Contractor EvolutionContractor Evolution

97. Are Blue Collar Businesses Under-Appreciated? - Tom Reber

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My guest on the show today is Tom Reber. You may have heard of him. He hosts the Contractor Fight Podcast, speaks at many conferences, and has become a pretty well known guy in our space.  

Tom runs a program not unlike our beloved Breakthrough Academy, but for slightly smaller businesses.  In fact, you could even call him our competitor (Ahh, the horror 😱).  

Here’s the thing though.  We tell our contractors to collaborate with the competition and raise the entire industry on a daily basis, and the same rule applies to us.  Practice what you preach.  

Tom is a phenomenal guy with a message you all should hear loud and clear, and we were lucky to have him.  You can expect to learn the following from my conversation with Tom:

  • Why trades and construction play one of the most essential roles in a functioning western society but get almost no credit for it
  • How we overestimate how much we can accomplish in a year but underestimate what's possible in a decade
  • And how to make trades cool again in the eyes of our young people, our clients, and ourselves
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Contractor Evolution

Breakthrough Academy presents Contractor Evolution. In this show we unpack the systems, tactics, an 
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