In a candid and revealing interview, comedian Henry Welch, also known as "The Most Feared Man In Comedy," sits down to discuss the culture of the comedy world. Welch delves into the milestones he's achieved in his career, as well as the issues he's faced, including his publicly documented conflicts with fellow comedian Rickey Smiley.
The conversation provides an insider's perspective on the comedy scene, particularly in Atlanta, where Welch has made a name for himself. Viewers can expect Welch to offer unfiltered insights and opinions on the competitive landscape of the stand-up comedy industry.
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Live from the Culture Lab.
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It's time for big facts, Big bank. Baby j d J screams.
Today we welcome the o G the legend, the one and only Henry Wells comedian Henry Welch.
That is.
My boy, the most faired many.
I went the legends.
You know where You're gonna sit here and ask you no Q and a back and forth. This is the Henry Wells show today.
What it is we hold him back? Yeah, you know it's all good. Whatever we want to do, we're gonna do it.
Let me ask you, okay, why these comedian niggas don't be funny?
Then gave up. They don't have it in them. It's like then they all trying to go viral. And then they dudes, they don't understand. If you do go viral, you still get booked to do a show. You gotta be funny. Yeah, they don't understand. So we're on the spotlight right now. All that being whining and crying. Now you're looking at us for real, seeing that we really y'all sending these people jokes.
What's going on?
You know me, I'm gonna I'm gonna be Henry Watch every time, I never worry about it. I've been like, this is all my life. I knew I was him in the fifth grade. We're already go on the field trip and want nobody to get on the bus, and the teacher said why not went on the bus, said Henry Watch get on because we know he gonna be Jon and we're gonna.
Have a good time.
So this is how I always you guys, my mother Sesa, who's turning eighty years old this year.
The mother Teresa, Yes, yes.
So what would there be anything else in the world or life you would be doing other than comedy? Like if a teacher O real Yeah.
And I woke up one day and say, why am I getting up so early for some kids who probably ain't gonna make it.
I really was teaching school though, but then I got the call to do death comedy. Janel was like, I'm going straight forward, so I just went full time. Once I got on death coming Jam, I ain't look back.
Yep. That changed my life?
Where you dry an inspiration for your comedy, because like it seems it seems like I ain't gonna say you be free, but it's so like watch you at the Ship Show.
It's just so.
Random, Like where how does this nigga think like this? You know what I'm saying, Like, where's the inspiration coming from?
Just like today? Every day.
I know this is gonna sound crazy to some people. I read two three different newspapers every day. I always done that all my life. Not because I'm a comedian, you know. I just always like with my grandmother and they had to go get the paper for yard and we used to read it together with my grandfather and I be at their house, my mother and father at work.
I'm I'm I'm prepared to talk about anything.
You notice that no matter what happened, I'm gonna have something new to talk about.
And a lot of comedians can't do that.
They just sit there with the same old routine and it get stealed and boring. So that's right the Ship Show, I just really get I'm really not doing that but having fun. It's like I'm the warmer back, but I'm still gonna be funny. Too, because I'm getting the crowd right for the rest of the show with Banking all the rest of the crew.
Yeah, well I would a personally take you a big fashion we going for it for always sparing me because what I used to be an uptown comedy club, I mean, shall.
Be like this. You know, you've always been good with me, and that's what I'm saying.
Thank you for being up because I know you could tear me up.
Yeah, I mean, like y'all mess with your little bit, but I ain't gonna body because you always.
Been a good with me. That's what it is. That's what what make.
You get out a nigga like when you're in there like because sometimes people being dead. So I'm gonna say something crazy. I see him walking in like helpless. Oh the helpless ain't standing with me. I already tried to tell I'm not. I'm one of those people. I don't care what you say to me, but I know youin't gonna be able to take what I'm gonna say back. Plus I got a mic, and I got a mic and I'm gonna be way more ignorant. Yeah, just so they don't understand, you might make the three four people law. It's four hundred and I'm gonna make all four hundred law. And that's why a lot of them be like, damn, I want to beat him up. It's comedy. Some people can't take a joke. A lot of these comedians can't take jumps. I've been seeing a lot of them getting mad.
Yeah, you think when Cat Williams did it sit down?
He was he being in a commit he was.
Doing comedy, but he was telling the truth too.
It's a lot of just a lot of stuff been going on with comedy.
Yeah, about the joke stealing and all that crazy stuff. Why do you think they called here he was the most feared man in comedy. It ain't cause I did that gangster. It's caused Ricky smile and said he had a restraint on to me to keep me off the show comic view.
See. We both from Birmingham, but he wanted all the shine see.
Yeah, he thought that story was gonna never come out, just like Yeah, he had said a couple of things.
We've been saying my name.
Like we was on tour with Mike Epps and the first thing he told the promoter, I don't feel safe around here. I took all a strain on on him, the promoter looking at him crazy. These are mike EPs dates. Yeah, I've been dealing with all type crazy stuff for him. Yeah yeah, he wanted all the shine.
He screwed up the comedy game in Alabama.
Yeah damn.
So what I mean like cry he saw crying? What you crying for?
I ain't no way.
I'm a crowd t because what somebody said about me. I'll pay a crack head to stand there and cry for I do. I ain't finished cry. Ricky smiles when Katwe even say he had to wear the dress and all that broke down to me he was making some teeth, made the first state Alabama look bad.
Yeah so because niggas gotta travel. So if you see Ricky Smiley in the airport, you ain't.
Gonna do nothing. Ron, he ain't gonna do none of that. That's what he do. Yeah.
He one of them people. He do a lot of talking behind him, do a lot of low down stuff behind the scenes. But when it's time to face the music, I hit him in his job before.
Yeah, haul up, scream, haul up, scream.
Oh yeah in Birmingham, That's what I'm saying. That's why I moved from Birmingham. I really would be locked up. I'm the reason why they got the first four they eight in Birmingham. Yeah, that's why I'm over in Atlanta.
You know, just different, little low down stuff. The restraining all. One day he said, well if you hit him.
So basically him taking out the restrain order.
But that's a lot of He was just saying that it keep me out.
He was hosting comic view out here in Atlanta and I was supposed to be on the show and a lot of comedians thought that was funny at first. And I'm telling y'all some cowards, because it really ain't funny. We ain't got a lot of TV shows. We really need that show to be seen. And he get the job, and you gonna tell them I can't be on it? Yeah, big up. J. J. Williams and Black cast because they was real upset. They really wanted to go put hands on them. I'm like, no, don't y'all still do y'all show?
Black Casper got the.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you think that the goat coming in?
Well to me, Uh, it's so many different people, but I'm gonna say a name that people ain't gonna probably gonna look crazy. But one of my favorite is like Franklin and JAHI you know that is just the guy that played the Fly with the big fro.
He's very intelligent, all black dude, you gotta pull him up. He cold.
Yeah, people like that Red Fox. I like people like that because he put so many funny people around us. A lot of comedians don't like nobody else funny to be around.
Let me ask you this, what do you think about Paul Mooney?
He was a food Yeah, he didn't give a damn at all, Yeah at all. Yeah, he was a great writing he helped out.
Yeah, he was great. Okay.
And to me, Mike ELPs, I had to give him his frog because he put a lot of comedian on the show. He don't care who good in front of him. Then the people I respect who ain't scared of nobody. That's where we come from. Five five nine. But people throw a chest shout out to Bruce Bruce.
You know it, Bruce Bruce.
We come from resting piece of nod shut, resting piece of dirty South. That's where we come from. There there where you had to be funny. Five five I used to be so gangst to Black people would tell me, Henry Welch, I'll give you the money. You go up there and tell the jokes give me half of it because they didn't want to get booed, but you was gonna get all your money. There's one thing about the five five down when people used to come in town to be like, oh man, I ain't never got booed. Well you got booed tonight. But he'll go your money. See, they just thinking they ain't gonna get their money. No, Mike kter' gonna give you the money, then we're gonna go spend it that blue flight right because was hosting that amaateur night, we were all the comedians would go over there with him after that.
Yeah, have you ever met your match like on some Jones ship.
Yeah, I can't do that with me with the Jones, me and Mike Elp do it at the end of the show and we be together.
I tell you who tried me.
They thought they could hand me old school bus head ass Leavill Crawford.
God, they don't want to see me. I'm telling they don't want to see me with you. You sa defeated.
I'm one hundred and oh on the phone when somebody tried to hang up on me. So I definitely ain't lost Jones. That's what I'm saying.
What about not even a comedian? What about this the regular nigga in the crowd.
It's some foods and people tried me. I know, some funny people, But I really do this. I'm really him when it come to that.
Trust me.
This is gonna sound like a little right field, but I like to see like you and Michael Blackson, he can't do that with me. I ate him up at the Snoop concerted a few weeks.
Oh, this happened recently.
I stay on him all up anywhere, any time. If we're on a show in this four five comedians, I want.
All of them trying my clock stay load.
Yeah, I'm on whoever because when I be on show with Mike else, they be trying to take his side, like go ahead, line up that with him.
But I'm just taking all y'all down.
I was the Erica thing. You ain't really you ain't really get on? Are you got on therest? I killed the rest of the Communica my girl. It was her birthday, Rose, Yeah, but yeah, I was just I wanted to bottle the rest because I love are I just like I shed and went up.
I love that's my.
I respect her and now Green because I've seen where they was. Yeah, yeah, who your favorite? I'd be like the my ones. And now DC Young Fly. I love him because I saw him coming up. Yeah, he a good dude. He gonna show the questions. He's gonna pull up and go on stage. So I respect that. Yeah, so how you feel about how you feel about like the comedian that do skits and then I don't have no problem with that. If that's what you do it, you know you can keep going up. But I just think a lot of them are lazy. They don't go work out, so when they get on these big shows, they don't understand. You're in front of four five thousand people. You gotta be funny for them. People paid a lot of money for those tickets, so they expect you to come in here and tear this thing up, and a lot of them don't live up to it because they don't go out and work out.
Like I got a room on Thursday seven sports bar and cigar Lones.
It ain't really it's a sports bar and a cigar lines, but it's like you can come and work out, make a little quick gas money just to get on stage.
So you're gonna be you know, rushing and you get back on the work on the weekend.
Yeah, or you saying yeah, yeah, you're saying like during the weekns, yeah, you be working out. Yeah, I ain't no sitting in the house thinking, yeah, you just can pop on stage every weekend AND's gonna do you ain't FRANKN. Bell, you really do this in from three thy ten thousand, you got ten thousand? Yeah, because I just left in front of ten thousand. Yeah, Saturday night and Augusta George, Yeah he could be a.
Hunter in the room.
Or yeah, you gotta give it to them. See, some people think if it's twenty people, they can't go as hard. You gotta give it to him no matter. You gotta treat the twenty people like it's two hundred and two. So you can't sit there and be like, I ain't gonna do it tonight. No, you gotta do it every night.
You show it up when.
You go up, you gotta tear it up. Showed up.
Yeah, and see a comedian you gotta live off. You can't live out what he did yesterday. We have to prove ourselves every time we get on this stage. It'd be like that go here. It was, yeah, he funny, but is he gonna be funny tonight?
I can't do that here.
Yes, every night we gotta prove our The three hardest jobs is being a policeman, comedian in a corn star.
I never been a policeman. You've been what what what?
What's? What's the movie?
You watched?
It just make you just god laughing John Fever. I can watch it. Na and my father watched it together a lot. I could watch that all day any day.
Samuel or Jackson, that's Gator is the greatest in the world, because he had just got out of reh and then he had to play this character. So it was like they skied he was gonna relapse, but he killed it. It's just like him and are dancing for his mama and dad. I just think that was classic cinema. I could watch it any day anytime anyway.
I guess this ain't no movie for me. It's a living color. When I'm just having a day, I just go watch some of the living color. So many goats to me, you know what I'm saying.
The second one though, could be Jankie Promoters and Mike ELPs doing that the movie together because we was doing some shoulder he left and go shoot that movie with Ice Cube, but Ice Cuber left to go overseas.
So really Mike help end them directing the movie.
Oh yeah, wow yeah, And they really played the Jakie promoter to the the j Z and now all that was just a crazy I like that because it was almost like too real life.
So we do all know Jakie promotes production all of us do.
What's some stuff you're up like you're sick of in Atlanta? That's like funny but really ain't a laughing matter. It's funny, but it really ain't a laughing matter. And some shit going on in the city.
There's so much going on, That's what I'm saying. Farnny Willie stuff, ain't gonna laughing about it. That's really serious too. I know a lot of people think that's funny. And Donald Trump and delection stuff that ain't funny easy. It's like he keep going at it. Then he put out these omaka SI five boots like we finished bou Yeah, come on, man, that's going on and you know, there's just a lot of good stuff going on too, but it's a lot of craziness. And I just want to see more people put out music, put all these excusees. I get tired of seeing rappers telling me, ay, man, I don't finish putting my mixtape out. You don'm gonna drop my out and put all.
Of it out.
Man, you might not even be here next week. Put all that ship out. Now we tired away. That's what I'm tired of these rappers putting the music out. Put it all out. You don't need no record label streaming. If they people gonna buy it, we will buy it. If it's hidding, I'm just tired of hearing that. Just put the music out. What about like the water Boys? What about Scammels? What about Yeah, I'm definitely I don't even want to go there. You gotta go there, the water Boys or something else. I ain't know they could be that aggressive. How they're getting people phone sending themself money on the cash. They got a hell of hers, yes and there. It's like so many don't come up to the car. It's almost like you're trying to not to pull your gun out. They're very aggressive and some of them strapped. So I'm like, if you got a gun, you shouldn't be saying all right, yeah, you shouldn't be selling the water you got a pistol.
Positive, it's some of them niggas like you know you seeing with the hats.
Yeah, I spend money with them. Seem like a good and bad but it seems like they so mannable, like somebody told them this is how I got to work that. They come up with a whole bunch of different approach. Yes, they're very, very approaching exactly. They don't come aggressive at all. So I didn't never to spend the money with them.
About the scammels scam, we need them.
They gonna be here.
We dying, come back scambled like the roaches. They ain't going on, you know, like the that parked the car, They ain't going nowhere. They're gonna be there. Jacket ready to put on the robbers cause them scam was too What the dude that robbed you tell you part right here.
You have to sit on there.
That's the biggest scam in Atlanta. Come back your car gone on booted? Yeah, yeah, that's a big one.
We gotta get rid of.
Strip clothes water down there.
I'm gonna keep it real about the strip club.
That's how I really made a name in Atlanta during the stript club because I was getting kicked off shows with other comedians, so I would just go host the strip clubs. People didn't even know I was a comedian. They thought I was a DJ and the dude just walking around in the strip club with the mic. Yeah it's people would pay me to come get on the club. But I don't be in the club like that no more because I can't come one hundred years old, so I can't do it no more. Yeah, but that's why I really used to be in the strip clubs every night. Magic City, Blue Flame Strokers, Jazzy Teas were Cool Running.
You ain't gonna believe in everybody's hand. Why ain't you, baby, Jade, I need you.
I'm saying, I ain't.
Say you been sick. He recovered, he been, He ain't been doing that good, but he's still.
I got a lot of money.
The first dude to do the slap contest, the first dude to do the two dollars drinks.
Yeah, cool Runner.
Would tell you to come to the club and you get that ain't nobody and know he'll say they coming.
Yeah, my friends just coming. I'm telling you on the drink now after point, it's gonna be here. And it's just just stay cool. They're coming, yeah, cool running and he's a pool shot.
And that Nigga's birthday is on Christmas.
Show on Christmas Day. Yeah, that's the last time I seen him. Two Christmas ago. He had a little set they range, So that's the last time I went on there holiday.
Damn, man, who you think like the most underrated? The most overrated comedian? Underrated? It's a few. It's some funny comedians out here. K T Ray Double D. It's so many funny comedians, you know what I'm saying. They don't get to shine. Uh our Nestco. It's some real foods, That's what I'm talking about. Uh, I keep going because it's so many who don't get it like they're supposed to.
Spencer's funny and ship too.
Oh yeah, Spencer Neil little crazy, Uh throwed off one of the food yeah yeah literally yeah.
So it's some good ones out here, and something's overrated. It's a few overrated. Michael Blackson definitely overrated. I'm definitely on you. Michael Blason, Kodak Black real Daddy, You definitely overrated.
Yeah, I'm on you. I gotta stay on him. The Ville Crowford your big head as overrated.
I'm on you. Yeah. You think you played in the sound whatever that was? Yeah? Uh what was that show he was on? He played the dude sad.
That's the kind of heavy set.
Yeah, always cracking jokes. This all he do is John That's why, Oh, Dominique very underrated. Dominique and Joe Clapp. I think they don't get they love to.
He food, it's funny and he can wrap too. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, ain't as black. That's another dude. JOA need to check out. He out of Virginia. Some good funny people out here, and it's some funny women too. Rick who set that again, said in a week Spider don't want it man, he's a Kyle. He ain't evenna responded this. This is the same dude that say went to Alabama State with us, but he was in the job called Tusky. He never stands on that. He never get questioned. Yeah, he plays though, make in the back of the CBS. See I know what's really going on? Big Fact?
We got we got big Heny here, so we hear baby, you.
Know what yo, just do it for the money, pay per few. You don't.
Come on, man, I've been tried that. People try to no man, So what about a verses? They never did a coming in verses. They don't want to see me in no verses?
Bro to stop me. We're gonna sit there. You really could do it if you really had.
The talent, you I didn't need to do coming in versus.
Man, Big Facts?
What about him? And what's what's the nigga? You who raised your niggas?
He definitely standing.
K the mother K verse here we are.
Yeah, no, you gotta do it.
Just wash and pussy now.
T K versus K verse. Hear what.
Young nigga show. It don't matter who you go get. I stay ready.
That don't matter who you go get get ready. I stay ready. You can get somebody right now. I'm ready on the big fat Yeah, you.
Load, stay loaded. They don't want to see me.
I'm the only comedian at another comedians to restrain on.
Them to keep me off a show.
Come on, man, let's speak volumes. I called my to Teresa. I said, it's a restraint on all of me. She said, what's the girl name? Come on, man, it ain't no real man, Come on, bank, come on man, we don't do that. It show ain't about him with that. But we just was talking about stuff. We don't get that out there. They'll keep it one hundred all these ships we out here, you know.
Keeping it real. Yeah, I ain't look at it like that, right, So many people wanted that bad. They'll do anything to try to hold you back.
These niggas came home, right.
They said, any else about that, big fan, don't I get something?
Just silicon. I'll be thinking everybody's funny. They try and you know what I'm saying, it's just something. Some of that shit be garbage like. But and that's what cat we was talking about. The gate keeper people trying to stop you. But it's like I ain't had to go to Hollywood. I'm coming from Birmingham. Somebody from my own city trying to stop ship it on a bunch of comedians.
Man, it's a lot of comedians fail for the up another stir.
You remember Martin Lawns at this show called Martin Lawrence Present First Amendment.
Yeah, this is a dude named Doug Williams. He was the host. He went to Alabama State with me.
He let Ricky Smile a trick him to keep him about six or seven comedians off that show.
Yeah, they called my phone. I don't know.
They standing there with each other. Amen, how you feel about man? You know, don't mess with him? Damn you and him and hung up the phone.
So once he kept the people off the show, he got tricked. Hey man, I'm gonna put you on my TV show. So, Doug Wigan, where your bus stands at? You flew to Dallas and Ricky Smiler would even take your phone call.
Now you're going around telling people you wonta apologize.
I wish you would come up from to me tell me I apologize. Yeah, crazy man, I told you gonna keep it on hunting. So do you think that a lot of do you think like just having beef with certain not beef, but staining and other and shit like that against you from different people. That's in like I guess in radio and team problem. You know, these people don't give me no problem. I don't have no problem with no other comedians and stuff like that. It's just like opportunities and shit. No, but that what he was trying to do paint me as a billing. I could have crashed out and beat him up on the first day of the Mike El's tour, but that would have made me look crazy because I know I'm gonna get sent home. See when you beat up somebody on tour, it ain't just about you. You might not be able to go back to that venue. See, I try to tell him the games bigger than you. So I could have crashed out. I could have been on every one of them shows, but I knew he'd said something slick and I'd have got in trouble.
So I didn't do that. See, I got a degree in psychology. I'm not a fool.
So I could have crashed out the first time he said when he did that, little told that man that. And then we came to Atlanta and he said, I'm gonna quit the two if Henry Wells go up.
Did Henry we Was go up? Of course I did. It's Atlanta.
It'd be one hundred people standing outside with white tea zer if I didn't go up. So Mike El, So if you're gonna go up on stage, you're gonna bring Henry Wets up, and Henry Wes's gonna bring me up. So we took that fake ass picture Mike Epps standing in the middle, and people start telling them, oh, this is truth. It'll never be a truth. Long as there's never piece in the Middle East, there will never be peace.
They can't do all that low down stuff and think people gonna forget what's is only Sagittarius half man, half horse. All right, you know Sagittaris stand on it. Man, I'm like king, we standing on this. So I ain't none of that. Oh, I just seen none of that. None of that, No, none of that.
Then he went and said Mike Epp brought him to his dress room for me to apologize to him. Well, we'll never go to your dressing room. Mike Elves was themand so why we gotta go to your dress room.
It's his tour.
Just think about some stuff, he said. He said, my name is Shanna Sharp too. Don't bring up my name because it ain't positive. I've seen the little dude that work on the show with him. Gary, Oh, you Rickey's friend.
I'm like, ain't.
Nobody Ricky's friend, So don't try to put here. You ever seen me on the radio show I'm on Big Facts. You get what I'm saying. Real people do it.
Real they talk about it. That's all I'm saying.
Just just just just side like. You don't think just as a whole, like forgiveness and ship like that. You don't think that is kind of sat.
Well, we tried that. Are you tripping? Know what I'm saying.
I hear what you're saying.
But let's let's let's say let's say let's say people change.
I'm not changing on that.
I'm just saying people the same dude during the pandemic played on my phone called me from an Internet number till I do I want to meet Snoop Dogg on the club house?
I said, boy, you about to go find something safe to do. This dude is crazy. Man. He threw a rocking hote his hand.
Okay, them days over with.
We tried that. Yeah, Rick, no, Mom, I.
Already know Snoop Dogg. I've been a Snoop Dogg house. I did five comedy shows with Snoop dog You're talking about, do I want to meet them on the club house? Meet me in front of his house?
That what you do.
Yeah, yeah, meet me in front of his house.
Yes, yeah, we will solve all that. I said, I'll just final take on it. If he if he reached out and said, man, I want you to come on Ricky smile and show chopping in front of everybody.
Just man, man, would you do that?
Because every story, all the lowdown stuff you did, you gotta apologize publicly for that. You ain't gonna never do that because you think he got it. Said, yeah, you did a lot of loadown stuff. Because it made like I was the worst people. Some of these comedians were scared to hang around me. They thinking they listening to this guy. Then they realized this guy was the problem the whole time. I'm not the devil. I'm trying to put all these shows get your money.
I'm not.
I'm not trying to hold the door. I'm opening the doors open. You see all the comedians I named. I try to help him in the them out. That's what it's about, show you how to go get the money. I took Kate up on the road me He'll tell you, and I said, they gonna want to book me again next week, but I can't come back. They gonna book Q and he been going on the road every since. I just showed him that he was funny. You know what I'm saying. Now, now he can go down here and get the money on his own. That's what we rob not trying to stop nobody. I met a dude and burn Meham on a Tuesday, and he was so fun I put him on the show on a Saturday. That's how funny he was to show to coach him up, That's what I'm about. But they were listening. They thing, oh boy, on the radio, he gonna put me on. You gotta put yourself on in the come to comedy. You gotta get him and prove yourself. Mike Guess took me all over the world with him on all types shows. But I still had to be funny. He didn't just bring me called. We was buddies. We know each other. You want me to be funny before he come out there. Yeah, it's like you you here to do a job still though, But it's a lot of comedians are scary.
That's just what it is. They know I'm not lying. Don't talk about this, don't do that. It's a lot of inspiritor. What's the weirdest shit you've seen in.
H somebody worked with somebody tonight and the next day that person was up there doing their jokes and they was working together again the.
Same night, Like you did the jokes in front of him before he went out there. What Yeah, hold on.
One night in Birmingham Amateur night, we used to do Amateur Night. I went to Amateur Night. Ricky Spot had already been there. He told my jokes and when I got there and tried to tell them, they looked at me like I was crazy. Like, bro, we already heard that. Yeah, they would leave to tell your jokes in front of you and lead you.
Did see him. Yeah, it's been all till you get there. Yeah, like yeah, dirty.
Cold right, Yeah, you can tell your joke earlier that night.
Yeah, man, you ain't got that yet. Did you get that?
Tell they I got two hundred witnesses.
That what I'm saying to give me? You know them your jokes though the crowd know. Come on, he know too, he saw me. Tell him. These dudes are still a shine off coachack here. They would rob you. They's robbed you man. That's why I just told you.
I have to read two differ news papers. I'm two days. I'm two years ahead of them. What we're talking about. Come on, bro, so you gotta stay on.
You heard what I said, so you're trying to tell.
Me you just I think like then a nigga would come to your come to the same show, get on early, like do your ship. Yeah, you can't even know. You don't even know until you get up there and start saying. They be like, bro, we already heard that. Who told you? If that's your ship, that's your stuff. I ain't work with people that say you were joining with them or something. They went and did the TV show. They hurt your joke, and they did it on David. Let them and then you could do about it. They know they instolled your joke. But you sitting there trying to say, black, it's my joke. He on TV saying so whoever gets the TV exactly there you go.
It ain't mine no more. It's on TV now. Oh it's a cold god.
The raffles do that too, though they hang around certain niggas and got big up to the Yeah Yeah, I was making money doing the inter losing the skits Yeah with Outcasts on the biggest selling album all time.
Yeah. Speaking about love below. I'm saying I started getting calls to do skits. I really came up with the hip hoppas with the with the music we're doing with y'all. He took a whole other like yeah, like t.
Ir with the movies, Snooped Dog, the concerts, Big Boy and Outcast put me on stuff.
It was like the comedians are scary.
It was like I can go over here and work with these rappers and they want a Jones too, so they're like, I can get some.
Easy money, have a good Yeah.
They got the studio, even got a lot, like we were talking up front and were really in the studio.
Yeah, that's how I came up through hip hop.
Big Bank tried out Try Try.
Yeah tape. I came up with all that big up to the hip hoppers.
Yeah for real, what you think should be the consequences of punishment, Like if you had a Joey for motherfucker stilling jokes, still it just go in the back, just go ahead, and.
You can't beat the nigga, then we're not worried about that. I don't want to beat up with one person again, so I'm good. I'm just training for one.
He let it go.
Yeah, I would I have let it go, but it's like it be going. Then he comes some new stuff. He'd be like, really stuff is When he was playing on the internet, he said, we calling my phone. I want to be Snoop dogging. I got people that work with me too. Now it's not just me. Somebody looking at the number like this an internet number? Dieter back like, why is this man playing on the phone. Yeah, you do a lot of.
Let me ask you this, and I just want you to think outside the box for a minute and just think, like, Okay, this could possibly be some ship where like this nigga could possibly really just love you to death and not know how to express it.
Why real nigga shit Like.
You know what, Jake, that's why I love you. That's all I can say. For hell No, that ain't. It's just envyous jealousy, That's what it is. I couldn't do hearing well, so I'm gonna do everything to try to stop him.
I couldn't be like him. You get what I'm saying. See here, he was ain't finish.
You never heard where they said that hate is really misplaced admiration.
No, not to you just said it yeah, I need to go look that one up. I'm gonna google that.
Man, Like people that really like your biggest haters, have the most love for you in real life. They just either don't know how to express it or they don't want to express it.
But when you people money, though, you know, that's a whole nother story. You're playing with people money.
Yeah, stand up comedy is so hard until you're getting to do your show. Then now you can't do them cause somebody coming with some bogus.
It's just crazy. So you tried get this personal chance over and over. Yeah, ain't no no chances. That's it. It's nothing to your book. Whoa because Mike Tyson's in the fight.
Let me and him gonna be on that bill? Yeah, yeah, hear it. Do just no Colley, you want.
To fight man, Henry want to whoop some ass man?
I just want it.
It's like James Brown, a big payback sometimes you gotta that's what people see. I think a lot of time people get away with so much stuff because they so used to doing it, they don't ever get checked for it. They be doing it so long, so it'll be like how long you think you're gonna just keep doing this.
That's what I'm saying. The person keep doing that right.
Right, and like boy, they just keep doing I'm gonna try him again. Let me go tell another line on him, just like wow. So yep, thanks to Big Facts we out you.
Ah god, it is good. I knew I get my shot. Yep.
People been asking me to come talk. I'm like today, I'm gonna do it. I'm with Big Facts PM.
What what else? What else on your chest?
All right?
You know I got a new cartoon out with Big Boy from Outcast Little Rod, not the little Rod from the puff Daddy situation. Now little Rod out here. Oh yeah, you know it's a dude. Ain't Little Rod suing him?
He's going through it right now. He was a rash man. I think I don't know, I don't know this, but I think all kinds of niggas that's been around the nigga gonna start trying it.
I think everybody don't know what's real what's fake.
But I know, like this thing, if you work for a nigga before, you don't like that nigga, you hollered at you a trump, you all of a sudden you can get in the.
Hollered at you.
You never get a chell.
Yeah, you getting the loss. Now you could get in there.
That's a that's a crazy.
Know what I'm saying. You got to think people at work they moved.
Just say if God damn, if this building shouts out the coaching level, But if this building had mold in it, right, and one person got sick and and when and they're gonna get paid right all the stuff.
Yeah, I give.
A certain case of God damn, I got it to give me.
Now you got a mask on again, like, yeah, that's a that's a crazy way to get some get back to come out and say you.
Got fun he said, he said harass. He ain't saying.
He said he went through a lot. He did, you did, like went through the fire. I don't wanted that, man, I don't want.
He's just a nigga. That's it is low. They don't care what people think. And he really didn't get fucked.
He really didn't get fucked.
He didn't even go through that. What if he's connessing, I'm not. He should have got paid off.
He should have paid he said, didn't get He did nine songs on the album, so he didn't get paid this where the money lost suit come in?
He did? Now?
So where where the did the allegations come from?
Because he was traveling with him, staying at his houses in different places. So he that's the truth. I don't know.
I'm just saying, do you keep staying somewhere?
Right? It's you know what this part is weird? You gonna keep going to the morning President? Just want some money? Bro, We don't.
We don't victim shame because when you're dealing with abuse, it's hard to leave, and it's a lot going on that psychologically prevents you from just being able to get up.
And cut it off.
But at the end of the day, like I feel like, as a man like y'all said, if if you're uncomfortable with some ship, or if it's some ship that you don't agree with, staying for years and then trying to talk about it later to get a settlement out of it doesn't doesn't doesn't jail with me.
So he's saying he did the songs, he didn't get paid for, and he got tampered with, He got tempered with. Okay, all right, you know what I'm saying, Let's make it what you just trying to make. I don't know. I ain't even heard the situation, like a lot of the ship. I just skipped.
Pansy brought it up, so I don't even live it registered. No more like reading too it because search I just know how.
Niggas get, Like why you didn't say this?
Yeah, right, while you've been around him the whole time though for a whole you've been with him for a whole year.
First, I wonder what would be different if he did get paid it? Would it be different? That would just be my question. If you got paid in them songs you did, would you still feel compelled to shoot exact.
To talk about your tampering?
Right, that's what I'm saying.
But once you didn't get the money, you get what I'm saying now, Like, okay, you what I got receipts? Yeah, now you're pulling out receipts. Yeah, that's what's crazy. But he's still ain't got the money though, like his life is to me, because it's not like that you if you got all this footage, play were your footage? If you got the footage, you claimed.
The first thing that happened was it was supposed to be. Again, it's just facts.
Under age girls, two of them, and then when they put that out the next day, the girls came out and said, I'm thirty with kids.
Show Like, I don't know the significance of nobody's situation, but I'm saying, when you got a bad situation going on, it's some people that's going to enter into it to try to make it worse, if they had something to do it or not. That's just how it goes, no matter what. It's always a motherfucker that feel like fuck you too. You know what I'm saying. I can't wait till somebody said fuck you. Nothing to say super fuck.
Thats like when the nigga's on trial and a nigga tells on him and they got fucking other people coming forward to fucking hey, I know this, you know what I'm saying, so I can get my time cut or I can get this this this We really don't know shit, but they know that any kind of word against this person is gonna fly because of what this person has going.
On, or it could have actually happened, and then nigga want to join in.
You know what I'm saying, but I don't. I don't I don't be trusting this ship. I know everybody do some shit.
We all did some fucking ship not as fuck up as others allegations.
And to the people that have really been tampered with, he empathized with you.
But I know niggas, like I just said, there said scenario something if any well, anything happens in one of the brochure stoes or something that that that day, that ship they said the mold.
Was end of the day. I was everybody. I was sitting in there. Yeah.
I brought some gun out there earlier today. I was in that stroke. Look on camera, right, I got a receipt because I'm black. They've been told to keep our receipts.
I'm not just kneezing for no reason.
Right, But I get what you're saying. People do pile on.
It's like this is my chance to come on and get in on it and say what I want to say. He could be fifty fifty they did one thing and fucked up the creatibility or whatever. I don't know that situation. What I'm saying that I believe that because I haven't seen it happen.
But I think that a lot of people staw that selling it so quick with castle.
Yeah I got something to say too, like let me, you're gonna give our money like that.
Hell, I got a lot to say.
That's what I think. He was like, thank you, but because if you want, you were down. You saw you weren't getting paid the first couple of weeks. It's like, come on, you're still here, right. You're telling about you traveled in different houses, so you was enjoying the lifestyle. But you forget you still ain't got no money because you don't think you need nothing because you're with him eating and the traveling. So he's like, but you can't even send your old lady and then back to the house because you just partied.
You did nine songs and no money.
Yeah, I just know the first time. I mean, after the first song, I need some money because I'm.
Be like, let me holler at you bro, like right, we already supposed to have an agreement or something.
An agreement. Mike might not agreed.
It might not been what he thought. The payment was different than he thought.
It just slipped out.
I said the payment might have been different than what he thought.
The method or the former.
Yeah, he thought it was getting big coins and paper.
But it was like, Noah, you could have been doing a credit Line's true.
Yeah, where he gets paid on the back end.
He definitely got paid in the back end. Yeah, I love see Jane is ridiculous. No man, I'm just say at the back end. Oh man, I love you ja.
Yeah, you know it's artists and comedians. We love him back and.
We gotta get it.
Yeah, we gotta get that back in the food coming up in the mother fun y'all bolling.
We had ate two times a day. I don't fell asleep twice.
Oh man, y'all are funny. They said anything else will spell I got.
Big fat.
I feel like you wanted the jeez of the coming the game and a real nigga all way around, Like.
And o Ricks, you getting stayed with that Mike. You ain't ducking no Rick.
Cit these other niggas hosting the Strokers and Ship and in.
The hood everything, but yeah.
And he'll put your spots to ship banking here about right, man?
Like y'all with him?
You remember, I don't know if y'all remember when Mike Guess hosted the The Hip Hop Awards. I was doing the warm up accident and I got in trouble. Y'all remember that what you did messing with Calid? Yeah, yeah, mess I messed with everybody was like I said, ain't hear this is my last time doing it.
Do what you want to do. B T still mad at me.
Oh man, you remember that. That's when uh rest In Pez of Trouble all them was in the crowd. They was like, here, what you can say whatever you want to say. I said, cal it, why you So what happened was we had went to rehearsal. We had seen Calin on New Year's Eve, had the after party with the comedy show with Rick Ross and Calid. So when Calid walked and he did us like.
This, he put the ring up to me and all the other us right, but.
He spoke to Mike ELPs. I said, he put the ring up to you, and they put the ring up to you, like he don't see us. We don't see us, man. But I'm with two crazy dudes that's with me from like. So we go to rehearsal on Wednesday. He do the same thing again. Speak to Mike ELPs. I won't speak to the other dudes. They Cali Fan. He throw the ring up again. I said, don't worry about it. I'm gonna get him on Saturday. I'm gonna get him on Saturday.
And you got him.
I go out on stage, I promote the shows on BT and tell him what's coming up.
You know, Cali, why you be acting like that? Man? You're so arab?
You got like you the artist. He was so mad he tried to throw some gum at me. You remember he throw gum at me. Yeah, so it's just like spitting on I know.
So I did what they want me to do. But he sent his goooned up to me.
He said, hey, man, when you get back on stage, you better apologize the calid. I'm looking around like who he said you. I said, all right, watch this. I go back on stage and fire him up again. He is hot now BT hot because.
They got him up that.
They want to show him smiling and having a good time. I'm thinking it's cool. So they're gonna try to say, remember Henry Welch. So the next day we sitting there with me and his manager. We just took Mike to the airport. Were sitting there and this dude from BT. He said, hey for that dude, Heary webs check with y'all. Like he said right here telling me Bard from BT, I would even on now, I would the warm up back.
I didn't even get to be seen.
But but ain't that ain't okay? So like when Network's getting new owners and ship, ain't that ship kind of like okay?
You know how like when you rent a car, like if you fuck the car up, you get a new.
Driver's license number you can just rent and you don't have to pay the ship back in that kind of like okay, it beats since BT got it rolls over.
So I didn't do nothing bad. I was the warm up back, and they they didn't like it.
I was messing with Cat because he was they flavor of the month, you know, with his new songs or something. They were trying to push him, you know what I'm saying. I didn't look at it like that. Because it was fifty cent and Floyd had been he was allowed mess with everybody that.
Yeah, but that's also the PBT Awards where Rick Ross and Jeezy got into it.
They try to say they I incited the crowd.
I'm like, man, dude, having beefing for years, that ain't have nothing to do with me. Yeah, Henry Ross went out there. He was in the beginning. No, it's hard to warm up the crowd in Atlanta. This is Atlanta. This is the real Jurassic Park. Yeah, okay, they don't play down here, so you gotta come out here.
Fine on all cinemas.
What other cities don't play, like Miami, New York, Chicago definitely don't play New Jersey the places like that. Hey, you're California too. There's some real cities that don't play this. You gotta come on with it. I'm going to call it this week. Yeah, they don't play Oakland, and you gotta come on with it.
Don't let these people in the South. You need to Columbia, South Carolina. They don't play over there. They don't give what the hard.
Them niggas out there getting money though, plenty moneygas out there.
Get live, they show lives. Yeah, all through the Carolinas. Yeah, Kentucky, Tennessee. Some of them cities is crazy too. But Atlanta, they don't play the radio out here. Trust me, you know you.
Beat the ship show they did Tony Terror.
Oh man, I might have been one on t I, buthen.
I walked in inside the little what's the little light skinned lady who worked with us at the Uh. Yeah, I said that she show us over with. She said, why you say that? Because we got Tony Tears. So she said, I bet you wanna go up on stage and say that who my first joke? Yeah, ship show over with? We got Tony Tayror. Why the joke is so funny? Tony Terror is my next door. He wanted my neighbors. You know what I'm saying, I stay right behind. I'm like, I had to see the dog get loose. I'm like, I could have booked Tony Terror. I could tell he needed to work because the dog looked at home, so I could have got him.
They wait till the last minute to tell us what was I see what I was like. Tony Terror called tombs loaded loaded though it wasn't loaded cause of him. They sold all the tickets and then totals at three o'clock that day. Yeah to the Terror.
With me.
Now, I don't think we don't even need no guests. But we just out we won't need no guests. Man.
We young.
We the show was the ship, the contestants, the energy of the crowd. That's what makes the show. We don't even care about what's coming up there. Rock with you, but come on, man, yeah yeah. When I started live, I said, Valentine Day, we ran out of artist with Pat t.
You know what you told that said, you got paid boy, you gotta. I did hotter than him right now now, But I want to ask you how y'all gonna put it off at the cheater. That's what I want to know.
I don't believe it's just really shure. I be saying they going to smoke the cheat out. Atlanta is the mecca.
Let you throw money and cheating down and everything.
For real.
I don't believe I said I gotta go to the Cheata for my homes. I don't believe that they're gonna blow the cheatah down. They kicked me and Mike out the parking lot.
This ship.
I'm telling you, find them something in the party for us to get off the property.
Okay, I can't.
I'm comfortable anything new owner.
Shoot, some folk already got there and they realized that you gotta turn up. You want to compete out here. You gotta do something, you gotta, I said. They probably trying to get him a little run.
You know how people.
Think you can see them and they're going max it out. All right, but I said, I said, baking him. Go in there and smoke out the Cheaterah. Atlanta is really the mecca or do what they want to be? Yeah, just one club. I've never seen nobody get away with nothing in that.
Yeah. Now they getting they get real, real, real lenient.
They really how they They still got that motherfuckerport eirport security thing. You gotta walk, they gonna get you. Man, I just don't smokes. I just don't believe that.
Sorry, I have a plate in my head. I had surgery ten years ago. Excuse me.
Yeah I need it.
I like the Cheetah, don't get me wrong, great food and all that. But yeah, I was just like they took over the Cheetah. They did a power movie about to be crazy. Pat, I'm gonna need more money too. Ship show on Saturday. You know the price different Let's go. Yeah, I just thought of that. That's a Saturday night. The money went up.
I appreciate it. Cut up.
We ain't got a peton of tear. I can get that little I'm charging man, that's just getting the mine. Damn man, that's crazy. How y'all been involved with that ship show that she just kept going up. Yep, Buckhead Theater major and ship lit. Yeah, that's lit all.
The way lit.
First of the month, made it for people. Still got money. Yeah, right before Mother's Day weekend. Y'all doing it big. But we're doing it big. But I gotta go back to negotiating. But we're gonna we're gonna work it out now.
You already know that we locked in. Oh yeah, definitely. I appreciate it.
Like Henry, I just want you to go out there and do the you know, be the warm up and do it every time. When Pat said that, like okay, let's go. It's like a locked in gig. And it's a lot of fun. It's a lot of good energy. And I've been getting a lot of gigs out of the ship show too.
Ain't don't believe you staying all I'll be having a ball, yeah, freeloading off y'all food and liquid.
Yeah. I enjoyed the whole night. It's about y'all been bringing good because the comedian's gonna be funny. We know we got to be fun.
You don't thinking, Oh yeah, the comedian, we definitely.
I like to tell y'all be having those stags. Should be one of two people that really can go up anytime. Yeah, yeah, some of them don't get a fair chance though, right, some I'm gonna be having Yeah, but we don't know this. Once again, you're in Atlanta. We had the show.
Yeah, yeah, the last one though.
I was like, bro, a lot of that be the apparel, Me and Jade up front dying.
But yeah, these people walking out having on yeah.
Like She's like, you should have waited to save your best outfit for this. Don't come out here with that, you know, at Atlanta, we're gonna look at you crazy.
Sometimes when people see see you, they don't even be trying to hear that.
Ship right yeah, Like we tell you ain't even talking about now we saw that.
About to say here it was you throwing ship at Tony terror are home bad talking about everybody?
Will that should have up?
I tried to was gonna happen.
I thought there was a bomb threat because that's all everybody leaving.
I'm like, wow, there's a book bag on stage, looked suspicions. I'm like, what's going on?
But it's been a it's been a few this that that have been pooped on.
Oh yeah, trust me, it's been a few. They love to hip hop. You bring in and the rappers in there.
Yeah, they don't leave raps alone, rap singer niggas.
And then like, now, I think what us happened with Tony Terror should have went up a little early.
But you gotta remember it was late night.
The perks and all this stuff and kicked in the different control substances, the drinking and those. So it's like, now we're trying to go to the after party because he ain't come on about midnight. Now people decide what they want to eat and when we finish, go next. So it was like y'all set him up.
Yeah, y'all said, man, you want to do the NA. I was like, I ain't know the name. He said like, oh yeah, yeah, that's all rh He came up there.
He came up there like and he start saying, oh, he hold hold, he can't hold hold it. You gotta go go. You can't hold hole like he hole but it didn't hold. You gotta come up with it, like you said, you gotta hit him. But I knew it was kind of late, and I'm like this this crowd is too high energy, he too laid back.
Mm hm.
He should have sung in the beginning. He really should have opened up for me. As we look back on it, that really been the best spot. He should have went out there first. Yeah, when the women were still, you know, just getting in there and they were still they hadn't had their first drink yet, some of.
Them, so he would have killed him then.
Yeah, they pour drinks in and the perks people start scratching.
It was over.
Let go to the roads, but it's over with. Yeah, y'all set him up. Yeah, Patton Bank made all that money that night.
I need to talk to them. He really didn't pay nobody. Dang, they paid him. You gotta show.
I just seen he gotta show booking and napping. What is that Nappersville noise? Yeah, but that's gonna be good because he's on that with Cairn White, Shenise, all them type crowd. It's an R and B shows. You're gonna do good on that. You should never come to the ship show. She shouldn't ride down that street.
No more?
Were you for you as accomplished as you g You know what, what else do you want to accomplish?
At this point is just right.
I want to put out another comedy special.
Okay, that's what I want to do now.
Yeah, I don't keep doing that and keep shooting some movies. And I'm doing a lot of cartoons. I vost a lot of cartoons. So that's what I really been doing with that. And and so you know, they put out still called documentary, but I'm putting out a Henry Mintry. So it's gonna just show you all the different stuff that I've been doing over this period of time. Yeah, but we don't rest on our lord, so we still want to keep working, keep putting our stuff.
So go check out my comedy specially on TV. Yeah.
I was gonna put it on Netflix, but they was acting like a whole so me. Yeah, like I think they gave Monique my spot or the waste. But anyway, oh wow, Yeah, we won't start to be funn of men. I'm just tired of people putting all these specials. They be crying the wine make us laugh. We want to laugh. When you're a comedian, I disagree with you. Have y'all tired of going to these shows and they don't be funny, black Bee, I'll be supporting the shows y'all know, y'all sitting there be like man, and it'd be some so called big names that would be cracking me up. They're supposed to be superstars. I like them little small rooms though.
To that's its like six it's getting pitty close.
And when you have a ring, Yeah, we kind of either go in and cut, you know, get some good laughs and just be on the ground.
I don't think I'll laugh harder than being in uptown just kicking it.
Yeah, purpose that what I'm saying. I love when I'm at the comedy club. That's what that's what's really about. When you go do the big arenas and artist, it's cool, but it ain't nothing like the comedy clubs.
Because it's very intimate and.
They get that vibe like when you first started going the coming to show. Like before I ever went to like a big concert coming show, I always go to the comedy club.
Yeah, to the comedy clubs and ship that ship that that ship peed.
Now it's hard, but I love it, and I'm uptown and in all the different locations we got out here in Atlanta, we got plenty places to work out.
It ain't no excuse. You're a comic.
Don't call me and don't text me talking about to look at your stuff. We don't do that no more. Just go up on stage.
You have thought about doing getting a podcast and a lot of the comedy. Yep, I ain't it. I'm gonna do it now since you just brought it back up. Thank you. Ship. Yeah, under the big fashion network. Let's go real ship. You know what I'm saying. We already here.
That's what I like to do business on the spot. Now, I'm gonna call you in a few days. I'm here right now, start shooting exactly.
I got some more clothes in the car I can change. Nah, that's it, though, you get you.
It's just said to three cameras to people just went on one just talking about the company go up.
It will go like, yeah, we should have go up because it's a lot in the comedy game.
Yeah, how people make the money right, and jokes behind the scenes in so many ways, your role managers and different stuff we have to deal with.
Yeah, it's right, yeah, right, and some ship. I got you. That's easy enough. They're gonna tell the bid enough. You need my.
Cash out, my apple playing my manager where we need a law Yeah, we got it all now, you know. That's what I'm with though, because I get asked about that about doing podcasting, different stuff. So it's been the office and different stuff, but it ain't nothing been intriguing.
But that's intriguing that one right there. Well with the comedians, Oh yeah, yeah.
How you gotta do it, do it once, you do it and putting together is just do one right, yeah, because I know who to bring on. That's foods out here they get ship there with and agree DC y'all fly here.
I know who to bring on that.
And do what.
Well, it's gonna be on the cage. It's gonna be mm A style. It's gonna be a cage.
We ain't gonta worry about him. We just want people to know that it's been a this a dirty game.
I hed.
It just bothered me because everybody was talking about you got a Hollywood. You know, it's people right up the street from you don't want to see you go up. Yeah, So that's what it's like. You ain't got to go out of Hollywood. There's some people right around you scared of you, nervous and stuff. That's why I'm glad to see y'all come together and do this. Y'all been doing this for a minute. It's good, and y'all having a good time doing it. I can tell ye right, y'all just didn't having a good time. And y'all got good people and good energy in the room, so I'll see why y'all ube out.
We appreciate you finally making it to Big Facts.
Henry welsh Man tap in, follow y'all.
Let me hang out on Big Facts right now. I'm out on this tour with a sudden soul too. I'm the only comedian I'm hosting that were coming to it on April the seventh at the cab Energy Center. You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter at King Henry webs. Check out my movie, I mean my comedy specially on tube. Matter of fact, I do got a movie on Tube. It's called Stripball. We shot it at Uptown Comedy Car.
T I the Apartments.
I'm also in the movie The Trap that's out on Netflix. Pick up to my boys Seabonge for you know, doing the plug my yeah black on Seabonge Fake managers. But yeah, it's all good.
I appreciate y'all, but let me hang out with y'all.
Man, Henry Wels, the most feared man in comedy and Big Facts is up there.
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