⭐️ Beyond The Chaos ⭐️ My 3 Year Old Won't Stop Hurting My Baby
One of the most common questions we get at Beyond The Chaos is about older siblings hitting or hurting babies, but the reason why and how to stop it might surprise you. Plus, Gen has a rant about why long school holidays simply don't work, and the card deck that has revolutionised the labour imbal…
⭐️ Beyond The Chaos ⭐️ My Child Prefers Their Dad Over Me
On this podcast, we often talk about parental preference in regards to when your child is clinging to you, but today we have a dilemma from a mum who's kid only wants to be around their dad. So what do you do when dad's away? Plus we go through our wins and fails leading up to Christmas. This is t…
⭐️ Beyond The Chaos ⭐️ Can I Hug My Child If They're Throwing A Tantrum?
If your child was having a meltdown and wanted a cuddle, what would you do? With so much conflicting information out there, it can be hard to know. Gen and Amy answer a question from a mum who wants to know what to do, plus whether she needs to get on the same page as her husband about feeding her …
A Very Big (And Honest) Announcement From Amy
After three years of the Beyond The Likes podcast, Amy has a big announcement for all her loyal listeners. You can buy AT LAST wine here! ORDER Amy's Book 'Strap Yourself In' HERE Contact Amy and check out all her stuff HERE Follow and Subscribe to Amy's other podcast - search for: ⭐️ 'Beyond …
⭐️ Beyond The Chaos ⭐️ Managing a 'Difficult' Child
On this episode of Beyond The Chaos, Amy and Gen receive a heartbreaking voicemail from a mum who's at her wit's end with her young daughter. They break down this very common dilemma and what parents can do to look after their child, and themselves. Email your voicemail parenting question to Gen a…
Ask Amate: My Husband Has A Higher Sex Drive Than Me
Amy + Cate = 'Ask AMATE'! Amy's friend Cate Dodd is back in the studio to answer your burning questions, including what to do if your partner has a higher sex drive, to what they eat in a day, and how to find your style after a baby. Plus, maybe the most unhinged question we've ever gotten on Ask …
⭐️ Beyond The Chaos ⭐️ Grandparents and Boundaries
How involved are your parents in your kid's lives? Grandparents can be an enormous help, but are setting up boundaries also important? Plus, one kid having a meltdown is bad enough. So how do you handle two (or more)? Email your voicemail parenting question to Gen and Amy HERE Order Amy Gerard's…
How To Start Your Own Fashion Label with Virginie Pepin
Amy's close friend Virginie Pepin joins her in the studio to break down exactly how she started her clothing label Pfeiffer. They chat about everything from how a piece is designed, to what happens when you fight with your co-founder, to designing a dress that other brands want to rip off. Shop Pf…
⭐️ Beyond The Chaos ⭐️ Preparing For The First Day of School
This week on Beyond The Chaos, Gen and Amy answer a question about a kid who is very excited for the first day of school. So, what's the problem? Plus, Amy really needs some help with her household, and Gen has some comforting words of wisdom. Email your voicemail parenting question to Gen and Am…
We Answer All Your Questions About Bezzle's Boob Reduction
Amy's bestie Bezzle, aka Lauren Gocker, is back in the studio and as promised, answering all your questions about her recent boob reduction. From how much it cost, to recovery time, to how they re-sized her nipples, nothing is off limits. Follow Lauren on IG here You can buy AT LAST wine here! O…