Hermeneutics: Can You Make the Bible Say What You Want?
Hermeneutics is the art and science of scriptural interpretation. In my years of ministry, I have discovered that most people do not even realize there are differing schools of biblical interpretation, let alone understand them. In this study I will attempt to educate you on today’s major hermeneut…
Should You Argue from the Bible in a Secular Capitol?
Paul’s practice pertaining to this question led to at least one political leader’s coming to Christ (Acts 17:34)!
How to Lead Family Devotions at Christmas
Christmas is a time you can build your family culture: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, says Joshua in Joshua 24:15.
Better Understanding the Believer’s Future Judgment
The study of the believer’s personal future—as depicted in the Bible—should prove to be highly MOTIVATIONAL and DIRECTIVE in the here and now. Here's how...
Who Are the Guides in Your Life?
"Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Choose the right guides in life. Here's how...
Leading Thanksgiving Devotions with Your Family
If the trajectory of our country is going to change, it must begin with our hearts. We must first steward our own hearts and the hearts of our families before speaking about changing the direction of our country. May God use the following thoughts to aid in crafting a special, constructive day cent…
Better Understanding Why the Unregenerate Don’t Always Vote Right
You can't expect someone who rejects the author of Scripture to accept the precepts of His book. The greatest need—new life in Christ!
Maintaining Health and Wellness After the Elections
Contemplate the sobriety of King Solomon and what he has to say about a sense of normal living — one that garners blessing, spiritual, mental and physical health, and meaningful relationships.
Weak-Kneed Believers: Surveying 2 Timothy
Only when there is a cost to our faith—when God allows us to be tested—do we learn our true level of spiritual maturity, our level of faithfulness.
Proverbs on Service or Servitude While in Office
Before we step into the voting booth, let's consider the Book of Proverbs—specifically Solomon's advice to his son, Rehaboam.