Has anyone ever told you you have a Jesus Look to you, it's.
One more thing, one more thing.
Before we get to Jesus, which is I hear people say a lot remember the reason for the season, or people forget the reason for the season, or whatever, And in my house, the reason for the season is gift giving. It's just that's what it is. Gets talking eat, we give gifts.
And I'm judging you harshly.
I wish, I wish it wasn't that way. I'm in control of it not being that way. Yet it's not that way. So I don't even know what to say about that. But it's not. We're not We don't have a Jesus Christmas at our house. I had a slightly more Jesus see Christmas when I was a kid because we went to Sunday school, so there'd be some sort of Sunday School pageant, that sort of thing. My oldest goes to a Christian private school, so they do a lot of uh, Nativity scenes. Yeah yeah, all kinds of and the play and all kinds of stuff. So but just in general, my household is not much but so because of that, and since it's all gift receiving based if you're a kid, that's what you're thinking about. I regularly think about how much when I was a kid, I anticipated various things, and like, what a waste of mental energy that is. And I don't know if that's like a horrible thing, and it's just part of the human condition. You know, there's no harmonyly that one, but which one the second one?
It's probably just part of the human condition.
Why looking forward to things so much, even though time after time after time they don't live up to the hype. Other than sex, I can't think of anything that's ever lived up to the anticipation.
Agreed on both counts.
And well, and what's interesting is it works for negative stuff too. Yeah, yeah, that's true, generally speaking. Generally speaking, there are exceptions to this. You spend you know, you know, two weeks brooding about how awful getting your tooth fixed is going to be, and then it's mostly just boring for like an hour and a half, then you're out.
But my kids have things they're really looking forward to and and they'll be mildly amused or enjoy them whatever. But I did the same thing my whole life, and you know, I'm not in a mental institution or jobless or anything like that. I survived, So maybe again, maybe it's just part of the human condition looking forward to meaningless crap.
It's like we mentioned yesterday during the headline segment, the resting gift face. Yeah, where you're like you have that split second to react and it's like.
Oh, oh, oh, I got a good test for my youngest this year. This is a good test on his maturity or learning a lesson. So he wanted to go to that Eagles concert at the Sphere and and we went, but we had we made it very clear to agreement, this is this is a lot of your Christmas present and your Birthday present, because his birthday is two days before Christmas. This is a lot of it. Because this is a very expensive thing that you really want to do. He was fine with that. Absolutely that is what I want to do. I know it's expensive, but I'll absolutely fine with that. Now I've done that sort of thing myself in my life, and we'll see how that feels on the day of the birthday and Christmas morning. I did make a shadow box that I'm giving him that's got like a picture of us out front of the concert picture of the concert ticket, the lanyard we rore around our neck because we got these. Yeah, I made that, So he's got something he can hang on his wall to remember it by.
It's also going to suggest a rolled up xerox copy of a picture of the ancient Don Henley with a ribbon around it.
That's what I would do. It is.
It is also just a nudge and remember the concert. Huh see you remember that right, that whole conversation without me having to say it out loud. Look at this beautiful display of your.
Birthday I'm giving you and Christmas that happened a couple of months ago.
You'd like to view the contract. I can remind you of its terms.
We'll see how that works out.
When you said Jesus is the reason for this season, I always chuckle when I hear that, because in the in the town where I grew up, there was a family that lived up on the hill right along the five eighty freeway running through the Bay Area, and this the family had put up this sign and it was lit up every single year. It said Jesus is the reason for the season. But they were individual letters, probably eight feet tall each. I mean this thing was huge, so you can see it as you're driving on the freeway.
But that was the idea.
And one here I don't know if they were drunk when they were putting it up or whatever, but we drove by it. It said Jesus is the reason fro the season? And I just I remember I looked at my mom.
I was like, how did he do? You didn't look at that and go somethings off?
You didn't proof free Giant's backyard sign.
I wonder how many way would this hold him? Like, hey, fro it's fro the season? Man?
Wow? Wow, So this is a charming tale.
Bob Sagers was walking around an indie music festival in Salt Lake City when a friendly stranger approached him ask him for his number. Quote, has anyone ever told you that you have a Jesus look to you?
The man asked, Wow, okay.
At that point, the twenty five year old Sagar, who works as a cheesemonger at a grocery store. While a sort of line of work, you dream of his little boy dad, I.
Want to grow up to be a cheesemonger.
Is that basically a psalm a or some malier or whatever, you call that wine cheese cheese?
Okay, yeah, yeah, Actually, a delicious cheese is one of the great pleasures in life, so I respect that.
Young men.
Maier is a much cooler name than cheesemonger. Though, No, it's not cheese manger. Sounds like you you clean out the vats down at the warehouse.
Just cheese. Who wants cheese? Who wants cheese? We've got cheese here?
Well, you got sweet cheese, we got stinky cheese, we got spicy cheese cheese.
I took Henry over to Napa the other day. I don't know why I don't do that more often, the fact that I'm like thirty miles thirty minutes away from Napa Valley an hour labor go for anybody listening around the country. But anyway, we went over there to get some fabulous cheese, and man, there were some people there that were just so into cheese. Look, I came here to get cheese, but I just take it down like eighty percent. I mean, I just can't.
I can't talk this much about cheese, right right, yeah, people, it's well.
It's like the wines, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The whole you know, the twenty seven word description of the way it tastes as you wash it around your.
Palate with bramble, bowdies and earth and granite.
And all I wanted to say is, how do you suppose this would be on a cracker? Pretty good? Okay?
Anyway, So the guy who asked him about the Jesus look was not trying to pick him up. The man's wife was an artist looking for religious models. This guy who's six five with thirty blonde shoulder lengths hair and a beard, he says, he says, gives Irish and Scandinavian vibes Da da da, But he he had a side hustle as a savior.
So he says.
So the person who walked up to him pictures Jesus is a small forward. I didn't ever picture Jesus at all. Oh no, it's the long hair and the beard. As we've been saying for decades now, many pictures of Jesus in the Western world look like he's a member of Super Tramp, which is a bit of an outdated reference at this point. But he looks vaguely Scandinavian, generally like dirty blonde, long haired, and bearded. Even though anthropologists had pointed out Jesus was almost certainly a short, stock, stocky, very dark haired.
Jew obvious obviously.
And I've seen renderings of what Jesus would look like, and he doesn't look like a Swedish guitarist.
People models who look like Jesus are in whatever that means, are in high demand in Utah. That's because for a growing number of people in the state, a picture isn't complete without capital h him. They're hiring Jesus look like for family portraits and wedding announcements.
Wow. No, what do you have him stand between? You're like kids, you the wife, couple of kids. Jesus, he's doing the Trump two sums up? Wow, probably not big smile on his face. Don't smile, I think so much, Jesus. I just it weirds me out. I just solemn. Look the kids will smile.
I don't think he poses like he's your uncle, Jim. I think it's it's more that Jesus is with us. Oh okay, God, So like models are showing up to walk with a newly engaged couple through a field, like they're walking hand in hand and Jesus is looking on to bless the union.
Okay, yeah, when you say you walk with Jesus, you don't mean you're literally I like.
Our way better. Do Kegg stand in the background standing family?
Why would he be doing that, Katie thought was a single reason why I like Jesus photo. Or perhaps he's playing with young children in the Bonnaville salt flats, cram in with the family for the annual Christmas card.
That's closer to what you guys were talking about.
So since being recruited about four years ago, tall mister Segers has posed as Jesus nearly a dozen times, and as many have done it way more than that. They charge about one hundred to two hundred dollars an hour to pose with children, families, and couples at various locations in Utah.
Wow, if you happen to look like Jesus, yeah, or you can grow the hair in the beard. I suppose that'd be good.
In the popular conception of Jesus.
Yeah, now, the job, but can be freighted with meaning and responsibility. The right lookalikes find that people expect them to embody Jesus in more ways than the hair and the beard. Some models say they feel like a celebrity when they don the robe and get treated like one too.
Wow, that is interesting. I could see doing that. But if he's like a really grouchy guy, always staring at his phone and drawing, dropping m F bombs, the whole smoking a cigarettes, getting a lot of work out, hitting his vap pen.
The one guy comments or mentioned that, look, I got to remind people I'm not the real thing. You gotta stop acting like that.
See that's weird. Yeah, Hey, my aunt has got cancer. Is there anything you can do?
No? No, nothing. Can you walk across shove them into the pool. This is my side hustle. Wow, I'm wearing the rod Now.
I'm gonna throw on jeans and my Armstrong and Geeddy T shirt in about five minutes, So lighting up.
That is something.
See Areas of Utah with high concentrations of Mormons call themselves Latter day Saint Sir Elidas, tend to lack potential Jesus doppelgangers because men who volunteer for the church are required to shave every day and keep their hair short. So if you're looking for a quote unquote Jesus doppelganger, you're gonna have to go out to Park City or something. Find a nice Cheesemongol on get down.
The Street.
Picturing Jesus on the high dive. Well, I guess that's it. That's a pretty good story.