Published Jan 12, 2021, 3:00 AM

The topic of discussion for this weeks episode of BIG FACTS is doing business with people that have bad reputations.

Kountry Wayne talks about his 10 kids, Jess Hilarious, hustling during the pandemic, hustling with his father in the streets, ownership in business and more on BIG FACTS.



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Big Bag and DJ Scream bring you Big Fats hottest podcast in the streets. Visit the new website today www dot Big Facts pod dot Com Live and first Class Sounds. Time for another edition of Big Facts. Of Course, DJ Scream is here, Baby Jay's Big Bankers in the building. Our feet is on the payment. What's up people? How? What's up? Family? How? How everybody feeling? Trying to stay warm? It's cold? And that means you know what I'm saying. Vaccines? What vaccines? It's a joke. Vaccines question? Did you get it? Did you vote? Of course I did? Okay, you got vaccines? No? Hell no? You know you know, come at it's out. You can get the plug on it. If you know the right right person, the right people. You can go get your vaccine if you feel like you know what I'm saying, that's gonna keep you from corona. I just think it might turn some people into zombies and ship with the vacs can't do though, Like what are its supposed to prevent? It? Stop? It protect you from the coronavirus. But yeah, you go at the same time destroying your amused system, causing you to have a stroke. Face. It's just we don't know what the hell. We don't know what the hell anyway, We ain't got no what they So they say, you're gonna have to be able to uh in order to fly. You like to have that ship? Right now, that's something to talk about, like what what do they can't They can't legally do that, can't they? I think I think we just saw presidency. They do what the funk they want? They can They've had mandatory vaccines before in life. They have you gotta take them, or they can just make a mandatory to go to school, So what you do, or they might make a mandatory to go there. I'm gonna slide under the radar before they it's gonna take a boat. Yeah, I know how to swim. I don't give a a big shots at the country. Ain't were gonna chopping it up with him to day. Now we're started an episode talking about, you know, if there's somebody who did some flaws ship, let's not go to the ultimate extreme of flawship that they did. But they happened to be the plug too many things? Right can you deal with them into? What capacity? Do you deal with them? So basically, if it's a lame or it's a duck or something. Did some bullshit right to what capacity? Do you deal with them personally? Did some flawsh it to me? Not to you, but you know that they did something like Let's say, what would you say called that, like, uh, backstaff somebody. I mean, that's a little like there's a bullshit. Let's say that. Let's say that. Let's say they are accused of like disrespect and violating women, violating some people, just doing some bullshit that you wouldn't do. It's not extreme funk shit like snitching or nothing, but it's some bullshit that you violating women. What do you mean by that? Like a rapist or some ship? That's extreme. That's what snitching. We know, we can't deal with nobody who do that. Let's just say they're sexually harass them, which is still bad. You know what I'm saying said, that's right, sexual harassment and rape, it's the same. We gotta leave yeah, leave it all out. So let's just say they maybe non for cutting through somebody else, cut throats and backstabbing, Well that ship come with the game. It's just like if you got all your your ship covered, you gotta be cut throat proof. I guess like that coming with the game. I mean, you're not gonna deal with nobody. So if you get you, you you're getting in bad with this person. Per se to do business and you know they cut throat, you know they snake. You're saying that you invite just because you know it's business. You invite to say, I'm gonna do this because this person is really the only plug to this. Ain't you gotta be the only plug. Let's do business at the end of the day. I'm watching for the for the for the cross that's with anybody because in it because the mother could be known for from doing you this ain't been you meet the mother who ain't never cut through. Nobody could cut throw too. So come wit the ship. Can you let your guard down because you've never heard nothing? And then they take your head off. It's all the same like business has been. Man, you gotta be looking for the crossing that ship anyway, So what if J tell you or I tell you are warring. You're saying, man, you shouldn't do business with this person. I don't know what your business was. Me personally, I can't. I can't give these people got them. Don't go out me me personally. I can't go off of what your situation was. It may be a different respect level or different whatever. You know what I'm saying. I don't know how how that situation. I can't judge the situation off for somebody else situation. But don't we like if you will know my bad, if you will known like everybody you deal with, it's some bullish it nor you know what I'm saying, But if it's if it's a situation out there, a couple of niggers talked down on your name. Hey man, I gotta see for myself well known like these niggas, ain't he never did nothing successful with nobody, But but you don't did some successful business with certain people. Then if we fit together, we fit what if it always with them? Yeah, we feel if it worked, it worked. I can't. I can't judge you off it was somebody else say, because somebody got something to say about everybody, even everybody in this room. True, So how the funk I'm gonna go off of that? Yeah, I gotta go out of now. If I if I meet you and you you fit the quateria of what they've been saying. Like every time I talk to you and me, and you're going back and forth, and then no, I'm gonna be weary of you. Make sense, I'm gonna be weary of you. But I can't just say I'm gonna cut you all the way out just because with another nigga say about you another person before we even have any type of dealings. Yeah, because at the end of the day, that's a good all right, you're gonna give him a shot. It's business. It's business, no business who it's different. If it's a difference if you say them said bank man, you shouldn't saw so so. But I'm saying if if Jade to Dave or somebody said, man, you don't need the funk with if one of them say I don't need the po them, I already don't funk with him, got you, That's what I'm getting that. If you know what I'm saying, I already don't sunk with him anyway, So that yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, But if a nigga got the street and being another business associate tell me that I can't I shouldn't do business with another a nigga. I can't. I can't go on your word Yeah, yeah, yeah, unless it's just you know what I'm saying a nigga that this is like bro, I'm telling you. But if it's just that, he'll say that's what they say, and I can't go out there. You might just say that that he or she that person might just be a shrewd business person and I can't say that that. When he slammed you over, his heart didn't change. That was the last one. When he fucked over you, he didn't, he didn't, he didn't turn together like having awakening. Yeah up, that was the last one. He had to get it out. Yea. That the case, man, you wouldn't be too a busin with nobody. Yeah, No, that's real, that's real. I mean, that's that's the proper way to look at it. What you think, Jake, I feel as I feel the same way about you. Know, you can't unless it's like some deep ship and it's like your personal personal people have had a personal experience, Then you can't really go off of everybody else's opinion about somebody because, like like he said, you never know what transpired between them. And not that you owe anybody anything, but to a certain extent, if they're the plug on something. Then you guys are doing business and you've never had any dealings with them at all. You kind of sort of do all them the benefit of the doubt until you see for yourself. So that's business. So that's Does that apply to everything? Does that apply to males? Females? Does apply to the same thing. If everybody say she ain't ship or he ain't ship, then do you still got to see for yourself? Like does that apply to that too? Yeah? A nigga one beat. Nobody wouldn't be in a relationship because everybody. I've been with somebody and everybody got something bad to say about that person. Okay, that's real ship. That strike me, Like the person that said I got to see let me see. Oh no, but you're let me see what this? Yeah, I want to see because you could be lying. Then you sunk around me and this nig gonna make a billion dolarge together. You would just laugh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, real shipro because I already do that, Like I already fought with the niggas, certain niggers that people be saying that you don't get so not based on your experience, how has that worked for you? Perfect? I have no problem because you're handling business. You know what I'm saying, Because at the end of the day, Bro, I'm watching for it and I do you if it comes to house and you're trying to do me. Yea, you know what I'm saying. So it's I guess it's on my most thieves. Yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying. I don't know that in the Bible, robbers gonna rob the Robert prod. But exactly, Bro, Like, come on, man, you're gonna know when you can't do being in time said that, No, come on slow project path for making that dope bar man. Yeah, all right, So it's not just an eventure each his own to you know what I'm saying. I don't know everything for your life, for somebody else's life. Me personally, Bro, I hadn't been through it before, nigga, Like, but I don't and gonna make together on the plate, you know what I'm saying, Like real ship, We built up good money because niggas don't sunk with niggles. That's only Y's my best friend. We ain't friends or nothing like that, but we can get some money together. Then it was straight and then then most of the times it is important though, Bro. Yeah, most of the time when the nigga puts out on the nigga name and he do deal with he do get a chance to deal with certain people. He trying to extra show that I ain't know what they're saying them all, so the anyway henna be good anyway fact trying to make Yeah he know he was say, you never know, it could change his heart. You can change his heart like ship my face up and being the right and he trying to do right and then get some money. Yeah, that's a good game. Now. I like the resume. I run resume, what's up? What y'all know about blah blah blah blah blah, oh blah blah blah. But I go get the resume from people that yeah I get that. I understand that too. But like I've been in the in the situation where like I've been hated on, so I get it, like I understand exactly what he's saying and understand like why those are facts. Because at the end of the day, if it was some ship where everybody was listening to other people that said about me or whatever, I wouldn't be where I'm at. That's real. No, that's facts the biggest effects. But like everybody saying the same thing, and it's a lot, right, That's what I'm saying, Like if three resumes come back, ain't yeah yeah, yeah yeah, you might not be it now that you got a point too, she might be it for that person. For that. I'm saying that this is we start talking about a person in business, but the people. People people people people, relationships. Businesses are relationships. Relationships are relationships, any of that. People get a chance every day to be whatever they want to be. Every day is the first day and the rest of your life. You know what I'm saying, You can wake up this kind of conflicts, all this kind of conflicts the bank Bible of big facts. That can you come back from being the fun that ain't a fun nigga because I did some bullshit business being a nigga. You know, you don't think how Okay, okay, look what she's like. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to I'm trying to sort that out. I'm saying, if I do, if I if I go into a business deal with somebody's bad business and there's fucked up business, you understand what I'm saying. Okay, what you're okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna break it down the bath y'all. Y'all, what you're saying is coming back from a nigger in the bank Bible. And what he's saying is he's doing business with somebody that was technically allegedly a bad business person. What you're talking about is somebody who maliciously did bad business business. You with a promoter, right or some ship like that, the money off, But you don't know the situation of that night. That's true. You know what I'm saying. That night could have been got down his lay mersing money everything. Bro. I just don't know how to say. But this ain't doing it, dude. So Nile Donna say that's some fun. I don't know what I'm saying. So how are you gonna say? What different? Is it different? Bro? What can you do? What can you do? What you do? I can't. I can't call a person of me because he has had fucked up business deal. So what about running off running off with Well, like if a promoter run off with some money from the door or and did make the money, didn't pay, or if somebody completely run off, and there was a certain level of let's just say there's a label and the nigga signed a side artist or something like that, and they run off with the side artists advance ship like that. That's totally different though business. That's what I'm saying. That's the talk about. That's not the same nigg that you're talking about. You get on the phone and somebody say, bro, I went fun with him. If you take different, I'm saying, but if you did, some ship was out of your control. You understand that basically is what you're saying. Basically, what I'm saying is I don't know what their situation is to make that business go self. We don't know the whole story, That's what I'm saying. So that's me my, that's my whole show, the whole story, and everybody got their own situation that could have happened. It's like we might just hear the reaction though you get what I'm saying all the time. Sometimes you can just hear the end of what nigga did, two sides of every story. Like because just cause just because the nigga slapped the nigga don't mean he wrong. You don't know what then probably call me puts that niggaw puts not slapping all you've seen slap this nigga, But now I'm the nigger, he said. You know what I'm saying, real ship, nobody then here but me. But I feel now here's niggas and bullshit. He's slapping nigga's. Yeah, but we don't know the circumstances what this man said. Here, am I right a wrong on the screens the world's perspective. But like you said, if an artist is it's got his trusting the nigga. Nigga right out with a nigga bat, you're just a bit You know what I'm saying. Y'all have been coming up together and somebody that's the artist, right and this could be the most talented artists in the fucking world. What I'm saying is, should have nothing nigga sign them. If you run out with the bat, if you ran off on somebody else, fighter contract, just get your business in all the contract. They can still run off and just you're not canna run off on me a date. You k they're not gonna run off on you. But what I was saying is if they ran off on Kodak. Then do you still sign them? Where where are they going to run to? I'm just saying, if you're being in tight you're being a tighten. It's your business type, your business type nothing. So if you know this, you need a d How is you been going off three different labels with three hunted and then yeah you go, you got wrapped. Then you're not gonna still have on your chain. You're not gonna have a life the chain. You're not gonna have a life for them talking about if they're gonna get a hunted, hunted, and a hunted three different niggas food, then we're good for you. Give me some food that we're good. Were good. That's a pink casket, a black casket, and a great casket. What are you talking to? Taking it there? I feel you but it and we said you've seen somebody will do somebody else like that? Should you even sign the nigga that ran off on code that being that you know Kodak and that should That's what I'm saying, But that's kind of going if the niggas hot, that kind of goes I'm this is story, this happens in real life. I'm not I'm not gonna cross called how cool are me? And called that first of all, he calls you and said, I've seen that they're getting the picture with you. You bad not signed that nigga because he ain't it, But you're listening to you like, man, this nigga got it? Do you sign him that ship being? Because they can't get any fitting about me? In your heart and your core, you know he ain't gonna do right, probably because someone of your brother. I'm gonna cover so many angles, but this ship you've been aside, but it's gonna be that puff paperwork. You ain't get out this ship. You've been a sign some ship neither. If you're gonna work at when did I get something? Ship that's your hot? Go? He should from how he did this fair enough? I learned every night, nigger. I'm playing you back what you did to the Cold Crush. That's good information, good game. Man. I follow the resume, but I feel no, I'm not saying I went follow like I said. I would be weary of you. Right. You're gonna have to prove them wrong through to me because I'm watching your head like a holp. But I ain't think that got them pass up on the situation because what somebody else said that basically I got you if I know you're just a well known everybody know like that nigga is not right. Ain't the way I can deal with you, even even if even if you got there, but if you got some type of success, ain't no, ain't no such things. You're not right. You did somebody right, something had to happen right right, you know what I'm saying, Like you did somebody right, ship, I can't. I can't say what's going on with with other people, bro, because it's situations to be. Like I said, be five sides to that ship. Yeah, now that's real and I just learned something. But like you said, no, but like you said, eno, if I called the people that I talked to every day and y'all have a story about it, then fun, No, I can't deal with you, right, It's gonna be awkward. But if that's what they say, I can't go with day because they say ship by the everybody. Yeah, I just gotta side one thing. I'm sorry, you're really glowing today. I'm on my ship, man. Yeah, like we've been sitting in the house someday, Man, that ship just drug me. But it's good. That's another third we had to sit in. But I feel better. Yes, the screen, you know what time. No, I know exactly what you're talking about, but you know how it is in the city. You make the calls about whoever, just to see what's going on. And then if it just comes from certain people, now you know hate, and then you might have sucked up a good situation not working with that person or at least having a conversation or trying to ship out. I just learned that. I'm just gonna look at it and see what it is like if it makes sense. Brow would I think about if everybody covers up, man, you can't like it makes ship makes sense? But then being covered, though, are you getting the message from a low one not to do some ship is still gonna do it? You can be covered and still and you're talking about the message from Kodak. That's yeah, that's different. Like me and called that we're here. But if this nigga go make me some little baby money like call that got you. I'm just saying you are potentially setting yourself when they do the ultimate fun ship. But like I called that the call and say I told you so and that you never know, You never know. You gotta keep yourself relevant enough to a nigga can't get rid of you. You gotta make yourself so much value to this to this person. Get what ain't nobody getting rid of rid of a valuable person. Man's feel if they feel like it's valuable to their situation. But nigga feel like you could do better. He gonna do his own thing. It's just how it goes. And nigga's got to respect that. But if you got a value to the nigger life, how where are you going fact? Keep yourself relevant anything business or relationship, anything like anything, keep you say with you to the end, if you know what I'm saying, This is the way we touch up that real quick though. So but with that ride to the end, what if what if it don't go that way? Like what if the CEO of the situation of the label don't fell off? What's the line of loyalty? Like for all the artists and producers and everything. There's like bro don't fell off, And there might not be no fell off because he did some bad ship. He just down, he fell out while he was with me, or he helped me and then he felt he put everybody on, he put all his money. That's my nigga, I'm gonna bring him back. How he fell off if he put everybody else on. No, he he gave everybody opportunity and money. Maybe created a situation and the label gave everybody advance to change all that ship. You know what I'm saying, did right, but he just down bad on his luck. He didn't do right. Do right if he got there, if he if he sitting up and he didn't go up to you, didn't do right. But he only go up if they go out, because that's the artist. But at the end of the day, all you're saying he sat in the is up, but everybody might not have took off now like he kept putting into it. Nothing was coming back. If I'm able to, or if I'm in a position to, even if I'm not in a position to, whatever I can do to help him come back up. If he looked out for me, and that's my nigga, I'm gonna do that. So you're altist sign of such and such records, the big the CEO falls off and off and then call that calls you call that records. But I got a bad, bad, bad for you. How do you handle that? That's what I'm saying. But we gotta bless my conversation with with big dogs such and such, bless with hey, didn nigga, Hey, bless my boy. Man. Let's get this being in plopping. Make sure this man got some woods so you can get something starting to make another meat. I might have a nothing going on on, dude, I gotta do. I got to what type of nick would even try to hold a nigga back from doing what I'm saying. I'm gonna still give the courtesy and the respect of having a conversation like, hey, this opportunity has come my way, but I wasn't even a conversation to he like you. Y'all should be on the same page anyway. Somebody got to make this ship go up. They will make sure they strain you at like you can at the end of the day, bro, if you ain't got a going on with right straight up? Like what But that person can go do business with a new record label situation and still be loyal to I'm still put you in my publishing. You'll get a couple of points here and there whatever whatever, like But at the end of the day. Like, I get what he's saying about it shouldn't even be a discussion. But I'm still gonna like initiate that because I owe that to you because you looked out for me when I wasn't able to look out. They shouldn't just look up and you got on a new chain some type of That's how people get beat up. You know. I'm just saying, that's how that's how conflicts starts because there was no communication. Yeah, you shouldn't wake up, look on the ground and they got a new chain new every day. You ain't know nothing, but you should know something about it before it happens. Yeah, And I'm sitting over here, but I think if that nigga do that, they just sucked up. You just just sucked up, don't. Niggas ain't doing that, and nigga don't put the Yeah, it happens every day be spent for nigga to do. He forgot. But you can survive with morals because niggas don't. Niggas don't niggas. Niggas don't have a conversation. That's what it is. Brother. It's like, man, come on, man, how you not gonna want these people how their business. So that's how niggas fall out when they'd be like, Nah, let's ride this ship out right where that this ship doesn't roll that. You know what I'm saying, This ship the role that Bro we for the biggest milker. If I got to Bro, I'm gonna find now I can't shoot a video. I can't name that. The folks won't this ship. What else you supposed to do? Bro? The nigga broke, it's fun brought that broken bad. Oh, Yeah, you gotta go Brotta in such and such. But they're gonna say, you want loyal man he wanted because let me get in the misunderstand. You're gonna get in the misunderstanding with the nick because you don't want him to go or you won't too much. You know what I'm saying. Like, we're gonna make sure you get your money back and you're gonna still be locked in bro. Where we gotta do. That's the right way, And it might come over time. It might not. I can't. I can't give you no hole at you lotta. It might come at a time if the niggas just have conversations, Yeah, what you want to suck it up. It's fucked up. Nig not even paying attention to that ship no more. Yeah, see that changes the scenario. The nigga can't get a video, but you know niggas got them be there with niggas, but he don't shot dirty videos for you. I get the key can't do the video now, but he don't get you thirty videos. We both need to be looking for for somebody, for somebody else right right, Like you know, I'm just saying like we both need to be looking for help if we don't run out of money to go out with dirty videos. Are like at Justin Bieber status, like this ship is this shit is getting out of control video screen listen. Then this final thing, I say, people don't put a lot of money into this rap. They're talking about hundred millions. I don't vet people that I don't spend And then thirty on YouTube making like scream something. They don't spend a ticket on their artists, whether it be bottles, jury, videos, flying, whatever the fun. And they'll say screen, you don't know my artist. I don't know that, never heard of ticket. You just didn't do something right If we ain't heard a artist and they don't know no better to get this ship different. Now though you spend a ticking on the nigga. Now on the internet, is that going up or down one of the internet. Get your asser got them yes or no? Like all that spending that money in the streets like them street promote, like you can get tricked out a lot of money going on the strip club throwing that money and ship thank you for get on like that note you spend your you can spend your hun up in the internet and see what you got. And that's that's on the major. Like you put out three records on the nigga and got them. Do all the Instagram ship they'll be doing, and the trailers and all that ship tiktoks you do all that ship and the ship don't catch. Hey man, maybe we need to go another route with another artist, because this artist ain't. We just did it. It might pitch up some steam, it might pick up some steam. But when you spend, the more money you spend, the mole got them money come in on somebody like if it's working, If it's working, it's worth no. Not if you spend money. If you spend if you spend a little bit amount of money, twenty thousand, and you don't see twenty results, you gotta put your skates on start going back. I'm just being one hunter because you're seeing results fast. If it's it, you putting it right in front of the people, not two. But that's that's key what you said, brom not in physical money, but just results meaning that's and they went from point at the point. Yeah, your followers went up from ten thousand and fifteen thousand, ten thousand you got, you gained two thousand followers. That still is major results because you're going up something. But if your following state the same, and you know what I'm saying, all that ship just still stuck from when you spend the money, my real ship. You gotta figure something else out. You come harder. Yeah, I say, like you can spend a little son to see what you got. Stuck is the biggest tragedy in the music. You can't go, you can't go look at no thing and be like, I'm gonna put in nitch nigh your funk. What it is. You can't do that. You gotta tiste that ship out. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. You get somebody like je or somebody got now running it around to the club, especially down and running it around to the club. He go got down, tint out for the end that he go tint out for this and get that ship at night to day, especially if your first time doing it though they know what to do top to But I know what this is gonna go. But be your money talking. I don't need that ship before too. That's a nigger money talking. I don't give a fun way to take within neo whoop. But you can put you spend all this ship in all the wrong places. Yeah, Like you can pay all these industry niggas who like they know how to do this to get you here, to get you here, get you the bro. The internet is all aga need and m DJ and you can need the dj DJ is on the internet. You're gonna know what you got. Sure, good game, Big Facts Man, Country Wain. We're about to trapping up with Country Wain. Y'all make sure you'll check us out online Triple w that Big Facts Pod dot com. Yep, the the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You know what it is, Big Fact DJ screen right here, Big Bang baby J. We got a special guest pulled up on us for a big facts country. Wayne is here with us. Appreciate to appreciate the everybody. Brother, Let's start with this chain man. Jesus Jesus is popping. Yeah, Jesus popping, brother, That's what it is. You know what I'm saying that I'm here. Yeah, okay, that at that one bit, tell us a little bit about the country, Wayne journey Man. Once you're wrapping before doing comedy, that is that. Yeah. I was wrapping it up in trying to pay DJ play my music two fourteen was out here, and you know, I just seen that way, but the internet was open. So I just when I went back home to the country to visit one time, I was like, yeah, I was spending up money in the eight and then we got there jump on this comedy thing. Yeah. Yeah, So you don't curse either, right, I curse of real life, but I just don't curse in the comedy, you know what I mean? So everybody, so everybody can listen to it, Grandma's and the kids. You feel, so is that where your heart is? That is that your love? Like when you was rapping, did you love it? Oh? Yeah, I was passionate about the route you feel, you know, But I realized when I came up here and I saw your Thud take off, that I would listen to his music. I was like, well, they're too good, you know what I'm saying. I was up here with Danny Globe and all that were jumping out. I was at one of his been a video shoots for Stoneher like, man, he had to Corvette. I'm like, but it wore a ride and listen to them like, I can't be the best rapp but I said, I'll be. I'll be I at my peak. I'll probably be be the ones Get twenty. The show fade out later on. I ain't see myself being the best, you feel what I'm saying. But when that company came, I was like my route games. I was in the air when I came to a for a couple of months, I realized, I said, everybody to know somebody. I said, man, I'm from from Dynaver between the gust and Savano. So I realized, I was like, hey, bro, it'd be hard to get through the these walls. So I had to create my own lane. And that way he started on Facebook. Started on Facebook. What made you decide to go on Facebook? And stead everybody else on Instagram and all this other ship. What made you say I'm gonna go on Facebook? Cows in the country and all them folks, um, everybody in the country was on it. So it was like I knew I was gonna grab all these small towns first that nobody wants aiming at. Yeah, So I was aiming at the grandma's and aunt first, I said, because you know they got the money. So I always know. I get Instagram later when I feel that, you know what I'm saying, But Facebook nobody wanted naming at it. So I was like, man, this is easy walk. I already knew. I knew what I was about to do. I said, ain't nobody aiming at being the lane of my own? And then I said, once you get some money, it don't matter when you create your own lane. It's like it's easy for Nick to help you because you and in they wait, you know what I'm saying, Like Nigga would come pull up through skits and ship. I've been watching this ship, like Nigga pull up, I see you and there's a tight little there's a there's it on, there's my dog cool with all on. There's a d C and yeah, for sure. I've seen you on this ship, every everybody who in that game and with the Facebook ship. That's how you like promote your shows and stuff, right, like primarily strictly on Facebook. Yeah, I was on face. I wasn't even on the ground really into the pandemic. For the pandemic, I used to corned a little bit. But man, Facebook always where I've been at. That's how I've been able to tour for the last few years. I just wanted to. I just went in the culture, like the culture knew me. But it's like they thought they just to do he coming up but yeah, already pop teasing if I was coming up the last Yeah, yeah, another thing. We're read up on your So you got a little trial, man, you got eight kids. It's tick kids, it's yeah updated. Yeah, man, I got I got ten kids. They between two and fifteen. Uh two boys, but three boys. Now I thought I had nine, but I just found out I got a thirteen year old son. Yeah. Yeah, congratulation. That's a blessing. Yeah, it's a blessing. Man, It's a blessing. You know. I had them kids earlier. I had like seven on by the time I was twenty two, so ship, you know, for the country. We had no cable and they want nothing else to do. Was there one a year or yeah, I can't remember. It happened so fast, bro, like my high school my high school sweetheart, we had one when I was in high school. And then I remember graduation day, my last name Cold and her last name Coople, and I asked out, like, hey, your peer came on and she was like no, I said, you printing again? And I think so, So that was too she was prigging. And then the next three girls I deal with after that unpreticted, but they got pregnant. Only deal with your girl one time. They got printed the first time. So you're fertil man, I'm furtive, frontil, super spread man. I can't whistle call. How does that motivate you? Man? Know when you got ten other beings that are yours that you got, I can't fake it. I can't play it got me focused. I wouldn't got that money. I was real when I had them kids at twenty two. My whole twenties, I didn't play. I ain't had time to vacate, ain't had time to do the luxury of what other people had to do. Like even the club man, I still in a line at the club about two times and it was cold outside, and I went to the club on I was like, hey, man, how can I throw a part of here? Like I was already on getting it because of them kids. Child sport was real. My big mama ain't have no money, their parents ain't had no money. So it motivated me to get that paper. You know what I'm saying a question you asked earlier. So so we was playing a situation earlier like laborship no, no, not doing business with a person? Okay, So can you do business with a person that basically got a lot of ship on their name? A lot of people throughout the industry saying, hey, this person ain't you shouldn't funk. Are you gonna say, I'm gonna listen to everybody and not funk with them. Are you gonna out to say, Man, what everybody else got going on? Bro, ain't got nothing to do with me. I'm gonna see what this business about. Man, I'm kind of listening to with everybody else, say I wanted to like to to a certain degree, it depends where I'm at, like, because it's like, man, was let's least talk about this, you know what I'm saying, Like, if it ain't coming up, it's like me talking to somebody not bringing up my kids, like me talking to a girl not bringing up my kids. That's on your name so bad. Let's talk about it, you know what I'm saying. But we could talk about it. I can't juge you about what other people saying. You know what I'm saying, But like you got to come up. Yeah, it's a fact. But if everybody's saying the same thing, I ain't saying this whole full truth, that's got to be some truth to what everybody's saying. Yeah, I feel like, you know, I ain't got I can't take the risks with you. Yeah, I don't tell people like that. They had a bad reputation for voters and in the end of that business it proved to be true. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I'm just saying, man, hey, man, I don't know what how man you're being is gonna be. That's just me personally, But I get what you're saying. You know what I'm saying, specially if you're hearing it from certain people. But I don't know you're gonna give him a chance on I'm gonna see she not He put it like if Nigga in position, this ain't just no underhanded little boy as she Nigga is already in position, already getting paper too. Yeah, y'all understand that you get wanna say what you say? No, no no, no, they in position. Let's say let's say you're boxing there, don King, right, everybody heard don K You know what I'm so you wanna fight with Don King? I mean on for the mean on the fight you just gotta have. You're being the set up right, But I'm thinking I'm getting thirty, but he's so sideways it ended up being half a bill if you happen with you. But if you were happy with thirty, why the fund is you got that? If I'm happy with thirty, give me thirty, I feel, I feel if that's my number, my number is a hundred thousand. I can't say what you say the ticket fu I shouldn't be in my research on and see how how I am over him? I ain't may man. If I say give me third of million, and you probably got to fight so that the hum of me, You're right? What can I say about that? That ain't me checking. My man came to me with the ball. It's truth in that. Listen, here's here's the situation record label on the signs YouTube gives you the money, this happens gives you the money. You're chained and all that ship right, you finally blow up. Now it's some money coming in. So on your head. We saw this in the two Pop movie and ship in your head, I got some money coming. This don't happen to saw the TLC movie all this other ship. I think you've got some money coming. When't it come down to it? Here go to pad. You ain't got no money coming because this is what I spent. But the person that you're not handling your bitch and you right, But what I'm saying, actually do be spending that money? No, for sure, or but some of them be marking it up. Yeah, that's gonna saying. You gotta watch every dollar that go out your ship like you. You gotta prove every dollars should be on top of your business. So if you just let the motherfucker Henley open and they're gonna do it the way they do it, somebody told you that if you go do that ship, it ain't right. Then like I said, you gotta just open yourself up till I told you so. That's awesome, and you gotta eat that if that's what it comes to. Yeah, you got to do to get mad off with another if they're just like it was in the streets and I was sending dying bags a week and I know you got a white buttons panel a hundred dollar for that. Why the funk am I mad that you? And I want ten dollars for this. I ain't worried about what you get I want. Yeah, I know you got the white bus onach other, but they fit for you. You gotta come about how you come, house, about how you came. You can't do that. Just give me my tin. And that's like, I don't even care about nothing else after you give me my tin. Yeah, that's that's what I'm saying. That when you said about if if you and done King agree on a third of mellion, all a fight. But he makes a humble no no no, how I broke it down saying he agreed, I sign some ship that said you're gonna make thirty million. Now I should have been on top of my business. Now when it comes back, it's really You're gonna make thirty million if you see what I'm saying. But he knew that. He didn't try to explain it to me. Honestly, ain't got explained to you when you got lawyers and the mother supposed to handle your business. You're supposed to handle your business. But but look at this. You had to trick more than me. You had to treat me. Shunt Jay, lawyer, little one. You had to. You're gonna have to trick a lot of motherfuckers to treat me. Yeah, I feel you gotta hand. You got to be on your trick. People said a lot about Johnny his business back the same ship NNA said everything about Johnny. Me and Johnny got money to go. Yeah, I was looking for Johnny when they were saying the most ship about it. I was on a lot like john let get their money. And then what did you're doing? You're trying you get what I'm saying that they didn't it, like, yeah, so you know they come from being eaten into the game. So I probably eating thinking what I was again not knowing, but guess what, I was satisfied with it, So I can't be mad if I come back and see okay, general booking your fifteen thousand, Hey man, I ain't know nothing about Hey man, I thought I was worth five thousand. That's what I got. I'm straight. That's what you negotiated. I can't be mad at that, bro, I just ain't. I ain't held on my business. You'd be bad at your damn So yeah, now that's what you don't get what you deserve, get what you negotiate. Yeah. I think that's the big thing that we take from that. What's next with you? Thking Man? Really, man, you know many movies and't really man that that online, Man, it just just changed the game, especially during the pandemic. He's like, Man, some of the bags so big on the it's hard to god durance for something to really pull you. Now you have your own movie that you produce, right, called Holiday Hart. Yeah, yeah, I produced that. I was a producer on that, And so tell us a little bit more about it and where people can find it and why it was a BT. It got sold to be Et and me and man the company that. Yeah, we team know what to do it. We're doing more movies like n Level, So it's gonna be a lot of movies shot in the level and it's boy owning that content because that's really where that money at. And I just find out early in the game because that's what online is, like we own the video, you get paid for the rest of your life, not you know what I'm saying. That's why I do longer videos. So it was like, man, that's what his body only like what he guy talking about that business. Got had that business from the beginning, So you know the movies. You know, I've been torn and m you know, I got a book coming out called Helpers on the Weight and just yeah, because that's your slogan, right, that's you, that's your thing that you've been running with for like years, right, So how did you, like, how did you come up with that? And where did that come from? Help was on the Way? Yes, yeah, I was a man because when I was shooting videos, I was still where I didn't want to be at. So I was shooting saying that like man, helpers on the way, you were trying to manifest that manifests. It was on the way. I had them nightclothes, my first one. I ain't don't look license, so I still got to look at us. So it's like I would get money. But I knew my day was coming, so I'm like hell was on the way and hey man, it manifested. Bro it just happened. Yeah, things you came through for real, so you know I believed them. You're vegan. Yeah, I've been vegan by CG. Okay, tell us a little bit about that. Are you completely vegan? Are you one of them as they eat fish and chicken and si? I only know I don't no fish, no chicken, no bottom nothing. What make you feel better? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? What made you do that? Man? Just competitive? Like I did it the vegetarian thing first, and I felt the energy so I was like I don't wanting to due like I try to compete the high closed door like you know what I'm saying. Okay, I felt my energy change everything and I was reading up on it. I was like, okay, that's gonna be one of the things. So when I get by fifth on the folks, you know, I'm still gonna be lit, you know what I'm saying. Like the thought process on stage, I noticed I was able to think quicker, you know, and it was just everything changed. Coming from a small town though, is that a struggle because when I try to take it to some of my family in the country. They'll be cutting me out. They'd be like tripping you a city nigger. The hard I like to die. But I had a white girlfriend, but I had to break up wood and I like, I like the holly, but she could cooking nothing. I had to go back to my Hey, go back to my mama. But she was trying to five vegan recipes. Yeah, they're cooking be Broni's vegan brownie. They still with after five days. Yeah, And it was hard in the country. So that's when I moved to a level. So I moved to Atlanta, and then I had found cooks and stuff up here. And then after so long, it's like it's like the dope game. You found the plugs in it. Take it, take a wider maneuver. I call I call, I called, I call Windo. You like slutty vigan plant based piece of that to all them up, l a man, the fool so good. That's kind of one of the reasons I went out though, besides the business, because it was like an open of the vegan So the fool so good bro like it was on another levels, like somebody who's more we got some good herb. You know what I'm saying. You know, when you got that good herb, you're feeling something, you don't care what nobody to say. So it's like Lake cater to it. So like I'm not there just eating like it is everywhere, like you gotta go search, Yeah, Eleana. Everybody don't know how to do it yet, which I feel like Atlanta gonna figure out because they figure out. They're figuring but piece of that, piece of that piece of place. So they're and good but in the best pieces plant bass what here brousing, bussing, so but and they you know, but it ain't cater A lot of places in the LINEA ain't cater to vegansl A cater to it. You know what I'm saying, Right, there's a vegan minu was down there everywhere, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, talking a little bit about all your relationship with your pomps. Oh yeah, my paus man like you, Yeah, I got him trucking business, good man him, sold man him, hustled together side and sixteen like this was in the book. They just called from l A trying to figure out the store we're putting in the bull. Can I get in trouble for it? But man, my pause, bro were sold o together too? Ten to sixteen and then two thou sixteen, which he was on the run anyway from he got caught. His long story. He went to the they beat him. He went to the hospital. They in the rest him. I told him to escape from the hospital of two fourteen. So he was on the run the whole time. But anyway, two sixteen, I quit January. It was like around this time, like January six I shook his hand. I say, passed, I see you on the side. Get too hot now online, I got quick. I went to the starship about some cut one time from the landover by me got kill a mount talk. I use a mount talk to cutting. Do I get enough? I'm about to buy this cut your Wayne. I was like, what's up? Man? Like man, you didn't start you because of sitting star like you know, like damn. I said, wait, y'all, don't call about to bout some corners. Man, you gotta do the kids. You use no corners. But man, my daddy, um the next day, man, the FID came to my high you know what. I me and my little brother prince take Thank God to him because I had I had some work though in the house, and the day before he was like, bro, you sure you don't want to get rid of all this, So he gave he took it to everybody. FID searched the house, but they were they were looking for my daddy. You know what I'm saying. So by the day I quit. The next day the FIDS came to my house. I was on the way to a shoulder in Bronze with Georgia and my daddy got locked up that day. No, he turned itself in because I told him. He told the figure. I said, y'all, at least you know what I'm saying. When they came to see me, asked that noway here like no, I lied, but I told day, just asked the man, just tell you turn yourself in Monday. And they said, well, you turn yourself in. So he came to my show and he got out this shop and I got him a trucking business and we here. Now you know what I'm saying. So he made me say, you feel like that story, real story boy, Hey paulsle you know he from back in the day, like he fit the song. So he wouldn't when the price of the lower in Florida. You know, he don't went throughout these generations. So he helped. Guy. He was with me through this journey, like you know, he got to be proud of you, like whole other ship really proud of you. Yeah, can we really here? And it's so real? We're like not, it's been here. You know what I'm saying, Yeah, what's your most valuable lesson? You don't learn so far all transition and you know what I'm saying, from having the hustle to being legitimate. You know what I'm saying, Like what what? What? What? What's the most valuable thing you've learned making that transition? Man? Real talk, bro, you got their own so like, don't take them chicks. It's you're like the dope game. You know, you got to buy your own work, bro, like somebody front and to you eventually you're just gonna be broken the end of this game. So I just learned, like not just to be famous. They're on the fame, like really get that bad for real. It's about that chicken the Corso when you go through that app on your phone, let that be bigger than your mouth and all that the other sauce and all that gonna be within the comfortence you feel me, because you're gonna move when you know you got it. You're gonna move different if they like you pull up with a billy, right, like, damn, you got that billy. But even if you don't got that billy, which each is only you get one if you want. But if you know you can afford that building you, they're gonna be like, what damn? Why saw I so walking like that? So I just learned to have it for real because it's too much anxiety, anxiety in the entertainment business to keep faking like you got it now and time to come with that. And when it died, it comes stress because if somebody thinks you got something you ain't got, man, that's every day you gotta wake up and figure out how much food these people? You're seeing the people eyes and they be like, man, that's too strengthful, you know what I'm saying. So I don't even know how you even living? Like yeah, and the lines get bigger. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. We talked about this ship all the time. I got a daughter named Malile. We call him a little lie she's lot so big like somebody kids a lot small but little big. I just seen a fish in the toilet that come on, come on baby like man, So I learned the entertainment being a man, bro like, get it for real, that's it. And then you because it's possible, its possible, it's possible for show. Yeah, it's possible. It's possible. You haven't had times though, like struggle when you liken this ship like no, no, because everybody left me. I'm just people. Don't they help me on the way to the time. I was so little key with the people that Wayne the culture just let Wayne be Waine. They don't look at me as that. They look at me as just whine. So there ain't never no pressure on me. It's always he just guy. So you know they don't. Man, I'm always able to make the real moves because ain't ain't no real pressure on me. The coach ain't putting pressure on me because I won't be out there flissing like that, like you know what I'm saying. So I'm able to really take the real moves because the eyes ain't on me unless I wanted to be on me. You feel, man, I control that part. You get what I'm saying. So it's like, now I don't have no moments because I was focused on that for real from day one, like man, I got to have it for real, brocause I can't fake it. I'm too real for that. I'm gonna tell you, like if I ain't got them, like hey, man, hell something like with this pandemic here, I'm like, hey, I'm going to be broke and listen to you because we can't do no shows. I was real about that. So I was so real about it that I filed something real if I wouldn't been out here faking like man were good, and I know the hell I ain't. Man, I was like, hey, whack. I was talking to my agents like okay, I already see y'all ain't strong with I thought y'all will. So I went online. When I went online, bro, I'm me, but I ran it up so bad. Put out the every day they paid me for every video like it's nobody and nobody don't even know. Like it's like it's like it was so much of a blessing. That's how I know people have been getting pimp it's entertainers because the money ain't in the shows. The money is your content. So now I'm like, damn that explain that, because it's a lot of content creators out there explaining that, just diving into that a little bit. So it's like it's like the music It's it's basically content creators that really it's like the music business. So I dropped a three minute I dropped a three minutes skins. It's like me dropping a song that skid gonna make money for the rest of his life. So it's like content creators ain't even called on to Yeah, cause I put everybody on, like I told Diny, and when I called, I called Dizzy this mom. I called everybody beginning to pat then might say, bro, it's a gold rush. Then do the video. Bro, this is the bag right here. Damn them shows, you know what I'm saying. But they all liked me all the night I went up and to get only three minute video, I'm like, well, I should have been on it, but on Facebook and Instagram and they paid. They it's like streaming. But that's why everybody like you dropping their day. I'm nothing to dropping free that. I was not on Instagram, but they hit me up. I hit me. I've been on face all your she got numbers too, number like it's two minutes, man, this your ship and they they emailed me October. It was like the n October. I was saying any attention, and they was like, you could start on Instagram. So I took all the faith, all the on Facebook videos I had already did numbers with. I would flooding Instagram, like three or four a day. People ain't know them an old video, they ain't paying attention. I had a different half cut and everything. They're on old video. But now I floated all the good ones and I just dropped one every day and drop a new one every day. And it's and it's like it's like signed cloud and you know it's a streaming you know what. And they split it with you know what I'm saying, you get fifty priv of cent. They get four to five percent for the prophet. What what? Where is there ads on them? Yo? Okay? Where the money come from? The ads? And um? And you get a certain amount of money for the views. Anyway, if your numbers do, basically they should have been panels because the social media people really built content and ain't got to be comedy. I tell I told everybody bro, like true story. Like Facebook called me about about two weeks ago. The lady wanted me to do a press to try to tell people they don't matter. If you're cooking, bro, you could be pouring. Look Sean Shan, whatever you're doing. Man, the internet is that the gold rush. It's like when it's like nineteen eighties, Sel when the cocaine was cheap. Bro, Like, I don't kill man, don't line right now, Bro, you be being down teen yield. It's gonna be new being now in ten years because it's like when hip hop started for real, if you caught a hole to it, that the beginning, that thing when they they don't do them rules, like you know, man, that's what the Internet that right now. But everybody playing with it like man, I'm like, bro, it's free. Yeah, it's p I know a dude through hip hop news, Bro, two d month that's out of the split, just just giving you. Man, so many people making money and it's just like a secret. Nobody don't want to tell nobody. They gotta do upload. I don't even know. Hell Rapple should be doing skin her Hell that makes more money. You know what I'm saying, like me and Jets Skins together to day. You know we used to be together, but like, hey, maybe might put all that to the side. Let's get their money, like stop playing like you know what? Yeah, man, they'll get their money man like. So speaking of jazz, so what's your what's your current like relationships that is? Now? Are you single? Wayne? Like? What's going on with that? Ain't never getting that married? None of that? Never again? Why oh if anybody mary bad, I'm standing man man free. It ain't mean for me. It ain't mean for me. I can't man the same oh day, Let's be real, like, come on, man, you're like no part of it? What man? Yeah? Yeah I like it? What part did you like? Then? And the part I can get what I want to? All right, they're convenience, No man, I like mard you know what I'm saying. It's just they just really I'm more creative when I'm not married because I don't have to worry about when it comes to my art, I don't have to worry about another individual, like the videos that I wouldn't even be able to do that if I'm with somebody. Video I do with these girls and I made a maneuver like that because I'm really a free artist. So right now I'm like, I'm like the magical right now now if I get a girl like E, don't touch me like this in the video because when I get home. So that's just that's fifteen and not just missing. How does that balance with you say you're saying you can't do that because the women you might be with, But what about the kids? What your kids? Do you ever think about what you do and how you deliver it being that you get they're making money on Yeah, my kid running bad, my sons, my son, take care of the family. My baby, mama's my baby, my bill, sister, the grand mother for the family. That's how much it called for my baby mama, my sister, my video with my son. Pay for that. Everybody with it like that. Everybody get the family business playing in the biggest problem in the black community been poverty. So we don't have the luxury to sit around and try to Hey, man, look, if I'm a relationship, I'm so real even if I cheat, like you go cheat too, like real like that, like I'm not. If I'm a man, I'm doing it. I can't have you when you got to hold it down like I'm so real about it, Like, man, you know it's a dude you've been watching. To go ahead and get it off your mind. If it's on your mind, you don't did it anyway. So if I can't find nobody real on some real, let's be real. Hell man, I can't. I can't can't really real for real, Like I don't care and I'm real, So somebody has to be. Let's be real. Don't act like yeah, you stretched because you ain't really knock your pressure of because if I don't deal with somebody else when I came home, won't be good for three months probably like hey, I'm a better person now. Goddamn wrong. I know you've been you like the way he walked not at Also, we can go and get that fresh off our mind feel. But that's gonna sound crazy to the norm and they're gonna judge me, like that's you know what I'm saying. But come on, man, everybody know like, don't play with me. I ain't got time be faking it. Ship. Yeah, that's everybody know it. Everybody watch my videocause, man, they know they can feel the realness in the person and people that's people dream is to be real. People dream. They want to say on their mind and they heart, but they can't because it's a significant other other people. See. You don't care about what people say. I don't read my coming. Every time you drop a video, I go and look at the bad dude say, I'm my money making. I don't know how many views. I just find it. I would getting over half a million views on the video, like damn, I was throwing down. I look at the back page. I'm like, okay, yeah, that one. So I'm gonna drop this kind because this was making the money. Yeah, and drop this and now their only all that people be. It'll be people that I find out my auntie calling because I will Jesus popping and all that. But how you Jesus popping in and you're doing all these dope bus kits and all that. I'm like, what, yeah, Like hold on, brother, Like I got more people talking about Jesus right now than a lot of people, like I'm for real about Jesus just because just my real life, this is what I've done and they don't even know. Like the dope boyd Drill, he about to go to jail Thursday, you know what I'm saying, I gotta skin. I'll do with the dope. Boy, ain't drill. But it just man, I just bet. I just beat me. Man, I don't really let that. And everybody came be it. So that's my advantage for real, because they got worried about somebody. But I ain't got nobody to go home. Yeah, hey they man, baby, mamas, man man, So bro what country want to let me ask you? Bro? What what? What? Who? Who's that person that you met that just sucked you up like your favorite comedian or rapper or athlete or whatever. But you bet them and they were like country way and they knew who you was. They was a fan of you, and it just sucked you up. Nobody, nobody, I ain't really care. I looked up to a lot of people, but man, I just man, I look up to Jesus bro. So it's some people that I don't mean and ain't got no name on that, you know what I mean? Like I I treat everybody the same, So it wasn't It wasn't nobody, And and that hurt you a lot in the industry too, because there's a lot of them expect that when you see them if you don't get them that they kind of like. But I can't fake it. Yeah, you feel me like I can't be like you know what I'm saying. I can't pull that spirit out and be like yo. But I was. But I was big fans off the Red when I was young, t I you know, I say T. I was just always one of the ones that had my attention when I was in high school and stuff. And I respected everybody career, you know what I'm saying. But it's like, man, I just a little people and special black people, like I know everybody. I know. You know what I'm saying. I know you you feel I'm saying. I pay attention to the whole culture and I'm a fan of everybody, and I you know what I mean. But it's like nobody ain't it ain't feel to be like man, even if I met jay Z and I respect that anything you do, I know me, I'm not gonna feel like they don't spend nobody to feel like that boy me because we all when you're from the country, bro, like it's something about it's like you know everybody anyway. It's like everybody I was telling I was like, man, it's some people I know that looks just like her family dog like, cause everybody from the South for real, like no country time. We're really all from them that real country time. So everybody kind of feel like your cousin. Then money don't make it like jay Z and you kind of be knowing like if you don't look like that person, act like this person. So it's like everybody, you kind of feel like you know every about it. So it's like you expected to meet him kind of, you know what I'm saying. So I ain't. Ain't nobody gave me that. Ain't nobody gave me that like, ain't nobody gave me that real feeling? No, Man, I can lie now to make this SI nah, don't do that. I wanna put this on cameral, but I can't lie. Man, I don't. But I don't stick in hand smood this. We would bank. You're banking on the truths little here. I don't even feel like lying. I got but I've seen everybody. I've seen you did it on. I've seen did it one time and began restaurant. You know what I mean. But I ain't no really spoiling nobody either. I'll be I don't be you know what I mean? So, so what do you do? But what does somebody start acting too excited to meet you? Like let's say you get a groupie or some ship. I get that all the time, saying like how do you how you handed that? Yeah? What's with it? How you doing? Yeah? You're trying to calm down? How you doing? Like my my demeanor. You look down because they think they watched the videos and spit me to be that person, you know what I'm saying. But that's the artist. I'm that personal attitude. But I don't really lay back. I'm like, hey, what's up? So they'd be throwed off anyway, because like, yeah, you too low energy for they went, hey, they want that all the time. I'm like, hey, what's up? How are you doing? You want to take this picture? Let's do this? Yeah? Yeah, the cameras don't Wayne Bro, like I'm just wayne that. I mean everybody cousin for real, Like I'm your cousin, Like, so ain't nothing this it's fame stuff and all this inner stuff. Man, Bro, I don't care. I respect people. Just shoot most of your videos in your hometown and I'll shoot him in everything. And he being DJ Southern brid you know Southern brid, Like Bro, I'm making a meet, like, hey, I'm gonna get you know, I get everything. You know what I'm saying. So I called Southern bread up and pandemic, Like bro, you know what I'm saying, You get the people because I didn't want too many personal relationships with them girls and stuff. So he he didn't want to be getting everything and shooting the camera. You know what I'm saying on the cell phone, you know, And we'll be in then a ren Airbnb. You know what I'm saying, Like I gotta go to Naples this weekend. I lead tomorrow, but I'm gonna shoot three videos for I leave. You know what I'm saying. I probably got I got living on in my phone. Weren't releasing they called bread with I called bread with ideas. Okay, then do this video I come home? How dudes come home after they cheat? High girls? Hi girls? You know what I'm saying. He write it down. He getting the people. He like who you wanted the video? What kind of girl you see? I see this pull up spot, It'll take me up. But got there, like one day, I shot twenty video. You know what I'm saying. So it's just yo shipping that ship. Yeah, so it's like an allowing like bagging it up, put it out to the world, and it's the god. There ain't no business like yeah, I thought I would get money on the Rule. Yeah, this business because it's in your phone, like it's nearly grabbing something for three minutes and put it out there and it made money. So you really became recession proof because but I wasn't when that role hit, bro when that role stop and pandemic hit, but we couldn't make no money. We still really can't on the Rule. I'm going down the road now, but it's half me and my kids. Gotta show in fairy where. But it's health capacity, so you gotta take half your price, you know what I'm saying. So it just ain't saying. So it's like if me digital, like what y'all doing and stuff, this new wave of everything you find a way to get into their own line stuff. Man, you feel like you're the best at what you do. If it came down to like some some roast, I ain't gonna I could get on comedy roast ship. I'll like to do get stuff and they're gonna fight the real me, like, yeah, the roaster come, but get personal, calm black. You can't beat me in life for real. So I'm gonna say so, like, who was you before this? I've been I was this guy kidding guard. So that's gonna hit your feeling off the reel and I'm the best. And when it coin of this is like I always man, I'm just I know it. You know when you and you ever got you ever got some some roser online? I don't even play with me, Like how can he rolls like this? Some playoff stuff? Man, watch your girl bro like this some for real, like everybody know who weirdbody is when you look at person in the eye. I don't have them. I don't play like that. I'm not from the rolls. I'm not even to play like that they try to roll. For one time was at the coming club, Man, I got it up like, man, I'm gonna be like everybody here broke. You feel them say something like that, I'm saying you might be famous, but you ain't got it. And then so it's like I stay out of those conversations because I only play. I won't play like that. Man thirty three years old, man time he roasted. Yeah, they bro I'm not. I don't want to commute. I'm not giving it from a free show that tay me for what I do. I feel. So you're you're doing like on some Versus ship that they make a comedian like on the Versus Ship you'll do and they paid me for it? Yes, if I think if I get paid for Versus and we get on there and roast, but I don't even know how to really, I don't even know how you can really do that with comedy. You know what I'm saying, Like roast, don'tline like that. You know what I'm saying. I do it though, Like, yeah, I can roast and all that, but you know, stand up everything everything, the truth. Though I don't skits. I don't need edit the main there may no edit the videos. You was you that guy in high school? There's the genre hell out what listening to back? Yeah, I was danging and they stopped with They wouldn't even let me Joe in high school because just to get personal because I was always uh like, I was always uh make sure what you used to get personally about? Used to talk about like disabled babies or something. Oh no, i'ven do that. I don't want to know comedians. I want to do clean coming and I don't call out. I don't call out obvious, like something that God put on you that you can't contra. I hatven to do that. But like in high school, like man I was, I was in a country time, so I was the only one of me, so they couldn't say that, Yeah, I had a crime big on twe two twelve grade, I had hit anybody girl. And I used to say that, like like man that was at the large table one day, true stool that the large table and they were talking about something because we had fought, had fought one time, and the dude hit me in the facing some sticks. I had scratches on my face. They were like, man, Wayne, man got out. That ain't street. You get hit. I said, y'all talking about that ain't game. So the dog you come, he got you in the face. I told all of him at the table, I say, listen, man, I don't hit your grill, your girl, yo girl, and I'm about to hit your girl. Everybody WHOA. So it's like they all sitting there like so I go like that. So now we just joined in and that ain't upon. I'm gonna just it's gonna be something that the life I'm working on that gonna hit you that you ain't weirding. You ever had a nigger with your mama joke? No, I don't play, I don't do them. I don't got to do that. I'm gonna hit you right where we stayed right here. Get what I'm saying. So it's like he always gonna be foul and it's gonna be facts. So it ain't gonna be the just the real side of me once. I respect all that ship, right, but the fan of me want to see you get into it with somebody something, just to see what the result of be. I just want to see it when I was gonna say, everybody got into it with the whole damn in and it has something to say about me and just situation. You know what I'm saying. I'll the first video I put up. Hey, I'm gonna do what I want to do. I don't care. This isn't your spirit, y'all. People ain't gonna tell me. But the end of it left me alone and they started bothering just and my ex wife. Because when you don't care, it's harder joan on you right, it ain't no feeling. I ain't got no emotions. Ain't you motion in my body? So what you're gonna say, like, I don't care man and the Bob you're gonna get off me. You're gonna be like, man, it's born right, it ain't working, ain't working. Yeah, so you know, yeah, but if you come up to it and people watching, man, I do it for the for the for the culture. Like, well, have fun with it and do it. You know, any comedian you know what I'm saying. You ever had a stand up night like just doing stand up? Uh? Not really, I don't have some moments that were slower than the others. Then I'll about to get slow, but not really. All one time I went Tuskey Tuskegee when I first started Scooter, Yeah, and they had the keys. You know, they had the keys when they throw keys it's home coming. Yeah, So I'm like, man, worry about that. So then before I got on stage there like man, they threw keys that you don't throw that as night and the dudes and walked out, y'all dog one of my like his music. So they throw keys, I said, damn they ain't like rap music. What they're gonna say when I get out here, I got them jokes man, But I went out there. But and I'm telling a joke. But one dude threw the keys. He was about to start it, but I got on him, started joining him. But yeah, yeah, but I was hoping. Boy, they don't throw the more keys of country, the real key but country rain and the ship and then should needed to come a host we're talking about. Yeah, I'll be seeing I'll be seeing that. I'll be seeing I'll be seeing y'all. Man, the ship show and all that. I see all that. We needed to come get his hosts one week. Man, what we're doing? Hey, man, I ain't got it? Why do you say that? It ain't on that tight ship with the host broads, on that ship with the guts. You're gonna be hosted the apolo who but I'll be watching you brode dude, the one track commander. Yeah yeah, yeah, you're going crazy. Yeah he yeah you got But what even if you don't just come out though, I pull up, I pull up one put up checking out and there, I like, I like to pull up just you know what I'm saying. Seven if you're in town on the Wednesday. All right, yeah, I pull up, no problem. What you want to say to the streets man before you slide? What you want to say to that person that was in the same situation you was in in the streets trying to get it, had a drain to do something else. But they, like we always say, they might not see that light at the end of the tunnel. What country aren't want to say? I ain't gonna tell you the quick because I ain't feed. But I'm just gonna tell you, man, change your intentions. You know what I'm saying. God know, if you're really doing it for your family, he's gonna get yours. But if you're doing it for anything Gilse, they're going in well, so just change your attentions and what you're doing here. And got to figure out the risk. You understand that health heave was on the way, salute, you know what I'm saying. Everybody following on the ground. What else over the last one? Give us a little rundown what we can spect from country one. We got the book coming out, man, we got we got the movies I got moved called That's Hurt that I wright I wrote and everything producing executive producing and uh one call Hunted House on the Hill, those two movies and Hunt on the Hill. Yeah, it's gonna be horror. It's gonna be a horror, you know what I'm saying. So we're doing a lot of that so country way. You know, I'm gonna keep dropping content every day and the book and the movies and a man that guys will be done, you feel. Yeah, no more babies though it ain't so if you out there and playing bees are amazing. But if you keep doing what it takes the big babies, you're gonna keep having babies with bro Yeah, leaving when they shouts port of serious, that's what it is, big shouts out of the country. Ain't pulling up to big fast Triple w dot, Big facts pot dot com, salute big man and DJ screen bring you big fat hey man inside way up that merch y. Yeah that's right, www Dot Big facts pot dot com. What the real one one time, y'all come get y'all some of this merch man, Big facts pot dot com get that merch right now shot with the side of way up, make fact merch going down the new website today. Www. Got Big facts Pot dot com visit

BIG FACTS with Big Bank & DJ Scream

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