Call It Short & Sweet: Feelin' 22

Published Mar 14, 2025, 6:44 PM

We don't know about you, but we are feelin' 22!

Jess & Camilla share what they'd tell their younger selves over a cup of coffee if they could today and urge their younger listeners from the Call It Crew to enjoy their youth.

Call It what It Is with Jessica Capshaw and Camille Luddington, an iHeartRadio podcast. Hello, Hello, Hello.

Hello Call It crew. Welcome to another episode of Short and Sweet, brought to you by BMWW.

For all our female listeners. We hope you are treating yourselves the month of March.

And don't forget we are celebrating women's history months. So treat yourself, ladies.

You don't need to keep it to Jesus month, by the way, treat yourself all the time.

A double treat this month. Yeah, all the tree why know the treads.

Sonny even double them, triple quadriple. Who cares all of them? So we're getting a little is going TikTok you We're going TikTok trendy tis TikTok trend nostalgia.

Yeah, and instead of doing this on TikTok, we thought we'd do it on here. Yeah yeah, okay.

So the TikTok trend that we are talking about is getting coffee with your younger self, which is a way to reflect on your life and appreciate, I appreciate how far you come and uh it might even help you reckon with how far you've come, right, who you were then and who you are now and see some growth.

According to Alice to, this trend is hitting a nerve because it allows you to mentally reconnect with the past version of you who was once insecure or struggling, likely because they didn't have direction, knowledge or support.

Go to a cafe and you have coffee with your younger self and you can pick well, I guess you could pick all of them, but your thirty year old you, your twenty five year old you, or even.

Your eight whatever, I think, whatever age you are. Okay, So which age have you picked?

Me? Yeah?

I think I'm fudging this. I'm picking twenty two year old me for a reason. Oh okay, I'm going brogue.

Such okay, Well then great, you know exactly what you're doing. You pick your you go?

Should I go first? Yes?

I think so.

Okay. So I'm meeting twenty two year old me yep, and I would love I want to say that I would love to meet for coffee at like nine thirty. That's good for me. Have to drop off twenty two year old Kmila is not awake, So this is going to be like an eleven am coffee and I'm going to show up in like kind of you know, like sweatpanties sort of situation, sweatshirt and probably no makeup, hair pulled back. Twenty two year old me was always done up. I would not leave the house without makeup, very very rare. I'm thinking like a full fresh spray tan, a lot of makeup, a lot of liner. And I know what I would order. Twenty two year old me orders a one of those green tea frappuccinos that you can get from Starbucks, the ice ones, yep. And then I would say, no, sugar, can you not do the extra pump of sugar? And then I would take about fifty of the equals and I would dump those bad boys in because you know, I was doing a low carb and this was better. And I honestly, i'm surprised I don't have a third arm. And I would just order a regular coffee and I'd only have one because otherwise I get and I will that's my that's my first part. I think you should do your first part and then we'll go back and forth.

Okay, I would I would meet well, just to make it different, let's meet my I. Let's do eighteen eighteen.

That's fun.

My eighteen year old self. She slept in, but she she also could bake an early morning meeting if need be, and we would meet at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for the lended mocha Chuka latte whatever that was.

You're both doing that or just she's doing that.

She's doing that. I'm ordering a whole milc late.

Yeah, she's.

Gonna want to go next door to the Noah's Bagels and grab and everything bagel with cream cheese. But she's gonna feel guilty about it. I'm gonna go and get it and feel zero guilt about it.

Oh my god, I love this. I love this. Oh my god, But I like, you know what's funny you saying this right now? I have such warmth for eighteen year old jesss already, I'm like, I love her.

Oh, she's cute. She's wearing likely some sort of like nineties early nineties, like low slung, juicy cature linen pant with a draw string.

A kids in situation.

Uh yeah, hey but yeah baby yeah, and then like a baby tea.

So cute.

She was cute.

Yeah, there was almost like a cargo pant era.

Yes, and she had huge boobs. Oh she had I mean enormous, like good dunga dungas. Oh they were like a I mean I think I bought a double D, but I think they really were like good eat.

Were you in the were you in the Victorious Secret? Also remember that bra that happed like rocks in the side of it so that you get told, please, this is.

How you know that. I actually didn't even see them as an asset. I saw them as a liability. I was wearing like away col like minimize her.

God, oh my god.

I was just trying to harness them.

God, okay, wait, let me go, let me go back to twenty two. You were me because little Camilla is definitely wearing the Victoria, the wonderbra, the wonderbra that had. And it was like, I was trying to rally those girls. Yes, but I you know that, my little bees. I was trying to rally them so quickly.

You said, yes, I love that.

I did. I listen.

I know you know perfect.

Little boobies I had little, I had some great Yeah, I had some great little boobs, but I needed them to be wonderbroad.

You wanted them.

You wanted them to be perfect.

Just in greater volume and closer to your chin.

Yes, I want a hundred person He inches up in.

The middle.

Like no one, like everyone would think that that was how they naturally were.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

Okay, okay, so you're ordering that, that's the food you're getting. Uh So, twenty two year old little me is gonna I'm.

Gonna see what I was wearing.

Oh yeah, what are you wearing? Okay, so she's wearing she's wearing wearing the cargoes and she's got the.

Not gonna say cargoes. I don't like car.

Yeah yeah, using the linen, the linen yea.

Yeah, okay, So I'm wearing I'm so boring. Now I'm wearing some like cute high waisted jean with a cute little T shirt tucked in and like a sweater over my shoulders and some hoop earrings.

Yeah that's yeah, that is you lots of yummy jewelry. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Little Me would definitely be scanning the bakery situation at Starbucks and being like, oh, no, you're not gonna get me carbs.

And God forbid one of those carbs jumps out of that thing and absolutely not not.

When the South Beach diet book just came out.

The dieting when we were younger, so gross. It was such a kick in the teeth every day, having to live in a world where you felt not enough.

Yeah, I don't miss that. I don't miss it at all. I probably still wouldn't. I'm not a super breakfast person. I probably still wouldn't order something to eat, but I'm I'm always down for potentially a blueberry muffin. And I feel no guilt over any garbs in my life.

Great. So a younger me and I. Younger me would say, eighteen year old me would say how much she loved her family, how excited she was about going to college, how nervous she was about going to college, and how nervous she was about leaving home. And she would talk about whether or not she should even go to college.

Oh really need to be a Hollywood star? Yeah?

Yeah, for me and me now would talk about how much I love my family. Yeah, how excited I am when I think about the new things that I can do. How I do get nervous about everyone in my life being okay. I just want everyone to be okay. Yeah, and uh yeah, that'd be that part.

Would you tell would you be like, go to college, You're still going to be a movie, You're going to be a star still.

I would have told myself to Yeah, I really did enjoy college, but it did take me a minute. You work so hard to get into college, and then I think there's this promise of your freshman year being some golden experience because you've worked so hard for the year before, and your freshman year is kind of hard. I don't know who you are, you want any friends, You're not at home anymore. So freshman year was not easy for me. I was grateful to get through it. I made a lot of great friends. I made a lot of friends that I didn't keep. I made a lot of friends that I did keep. Sophomore year is a lot more exciting for me. But I really did enjoy college. And I would have told myself back then, just give it a minute. Doesn't happen, give it a minute.

I love this, Okay. Twenty two year old me had just been dumped. Yeah, and uh, I was feeling very lost in a new city. But I had made a new friend and had made would have made that year a dream board manifesting all the things I want. I cut a bunch of stuff out of the magazine. And I know that little me, I would believe that I would someday meet somebody, but would not be sure. And so I would tell little me that the friendship that I just made was going to be a great friendship for that period of my life, and I could lean on that person for that period. And I would say, guess what, You're going to meet a guy and he's going to be amazing, and you're going to talk about sharding and farting on the podcast with your You know that their best this is not and it's going to be true love. No, But I would also you know, I don't mean to bring that up. I know it that for it is a hard one for you. And I don't mean.

Said aggressive farting.

You don't.

You didn't just talk about farting. You talked about aggressive farting the question. The question was about farting in a relationship. Yeah, but you brought up ripping butt.

I don't understand that different to be ripping button, ripping ass. Somebody explained it to me.

Somebody explained to me how you could say rip butt or rip ass?

Well, why do I.

Need to talk about the difference when I just really want to tell you should talk about it.

Neither. Can I talk to my little me, attorney? Can I just talked to my little self? Thanks, Jess. And I would also say everything you made on your dream but everything you made on your trip, No, seriously, after that many equals, you know, know what could happen? That's my point, exactly my point. But I would say everything on your dream board literally comes true. Oh yeah, this is actually a very cute exercise.

I would tell my younger self that it was going to take longer to get where she wanted to get than she thought, and she would really not like to hear that. Wow. I in the in the entire course of my career, I have had to wait a lot longer than I wanted to to get to the places that I wanted to.

I have to say, though, you are one of the most humble, grateful, truly. I mean this people that I know, and I think what's really interesting about you? It makes me love you so much. I mean I could like literally cry because I love you so much, Like it makes me emotional. You guys, I'm getting emotional. But like meeting you, I had no idea who your family were, and I think that people would like you're I think there are some people that could come out of like the circumstances that you're raised in and be totalles right, like have such an ego about it all, and you just you have none of that. And I just, I just I almost feel like the waiting for you maybe has has been part of why you're so lovely too.

Thank you.

You would have been lovely if you've gotten it in the first five minutes anyway, But I just have who knows, I could have been a monster, could.

Be an it would have all gone wrong.

I still would have loved you.

YEA would have monsters, I would think I would have I would have told her to to let it, to let it, I think I guess I would have told her that don't worry, it's going to happen. It's just it's just going to take longer than you want.

It's a journey.

Yeah. And I got to say myself now, I would say the same thing, like it's it's all, it all happens. You just it doesn't happen according to your plan. And I think along the lines of you know, you and I have discussed this and We both do very much believe in manifesting things and having vision boards and thinking about the things you want and attracting them. But here's the funny thing, just because you want it doesn't mean you get to control when you get it. It's the wanting, it's the attracting. There is there's no sidebar or you know, fine print that says you get to say when. Yeah.

I love that you said that. I think that's a really important thing to tell your kids. But I just love the way that you said that.

I probably can't say it again like that, You'll never say it again. No.

The Call It Crew also chimed in with some of the things that they would have said to themselves. And I want to read of you because I think it's really touching. Actually, Liz said, spend more time with your parents. I'm thirty seven and lost my mom to pancreatic cancer. Yeah, yeah, I get that.

That's also a hard one because you can't live with fear of it. Yeah, you can't be like, oh my gosh, I gotta be with my mom all the time, because there's a healthy balanced to all the right Yeah. Sally wrote in It's okay to not be in control. Amen.

Mary said, your academics don't define you. That's a good one.

Yeah, Jillian said, leave that group of friends. They are not good for you.

Gabby. There's no rush to be older. Take your time and enjoy it. That is so true.

And by the way, this is spoken as someone who went out in some outfits that were way above my age grade.

Yeah, but do you actually regret it, Jess, because you've sells me so those pitch look.

I mean, all due respect, she got an Academy Award for it, but I was one hundred percent Jodie Foster and taxi driver in certain situations.

Were I felt that I never wore a hat.

Maybe not the hat that but yeah, full yeah, whatever, And maybe, by the way, don't worry. It's all coming back to me in spades. My daughters bring out outfits that I think they're trying to say their skirts, and I'm.

Like, oh, and I'm trying to be like chill about it.

And again going back to you know, Sally, it's okay to not be in control of everything, but.

You're undoing that hem at midnight.

Well, okay, so here's my new move.

Don't tell that, okay, squirts, Oh I love a squirt.

Yeah, then you fine, make it a sh short as you want. Just make sure there's some short. Yeah, exactly. My grandma used to say when I wore my short skirts. May she rest in peace. She's not here anymore. Grandma above, I mean full blown, used to say to me. She's like, Jesse, would you that skirt is too short? You're just gonna show everybody at your playground?


Yeah, And I was like, what what does that mean? My play is that's probably wrong to say, but you know what, you're probably laughing that. I just don't. You know what, though it's we talked about.

I mean, it's a way to say it.

Reese, it's better to open up than bottle it all up.

True story, Taylor, go watch Gray's Anatomy sooner.

Ok Yeah, Kim, open your eyes you're gay, Yes, open your eyes. It's okay to be gay. Let's be gay.

This is a good one, Felicia. Not everyone you meet is a good person. Oh really? Trusting when you're younger.

I do that sometimes. And when they're bad, they're so disappointing. I know, I mean bad, but just not when they disappoint be brave like Joe and strong like Arizona. I like that.

I could have used that too.

Do you ever take compliments about your character like they're for you? I'm like, thank you for saying I'm so strong?

Yeah, no, I did just then I was like thanks, Yeah, that's very Leo of you.


Well, yeah, by the way.

You know what we get to we get closer to every day.

What oh god, that time of you you're so far away. What are you talking about? Literally, you're so it's not it's everyone. It's August is when her birthday is closer to it. What my god, it's the most Leo thing you've said. Ida. Most of the things you feel now are temporary and small in the big picture.

True. Yeah. I like that cartoon where it's like it's like three balls and one's big, ones meetium, one's small, and the big one is how it feels today, and the medium ones yes in a week, and the small one is how he feels in two weeks. Alice said, don't waste your time pretending to be someone you aren't.

No, Nicholas said, don't resist the anti depressants. They really do help. Nicholas. I feel you.

Yes, Mandy, you are more than your weight.

Yeah, twenty two year old Camilla should have heard that and should have gotten the muffin. Matt said, in the words of Mel Robbins, let them.

Yeah, we love that. Mary, put down the hair scissors and box of bleach. I was gonna say, put down the hair scissors, don't cut your bangs. Bangs are the worst.

Laurence, get tickets to more than one Eras tour concert. Well she changed, I know, but she changed it up on us and she added that whole other album, and we did not know that was going to happen. So I understand that.

Then you want the redo, Catherine said, don't cling and cry over boys who don't want you, and when they crawl back say noo.

Yeah it's true, Celeste, for the love of God, eat the damn chocolate cake. Dude. I used to like on my birthday, like, cut the tiniest Lottinis signs. What the heck, eat the cake, eat the whole thing, dude.

Okay, Claire, they know to things you don't want to do, you know what. I almost feel like we need to end on this because it's the most important one.

Yes, no, no, If you don't want to.

Do it, there's a kind way to say no, you don't have to do you don't want to do.

I have always been really good at that.

Yes, I agree with you, and I mean that in the bestest way, and that it's something that i've I'm envious of.

Yeah, when you're like, let's go for a walk and it's I don't want to I'm not envious.

That's not when I like the application of that rule.

But I do tell I am honest with you. If I don't want to do it, you're to know about it.

Yeah, Yeah, you know what. The only thing I have going for me is such a short amount of time that I just strong arm you into it. I don't really care about I do everything that I tell you not to do on this podcast. I don't take I don't take account for your feelings. I don't definitely not give what you want with me.

But I'll let you know the whole time that I don't want to be doing. It's all I'm saying. I'm still I'm on the walk, but I'm letting you know I don't want to be on it.

Yeah, but it's all made better by at the end of the walk, you're saying how much you.

Loved the walk. Sometimes no, no, you did.

There's been a couple of times. No, that's not true. I'm not saying no no, no, no, no no no.

Anyway, for God's sake, we should do this again when we're much much older and go back and talk to ourselves.


Yeah, that interesting.

Yeah, well if you're Yeah, there's got to be something that I'm definitely not recalling right now. But there's definitely a saying about Oh, isn't there one about like if you're not failing, you're not growing, If you're not learning, you're not.

I don't know, yeah, whatever, whatever.

I just think that every year doesn't mean that the year is easy, but I think we all learn.

I actually think that could be. I know it's a TikTok trend right now and we're we're wrapping this up, but I actually think it's quite an interesting little exercise to do maybe every birthday, because there are things that I could have told myself last birthday and the birthday before that. It's a good way to have like a little conversation with your.

Hair, like write yourself a little letter.

Yeah mm hm.

My daughter Poppy is so good at journaling. Oh, I don't have that gift.

Wait what I think I saw. Josie also ur like have a little diary, you know.

Yeah, I know.

It's just so cute.

Yeah, they're cute.

I see, get to that too. Anyway, I actually really like this TikTok exercise. Yeah, by the way, I want you all to do it and send us yours. Yes, and thank you for the submissions. But let's call it the end of the episode.

Call It What It Is

You may know them from Grey Sloan Memorial… but did you know Jessica Capshaw and Camilla Luddington  
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