Family Matters, Part 2: New Family // Joel Thomas
None of us have perfect families, and we don’t get to choose our family. So why does God say family is so important?
Family Matters, Part 1: Kingdom Come // April Farmer
Family matters to us and to God. But who is our “family”? And what does God mean when he speaks of family?
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 4: In the Zone // Andy Stanley
While we can't predict when miracles happen, there is a posture we can take that increases the chances of God doing a supernatural work within us.
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 3: Don't Lose Hope // Joel Thomas
Our circumstances don’t define how God feels about us. So how do we navigate those circumstances when we don’t get the miracle?
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 2: Mystery and Inconsistency // Andy Stanley
Miracles are at God’s discretion to further God’s purposes.
Miracles: Then & Now, Part 1: Who Needs 'Em // Andy Stanley
The miracle of the universe is the foundation of our faith in God, but a different miracle is the foundation of our faith in Jesus.
Be Rich: Uncomfortably Close // Andy Stanley
Serving people with different lived experiences is one of the primary things God uses to fine-tune our worldview.
The Power of a Made Up Story, Part 3: Planting Seeds // Joel Thomas
We have the power to influence the posture of our heart—but how?
The Power of a Made Up Story, Part 2: Unforgiving Servant // Joel Thomas
Our capacity to forgive is flow from what we’ve been forgiven. So, how much forgiveness is enough?
The Power of a Made Up Story, Part 1: Lost Things // Joel Thomas
Jesus uses the parables of Lost Things to demonstrate His love for us.