Bobby shares some big music discoveries and a huge milestone for Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots. He and Eddie also talk about good luck foods to start the year and call upon their friend Ben Rector. Bobby revalues the new lead singer for Linkin Park after seeing them before at an award show, U2's drummer has the same medical condition as Eddie, the controversy the list of the Top 100 Country Artist caused and Eddie's Pearl Jam concert dilemma with his wife!
All right, Bobby and Eddie here, I did not. And again we're recording this like the second week of January, maybe a couple weeks before this gets up. But I have the list of things that you do when the year starts for good luck, like things you eat. Okay, And I bring this up because one of my good friends is been Rector, super talented artists, good friend, great guy. Every year his wife sends over a thing of black eyed peas and she drives them around to like their friends. Really it has for like three or four years, and we get the black eyed peas, we eat them day one. We didn't make the black eyed pea list this year, and I don't know.
You think you did something to not make that list.
I don't know. I don't know if they didn't do it. I can text them and ask them, Yeah.
Hey man, I didn't get my black eyed piece this year.
I will text him and then we'll talk and if he sends a message back, all boys, and I'm away. Hello, it's Bobby and Eddie. It's up Ben and we're recording and we're talking about the new year and how traditionally eat black eyed peas. And I told them about how your wife would bring us black eyed peas every year the past few years and we'd eat them. It's awesome. We had a great year because of that, and this year we did not get the black eyed peas, and we didn't know if we didn't make the cut, like we weren't on the list anymore like we felt in the rankings.
Or if it was just a bad year for black eyed peas.
Maybe she didn't make any We're just curious because we're talking about you, and we're talking about how wonderfully talented you are in your music.
It's so great.
But then I was like, I didn't get my black eyed peas. Now I'm not asking for the black eyed peas, but what I'm wondering is did we not make the cut or did she not make the peas? Both are acceptable seasons change. So let me know. We're recording for the next little bit. If you do hear this, have a great day, man, unless we didn't make the list and have a moderately good day.
What are black eyed peas like? Like? What do they taste like?
What are they?
I don't know if I've ever had black eyed peas? No way, Nah, really, I don't think that I've ever eaten black eyed peas. I've definitely never ordered them at a restaurant, so I know that for sure you don't order them at restaurants. I mean at black eyed Peace.
My grandma liked them. It's a very Southern thing, which I guess is not really a Mexican thing. No, so she would make black eyed peas. They feel pretty bitter, Okay, they're they're they're like if I were to make an analogy, you know, brussels sprouts yea by themselves, kind of bitter, like if you do nothing to brussel sprouts, kind of bitter, kind of weird, but if you have a bacon on them and honey, and russel sprouts became kind of trendy for a while because of all the things you could do with them.
They're a little soy sauce.
Black eyed peas are kind of like that. But black eyed peas, remember of the legume family, has a pel cream color and distinctive black spot resembling an eye. They are thought to have originated in North Africa, where they've been eaten for centuries. They were introduced by North America by Spanish explorers. They are now grown throughout the world, especially in American Southern cooking.
Collared greens, black eyed peas, like that kind of stuff, cornbread.
My grandma was a big black eyed pea person.
So they just look like beans. Yeah, with a little black eye like that. Is that it?
That's exactly it? Okay, do you eat them like beans? You just kind of yeah, it's they're wet a bowl and a spoon.
It's almost like black eyed peas. You can have them with the again, I'm gonna be way wrong, but you can have them like in the broth. It's not quite soup, but it's wet. Yeah, yeah, or you can just drain them completely. But we had we had black eyed peas once every couple of weeks, but for New Year. And so I have this list of the reasons why things are for good luck, and so number two is pork. From the Midwest to Germany to eastern Europe, many people believe pork symbolizes progress because pigs root forward as they eat.
Yeah, they stick their noses in the ground and eat.
This protein is often paired with the cabbage or sour krawd. But it's the reason it is considered luck is because pigs push forward and they think if you eat a pig who pushes forward, you will also push forward in the year. Yes, it's lucky. Number three grapes. M eat twelve grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve for luck. Also prosperity could be in your future. This is according to the Spanish. Originating in Spain the La eighteen hundreds, this tradition is known as come on it las dece uvas de last birthday. Okay, how would you say that?
Say it again? Las doce?
Is it las deuce uvas de la?
Okay, that's like the good luck midnight grapes.
How would you say that with the accent? Proper?
I don't even remember what you say. It's like la, It's like ladoce lados is a midnight the twelve.
I blow it up, sing' se it so ladoce uvas?
Oh, the twelve grapes of good luck. That's what it is.
Say it las las d'sevas de last birthday. Yeah, the twelve grapes of good luck. Each of the dozen grapes represents a month of the year. Oh, twelve grapes, twelve, that makes sense. I remember Morgan number two eating grapes under her table at New Year's and I didn't know where that, but now I see.
Words from interesting. Is she's Spanish?
I think the opposite, actually, because it's a Spanish tradition. Interesting, I think so the opposite number four greens, as in collared greens, any leafy vegetables, And what do those tastes like?
The like?
Not great?
Like green beans?
No? I like green is better than collar greens. Collar greens are good if they're cooked in something like my grandma made a bunch of color greens, but it was always cooked in like a grease or something that made it actually taste better because just the collar green itself, the texture is kind of rough. The category of leafy vegetables, think collar greens. Kale resembles paper money. This is why greens are lucky, since it looks like money. Eating them is thought to encourage prosperity, a tradition with roots in the African I don't know this word diaspora and lad exactly and the Civil War. They often serve up with black eyed peas, which may represent coins. As if that's not enough, eating a plate full of greens will start your ear on a healthy interesting, Okay, that's for number five. Pomegranates.
Pomegrants are good.
I do like pomegranates, Like, have you.
Eaten the fruit? I've only drank the juice. Yeah.
Sometimes I'll get pomegranates in a plastic case, can just eat them with the seeds and everything. Well, they are the seeds.
Yeah, I see them at the store, and I've seen them like cut in half.
But I've never well, I'm not talking about the big ones, and I'm talking about there are the pomegranate seeds. I think that you can eat.
Oh okay, okay, yeah, those are the seeds. Yeah. So, and they're like jelly and they cant of like soft.
So I will eat those. I've never eaten a full pomegranate, I don't think. In Greece, it's tradition to smash a pomegranate by the front door on New Year's Day. The more seeds that spread out, the more fortune you can expect. In Judaism, pomegranates are said to contain six hundred and thirteen seeds, which is the number of commandments in the Torah at Rashizana, the Jewish New Year. Each pomegranate seed represents a wish for the coming year. In Brazil, people eat pomegranate seeds and groups of seven a lucky number mimant for financial prosperity. So it seems like pomegranates have slowly distributed to themselves in different ways throughout the world to mean different things. Good for them, They've really expanded their their footprint.
On the look, you should try that though.
You should go around smashing pomegrants in front of people's that don't how wife.
Would be so pissed. There's pomegrants all over the front door. So that and Ben has not messaged me back yet, but that's what I was thinking about. He did listen to the message, though, maybe he's conversing with his wife like, hey, why didn't they make the list? Did you make any did they do something? Does he know anybody else that got them? So we need to say we didn't make them so doesn't come back to bite us on the butt. This has been a nice's last conversation though, because on our off days when we don't work out, I've been walking an hour straight on the incline and so he's like, hey, man, you walk into what incline do you walk on? I'm getting into it, and I said, I do it all, man, I'm versatile walker incline slow, medium, medium plus that so I can watch TV, watch the phone, listen to a podcast. I can do it all while I'm walking. What's your average miles per hour incline? I'm about to get rid of all this belly fat we've been talking about.
That's funny. Are you still doing that? You still doing the walk? Yeah?
Three, two to three times a week. Then you like it.
I mean it's kind of relaxing, right, Like it's not hard work out, hard working.
Out, No, it's long.
You don't stop that. If you put it on a four walk pace what you do and a four incline you sweat and it gets to be pretty tough about forty five minutes in. But it's been great for like the fat or on the side.
Can you watch a football game on your treadmill? Oh?
For sure, I watch football and tiktoks.
Dude, you because.
I've started doing this too, like around like the three o'clock NFL games. I just kind of like, man, I've been sitting around for three hours eating bad food.
Let me get out of treadmill. Dude.
You watch the whole game and you realize that you walked ten miles and you didn't even realize it.
I will do an hour, so that's about a half. So even Arkansas basketball games they're you know, if they're on a Wednesday night or a Saturday, I'll make sure we'll just wait, yeah and go because I'm gonna watch it anyway, so why not walk and watch exactly? But it's am I getting older or am I getting smarter? Or is it both? Because walking is what old people do. However, I have started to see what it's doing to my body in a good way. If I do it for like an hour and it is tough and it's not as hard on the joints and like it's not high impact when we're doing three days of really high impact stuff. Like I'm actually feeling my body be different because I'm doing it for an hour. So I'm getting older or smarter both? Probably both? Probably both, but I think a little bit smarter than older as far as enjoying walking, because we still go hard working out, Yes, two or three days a week, which sucks and it's never fun.
Yes, but you see like you're not hurting after a walk.
No, and you feel good and my joints, and sometimes my muscles hurt after a hard workout, so I do have enough hurt. But I feel like if I finished working out and I'm not like miserable that I didn't do anything.
Should we just boot our trainer and just start walking walking?
Every day we get into treadmills, put on beside each other and just meet to walk.
Sorry, honey, I'm gonna go work out with Bobby.
We're walking, so we'll wait for the bin response if he's sending one. I do have a note for you. We have hit one million listens to Nomas Day.
One million.
We've been waiting for it. Rage wait, wait, wait, we need to celebrate that. I was talking about it. We were talking about it. We were like, if you don't mind streaming a couple extra times.
Dude, we need to like have a party.
We have hit one million, one million, one thousand, seven hundred and fifty two listens on The Raging Idiots Namasday, and we'd like to thank everybody who listens to this because wow, you did it.
Oh yeah, we didn't do anything. Well that's not true. I have it on my playlist so it pops up.
Well. My point is we came on here and we were begging for people to stream it because we were like nine hundred and ninety four thousand, and when was that two months ago?
Oh guys, it took that long two months ago.
I'm not gonna be a hater. Thank you all for streaming Nomasday by the Raging Idiots, because.
We know how hard it was for you.
Yes, we have a mill we have a song that has streamed a million times. Now, that's amazing bones, yeah, pretty cool.
Like you know how people people do number one parties.
We should do that.
We've got to do a million. We hit a million party.
And we release music too, not to have a bunch of streams, mostly as promotion for when we do our shows. It's definitely not to make money. Yeah, no, god no, we don't do that. Probably lost money in the paying for but it was. But it was like we put out like funny songs and then people will be like, oh, we should go watch their show, like these were more of promotional things than they were listen to it over and over again. But yeah, thank you for listening to Noma Stay one million times.
I have a bottle of Champagne of the house that I haven't opened in like a year. I want to drink it for this, for this, this is a big milestone.
Let's see what our other songs are?
Raging idiots? Yeah, what do we want to hit a million? Next?
We're I don't think we're closed so on anything else. Yeah, it's sad to say, but I don't think.
What's what's second place?
Number one? Well right now top is Elf on the Shelf Holidays because of Christmas. It has two hundred and seventy eight thousand.
It's not bad. Do we make any playlists on that one?
No? No, But where we hit that is people just typing Elf on the Shelf into Instagram and so you don't make any money on that. But it would pop up as a little box because they would look for something for their Elf on the Shelf posts and then people would see it and then go look forward on the streaming platforms.
Is there a YouTube?
I don't know.
We should have done a YouTube because when people google that YouTube will pop up. I hear you.
But just for example, whatever like the Target song, when I had that thing done as a cartoon that costs like six thousand dollars, and I was like, you know, I'm Okay, we probably didn't put it so number one, our number one streaming song is no mistay Chick fil A but it's Sunday, which, by the way, for the record, that song was out way before like anybody, Kanyate did his version. All, yes, it was out. It's got three hundred thousand.
Oh, we can get a million on that.
I think that's just so played out now when we put that out, that wasn't a big funny comedy thing, or we wouldn't put it out. Everybody knew it wasn't open on Sunday. When we put that song out that it wasn't like the joke because in my act I even had a joke where it was like, I want to sit beside a Chick fil Ay on a Sunday with a ice chest full of chicken sandwiches for the people. And now that's been done a hundred times, right, not that it was some groundbreaking comedy, but I don't know now that it's his novel.
Well, how much of comedy is like that's so true? Isn't that like so much of comedy?
Yeah, for sure. Well mostly it's like, oh I was thinking that too. I didn't know how to say.
It yeah, or like oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, because like that's when I laughed when I watch a comedy special, like.
Oh my gosh, that's so true.
I do that too when I grow up. Our kids song yeah probably number three opening act with Lanny Wilson and Jordan Davis, number four. So there we go. We hait a million. I do want to play this, and I'm going to be very sensitive how I talk about this because I'm rooting for these guys. Their name is land Law, La and Law. They popped up in my TikTok feed and it's two guys. They're a little awkward, one short once, they don't really know what to do with their hands, and they're trying to make it as a duo.
It's like a serious they're not funny serious.
Due at first I didn't know, okay, but they're trying seriously and they're from Arkansas and I'm rooting for them. We got a mess from Ben Rector.
We did. Let's go pause the story.
Let me play, and I'll come back to Landlow.
Here we go. Dear Bobby and Eddie.
Just returned from snow walk with my children and aforementioned wife. So she usually makes hop and John, which is, well, you had it, so you know what it is. But it's pretty good as black eyed peas go. The story on this year we were gone for New Year's We were in.
Joy, no big deal, no big deal.
Visiting. My family lived there, but we all met out there, so she was away from years. I think she did make it for us. I think she took it to like two people's.
Houses now or Christmas.
So I don't think that you didn't make the cut. We weren't here, said just Usually she's like, I'm gonna make you know, several batches of this and like have fun delivering it after Christmas. And this time she made like some for us, and I think she gave like I think she took it to like two people. So that's the that's the honest answer. I think she would probably want me to be like, I didn't take it anybody, but yes, you know that we love you guys. But it wasn't wasn't a normal Hop and John here for us.
I'd say this.
I think if I think if we had.
Been home and she had done the normal a mountain rounds, you would you'd probably still be eating hoping on. That's all I've got. I hope you guys are well and swill. Do you have any other questions, I'm happy to happy to answer them.
Peace up.
I think you're okay. I'm eighty percent less offended.
Yeah, I think you're okay.
We also weren't here at Christmas, but they also did say are you home at Christmas? Right? But because we live right, we also live right by them. Oh he lives right, like if there's somebody's the proximity wise, Yeah, but he also knew we were gone for Christmas.
And props props for telling the truth and being completely honest. But I would have left the two people out like there was no reason to even And that's but that's been you know, he's just being honest.
Yeah, I said, thanks for the honesty.
Okay, I would have left that out. Wouldn't you let that out? Man?
We were in Lahoya, man, like we just wanted there. Where Laoya is California?
Right, got it? Yeah?
He was like, no big deal. I was like, it must be somewhere I don't really know. Okay, here we go. I'm gonna play you again. Their name is Landlaw.
Okay, is it l A N L A W One word?
I don't know if they're brothers, and I don't think they are. And I feel like they could be coached and they could be mentored to be better. I think they have potential, and I think the song is kind of catchy. But I did not know when I first saw it if it was real or not. And then but I pulled a bunch of comments because people in the comment section, it's not even that they're mean, they're hilariously hilariously mean. If they were mean but also funny, not the same. If you're funnier than you are mean, you deserve props. If you're meaner than you are funny, that sucks your bad person. So here's Landlop. I'm rooting for these guys. And they have this song that's called Country to the Bone, and.
I watched the video.
Yeah, so they posted it like twenty times if they have two thousand followers, and it's just those two like walking together, here we go, and they've done like ten of them. So let me play it here. I want to show it you as I go.
Ready, family, So I love it.
I love it, dude.
They're trying, I'm too, honestly, and they're not even playing the course different vide else.
I love the hands.
They don't it's love the arms. They don't know what to do with their hands. Whoever, whoever recorded it, could have put some voice correction on it.
Oh, it's straight from the it's straight. There's no there's no effect to that voice.
I've listened this one hundred times. It's waking her up, trying to get a little extra pay.
Both. I don't think that they need to be coached.
I love that should have been recorded a bit different because people are going hard on them. I like to read you some of the comments.
Oh gosh, okay.
They've posted like seven or eight times just that version of it, and I've commented the first time I saw it, I commented, Andy trying to get a little what little extra pay?
Trying to get a little extra pay?
Yeah, I wrote for the first time when I first saw it on twelve twenty three. Come on, I had to watch it twice because I did not know if it was for real or not. And I mean.
Swing you, I mean, dude, I'm shocked that you will you kept you stayed on.
It, dud.
I've comment on every video just about I want them to become famous.
Like they should They should, because you know what, I like them, it's I don't know them.
The song is catchy as crap too. I think they got screwed on the recording. It's like if Creed did a country from the nineties. Yea, I wrote on this one. My wife asked me what I was singing today. This was that because I couldn't get out of my head.
It's country to the bone and the Hollers way we call our home.
That's amazing.
I'm gonna read you some comments from land Laws page in no order. I've got like ten or eleven of them that made me laugh out loud. I'm watching these videos because it's an algorithm. Anything they put out. Now I watch, and I'm watching, and my wife's asleep and she's filling the bedshake because I'm laughing out the comments. First one, the freedom to make music is abused by some.
That's funny.
Next one, I'm gonna lie here sounds great, oh man, oh man. Okay again, I'm rooting for these guys. Next one, this song saved my life. I was depressed and bed for days, but when this song came on, I immediately got up and turn it off.
That's stuff that's what I'm saying.
It's funnier than it is me.
You're right, You're right. This is the whole thing.
Oh my god. Okay, next one is this Brooks and don't.
The guys.
This is so good. I'm telling you that they don't need to change. They don't need to change anything. I was laughing so hard. Okay, here's another one, Brooks and please be done.
That is so funny.
Oh my god, that's so funny.
Is happening?
Where did you find this?
I have five more that I just pulled.
Did they reach out to you?
You just found this and you found this comedy gold in the comments and I'm laughing in the bed and it's shakes. Yes, because I commented, I didn't know if it was real the first time. I thought it was two guys making a joke about country music. Honestly, that's the honest truth. I didn't know if they were doing a joke.
I'm following them.
There's a bo Burnham sketch where he's doing people that make country music, and they make it and they know exactly who they're singing to and what they're singing to because it's easy. They're just and he's like short short jean shorts on a girl whiskey. And I didn't know if it was that. I think it's called like pandering country or something bo Burnham's version. I didn't know if it was that. Then being funny I for real. Then once I realized it was real, I was like, I'm rooting for these guys. And then it was oh, they're also for market, soall okay, So there's like a little personal connection there. Here's another one.
Land Law music, right, yeah, yeah, there's the instagram at TikTok TikTok Okay.
It's come tree to the bone and the hollers where we call our homes.
All right, go ahead, keep on.
Five more. Loved the variety of key changes.
In every line. Oh my goodness. Oh here's one Lama fan mm hmm.
Someone asked this question, is this the Broke Down Mountain soundtrack? Three more? Someone commented, this is a song and you are singing it and that's it? And then two more bones? Is there more songs? This is the last six videos I posted. Some videos have been just that. Let's go baby, someone said, put in the harm and harmony.
Hilarious, dude.
And finally, let's call him Ohio Indiana line stupid. I know, but I am now a massive Land Law fan. So they're doing so they're doing different versions of it. They're they're messing with us that they're messing swear to god they're not because they're If you scroll through, it's him like writing songs, it's them. They took a picture with Chris Stable and like a charity thing, but bones like one of them. They're back to back first and the camera goes around, well one singing and it looks like the Fashion Police where that camera goes around when they walk in the red carpet. And then the next one is them going through like saloon doors. I'm telling you there's one of just fire. Yeah, I'm on it. I'm on it right now. This is crazy. And if you go to the streaming platforms, it's their song it boys. Don't change the thing, don't change the thing. This is beautiful. So if you go to land maybe it's two where La and Space Law they have Oh my god, I have not seen these other songs.
Oh they have more songs.
So Country to the Bone has nine thousand streams. We want that to be elevated.
That's Country of the bone.
Country to the Bone and the hollers what we call our home country to the Bone.
That's that song.
They have a song called back in Town. Haven't heard it? Fifteen thousand streams. Okay, so this they're real.
The production is real. No harmony is just.
Double yes and turn the maybe volume at up.
A little Biteah. The music's over power for sure. This is old though. Look that's gonna be like. Oh so they've been at it for a while, eight years ago or so. That's Landlaw and Lance Curtis. Okay, and here's a song called Hillbilly Legal.
I don't know.
Come on, come on, hill billy Legal. This can't be good. This can not be good.
It should be a joke. Song can not be good. Playing from my phone l A N l A W. I'm gonna make sure we don't get too much of it on a one time so we get in trouble. Here we go.
Watch my grandpa make that manshine in the holler.
Daddy used to run.
It by get anything to make a dollar. Oh, it's not about the age of consent, which is what I thought.
What's it about, I'm not kidding.
Probably alcohol, because he's talking about legal to drink. I literally thought it was like me, fourteen old enough, Yeah, where to God? That's what I thought, me too, Okay, okay, granddad who.
Was sure he has brother, you know.
Bad so he has a yelling thing that he does where it's like I've heard him every song. Let me keep playing this. There we go. It's definitely a moonshine song.
Yeah yeah, no, we got that now, ye yeah, underage drinking.
And the wow they got eagle and legal yeah yeah yeah, that's a good.
Rive and they hit the sirens that flag around here. It's hillbilly legal.
No, good job, boys, you don't love Landlord, good job? I love him.
Already followed him on TikTok, and I followed three people on TikTok.
That is I love them. That's good stuff, dude, I love laughed at the comments. Good stuff. I'm rooting for them. I think they're growth. Just as an artist, I think Country to the Bone really has some texture to it. It's catchy, does a filibit pandering, sure, but you know why pandering is pandering because there are people that relate and I don't think they're pandering. I think that's probably their life waking her up trying to earn a little extra pay.
Oh good, dude, that I thank you for bringing that to us today.
I thank me for that too.
That was a wonderful thing.
So you guys go check out land Law music yeah on TikTok and post a comment and be like heard by bones talking about this. Yes, because it's maybe my favorite new group. Maybe the Reggie Idiots do a song and colla and then feature Landlaw.
That'd be cool, man, because they were duo, two duo, two duos together.
That's like we're swinging land Law swinging.
Okay, let's take a quick pause for a message from our sponsor.
Wow, and we're back on the Bobby Cast. We have Eddie here. Here are four things I want to talk about. Brittany al Dean, Pearl Jam, YouTube, and Lincoln Park.
Oh dude, this is great. They're filming a supergroup Britney Aldan with better.
So those are the four things in this segment I want to talk about. And I do want to start first with Lincoln Park, which when we were younger but not kids like twenties, Lincoln Park was humongous, awesome, awful, medium hard pop. They kind of had all their cycles with me. Hey, Mike as a punk kid, where did Lincoln Park fall to you? I like them a lot, so I'll put them on a scale.
Like a seven.
Okay, Cyber Theory is a great album.
I agree, really of like that decade, one of the best.
I would think the Pioneers in like the rat Metal, Theatlmbiscuit era. Yeah, I got into that.
So what were they before I get into my comment here, Eddie you first, Lincoln Park? Scale them up one or ten? One or ten.
I'm not very familiar other than the radio hits.
Okay, that's fine though at of you okay, Oh that's alien it form that had a single hit and that was a Michael Jackson song.
To give me one song?
I can't now watch you do it though, I can't Yo day okay? Or crawling in my skin?
Oh yeah, or I'm tired, darn what you want from me?
Ziemon? Do so? Dozen'z a God in the under toe? I'm just God in the under toe?
Familiar with it?
One thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter.
How hard you try. Well, so you were not a fan?
No, man, I think they must have just been on the radio and I heard that. I mean, that's like Creed time, right, and like nickel Back time.
That's funny that it's create I would say, I'd say slightly prior though, but I don't know early.
Two thousand, so it was like late nineties.
I can't because radio, Yeah, probably I can't differentiate it.
That's kind of how I remember music, just the time of when all that was on the radio, and I wasn't a fan of that kind of music.
You remember before Creed and after Creed. That's how you timed things BC. But okay, and that is absolutely fair. I like to say that it's a debolutely fair. I just don't compare them at all. To me, they're not similar other than they have guitars.
But you know how you look at like grunge era, and then you look at metal era era, and then you look at that era of almost the same kind of sound where you almost associate a kind of person that you know listen.
To that music.
Absolutely understand what you're saying.
And I wouldn't put you in that category, but you knew music just kind of because you you knew music.
And I respect everything you just said to me. They're just so not the same like Creed and Lincoln Park, Arc and Nickelback I think created Nickelbacker in a similar.
Category, maybe even stained.
A little more, stained, a little more. We're just right, we're splitting hairs at this point. But okay, to you, they're all on the same bucket.
To me, I would say, Creed, Nickelback, that's that, that rock, that rock bucket. Lincoln Park was like metal. They got so popular it turned into like metal pop rap. But they were they were like a metal rap band at first.
Yeah, like metal.
So that's why to me they don't feel like Creed. But to a radio listener, and if you weren't into that, I totally I would like to say, again, I respect your feeling, just in no way would I have put those two at all near this near the same.
I guess they both played on all radio.
Yeah, I mean, if he turns the radio on at the time, listening to rock radio, you'd hear those all those songs together.
That was it.
And there was a radio station in Houston, because I was in college then and it was I would pick up that Houston radio station and that's what they would play.
I guess that. I also, I'm surprised he didn't like them a little more. But if you considered them Creed, I can see where you didn't because you hated Creed and you hated a nickel Back, which I did.
I'm a fan, not a fan of that music.
Which I didn't hate. I I would put mine at about a six, where at times it would dip down to a three and it would jump up to an eight sometimes just generally though, I would say nic Linka Park was a six to me. At times. I felt Chester was a little screamy for me, but that was part of their thing, especially when they started, and that's what I like more right, And I did like the Mike Schanoda raping part.
Oh so, Mike was the rapper and Chester was the singer.
Yes, okay, and so and that was kind of cool. They had two frontmen and Mike also played guitar. Yeah, but he was the one that rapped well on time. I don't know why, didn't even matter how hard you try take dub And so that was Chester. Jester want to kill himself. Yeah, yeah, so that m You just aren't fan. I don't think you're going to really enjoy this next thing that, but you may so as a semi fan six at times and eight because I did like their poppier stuff, which normally isn't the case with me, but I don't like hard stuff for the general But I liked hybrid theory was good because a lot of those songs they changed pop music because they got so big. Would you agree, Mike Yah.
I mean they had massive music videos on MTV.
They didn't start to understand how much money they can make by changing their sound till they got wildly popular from being who they really were. And then every once in a while they would do like a you know, Shrek. They wouldn't do Shrek, but it would be they put out like a little more friendly soul.
It was a song at the end of Transformers. It's pretty famous, great, and that's like what I associate with that movie.
So Lincoln Park Chester died and then they, as we've talked about, they split up, they got back together. They did like a let's try to find a new lead singer. They got a woman lead singer from a different band to do Chester's thing, and I think that strategically was very smart because it's not someone that you're gonna bring in, that's another guy that's trying to sing like Chester Bennington, but it's also a guy they're gonna It's also even if the guy came in that sang nothing like Chester, then it would sound nothing like Lincoln Park. Yea, So it was kind of a no when I love that they went and got a female. I think Chester's sun was upset, but you're also like the guy's in the band, like they deserve to be a band and they deserve to make money.
How old is Chester's son, He's probably twenty.
I don't know.
Did he want to sing? Is that kind of way he was upset?
I don't think so. Okay, I don't know that for sure, but I did Mike ever see the story what he was like, I don't like it. They're back together.
Yeah, the family doesn't really like it at all.
And I understand that, sure, But I also can see where those guys it's nostalgic now and they can go on the road and make some money. I agree, be the band, Go be the band. I mean, nobody got upset at Sublime that we know of, And so they had multiple singers and they had Rome and now they have his son as the now the lead singer.
Yeah, what he I just ironically, and not ironically but just eerily. I guess like it's eerie to hear him because he does sound like his dad a lot.
Bradley know at times, just like him at times, though he does his own thing a little bit too.
I've seen that too.
So this one I wanna say about licoln Park. I was watching them and I think this clip I pulled it from. Was it the Billboard Music Awards? Yeah, and it's her singing, and I the first time they announced her. They did this show and it was a show, but they also streamed it online and I was like, it's not a she thing because I think getting a female singer and there was a different female singer that I thought was better. Who knows why they didn't hire. Maybe she didn't want to do it, maybe they didn't get along, I don't know, but they brought the singer in and on this podcast, I was like, I don't think she's that good, Like she doesn't do the job that I think needs to be done as that voice of Chester. Don have to sound like him, but yes, So I'm always open to hearing something again a second time and being like, maybe I wasn't right, or maybe that person had a bad night, maybe they were sick. And so this is the Billboard Music Awards and Lincoln Park comes out. You've heard it, Mike, yep. Okay, what song are they did? They're doing one of the big hits, right or are they doing a new one because they do have a couple of new and a new one. Okay, would you mind playing it?
Bloods comfy?
And again I said what I said about the first time, I'm gonna say now the second time. She's still not good. Oh she's she's not good. I'm sure for her band it work. That's not good for that. It's not I don't think she's good for that. I'm sure she's a great scream o singer or whatever metal she does. I should say that she's not good for my taste of what I would hope Lincoln Park would put on. I don't want another Chester singer. She's all over the place. Mike, your thoughts.
I kind of like her voice, you do, oh Man. Whenever that first performance came out, I thought her showmanship wasn't there yet. I think she's getting there a little bit more.
I like her voice, man, I feel like it's not even like because the thing about Chester that wasn't pure screamo is he was able to scream.
In key in control.
He has the crazy control.
She doesn't have much control.
Yeah, it's a little gravelly there, but I kind of like those imperfections.
I don't mind the gravelly. I don't like. I don't like her as the singer.
The tone of the voice sounds cool, and I don't know how to compare it because I don't really know a lot of Lincoln Park, but like what Mike saying, the gravel tone, that sounds cool. But you're right, I do hear the wildness of her voice.
And like she's off. Yeah, and I know rock and rollin perfect man, I don't know. I wanted to give it a second chance because I wanted to like it, because I liked it. They're back, and I like they got a female lead singer. And I hope even this version of it is successful, and I, being a hater, I think is really cool. I'm glad they don't hope they kill it. I just thought, I just thought, think I got somebody better one more time? Please?
Blood got me right, there's good.
I'm okay with that. Okay, that part on she's on right, there. I meant to it, but then she just like loses the ability to sing. Go ahead.
Maybe it's because when she's really singing, she's not that she's I don't feel like she's as good of a singer, and she's trying to really sing some because some of that she's not screaming. And maybe it's the in and out that I don't know something about. It doesn't feel right, and I don't know why I'm so passionate about it, because I don't like give a crab out linka park.
I think it's the control of trying to get to those screaming moments where you're also having a note, but you're putting that emotion of that scream in there. He's not quite there on that note, but I can still enjoy.
It, and I can't. I said it, did you watch the auditions? Like how did they do that?
No? And I don't know that they had auditions, And Mike, you can jump in and talk on this too. What I did is they started to drop hints that they were going to get back together.
Yeah, they had a countdown clock.
And then, like Mike said, they put up a count down clock.
That's cool.
And then Lincoln Park. TikTok started going, oh, here's what we think will be the best. And I think at times there were even like videos that they had some guys that had different and I there was just one woman that was awesome. There's another dude that was awesome too, that I thought were great. I thought the woman that they didn't hire, I'm not even sure where's from. I thought she was amazing. Maybe she didn't want to join. I don't know. So did I see any sort of audition? No, Okay, I don't even know. How do you know how they found that if they did auditions, Mike, I.
Didn't see that they did auditions. There were just a bunch of rumors things. At one point, the lead singer of some forty one was.
Like, Hey, that was one too. That's why I thought that was an awesome idea.
Because he posted something about having an announcement, and then they posted some about having an announcement, and they're like, oh, this is gonna happen. That would have been interesting.
That would have actually been awesome because it would have been somebody that we knew that had their own standalone that he wouldn't have had to sound like Chester because he sounded like Derek Wembley.
Where and you'd have been leaving some forty one and then joining Lincoln Park.
That had been crazy, and Mike and I was talking about it because we do, we're nerds. And then all of a sudden we see the message that some forty one getting back together too.
Yeah, that was his big announcement.
That was his announcement. But Lincoln Parks was the countdown clock. Lincoln Parks was the back singer. Yeah I'm not I'm opener done now? Who is?
Wait they only came back for a minute.
Yeah they did that last tour. They're like, I think they played their last show now. Oh oh he was a putt. He got a book.
I knew that, But I mean they didn't do like a whole new music type thing.
They're done.
They must not have sold a bunch of tickets because you don't get done, you know, you don't stay done. If you go out and you sell a bunch of tickets, then you keep going, same tour, more shows at it.
Oh yeah, it's kind of what Creed's doing, right, dude.
Creeds is selling like crazy. They are so good live and Eddie has taken he can still hate Creede when he's a kid, but Eddie has a respect now because we perform a Scott's staff and he sounds like the freaking record. He sounds awesome.
Yeah, they talk about voice quality, He's got voice quality.
Yeah, it's it's amazing. But I also liked Creed back in the day. That's all I wanted to comment on that. I just maybe it's when she goes to the singing she's not able to get there fully and does it. But I'm not there yet, but I'm willing to keep an open mind and I hope it gets better because I'm rooting for him. That's number one.
The Bobby Cast will be right back. This is the Bobby Cast.
Number two is YouTube drummer Larry Mullen.
Larry Mullens Jr.
So with It's Edge, Larry Mullen Jr. Bono Adam Clayton and Adam Clayton who looks like always look like a kid kind of but no, maybe he's getting no looking older.
Oh man, Adam Clayton's the one that looks like he's ninety years old.
He's look at the kid.
He's looked older for about thirty years now because he has white hair does Larry Mullin look at the kid.
He's the one that looks like a kid. He's ripped still he still looks young.
And then Red Hot Chilli Peppers their drummer looks like Will Ferrell, just like him, just like him. That's that uh bit they did on Jimmy Fallon where they're playing drums beside each other. Did you ever say it? Yeah, it's so funny. So I'll talk about YouTube's drummer for a second. Larry Mullen Jr. He can't count or add what do you mean? He has what you have, dyscalcula, but he has it bad. It's a dyscalcula. He has math dyslexia. And for him, he can't even count bars. So in music that's tough. Three bars, six bars, nine bars. I mean hip hop, they wrap in bars. He said, it's like climbing Mount Everest.
You know that's funny because if you watch them play, he is very focused. He's not the drummer that looks up smiles. He's I mean, he doesn't look up at all. He's very focused. So maybe he's trying his hardest every single time they play a show to keep that time.
I didn't know that, but it makes sense. He said. That explains why he often looks miserable behind the kit.
Oh my gosh, there we go.
The fact that you knew that's crazy, but you're a fan. Quote. I am pained because I'm trying to count. I had to always find ways of doing this and counting those bars, like climbing Everest. But he has this calculus so bad.
Gosh, that's god.
I mean, that's gonna be tough, and he probably can't play for anyone else. Really, I think it helps that he's been playing with these guys since they were teenagers, that they probably write music differently, all right, like Larry the here's.
Our Aloray's off and they're like classical Larry on.
I did. I was there for a show. I think it was in Dallas when YouTube did the whole like somebody come up here who can play the drums, and some guys like I can play the drums, and they pull them up and dude, you know YouTube plays. It was Cowboys Stadium. It's huge.
This guy gets behind the drum set and he can't play at all. And I and the band tried so hard to sing along with the drums. But it was the first time I'd ever seen YouTube just sound like complete crap. Like even Bono was like, I'm trying so hard and I.
Famous song, oh oh yeah.
But then they stopped it and they brought Larry on and they did it.
Yeah. I've told the story twenty times and every once we'll have to retire a story. So I'm not gonna tell it right now. I'll may bring out of retirement at one point the Green Day when I saw Greeney do that.
Come a you gotta tell it, you gotta tell not for today.
It is good. I have two other things I want to get Okay, but Green Day did that with the full band once when I was there at that show. They may do that at every show. Mike, You've been to probably more Green Day show than I have. Yeah, they do that every They replace every instrument.
I think when I would they just replaced the guitarist.
What tal did you go here? Okay? I went to Santonio, But this is like fifteen years ago.
This was a lot this summer past summer yours.
Yeah, got it one day one day soon, I'll we tell the story one day. Okay, we got lunch comut I gotta eata. Let's talk about pearl jam. Yes, oh, before that, let's write you two on our scale. Eddie U R fan go one through ten pro ten excuse me? You two?
Ten? Ten? They're they're the max.
They max.
Yeah, I mean I can't.
I can have multiple bands at ten, right, because I mean I put beatles at ten, I put pearl jam at ten.
You two at ten?
Mike one, I like one song?
Oh my god, is it one? The song one that would even be better? Oh yeah, that's a jam one lash one day like one like one song and it's the song one wow one, I say seven.
Yeah. Have you seen them live?
No, it's amazing, I'm sure for you there are ten.
Well, it's just like I think you would appreciate it, how much they put into it.
It's a corporation. You look around and they must have five hundred employees.
I mean they got I mean they're massive. So they need to put on a pearl jam. Now, let's right, pearl jam Mike.
Ooh, probably two. I just don't listen to them.
What Eddie for you ten? Yeah, i'd seven and a half. I like it little more than you two. They're a little more YouTube is a little before Pearl Jam and actually a little after two YouTube had a longer staying power of like being in that pop culture. Yeah yeah, yeah, but there's some Pearl Jam stuff I really like, like really like, but then some mah old Pearl Jam like two record like well, first of all not but Bytology.
My favorite, well not my favorite album, but my first.
Out nine what is it called?
Ten? Thank you?
Not nine?
Ten is one? But I don't know them that well, yeah nine or ten? Yeah, ten's got that Hey, I listened before ten in the night. Ten's got even flow Jeremy. That's the biggest one alive. So I like those hits on ten. But my favorite song is on Bytology, which better Man?
Better Man is my favorite program song? Oh it is.
I don't know that could be your favorite of every single one, but that's but that's like a radio song, I know.
But it was just the first song that really stuck out to me. We're like, man, this band's really really cool.
I thought that record, The Bytology record at times was really bizarrely. Bug song was really weird.
It was kind of a middle finger to the label bugs.
It's I got.
Bugs bugs in my room he's got. It's Eddie and accordion.
That's all it is with Pearl Jam, though, this is something that I want you to bring up because they're coming to town. But you're having an issue because it's on a school night or no fortnight.
No even worse, what it's my wife's birthday? Oh, like I mean, I've Pearl Jam has come to Nashville three times while we've lived here, and all times every single time we've been out of town, like we've had to do a show somewhere else, or we were busy. I don't know what it was. But this is the first time that I'm going to be here when Pearl Jam is here. But it's my wife's birthday.
Have you told her of this? How has that met?
She kind of like, what's up to you?
Well, you've been married a long time.
It's gonna be twenty years now.
What I've found, I have been married near as long as you. Don't know near as much as you about marriage and don't know the difficulties or the amazingness that you do because you have spent a long time in it. I have my version three year version. You have a twenty year version. There are certain things that three years in our marriage that aren't as big of a deal to her, that were our first year, and some that are. And I wonder your wife's birthday. Is it less important to her to do it on that night after twenty years or is it the same? How does she feel at her birthday? Just in general?
So there's history.
There's history here because the first time when my wife and I were dating two thousand, like a long long time ago, uh, I asked her to come to a pro jam show with me and my friends, and she said cool. And what she didn't know was that me and my friend Mike, we have fan club tickets, so we had first front row tickets. It was only two tickets, so she.
Had to sit.
So Mike gave you no his ticket for her.
It's tradition, no no me and Mike sitting.
But you asked her to go in and she didn't even sit with you?
Correct, So and that was my bad. I wasn't smart enough to realize that that's probably not a good move.
You were a kid, yeah, my tips, Oh my god, your twenties. I thought you were like fifteen, Oh my god, like probably twenty.
Okay, okay, you're still a kid, but that's still kind of dumb. Go ahead.
She was pissed at me for that for a long time because like you're gonna invite like you said, you're gonna invite me to a show, and you're gonna go with your little friend and sit front road to your little band.
Yeah, it was a fight.
So I think because of that history, she's telling me like, do what you want with the underlying you're not going even Oh yeah, I did twenty years of marriage.
You can tell, so you do mean she.
Wants you to go.
You're not going on my birthday? You're out of your mind.
I'm not saying she's wrong. I just did know off twenty years. Maybe birthdays were less important about celebrating the exact night it was, especially if it's on like a week night anyway, because kids to go school.
Where do you fall?
Are you still thinking of going?
I've got to see Pearl jam right.
Can you not go to a city nearby?
Yes? I can always do that, but that's a pain. You gotta go to a city nearby. Hotel Louisville. I haven't even looked.
If they play in town. When is it next year?
Next year?
What month? Me if they play in town with everything as it is right this second, are you going to go to the show even though your wife it's on her birthday and she doesn't want you to go.
You make me decide right now? No, I can't. I can't. She'd murder me.
Okay, I think that's the right move.
I think she'd be so upset at me if I did this. But and here's another thing. My son too, who who's eleven years old, has understood now my love for pearl Jam. He too loves pearl Jam now. It's all he listens to and he's excited. So it doesn't help that we both want to go. And my wife's like, hello, it's my birthday.
How unfortunate. And I don't know, dude, you do like double birthday on a weekend or something, and like, hey, let's compromise. But also the birthday day is almost if she's it's not compromisable. It's not even worth asking for the compromise.
No, it's not worth it. It's really not worth it. But the problem is pro tim it's not young.
So I know. No, you have to tell me all this. You can defend it to me, all good. I'm not going to have a horse in this race.
They may never tour again.
I know. But still even if I'm like, good, point out you should do it, You're still not going to listen to whatever I said. You should just give your wife her birthday? Would you, Oh, there's no chance you can't go. I would find a different city to go to, especially if there was just a couple hours away. Then try to find a friend to go with me to it.
And even worse, my buddy Mike, he's like, he still has those fan club tickets. So if you have, if you're still a fan club member, Pearl Jam reserves the first thirteen rows of every show, so it doesn't matter if you paid ten thousand dollars.
But you and him can't sit together on her birthday. If she wanted to go to this, that would even be worse. Divorce, does it again? That would be worse.
And Mike called me, He's like, hey, man, I got tickets for Nashville.
So he is coming.
He's coming.
But if he came and you went with him, she couldn't go at all. So that that's not the question that you could go with her. That's not even because you guys went to Hawaii together. It's THEE You two and Pearl Jam.
Yeah, yeah, she's she's seen Pearl Jam.
But what if she just goes with me and you don't say with.
Mike, Then my son is going to be really upset.
Then you get three tickets and sit without it.
Oh you think my wife's gonna want to spend her birthday going to see Pearl Jam.
No, I'm just trying.
I'm just trying to find a way. I don't know because I've thought about that. Dude, There's no way she's gonna want to go see Pearl Jam. She's not a fan.
Update me.
I will, but I think you know where it's I think I know what the update is going to be too. Yeah, look at the schedule, see where they're coming close by? Okay, one other thing, Brittany Alden is standing by her man. She was not happy when Billboard magazine put out a list of what it considered the top one hundred country artists of all time. Not on that list, Jason Alden, Oh that's Oh, that hurts the same. Jason Aldan, who scored since twenty f thirty eight top ten singles, in fact, all the singles. Audanh's released. In his career, he's missed top ten twice. Brittany Aldan says it's politics the reason, and I'll give you a why. I agree with her and don't agree with her. I don't agree it's politics because there are people that have similar political beliefs as Jason Aldean on this list. Travis Tritz on the list. He not only politically feels the same way, but like goes into bizarre conspiracy parts of that world.
Does she mean like political, like his political opinions, or it's a.
Political addressing the magazine, this is a prime example of Jason being left out of things in the industry. Your weakness or your wokeness obviously override your ability to credit where it's due.
Got it.
The Aldan's a roths spoken Republicans. It's literal political. But she's not right on that because there are other outspoken Republicans in this list. That removes what I think is the validity of her argument. Now, do I also think you should be on the list? Yeah? Probably, I haven't gone Like I've looked at the top. I'm to have all the lists here, and sometimes they just gotta put old people in it for the sake of putting od people in it, but because there are other two, three, multiple just even just Republicans, and some of them and.
The reason you know that they're Republicans because they're ours Republicans extremely.
I mean Travis Tritz at eighty five, and when I was going from one hundred back, he was the first one that popped out. I mean, and I don't want to get into everybody's political business, but I see at least four or five outspoken Republicans that are on the list now, I'll say.
And the list is how long?
One hundred one hundred.
That's crazy, crazy he didn't make that list.
I agree, But I'm telling you it's a pretty strong list. But I think two at times they're just putting people on there because they're old, like Vern Gosden. Don't know who that is, okay, and you wouldn't unless you like searched it if you're our age. And so I think that he had.
A dealership and back in the valley.
I don't know if that's a joke because I don't know enough about it.
What's his name again?
What Vern Gosden?
We had a vern old Oldsmobile Verned something Ohsmobile.
Like Kitty Wells, but I believe she was the first female to have a number one song.
I can know that name.
I believe that's no research here. But so I don't think it's politics because there are other political people on. But what I agree with her one is good for her. I mean she's his wife, freaking yell scream, that's cool, that's cool. I like that, protect your husband. And then two, al Dean gets left off big awards all the time, and it's not political, like he wins like ACM Entertainer of the Year but doesn't even get nominated for CMA Entertainer of the Year. Different groups and different people just put them on different So it's not even like it is out of the norm going to be left off major things. I'm not saying it's fair that because he has data. I mean, I alw use Dan and Jay Danie she woud have the data for years. They get left off things. Sure if it wasn't because of politics. Sometimes it's just the people who vote. It's the different political not political and what are you voting for. It's like political like in the stupid way.
Right, And that's what I thought.
You may definitely, definitely could be that more than the other way, because I don't think it's the political way, but I do one like the fact that she's like screaming about it stands out for him like that. Two don't agree with her because I don't think it's political. The one glaring one is Travis Trutt. There are others on here, but Travis Truitt super vocal, and I do think he was he was kind of screwed to leave off the list. Like, but like Luke Bryan, he's on the list, which he should be. What do you think Luke is on a list? I would just pick a number of jerandom you're guessing no idea of seventy okay, ninety six, so that's how many. So if Luke's at ninety six, him and al Dean are like within seven or eight points of each other, you can put him either direction. By what they're doing and the people that have chosen this, that's about it doesn't feel that weird.
Yeah, your thoughts, Mike, Yeah, it could be like a one on one.
I think there's like kind of like a coolness factor when you make these lists, and Jason Aldean probably isn't the cool pick to put on a top one hundred.
You know what's cool really old and dead Vernon Ogden, Vernon Verne Gosden, that one.
I think you what, it doesn't matter you think what I think. You probably like Barn Gosden.
Really yeah, yes, it's like how old.
Oh he's forties, No fifties. He's like, well, I'm my forties, dude, he's older.
I mean no, no, no, no, no, I'm in a decade a decade.
Of like probably forties fifties. I only know I'm not because I'm like some great music Savannah, but like Country's a call of fame. Spent a lot of time at the Opery.
He had nineteen top ten hits from nineteen seventy seven to nineteen ninety. I thought he was older than the last died in two thousand and nine.
Bro. I thought he was older than that. I'll think I was like fifties and sixties. Maybe I'm not thinking of vern Gosden. I'm also gonna be honest, maybe I'm not thinking of burn Gosden. Dude, I mind, I'm be thinking of Barn Gosden.
The thing too with al Dean, I feel like Al Dean. I know that it's not as different, right with the all artists and but with al Dean, he kind of just sings.
Yeah, you're right. He doesn't write anything.
He doesn't well, not not just that, I mean like he doesn't act, he doesn't do TV shows, he doesn't really he's not known for like good interviews. Like he's just kind of he just kind of sings, which is awesome and he's good at it and he's it's great. But to be remembered, I think you have to do a lot more.
Bro, That ain't Bvern Gosden I thought was Vern Gosden. You were wrong about Vern, Dude, this is not who I pictured. I'm gonna be honest and just fully put it out there. Not who I thought was Vern Gosden.
So Steve Vern, that's kind of a cool factor. I don't know who that is.
I say, replace Alidin for Vern Bvern Gossen. I know what that is either replace him?
All right?
Thanks really listening to a Bobby Cast production