
How to Start Losing Weight (if You Are Obese) • Dr Tro Kalayjian

Published Jul 16, 2018, 5:50 PM

US board-certified internal medicine physician & expert in medical weight loss, Dr Tro Kalayjian, is today’s guest interview. Tro shares with us the safe way to start losing weight if you are obese. He also shares his personal story on how he lost over 150lbs and is able to workout and is no longer morbidley obese. He helps to explain how our weight gain is driven by our hunger + satiety and how we can control this by identifiying our trigger foods. We then find out about the foods that promote satiety and why we should always prioritise nutrition over exercise for weight loss. We also go into why the low carb diet is prefered for long-term weight loss, Dr Tro experiment with the carnivore diet, creating positive lifestyle changes, exercise and more. Go to the show notes for episode 58 at for more links & highlights.