Sinners Like Me, Part 3: Misfits & Embarrassments // Andy Stanley
The lineage of Jesus is full of people with stories that would make anyone blush, including the likes of King David and Lot’s daughters. But in spite of jaw-dropping choices people made, God’s purposes marched forward.
Sinners Like Me, Part 2: Party Crasher // Andy Stanley
Rahab is one of a few people in the lineage of Jesus that wasn’t Jewish — she was a Canaanite. Not to mention, she was a prostitute. But neither of those things kept her from being used by God in an incredible way.
Sinners Like Me, Part 1: The Back Story // Andy Stanley
The story of Judah and Tamar is probably not one we would have mentioned if we were the ones telling the back story of Jesus’s ancestors. However, many times God’s story highlights the unlikely and the undeserving.
Family Matters, Part 3: We Need People // Matt Noblitt
There’s no such thing as a perfect family. But what does it look like to pursue a healthy family?
Family Matters, Part 2: New Family // Joel Thomas
None of us have perfect families, and we don’t get to choose our family. So why does God say family is so important?
Family Matters, Part 1: Kingdom Come // April Farmer
Family matters to us and to God. But who is our “family”? And what does God mean when he speaks of family?
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 4: In the Zone // Andy Stanley
While we can't predict when miracles happen, there is a posture we can take that increases the chances of God doing a supernatural work within us.
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 3: Don't Lose Hope // Joel Thomas
Our circumstances don’t define how God feels about us. So how do we navigate those circumstances when we don’t get the miracle?
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 2: Mystery and Inconsistency // Andy Stanley
Miracles are at God’s discretion to further God’s purposes.
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 1: Who Needs 'Em // Andy Stanley
The miracle of the universe is the foundation of our faith in God, but a different miracle is the foundation of our faith in Jesus.