Joshua Inman on Recovery from Unwanted Same Sex Attraction, Pt 1
Joshua Inman is the twin brother of Steven Inman, who we interviewed earlier this year. In this first of two broadcasts, Joshua shares his story, including getting involved with dressing as a girl at a young age, a father who abandoned him, and the bullying he endured, including from Christians. Jo…
The Porn Epidemic in the Church Continues to Grow
A recent study from Barna Group reported that: 62% of Christians believe someone can regularly watch porn and still lead a healthy sexual life. 44% of women reporting they regularly watch porn, a significant increase 10% of Christians reported that their churches had programs to help 84% of porn u…
Spiritual Warfare in the UK
In October, Mike visited the UK to attend the CRE show in Milton Keynes and to film a 6 part video series there on freedom from porn and sex addiction. During the time he was in the UK the spiritual warfare was intense, with daily battles that sometimes lasted hours, perverse dreams, and more. In t…
Greg Reid on the Infiltration of the Church
In this broadcast we welcome Greg Reid back. Greg has been in youth ministry for nearly 30 years, is the director of Youthfire Ministries, and is a former private investigator who has taught over 250 criminal justice classes on occult crimes and crimes against children to law enforcement and others…
Strength and Endurance in The Last Days
Regarding the days leading up to and into the tribulation period, Jesus cautioned us in Matthew 24:13 that "the one who endures to the end will be saved." In Luke 21:36 He told us: "But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take pla…
Joel Barnes on The Rogue Christian
Joel Barnes returns to discuss Mike's book The Rogue Christian and Joel's involvement in creating the newly released audio version of TRC. A 5 minute clip is played at the beginning of the show. Also, Joel shares how the senior pastor of his former church was recently sentenced for inappropriate se…
The 7 Churches
Jesus confronted 70% of the 7 churches He addressed in Revelation 2 and 3. Just because a church has a gifted communicator for a pastor, a big building, or all the other bells and whistles doesn’t mean Jesus that they wouldn’t be one of the 70% Jesus confronted. If we apply the math from Revelatio…
Action Steps to the Abundant Life and Overcoming Porn Addiction, Part 1
Mike gets into action steps to take to overcome porn addiction (and any kind of sin) that have the additional blessing of experiencing the abundant life Jesus offers. These steps include: Rigorous, ongoing honesty Taking ownership of sin Ongoing support and accountability Cutting off the stumbling…
When Spiritual Warfare is Tough, and More
Mike shares the story of a rough patch of spiritual warfare he went through that morning, fighting through it and overcoming, more stories of recent events, and what we have been seeing recently with those who come to us for help at Blazing Grace.
Overcoming Same Sex Attraction, Part 2
In this second of two broadcasts, Mike continues his interview with Steve Inman, who, although he was raised in the church, became disillusioned and spent years of his life running from God and hiding in the gay lifestyle. Steve discusses his struggles in finding peace, His relationship with God (w…