Confidence MasteryConfidence Mastery

Accountability and Support - The Keys to Achieving Your Goals

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Confidence Mastery

This podcast helps you take your life from mediocre to phenomenal. Covering every area of life, through health, wealth and happiness, increasing your  
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Natalie challenges the notion that January is a trial month and encourages listeners to think outside the box in order to live with confidence, happiness, and success. She emphasises the importance of setting goals with deadlines and being publicly accountable.

Natalie shares her own experiences with accountability through an eight-week fitness challenge and a 21-day meditation expansion group. She highlights the benefits of being part of a supportive community and offers practical tips for incorporating daily tasks to improve health, wealth, and happiness. Natalie also discusses the significance of positive self-talk, the power of relationships, and the importance of taking action towards one's goals. 


  • Setting goals with deadlines and making oneself publicly accountable is important for achieving success.
  • Being part of a supportive community can provide accountability and inspiration to achieve goals.
  • Daily tasks, even small ones, can contribute to increased health, wealth, and happiness.
  • Positive self-talk and affirmations can help rewire the brain and improve confidence.
  • Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who challenge and support can lead to personal and professional growth.


"Unless you're disciplined to go out and take the action, things aren't going to happen." 

"Sometimes things take more priority than another. So that kind of thing to me makes a huge difference to your confidence, your abilities, having that community support around you makes a huge, huge difference." 

"If you've been listening to this podcast from the beginning, you'll know I'm all about community and the better together message because we truly are better together." 

"If you feel like things aren't quite working out, come back to this, come back to setting out your intentions and do things with intention so that you can truly make a difference to your life and the life of others too." 


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Natalie Bailey is the host of the Confidence Mastery podcast. In this episode, she challenges the notion of New Year's resolutions falling off and encourages listeners to think outside the box. Natalie emphasizes the importance of accountability and community support in achieving goals. As an entrepreneur, she discusses the benefits of meditation and the power of positive self-talk. Natalie also invites listeners to join her online mentoring group with Gerald Ratner, where they can receive support and guidance in business and life. With a focus on health, wealth, and happiness, Natalie inspires listeners to take action and make a difference in their lives.


Natalie Bailey, a Property Developer, Coach, and Mentor, boasts a decade of business acumen, from Bars to Gyms and eCommerce. Now partnered with her mother, Paula, in property development, she empowers others to find confidence and success in health, wealth, and happiness. Her Better Together initiative combats loneliness, aiding entrepreneurs through the Confident Entrepreneurs Club, Mastermind groups, and Retreats. Bridging Mallorca and London, Natalie embodies her teachings. Fitness, wealth, and happiness intertwine in her holistic approach. Dive deeper at for coaching plans and more info.







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Confidence Mastery

This podcast helps you take your life from mediocre to phenomenal. Covering every area of life, thro 
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