make in the market. It can be overwhelming! In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, Gregg MacInnis e…
How the Three Stages of Your Financial Life Can Drive Your Retirement
How the Three Stages of Your Financial Life Can Drive Your Retirement Did you know there are three stages to your financial life? They are called accumulation, preservation and distribution. The first two – saving and safeguarding money – feed into the third, which funds your retirement. In thi…
Don’t Hire the Wrong Financial Advisor
Don’t Hire the Wrong Financial Advisor Hiring a financial advisor is one of the most important decisions you will make in the years leading up to retirement. And sometimes the person you find doesn’t work out in the long run. In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, Gregg MacInnis runs down p…
Creating a Clear Retirement Roadmap
Creating a Clear Retirement Roadmap Do you get irritated when another driver doesn’t use their turn signal? The same can be true in your retirement planning. In this case, your turn signal begins with a retirement vision with many details to follow. In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, G…
Are You Prepared for Longevity Risk in Retirement?
Are You Prepared for Longevity Risk in Retirement? The number one fear in retirement is running out of money. It’s called longevity risk. You could roll the dice and see what happens with your savings. Or you could prepare. In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, Gregg MacInnis explains st…
Annuities Mean Retirement Income
Annuities Mean Retirement Income Once upon a time, companies took the responsibility of planning their employees’ retirements with pensions. But when those became too troublesome to manage, they pivoted to 401(k) savings plans, leaving retirement strategies to workers. In this episode of Countdo…
Consider a Roth Conversion Whether the Trump Tax Cuts Are Renewed or Not
Consider a Roth Conversion Whether the Trump Tax Cuts Are Renewed or Not With Donald Trump winning the election, he’s pledged to extend the tax cuts he helped usher in back in 2017. They are scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025. In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, Gregg MacInnis explai…
Plan for the Risks in Retirement So You Can Enjoy the Rewards
Plan for the Risks in Retirement So You Can Enjoy the Rewards You may think you have a retirement plan, but does it take into account all the risks that could derail it? In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, Gregg MacInnis offers strategies that can mitigate the most common risks in retirem…
Make an Appointment Now to Review Your End-of-Year Checklist
Make an Appointment Now to Review Your End-of-Year Checklist Fall football and the upcoming holidays serve as reminders that the end of the year is quickly approaching. So, when are you going to have time to review your year-end financial checklist? In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, Gr…
Retirement Planning Should Include Estate Planning
Retirement Planning Should Include Estate Planning Studies indicate that about 60% of older Americans don’t have a will or estate plan. That can often lead to family infighting and a prolonged and expensive probate court battle once someone passes. In this episode of Countdown to Retirement, Gre…