On today's show Bill will interview Rabbi Shore on his new book Who's Afraid of the big bad jew, secretary of defense is being blasted by text exchanging of conservations on national security, department of housing and development announced non permanent resident will no longer be allowed to obtain…
On today's show Bill will interview Dr. Robert Jeffress on his new book Jesus Revealed In the end times, daily worship, local/world news.
On today's show Bill went straight to white house for press conference with President Trump, Tom Atmea in studio to discuss heart for Lebanon, Israel, and local/world news.
On today's show Bill ask a question if you attended your church service and what your pastor's sermon was? We will also be interviewing Greg Elie who is the host of Prosperity Hour that airs Sundays at 8am to discuss about solutions regarding your money for retirement, and local/world news.
On today's show Bill discussed Florida legislative meeting Gov Desantis had today, how the democratic are behaving regarding president trump, elon musk having telsa cars vandalized, interview with Todd Mullins on his new book Don't Let The Doubt Take You Out and local/world news.
On today's show Bill will interview Fernando from family focus insurance, Mondo Gonzalez on his new book The Mystery of the Red Heifer, how to have healthy teeth with no cavities, recap on NASA aircraft landing on earth yesterday evening, and local/world news.
On today's show Bill will discuss phone call between President Trump and Putin, interview with Tami Kent on All pro dad event that is March 30th at cross point church, praise and worship, two astronauts stuck in SpaceX will be returning to earth and local/world news.
On today's show Bill will be interviewing Terri Schiavo's brother Bobby Schindler on Life & Hope Network to Commemorate 20th Anniversary of Her Tragic Death, he will also have a special tribute on the passing of our beloved co worker Ken Zyer, and we will have local/world news.
On today's show Bill will discuss government shutdown countdown, genocide from Isis in middle east, praise break, rays can't move forward with new Tampa bay stadium, and much more local/world news.
On today's show Bill will interview Fernando from Family focus insurance, and local/world news.