We're Cleanin' Out the Sound Fridge, featuring the sad (but improving) state of SF's streets, an appearance by Mr. Positive, Steve Bannon's big plans for 2028, and some folksy, senatorial humor.
The sound of silence is a great song, but that would make for a crappy podcast. It's one more thing.
I'm strong and one more thing.
We should do that sometime.
What's that?
It'd be like silence, we should it'd be like that art with the banana tape through the wall. It would be our commentary on Modern Media or something like that, or minutes of silence.
Philip Glass, who's that twentieth century avant garde composer who would have like a symphony that was just an hour and a half of silence.
Seems like nobody listens to the radio harder than when they're silenced, though, like.
Oh, what's going on? What happened? What's going on? Maybe that's just because I'm in right. We got to do that tomorrow, our commentary on modern Media. Two minutes of silence.
No, Michael would have a heart attack. Yeah, I'd be getting calls. Alarms would be going off all all over the road. Lights, yeah, plays plays panic to program directors, what are you doing? So that was a fancy pants introduction for the fact that we're going to clean out the sound fridge and place your sound. That's right, metal guy, not silence, but sound indeed, the crew they work like slaves to bring interesting audio to our attention, and we don't get to it all every day, and so we thought we'd go ahead and then and review some of it. Katie, do you want to introduce clip ten here? Yeah.
So this is a video in San Francisco, just outside of the Tenderloin and the San Francisco Police Department is trying to clear out an alleyway that is just filled with bums and junkies. And in this alley there is a mattress and a guy laying on it and she is trying to wake him up.
How manned y'all to wake up this dude that sleeping right here?
So he's sleep.
You know you're to care the alley? Please thank you?
This is hey, hey sleep Hey?
No, that is he alive? Or is the O d ing?
The cop asks the cop asks that over the p a is he is he alive?
Or is he O ding?
And at the end they were saying that narkan right there hasn't been used. And when they wake when they quote unquote wake him up, he is clearly high as a kite, probably close to an od.
Has there ever been a time in history. Anywhere in the world where this sort of thing has happened like this, where he got teeming humanity of out of their mind dying in large numbers drug or alcohol.
Addicts, opium dens of China, maybe Toronto with their great experiments on the the drug district, and Amsterdam did it, but not. I was in Amsterdam for a long time in what was that, the the end of the eighties. Yeah, yeah, late eighties, and pot was legal and you could get cash and that hash and that sort of thing. Oh I ran straight away from that stuff, Katie. Oh yeah, twenty three year old. Oh oh, I was outraged by it. But there were no junkies laying around anywhere it was. Now there are from what I understand anyway, And why was it?
Why were people not getting hooked on the whatever and laying about.
Well, I'm reminded of when a bunch of Euros came to San Francisco to talk about or compare notes on the drug rehab centers and safe injection sites and stuff like this like that, and the Europeans were aghast. We talked about this on the show a couple of times since. But they said to the San Francisco people. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, We don't let people break the law and sleep on the streets and defecate in public.
Oh, we're here to help you, but you still have to carry out all of the obligations of a citizen. What are you doing here?
Well, and it's like, you know, San Francisco has harm reduction right where they're handing out the syringes and the lighters and the little all the tools you need to get high because they think that that's going to save lives.
For what.
So nuts, It is.
So perverse, in the opposite of what is right. Yeah.
Successful, One more thing on San Francisco before we get back to the sound fridge. From the San Francisco Chronicle today, the number of people in San Francisco arrested or cited for petty drug crimes but not drug dealing, has jumped this year because of the new mayor's push to squash the city's drug markets. New data from the police department shows, man.
It is going to take so long for that city to even look close to anything like it used to.
Well, for one thing, if you turned it around today, it'll take a decade or more before people around the world John, Oh, it's okay to come back now. Oh yeah, I didn't know that.
On the other hand, a positive note, behind the scenes, they call me mister positive. You should know those folks. A positive note, what this new crackdown? Shut up, Michael, Oh told you to speak, that's mister positive. On the other hand, on a positive note, this crackdown will save lives. It will save many lives during the period to get back to sanity, then re establish the reputation of San Francisco, which you guys are talking about. All the kids, the young people or middle aged people will say, you know what, being a junkie sucks. Instead of boy, they make it easy to be a junkie, and they'll think I want to turn my life around, and they will. And even if it's ten people, that's great. Anyway. Having said that, I had to look up once again, because I've looked this up many times in my life. There are pieces of trivia like that that you look up and you think, oh, that's interesting, but it's not quite interesting enough to remember. And this is another one of those. Why is the tenderline called the tenderloin, and that's the nickname for tough neighborhoods, particularly in San Francisco and New York. It's believed to originated from a New York City police captain, Alexander S. Clubber Williams. I wonder how he got that nickname. Probably wasn't because he liked to hang out in clubs anyway, who reportedly said he could now afford tenderloin steak due to the bribes he received while policing a vice ridden area.
Interesting, Yeah, isn't it.
Ask me again in a year. I won't remember it, but yeah, that's where the name came from, the Tenderloin district. You go down there, you get so many bribes you can afford tend that looint.
I'm not sure he could be a cop today with the nickname Clubber.
Oh it's just because he likes club sandwiches.
Yeah, exactly. Oh that's charming. I like that. You know, I want to hear that. We played this on the show, but I just want to hear it again. Hit us with clip number twelve, the trailer from the brand new horror film The Monkey.
The coroner said it was an accident, but it was no accident. It was a monkey. When I was a kid, my twin brother and I found something that loved to kill.
We have been.
Chosen to witness its power over life and death in its most devious ways.
It's it's one of those toy monkeys. It's got a little drum with sticks, and you wind it up and it goes right at kills you. Heli. Yeah, but then it'll put a spear right through your head. Dumb ass movie.
What was that line at the beginning of it?
But it wasn't a so call it an accident.
It was, but it wasn't an accident. It was a monkey of unintentionally humor. But you said, Jack, it's kind of tongue in cheeks.
He looks like it's supposed to be funny.
That is a really funny line, whether it was intentional or not.
Yeah, husband confirmed that it's it's kind of a spoof on horror some of it. Oh, I love that, but it looks pretty horrrific also, Yeah.
So it solves both of those. Yeah. So you got the Senator John Kennedy, who evidently, like you know, very man low or share, is going to stick with the same act clear until the grave. And that would be homespun witticisms from Buy you clipped thirty five, Michael.
If it wasn't for double standards in Washington, there wouldn't be any.
Standards at all.
Most Democrats in the Senate supported what Schumer did, and they're they're scared of him.
Whatever Schumer says, generally.
Speaking, they just move and following them to the shoot like cattle.
I was charming and homespun description and.
All trying to figure out what fashion statement he's trying to make. Right now, I just sent you guys a picture of the glasses he was wearing during that interview, and there it's an interesting choice, being edgy and bar.
Oh he's gone with the hipster, brightly colored, funky shaped frames.
Yeah, I'm not sure that's him. Not sure that's on brand, Jack. You need to get some of those immediately. Well, I can't criticize him for riding his brand clear into the grave and yet shaking it up a little bit in the same segment. I would feel hypocritical, and I don't want to be that. Let's see, I'm tempted to go with one, but it's serious. Maybe we'll just keep it around for them.
Let's play Steve Bannon one more time, just because I thought that was pretty hilarious that. I mean, we're still obviously trolling.
And a firm believer that President Trump will run and went again in twenty twenty eight. So I've already endorsed person Trump. A man like this comes along once every century. If we're lucky, we've got him now. He's on fire and I'm a huge supporter. Want to see him again in twenty twenty eight.
And was there any follow up question like how exactly would he run again?
There was, actually, But I will tell you this as a participant in an analyst of the business, podcasting radio, whatever you want to call it, spoken word content, think of that if you are especially a young or slightly soft headed, impressionable person who loves Trump, how exciting that is that we're gonna change the constitution and do whatever it takes to get him elected again. Putting aside that he's freaking old, I mean, he's tireless for a man of his age. But and then Bannon will keep it going with, Hey, we're making progress, We've got an attorney, we're going to have a hearing, and we're thinking we can do this and this maneuver will get it done. And it's a great ratings, stunt.
Well, we've actually got the followup upon to hear this, yep.
Oh you know.
He's term limited. How do you think he gets another term. We're working on it.
I think we'll have I think we'll have a couple of alternatives. Let's say that. We'll see we'll see definition, we'll say what the definition of term limit is. But this is many years in the makings, so we've had greater long shots than Trump twenty twenty eight, and I've got a lot of stuff we're working on there.
We're not prepared to.
Talk about it publicly, but in a couple of months.
I think we will be.
I don't know what the amendment says, but does it say consecutive terms? If it doesn't, maybe that's the way they wedge their way in.
He was talking to your workout buddy. By the way, Chris Cuomo.
You know what I could see this happening? Oh man, what a mess. It would be bad. I could see Trump running for the nomination and getting it.
Oh no, don't you can't you imagine enough motivated a hardcore people coming out and supporting him and just say, yeah, nobody tells us what to do and he gets, he wins Iowa, he wins New Hampshire.
Yeah, I could picture that, But then the maneuver would have to be because he can't run well well right, But then the maneuver would be see I'm I'm with all due modesty, mister a political mind okay, and mister poss No, the play would have to be Look, Trump won again. We know he can't run, but he gets to appoint his successor. Umble, Jay, who is it? We're not having a vote, We've already voted. And it would be whoever is in his favorite that moment vance or who knows who dates. That would be a constitutional crisis. But it wasn't a crisis. It was a monkey. And then that didn't work. That didn't work. I tried it. It didn't work. I can even it's a monkey. The tenderloin a good cut of meat, but a crappy neighborhood, well said, Well, I guess that's it.