John Schmeelk and Paul Dottino react to the Giants loss to the Panthers in Germany, discuss the red zone offense, and take calls from fans.
:00 - Panthers review
10:00 - Giants defense
25:30 - Calls
38:20 - Giants offense
45:10 - More on Panthers
It's time for a big blue kickoff line.
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Part of the Giants podcast network. Let's go, Hi, everybody, It's Monday. I'm back from Munich remains in New Jersey. Uh, Welcome to BOO Kickoff Live presented by Cadillac, the official luxury vehicle the New York Football Giants. John Schmult Paul Tino with you. Just to remind the folks, just two big book kickoffs this week, today and tomorrow, and then everyone here gets there. Well deserved break from Paul and I sit tacked to Pearson to Dom. We all get a few days off. We all need it.
Well, restock the medicine cabinet with those headache pills.
Yeah, he made something stronger than that, Paul. Perhaps.
It was a great trip to Germany. It was very productive. German fans were awesome. Some Americans that traveled out there for the game were great. Hof Our house was unbelievable. I'm sure, it was people from all over Europe, right, Yeah, I'll tell you what though, Like I'm very impressed by the German fans though, Like if the NFL really wants to lock into a market that I think is like the best NFL market overseas, I think more German fans are into it than the fans in England. Now they've they're into it more since they've done so many games there now. But these German fans were impressive. Just walking around downtown Munich the day before the game on Saturday, NFL jerseys everywhere. People were so receptive and nice. Just an unbelievable trip. It was great.
Well, I think we talked about it during the pregame show yesterday or the radio john that during the World League of American Football and NFL Europe over the course of those two durations, there were as many as half a dozen teams in Germany.
Well, the last six teams were all in Germany when the World League folded, so exactly there are so.
We knew it was a hotbed. Those people understand and they want football.
Yeah, very very knowledgeable about the American game too, So they did a really nice job. So fantastic trip. A great job by our entire team out there, Don Sperling, Christine Blio who went there early, Carrie Bald, Sidney Gottwiler, everyone did a fantastic whole production. CRW obviously my radio team, everyone did a great job setting everything up, you know, Conroy doing everything ahead, see for my Chris Robertson, Ethan Medley, all the guys that did the advance to get us out there. I'm sure I'm forgetting names. I apologize, but everyone did a fantastic job. It was a great trip. And then the football game started and that did not go so well, and I'm sure that's what you guys want to hear about. So I'm sorry for starting with that other stuff first, but I want to give the folks credit that helped set it up and just give the German fans credit for what a great job that they did. But I wish the Giants could have given them a better product, because they came out on Sunday morning against the team that I even think you can argue they outplayed for much of that game in terms of moving the football up and down the field. But as has been the case for this entire season, more or less spare a couple games. The Giants found the way in the most important situations to make the biggest mistakes. Their streak continues, Paul. They have not won the turnover battle in an individual game yet this year. I don't have this tracked from season to season. I do not remember a streak this long. I remember them having a worse turnover ratio overall than this through ten games. Not having one game where you've won the turnover ratio through ten that's a little bit crazy. And that's where the Giants are. One takeaway for the Panthers, a one takeaway for the Giants, three takeaways for the Panthers. And it's the location of the takeaways that's the killer. Taking points off the board for the Giants, giving points to the Panthers, throwing a gram gonna feel a missed field goal for you know, good luck. And that's how you only score seventeen points against historically one of the worst defenses we've ever seen.
Well, John, go back to what I told you last week about the scoring zone inside the other team's thirty, not the red zone. Remember I said the scoring zone. Giants came up empty on three trips. Three trips they were one for four in the scoring zone, and that's not how you win games. That's how you lose games. They came up empty on two of the interceptions that went against Daniel Jones, and they came up empty on the field goal. That's three empty trips in the scoring zone. And that just doesn't work.
Mean you football game.
You held the ball for over thirty four minutes, you out first down to Carolina. I think it was twenty four to fifteen. You converted seven to fifteen third down opportunities. These are all good stats, John, If I told you all of those things were going to happen, you're gonna say to me, that sounds pretty good.
And they won the time I possession my almost ten minutes.
But then you go one for four in the.
Scoring zone, right, and then, by the way, not take the scoring zone out of it. They got to the Panthers forty three yard line on their first drive, came up with no points. They got to midfield the Giants forty nine, no points. They were in midfield on the drive where they had the sack on the flee flaker, no points. So three other times you get it basically to the fifty or just over the fifty and another time they got it to their own forty yard line, no points, so they're they're not burying themselves in their own zone. But again, that's great. Eventually you gotta score points, and seventeen points against the Carolina Panthers, Paul, it's just not enough. It's not enough points. And that's been a theme all year round. And I'm gonna do tomorrow at some point. I'm gonna try to do it. In the morning. I'm gonna do a study. I'm gonna look at every single Giant red zone play this year and I'm gonna just look at them and see what and I will try to survive watching all of that, okay, because it's not gonna be good and flee By the time I get from BBK on Tuesday, I'll have that ready worst comes to worst, I'll have it for next Monday when we have next week's shows after our break. But the Giants have been the worst red zone team in football this year. They have five red zone turnovers. If Bob pop Is numbers on the broadcast yes day were correct, there's no reason to think that they're not. And then you miss field goals again. I can't imagine there's another team with more missed field goals than the Giants this year. If there is, I'd be surprised. I haven't looked. They've got to be near the leaders in that. And then in overtime the Panthers weren't able to move the ball for the entirety of the fourth quarter. You figure you can get if you don't score on that first possession, you can get a stopped there. And what happens town Tracy fumbles inside the Giants you know, thirty yard line. Panthers run the ball three times and they kick up thirty eight whatever, thirty eight yard field goal for Eddie Pinero. So I mean, you just can't have these types of mistakes again and again and again and it keeps happening.
You know the thing that that and you use the word location, I think timing is also part of it. It's Paul and and so question. As I coined the word a week or so ago. Unclutch. They have had the most unclutch plays of any team in the league. In fact, maybe more unclutch plays by the Giants than every other team combined. I mean, I'm obviously being facetious, but how many times do they self destruct and ruin their chances to either take a hold of.
The game or take a lead.
Not just you know, I mean it's it's unbelievable.
And how do you have it second and five at the Carolina six yard line and come on with zero points when you're down three?
That's like I say, they That's.
Why I mean, at least make sure you get the darnfield goal there.
That's why you know, I'm I'm the league needs to adopt my theory about the scoring zone from the thirty. I think that is so much more important than the twenty.
Honestly, now, it might be with the wait kickers kick, it might be the thirty five.
I'm trying to be judicious here. It might be the thirty five because because the thirty is a forty seven yarder, and I have to believe that's practically automatic. Forty eight is an eighteen yards Now, yeah, it's about okay, if you're thirty five, that's about a fifty three yard of fifty two to fifty three, and teams will be fifty percent fifty five percent from beyond fifty nine. Is that what it's at.
I'm even better than that. No, I'd have to look.
Again, I'm trying to be reasonable here, so I'm saying the scoring zone is from the thirty. Do you know, John, the Giants have had one third of their scoring zone opportunities come up zero zero, not just getting three, but getting zero. That's why this team is two and eight right now. They've had so many chances to score points, not just touchdowns, but some points, and they've come away too many times with goose eggs thing.
And look twenty Daniel Jones twenty two or thirty seven, one hundred and ninety yards. Two picks. The two picks. One was a bad at pass at the line. He's got to put that higher over Genevian Clowney's head. He hits him in the face, So you gotta get that pass higher. The other pass, it could have been in a better spot. It still its tyrone Tracy in both hands, knocks off his hands, goes right to Josie Jewel.
So Jewel made a heck of a play.
It was a nice play to me. Those two his two picks weren't his worst throws. No, you know. He had the overthrow to Neighbors on the big third and eight on the first drive that drive could have been points if he makes a better throw there. You had the throw that he threw short to Wando Robinson on that comeback on a second and long in the fourth quarter. I believe right now when I rewatched that on tape, Robinson was a little bit slow coming out of his brake on that. He also maybe got his jersey got pulled a little bit. But still you gotta make a better throw than that. You got to throw it through him on that and then the other play, it wasn't a bad throw, but Paul, he's got to get that ball out. On the flea flicker, two guys are wide open. You gotta get and he clutched, he hunt it, get the ball out. He did get the ball out, and O'Brien Dable took the hit for that in the post game that it was a bad play call and he shouldn't have called it. I guess I appreciate the coach taking the hit on that, but I guess let this. I hope you know, I'll I will take I will take the heat off the coach on that one, even though he took it upon himself.
Philosophically, you could make a case for either side on that.
Yeah, because you figure you're gonna go for it on fourth down there, right if you don't get the chunk player on the flee flicker. And I like and Becauseius and I talked about this before you popped on the postgame show. You want to be aggressive. You're playing a team that's not so great. You want to be aggressive in that spot. I have no problem with that, and you could all problem with the playcalls.
You could also logically go with the fact that you had runs of five, eleven and five a four yard short short pass. You could easily say, look, we got the running game going, let's keep the wheels turning, grind out, get the first down, and a new set of downs on both sides have some merit.
And the Giants had been really good on third and fourth and short recently, so I think you feel pretty good about it on fourth and nine if you don't make the flee flicker. So, but you can't take a sack there, that's that's your well, that's the one thing you can't do. You can't take the sack because you got to stay in that fourth and one. Then you can go for it. Then you get backed up. It turned into what fourth and eight, seven, whatever.
At the very least, if if he just throws the ball away there, even if he doesn't see anybody for whatever reason and just throws the ball out of bounds, you know it's not a sack. The sack makes it makes it impossible to go for the fourth down, fourth and one. You could still line up and try to go for it.
Yeah, and though this is really the first adversity that Tyrone Tracy is gonna face in his career, so bad for him. He was the guy on two of the turnovers. The class hits him in the hands kind of. I think it hit face mask after us in his hands, if I'm not mistaken. It goes goes to Josie Jewel for the pick, and then.
Ball was a little behind him.
No, it was not.
It was a really good job to kind of wrestle it away.
It's didn't wrestle it away, hit off his hands, went to Jewel. So, I mean, it's a pass. It could have been a better throw of no question, but it's a pass that he should catch as well, especially as a former wide receiver. That's the ball. I'm sure Tyron Tracy will tell you that he feels like he should catch.
I'm sure he feels that way.
And then the fumble and think I looked at the coaches tape a few times. I think he was trying to change hands with the ball to keep it away from the defender. I think those Legeayshon Robinson got his hand in there on that transfer, and it's it's tough when you're in that tighter quarters to try to transfer the ball from left to right. I get what he's trying to do, but that's then the ball kind of got punched out and that was all she wrote.
Unclutch, that's all I could say. And clutch.
I don't want to completely blame the offense for this one. Look, the defense gave up seventeen points in regulation. That should be good enough to twenty game. Let's start there.
Yes, but.
Paul, how do you give one hundred and fifty three rushing yards again?
Four runs of over twenty six passes of over twenty.
One of the runs was a scramble, by the way the great traditional runs, one scramble correct, and two passes over twenty yards.
That's not something you want to see.
Six chunk plays against that offense. I know Link called last week and he kind of had a debate about Jason Pinnock. I wish, I wish Jason Pinnock was out there starting yesterday because Dame Belton had a couple of rough snaps.
Now, the one touchdown pass that Young threw, it's really strange when you look back. I'm sure you looked at it already, all right. I look back at the play and when we were watching it live, I was with Jonath Lincasius. First thing I said to him was watching the TV copy. How does he get I mean, how does he get wide open in the end zone.
When everyone's playing zone but one guy decides to play man. That's how that happens.
And then and then you look and it looks like Isaiah Simmons has that guy coming off the line, but then he stops because he gives him up to his zone.
Yeah, every everyone on the play was in the zone.
And and so he's there in the underneath zone basically guarding nobody. And the tight end.
Runs into the end zone and there's nobody there. Well, that's because underneath them, I think it was the other tight end. Think everybody two tight ends on that platform. I don't think remember if they were both tight wide receiver. They ran a little shallow crosser correct. Bobby Okaraka on the weak side of the defense picks him up, but for some reason, Dane Belton decides to follow him across the field as though he's playing a man to man. Now, maybe this is what the coverage is. Maybe Belton did the exact right thing. I don't know what the play came.
Maybe Simmons was supposed to play man on the tight end. I don't know the answer to that.
Neither do I, but that that Belton was in that zone and he vacated that zone to follow a guy across the field. Maybe it wasn't his fault, and I can have the play call wrong, but clearly somebody wasn't doing something right on the play, whomever it was, And.
That's why we always say you can't assume correct what it was that the guys were supposed to do. But when you look at the play, it's clear that there was a bust somewhere and somebody busted it, and everyone else on the play looked like.
There were a play zone defense it did, so you can draw your own conclusion off of that. I don't know. Again, I don't know. Maybe it wasn't fall. Maybe it wasn't I don't know, but you know, wide open and then those outside runs again. You know, these pitch plays in the first half where guys aren't seeing the edge. You know, guys are just not getting off blocks on those plays and just chunk plays outside runs. The Giants are fortunate for some reason, the Panthers stopped running the outside plays. They started running it inside for whatever reason, and they went back to the pitch late. They got one five yard game in the fourth quarter. But the Giants, again, Paul, these perimeter runs. They've had so much trouble with them all year round, all year long.
Part of it's Thipodeau's absence, but it's not all of it. You know, Cavon Thibodau is a very good edge set or Carl Banks has been praising him ever since he got into the lead. He doesn't play both edges, but he doesn't play both, No, he does not, you know. And by the way, you know a lot of that is also run support by the secondary because.
It's the linebackers getting over too it.
Because I was gonna say, I think Brian Burns, next to Dexter Lawrence, is the best defensive player the Giants have had this year.
Oh yeah, and Burn's played it.
Burn's played really good game, played a very good game.
By the way, looking at the advanced numbers, you know, the Giants had a fifty four percent pressure rate in that game, second highest in the league last this week, yesterday's game, even with just one sack, fifty was fifty four. I want to rewatch the tape. The Panthers were getting rid of the ball very quickly. And by the way, a lot of those Bryce Young incomplete passes was the Giants pass rush force throw off his back foot. So the pass rush, while didn't get home, it certainly did impact the game.
See. I was a bit disappointed now yesterday's post game because I thought they got the one sacked by Burns on the second snap, yeah, which was awesome.
Which by the way, wasn't unblocked sack. It wasn't even like a legitimate no, he just beat the authentic like a jaguar.
He just went right through.
Well yeah, well, I mean it was a play action boot where they left it was blocked.
Now, and I and I said, what disappointed me is that there were probably four or five pressures where they were just a half a second too late. I thought Bryce Young did a pretty good job navigating the pockety did, he really did, and was able just to get the ball off in time on a cup on several instances, and they turned into completions where if the Giants had just been there half a second sooner. So I was a little disappointed. I thought the passwords could have been could have gotten home at least a few more times, John, because you know what, they only had four quarterback hits I believe, or was it five. Take a look at the sheet. You gotta have more than that, especially with the amount of pressure. Now you're telling me it was a fifty four percent pressure rate. Now you gotta get more hits than that.
Giants had four quarterback hits. Again, No, those are the official stats, those aren't you know, those getting a lot of times they undersell the quarterback hits on the official notes.
But that's what we have to go by.
But look, but they didn't make enough plays again and again they only had the one takeaway in the game, which was the I guess it's technically a force fimble by Drew Phillis, but he kind of just the way he slung them down. The guy's leg got utter underneath them like they get forced them to drop the ball. But either way it's it's still a force fumble. Yeahs got it back and that.
Was a clutch play and Davidson recovered it. He did, which is really good.
He did.
He let me mention one thing to you, John, And we haven't really talked this much. We have said that the Giants only have one interception all season and it was by Muissau against Minnesota and we won.
Okay, been a long time.
And I actually I won't tell you which one of the Giants secondary guys, but I went up to one of the guys in the defensive backfield last week and I said, how is it? Did you guys have one interception all year and it's not even by your secondary it's by one of your linebackers on a bat pass by Dexter Lawrence. And he said to me, you know, we were just talking about that yesterday. And I said, so, what's the reason? He goes, we can't figure it out? I said, here's what bugs me.
Well, here's the problem. I'm not even making plays on the ball. It's the problem. I said, what's killing me? Is you haven't even had chances at interceptions, right, not even prop at them. And in years past this defense has dropped as many as a half a dozen interceptions during the season. I think that happens all defenses around the life. That's why the defensive backs are not wide receivers.
But but and the only thing we did kind of come to some agreement on that we could finally figure something out is I said to him, there were so many times this year where I've watched tape on your upcoming opponent during the week and looking at the previous game, he's throwing two or three potential picks and maybe he's not very accurate. But then they play you on Sunday and every pass is right there. No matter how many times your press rush gets to the guy, he always seems to throw an accurate pass and he goes. I'm glad you said that, because we're leaving some of these games saying what happened to those errand throws that we were supposed.
To get look takeaways? And I say this all the time, right, This was my argument last year when the Giants happened in the season and they were the Giants were second best interno ratio to Baltimore last year, and I remember right there a plus twelve. I think at the end of the year, something like the bidgets. I know it was, but then, and I always say, you can't depend on those, right, because a lot of times your takeaways are dependent on the other team making mistakes. Now, there are certainly plays where you force them into mistakes. Stripsacks hit the quarterback as he's throwing it. Now, the Giants have had enough of those either. Okay, so the Giants haven't forced any and they haven't been lucky enough to have gifts handed to them either. So also striking out on both sides of it.
Said, when you get as many sacks as we do.
And pressure, the Giants are top ten and pressure rate in the league.
But he said, when you get sacks, that means the quarterback is getting taken down with the ball. He's not making that aar and throw. They could be intercepted.
That's true too. But how about stripping the sack quarterback when down too.
That's the other thing that I would counter around. I didn't get a chance to talk to him about it.
I need to bring Ocey in here to start teaching him.
Attri Oc used to say, a sack's not good enough. I want the ball too. If I don't get the ball and I.
Just get a sack, it's not good enough.
Part of it is, And Jonathan Casius and I joke about this like Dexter, Lawrence camp blindside somebody like no man is too gigantic. You can't not see him coming, So that I think is one of the problems. But a guy like Burns, o Julari Thibodeau, I think, you know, try to get your hand on the ball when you come around that edge a little bit.
Well remember lt used to do the tomahawk chop and then Oce got really great at going for the ball. A lot of when they get back there into the pocket, they're just looking for the big hit and they're hoping maybe that the hit will jar it free. Some of the giant sacks, John, for as many as they have, to be honest with you, a lot of them they've gotten guys by either grabbing them and pulling them down or getting them by the legs. Well, you're not gonna get strip sacks by doing those kinds of tackles.
Right, last thing I want to bring up before we get to your calls at two one, nine three, Evan Neil, we didn't know this was gonna happen last Friday when we had our last show. No one did. Art Stapleton, I think was the first guy with us.
So you mentioned that I saw was Aaron Wilson first.
I thought it was Art first.
Within seconds, I don't know whatever, but but it was weird how that I'd set the John dur of the pregame. How did that get across the ocean.
With whoever had a first? Good job, whoever had a first, and Evan Neil got to start a right tackle, only allowed one pressure over the course of the game.
It was good.
Now late in the game they did a good job. Early the Giants ran a lot of play action. It's not a lot of straight drop back. Early they helped on that side with a couple of chips, but Evan he held his own. In the fourth quarter. There were a couple of plays on that final drive where Jendie McConney did beat him, but the Giants were getting the ball out quickly so it didn't impact the play fine. So I think if you look at the PFF grade, he got his not very good because I think they had while it was one pressure, he had four or five plays where they called beaten by defender. So he's beat but it doesn't impact the quarterback right right facilius, whether or not he you know, wins, is not impacted by how long the quarterback holds the ball. So the grade might not look great. Again, I don't really care about grades. I think given his first time out, you have to be pretty happy with how he played. And I thought his run blocking, especially when I rewatched it today, his run blocking was phenomenal. He was moving guys, he was displacing guys at the line of scrimmage. The other thing I liked to Paul.
He got a few pancakes.
He was not really on the ground much.
No, he was not.
He stayed on his feet. His balance was better.
I saw him lose his balance and he went down right correct in a couple of times too where he stumbled, but he stayed on his feet absolutely. Again, that was part of the surface there too, was a little bit, you know, with the soccer pitch, and it was a little moist.
The footing wasn't the best. It was better than a lot of what the English fields have been in the past. It was certainly better than those, but I thought you have to be pretty happy with what he did it right tackle. Unfortunately, we talked about what's the impact on illumina than a left tackle. He had a rough time on some plays, allowing a lot of pressure off that side. But again, first time they're changing your footwork. I'm not that shocked that happened.
Can I say this, If that Giants offensive line that we saw Sunday plays at that level for the next several weeks, I think you would take that. You would sign up for that.
Now you gotta do it against the better pass rush too.
Understood. The Panthers had one of the weaker pass rushes. Understood, I'm not discounting that. But if the Giants can maintain that level of play, I think they're going to be very competitive in the number of these games. And I will say the other thing I noticed about Neil and maybe you saw it too, was there were a number of times that he made his block and then he was looking to help out somebody else or looking for the second guy to hit.
He got to the second level in the run game a couple of times.
He was terrific.
He did a nice job. So he seemed to be moving pretty well. You know, he's looked labored the last couple of years when he's been dealing with some of that lower body stuff, and he looked labored trying to do his kick slide all that sort of stuff. He did not look his labor trying to move in this game.
So we get to say we know one thing from talking to him the last month or so as he's been trying to work his way back. He's as healthy as he's ever been since he became a Giant. Yeah, and if this was the turning point in his career, god bless him, because the Giants could certainly use.
Them a lot more to see before we make But if this is I said, I know you did. I'm just making sure the fans for just AF so you don't start getting yelled at No.
Two letters if. But it's a really good start to try to make this his turning point.
Yeah, and you know what, they play the Bucks in two weeks. They don't have really great individual pass rushers coming off the edge in that Bucks game. No problem is that then you might have Michael Parsons and DeMarcus Lawrence back against the Cowboys on Thanksgiving. As much as they'vetruggle this year, those guys are too very good.
Pass you don't. That's actually good because you want to see Evan Neil take baby steps.
Off of this game one hundred percent.
And if by the third start, if he in fact continues to start, let's get him tested then right absolutely, Hey, come on, Evan, step up now, let's see what you got.
And we know there's a history against the Marcus Lawrence that's not great either, so that'll be a good test to see how he handles that mentally and physically face the challenge.
John, face the challenge.
All right, two A one nine nine four five one three. Folks, Before we get to your call, just want to remind you go subscribe to the Giant Total podcast. Yesterday it was you and Madelin on the Rapid Reaction. Yes, we get correct, So that is up there talking of been reacting to that game yesterday. If you want to put yourself through that, enjoy I know it wasn't a fun game to talk about, but uh, we do what we do, folks. We're not gonna have that many Giant huddles coming up this week. We're gonna have a popish perspective, depending on and we think Joe Shane's gonna talk at some point tomorrow do his usual bye week press conference. If that's later in the day after BBK, you might do like a little reaction to that. That will we turn into a huddle because you want to do some kind of show reacting to the press conference. If it's before BBK, that'll be big, we'll kick off, No need to do a huddle about it. But if if it's after, it's like it's afternoon, like two o'clock, three o'clock, then we'll obviously do a puddle reacting to that, but then pop his perspective later in the week more stuff. We talked to Don Spurling, our fearless leader, about putting together everything with the Giants one hundred. So make sure you go check that animal of the draft season this week as well. Tony and I will record that tomorrow eleven am. Tony's gonna carry me on that because I did obviously, being in Munich, I did not watch as I did not watch a second of college football over the weekend, and in fact, the LSU Alabama game, which I never even checked with the scores who won the LSU Alabama game. Is anybody know, Paul, I do not know. Well, that game was at four am Germany time. Is it's eight o'clock. Actually would have been two am Germany time, because that was a eight pm Eastern time start in the States on Saturday night. So I will try to catch up on some of the college football stuff this afternoon out forty thirteen nearly forty thirteen. Wow, I guess the bloom is off. The Garrett and thus Meyer Rose Alabama had been struggling to okay, interesting, so we'll talk about that, and then Tony with Georgia too. That I saw that one. I was keeping track of that night because that was before I passed out. That was a fun night on Saturday.
But by the way, Howard crossed his son at Notre Dame got injured the other day. Oh no, did you have a chance to talk to him about it?
I did not. I don't know. He got hurt.
He injured his ankle in the game the other day on Saturday. He had to come out, did not go back in the game. But they didn't need him. And now I understand that Coach Freeman says they've avoided disaster. So says Notre Dame und dot Com, saying that it's not that bad. So I'm really glad to hear that.
And he he will get drafted in the spring, whether he's a Day two or early day three. Wilf to wait and see the grafted.
Thank goodness.
Hopefully it's not a high ankle that coul put him out the road of not getting very specific, it's colleges, you know, they don't correct.
But we're lucky.
They didn't even said ankle, and they didn't give us lower like legs, lower body.
So little Howard is they like to wear nickname him. We wish you the best of the speed of recovery.
And he is not very little, No, he's not.
For the record, all right.
Two one, nine, three, nine, four five one through. Take your calls the rest of the way here on Big Blue Kickoff live on giants dot Com and the Giants Mobile app. Let's lease things off as my document loads. Here, here we go, Let's go to James and Georgia. James, what's going on?
Hey, what's going on? Guys?
What's up?
Nothing much? So a couple of things I'm gonna just start off with. This game is squarely like they like to put on quarterbacks on Daniel Jell We should never look.
Into over Hey, James, James, James James. If you're on, James, you got to get off speakerphone, dude, we could barely hear you.
You know you're fading out.
Hold on, that's better.
I was driving taking Barkley too, all right, But.
Don't get a ticket, please, We don't. We don't have the funds to pay for that.
Well, sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the team.
Go ahead, we'll be safe. Just be safe, Okay, go ahead.
I mean, if if Daniel Jones hits any number of one of those passes where they were thrown behind, then we're not in.
We're not in.
Even in the position for overtime, including the drive where Graham Gano missed the kick one or two plays, we're in a closer position.
James, James. He didn't play well enough. There's no question he did not. He did not.
So I don't want day ought to. You know, I shouldn't have called that fleet flicker there because even like Paul said, I couldn't even listen to the postgame show yesterday because you know, the Dave balls shouldn't the he said, have did this and did that, and he put the fleet flicker on himself. So if we get the first down and then you call the sleeve flicker on first down, Daniel Jones is you know, doesn't see the field, doesn't see two wide open guys. There's nothing you can you know, do for him for that.
James, here's the thing that confuses me. He clearly saw them. He wound up to throw the pass and he pulled it back down, Like I don't understand.
Why just throw it into an area. Don't even throw it to your guy. Correct, It doesn't have to be a behind throw. Just throw it into an area and let two of your fastest not fastest than Malik Neighbors, but better receivers on your team just run underneath the ball.
Yes, at James, I think the maddening thing is that for every play that you see there, and there were times during the first half where you just had to shake your head at some of the passing plays that were not made.
He then executes a sensational game tying drive with no timeouts and only the two minute warning.
It was a good drive and he's eight of eleven.
One of them was a throwaway.
One of them was a spike, so he was eight of nine on the drive and gets them to the field goal that sends the game to overtime. It's maddening, and you know what gets me, James, I've seen the likes of Craig Morton and Joe Pizarchik and Tommy Maddox and some of these really bad Giants quarterbacks a Brown Kank Graham right in their wildest dreams, they could not execute that two minute drill and bring the Giants into a game tying situation. So Jones, while he continues to be maddenly inconsistent and will do things that make you shake your head, he also still does things that make you smile and say, wow, you did something that a lot of quarterbacks can't do.
I mean that the almost interception tip path that Johnson had to make a heads up play on that. That's another one, like why aren't you put in the ball in front of your receiver? You got one job essentially, don't throw the ball way behind guys.
I mean, I don't think that was I don't think that was way by. I mean I don't think that was way behind Johnson. I just think that the guy got his hand on the.
Ball, and he got his hand, he got his hands on the ball, and if.
Johnson doesn't catch it, it frozen complete in all likelihood, right.
And it was I think it might have been a third down or where j. C. Horn gets his hands on the ball and undercut the Neighbors throw the ball out in front of him. Neighbors already has him stats.
Okay, so see, all you're doing is enhancing White point is that he's maddenly getting consistent for this for some of the great stuff he does. He does some stuff that makes you shake your hand.
Are you are you? Are you talking about the incut to Neighbors, the little short incut on the last drive on the third down, James, is that the player you're talking about?
I believe it was that drive of the second to last drive.
Neighbors also needs to Neighbors also needs to run on that particular throw. Neighbors needs to run a better route. He is he's running that in cut at half speed. He needs to run that ride a little bit better too. To be honest with you, he.
Could have not let jac and like get so close to him, you know, to get more separation. You all right, we shouldn't have allowed so many rush yards, but the defense had what three or four three and out to end the game another point every I don't know what the status on this, but whenever the Giants defense does come out with and get some type of turnover, now I know it hasn't been interceptions, but a fumble recovery here or there, you turn the ball back over to Jones and he seemingly does nothing with it.
Points off turnovers. I don't have that stat James. That's a good question. I'll have to look that up.
I'm not say they don't have enough takeaways period, but but I understand and it's a shame that can know misses a forty three yard field goal early in the game too, because obviously those three points could have played out in a different storyline during the course of the game as well. It's multiple failures, James, it's multiple failures. I'm not ignoring what you say said, but it is for multiple failures right right right.
And like when the broadcast team are talking about, well, here's a here's a six year guy, and sometimes you just have to simplify it for him and get back to him, like doing the naked boot stuff like, this is a six year guy. He's not a second year, He's not a rookie. This is a six year guy. We're seeing the same problems after it. And you know, Don Marra is gonna have Uh, let me ask you one last question out of.
And then bye bye. James, by the way, real quick, James, real quick. If you have the question, you're right. When a quarterbacks in the six year you should not have to be simplifying anything you are absolutely correct about, right, And.
I know John, you do the NFL uh stuff, I mean the college stuff. I draw a blank on the name of the Yeah, how you do with that?
Which other three quarterbacks? Uh? Do you like in Sanders mill Row Award. I'll let y'all go with that. Let's go Giants. I never like to lose out. I want to win every game, but at this point, I say, let's beat the Cowboys on Thanksgiving.
And there you go.
Just how we show up?
Thank you, James, appreciate the call, all right? Of the three guys, Look, I've only watched literally two games of each guy. I'm gonna watch by the time I'm done with this, guys, I'm gonna watch every snap of every one of those quarterbacks. I'm gonna have every snap. I'm gonna watch every snap they take this year, like it did with the guys last year. I don't like any of them as much as I like the definitely the top three guys last year. And I think Pennix and McCarthy are in that conversation too, And I'll have that decision once I finished watching their full season of play. I think I probably like him Ward the best. I think he's most the physically gifted guy, but man, some of his decision making and some of these big spots has been rough. Shard or Sanders is good. There's a lot of stuff that comes with him, but again nothing to do with him as a player or even a person, but just so with his dad, is that there's a lot of stuff that comes with that that you know, you have to put into your equation when you're having a guy be the leader of your organization and you're starting quarterback. But he's a very good player, uh probably the most accurate quarterback in the draft class. Throws a really nice ball. And then Milroe he's the he's the tools guy. He's like the Anthony. He's played more games than he did. But he's kind of like the Anthony Richardson of this draft class, where he's got a big kid, he can run, he's got a big arm. He flashes downfield accuracy, but down in, down out, that consistency isn't there yet because he's still learning to be a better pocket passer than I think some of these other guys. So that's why I look at it. I mean, I think maybe maybe two guys going the top ten this year. I would suggest to Milroe to go back for another year. To be honest with you, I think he could use another year, and that's certain possibility. I think it is now. Cam War's already played five years, so this is this fifth year he's and again I think you like the fact that he's played a lot of years, right, He's played a lot of fun always like always like that. Now a lot of it was in different systems, you know, spread stuff. This year is a little bit better on Miami for him. And look, Sanders can play man like. The problem is that he's played behind a garbage offensive line. To be quite honest with you, he's under pressure constantly. He does hold the ball a little bit, but I think he throws the prettiest and most accurate ball in the class. Cam Moore just plays Lucy looks ver. He relaxed all the time. Like you know those guys pulling, You see them like under fire and a lot's going on around him, but they just look like everything is slow for them, and they seem calm all the time. That's what it's like watching cam Wore. Now sometimes you'll too calm and relax and he's like throwing the ball to the team. But and I think that's what happened on Saturday. Again, I didn't see any of the games, but somebody told me he had a rough end of that game. And Miami ended up losing that game. I think on Saturday. If I'm not mistaken, right, if you want to bring up his game log.
Yeah, I'm looking at it now.
Or did they end up winning that game? Man twenty eight to twenty Georgia Tech twenty and he had Oh he did not throw a pick in that we had touched. Someone told me he threw a pick in that game. Maybe he touchdam maybe it was different passing, maybe took a sack. I don't know. Someone told me he had a rough moment end of that game. I did not see anything, and I have to watch it. Obviously I was in Munich, but that's how I look at that at least.
Yeah, I don't I don't see anything on that stat interested indicates he had a bad day. I didn't see the game.
Now again, did two oh one nine nine four five one three coach marveson dell or high.
Coaching John and Paul?
What's up?
A tough game? I think I blame a lot of it in the first half. They started so slow in the first half, and I think that caused a few of the issues they had. That they were fighting from behind. I thought they were still in position to make they made the adjustments at halftime. You mean people talk about devil day boat can't coach. I mean they made some adjustments in that second half that really they seemed as though they was having more control of the game than the Panthers in the second half. But it goes back to what I've been saying all year is h is anticipation and ball placement, and Daniel is accurate. But I think those particular things he doesn't see. Well, I don't know why why he doesn't see it. But if you go back to the last drive and the completions he was making a lot of those throws was hitches. There was guys sitting.
In zone, stick round and we all stick around them.
And what did he do? He hit them on their numbers. He was hitting them on their numbers. And those throws he can make a guy get out there by himself. Why open, Yeah, hit him on his number. But I think he does it on every pass. Majority of the passes he throw. He tried to hit him on the numbers, and I think he just anticipate and ball placement. You gotta see where that corner is, because that corner, if you throw it behind him, he got a chance to knock it down.
You know what's funny, coach, it's larger in the drive, the ninety six yard drive, which tied for the longest drive the Giants have had this season. It spanned the third and fourth quarters. He was three for four on that drive because they ran the ball quite a bit. But on the three for four that he had on that drive, he hit Johnson on a ten yard slant. He hit Robinson on a twenty three yard start.
The passage Johnson was a slant on the third down in a very tight window too, is very nice.
Twenty three yards to Robinson on a stop route and he hit neighbors on a nineteen yard for a curl, So you know it's funny. He can lead a ninety six yard drive, then he can lead the tying scoring drive at the end, and it just shows you that he's got something in him because it does come out in certain instant one thing.
And coach one thing, I'll agree with you with it. I think he's better at the plays where he doesn't have to hit the guy, which is not a great thing. From what I've seen this year, he's much better hitting guys on sticks, hitches, curls than he is when guys are going full speed I concur with it and hitting him on the move. And he's just not as accurate I think on those throws, which those are those are those who get big plays, you get run after the catch.
A few years ago he was and and that seems to have kind of gone awry on him.
Yeah, And going to what John is saying and that he is accurate, it's not that he's not accurate. I'm not gonna sit and say he's not accurate because he is in his throws.
He throws.
He's right there. I don't every quarterback has those throws to do it too short or it's some crazy throw. But he's accurate. The problem is he is he's not consistent and enough to let guys catch and run. And that's what I'd like.
To see more of a fairpoint fairpoint.
And and and the and the and the flea flicker. I said this week a couple of weeks ago, when we do remember they did that screen pass and he fumbled and and they went dis or and that's when they really had trouble in the game. I think that was last week. Again, we made a call, good call, but the fleet flicker. We didn't really need that fleet flicker at that time. I would have held on to that until I can get control of that game to where I'm in the lead of the game, because Tyrone Tracy was eating them alive in the second half, and I would have kept feeding them throwing the hitches, just kept moving the sticks, moving the sticks. I think dave Bo was feeling and that nothing. And please don't think I'm out coaching Dabo. Dave Bo knows what he's doing. I think what he was thinking, I'm gonna go for the home run right now, and I'm gonna try to get something downfield. I don't know what that like John said, that was a hitch in the throw. Just like he paused, I'm like, what happened there where he's looking at at that time? Did his eyes go down to see the rush for? He just didn't see him. And Daniel did say going back to the throws, he's got us see to throw better and throw a lot more in front. And as long as he recognize it, that's good. But I need him to actually do it, not just recognize it. So I think those are the things they need to work on it because those players can change the momentum of games. It can change it can upbring your defense a little more where they see that they offense is doing their part. We need to do our part. Sometimes each other feed off each other, and I think that's what they need to do.
But before I.
Hang out real quick or my real quick, I just I just I got invited Friday to a top five high school game. Friend of mine invites me to inside the referee locker room, and it's very interesting in there, when the way they go through a game and prepare for a football game. A lot of fans need to see that. But his name was Ron Kinslow.
He was the head referee and his crew.
I just want to throw their names out there because they're gonna listen to this show. Vincent mc goin, Kyle Hall with Reginald Reed, Tony Carton, Paul Lobardo. Those were the guys that were Lombardo. Those were the guys that was referee. It was an excellent game twenty eight twenty three. Two last two last second touch last minute touchdowns in that game, and it ended in the red zone on an interception, and the referees was outstanding. It was like they wasn't even there. So congratulations, thank you.
I appreciate the call.
Now, Coach, give those referees names to the NFL officers, would you please.
Apparently coach did not alienate the entire officiating profession up there, good to know, or down there in Delaware.
Rather, Yeah, I'm impressed.
So coach has't been in a kind as the head coach there yelling at the officials. So apparently, by the way, the Miami did get the ball back with a chance of winning, Camward held the ball a long time in the pocket, got strip sacked Lami's final possession, so I know I read somewhere there was a rough play at the end there for Ward, but he led them on a touchdown drive on the prior possession, UH to bring them with one score. But then they he got stripsacked on that final possession. And that's I guess what people were being somewhat critical of. Giants TV is the Giants official connected to TV streaming app. It brings original video content and game highlights on the man in direct to Big Blue fans. It's free on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, Fire TV, and the Giants mobile app. Scott in New Mexico was up next.
I Scott, Scott, go ahead, Oh, Paul, I was listening to your conversation about it consistency.
I agree, But that's what makes quarterbacks is that they are consistent. I don't know if you guys watched the game last night. We're golf through five interceptions.
I did not. I was on a plane. I don't know.
I know what happened. I know of what happened. And in fact, all the pundits after the game are like, can you believe that the Lions get five picks and they still find a way to win the game.
I guess it's not a bad football team either in Houston.
Bad And that's my point. The Carolina team shut out the Giants in the first half. I tend to give people credit for what they do, and I know you've been there's a lot of I don't know. I wouldn't call it excuses, but rationale as to why the Giants are not playing well. But right now they're two and eighth, and that's the reality. And Bill Parcels, as you know, said, your record defines who you are. My question is really a simple one. At this point we're probably vying for I'm going to guess I'm making this a position. I'm guessing that the Giants want to start over with a different quarterback. I don't know if that's accurate or not, but I would surmise that's where they're going.
I imagine we'll know a lot more tomorrow when Joe Shane and I'm sure Joe Shelley asked that tomorrow when he gets talked to by the media.
But my question to you, based on performance and going back to every top point Paul of inconsistency, that's what defines what quarterbacks really are if they tend to be consistent, they're in the level of a Josh Allen or you know, Patrickholmes.
Well right, your er, your upper echelon guys, and those are the guys who are going to be in the Pro Bowl conversation every year because they are they are not only constantly getting the job done and staying away from the low level bad plays, but they're also at least occasionally pulling a game out of their box and Scott Image, that's what those guys do, that's why they're the top level.
And right now, there were a few of those guys that we've had in the last few years. By the way there are of the offense around the league is doubt as much.
There's a lot of mediocre play at quarterback these days, inconsistencies.
And I understand there is, but the reality has to hit you in the face. We're now the worst team in the NFL. So my question is a simple one. Do you bench Daniel Jones now or are you still playing for the rest of the season knowing that the best record you can come up with is nine and eight and that's not going to get you into the playoffs. And I hate to say it because I am a Daniel Jones fan. Would he be better served on another team, because for the very things that you pointed out, it's almost maddening how he can play well then not play well. And he's a good athlete, so you know, it teems me to even say it. But this is a business also, and the business part of it is and I think John, you're right. I remember your comment on Thursday you wanted to see a thirty burger, I think is the way.
I believe that that sounds like something I would have said, and.
So some people like that. I don't know why, but they do.
But you didn't see it, and there are reasons why you didn't see it that I'm not putting all the owners on Daniel, but the point is he made some inconsistent throws, as Poles pointed out, and he's done it continually through the season.
Hey Scott, you know what, let me ask you a question, because you often just come come to us with some stuff. You know, for everybody. And I'm not saying that I advocate or don't advocate making a move with Jones, but George Jung always used to tell us all the time, everybody wants to do this.
Everybody wants to get rid of that guy. Everybody wants me to make the move, all right, So you better not ask the question unless you have the answer. So the answer is, if you move off of Daniel Jones, what is the answer not only for the rest of this season, but what is the answer for twenty five? And unless you have a really good one that you believe in, well, it's kind of hard to be blocking out the question.
Well yeah, but economics play into that then too, you They mean.
They do, But you still need to answer who is going to take the ball and who is going to take those snaps?
And I think at some point the answer might just be someone that makes a lot less money and gives you similar part And maybe that is I don't know, And.
I concur with both of your points, and it urrains me to even say it. But the real key is decisions have to be made, and so as I'm looking at it, and it's my opinion, I'm not asking anyone to agree with me. I'm just saying, at this point in decision based on his productivity and what they're doing. And unless you feel again, this is the way you want to go. My which pains me I would not be playing him.
But that's just my opinion that's going on.
And that's all I was trying to get at.
Now, Hey, look, Paul and I aren't going to advocate one way or the other on this because we like Daniel, we're fans of him as a guy, so we're not going to advocate either way. But look, we know what the deal is with the contract, the injured guarantee. We know all about all that, right, all the stuff that's been reported about that, So that starts coming into play now. With eight losses, the math of being potential making a mirror run is the mask getting very difficult. Let's me believe it at that. And if they were to make a decision like that, and again we have noidea what there thinking, if they're even on this page or not, we have no idea. In this theoretical world, this would be a logical point at the buy where you could make this type of decision to get somebody else ready if you wanted to. If you don't, I think you have to then stick with Jones for two more games because you're not going to make a change in the short week heading into the Thanksgiving game.
That would be difficult for a newcomer to fit in quickly.
Correct. So I think then it would have to be after the Thanksgiving game. That would be the next window if they will, again not saying they should, not saying they will, if they were thinking about that sort of move, that would be the other window where you can make that type of movie.
And folks, honestly must remember one thing about a franchise. There are so many angles and points to consider that they must chew through and digest that we can't even fathom. I mean, we're just hey, we're we're broadcasters. You folks are fans, the writers or writers. There are so many more angles to every question that the front office must deal with that we we have no clue about.
Yeah, and this decision when it comes to that that player and that position on the field. Decisions like that reverberate across years, not games years. So the technical very careful in terms of you know, how you when you make these decisions and what the repercussions of them might.
Be many more tentacles than you think, and they are far reaching.
In short, Yeah, it's like the butterfly fly right, the old thing where if you go back in time and you step on the butterfly. Who knows what impact that's going to have a thousand years later, right, Obviously we're not talking about that's a time frame, no, But it's the same idea where one decision event can impact your franchise in a bunch of different ways. Just look at me, look at the impact resigning in the way you did two years ago with that on the franchise. Whenever you make a decision at the quarterback position, it's a big time decision and you have to make sure you make the right one at the right time. Yeah, that that's best not just for the present, but more importantly for the future. And that's that's why it's tough, Paul. Yeah, there's still seven games to go here. We'd love to be talking about impact on this year and you get a playoff run and all that stuff. But this is when you have to start thinking ahead a little bit, right because realistically, your eight eight losses, could you rall off seven straight, sure in some universe, but even at nine to eight, that might not get you in the NFC with the way this conference looks right now. So this is when you know, we got these calls in the offseason, right about when you start thinking about these types of decisions, well worth the buye the record is what it is. I'm sure those are the conversations that Joe Shane and Brian Dable are having and or maybe they're not. I don't know, but this is how they're gonna come to their decision.
They won't come to a quick or speedy decision. This is when they are going to digest and chew on awfully, awfully hard and long before they come to any conclusions. And that much I can promise you.
Yeah, and I'm sure, yeah, one hundred percent, I'm with you. Paul Letting, Columbia, Maryland. He'll be our final call today, Highland.
Hey, guys, how you doing.
We're good?
Well, another disappointing loss. I mean, what more can you say? You know, I thought that I thought that you throw on the first.
Series, John to neighbors on the right sideline.
I don't know what happened on that Throwlene. That thing was just air mailed.
It was it wasn't even an overthrow, No, it.
Was just air mailt It was literally like ten feet over his head.
Well, just talking about the incompletion, that geeze. That was that was that was.
And again, Len, you're at your past midfield at that point, and you you complete that pass, you get that first down, you're probably gonna score on that drive.
It's a third and eight from the Panthers thirty eight yard line.
Yeah, and if Goodos back a couple of weeks, you could probably kick a fifty five yarder, But first week back of injury, I don't want to kick that from fifty five.
It took. It took the winds right now, No hun.
Lend no argument, one hundred percent.
I'm with you killed me, kill me there.
And it's funny. I went back to that. I'm like, did he maybe think Neighbors is running a different could have been a miscommunication. I looked at it. It looked like that he threw it to the spot like he threw it to where Neighbors was. It was just high. So I don't have it. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe there's something more to it, but that's what I saw. I don't know.
Yeah, it was puzzling at the time, and it's probably still puzzling now.
All right. I want to answer your question John, that you had very early in today's show, where you were in in frustration, said, I don't know how you can give up one hundred and fifty nine yards rushing to the Carolina something along those lines. I'm sure you remember what you said earlier in the show. Well, I'm going to tell you how you do that. John. Do you remember back to January when we hired the new coach, the new defensive coordinator, and everybody was trying to figure out, well, what kind of defense does he play? What's he going to do? Let's look at film a Tennessee. But the first thing that came out of the coach's mouth about to explain his defense, I think is the answer to your question, John, And that is when he said this defense is based on stopping the run on the way to the quarterback. We still can't figure out what the heck is coach back, and I think he's avoiding That's that tells me that stopping the run was not the first thing in his mind.
I understand what you're saying. I get it. And by the way, another big part of this too is is maybe even more important than stop of the runs, and this defense is preventing big plays, which is another big tentative Bones defense. And then they also have not done particularly well over the past few weeks. And you look back, there have been successful run defense. If you go back to Rod Barronelli's defenses is in Tampa and when he was the defensive coordinator of the Cowboys, they preached stopped run the way to the quarterback. You can stop the run very efficiently that way, you can. This team has not been able to do it.
Well, you know, and it gets down to it, and you you've said this on you. I know, Paul says this all the time. You know, it's a players game. I mean, the player's got to make gotta make plays. But when you but when you sometimes are lining up three nose tackles, I mean, Davidson and Riley on no tackles, let's not try to let's not try ten their defensive ends in the three four defense. Let please, they're nose tackles.
No, they're they're putting big guys out there to try to stop the run.
Well, well, and there they're not. We need somebody the size of a Sewn Robinson. I know, I'm not. I just like a guy like that. No, I get it, six four six four and over three hundred pounds on either side. Of that's why, Hey, everybody got surprised at Hey, you know what Arman Wats made a couple of plays. Yeah, because he's playing. He's the perfect size for a three four defense. Let me let me say one other thing, John, when you do your study on red zone offense, Yeah, some think something's been really bothering me when I look at the snaps and I see our blocking end. This is not about the player. It's about the position he plays. The blocking tight end.
The in line tight end usually is the blocking tight end, although he can go out for a pass. But I know what you mean.
Go ahead, Okay, he's the third tight end unless he's overtaken. Belliger, I don't know, but I mean.
Specifically you're talking about.
But it's not about the player. It's about the use of that position, the blocking tight end on twenty five plays yesterday. Something bothers me about that. Schematically, it's it's whacked out what I'd like to know, John, Yeah, you got a lot of things to do. But how many times was the blocking tight end on the field, And I'm.
Sure it's a lot. I will keep an eye on it.
Don't get I will, I don't get it. I don't get it.
Hey, you know what, man, I'm gonna go one better than you. You know me, and John knows me. I love playing the jumbo tight end. I've got no problem in short yardage, goal line down there in the red zone, anything less than than three yards. I got no problem using the extra offensive lineman. Absolutely not sure. Why not go and forget the third tight end, give me an extra offensive lineman and punch that defense in the nose.
Okay, I have to use the name, but I didn't want to because he does what he does very well.
Yeah, he's a good blocking tight end, but he's also not a mauling offensive lineman.
No, no, But even more importantly, Paul, I guess what I'm getting at. We need another player on the field other than a blocking tight He's playing too much.
For the league. Won't let you play with twelve?
Well, I think I think the team wants to. And look, they've run the ball with a power, downhill running game pretty well, and I think that's why they want to try to lean into those two tight end packages.
To be okay, I think he needs to. I think he needs to rethink that one. One other quick points. You know, six weeks ago. I think I think Matt was on with Hugh John's and we got into the discussion about Belton, and it started with Matt raving about, uh, you know, the safety position and the fact that.
We got that Matt loves him some Dame Belton. Matt loves Dame Belton. You gotta understand that he loves well.
He and I differ on Belton. If you're playing three safeties, Belton can play in zones and maybe the ball will find him. Okay, but you saw it yesterday. Don't ask him to cover anybody. Don't ask him to cover anybody. Belton is a forty to fifty three guy. And maybe what when when we look at this roster, guys, maybe we got too many forty to fifty three guys on this roster. All right, hey, let's go giants, Let's try to beat the bucks.
Appreciate the call. Okay, then let me give you one example of a player, Paul, for the folks that can if you have a NFL plus and you can go back and look at these plays, the perfect example. I'm gonna show this to you, Paul. This is why the run depens is so frustrated to me. Sometimes this is first quarter for twenty to go. Okay, Uh. The Panthers come out in this is eleven personnel using Jatavian Sanders as a blocker in the back.
Yeah, he's an H back to the right hip of the quarterback, all right.
And they have it's a pistol formation with Hubbard behind Bryce Young. Watch DJ Davison at this play. Can you explain to me why he doesn't tackle job Harbert? Jib Harbert. Watch. So they run it to the left. Davison dominates his block and runs right past the running back, So he doesn't He's like he doesn't even know he has the ball. DJ Davidson dominates the blocker on him. Number fifty. I believe that's I believe that's Hunt correct the Guard, the Big Money edition in the offseason. I believe that's hung right dominates him. He moves them into the backfield, runs him right into the backfield, right to the left of But he's so busy running him into the backfield that he forgets to tackle. He doesn't keep his head up and locate the ball, and the running back literally runs right by him for a fifteen yard game. It's things like that when I watch I'm like, what's going on here? I don't like that play was. I watched that play back ten times today trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I don't like he died. He physically dominates the guy that they just paid twenty million dollars a year or two to walk. He dominates him. He takes them and he moves them.
He moves him about five yards, but he doesn't locate the ball to make the tackle.
The running back runs right past him. Davidson doesn't flinch. He just keeps moving. The offensive line pin It's like it's a well, like if you're in a meeting room, it's like DJ, great play, awesome power, find the ball. It's like it's little things like that where it's like you see the talent, the ability, but it's details and little things on each play that turned into big plays.
Shane Bowen might say to you that maybe on that play, when the defensive lineman is doing what he can to clear out the lane, you got to have a run fit in there. Now, in this particular case, the way that this this alignment is set up, it's pretty hard to get to get the proper run fit. Watch well, I mean because there's a second level blocker. I mean McFadden does charging, well, he's charging though when he fits the wrong hole.
Well, well he I think he fits the right hole. I think o Kaera Kay got blocked. I think he needs to shoot. He probably needs to shoot that gap a little bit earlier.
Kerry Kay gets blocked at the second level, and McFadden is going when he attacks down hill, he's attacking what would be the big gap.
Ye see if if he shoots earlier, though, he might get there. He gets to the second he's got a chance.
But he's getting blocked at the second level, and McFadden is shooting one gap and this this runner comes in this gap, and now that is one past the Carritcas block.
I think that's ol kaa Kaye's gap though, But he got blocked is the problem?
Well, but yeah, but I appreciate your thought. At least, here's Davidson dominating the guy, and then if he just gets any kind of peripheral vision, maybe he comes off that and makes the hit or at least slows the back up.
I mean, that is part of the game.
I understand the balls and I understand, but this is the kind of thing, correct.
I just thought it was a good example of that type of stuff we're talking about, where it's like, my gosh, look, d Davidson dominated this twenty million dollars a year guard driving him into the backfield. He doesn't locate the ball. It's little things like that that can turn a good defensive play into.
A bat and sometimes you can also get hurt there on run blitzeres. Now, in this case, McFadden is coming full speed downhill into the big gap. He's coming full speed at that point when that when that ball is handed off, he's already decided the gap he's going into.
Well, I think that's probably his assigned gap.
I'm sure it is.
I'm sure it is.
But that's the risk, right, that's the risk of a run blitz. If your guy is going to the gap that the running back is not going into, he's got a chance to crease you.
This is fun, Paul, we tried. I'll talk to you next week.
Okay, you got it.
Try to enjoy your bye week, relax, watch something like non Giants football.
Maybe I got a college basketball game to do next week, Do you really I do? I'm getting I'm doing an fdu Yes, game against Manhattan on Sunday at two o'clock.
So that's right in the middle of football.
It means I have a game to do on Sunday.
Oh, that's true, you do, so I'm good. That's good. But you can miss all the football.
It's it's still a brown bowl kind of it's orange, right, it's orange.
It is an orange brown ball. That is correct if you miss it. Beating the show guys, it'll be me and Sidetak tomorrow. That'll be the last big kickoff live of the year of the year, of the week of the week, yes week, and then we'll have a couple of huddles coming your way this week. We have Pop his perspective later on in the week, we have Rabbit reaction up right now, and depending on when that Joe Shane pressure is going to be. If it's after BBK, we'll give do a little huddle reaction to it or something like that. If it's before, which is what we're all hoping it will be, we'll just talk about that with Matt and Iron BBK Tomorrow, twelfth thirty two, have time. And again, if Shane talks, we're assuming usually talks on the Tuesday, the bye week. This is me assuming he's going to He might not. I don't know the answer to that, but we're trying to plan ahead. So that's the plan for podcasts coming up. Then we'll be back next week, you know, Monday through Friday, with more bigbks and Giant tuddles and all that good stuff. For Paul the Tino, I'm John Shmuck for Pearson Butler. We'll see you tomorrow at twelve thirty on Big Blue Kickoff Live. Until then,