7th Heaven REWATCH: No Funerals And A Wedding

Published Dec 16, 2024, 8:01 AM

Mack, David and Bev dive into Season 1, Episode 4 of 7th Heaven: No Funerals And A Wedding to discuss their thoughts of the episode, funny behind-the-scenes stories and David hands out the acting MVP of the episode.






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Oh, I hate working out.

You guys like I don't like working out at a gym. I just don't.

I just don't enjoy it.

But nobody enjoys working out until it starts working and then it's enjoyable.

Yeah, I have.

I enjoy working out until I start getting into shape.

I warre playing, like doing sports and things like that, until and then they just you get in shape without noticing.

Or you can just go do stupid things like stupid Joe's that will like try to kill you and make you do extreme things and then realize that you shouldn't do any of such things, which also does not motivate you to do anything at the gym.

Is that how you justify it that it's a workout I did.

I kind of thought that I was going to do Special Forces and it was gonna be work out and I was gonna get fit.

I didn't think I want a six pack. I'm going to go do Special Forces. I'm going to kill myself in the desert.

Like fit then with like special Forces. No, I did not get I did not get a six back.

I got a lot of bruises, I got a bit. Yeah.

No, watch your form. My form was.

You know what's funny though, is like I was there, there was one point where we had to do the.

I don't even know what it's called.

It was murderous, but we had to do this like whole like we had to go through the mud pit and through the tunnel and jump into the water and pull ourselves out and then go.

To obstacle course.

And I when I was trying to do sit ups, I couldn't do them because like I felt like my insides were tearing out because I've had two three sea sections and none of the guys knew what to do with me. So as I'm like crying because I'm like, am my insides are gonna burst, and They're like, go to the next so they just send me to the next person is the next person and then finally they just were like just sit down.

And that is my experience. It was bad. That was day one.

I mean, exercise is great when you have to, like I got really fit galloping racesources because like, look, you're not if you're feel like your muscles are about to give out, like you never let go when it's the hardest to stay on right, because that's like anything, that's when it hurts.

The most to fall or something, so you have to. You're like, oh my god, I'm gonna die.

I don't going forty miles an hour, you know.

Oh yeah, So do you have one of those mechanical bowl things? No exercise back.

No, I exercise now with like a pitchfork mostly, oh.

Right on only farms, not only farms.

And I lift things. And like I was telling that I volunteered to help people move when they.

Know she's been very sweet and wanting to help me move some of the furniture.

That I sitting in the workout, and it's but having.

Just moved, like we we did. I think I did like forty thousand steps and seventeen miles in one day, going up and down three flights of stairs. And I think it said I went up like seventy flights of stairs that day.

Kids are a great exercise too.

I'm still to get a six pack from that either, which I feel totally jypped.

But anyway, chat with it.

I think we should. Why don't we do an intro? Why don't we tell everybody who we are, what we're doing.

Hey, everybody, you have clicked on catching up with the Camdens welcome, thanks for joining us again. We are in the middle of our rewatch series where we're rewatching the good old days on the show.

We're on episode four now.

Yes, So if you joined us, if you're listening, if you're watching, whatever platform you're on, do the things. There's stuff you could do to help us out. Like it, dislike it, hate it, don't love it. No, don't get any of those rage posts.

Do all the things.

No, do all the nice things. And by the way, I'm Beverly Mitchell.

Who are you.

I'm I'm David Gallagher.

I'm McKenzie Ross.

Yes, and we are so excited you.


We're on episode four, like David said, and that is no no wedding.

No is it no funerals in a wedding, no funerals.

There's a wedding in it, and there are no funerals in it because.

That's the funeral.

And that's where we begin.

Yes, that's where we begin.

The wedding doesn't take up a lot begin with.

Grandma has just passed away.

Yes, and what was her character's name other than Grandma?

It was grandma.

She certainly had a name.

I thought it was just Grandma.

Thanks for calling us all out for not remembering that.

No, so there's in the end of this episode, there's some there's a comment about someone being named after Grandma, and they never really said what her name was, and I was wondering whether it was a baby named Grandma.

I'm looking it up.

We're looking it up because you know who remembers Ruth.

Oh I didn't know. Yeah, I didn't know you.

I was okay, Oh my goodness.

Yeah, how the table hold on though.

Grandma Ruth.

Seem as Jenny.

That's right, Yes, actually that is correct. God, you did it faster than I did, Jared.

So we start off with the funeral, and we also meet some other cast members.

They handled tablets.

Are there for for a quick.

Intro, right, and then as we're kind of leaving the funeral, Grandpa takes.

Off, does not cope with loss very well, splits in.

A hurry, leaving Annie distressed.

I don't even think he stayed for the whole He didn't stay for the reception, No, just just the funeral. And he catches a cab and is like, see you, I'm going back to Phoenix.

Yeah. A tough day of work for me because I had to be asleep in the in the limo, in the limo.

Also, by the way, yeah, I remember being excited that we had like a limo on set and we got to like be in the limo. I just remember like that was like exciting. Does anyone even use limos anymore?

Like is that a thing? I think they exist?

The only ones I ever see driving around La are like the big truck ones and the van ones and the bus ones.

That memory the nineties were like, yeah.

They were more uh the car limos.

Yeah, town car.

Town cars and stretch limousines were more of a regular thing to see.

Back in the day.

So we all roll up to the Camden household. Ruthie's asleep, Simon just sleep.

The Munchkins they were for.

So that's when they designate that we are the younger set because they refer to us as the Munchkins, and you and Mary and Barrier are the only ones actually awake conscious.

You still get a cute.

Nickname because we weren't cute, So that's fine. But I do remember that.

Dress, by the way, I loved that dress that I wore in that episode.

I don't remember the suit that I was in.

Yeah, it was hot.

It was probably shoulder pads.

It was definitely shoulders.

But yeah, so we go uh home and there is everyone there and I think I call it the the castrole. I can see the cast roll patrol because there is just a.

Lot of food.

Everyone's lined up at the reverend's house two mourn and to support their UH church family with food.

Yes, and there's a lot of it.

And in this uh set up with the with the castroll patrol, we set up Simon's gag for the episode, which is that he is now faced with mortality. He's determined to figure out the physical location of Heaven. He's determined to like get to the botom of it. So while Simon sets off on his mission to discover the Heaven's geographical location, we also are introduced to our key guest stars of the episode, which is the married couple that is kind of like grossly in love still like they're having their honeymoon phase like months in or at least they're putting on like they are staying very like nuzzily and kind of stuff.

Like that couple.

Yeah, not not lovely.

So that's awkward.

Yeah, but I do I love front.

I love that because only as Simon would I love that storyline of Simon's way of dealing with death in trying to understand like, okay, you say they go to heaven?

Where is heaven?

It was so Simon, like it couldn't It was like a perfect storyline for him.

Yeah, it's the kind of it's the kind of storylines that I that I'm really happy that I got to to do particate for my character. So, like it's cute and it's innocent in its premise, but then it gives the show an opportunity to actually say something about the question and and to hopefully say something interesting about the question, which I think they actually do in the end.

Yeah, and in a way to for for other kids, you know, to have breached that conversation with like your family.

You know.

Sure, it's a great setup for the conversation that it that any young kid might ask, which is you tell me about this place?

Where is it? You know this?

And so how do you breach a metaphysical conversation with a child? I'm going to find out soon, I guess I have a kid. But like you know, it's uh, it's a it's a cool little storyline. Again, Simon's gags are pretty solid.

Yeah, earlier.

So so after this, Simon.

Gets the first glimpse of trouble with the newly I want to call them the newly led couple, but they I think they established that they've been married for for months now and uh, but they're but their their whole spiel in the beginning about how deeply infatuated they are with each other seems to be seems to break when when I catch the the woman crying.

Well, I think at first you were like, wow, she must be really upset about Grandma.

Yeah, exactly, like.

She does to pretend that she's actually but that's what.

That's what your your your response is And then Eric knows better and goes to invest.

Simon is very observant but but still innocent. Yes exactly, and so things go over his head, but you know, he gives it a good A.

Good one for you. Yeah, yeah, And it's.

A very modern moment.

The next part is where Lucy and Mary are having conversations and Mary wants to break up with Jeff and Lucy just doesn't understand, like why because he smells.

It smells so good you could smell his cologne from across the room.

Which is it?

Which is called smell Maxing and that's something kids do these days. Really, yeah, over spray cologne. This is like an internet cologne whole thing.

That sounds like what a lot of kids even though and remember the axe body spray that the teenagers, Yeah.

The modern version of that, Yeah, exactly, So we're taking it way back.


Yeah, she's just romantic and so it's like I could smell this cologne from here.

How romantic?

All right, what happened next?

Well, so the next thing that happens is that Eric goes into his office which is off of the foyer, and he finds the husband of the newlywed couple, and he confesses that he is.

A big already married.

He's already married.

So he's already married, which means he's married to two women. It's very explicit that his old marriage was over, just not the paperwork hadn't gone through, and his new marriage is like real to him, but he can't communicate this to his wife, who he thinks couldn't understand that like the paperwork, I mean, I.

Would not understand if someone was like, oh, by the way, forgot to tell you, but I've already been married.

But like I really.

Do love you, it's late in the game to tell someone you've already been married if you are married and married.

But it could have been a shotgun wedding.

But ultimately his sin is is getting married, like being in love with her and marrying her faster than the paperwork from his old marriage goes through, like he was divorced but the but the paperwork didn't go through. It just seems like a contrived sin to me, I don't know, it seems like something that should be very easily communicated between adults. So when I saw that, I was like, I don't understand what the big deal is. That was my take with being honest about it.

Wait to tell someone why it's a.

Contrived big deal is what I felt. And I thought it was awkward.

Well, yeah it's awkward.

You never like held something off from your spouse.

And just.

Yeah it's snow. Yeah.

I think I share too much all the time, Like I'm going to overshare, Like I think there's things where like Michael just would rather not know. He's just like, I don't I don't need to know that. I'm like, hey, so yeah, guys are like that, though, Yeah, what that they don't want to know everything?

It's like, you know, certain things could be need to know, right, Yeah.

I sort of enjoyed telling people things that they don't want to I.

We know this, we know this, we are aware. Okay.

The next part is when Jeff comes in and he's talking to Matt and he's trying to get advice of telling Jeff not to be so cleany because you know, Mary kind of is taking on the like the boys role typically because usually the girls are very cleaning.

And Jeff says, the first really sex this thing in the episode, which is the guys can't be clinging, right, is not what he says. Men aren't clean. That's not a guy. Men can't be clingy by default. It's clearly not true the way he's been written in the episode, because he was quite clean clingy.


So Annie is crying in her room.

She's having a hard time because obviously her mother has died and her father is totally nowhere to be found and completely emotionally unavailable. Ruthie wanders into you know see what mom is up to, and they tried to remember Grandma together through this sweet little song.

Don't don't ruin The payoff for the episode mag with our mystical number.

But you're trying to kill me with your eyes.

I was trying to kill you with my eyes. I was just looking at you.

I was just looking at you.


So then my sweet little moment with my mom remembering Grandma is cut short because Renee, Matt's pregnant friend walks in and it's baby time, so uh, she has to go to the hospital. And then Matt decides that he's going to step up to the plate and be her support person through this.

Because the husband's at a comic book convention where is not married?

Right, but where's the father?

We established he was a nice guy who got this job at the church, and then he's.

Such a comic book convention.

Oh right, because they had because they did have those in the nineties.

Yeah, they did.

They started comic con like thirty years ago or longer or something like that.

It's been going on.

As long as you say thirty years ago. You realize that he's in the nineties.

That's like they want to talk about it.

I do not want to talk, let me not.

I'm just like, I think it's funny that the reason why he's not there is because they they said he was in a comic book.

Did they really say that he was at that or did you just make that up?

No? No, why would I make that up?

Okay, On that note, I think we are going to take a break.

We will be right back.

There's a moment where I'm pestering the limo driver about with my heaven investigation. I'm like, you've seen a lot of dead bodies, tell me where this place is, you know, And he's like trying to eat, you know, and he's like, leave me alone, kid, basically, and then like you know, they need a ride to the hospital, and he's like, oh, I'm a driver, get me out of here.

And then I think we come back and we find Lucy crying in the hallway.

Yes, this was a very sweet scene.

This was actually kind of fun to kind of relive, and I actually do remember it because I remember it actually being very poignant in the sense that Lucy's upset because she says it feels like there's a party going on and Grandma wasn't invited. And Eric's response is, this isn't really a party, this is kind of like a celebration of life, and Lucy has the response that no, I'm talking about life and how it doesn't feel right that Grandma's not here anymore. Life goes on without her.

Without her.

And I also come later in my life when my friend passed away, that that comment actually kept resonating in my mind of how it just felt wrong when someone passes away and this whole thing of life goes on, and it's a very difficult thing to reconcile when you feel.

Like the world has stopped.

Absolutely, it's those acting scenes that are like more than just a scene, and a scene that like really has I've held onto for a very very long time, and I think the way it was written and just those moments was like a really special and it was pretty much I feel it. But rewatching it brought back so much.

Yeah, it's early, it's early in the episode, but mvp aword for this episode goes to bev. This is my favorite scene in the episode by a mile. It is the best. It is the strongest acting in this in the episode. Your speech about how it's not fair that life moves on is moving and it's honest and it's beautifully executed, and you have easily the best moment in this episode. Good Yeah, true story though, watch it. It's solid and that's and that stuff is not. I mean, there's emotional scenes that we have to do that are maybe less impactful or seem less important, but this this scene was emotional and had a lot of weight and had something to say, and you did all of that beautifully and honestly, and so you get the award this episode for sure.

Thank you that.

Beautiful Hey, you know what, it's uh wonderful that we all, at one point through the season's get these moments and these magical very well written and very well set up, because I think it's very easy to overwrite situations like this, it's very easy to like overperform and all of those things.

And it was simple and sweet and it was one of those that I was actually proud of. So thank you. Now, moving on, what do what you do next?

To dial in on something important? They really did a great job.

Yeah, m thank you. What happens next?

I love Simon.

So Simon is now is continuing his investigation on the location of heaven and he sits down with Mary's clinging boyfriend. And what makes me laugh about the scene is that they play into like a bit of his like kind of jockey persona and and me being this like smart, inquisitive kid, and then he says something like I'm making all of this these kind of like scientific points about how like, look, space is out there, we can account for space, we know what's beyond this guy the whole up there arguments out the window like that doesn't make any sense, so like where is this place? And then he he says this kind of stonery thing where he's like maybe it's in like the fifth dimension man, And I'm like interesting, like it's it's like just kind of a metaphysical like non answer, just enough to like to kind of throw Simon off a little bit and kind of make him think.

And it's it's cute and it's stupid, it's funny.

So Mary and Annie are in the kitchen and Mary's she's kind of saying that like it's sort of annoying, but she also sort of appreciates it about Eric that when things are wrong, he always wants to talk about it, and sometimes she'd rather just not talk about it. And Annie says a comment to Mary about, you know, jokingly, like you know, thanks for being so wise, but you know, but it's cute, I mean, and there's just reflecting on which in the episode later on how they have different styles of handling conflict that are in the end you see that they're complimentary.

And that's yeah, that's that scene. That's that scene.

This is another typical Lucy moment. Jeff comes out to talk to Lucy and consoler and feel, you know, be sweet, and Lucy inserts foot in mouth like always and totally apologizes, saying that she's sorry that Mary broke up with him, which has not yet happened, right, And then Lucy's kind of like, uh oh, we are big trouble.

Which then sets him off on his mission to like maybe take the clinging advice and.

Be cool or something right, And then all of a sudden he's trying to be like like distant and but also, by the way, when I also, I don't know if it's in the scene right right after this, then he as he's trying to be distant, also becomes clumsy. He like starts like falling all over the place. I mean, I thought that was an interesting choice.

It's supposed to be like a cute, charming kind of like he tries to be too cool, but he bumbles it because he's not because he is clinging.

Got it?

Sensitive or whatever. I think that's the play.

Got it?

But yeah, I was like, so just because you're trying to be distant means you're clumsy?

Got it? But yeah, that makes sense. Okay. You guys ever had a moment where you let something slip accidentally?

Shouldn't have?

Oh I am ween?

Oh yeah, mag how about that one.

It's a vault. Shut up, David.

I was gonna make inappropriate jokes.

Yes, I got. I will absolutely admit that.

I I am definitely one for opening my mouth sometimes when I should.

Yeah, not you.

I was like, are you doing about me?

I wasn't agreeing with that. You don't. You're pretty good.

I have no filter, that's true, but that's okay. That's why we love you. So we accept it and love you.

I love everything about you, so don't worry about it.


David always thinks before he speaks.

He's got that great filter. And Mac and I we were missing it.

It was mouthpum first, clean up later.

Should we break forgiveness?

You know, Look, it's been great, but we need a break. We'll be right back.

It sounds like you're breaking up with them.

It's not you. It's true. We'll be right back.

So now we land at the hospital with Matt and Renee, and previous to this, Eric said, you know, this is probably gonna be better than birth control, because he's gonna see it's like.

An aside thing to himself to any that is.

About to vomit. I mean, you could see is just losing it.

At some point talking to Barry.

I remember saying, like I could distinctly, I could tell when I think Barry's like goofing on the content of the scene as opposed to taking it seriously as Matt, like kind of making fun of himself or making fun of Matt. I feel like this is one of those moments where he's like hyper ventilating in the hospital and and and I just know Barry too well, so maybe it's that that's coloring it. But like I could see Barry like having too much fun, like hyperventilating and being all shocked at the at the birth scene. But then he as the birth really happens, and I think he does a great job of bringing it back when it counts.

So we'll get to that later. Yeah, he leaves the room.

Yeah, he kind of freaks out. He leaves the room and and goes to the call.

I feel like there's a general theme in this episode of people feeling like they need someone to be there for them but not being able to reach them.

Yes, it's exactly the theme of this episode, Yeah, for sure.

Which is cool.

And then at the end, you know, they sort of realize that, you know, they had everything they needed within them.

So then we get back to our our guest couple who are in their extended honeymoon phase that is in full meltdown, and they are they're trying to hash out this this issue non issue of paperwork and which is more about honesty and communication obviously, and so uh and and but in this moment they don't get very far because then the gag with with Eric becomes that like he keeps trying to get out of the room because obviously he has this very important pressing family issue to deal with with the funeral proceedings kind of ending at his house, and he can't get out of this counseling session with this couple to to go be present for the people who need him, who particularly Annie, who is who's kind of feeling abandoned continuously.

Over the course from her father.

Yes and then by and so she ends up spending most of the time alone in the episode, which is which is sad, and that's the the heart of the episode is really Annie's grief over the loss of her mother. But as you say so eloquently in your scene, life moves on anyway without you, and so as as life is hurriedly moving forward and all these other things, external things are happening to everybody in the family, she is stuck in that grief moment by herself and is immobilized.

In a way.

I didn't even realize until just now that like the episode has death, it has birth, and it has like union.

Yeah, it does all the things, all the things.

It was like, literally, as we're just sitting here talking about it, I'm like, wow, I didn't put all that together.

Yeah, No, it's it's a well, it's a it is a a well crafted, like thematic episode from our early days. This is I mean, I think this is when the show was was doing the most.

We're gonna.

We'll see as as that progresses, how long we really hold up that standard. I think this is a great We're setting a great standard on the early episodes with our with our content and theming around the the given emotional lessons, you know, absolutely so as as Annie's is left alone in her room to mourn, she reaches out to her dad, who she feels left her stranded, which he definitely did in that moment of grief where the family should be coming together and he won't even pick up the phone.

And it's a sweet and honest.

Moment, great moment from Catherine, And just like she was always so.

Good, Catherine's performance through these first few episodes is stellar's. She's absolutely stellar as the family matriarch and set in the bar high for us in these early episodes, and she does it all very gracefully.

It's awesome.

Oh, I do love this.

This is also a perfect example of when Matt is calling the house to try to get a hold of Annie because he needs her, and Mary steps up and is like, uh uh, you better pull it together.

You got to handle this.

I'm handling everything at home, you handle everything there, and it is kind of like, it's.

A great line.

Everyone's stepping up and also her being pretty stern, like very being like, oh no, oh, You're gonna figure it out.

And with the theme of abandonment, Yeah, this is the moment where Matt has stepped up to be there for his friend, and he plays with the idea of abandoning her, that he can't be here for this.

It's not his kid, it's not his problem. Might need to get out of here. I can't deal with it.

And Mary tells him what he needs to hear to get back in the room and be there for his friend.

Right, And then I think Lucy comes in and tries to be to share the bad news that she had ratted Mary out and then gets very frustrated. And as Lucy does, she does not actually tell Mary what happened, but bumbles and Huffson goes out the.

Door, slams the door and breaks the glass.

Do I break the glass?

You can hear a glass shatter?

I was like, did I break something? Am I that strong? That's awesome?

I think.

So as Matt hangs up the phone with this advice to step up and be there for his friend, you hear the that the doctor is being paged over over the megaphone at the hospital, and so in that moment, he decides to answer the call to go back to his friend, and that could be a bit of foreshadowing into Matt's future in hospital work. You know, going into the medical field and stuff like that, that this that this becomes a calling in a way.

Eric is like, you know, pretty consistently detained by this couple having their marriage of important marriage crisis. And as he's finally finished dealing with them, they're exiting, Simon's out there waiting and he's.

Got with a clipboard.

He with the clipboard and he looks like he's like, well, thank you, you know, thank you for coming. And he's he's basically acting like he's Eric's assistant.

I'm like pulling the entire Yeah.

Yeah, and then so do you think that there's a heaven? Do you think that there is a separate heaven for dogs?

And is a good question?

Yeah, and it was.

It was really cute, and Simon looks very professional and he's trying to just be.

All this cue.

By the way, I don't think any of this. I'm not I'm not winning the MVP Award for any.

Of these gags.

No, No, all of this stuff is very he's just so stuff. All my stuff is very cute, if not a little rushed. But that's a that's just me critiquing myself at eleven years old.

To take your time man. So then we get back around to Jeff.

Is Jeff right, Yes, Jeff's storyline where he is is now in full alpha sigma mode.

Maybe I don't know.

He's trying to be cool guy that doesn't need attention from the ladies.

And so he's because he's suddenly busy.

Right, and which makes him come out as awkward and clumsy and all of these other things as he tries to to impress Mary by being disinterested.

Which, by the way, she doesn't like.

It's so transparent and the way. The thing that I think is redeeming about the sketch the gag is that is that it they do it in a transparent, goofy way, but not transparent for the audience.

It's transparent to Mary.

So Mary can see through it, and she's you know, hipped to his game and thinks it's.

Does she think it's cute?

Like she she kind of smiles about it, like he's like, oh, he's he's.

Leaving me alone, which is what I wanted, but also like he's bad at it.

Yeah, So like there's this cute thing to it that I think kind of redeems the gag a little bit and makes it makes it cool.

So he totally did not get it, like a dense guy, like did not get the whole situation, like she's she gave it like.

Good old fashioned try.

But yeah, it was a fil but a cute phil like that was I think the idea.


I also think it's funny because, like you know, two episodes again, she was like so excited about Josh and then she's like, yeah, I know, yeah, I'm good.

Well it's not as fun once you have it, probably, Yeah, it's the chase.

It didn't definitely didn't.

A dog who caught the car exactly, but it is.

Yeah, that's a cute little scene too though, because like the conversation between Jeff and Mary and he's like, oh so that's not really what you thought and and and she's like, well, actually.

Well she feels awkward. So then we go back to the hospital.

We're back, Matt is stepping up, he's in the delivery room, the baby is being delivered, Matt. Barry is like trying not to vomit or something like that. All I see is Barry goofing on Matt in that moment, as like a meta acting thing that I think is probably a theme with Barry I'll try to call it out when I see it, but this seems like one of those moments where I see more of Barry than I do have Matt. But then he saves it, so it's he doesn't not take it seriously to the point of like throwing the gag out. He turns around when the baby is born and he gives a very charming smile of relief and realization and of joy, and you see, you see all of the proper emotions that you would see and like a dad, right, because the the idea is he's going through all of this, uh struggles with the birthing process as a man in the room that you would expect from the dad, but he's not the dad, So like, what's your problem? But he turns around and then you still get that that proud father payoff moment where he is proud of his friend, he sees the baby, he sees the miracle of life, and he's happy about it. You know it's it's he's he pays it off. He does a good job scene. Yeah, so then we get back to my stuff.

And thank god.

So Simon finally gets to the to the big man on campus for his for his pulling about the location of heaven to the reverend himself and h and this is where the show like really follows through I think on the gag and says like and gives the right answer, which is that you know what, Simon, nobody knows where heaven is or if that if that statement even makes sense, and it's it's good that we don't that like that the idea that if we knew where it was, it wouldn't be as special. That that's not what the point of believing in it is about. And the show kind of follows through on a great little like metaphysical statement about these kind of things, about the serious, hard conversations that you got to have with your kid about life in a way that's approachable and uh, and it tees up parents to kind of do this at home.

Yeah, so what happens next? Mac? What?


Now, we're done.

No, we're not, We're not dead. We'll take a break, We'll be right back.

My kid just cut all her hair, Oh boy, as much as yours. No, no, beautiful, I told you my kids sassy. She just got the anime cut. It's like short in the back and long in the front.

Oh cool.

Yeah, she's too cool.


That's great, that's cute. I want to see the back.

How are you.

Feeling when your dog came into this world?

I was like, our birth with Lily was was tough. From what I can remember, it was. It was a long labor. It was it was difficult, and uh and Shawn and made it happen in the end and it was awesome. We where one of those parents who don't find out the gender of our baby before they're born, mostly just to drive.

I remember that.

I remember being your baby shower and you even saying that You're like, it's killing everyone because I remember coming to your baby shower and I just remember being like so, David, like really, and You're like no, really, Yeah.

Well be thought that I knew, but I wasn't telling everybody. And I was like, no, we literally don't know.

Difficult secret to keep in because someone would eventually get it out of you.

We decided was like, why ruin the surprise like the birth? The birth is like the moment, and let's make let's live for that moment. I think how that moment be as special as possible, which.

Means conversation with you because I was like trying to get it out of you.

I'm like but and you're like, no better.

And I tell the doctors like, don't tell us, don't do the thing. And it's fine that some people do that, and it's your thing you can do. I recommend it. It's awesome. So uh, you know we so in that moment, you know that I remember the doctor holding Lily up, saying it's a girl, and uh, and and seeing her for the first time. She was a tiny little thing, you know, she was only just over six pounds like I was when I was born, really small and uh. And then I got to go out to uh the family of my family and Seawanna's family is all waiting and and I was like, it's a baby, and they were like, like they hated me so much in that moment. And then I got to tell everyone that that we had Lily, that it was Lily, it was a girl, and it was awesome, man, it was it was Uh, did you most excellent?

Did you have any like guesses, like, but did you think it might be a girl.

Or everyone everyone guesses. Everyone thinks they know what it is because of this and because I like, what was belly is like the crescent.

Phase and then so that means that it's.

A boy girl girl boy. Nobody knows you just I don't know. It's all everyone had a guess.

It was pretty much fifty percent boy guesses and fifty percent girl guesses.

And guess what if everybody was right? So like you know.

So, but but like I enjoyed the anticipation of it. I enjoy it doesn't make me, you know, for as anxious as I can be, it doesn't make me anxious.

It's I find it enjoyable, the suspense. It's fun.

So now back at the house, Eric's overwhelmed and neglects to consider Annie's crisis.

Okay, So then we come back to the house and Eric finally makes his way to the bedroom where Annie has been holed up for the day, aggrieving alone and uh and and does his best to apologize for not being there for her and and because he had because of reasons, because of all of these things as couple, and he should have been there and oh my god, I had to deal with all this stuff, and almost in his apology forgetting the real fact that you know, she's been alone this whole time, with some with heavy grief. And so again, Catherine delivers in this scene with some righteous quiet anger, which is the scariest kind of anger, but still being an excellent in the way that the show was written, where like everyone is still a great communicator even though they're angry, because when you get angry, communication is usually the first thing that goes out the window, and everyone just is yelling and saying nothing. But instead Catherine says I'm feeling a little bit abandoned right now, and brings the whole point of the episode to a kind of a point, which is at a great scene and gives Eric a proper opportunity to apologize and be sorry.

Yeah, this is what happens when David actually watches the episode. After this, there's a little scene with Simon and Ruthie at the top of the fictitious stairs. He's again, you know, still trying to figure out the actual location of heaven, and then you know it's basically you know where you are when you are no longer alive. But then he expands it to where you are before you were born, and Ruthie says, well, I was in my mommy's tummy before I was born. But then he's like, well, where were you before one of them says, where were you before you were in your mommy's tummy?

This is Ruthie's insight though not Si.

Yeah, yeah, this is your opportunity to be to be kind of to shine above your station and show that you're a little a little baby who has insight into the world.


So so then you know, it's just the concept of where where you are before you exist in any form?

I think, Yeah, it's a clever it's a very it's it's a it's a point.

To cyclic nature of life in general.

Yeah, I know it's saying is that, like, this point has been made in this metaphysical conversation at large. But the clever thing that the show does is have you make the point because you're the youngest.

You're the the closest true birth.

Yeah, so the nature in the closest one to the period that we're talking.

At, that is the clever piece.

You know. I have a crazy kind of off the subject, but I all circle back on this is I did Celebrity ghost Stories because I did a haunted I did a movie at a haunted insane asylum, and I went back with Celebrity ghost Stories to that insane asylum and while I was walking through talking about ghosts and all these metaphysical things. At the very very end, the medium said, are you pregnant? And this is when the cameras weren't rolling, and I said, nope, definitely not. And she said there is a little girl and she's coming and she's been waiting for her opportunity.

She's coming soon. I got pregnant the next month.

So the little girl was like before her. Yeah, and that was Kenzy. Isn't that crazy, though, Well, you asked for it, I guess.

To get pregnant.

Yeah, no, I which would in stane asylum. I definitely didn't ask her to get pregnant.

You know.

It was kind of it was, but it was also crazy because she also brought up my friend who passed away and said that she was the angel that was protecting me while I was on set and kept telling to ward off the bad spirit, saying no, no, no.

She's safe. There were no bad spirits on our set.

No, on my am I haunted. Yes, there were. There's a lot of bad spirits somewhere alive after you.

You have you ever seen a ghost or things? Because I I don't like they don't I don't feel never have seen a ghost or felt anything like whatsoever close to this.

Save it for Halloween, guys.

Okay, So then when we come back, Eric is at the church with the couple who is having this you know, really important marriage crisis of paperwork, and they're renewing their vows and sort of in between you haven't seen, you know, Eric can kind of see Annie sitting in the pews watching this, and it's almost as if Eric and Annie are at the same time renewing their vows with each other as as the couple is actually going through that ritual. Really it's only eye contact between Annie and Eric.

Dialogue, but.

You see the resolution of their feelings of being disconnected with each other, and you know, a lot of the watery eyes in that one.

I think, ye no.

As the couple reaffirms their love, it sort of brings Annie and.

Eric's Yeah, we we re rack focus, which is a thing like a technical kind of cinematography thing that they do in film. They rack from the couple renewing their vows to Annie in the background, who's mouthing the vows along with them, but to Eric and so they which is a great way for her to forgive him for him not being there for her through the day, and so they get that that moment of connection and forgiveness and uh, and we kind of reaffirm their love while we reaffirmed the couples love all the same time.

Nice little bow.


So then we come back and Matt walks into the backyard to find Jeff and Mary playing this happy game of basketball, and he says, guys, like, from what I've seen, you know, that's what what kissing can lead to, and I really think that you should break up. And I I'm just and then they're like, Okay, yeah, that sounds good, and I think it's just it's really kind of funny how Matt is the one in charge of like Mary and Jeff's relationship and they just go along with.

It the time. We're just like, all right, yeah, yeah, whatever you.

Think is best for us to do, that's fine, we'll do that, Matt. And then like they continue just going, yeah, we'll do that, we'll do that.


Well, instead of like, instead of breaking down the drama of the day to him, they decide to just let him let him think that he decided. Yeah, And so they give him that victory and laugh knowingly about it and it's cute.

Yeah, to keep between the two of them.

I think this is a yeah the end of up which is very sweet, where like we have we're all kind of diving into the pie. I remember that pie actually too.

I have fleeting memories of I remember of the team coming up to smear pie face.

This one. This wasn't when we ate. This was a different pie eating scene. But there was another.

One, the blueberry pie.

This was the blueberry pie eat scene.

Yes, it is a blueberry pie eating scene.

I remember being smeared all over my face that the scene. I remember having to eat it and then just like hurl it into a bucket.

And that's the thing, because that still is That one was that early.

That scene was probably my least favorite scene ever in the history of the show.

You look like a little doll from a horror movie.

This is also another I felt like I was in a spot.

Where we break into song.

Yeah, and then for whatever reason.


I'm upstairs singing Grandma's song with with.

And then you.

Off, you know.

For as much screen time as the pie eating God, I really feel like they made us eat pie. When we were shooting that, it felt like we had to be eating pie for hours.

I think this was also the early and then it's just like this a master. This was the early days when it wasn't necessarily we weren't all great at understanding, like because everything tasted good the first bite PI.

The first bite, yeah, three hundredth bite.

We all wanted to die before.

But when you're eating food on camera, yeah, you just don't do it just no better.

So you want it because remember every time on every shot that you're seeing it, you have to take the same bite at.

The same time, same amount.

So if you're sitting there it's real hungry before you start that scene and you're like, oh great, I'm gonna eat pie. By the four hours later, when you're still shooting that scene, still eating pie, it's the same pie.

It's not like a new pie. It's not a fresh it's the same one pie. It's the same nasty.

Sometimes they got some backup PI is ready to be.

Mix but it's not fun.

But then yeah, so then but then it is that moment where after you're upstairs singing with mom and you're singing Grandma's song and then we can hear it downstairs and we all kind of break out into song. I did not realize how much music was involved in our show and how much singing.

Yeah, it's we're on like episode four and we've had like three times we've broken into song different There's Mary and Stephen doing the hoedown.

Yeah, there's trying to break up.

There's the pie song.

Yeah, there's there's a church song when she sings the.

Church number that Renee does. There's I mean, we're already like we're one for one on singing, which honestly is something I blocked out of my memory completely because I still was shocked when when I remembered when we were doing the real musical stuff and I panicked and was like, I don't want to sing.

Good question, We've been doing it the whole time.

Is there going to be a song in episode five?

We will have to find out, so be sure to stay with us next week.

There's another scene though, how for in two weeks there's the grandpa. Yeah, Grandpa coming back and he apologizes to Ann ye hold on the episode over, Yeah, so so Grandpa actually finally he comes back to the house, that's right, and he apologizes to Annie and they have this really touching moment. I think it's in Annie's bedroom, and it's before the singing, I believe, because that's how it ends. And he says that he didn't actually make it to Phoenix, and then he went to the cemetery and sat there for two hours, and I think he says that he really didn't say much at all because Jenny has heard all of his jokes already. Very sweet, you know, he tells Annie that he's never really been very good at at dealing with that sort of thing. And the wrap up of that little disaster at least relationship wise, yeah, it's.

A great It's a great way to tie up Annie's.

And that's when they start an abandonment, which is the core theme of the episode, and having her dad come back and apologize for for not being there for her in that in the family's moment.

Of need, and also that circling back too of that everyone deals with grief differently, and some want to be surrounded by people and some want to be alone. And in that moment, like he's recognizing that Annie needed him, but he also he needed to do what he needed to do in those moments too, So it's also this kind of this very sweet understanding.

Of taking care of yourself, yes, and taking care of others exactly.

Yeah, And then.

We have Kanada shut up.

Yeah. It's the thing is, can we sing Grandma's favorite song?

It turns out to be camp which turns.

Out to be this this like campy, like what is this song?

Do we? Does anyone?

I don't know, but it's been stuck in my head my whole life. And maybe this is why is it not a song? It strikes because I have it very solidly in here, and I've like hummed it from wrong about it in my life.

But I feel like the melody is a classical melody.

Then the camp Granada song is like a spoofy kind.

Of lyrical addition to it. I think at a later time.

I probably so much to practice for shooting that that I feel like.

It's like a Looney Tunes type song. It seems like something from like the Animaniacs, like a bugs Bunny or something thing.

I don't know, we'll see.

Maybe that's a w B. Yeah, maybe that's a w B strip.

Looney Tunes was Warner Brothers. Yeah, yeah, so I mean, you know that's I don't know.

I don't know the history of the song, but I seem to think that the melody is older than the spoofy kind of lyrics to it.

I don't know if it's if that's true, I don't know.

All I know is I know it very well.

Yeah. It's one of those melodies that everyone should know or be familiar with.

You definitely do.

The song is actually.

Called yeah Hello Mana Hello Fa.

I think.

No, no no no, no no no no no no.

It is based on Dancity Hours.

Italian Thank you.

I was correct another point, it's a classical melody that was rebranded as a goofy song.


On that note, David is right, and we are gonna wrap this episode up, so be sure to like us, follow us, push all the buttons.

Thank you so much for listening, and catch us next time. On catching up with the Camdens.


Catching up with the Camdens

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