Burgwin-Wright Presents...Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Outlander in the Cape Fear: Two Teeth and A Musket

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Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Burgwin-Wright Presents... explores the riveting stories of North Carolina's Cape Fear region through the history of one of its oldest Colonial histor 
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As the "Outlander" story moves around the American Colonies during the Revolutionary War, we take a moment to return to the homefront to talk about what Wilmington would have looked like during the war. The town's port made it an invaluable commodity during the conflict, but how did its citizens fare as fighting raged on? What impact did the revolution have on Wilmington's ascension as a jewel in North Carolina's crown?

Joining the episode is Jack E. Fryar, a historian and author of the new book, "When the British Came: Revolution in the Cape Fear, 1765-1782." Fryar is the publisher behind Dram Tree Books, the extensive local history catalogue for which can be found at DramTreeBooks.com.

For more information about the Burgwin-Wright House and to learn how to support the house, visit BurgwinWrightHouse.com.

Cover art design by Rachel Ross.

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  1. Outlander in the Cape Fear

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  2. Burgwin-Wright Presents...

    39 clip(s)

Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Burgwin-Wright Presents... explores the riveting stories of North Carolina's Cape Fear region throug 
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