Today on “Happy Hour,” we’re sitting down with Daisy Kent, Rachel Nance, and Kaity Biggar to discuss Fantasy Suites! The three “Bachelor” icons made their on-screen return to help Grant’s women navigate overnights and we’re getting the inside scoop! We get into their conversations and where they expected overnights to go for each of their girls. Then, we hear their thoughts on the season overall and how they would handle overnights if they were the leads. Plus, we get some very exciting updates from each of the women — “Paradise”? Marriage? Babies? Tune in now to hear all this and more, and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode!
Hey, everyone, welcome back to Bachler Happy Hour. I'm jealous and we are here with three lovely guests, Rachel, Katie, and Daisy. Welcome to Bachelor Happy Hour.
Hi, thank you.
How's everyone doing.
It's hard, you know, it's hard when there's so many of them, one with us, Daisy. Last time we saw you was in the Bachelor Mansion. Yes, that was the first time I met you. Actually, I know, I.
Felt like I had met you guys before, but we hadn't in real life.
Now, every time I see you, I'm going to think of Jimmy Johns because I met you while you were eating Jimmy.
John's so hungry, and so I stopped on the way before we got to the limo that took us there, and I was like scarking down Jimmy Johns.
O God.
Yeah. Well, And the reason I remember it is because you like called it out. You're like, sorry, I'm scared from down Jimmy Johnson, like, dude, thanks your life, live your life. Rachel, where are you? You're in Hawaii right now.
I just got back to La last night. So back in the city life.
You were in the Philippines.
Yes, I went to visit my family surprise my grandma in the Philippines.
So how long were you there for?
You were there for like twelve days, but it's like three days of travel, so it's like you lose because we have to take like a fifteen hour flight and then a ten hour drive, so it's like you kind of a ten hour driv because we're like live the north part. We just take a ten hour drive.
Grandma didn't want to meet you like halfway ninety six. Okay, that's fair. She can she's done enough.
It's like this tired.
Yeah, I don't blame her.
Katie. You're you're in Austin? Yeah, yes, What do you think about Austin?
I love it. I mean the summers are really freaking hot. But I mean from coming from Canada, where it was like so freaking cold and like rainy some days, like Austin is like majority of the time blue clear skies, nice and warm. So that's what I like.
So I'm I'm planning my brothers. My brother's getting married this year and we're doing his bachelor party in Austin the first week of June. So how hot are we talking? Like terrible?
You're gonna be hot? But it's good that you're not coming July or August. So I'll say that you guys are definitely gonna want to rent out like a barge, like a party boat and go on the water. I would be close to a body of water because I feel like men are notoriously like more sweaters and hotter people, so I would go to spot is always thinking about sweat and like all this, whereas like sometimes I'm like a little bit cooler. So I don't know, I just make sure that you have a body of water at some point during the trip.
Yeah, you should definitely do a bout day.
Yeah, that is a good idea. Okay, I'm not actually gonna need like some restaurant rocks too, but we can't talk about that now.
Is a Bachelor podcast.
Yeah, let's talk about the Bachelor real quick. Thoughts on Grant season overall. I will start with who wants to go first?
Rachel go, Oh, well, I think.
I fucking hate it.
Actually, no, I guess it's different from like not watching the show to being on it and then to having a season after to be able to watch it all unfold. It's so weird and I'm so happy it's not me anymore crying. It's actually so scary. But I think, I mean, I think it's going good thus far, right.
Is that what you say?
I mean? Is that what you think? What's your opinion? What's your I mean? I Grant is.
Nice and he's great, and like, obviously I know the Pineal three girls, so he definitely has a hard decision to make. But it's just a different It's just so different seeing it from the outside after just living it. So I think the season is great. The women seem nice, the drama seemed Why why was it there? But yeah, I don't know.
It's a hard question to Well, it's because Rachel and Daisy. This is the first season the Bachelor since you guys were on it, right, so that's always a bit of a trip. But Katie, you're now two seasons removed, So how's it been watching it back for you?
You're gonna be honest, I haven't really gotten into Grant season. I've just been kind of watching you know what's said on TikTok and read it a little bit. And obviously I have grown a friendship with Letia post filming with her, so I also hear a little bit of her side on things. But I did watch this past like the Fantasy Suite episode, and I think he's I think he's gonna bind.
It's clear.
I'll be honest. I think just based on that episode, he just seems lost and it's getting a little messy. So I'm very interested to see the next episode and who he chooses. But at the end of the day, I just hope he follows his heart and chooses the Red girl.
Do you see any of Zach in him in this current stage?
Okay, Okay, what do you feeling that all differences are no?
Because Zach wasn't saying he was in love with Gabby at this point, and if he did, that'd be a different conversation that we were having. Yes, he got intimate with somebody, but I think I'm in love with you and having a physical, you know, chemistry with somebody is different. So yeah, if I was another girl like who he doesn't choose, I think I would have a hard time dealing with that and definitely having conversations post Yeah.
Okay, so Rachel thinks it's going good. Katie doesn't watch the show.
Wait wait, wait, wait.
Daisy, what's your opinion so far? Out of the season.
I have enjoyed watching it. I feel like he I feel like he's doing a really good job. But I think now it is getting messy, and I'm interested to see the finale and like what goes down because I don't know, I just feel like it might be a little bit messy on like his part, but we'll see how it ends up. But that's just what I'm like gauging from the last episode, because like what Katie was saying is kind of like you don't really you can tell he's really confused, which the scenario is not normal, and I feel like there's no right or wrong way to do it, especially when you have all that pressure and everything going on. So I think going through it and like having been through it to like that stage, I like get how like sometimes like things can be said and like not said and things can happen and you just you like, for me, I try not to think too much into it, but I definitely like, I'm very thankful for how Joey handled the whole situation. So I don't know, it's just it's weird, like what Rachel was saying, but I feel like it might be getting a little bit messy Katie.
If you were the lead and you're down to your final three men, how do you think you would handle I love yous.
Or just fantasy sweet Week in general, with all the emotions and the physical intimacy.
And Rachel and days prep, your prep, your answers because you're going to ask, you're.
Coming for you.
I think it's so hard. I mean, obviously Zach didn't handle it great. I don't think I would, you know, take away somebody's agency basically what Burial said and like just say, hey, sex off the table because some people need that. But for me, I genuinely would just like listen to my gut. For me, I haven't been like like just my background, I'm not somebody who needs physical intimacy. I thrive off of emotional intimacy, So personally, I don't know if I would be physically intimate during fantasy suites. I think I would genuinely focus on gaining more clarity into who that person is morals, values, need to make sure that aligns, and then the rest comes.
That's when my declare it to them. Would you be like this is off the table?
I don't. I don't know.
Again, I would like trust my gut. But if I really really thought this man was my everything, my future husband, then yeah, maybe I would, you know, dive into a physical intimacy, you know, do that. But like it's so hard to say. I again, I trust my gut and just go from there. But I don't I know for a fact, I would not have sex with multiple people period.
I also want to say, I also want to want to jump in here real quick. There's a lot of like Zach didn't do it well, but like out of like the thirty something Bachelor's he's in a successful relationship, so like, right, but I think Katie, and I know you, Katie, you get credit, you get credit there as well. But like at least Zach was honest with himself. Like it may have been a little bit messy and and he've made some mistakes, but he was always like honest, and I think because of that it's worked out.
And I will say with that is that Zach is somebody who is a man of his word. But some people need physical intimacy, so therefore his decision was somewhat swayed.
Yeah, yeah, and yeah, that's.
Like just trying to figure this out. He's got three beautiful women in front of him, and if one woman needs that, then he's gonna be like Okay, well, like no, let's figure this out.
It's hard when you're trying to lead the show as an independent but then also trying to act within a relationship and take your potential future partner's feelings into consideration at the same time as like leading the show and dating multiple women. But Rachel, how would you have handled Fantasy Sweetweek if you were the lead.
I wouldn't be intimate with any of them, and I wouldn't tell them because I would want them all to think they're going home. They would all just be like, oh my gosh, like bro, like I can picture I'm talking to producer, be like, dude, we didn't do anything. I'm going home, all three of them.
That's how I would be. I would want to think.
That I want them. I want them all to think you're skined.
Imagine life without me.
Yes, I want them all row ceremony and.
Like it's me, she's not giving me a round.
I want them So it's an equal game. So I've thought about this because my my mom asked me it. Actually, she was like, if it was you, what would you do?
And if they were like, oh, are you just not being physically intimate with everyone? You could be like, I don't know, just.
In the moment, I just feel like we're just not it right now. Make them scared. It's just scared.
That's so toxic, but walked away.
What if they're like, oh my god, this is me. I gotta go. If they need sex and no, no, no, Like if even if you were like.
Like if you scare them too much? Were they panicing too.
Much and they go to the producer like me, I need a note, like we need to talk and then just have a chat.
Kelsey and said, Daisy, what would you do?
I don't know, I'm getting anxiety.
Like, and we're never making Rachel. Sure, okay, she's gonna put these.
Men through hell, she's producing her old show.
That would be the most dramatic season. Just being like yeah, no, I'm just fucking with that.
I'm the only single girl in the group. So it's like at this point, make me a Bachelrett because.
We actually like bring her, like bring it back and do the Bachelorette, and I haven't be Rachel.
You never know, you never know, you never know, all right, Daz, what is your ansa.
Okay, So for me, I think fantasy suitets I feel like it was really a time to like talk and so I probably if it was me in that scenario, I would use a lot just to like get to know them and like understand because there's a lot of things like you see like the TV show, but there's a lot of things that like people don't know about you from the TV show, Like there's so much people didn't know about me, And so I feel like that time it's like really important to talk to that person because after that does come an engagement, and I think when you get to that point and it's just you, you can open up kind of on a deeper level and really gauge if it's like if that person is actually the person you want to be with forever. And then sometimes you can be like, oh wait, like I didn't know this, I didn't know this, and like all this stuff kind of comes up. So I think then it starts making it starts making more sense after that too, And I feel like people don't always understand that part about it.
Yeah, I feel like the audience and sometimes like wait, they went into fantasy suites in one place and they came out and another like what went down? And it's usually you just learned to atch about the person and things are not aligned. But okay, let's get into your chats with the current contestants and let's go chronologically. So, Rachel, you had your sit down chat with Zoe walk us through all the things.
And like, were you nervous going into it? Like how much weight did you put on yourself because you could have potentially screwed screwed her over Oh.
Oh my god, I would didn't even think about that.
Did you think about that?
You could have said something that like really?
Yeah, I mean I guess we did see Leslie and Kelsey's chat.
Oh yeah, yeah, that was one.
It really swayed her towards panic attack.
No, I wasn't nervous at all. I was super excited when they asked me to go back and do that because I personally I did love when Auntie Susan came to speak with me. It was it was a good like break from everything that was going on in that week. While I was like, you know, when you're just like waiting around and stuff. However, I do like that they asked us three to talk to these three because I felt that there was like there's definitely a connection with like I've been where you're at, I know how you're feeling. And with Auntie, Susan and I it was more of like an anti channel, like talk to me about, like you know how to be with the guy. So I wasn't nervous, but I definitely want to go in and just kind of say things that I wish I heard from one of my friends at that time, is like that just to be sure of yourself and a good reminder that if it's not you, then you're going to be fine, and if it is you, then you're also going to be fine, Like regardless of how it turns out, you are there for a reason. And I know when you get to fantasies everyone's questioning themselves like why am I here? Should I even be here? And you're thinking about all the time or lack of time you had with the lead. So I kind of went in just to encourage her and kind of gauge where she's at mentally, because I think we're also we're in different spots because she didn't have a one on one at least I had that, and so I know that Joy and I at the time had a connection, but I didn't know where her and Grant were going into fantasy. It was a very different area for the both of us. So I hope when I told her it helped her. But she seemed like very relaxed. I think she needed to just vent to me and kind of get the jitters out herself. But that date she did have maybe want to drink that whole bottle champagne. Because why was it the Bride and Groom shoot? I don't know that was a thing.
The Bride and Groom show.
I didn't know that was a thing that was a date.
On my season, my season, the season I was on, Yeah, but it was like a group date, oh like mine? Okay, So overall, how did you feel the conversation when with Zoe?
I think it went well overall. I think at first there was I felt like she had like a little bit of a wall up before speaking with me. And then of course my first thought was like, I wonder if she thinks she's going to be in my position as in top three because I'm speaking to her.
Like, do you think she knew that? Though? Do you think she had watched?
She so she did watch because she she did tell me. She was like, I'm really glad I'm talking to you because I do think we were in the same boat. And then I did tell her, I said, we are in the same boat, but we kind of aren't because you didn't have a one on one, so.
You're actually you're actually that I was in. So the attitude, so attitude because you're in a worse position than me.
We're not the same I'm just kidding, no, but yeah, that was my feeling, like, oh, yes, we kind of are in the same position. And I did tell us, like, however, I had time, so you know, I don't know where it would level her nerves were at, but I think going into it, it was a little bit hard to kind of start the conversation. But once her wall was down, she was able to open up, invent about things and tell me how she's feeling. And we you know, she has a pass. Everyone has a pass that kind of forces us to be a little bit withdrawn when it comes to relationships. So I was trying to just encourage her to go in and like just give it your all. If it's your last time with him or your first quote date with him, just you know, be open to the possibility that it also could be because anything could happen and change with anybody at any second. We've all seen it happen. So I think overall towards En it went well once we were able to kind of get the ball rolling. But I will say at first it was a little bit hard just to kind of gauge where we're acts as our first time meeting, and you like, don't really know how people are receptive of certain things. But yeah, I mean she's super SWAT's wonderful, so you know it'll all work out for how it's supposed to.
When you left that conversation, what where is your prediction on how Zoe is journey manfoled if you were a betting woman.
I mean, after leaving the conversation and once I got to know a little bit more of where they're at, I think I knew that it probably, you know, may not be her. That's why I also tried to reassure her as much as possible, because I think when you're in this whole world, all you know is the lead, so like, and in that moment, you think your whole life is this one person, and then you also don't see the other girls so you think it's just you and them, and then when you get sent home, you're like, wait, but we just had this time together. So I kind of had a good feeling that it may not be her, and I think she might have felt that as well. Kind of when we're saying goodbye, she said, She's like, yeah, you're right, I will be fine. So it's kind of like an understanding of where she was at. But I think she had herself with such grace, you know, on her and her exit.
Yeah, I feel like you're a very like sensitive, empathetic person, so you're probably a good person to have that conversation with her, no matter which way it went to kind of just brace her for whatever happened.
I mean, I've been I've been through the ring Res relationship, so I was like, if it's not you were gonna be fine. We're gonna be fine.
Okay, next if we see Daisy and Juliana, how did your check out?
I love talking to her right when I like sat down, we jumped right into it, and I felt like we really.
Vibed with each other.
I enjoyed talking to her because I felt like at that point we were in kind of the same position. Looking back at when I was in that spot, just how we were feeling, and I felt like she was either gonna like give it her all and like open up tim or she was going to like retract and not And so I think it was it was just a really good conversation and I shared a lot like how like life like after the show, how I like, even though it wasn't like me, I'm so happy I did the experience and I'm so happy that I gave it my all because like that's the only way I found out that like it wasn't meant to be me and him. And I was like, either way for you, it's going to be like great, and I'm like, it's just but you're not going to know that unless you open up. And she was so nice and so sweet, and we just had a really good conversation and I really enjoyed it.
Do you think your conversation swayed her into opening up?
I think I think so not to be like if you had success, but I think it did really help her because I think like when you're in that position, it is so especially when you get to that point, you have like so many thoughts going through your head. And I remember at one point thinking like, oh my gosh, am I going crazy?
But it's not.
It's just a situation, and the situation's not normal. So you just kind of try.
To have to like.
Put yourself like fully in it to really know if this is going to be like your person, and then you figure it out for yourself too.
Yeah, Katie, you had a chat with Letia. How did that go? I feel like I'm curious to know. Actually, Daisy and Katie, when you're meeting the matchups, are you in the back of your mind being like, I'm wondering if their trajectory is likely get to align with mine.
Or are they even or are they thinking, Like you know, Katie, you were you were the chosen one. Do you think Latia's like, oh, it's probably now it's.
A probably sign like that maybe.
I mean, we did talk about it, the three of us afterwards.
I feel like when because obviously, me, Katie, and Rachel were all there and we were hanging out the whole time, and so we talked to each other about like the conversations that went on, and I feel like my conversation with Juliana, I feel like it could have gone like one or two ways. It could have like I could see it being them, but then I also could be like, I don't know if it's going to be them, if like if she doesn't like open up and want this.
So like my.
Conversation with her, I could have seen it or I could see it going either way.
Right, And I will say I don't like Lytia didn't watch her season, so I don't think she knew where I was. I think maybe a producer told her. But but yeah, I don't think it went to her head, like, oh, Katie's with me.
Well I'll pick them too, like for like Litia, like she might be like, okay, I'm with Katie. But they might be bringing only girls that got engaged, or they might be bringing like a total mashup of people from the franchise, or like maybe like Zach's talking to one of the girls, like they don't know that the lineup or the pair up is being done this way until they're watching it back.
Yeah. Yeah, I'm not so sure what exactly, like what each girl knew going into a chat.
Yeahright, we see the main focus of your conversation with Litia is surrounding the topic of fantasy suitets physical intimacy. She said something where she said, like this is an honesty hour, Like I don't want to spend my time kind of breaking down his time with other women. I would rather just like face that later on.
Yeah, and we really aligned on that because that was my mentality going into fantasy suites as well. I didn't I wanted to compartmentalize each relationship, like, hey, I know this process, I know what I signed up for, but I want to focus in on our relationship, including gaining clarity and a deeper connection with my man. So and she kind of had the same outlook. She's like, I don't want to know either. And I think it was amazing that she wanted to set boundaries and she vocalized that to Grant and said, hey, these are my boundaries. I want to focus more on emotional intimacy than physical intimacy. And that was exactly where I was at. So I felt like she gained a lot of clarity with me and having that conversation, and it was genuinely like talking to like a good friend, Like we genuinely just like vibed really well together.
And yeah, yeah, your chat was really giving, Like when you call a girlfriend, you're like, Hey, this is what I want to talk to him about tonight, Like how do we phrase it?
How did I say this in the that's way?
Yeah, well, you guys are you guys are like currently hanging out. So if Latinita doesn't end up with Grant, like she she met you.
With me and hopefully some girls from her season too.
Yeah, no, she is good friends with girls from her season. But yeah, we like our season goes on so many girls trips. Pardon me, our season goes on so many girls trips that I was like, you know what, like, let's bring her in see if she wants to come. And she vibes so well with our girl group too, so she's like now kind of meshed in with us and we love her.
She's awesome.
That's great, that's so good. I'm sure she appreciates having the support of people that have also been through this journey, no matter how it ends for her.
Yeah, Okay, before we let you guys depart, let's talk a little bit about what you have going on. Daisy, start with you.
Yeah, how's thora how's the house is great?
The house is great? So yes, now I am in Las Vegas.
I forget that your boyfriend's name is Thor. Yeah, when she said, I'm like, what character.
Especially if we're at the airport and people like our id's they're like, what is.
That Daisy and Thor, Yeah, that's our name. You both have like movie character names.
Literally, so funny. But yeah, everything's going good. I'm very happy. I like living here so far. My family came last weekend, Yeah, last weekend to visit, which was really fun.
And then yeah, I'm just doing a bunch of random stuff.
I'm doing a lot of work with Cochlear America, the cochlear implant brand I have, so in like the next few months that's basically taking up like a ton of my time and a lot of travels. So I'm really excited about all of it. That's probably like my project that I'm most excited about.
So how's the like design decorating? Because it's like a new home, like he didn't live there before, right, Like you're moving in together.
Yeah it's a mansion. You're like echoing all through her house. When she like makes a video, no, I.
Will say I saw one of your videos popped up and it was you and your bathroom and it was just the mirrors, like front to back forever and.
Because people were like commenting on my TikTok that it's like a portal. But then I was like whatever, But then we broke a wine glass on accent. People said that's good luck and pop this little like I don't know these two like frog things that apparently are good luck.
So I think I think we're good on that end. Now you're good.
Who needs you don't need to decorate. You've got your portals and your good luck.
Yes, yeah, but yeah I need to get some stuff because it's pretty empty.
It's got to feel overwhelming.
Yeah it is.
And it's like I still have so many boxes and stuff. So I'm trying to do it just like we're doing it like little by little.
Yeah. Yeah, it's been fun. It's fun to like do it together.
That's good.
Nice. Rachel has dating life going, yeah, and.
Are you going on paradise?
Dating is? I? Uh, I'm not really dating right now, but I am open to paradise. So you're single, I'm single. I'm just a single dog. Mom just looking.
For a dog.
You're gonna say I'm just a single dog.
I did my dog's tag. Lively says, looking for a dog dad, and that's like, how But every every guy I meet is gay, like the we walking their dog and they're like, oh my do your dog's so cute?
And I'm like, okay, you're like from Afar. You're like, oh, he's hot, and then he gets up close and you're like he's gay.
We're just friends. But yeah, I mean I would love to be on Paradise, so we'll see. I think the beach is like my home, honestly, so I think it'd be good for me.
Yeah, because you would have been like you would have gone too far on Joey's season to have made it for Paradise last year. Oh wait, no, they took last year off.
They didn't have Yeah, is there any is there any guy that you would be interested in Paradise?
I have talked about this. Daisy has been my girl because I told her I was like, should I do Paradise. She's like, yes, I think you should. So I want her to answer that question.
Okay, yeah, Daisy, who do you think Rachel should flirt with in Paradise?
Well, when Paradise became like talk said it was happening again, I would like pull up like I went through I think like every season of The Bachelor and Bachelorette and was like pulling guys and sending them and being like, Okay, what about this guy?
What about this guy?
I love this she's your millionaire match taker.
Then okay, now now I'm trying to think.
You know, I don't want to put anything out I think I need to let it.
Do you think what kind of guy do you think Rachel would be a good thing?
Someone that's like very like active and likes to do a lot of fun things and doesn't like to just like party and go to the clubs because she's very she likes to do like fun things that aren't like just drinking and doing all that stuff.
So I think it's.
Important that it's someone adventurous.
Yeah, and someone that's really like I feel like family and like friend oriented. I think is really important because Rachel has like she's just such like a loving person. And also they have to be funny, because she's one of the funniest people I know. So that'd just be boring if they weren't.
Okay, so funny, active, adventurous, not gay.
Yes, Okay, would you throw would you be willing to throw a name out there and I won't ask again if you say no, it's not.
How do you have names in mind and you're just scared to say them?
Okay, so I think, well, yes, I think who days who? But okay, well, I think if this guy went, I think they would hit it off.
But he's been on a lot of the shows, so I don't know.
Oh my god, who is it? Blake Blake Woins?
Okay, well yeah, based on your like description, he would fit that.
I could see that if he's not, like, is he actually going on again?
Who knows. I mean, he's probably in Africa right now, like swimming.
With sharks, and like I can picture Rachel going and doing that.
I can picture that.
I like that.
And you know what, Katie and I are always advocates for the Canadians.
So okay, last last up, Katie, what's new with you? You've done eating lunch?
Yeah, I've got fun. I haven't ate month.
Okayya, listen, I don't have a problem with it.
I need banana for brain power. But no, uh, life is great. Zach and I have decided we're going to get married this year. No, I'm not telling you guys a date, that's but Yeah, we're so excited, and then we're thinking, like not that you're asking, but we're thinking, like a year and a half from now, have a little baby, because I I'm eternal and I can't wait to have kids. But I'm just loving this stage in our relationship and where we are in life that I'm just yeah, soaking it all in and we're traveling so much, and I just love that man.
Today, Oh my god, I have do you Obviously you don't have to tell us do you have a location in mine? Get or you don't know yet.
We're literally just.
Going to go to city Hall and just I actually remember I thought you might do that because I remember you were like, I don't know if a whole wedding is for me. It's expensive. It's a lot.
It's so expensive, and like no money's coming from our families, Like this is genuinely coming up zag Nui's pockets, which is fine. And it's like we were quoted like seventy to eighty K for a wedding and I'm like, you know what.
Baby, it's always more.
Yeah, I'm like, let's sign the damn paper and then we'll have a huge like party later down the road. And he honestly lit up when I said that, because it wasn't his idea. He's like, if you want the big wedding, we'll do it if you want us, like whatever you want. And I was like, this is what I want and he's like, hell yeah, that's.
Nice, perfect and amazing. Do you guys think you're going to be in Austin for a little while longer? I know that was kind of a conversation for a while too.
Yeah, so I think we're gonna actually buy a house by the end of the year together. We were thinking North Carolina, but when that tornado came through kind of gave me the hebgb's a little bit. So we kind of took a step back from that, and I think we're going to buy in Austin and then see where your life takes us. We're not like married to Austin for the rest of our lives.
But why what North? Why were you thinking North Carolina?
How is that even as water?
I feel like every time we talk to you, you just you're like, I want to live here because there's mountains and water, and then the next time you're like, we're staying in Austin.
I know, I'm all over the place. But I just like I was thinking, you know, us, like growing a family, i'd be closer to like home in Canada, Like it's more of an easier drive for my family, so you.
Know, And that's okay to be all over the place.
So y, yeah, moving, there's never a deadline. You can always pick up a move.
Yeah, and you will off topic, but you were thinking about moving back to Canada, no, or you want to eventually?
We are actually, oh my god, exclusive announcement. We are looking right now at apartments in Toronto to split with my parents as a like visit place. We're not going to be living there. But my dad works in downtown Toronto but lives in the suburbs. Our highways are under like crazy construction for the next five years, and he was like, I think I want to get a place in the city to spend like two three nights a week so I can get to the office. And it's always been a long term goal of ours to have a place in Toronto that we can just be able to spend more time, visit more frequently, especially if that's not going to be like our home base. So yeah, we're actually we've looked twice. We're going to look again this weekend when we're in town. At some places, I'm kind of leaving it up to my parents. I mean that we spending more time there than us. But we're just gonna get like a one bed, one bath in the city, and then.
We're thinking full time Vegas.
We're not thinking full time Vegas now. Joe's thinking full time on the strip at.
The Endcore No, No, not the strip, not the strip. Okay, Okay, you guys, Thank you so much for taking the time and chatting with us. This was fun. I enjoyed it. I don't know if you guys did, but I did.
Will we be seeing you guys at AFR next week.
Yes, I will not be there.
I have a bachelorette party this weekend in Cabo.
It's a good excuse.
It is a good excuse.
We are not going, but we are excited to watch Katie and Rachel on our screens again. Daisy. We will miss you and see how Grant's journey unfolds.
Thank you, and make sure you tune in and download and subscribe and listen to about your Happy Hour.
Thanks for listening.