Burgwin-Wright Presents...Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Haunted Tales of the Cape Fear: Poplar Grove Plantation

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Poplar Grove Plantation has seen progress sweep past it on all sides since it first started producing peanuts in the late 1700s. Over the past two centuries, it served as a home and a haven for the Foy family, and has become an important vessel for talking about Gullah Geechee history in the Southeastern United States. But has all that life spawned any ghost stories on the site?

Joining the episode to talk about the history, evolving narrative and haunted happenings of Poplar Grove Plantation is executive director Caroline Lewis.

For more information about the Burgwin-Wright House and to learn how to support the house, visit BurgwinWrightHouse.com.

Cover art design by Rachel Ross.

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  2. Haunted Tales of the Cape Fear

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Burgwin-Wright Presents...

Burgwin-Wright Presents... explores the riveting stories of North Carolina's Cape Fear region throug 
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