Call It with Mom & Dad

Published Mar 10, 2025, 4:00 AM

It’s time to get to know Camilla’s husband…

From breaking red lipstick news, to why Chili’s is the perfect date night.

Falls, farts, and how they keep their relationship flourishing!

Plus, Matt is offering his best manly advice to the Call It Crew!

Hello, Hello, Hello, Call It Crew, and welcome to another episode of Call It what It Is. And yes, you are correct. I did the hello, hello, hello, which I really probably shouldn't have because it is Jessica Capshaw's signature intro to this podcast. But she can't be with us today. Usually our schedules time out super perfect with each other and we get to make sure that we get to make this podcast for you guys. But this week is a huge episode for Joe Wilson on Gray's Anatomy. I can't say what it is, but I'm filming every single day except today, and she happened to be working today, so it felt like, yes, my work wife can't be here today, is it time to bring my side piece? And I felt like yes it was, And who is that side piece? That's Matthew Allen, my husband. So Matthew Allan, welcome to the pod.

Thank you, thank you.

How are you feeling about this because we did we've talked about this. First off, I have to say that I when I found outjess couldn't do it, I went into the kitchen yes, and I just I didn't even ask. I just said to you, you're doing the podcast on Wednesday.

I was talking to my mom at the time.

Yeah yeah, and I said, you're just you're doing it, goodbye, And then Jessica thought maybe she could do it. So I came in later and I said, you're fired. You're not doing it right.

Yeah. I was looking forward to it, but very intimidated the moment.

You tell yeah yeah, yeah. So I said, don't worry, you're not needed, goodbye, And then we realized that Jessica really couldn't do it. So you are here today.

I'm here to support. I'm here to fill some very big shoes, some big heels, some giant heels. Yeah, okay, I'm excited to be here.

You're nervous, though, I am.

I've been nervous all morning, to be honest. Yeah. You guys make it looks, you know, so so seamless, and you do yeah, and like a well oiled machine. So I don't want to step on anyone's toes and.

Like, no, no, you're already the.

Virus the ship off up track, which I tend to do. I hope I can offer some unfiltered advice, male advice.

Yes, that's why you're here.

Thanks for having me, of course.

Now I think we have to back it up a little bit because I let's talk about the promo that I sent out talking about you.

One said get in the car.

So yeah, yeah, So here's what happened to talk about. iHeart was like, well, let's promote Matt and Camilla coming on the show together. And I was like, great, love it. Kyle, our social media guru, put together this little thing and this picture of me getting to the car and you behind me in the car. It was all thank you to me, and and he's I said, well, let's make something cute and funny, and I said, let's do that mean girls quote get in the car, loser we're going shopping, but like make it, get in the car, lows we're going potting. And then like that's that like funny, play on it and everyone will know that. Senate to Matt text it because he was downstairs. I was upstairs, couldn't be ballwed to walk downstairs. I said, oh my god, look at this. It's so cute. Zero response from you on it.

Did any respond No, you didn't any response. I didn't do like a a haha, No, not even a haha.

That was nothing. It was like radio science. So I was like whatever. Obviously he loves it. He thinks it's incredible. And then Jessica text me in the morning and she said, did you reprove this right?


And so I was like, what is she?


Why is she asking if I approved it? And then I realized maybe not everyone knows that quote and thinks I'm actually just calling you a loser, right right? And so I text jess I said, do you know this mean girl's quote? She was like, definitely not. I thought you allegit calling him a loser. So then I went up to you and I said, did you have any idea this was from a movie? And you said.

Nope, nope. I just thought you were calling me a loser. And I was totally down to you know.

This is what I don't understand. You really thought that I was calling you a loser. Like if you had said that to me, I would even like, get upstairs right now, we need to have a conversation.

What I thought it was. You know, it was supposed to be, you know, in good humor, and I was along for the ride. But I mean, that's supportive husband, right. It was very supportive, even though I didn't get the joke. So supportive but now that I get.

The joke of it, Okay. So so then I said to you, you know you're going to come today, and I said, we're going to do this really cool podcast. We're gonna talk about relationships and dating and like maybe even sex and maybe we'll just get into all this stuff. And then what was your first question that you had right after I said that?

Honestly, yeah, I asked if the chair that I'm going to be sitting in there will support my back. Yeah, it was an honest question because it was I know, this is a long period of time, and I, yeah, when I commit to something, I got to think of, Like, I don't know, my back hurts all the time, I'm tired all the time. He's a complaints You hear me complain about all the time. So I just wanted to make sure that it was going to be a miserable experience for you, as.

Well as as you and the listeners.

Yeah, I don't need to hear me grunting and groaning every time I readjust myself.

This is true. But I was trying to set up this like kind of sexy mood, right, and then you killed it by saying, is my background hurt.

When I'm sitting I just immediately got a little nervous where my mind went.

I think that we need to tell the story because it's a perfect example of maybe a time you should have listened to me, Okay, how your back ended up being in the disaster that it is.

Now, of all the things they don't want to hear about.

This, they're going to hear about it.

Yes, you saw you saw it coming. Long story short, I did one of those Spartan obstacle course basically American, and I had injured my back, you know, a few days prior. But I was like, I can push through.

No, no, no, hang on, I feel like you're already telling a little bit of a lie. Oh, here we go, because the truth is that did you train really hard?

Oh? I forgot that I didn't train that. Okay, I didn't train the way that I should have, but I really thought that I could handle it. I thought I could wing it. I had done one before, but I trained a lot for it, so this one I was like, let's just do it. It was supposed to be a motivation for me to you know, get back into shape.

And so you and I saw that you were in like a wing. It kind of mood with it, and I said to you, I see you winging it happening, and you're gonna really this is going to be disaster, going to hurt yourself, and you're like, don't worry baby.



And then on the second obstacle, I threw it out again completely, like real bad. Yeah, but I still pushed through. I know, I pushed through all the right of the end and damage did even more than I. Yeah, it was terrible at the beginning. So but I finished the race.

You finished the race, and then you came home and you basically couldn't move and you were probably the only person that's given yourself scoliosis.

Basically by the time I got home from the race, Yeah, it was a two hour drive from San Diego. I couldn't move. I had to be wheeled out of the car, and yeah, I was flat on my back for recast.

So this is the the back has been part is kind of the third wheel in our relationship.

It has been the giant elephant that's always in the room. Yeah.

So I mean it was a legit question when the chairs would be comfortable today.

So yeah, that was the first thing I thought of just because I wanted to, you know, make it good for you. It had nothing to do with it.

And you're feeling I'm good.

I'm good.

I think we can I think we can set the mood with this. I think that we can break the ice also with just asking each other a couple icebreaker questions.

Okay, a simple one. Okay, okay, we just saw this recently.

Yeah, what is it.

In the substance? Would you take the substance if given the chance.

I've given the chance. I think that you For those who don't know, this is a movie about somebody Denimore taking the substance and basically a younger version of herself ends up living, coming out of her body, literally out of her back and living, and they have to they.

If they came out of my bag, I'd be done.

First off, you don't have a back for it to come out of, so that you're out of there's no option for you. You wouldn't get offered it for me. Okay, I gotta say, I don't understand the why you would take it because you don't get to experience the younger you. You're just off for a week. Although I do love a nap, so it's like I know.

Wait, hang on, now, I'm thanking you wake up well rested after this.

Maybe you do because you've had a whole week off with the kids. Do I need a young Well, let me.

Ask you factoring kids into this, well you that's me.

I'm taking the substance. It's like, I have a week off from like lunches and shit. I don't know.

Bonus, that's not kind of nice.

Wait, I have a question for you back then. Hang on, this isn't one of my two questions, but would you want younger Camilla for a week every other week? To be honest, I.

Mean, I'm gonna be honest. Younger Camilla is not making the sandwiches, so she's not taking a break from those.

Old Camilla is also not making the sandwiches Younger.

Camilla making she's not either.

She's doing what she's doing. Do you know what I mean? She's okay, she's just being amazing out in the world.

Yeah, I would be down to see what you Camilla is.

The truth is a wow. I don't know how I feel about that. Okay, let me ask you a question. What is the most annoying thing about me?

On the spot? So it's going to cause an argument. Am I, Oh, yeah, you're a shotgun driver. What's a shotgun when I'm driving you trying to drive from the side from the shotgun spot?

Yeah, it does. No, We do argue over that. If they did have another steering wheel for me, I would appreciate it.

Ye, Like literally, driving with the kids is one thing, but with the kids and you and I'm the one driving.

Yeah, yeah, I have to say that you drive like a ninety year old who should not be on the road and who has all the time in the world. It is the most annoying version of driving.

I drive slow, but I feel like it's always a safety thing, like I'm always aware of everybody. I'm protecting my family.

I get that. But we don't. We usually get there to the destination like the next day, you know what I'm saying, like, Yeah, we don't.

It could be a heavy medium. But when I'm driving and you're trying to drive, that's probably I'm getting worked up just talking about it.

Don't worry about it. I honestly think that I listen. I think I am another set of eyes on the road helping.

That's what we're calling that. Sure, Yeah, yeah, that's what what.

I don't know if yours work that, Well.

I'm gonna go ahead and ask the same question back, what's.

The most annoying thing about you?

Yeah, I'm gonna bring up the back again.

No, I'm not going to bring up the back. There's not going to be another thing. Don't worry the most annoying Oh my god, you do. Matt is a dropper. You're a dropper. You drop things that like, you don't even you can't even believe that someone would drop like you're I find.

Ways to drop things that it's impossible. How I drop that?

But yeah, no, it's almost it's almost supernatural.

Yeah. Yeah, so it's a talent.

Well, it's like a power that no one would want.

Okay, do you want to tell them the carpet story?

Yeah, because this is oh my god, this is turning into the biggest marriage pod right now. We just had a new carpet.

Installed on our stairs, the only carpet.

That we've ever Okay, so Matt and I have never like when we've moved into a home, we've never like really invested in, Like, let's put wallpaper on the walls, Let's change the carpet, Let's do this and that this is the first home that we've really like deep dived into.

You've taken a lot of care, taking a lot of care.

Yes, And so we like we did the carpet on the stairs, and it was we were like really admiring it, like you know, we're having those annoying marriage conversations of like, god, it's just like so soft on my feet.

Yes, all those Okay, it just looks so nice every time. I love it from this angle. I love it from this angle.

Yeah. Yeah.

I was carrying a hot, perfectly made cup of coffee up the stairs. Yeah, and I tripped and spilt it.

All over about four.

Steps, two steps and the front of the next one.

Yeah. Yeah. Well what was interesting to me is like, you know, like a regular sized coffee cup. Yeah, somehow you were able to like get two leaders of coffee.

It was like an entire two leaders had been poured strategically on the carpet. Yeah.

Yeah. And just the image of you falling. You weren't even falling down, falling up the side.

I fell up and I tripped and I did one of those like kind of fall under your knee and then kind of sit into it. Yeah, you sat and it all happened so fast. Yeah, I was all by myself, and the disappointment I had when I spilled that coffee and that carpet.

I mean we could have gotten divorced over just that.

To be honest, I told the guy when he came to fix it, please do this fast. We're on the brink.

Yeah. In fact, you were so upset over it that we can't we should disclose that you put a towel over the force. I couldn't look at it for three days, and you're like, I can't even look at it. Yeah, and you were like, don't look like.

Almost string to bother you. After a couple of days, you're being really cool at the beginning, and then the next day it was like this is kind of boring me a little bit. And then the next day it was like this is really bothered me. And then by day three you were so I was like you were dead to me. Yeah. I couldn't even Yeah.

Yeah, the first day I was being cool about it. You put this towel there and it was like we were covering like blood from a dead body, and you're like, don't look at it. It's too much.

You can't change.

And then so I did peak, and I'm like, it's all good. And then by day three I was like, you need to go see a doctor or something is wrong with you.

Yeah, I hear about the drops. Ever since, I'm so glad we spent so much time on my mind.

I mean, listen, it's you asked the question. The other thing that does annoy me is you're sneezing. It's really I feel like it's a little intention seeking. Okay, because okay, let's call it what it is. Do you ever seeze just one single time?

I can't. I can't just sneeze one time. My body does not allow me to do that.

It's twelve sneeze is in a row.

It's not well. But I do sneeze more than the average person.

Yes, And it's like literally getting mad at.

Me when I when I if I crossed the three sneeze threshold.

Because it's not for some reason, no, because it's it feels at that point it feels a little attention seeking, and it feels like, okay, everyone be quiet, well Dad, the next five minutes will Dad finishes out sneeze and it's like nobody else needs to do it but you. So it feels like you're trying to have a moment.

I cannot. I'm not even I have allergies. I don't enjoy it.

It's I don't know, I understand, but it's getting worse with age. I'm just big you. Okay, Well, we'll stop the ice breaking because we're gonna end up breaking up by the end of this EP. So okay. So the main question that everyone asked that came in was and then we'll get into all the individual questions, but the main question was how did you and I meet?

I'm we were. We were servers, really good servers, and at a.

Sports bar, at a sports bar in Los Angeles. Do you think I was actually really good?

No? No, you were. You were not good, But that's why we bonded, being the really good server that I am. Yeah, I you know I I you climbed the road. I climbed through that company. I got a call from a disgruntled customer complaining about a girl named Camilla that had waited on them. I remember telling that I was going to give her a talking Hey.

Yeah, yeah, little did they know that we've been smooching behind the scenes. And when you're smooching, there's a there's a there's an unspoken rule that you're not going to fire me. It's going to go no further than that phone call.

But I assured them that I would.

Yeah, yeah, of course, good job.

But ironically, the fact that I picked up the phone and they were calling about you, so yes.

Matt and I we waited tables together, prevented me from getting fired. And then I think that one thing that's interesting is do you remember helping me with my Grey's Anatomy audition?

Do? Yeah? Ye? If he's dropping, I still haven't seen my commission, don't worry about it.

Okay, let's get into these. Okay, you read Ruby.

What was your first impression of Camilla? She made me laugh. We laughed a lot, and I found that I'd never I'd never actually met a woman that I had laughed with.

Yes, exactly right, Georgie. Who said I love you? First? You or Camilla? Actually? Wait, I said that I had a crush on you first. You told me that you were falling for me? Yes, yeah, first, which is very cute.

Okay, how often do you make time for date night?


As a parent, I find it, we find it hard.

We find it really hard.

Even when you have the time in the evenings. I feel like by the time that five thirty six o'clock rolls around, you know, when you're starting kid bedtime, you know, the air gets let out, you know, you get tired. And so date night is always yeah, a good movie.

And yeah, I mean they're talking about going out day nights. We don't. I mean we go out like I feel like once every couple of weeks we'll go out for like a date night.

And we're going to use this as a date night.

We've and yeah, so what we've done today because we're like when in Rome, right, no kids, We've bought our bottle owned bottle of wine here with us and we're drinking rose out of our coffee mugs. And the reason is is because, as you guys know, did I trust to bring wine glasses around?

That was my idea.

No, listen, I told you dropped and we would have. You said no, stem exactly right, and you were right because you knew you'd be a dropper with it. We're using this as a date night. Okay, Mollie, have you two ever done couples therapy? Would you be open to it if needed? I think we're both hang on, we're both in therapy because that's really good for everybody. The truth is, and this is annoying, but we don't argue very much.

We don't.

We do not.

When we do, I feel like when we do.

Get heated, yeah, then we then we throw it out like we're going to get couples. It's almost like a threat. Do you feel like between us?

Do that again, I'm gonna call the therapist.

Yeah, and then do that again. You'll see what therapy is.

Yeah, I hope you got an hour on Thursday. The older we get and the more into our marriage we get, we're better at Why are you laughing, I'm literally having the first moment.

No, you're having a moment. No, I'm in this moment with you. Sorry, I just love you.

We've gotten better at owning when one of us has been wrong in a disagreement, and then it's easier to resolve and move on.

That's all we have. Yeah, that's not to say that, like realistically, you know, we're kind of stuck with each other right forever, so at some point we might need couple therapy, and if we do, then we're going to do it. But we have we have been able to resolve things so far and we actually like we parent pretty well good together. So yeah, agree, Tara, favorite romantic date idea? Where do you think I would love to be taken? Because I think this would like surprise people about me.

Where would you love to make take?

Where am I down to be taken for a day night? Like, I'm like, yeah, let's go.

I feel like the movie plays where you can lounge and have a blanket that we're going.

With there, that's not the vibe I'm sending you with my eyeballs.

We've had this conversation, Well, I like a Chili's, Oh my, are you serious? Yeah?

And I like a cheesecake factory, and you you love a cheesecake, Chilis and a cheesecake.

I haven't brought up chilis in a while, though. This is something nobody knows about it. Go for it. You love chilies, you love cheesecake factory. Even on a date night. I can suggest romantic stuff. I'll even consider like cooking myself and you're like, that sounds so chili Yeah.

To be honest, yeah, I mean the apps are good, yeah yea. And sometimes those prices, okay, there's too.

Many options there.

That's that's the there's never enough for me. Okay, Michelle, is it a red flag if he doesn't open the door for me.

I don't know if it's a red flag, but I personally feel like it's a You gotta at least see him making the effort. If it's if he's not making the effort, put it in your back pocket.

Okay, let me ask you this question. The truth is this guy is Matt actually does almost always open in the car.

It's really you make a conscious effort of it though in the car no, even the car.

Said, yeah, well that's what I'm talking about.

Well, I also open a restaurant door like a bus. I'd open a bus door for you too, no limitation to the doors.

This is the kind of quality you guys are in love with today. Listen, Okay, if Hayden was dating our daughter was dating someone that didn't open the door for her.

That's different.

Oh my god, hear me go Okay, would you want to that?

I want to see the guy make the effort. Yes, I think a guy should. That's my answer to the question. I alwayst want to see him make the effort.

Okay, all right, you and Amanda.

How do you keep the love alive during the Newborn Trench.

Was our love alive?

You know what I remember the most about the New York Trenches is the really late night binge watching of TV together actually or separately, like we would hand off and then. But I feel like those how.

Was the love alive for watching the love was alive for me when I was binge watching separately something to because.

I felt like those moments. I remember watching Bloodline a lot. I remember watching.

No We Did Big Little Lies.

Yeah, and I felt like, in all the chaos, yeah, it was just an hour of grounding that we could kind of just be.

Yeah, I thought that was cool. Yeah. I think that Newborn's in one way, you're completely sleep deprior, right, so you these little things like we're going to go for just a walk around the block. You're also supposed to like not really go out so much like in the world, right, because you have a baby with like not a big immune system yet. But it sort of forces the two of you to be like in a little bubble together and I breathe, and you're up late night binge watching shows together.

And you're delirious and you're kind of sharing the moments of like little sleep but it feels connecting in a weird way.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and checking in with each other.

Yeah, that was nice. You know, we'd always.

We've always done that. God, we sound amazing, all.

Right, and the show thank you for joining us.

Okay, Jay said, my boyfriend is an actor and has kissing scenes. How do I let go of the jealousy? Do you know what's really funny is I was on set the other day and someone got on the subject of kissing and how like, you know, because on Gray's Anatomy to do some making out. But you know Chris Carmack and he's wonderful, and I was like, you know, Matt doesn't really like it, doesn't really face him. And then they asked me if I've ever been fased by this, and then I said, well, I remembered that my husband way back in the day did a horror movie and there was a scene where you basically had to motorboat this girl.

I love that this is your interpretation of it.

So I said that took me a second. It took I wasn't like gopher, I wasn't like excited about it.

No, I think the I think in the phrasing of this question is how do I let go of the jealousy? To be honest, I don't know if the jealousy, if you can totally let go it, because even though that you've had one hundred scenes at this point with Chris, who I adore, I think as ye who loves you, there's a tiny hint of jealousy every time I gotta see it.

Maybe that's good, though.

But I think but that's where I was going with is. I think that's good because you know, you learn to deal with it, and you learn to kind of separate and you learn to like realize it's part of the job in whatever way that is. But I think more than anything, it's it's more about that.

Yeah about Yeah, I didn't, I couldn't. I did have a hard time accepting the motor boats.

Again, there were no motor boats.

I recall it. I mean this is a long time ago. Yeah, I do recall. That's how it's implanted in my mind. Listen, was it in the script? Yes? Was it part of the role? Yes? Was it annoying? Also? Yes, it's fine that we've moved on, have we? I don't know, talk about tonight?

Now? What have I done?


How do you text? The guy you like the first time.

What's a good way? Do you have emojis in it? Or do you lay off the emojis? You think?

Oh, that's a good question. I think simple is always good. Yeah, but I think the effort is good as well. But whatever that looks like, I.

Think is well, let me ask you this question. It's a piggyback. Okay, say the guy takes like a couple hours to respond as a girl, does it look kind of like desperate if we respond immediately like well someone has no wife or does it look or are you like, okay, cool?

That's a good question.

Yeah, it is good.

I don't know. I don't think you do it right away. I think you there's always a playing it cool element.

Yeah. Kind of sucks though, because you kind of it would be nice to just be like.

But but there was I noticed another question, which is from Maria. If a guy takes long to respond, does that mean he doesn't care? Oh, if he hears from the girl a few days later? Yeah, first, I think that's kind of cool.

So wait, let me ask you though, are guys doing the thing that girls do where it's like they're like, dude, she just texts me I don't know why it's my guy voice, but this is like, dude, she just texts me like what do I do? Are they getting the boys?

I don't think they always know what to do, so that's trying to play it cool. But I think there's just insecurity in that, and so I think the more you know, you just take the you know, take the initiative yourself, go for it. A guy who's going to find that attract.

Okay, Okay, he's insecure. Okay, I like this, No, this is important. This is why you're here. Okay, Sydney. What is your take on dating apps and can they really work? When we got together, there were no dating apps. It was like the very beginning of that it happening. I remember back in the day. It was kind of like not cool. It's like, you know, your mom was on a day.

I had a BlackBerry at some point.

Yeah, that's how we were probably like BlackBerry time. Yeah yeah, but what is your take on the dating apps.

I have friends that are still together who have met on dating apps. I think they can totally work. Now, ohah, just be careful.

Yeah no, I think this is the same thing as like the only thing that justin and I talked about though, is that we have talked about before, how people aren't meeting out in the world at bars anymore. They don't know that like meet cute story and maybe that there's almost like too many options with the app.

Yeah, there's no organic you know, and maybe stance or whatever the word is. There's no organic just meeting, yeah, the way that it used to be. So yeah, I've never thought of nothing.

Maybe there's a little bit of chemistry like killed, because how can you play hard to get on a dating app? To be honest, like someone has to swipe on you meaning they're interested.

But it's literally decided on in that moment of the swipe or the nose swipe too, like that's all you're going by it, and that's weird to me.

Yeah. Would you have swiped on me?

Right? Is yes? Is right?

Yes? Yeah? Would you have swiped right on me?

Is there a double? Yes? I would hard and.

Swipe desperate, see see if i'd seen a.

Heart and so what if I would have just hearted it?

Though I don't know. I think it's like.

And not swipe. Can you just harden and leave it?

I don't know. I think if you harden and swiped me. I would have been like, that's never happening, Like slow it down. I would have cringed, like it would have given me the eck. If you'd given both, you know what I mean, Like, we wouldn't be here today.

Really think I know that's a through.

Yeah, you'd be terrible on a dating app.

We've talked about that. I think it's terrible.

No, no, no, no, you would be okay, Emma, Is it true that a guy loves when a girl makes the first move?

Again, I think most guys, especially on a first, second, third date, they're more insecure than you realize. So if you make the first move, I think it's cool. Are you sure my take?

Okay? All right? Well taking it?


This is interesting.

See true that all men find red lipstick on a woman unattractive. I've never heard that before.

I've heard rumors are smuomers.

We're talking bright red?

Does it matter? Are you like the tom Ford shade of zero seven? It's not gonna work for me.

I don't know that's a good thing. I mean, I assume that this is in reference to like a bright red.

Sure, let's go with the bright red matt For God's sake, Why.

Am I answering this question because it is for a man.

Does the bright red matter?

I think it was too bright red. It's not as attractive.

Shots fired women, shots fired.

I think that makes sense.

Right. Well, I've got a couple of bright reds and now I'm second guessing them. You've never said that to me, and I definitely want a bright red around you.

I don't know if you've ever asked me.

There's no need. I'm still worrying it. Alex, what is your take on being friends with your ex? This is interesting because.

I feel like everyone's different. Yeah, but we kind of.

Have the situation. So I have an ex that I'm still in love with.

Oh, here we go, turn this up. Let's hear.

I'm kidding. No, I have an ex from waver Back in a complicated No. I have an excellent way way way back in the day, like high school, and once and once in a very rare while, we'll get lunch together. But so, but you've been very cool about it. I think very secure in our relation.

I think it's uh. I think it's possible. I have a really good friend from high school that we are still, you know, really close friends, and she's female and to be honest, I think this was the other question combined.

Can women and men ever just be friends?

I think so often, not often. I think they're the details surrounding the relationship, you know, will change, okay, but I think if the circumstances are are healthy, then yeah, I think one hundred percent.


How do guys feel about their partner farting in front of them?

Spealy not to turn on?

Yeah, I would agree with that, and I don't find it to turn on. I don't know. I feel like to keep the romance alive. You know, there are minor boundaries with those kind of things, and if you're not, as long as you're not like making a show of it, which I have buddies that I'm sure are doing that.

No, but I have girlfriends actually that will like rip.

But did you just say rip? But sure, I.

Mean ripping at what's the difference between ripping button?

You just say farted a lot? But it's no.

But it's aggressive, is what I'm trying to get.

That's a good word. Yeah, when it becomes aggressive, I think it's that's unhealthy. That's unhealthy. Aggressive farting is very unhealthy in a relationship.

Words to live by Truly Jessica. Jessica, this is gonna Justsica's listening to this right now, and she's like, dear, It's like, thank god, I'm back to my workday for this.

I'm very sorry. I'm doing my best. I'm a little sweaty right now, nervous still, but I'm trying really hard.

Okay, listen, we're going to forge on jess relationship advice for a young couple in their twenties. Don't rush. I think your twenties is so transformative, like I think good advice. Yeah, yeah, I think don't rush. I would say don't rush any of it and don't feel the pressure to rush any of it.

I agree, especially nowadays, I feel like, how long how long do you.

Think someone should wait to like move in with each other? Because I feel like that's something that you do in your twenties.

Is it my daughter or well?

I mean, if it's Hayden, you're going to have her living, you know, in her bedroom until she's forty five?

Thirty five?

Sure? Okay, no, like a normal person, not your kid. What do you think I think that you wait? I think like you wait a year?

A year is good?

I think so I think a year's pretty good and then move in together.

I think closer to two years is good.

Really, that's kind of a long time.

Yeah, it feels that way, especially nowadays. I feel like that.

I think the longer wait, the smarter it is. But the temptation to like back in your twenties when you're broken, you're not making any money, like, but also.

That triggers, you know, when you're in your twenties and you're broke and you're dating somebody, that's also you know, some reasons why you want to move in a little sooner, and you know you.

Want to because you're like crashing at each other's.

Spaces and you're I think the smartest thing is what you said, take your time, Jamie. How often do men want to be hugged? Does it feel clingy?

I think it depends on your love language.

I agree, I agree. I personally, I think it's I think men like to be hugged. I think it's I think it's a good healthy communication.

You know what's funny is between our daughter and our son, you guys, our son is the physical smashing. He's the smushiest, can be very smushy.

I think I think it's good. I think that's healthy.

And I think I think the society raises men though in a way where they almost like unsmashy them, where they're taught to me like not you know, do you know what I mean?

Like, I just I think not enough has been taught two young boys or young men that shows them that it's okay too, Like.

Does it does it almost like feel like vulnerable? Then?

Yeah? I think that's the problem is that we haven't taught that it's okay to be vulnerable. It's more about showing strength as opposed to it's okay to be vulnerable. I think both things can be true.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I like that. I like that. Okay, Kyle says, I'm with someone who buys me flowers. What would be something I could do for him that is non sexual that would brighten his day? It is a it's a great question, really good question.

Huh. Do you have an answer as well.

Something non sexual that would brighten his day? Well, I've talked about this, but this is silly, not silly, but because it means something to us. But it's not. I don't think this is the kind of answer they're looking for. But I've always talked about how you making me a cup of coffee every morning is like really adorable. Maybe cooking someone their favorite dinner, like in the mornings. Matt knows I love beignets, and so I hadn't. I don't think I even had a beignet before until went to Taylor Swift in New Orleans with Hayden in the morning. You, Oh, this is actually a very romantic story. People don't know. I was in New Orleans and I woke up in the morning and there was a delivery downstairs at the hotel concierge and you had ordered me coffee delivery and beignets from Cafe Dumont, which has a line down the street. So when I woke up, I had that ready.

To be fair. This was me and another dad with you know, y, the other mom you're traveling with, So we combined this idea. But we were thinking of you guys, and.

That was so cute.

But since then and.

I feel like I lovedignets and so it's Hayden and so like we'll wake up on a Saturday morning and you're just making vignets. I almost feel like it's like a non sexual thing, is like something that is not asked for that it's like a sweet surprise. I don't think you've just spent a lot of money out there.

Totally agree with it. I think it's just a little effort that shows your thinking of them.

M hmmm.

Because even when I'm having a stressful day or I'm overwhelmed with the kids or whatever, sometimes a tiny little thing like you know that you'll do it just you know you wouldn't do if you didn't know me.


I feel like it's just a tiny little reassurance that. Yeah, And I think that's but like a dinner you know that he likes without you know, even telling him or asking him, just kind of you know, have it ready, actively making an effort. I feel it goes a long long way.

Yeah, Yeah, I agree, that's really cute. Some other questions what we got were now that you know we're we're navigating our relationship in Hollywood, what is that like? I feel very normal.

I do too. I feel like, yeah, I.

Don't think that we have changed that much, although maybe there's people listening that know us and they're like the Hills to Hollo out of touch.

It's very true. We still have the same jokes. We still, you know, talk about the same stuff. We go to the same restaurant. I feel like it's a lot of the stuff is very much the same.

Yeah. The only difference is is that out in the world we both get recognized. You were also on Grey's Anatomy.

I was, I was, But funny enough, we did not work together. This is this is literally, yes, the first time we have worked together together.

Waiting tables. This is it you guys right here, this is.

No. I when I worked that episode, Hayden was just born. She was born. You were in the episode that and so I had started the episode and then she was born, and then you were in the hospital and then I left the next day to go finish up.

Yes, and I was like, I remember telling you go tell them that I that I and I.

Got to said. I was like, she's fine, guys, she's fine. Everything's fine. I'm glad, you know.

Yeah, But we had no scenes together. We've never actually acted together. We kind of movie would you like to act in together?

And we've talked about doing a horror movie. I think a horror movie is is it'd be fun.

Would you want to kill me?

Oh my god, would you want to kill me?

The smile. I haven't seen you smile like that.

Be honest. If it was a crazy death scene and.

It's curing the whole thing, I was like, let's let's reverse it.

Say you read a script and I was already cast and they had offered you some role.

And wait, hang on, so you the way you've just presented this is that you've been cast is the main and I've got some side Okay, so I've got some I'm in the background, got it.

Now. My point is is that we end up in a movie together where you read that you get to kill me in an amazing epic way, like something that's never been before. Wouldn't that be kind of Oh.

Yeah, I'd have notes. I'd be like, this is what I've always wanted to do.

It's like a Dayline episode.

We have taught, you know what. Matt and I do love to watch Dayline together, and we have talked during the episode about where someone has gone wrong, because if I did kill you, I would know how to get away with it exactly. Okay. Our last question from Emma is if Camilla ended up being a real housewife, could you be a house husband?

I mean I would, I would, I'd have to do what it takes. Yeah, I think you would love the Housewives.

No, I would not.

I think you would love Stern stuff up.

Oh you do?

I think so?

Would you have my back even if you knew that I was being really evil on the show.

Like like when when they go off the rails.

Yeah when they go yeah, yeah I was if I was clearly going off the rails and I was making everyone. I was just outing everyone right, like, you've had an affair, had an affair, had an affair? Would you be the house husband there behind.

You saying yeah what she said?

Would you?

I got your back? Oh my god, give me a good chair from my back.

You not have my back, but you'd be sitting exactly.

I want to support you in the strongest way possible, and for me, that's sitting.

Call it crew. I know that you've missed Jaska Capsule. I certainly have. I'm not sure how much we've helped anything.

I really don't know if if we've done it. And down the minute until Jessica comes back next.

I am counting down the minutes.

But I tried.

You did. You gave it your all. I appreciate it, and I'm not sure if you'll be back.

Well, I'm totally my schedules available if you guys need me some some more advice, I am.

I'm not sure we will.

I'm not sure we will appreciate it.

But what I do appreciate is you coming and being here and talking to the Call It crew and and maybe it'll be our resident guest to answer some of these guy questions.

I feel like, you know, give me a few more of these. I can get into a nice groove and I could have my own column or you know, like a little section where you kind of toss me and I give you.

Well, yeah, all right, call it cruth. Thank you for joining us today. I promise Matt will be out of here over, guys, let's call it the end of the episode.

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Call It What It Is

You may know them from Grey Sloan Memorial… but did you know Jessica Capshaw and Camilla Luddington  
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