Burgwin-Wright Presents...Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Outlander in the Cape Fear: Medicine in the Time of War

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Outlander in the Cape Fear

Burgwin-Wright Presents... explores the riveting stories of North Carolina's Cape Fear region through the history of one of its oldest Colonial histor 
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Return to the world of “Outlander” with a deep dive into the realities and risks of battlefield medicine. As the series moves through the Revolutionary War, historical medicine interpreter Charles Brett discusses how physicians, nurses and healers were the saving grace of those wounded in battle or ravaged by the diseases that plagued regiments from battle to battle.

For more information about the Burgwin-Wright House and to learn how to support the house, visit BurgwinWrightHouse.com.

Cover art design by Rachel Ross.

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  1. Outlander in the Cape Fear

    21 clip(s)

  2. Burgwin-Wright Presents...

    39 clip(s)

Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Burgwin-Wright Presents... explores the riveting stories of North Carolina's Cape Fear region throug 
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