Burgwin-Wright Presents...Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Outlander in the Cape Fear: Age of the Jacobites

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One of the most formative events in the "Outlander" story happens far from the Cape Fear region back in Scotland when thousands took up arms against the British throne in the Jacobite Rising of 1745. But what brought Scotland to war with its monarch? What did it mean for the average Scot, and how did it impact the American Revolution decades later?

This episode, we are joined by Professor Murray Pittock, a historian and author with the University of Glasgow in Scotland to talk about the age of the Jacobites and how that uprising left scars that would be brought to the American Colonies on the eve of its own war.

For more information about the Burgwin-Wright House and to learn how to support the house, visit BurgwinWrightHouse.com. For more information on Murray Pittock and his published works, you can find him at https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/critical/staff/murraypittock/.

Cover art design by Rachel Ross.

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Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Burgwin-Wright Presents... explores the riveting stories of North Carolina's Cape Fear region throug 
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