Welcome back to Building Billions, I'm Brandon Dawson. I am joined by my partner Sarah Lomas, founder and CEO of REVIV Global.
In this episode, we dive into how 10X Health and REVIV Global are revolutionizing healthcare by combining personalized data, science, and technology to create tailored health solutions. Sarah shares how her vision began in 2013, starting with IV therapy, and the journey of transforming it from a niche treatment into a global modality now accessible in 46 countries.
If you're looking to take control of your health and optimize your well-being, this episode will show you how precision nutrition can transform your life and change the world. With data-backed solutions and a proven system. Anyone can access personalized health strategies that improve overall wellness and longevity. As always, make sure to leave a review and share this episode with your friend & colleagues!
Brandon Dawson here, co-founder and CEO of Ten-x Health, one of the fastest growing healthcare companies on this planet. I'm here with my partner Sarah, founder and CEO of Revive Global, and we're going to be talking about not only the business opportunity, what we do, how we do it, who we do it for, but how it could significantly impact your personal, professional and financial life and that of your community. Sarah, welcome to the show.
Hi, Brandon. Really, really excited to be here today. We have the most incredible opportunity to change the world, change people's lives, and change people's businesses. So I'm excited to have this conversation.
So Sarah, let's talk a little bit about the precision nutrition system, how it started, what the thoughts were and the evolution from where it started to where it's at now.
Yeah, this was this was a vision in 2013. It started with IV therapy. We can see that changing people's lives across the world. But the questions came in from medical professionals everywhere. Does this work? Does this work? Where is the data to show that this works? And you very quickly realize that you need some of the best experts in the world to prove the science. So for me, precision, um.
And we're specifically talking about IV therapy.
Uh, starting with IV therapy.
So let's talk about that, that, that the start of there is no rules, no regulations, no structure, no science for IV therapy. That's basically where it started.
So IV therapy actually people don't realize is the oldest wellness modality in the world. It started 60 years ago. Uh, royal families, the elite of the world, have had IV therapy for 60 years. And it really started to commercialize in the United States. But it was a hangover pick me up. You know, it was something that was called the banana bag. In the hospitals. There was no science. There was no evidence that it worked. But the rich, the famous, the elite, they had it and it wasn't accessible to the rest of the world. Uh, Sarah had it in 2012 and woke up the next day and said, I feel different. This must work.
I mean, you see it like, uh, first time I ever really saw it was on the show. Billions. They were having people come over, nurses come over and do, uh, pick up IVs and hang over IVs and things of that nature. Um, I think there was another hangover. They went into the hotel rooms. So IV therapy ten years ago was something you do if you drank too much or if you were tired. And then for me, when Covid hit, we were getting IVs every week just to keep us healthy and keep us running. But your idea originated. With what? Relative to IVs.
My idea originated from the fact that, first and foremost, it originated from fear. Because I had an IV in the United States and no other country in the world. Was this legal? It wasn't a modality. It didn't exist. And I like a challenge. But at the same time, I deserved to have and take control of my own health. And this wasn't something that was accessible to me or to the majority population of the world. So if somebody, um, somebody had to solve those big problems. And in 2013, I had two paths, the path of least resistance, which would have been to generate millions and millions of dollars of a new fad, which is what it was seen as at the time, or to take a path of most resistance, which is to clear the way for every medical professional in the world, for the future, so that they can change people's health and wellbeing. And that was the path that I decided to take. Um, and, you know, that was a difficult one. But proving that this worked is what led to Precision. Because the only way you could prove that this modality would work was to really start at a very basic level of mapping. How does Brandon feel today? What are those subjective data points. So symptoms illness, disease disorders. What is that objective data. What is his blood panel? What is his DNA sequencing and bringing in some of the best scientists Biotechnologists molecular biologists, PhD nutritionists to figure out what an exact nutritional formulation would be to have an impact on on that person's health. And that just led that grew. It led to case studies, clinical studies, cohort studies, um, and what the future will be even this year, randomized controlled trial. And what you very, very quickly realize is that that you have this whole mass market of I.V. therapy, it is delivering nutrients into the body. It is nutritional health. And to do the work for IV, you're by default doing that for nutrition, because all of those diseases and symptoms and DNA sequencing, you're not mapping to an IV, you're mapping to a nutrient. And that gives you the power to map that to supplementation, to food, to IV therapy. And that's where the idea for a precision nutrition system was born. Um, ten years of studies, ten years of science, um, and ten years of building technology and algorithms and artificial intelligence so that we can, you know, refine what precision means to, to to Brendan Dawson. Yeah. So that you know exactly what nutrients you need, um, to transform your own health.
And, and so the process of doing that now, fast forward, you've got the only SaaS based product on the planet right now. Uh, it's you've got approval to do IVs in 46 countries. That was a feat in itself. Yeah, you've got the data. You've got all the information and technology combined into one platform that once certified on how to use it, you can have normal IVs, personalized IVs, and precision IVs. As a consumer with a healthcare professional who's operating on that platform.
Exactly. You know, revive today is the only global IV therapy company in the world. I credit that with those, you know, 3 or 4 early years of making those decisions, not to capitalize on the industry, to do the hard work, you know, to face imprisonment, to fly into a country and open a clinic and knock on government doors. But to focus on one thing, and I think that is what has aligned many countries in the world to revive and to what we do, and that is to improve population health. First and foremost. Um, but, you know, the reality is, and even today, we're just seeing an emerging market. IV therapy is the fastest growing modality in the world. For ten years, this wasn't an industry, and now it's an emerging market. And for me, 25 years in financial services and working with analysts and trend watchers and watching the markets for for, you know, from the first day I started work, there was one thing that I knew we had to do, and that wasn't to just focus on our own market cap. You've got to create a market and create an industry, and it's our responsibility, um, to to power that industry. And that means sharing your intellectual property, because there's one thing for sure in a precision nutrition environment. So DNA sequencing, precision supplementation and precision IV, it has to work and it does. And we can validate it does. Um, but we have to share that with every medical professional in the world, because if we can tap into the 14 million medical businesses globally and, um, we can empower them with the data, with the technologies, with the safety, with the regulatory. But at the same time, we can allow them to generate, you know, great, great revenues and build an incredible business. That's how a mass scale we're going to change people's lives. And that is, you know, that that is our focus. That's our vision to create a healthier human race. And every decision we make is for the best interests of an entire industry, not just self-interest.
So when we think about the precision nutrition, space genetics, blood IVs, ah, supplementation. Yeah. Food. Talk a little bit about all those different modalities and how we have the only system on the planet certified and ready to go in 46 countries? Yeah, I.
Mean, it's relatively simple. You know, Ten-x health are operating in complete white space. Yeah. You have something now, as a result of the partnership that we've made that nobody can compete with. If we take each market in its in its singular. Let's take direct to consumer genetics. Um, there's lots of genetics companies out there that will make recommendations. First and foremost, for me it starts with the science and the validation of the science. You know, you and us. And this partnership is using one of the top three laboratories in the world for its accuracy, 99.97% accuracy. Um, but the recommendation in itself. And that market is actually quite commoditized. You know, the ten penny, you can go and get a DNA test, uh, in every country of the world. Um, but there is no measurement and there's no life cycle for that customer. Um, in terms of the overall health, you're dumping data and saying, hey, here you go. This is this this is this is a recommendation. Um, so.
So so what it's missing is actionable solutions. Yeah. To whatever your gaps are in your DNA. Correct. Whatever. Your gaps are based on your blood. Correct. Being able to drive actionable solutions that improve the human being.
I measure those, I measure those, and the only way you can measure those, which is why no DNA company has successfully been able to do that, is you need a global primary healthcare infrastructure to manage those clients on a global level so that there is a clinic that they can walk into to have that data, to have those labs and to, you know, continuously measure that outcome data. And we've been doing that for ten years. We're still today. And now with Ten-x health running the case studies and clinical studies to continue to validate that outcome data. So that outcome data is something that we have, um, that no DNA sequencing company and no direct to consumer, uh, DNA brand has in the world. Um, but stand alone. You still using one of the top three laboratories in the world. So the accuracy and the precision of your DNA sequencing is up there as the Rolls Royce of, uh, of of DNA sequencing. Take supplementation. You know, we've seen the growth of what's classed as personalized supplementation across the world in every country. Yeah. It's growing into a multi multi-billion dollar Surprise. Um. There's only one technology in the world. Yeah. That is the microbead technology, which is exclusive to ten X health. So if we, you know, if we break that down and we look at that sector in isolation, you're the market leader. Yeah. You have the best quality products in the world. We then move on to precision IB therapy. It doesn't exist. We have that patented. Yeah. Personalized and precision IV therapy. The patents are owned by revive as the global market leader. And we developed in partnership with the laboratory the the the precision IV sensor DNA sequencing from a sales perspective. But again take IV therapy in isolation. Revive is the only brand in the world to have its own CPD CME accredited training course. From a safety perspective, we're the only brand in the world that has 26,500 personalized IVs based on input data. We're the only brand in the world that laboratory tests every single IV and understand its efficacy and its stability. And so I stand alone from an industry perspective. We're the. We're the only global brand, and we're the only brand in the world that can deliver those modalities. So if you put them together, yeah, then what you have is something that cannot be matched anywhere in the world. And that gives us the opportunity to do something really special.
So if you're a healthcare provider, you're a nutritionist, you're a chiropractor that does regenerative medicine, you're a, you know, you're a functional medicine physician, you're a plastic surgeon, and you're looking to add something to your business that provides significant value for your patients, Improves their life, makes the relationship stickier to you as their healthcare provider or advisor. I mean, for that matter, you could be a trainer and have clients. You're training because the data that comes from our reports is what kind of food you should or should not be eating. Correct. Um, the supplementations you should or should not be taking, and exactly the precision dosage the IVs you should be doing to augment your overall health and wellness. Um, and then if you're an anti-aging physician, we have the anti-aging components to our supplementation. We have the performance component to our supplementation, where you can increase your human performance through the proper types of supplements based on your genetics and your blood. When you think of this holistic picture of being able to support the human being optimized the human being. Make the human being skin prettier and softer and more beautiful. When you think of all the benefits of what we're doing from precision nutrition in the different modalities, if you're a healthcare provider or you're somebody that you're like, what's the business opportunity? I think this is the piece that gets me so excited, because I'm in the business of helping business owners grow and scale and create massive value. Every business owner needs high valued patients or customers to work with, and by incorporating this precision platform into any medical practice or advisory practice or nutritional practice, it opens the communication lines up with the individual and shows them exactly from a precision based standpoint, based on data and research and science exactly how to help those people improve their life. Yeah.
If we look at, uh, you know, we take our customer impact report over the last ten years, I've therapy is is a modality that can be matched with pretty much any of the disciplines that you've just talked about, whether that is cosmetic surgery. Yeah. There's recovery uh, benefits from an IB, whether it's anti-aging. We not just from a subjective perspective. We've run the clinical studies. We've run the clinical trials. We know every single skin condition, disease disorder and even general anti-aging is effective. So if you are going to an aesthetic clinic and you're going to have your, you know, your regular facial or your collagen facial or your Botox or whatever that might be, yeah, it is going to be more effective if you have an IV, if you have joint pain or joint disease or you're at a dentist, there is not a, um, an elective treatment in the world where IV therapy is not beneficial and patients want outcomes, they want positive outcomes, and clinicians and doctors want retention. They want to manage that patient client customer for the for the life, uh, you know, that lifetime value and build a trusted relationship with them. And for me, I look at this really simple, um, and as a relatively simple person, I like to see a problem statement, and I like to deliver a solution to that. And what has been really, really clear to me over the last ten years is this huge problem statement that nobody, a huge problem, should say that nobody was solving, and that is that all of the businesses that you've just mentioned right now, um, want to and many of them want to add different modalities, they want to give their patient, you know, a whole journey. They want every medallion. They want to be able to do everything, and they want to optimize their health and be in control and be empowered to do that. And, you know, for many of those treatments, that's easy for them. Yeah, there's easy access. The well-established treatments, they're not heavily regulated. They don't have to be fearful. They don't have to take risk. This is a modality that is changing so fast that that governments and regulators and legislators are changing the shape of how we do IV therapy going forward. As any new industry, there's more and more new entrants that don't understand what will kill a human being. And for me, that was a big problem because I know, and I think that's the same from a health perspective. We've got 50,000 franchise requests last year of businesses that wanted to add IV therapy, and the reason they came as a franchise request was because they didn't want to take that high risk of being independent out there on their own, navigating safety and navigating. When? When is it? When should I give an IV? When shouldn't I? How does this work? How long is it stable for? Can I kill this person like they want to operate under the safety of a brand? And the only option in the world was franchise, which is really high cost for a business that just wants to add this single modality. Um, so it's a fork, high cost, low risk or low cost DIY, but it's high risk. And I don't know whether what I am doing is safe. And I don't know whether the regulations are going to change tomorrow.
In today's.
World, in today's world.
Not operating on our platform.
So now, if I'm a nurse and I want to augment my income, I can get certified on our platform. Correct. Very little risk there. Yeah. Very little cost I could actually incorporate for not very much money per year to have access to this database and this entire system certified on it, and I could augment my personal income if I'm working in the hospital system and I want to augment my income, I can literally go and add hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars to my personal income by bringing precision nutrition through IVs, through supplementation, and through food into my local community. And I could be the thought leader in positioning that in the marketplace. If I'm a physician and I have those resources in my practice, I can augment my practice, provide the precision nutrition. We would train their team with the Ten-x brand already with 140,000 patients just in the last 36 months and picking up tens of thousands per month, wanting to have access in their local market to go get IVs, to go get precision nutrition to be able to speak to somebody about peptides and, and longevity issues and all this emerging market. If I was a business owner in any zip code, I could be a dentist, an oral surgeon, I can be a nutritionist, I can be an allergist, I could be an ENT, I could be an otologist, I can be an MD. I can be a doctor who wants to focus on longevity. I can be a chiropractor that has medical associated with my chiropractic office. Anybody that's in those modes of operation could significantly augment and provide one of the best services within their community by by going on to and working with Revive and Ten-x health around the world.
Yeah, yeah, 100%. And you know, the you ask any medical professional why did they become a medical professional or in any Discipline. Yeah, it was to to help people. Yeah. And to change people's lives and to have an impact on somebody's life. We are democratizing. That's what we are doing with our licensing model. We are democratizing access to every medical professional so that they can do that, but build an incredible business in the process. Um, and do that knowing that they're doing it in a safe environment, that they don't have to be worried about regulation, that they're actually delivering the gold standard to their customer and patient. And I think that's really important because we are not just jointly bringing a licensing model to every medical professional in the United States. No. Every single day our scientists are continuing to validate the science. Our lobbyists are with governments and with associations to make our licensing model and our technologies the gold standard in the world, and we're seeing success there already and in outside of the US. But that will come and it will come quickly. Yeah. Regulations are fast changing. We're seeing success. We're seeing governments looking at the technologies that we've built and saying, actually, we want this industry to grow. This has to be the gold standard. Our lobbying in the United Kingdom since 2014 led last year to it being a criminal offence to deliver IV therapy unless you regulated to to a gold standard, which was the standard that we have set. Um, and that gives me a lot of peace that we are in a place now where all these business owners in the United States can build a phenomenal business, change those people's lives, add IB therapy, genetics, and that expansion of the Ten-x health brand through their businesses. Um, and we can, you know, we can really impactful and make a difference.
So if you're a business owner and you're listening to this and you're in the medical space, what we're giving you access to is our revive X hub. So inside of that is not only how to start and build a business, it's how to actually promote these new modalities for your business. It's the training for your team to be able to communicate to the community the value, the the structure and the process in order to access these modalities. And so you have IVs, you have precision, you have you personalize and precision. You have the safety protocols. You have exactly what and how to properly mix the IVs based on the individual that has gone through the process with genetics and blood. And if you're in a longevity space, you can entirely augment all this because you're already pulling blood. You're already looking at your patients from the longevity standpoint and the peptides and the hormones and all these things that are happening that is still an emerging market. All of this is wrapped inside of our Ten-x revive X platform. Correct. And all you have to do as a business owner is just educate yourself as to what the business opportunity is, how you can deploy it through your practice, and then how you can train your team and incentivize them. We've built all that for you, so all you have to do is be curious enough to ask the question, to ask the question, how do I do it?
How do I do it? And I think, what's one? One thing I will add there is that we're also delivering the world's first, um, fully interactive medical screening for IV therapy. It does not exist. And that's 3 million IVs worth of experience of knowing what goes wrong and what can go wrong and when not to give somebody IV therapy. And that's for me, the number one safety feature for this industry. If there's one thing that every government says, Sarah, what should be the gold standard. It's that medical screening that has all the drug drug contraindications built in. And if every IV provider in the world used that medical screening, then we are growing an incredible industry in the safest way possible. And that's part of the licensing model. When I get asked the question, what do I need to do? And how much does this cost? Which is a question that people have already predetermined the answer to because they know how much franchise costs. So in this environment, you are effectively getting all the benefits of being a ten-x health franchise, all the benefits of being a revived franchise, which to any business person or medical individual, they think, oh, this is going to be $100,000. This is going to cost me significantly, and it might not be worth it when they hear what it actually costs. Yeah, yeah. Um, there's a moment where there's. Well, that can't be right. That. What is the catch? Yeah, this is $1,500 a month as a subscription to.
Run your whole.
Business. To run your entire business? Yeah. With no, uh, initial cost, with no royalties. So, of course, the average, uh, the average person or the educated entrepreneur is going to say. Really? Yeah. How how is that possible? And that brings me back to the mission statement. For us to create a healthier human race, we have to democratize across the world. And that means making it accessible, not making it as profitable as it can be per business for our partnership. And that is why we partnered we partnered to empower every medical professional in the world. Um, And yeah, you know to one I've won Precision Nutrition System a month and that business is already break even in a franchise environment, the average is 3.1 years before you operationally break even from your first investment. So I look at what we're doing together in the licensing model as being incredibly disruptive, um, uh, and disruptive in a positive manner because we're, we're, we're democratizing it for every professional in the world.
And tenax is about velocity and width impact. And so when you think about our ten-x health business, with the hundreds of thousands of people that are coming through tens of thousands a month now getting access to a platform that's safe, it's effective, it educates your team. It drives high valued clients patients into your business and allows you to drive almost instantaneous impact. Because I can tell you from a personal standpoint, when I do an IV how good I feel afterwards, I feel like I could go do anything right. So now you put that with daily supplementation. You put that with precision food sources. All of a sudden I'm optimizing the human being that trusts me every single day, and they know who put them on that track. They know who's been working with them. When you add to that, looking at the blood every 3 to 6 months, optimizing through whatever your profession is as a nutritionist or a physician or a trainer, whatever that is, that impact on top of this impact. Now you got the skin, you've got performance. This is true human optimization with precision. And this is what our platform does for human beings. And if you're interested in being a health provider operating on the revive X platform, all you have to do is raise your hand and show that you can qualify. Show that you have a team that can be trained on it, and then you can deploy it as a first mover in your marketplace, which is, from a business standpoint, first movers, better known as beats best.
Those that don't know you won't follow you. This allows you to be known and be the best, and be the innovator in a marketplace, which is a first mover advantage. And so if you're a business owner and you want to have a first mover advantage, augmenting your business with hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars of opportunity that is being spent in those markets, they're buying supplements that can be made in China. They're over supplementing in things that they shouldn't even be taking their dosing with the wrong dosage. They're putting supplements in their body that they're ad hocking that are contraindicated. Other things that they're taking it. The supplementation business in itself is so randomized. And people just keep grabbing new things because they think it's going to help them. How about how about just eliminate the confusion, put human beings on a precision system, be known as the person that's driving that precision system in your market. Build a business doing it. If you're a nurse and you want to augment your income, a physician who wants to augment your practice or your, uh, in some other line of work, and you have the right licenses and credentials to do this. So if you're watching this, you're like, how do I know? All you have to do is get information from us?
Just get information.
We'll tell you. Yeah.
And actually you you state something really, really important there. And I think a lot of business owners don't realize when we're talking about a licensing model like this, that you can be operational from the point you get information you can be generating your first dollar, seeing your first patient within 14 days. In a franchise environment, the average time to open is 150 to 250 days. You do it yourself. You're looking at six months to understand and make sure you've got everything in place that you need to operate you from the point you make a decision to to build a better business. You can be doing that 14 days later under the safety of two, the safety and the the the, you know, the care of two of the world leading brands. Yeah. So, you know, for me, um, but I'm going to think that why is not every single medical professional in this country, um, not keeping us busy, um, on calls for, for the next days. And we're seeing that. We're seeing they just don't know. I mean, the volume coming through, they don't know.
The consumer doesn't know. The medical profession doesn't know. Nobody knows this exists. This is why we're shooting this content. Introducing revive and revive our platform ten X. We're bringing those three three things together. The revive all the the ten years or 12 years of studying licensing in countries, the investment into a technological platform that brings it right to the fingertips of a local business and the ten X and ten X health system of operations. So you get the business system, you get the promotion and marketing system, and you get our partnership that's delivering all this unique precision opportunity within a marketplace. There's never been a better business opportunity on this planet. If you're an individual in healthcare, you're looking to augment your income, increase your flows of the community that you work with, increase capacity and success within your existing business. This is hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars of recurring revenue every single month was something that you can be a first mover in your marketplace. So let me ask you a question. If I'm in the business already, I have IVs or I'm a medical profession, does this modality, precision nutrition platform compete against my existing business or help it?
Well, I think the best tangible example I can give you from a US perspective is drip bar. Drip bar is the fastest growing IV therapy and multi-modality franchise business in the United States. In the last three years, it signed over 450 franchises. It is the last business that you would expect to say, we are going to subscribe and bring into our business the Ten-x Precision System and offer all of our clients revive IV therapy. So if you break that down, is it competitive? This is where a business and hundreds of business owners, because that's what franchise is. Hundreds of business owners have said, how do I increase the value to my customer? How do I improve the life to my customer, and how do I give them more choice? Um, in terms of, uh, their preventative health? And the reality is we're the only company in the world that offers precision. So we're an enhancement. Yeah, we're an enhancing and we're giving much more, you know, uh, revenue opportunities to those business owners. We're improving the life of, uh, of those customers retention strategies. So if you break it down into simple acquisition and retention strategies, if you are a competitive business and you are, you know, looking at our licensing model as competition, flip it. Yeah, we're giving you an opportunity to from an acquisition point of view, we're sending customers to you. Yeah. And from a retention perspective, we're giving you the best IV products in the world, the best DNA sequencing and the best supplements in the world that are all validated, that work validated by science. Your customer is going to stay with you. Yeah. So if you look at that value chain, um, for me, I and in the, you know, the, the architecture and the creation of this solution that we now have together, we don't have competitors.
So if I own a business right now and I offer IV, I have a chain, I'm a franchisee or I'm an independent. Correct. By incorporating revive X, I open up the flow in the community of who can come see me. I can offer something I currently can't offer and nobody else can offer today, which is precision nutrition through IVs, through supplements, and through food. And I can have those discussions with my patients, with my clients, offer more value, more services for as little as under $20,000 a year. Exactly. You cannot augment any business model cheaper with the highest level of impact that this drives in the community, so I don't see any way it's competitive. If anything, it will take the value of the franchise you spent the money on and significantly increase it by being different than everyone else in the marketplace. All you need to do is be on buybacks. If I'm a business owner and I'm like, oh, I've already got all my staff and we're training, I'm a plastic surgeon or I'm a functional medicine doctor. How easy is it to actually install and integrate this precision platform into my business?
Yeah, it's very easy. You know, 14 days from start to finish, I think the, you know, the the training that we have built for me that came from going through lots of ecom and e-learning training myself. Oxford University said learning I wanted the best interactive training course in the world so that people can do ten minutes, 20 minutes and they can they can pick up modules and they can deliver that training in one day. We have to validate the training. The, you know, safety is at the forefront, but the digital tools that we've produced are intuitive. You know, this is a model where you subscribe, you trained everything and watch your medical screening, your formulation, builders access to ten X health access to revive the hub, all your marketing content, and you become part of a community. You can talk to that community. You can talk immediately to the community of licensees around the world. So if you want some help in the first days, there's an onboarding team there, a 24 over seven onboarding team around the world. You've got your community of other subscribers. And the fastest we've seen is three days, three days operational from the point of subscription.
So you literally could start augmenting your income thousands of dollars a day, tens of thousands a week, hundred thousand, hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. By integrating something that your team could be fully trained, fully up to speed and fully transacting on with as little as three days under $20,000 a year. It's amazing. So if I've got a practice and I have a medical team, how extensive and what is involved with training that team to become experts on this platform?
I think there's two, two, two sides and I think there's two communities. So there is businesses that have a medical infrastructure and they have an MD structure and they have a medical director, um, for any business that has a full medical infrastructure, it is completing the CPD, CME accreditation for IV therapy. And many will think, well, I've done that during my, you know, during my training I know how to deliver IV therapy. The point here is the millions and millions and millions of elective IVs later. We understand better what's safe and what's not. That training course is one day. Yeah. So we we want to set that baseline of one day training. We've got the certifications. We've got the MD licensor numbers and who is taking medical responsibility. And then of course we go into product training. But that's fun right. That that's really teaching the ten x precision IV. That's really teaching something that no doctor has been taught before. Yeah. So, um, you know, for me again, coming back that, that, that within a week, you're also upskilling your existing physicians and medical infrastructure. If you are a nurse and you don't have that MD, uh, facility and you don't have a medical director, we've solved that problem. Yeah. And we have that solution for you also with your MD licensing your tele med. And again, it's immediate. You know, it's an end to end, um, process that within one week you can be established. We want to ensure safety and for ten-x health and revive the gold standard. That doesn't mean it's difficult. And it takes a long time. It means we've used technologies, artificial intelligence, the best learning and training academies in the world to make sure that that's safe so that this is turnkey and turnkey means subscription open.
So. So look, if I'm, uh, if if I'm in practice, if I'm a functional, like what kind of practices could incorporate this technology, these solutions in their community and use them to build the core business?
I mean, every medical business in the world you would think is a starting point. But the reality is there is so many vertical Sectors for this modality. It's why it's the fastest growing modality in the world. And from a precision system perspective, even faster because you've got every vertical, whether it's wellness bars, whether it's, um, you know, gym chains, beauty, um, as long as that medical infrastructure can be implemented, which we have a solution for, there is no real prohibition on what that vertical looks like. But today, what I would want to see as a baseline is that every, um, every business in the world that is contributing a modality to somebody's health, um, is our target. Yeah. We want to capture those patients and have more value. So whether that is a doctor or a dentist or a chiropractor, whether that is an aesthetic surgeon, uh, ENT general practitioner, you see patients, customers every single day and you can transform their health with the precision nutrition system.
It's very rare in business where you see that for how much you have to spend or invest in a platform that can generate millions of dollars of revenue. Yeah, you're usually spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, either in equipment or some other form of or process. Literally, you could make the commitment to invest in this revive platform, and within three days you can be generating enough money with 1 or 2 precision IVs a month to where you pay nothing for this. Correct. But the benefits of how much volume will come into your practice, because you're offering something in your community that nobody else even knows how to articulate. Talk to me a little bit about the cost benefit ratio and how fast somebody can recoup their money.
Well, the record we've seen is somebody recouped the money in 24 hours. Yeah. So we're not talking about a three year ROI or a one year ROI, or even a one month ROI. Um, if you are already a business that has clients, we're talking about one day ROI. And that's what we've seen in reality at best. But, you know, if we look at the fact that you may deliver 2 or 3 IVs a week, that is, you know, more than break even one precision nutrition system a week is a break even position for, for for any business. You could argue that, um, because it's so attractive, it almost seems, uh, not realistic, but I can tell you, you know, revive X is relaunched as a technology platform in its, in its business model of an X or, you know, effectively a location, a stockist location. Um, we've been operating and working on testing this since 2016. We have locations in the world that pay $1,500 per month, that make $2 million per year in revenue from adding this modality. So for me, this is a win for any business, but it's a bigger win for the population in the world because the more subscribers, the more individuals will bring in on that journey and the more lives were changing. And that is where this this started. And that's why we have those price points.
You know, it's crazy for me to hear this is I know in the origination of our business model three years ago, in fact, we went through the whole process, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for building a franchise organization, and we had a list of 4000 clients that were going to write us a check for $100,000 for a franchise, pay us 8% royalty. And they had all these restrictions, all these rules. And what was creating confusion for them is they also had their other businesses. And it was hard with the franchise agreement to determine what's new versus what you're already doing. And we're getting bogged down in those conversations. But for me to think that all of those businesses for $18,000 a year can get the technology to run the business, can get the training for their team in, in, in the technology to be able to use the leverage of the Ten-x health name in the US with over 1.4 billion views in the last 12 months, and to be able to augment their existing business with no stress, no friction, no resistance, it doesn't interfere. They don't have to sign complicated franchise agreements. They don't have to pay royalties. All that's gone for as little as $18,000 a year. These business owners can augment their existing practices, add millions of dollars of revenue, and have no restrictions at all about how they want to run their practice. As long as they're doing the modalities that we offer legal, moral, ethically and compliantly, they can do what they want to do within their business. This is the single largest building block tools I've ever seen delivered into the marketplace. If you're a business owner.
Yeah, no, you're absolutely right. But we started our franchise journey in 2013 and that was the way to go. You know, how do you grow a brand across the world? Franchise in the United States franchise is an integral part of the ecosystem for every, you know, for for every business across the United States. So we franchised in every country in the world at a very, very quickly can see these business owners have invested $100,000. Yeah. They're then investing to grow the business. And this is a single modality. The only way that they can be really successful is in a multi-modality environment where they can cross-sell between those modalities. And then a point comes where you have to you don't have to. But we did take a step back and say, hold on, franchise is really hard. You really have to work together. The opportunity cost of that business owners tie the opportunity cost of your brand's time to try and make a, you know, an individual bricks and mortar successful. Why don't we flip this upside down? Yeah. And why don't we, you know, be disruptive and say, hey, business. You go make as much money as you want to make off the back of our intellectual property, and let's scale it across the world and just just flip it. And everybody initially says, whoa, that's crazy. That's completely crazy. Why would you do that? That could be $4 million of franchise revenue or royalty revenue. Yes, but it'll take 30 to 40 years to achieve the same level of scale and same access for customers and patients across the world. And that's the goal here to change people's lives with the precision nutrition system.
So US healthcare ranked 69th in the world between Armenia and Algeria. We spend 14,000 per person. In the United States. They spend $100 or $130 or $400. It's absolutely the worst thing people have to experience. We're short physicians by millions of people are short physicians. We're short healthcare providers by hundreds of thousands. And the best thing to do to stay out of hospitals and stay well is be preventative. Take care of your health. Be well. Feel great. Look great, enjoy your life. You're only here for so long, and if you want to be the leader in your marketplace that can bring that to your patients, your customers within the marketplace for as little as $20,000 a year, you have it all. Yeah. And you got to be a leader in the in your market. People will know you as the expert in bringing health, wellness and longevity to their life.
I think what I would want if I could ask for anything of any business owner or medical professional in the United States, it would be to just look outside of the United States, into some other regions, and to see what those businesses are doing to, to, you know, take control and be that that first mover. And, you know, the United States is an incredible country when it comes to healthcare. Um, it's very, very far behind some of the other regions in the world. And what we're seeing.
Is the.
Only class. I don't know what average is anymore. Actually, you know, the average healthy person is a really, uh, hot subject for me because I have not seen in 3 million people that have come through our clinics across the world, anybody that's healthy. Yeah. We have a healthy and an unhealthy definition. And unhealthy is that you have a disease or a disorder. Healthy is that you don't. When we run the blood panels or we run the genetics of all of these patients around the world, you always find something that can be improved. And where the rest of the world is differentiating right now from the United States is that the consumers are recognizing that they can't rely on the healthcare systems, they're taking control themselves. And what we want to do here in the United States is ensure that those medical professionals and those businesses are the pioneers. They are the pioneers of ensuring that people are taking that control themselves.
Human optimization correct versus reacting when you're sick? Correct. For people who are watching or listening to this and they're like, I want to be responsible for my own personal human optimization. I want to feel good. I want to look good. I want to be well. I want to be able to have the strength and the energy to do the things I want. How do I do it? If you're one of those people, all you have to do is hit this link and we will introduce you. You can watch this video, but if you're a healthcare professional that wants to bring that into your community, all you need to do is hit the link as well. For a very little investment, you could optimize human beings as a professional for very little investment. I can optimize myself as a consumer and have access to that by simply educating myself on what those options are. Yeah. At Ten-x we deal with billions of dollars of businesses coming through our system every single year. The number one thing every business says is I need more customers. I've worked in medical my whole life, and every physician I've ever talked to that's not in the healthcare system being shoved into environments where they have to work more for less if they're in private practice, trying to find high valued patients to work with. They always say, I need more high value patients. I've never seen a better business system that's more impactful for a human being. Grabs the attention of a customer or a patient, provides instantaneous results through the different modalities, improves people's lives, and make them feel incredible. That business system I have witnessed from start up in 36 months to being one of the fastest growth healthcare companies for precision wellness on this planet and our patients that we have are very well known, outspoken people where we've changed their lives. When we combine that with your software and the ten years, 11 years of studies, precision studies, genetic studies, blood studies, millions and millions of people in 46 countries, and we put it together. The promotion of that alone will drive people in your community into your business, and it'll be the cheapest form of promotion you'll ever be able to do, because the message resonates with anyone choosing to optimize their life. And we've made it simple. In the hub, we've put all the promotional pieces we know we're built off. Number one promotional human being in the world, Grant Cardone. We have built it off of what you guys have proved around the world works from a messaging standpoint. We've added to it what we know as a marketing and sales organization for what grabs mindshare and attention. We built the training around how to communicate it to the patient, to the community so they understand it and all that is in our hub, and it comes with the cost of the license, it comes with the.
Cost of the license. And I think like, let's not forget here the reality of our situation right now, there's thousands and thousands of people in the United States that started their precision genetics journey. They've received QR codes for their precision ID therapy, and they're looking to go to a medical professional or a clinic near where they live to really start their clinical health journey. So this is an incredible model, because you're also driving traffic into these businesses that they've never had before. So I do not know a license. And I've never seen a licensing model in the world that has a value proposition that not only allows a business, um, to to market and grow and introduce a new modality, but actually sends new clients to you as well. Um, so, you know, for me, this is this is this is a phenomenal opportunity.
One of the things that I love about our business model is for the consumer. They can go in to a certified location that's been trained. They know that they can trust that location and that they're doing things the right way that benefit them as a human being. Also, they can get normal IVs. They can get anywhere else. They can get personalized IVs based on the data sets that you guys have created in the technology that will drive to them. They don't need the precision, they don't need the QR code. They don't need the genetics. They don't need all the blood work. They come in and go through your question and answer based on the millions of people that you guys have interviewed and the way you've built the AI database, and they can still get a personalized IV, or they can get on our precision system and get a precision IV. Talk a little bit about how you built your system so that you don't have to wait to serve a client. You can still give them something better than they're going to get from your competition if you're in the business of IVs.
I'm very quickly identified in 2013 that there was four types of people that wanted IV therapy. There was a, you know, that general wellness mass market and that one, you know, a revived branded experience. They come because they want an IV just as ten x a ten x IV or revive IV. They want that general IV that they know is probably 80% good for the majority of how they feel on a day, and they expect speed and they expect a convenient location, and it's part of everyday life for them. But there is a much, much bigger market that was being missed. And that was the other three types of customers across the world that wanted something different. And we developed almost four customer journeys for experiences, built four pieces of technology so that as a customer now you can really be empowered to choose. Yes, you can have your ten x IB and your V5 and we call that the signature. You know, that's your kind of your signature IB therapy. And that's still been built on technologies to be the safest in the world. And everything is laboratory tested. We have specialty IV. And, you know, a speciality is where we've taken enhanced clinical studies, enhanced clinical trials. It's where we're delivering IVs on behalf of other brands, because this is the best and the safest platform in the world. You know, if you ask me what our technology will do in the future, we will be delivering the IVs for Adidas and Nike and some of the largest brands in the world, because we're the only platform.
Can. That is speciality. And anything in speciality has a brand experience that goes with it. So the ten x I basics in speciality and we're developing the brand experience for that. We know red light is part of the ten X health protocol. So when you have your ten x IV you can have your red light therapy. That is speciality. Personalized is the has been the biggest paradigm shift in the world for IV therapy. And this is where we see the broadest customer range from age 18 up to age 83. Because the one thing that changed after Covid is people recognize that IV therapy helped illnesses, diseases, disorders, specific symptoms. But if you walk into a clinic and say, hey, um, I'm suffering from long Covid or I'm suffering from fatigue, or I have Crohn's disease, nobody knows what to put in their IV for you. But we do because we spent ten years in science and we have all the clinical studies and trials to support it. So personalized was revolutionary. We built the world's first IV formulation builder algorithms based on life science validated results. So anybody can walk into a revised revival in the world and say, I want a personalized IV. We take all that subjective data and a formulation that's laboratory tested with the science to support it is delivered for you. And precision is what is the future. And ten X health is the first mover. You know, in 510 years from now, every IV will be precision IV. And you're only just starting in that journey. You know, we're coming out with a ten x health precision, and that's based on your DNA sequencing. You know, you and revive and together we've patented that system. You know, in three years from now, Precision IV and that precision supplement system will be taking your wearable data. It will be taking you. Woop. It will be taking your Apple Watch. It will be taking all the data into the technology to deliver your precision supplements to your precision IV. And that right now is what we need to educate, because everybody assumes that's for the Biohacker community. It's not. Yeah, that is accessible to every human being. And if there's nothing else that people can do for their health, the precision Nutrition system, um, is a really, really great, accessible first step. I don't see it as a last step, as a biohacker. It's a first step for anybody in the world.
So look.
If you're a business owner and a medical professional and you want to augment your existing practice, if you're a healthcare professional and you want to augment your existing income, there's never been a better business system I have ever seen in my life that encompasses not only the unique value proposition to differentiate yourself from the market, but it's also turnkey because it's in one platform. Our revive X platform that shows you exactly how to do the business, how to promote the business, how to execute against the business, and how to track the business with everything in a single location. The revive X platform. If you're looking to add hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars to your revenue, all you need to do to access this information and check it out for yourself is hit this link at ten-x. Health. We're committed to the patients. We serve hundreds of thousands of people at tens of thousands a month joining this platform. What we don't have is an army in the field, in every single market that can bring value to those people's lives through precision nutrition. Now, it doesn't have to be precision nutrition. It can also be personalized if you want to augment your career. If you want to augment your business, all you need to do is find out for yourself exactly how to do it by hitting this link.